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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1905)
J ' ) r e" .- CHURCii SERVICES ... U i'lLui-l ( 4 '.'.:' .'.... Ccoca nzJzccJ wits .J. z Has ths Crtit$t Forwt :.ztrv In th Country, th I - Cascade "i Ranjf. - ' llions of rzrr of t FINE WOOD STANDING 5 f Zao"- Noteworthy Fct Regwdinf . ;-e Extent of the Tree Area Here Hade Public by the United Sutes ; Geological Survey. v,vv iy;-';'; Oa one great forest area, tbs largest serve la the. country, Oregon has 0, J,000.e feet of standing timber. Ma Is the Cascads reserve, extending jm the Columbia" river to almost, the uthora boundary the stats in a dl--t line. The area of thia reserve is MSS seres, or T.J4I square miles. The world baa often learned of the -eagvj reserved la Oregon to pressrvb uber, but doea not appreciate the mag tude -at wchv withdrawals until., eon--nplating 4he actual figures. The sub-' t baa been brought ,to publlo atten a again by publications a complete crlptlon . of the reeerve by i United Statue geological survey, i title of this, protesaional paper, i b K."l, la "Conditions in the de Range Forest Reserve of Or V the writers, Henry 'Gannett, H. (. -Xangllle. FY 0. Piunimer. Arthur adwell, Theodor F. Rixon and John . Uehe-rg. Tneae men report on aee ons of the reservs In detail, giving elr estimates of timber, e forest land d oonditlona generally. Of the toUl area of the Caacade re-Lehal oC Oah villa, Oregon,' wiU preach. t rrve, , 4.1l,74 aerea are saia to oe ' vested,: 7T,t71 acrea burned off, Z(C . open. 8.680 logged. acrea culU vated . 21. it I acrea of water surface nd 44.119 acre barrea and glaciers. - xntek lavad Is Bearing Trees. These, f igurea abow that tt per cent f the land la bearing trees, and only . toot per-cent Is burned and per t nt la open. About V per cent Is bar ren, while water surface, logged and cultivated land constituts but - per' cnt of the total.'. ' '' Timbermen estimate that there la ( ;0, 000.000.600 feet Of J atanding timber in Oregon, ot whlchone eighth Is in i him on reserve. The varieties of tlm ler ara.glven as follows, with . eitl retes of the quantity of each standing: 17.088.101000 red fir, 1.144.01,000 noble-fir, 1.117.231,000 lovely fir, 1.014. t "5,000 white fir, 14M41.000 subalplna fir, 14t.ait.00 apruce, I.44M17 yellow line, (8r.74C.eoe while pins, 8.3,000 lod, pole : pines' ll.-iCOOO sugar pine, 4.114.000 whltebarg -pine, I14.B7 8.000 red cedar, 41.447,000 Incense cedar. M44.000 Alaska cedar. 4.S,S8.OO0 Mertena hem lock. Mll.CtS.000 Patton hemlock,. 11C, 848.00e tamarack, 1.811.000 Juniper, 14. eoe oak and 284,008 Cottonwood. ' In specifying where this -Umber la located. . the government officiate find that the average width of the Cascade . moan tain range Is J mllea, and that three fourths of the-entire timber em - raced wtthinfteTBarVeytii the " . oaterrf slopeVleavmg one fourth on Xht eastern. elope., j ; '4 avooatioa of the Timber. ' Specifying further regarding the loc tion of the- timber, the report showa that 14 per cent of the red fir 4a east cf the summit and it per cent west; S j fr cunt of the If ertens. hemlock east t. txl' t per cent west, t per cent of tbs toble fir east and C west, 1C per cent of tbs Patton hemlock east and t per cent west, while 17 per oent of tbs ,-cllow pine la east and t per cent west. The- averags stand of timber on the trttlre area la 1.100 feet an acre; while the western slope of ths mountain range runs materially above this and ths saat , ern slope below It.- At ths summit there ) Is a considerable area la which the Mm- ber is small, owing to adverse climatic I conditions. 4: Toward the south ths Um . ber Is found to diminish also, owing to ' the scantier rainfall in that direction. And dua to the same cause It is found that there la a change In the timber ; towsrd ths south. Ia the northers, part of ths reserve there is no white .pine . west of the summit; the first of this variety, found In commercial quantity la $ tawnelilp 11 south., In the extreme ; southern part of the stats yellow pine becomes an Important part of the west ; slops . forest. Precipitation, . which is j regarded as ths dominating Influence la , developing tree species, ranges from sn I average' of 71 inches at- Cascade Locks, on the Columbia, to II and 10 inches at ; tns aontnera boundary or the reserve.. '" s . MZTBOOIST, ' Trinity Ttt Toll as Urast streets: hT. Baro.4 Obeta, paoxir. At 10:44 a. St., "Uod's At-liiac Oa IB lablot el Utm"l J:i . ai.. "Ima Uealas ct Lvn": 1 p. fworU Incim, ktikr, airs. J. a, wcusatuii J ., bl, uiidsy ereeiJ. ' kiiwortk Van Tweaty-thU-4 sad Irrliaj etrw(( lleery 1. AUilBaes, paatcw. HumUy srkeoi. 10 a. a.; tarmi, 11 a. In., oa 'Llta( Uud"i Kpwertk !-ru, S:S p. u. I arrniua, ti44 p. ax. oa Maa t . t loved." Aira Coroer' 1 litl. aaa 1vjc utreeta: Clarvace Tra W I !... U. paauM-., At 10:30 a. bl, "The Adrantac ( 1 arlna Thll" 7:0 a. at., tha ttcv. Or. W. W. Younaaoa t Ktw J-raey will Breach ea "The Luat t'hiiat.' alias Bant la . n4 Mia. v llamlllun. aulolau; ' Buaaay sclwui. 11. It m BU, iiuwuriS tractta, : . Sk TayMr-strert ur. arsBeis trarav" eaw". paatw. At :90 a. classes; I4l:au a. m.. k-T. w. W. VouuriUia. n. !).. "1Ue Scripture Paradoa"; p. ., Huaday acaeuii B::tu a. m.. Kswartk leaicne: f:4o a. sa.. Ir. Mtort a "KeulreaMuiU tat Aliriatlaa Dtrpsftli"; sprUl aololata, alias tinrer sad him um. Central Corner ttaaawil sad harby streets; r. U Xeanc paatur. Hervlora, 1U:S0 a. . . aad . bl: Suadar acBaul. U m.i Kpwarta rtUuiiTKltiG laauiiu siraw iwwwa iuit Btk a4 Thlrtgr-aUtk a treats; T. B. Hvrd, ator. At 10 a. at., Baaday avaooi; Ji a. .. raaua by las paalur: ft w.. class swettnf; !: B. St., Junior - Kparartb loaxae; rst,, Kpwertk IraatM aoTotKaai aiaeiina; p. si., prrachutg by Ua bmv. .U K. Cuuulua bam af Montana. -. ' ' Oniraarr (01 nor Eaar . rue - eae -niaia streeta: WlllUm U. Ht-ppe, X. D., pastar. At ie:B0 a. "The World's Lecy" T:46 p. aa., pa tor's arts address of samaras series aa "The Ureet Hartalu-Makes ef Hlatory"; elaaa. :SO a. m.; tlaauay acoou 12M s. BL. S.30, s. as., cooraa choir. .... . ' 1 :' : '' ' ' JIOTTEaUAal,"' ' '' '''' nrst Ceraer Twelfth and Alder'' atrsetal Dr. L I'. Hill, naatar. At 10:30 a. St. Be. Sbrldoa Jacaana, D. u., will oceapy the polult; l av p. am., im pastor win praaca. atoaat Tabor Kdward hf.'Bhars, psata. 8ervlnaa,'ll a. ta. and T:45 p. a.; praaehlag by Bev. a. H. Parrla ef OkUkosaa. Bloalns la chart of Prafeaaar S. M. farrU ot Halem. - ITiIra I'oraar eaat nu aaa Tniruaaia straeU ater. An draw t, Mcwtsssasry, paalur. Servtoaa, 10:80 a. av and Tiao p. m.; suaday school, 11 m.; Cbiistlaa Endeavor, S:0 p. bu atiapsB aast anirieeata ana rvwsu iinraj Rev. Jeroae B. McilUde. 1. D... pastor. At 10:90 a. aa., "Tba Immlaeaee of God"; 8 p. bl. Bar. D. C. Maelatoak, li, p., ef Uopkiatea, Iowa, will preach. . .. ' Uraad-Aveaaa AI 11 a. m. aav. 11. v. sr- bliaa arlll Kddte of the Utah 1m( , Mats aehool laterpret tb aersaoa to the deaf' Suites. . rourta-t-rirsc ana unxa atreets: aev. m. i- McClrlUad, , pastor. Servlcee at 10:a0 a. at. and 7:4b p. B; floaday srbonl; 12 St., A. H. Mctiowaa, suparlntandVnt: Cbrlatlaa Kadeavac, :S p. as. 1 Calvary Corner Eleventh sad CUT, streets: Rev. W. a. Gilbert, pastor. At 10:10 a. m. Kee. AlexaBder Utbarlaad ef Ceear d'Alene. ldabo. will Breach oa "Tba Tea Command- BMBdmente tba Baala of BaUrloa aad society ',' Bo evening su ilea. Cnmberlaad East Tweinh SB4 Taylor streets; B. tielaoa Alias, pastor. Servlrea st 10:90 a. St.. preaching kj 1. Ray ' I'almer; Baaday school, 13 a.. W. D. Draver, auperlBteudent; nnloa Kndesvor Services 4:30 p. b. at Uaa tborne park. . ft'MHimont corner ctaveiana aveaue aaa r- reet street T Bee. U htyroa Booser, pastor. BerBMB by tba paster at 11 a. aa.; sbbath school. 10 a. sxi ae evealag service. p . - covoxzaaTiOaTax. v rtrst Onraer Park aad Madison streets: Rev, R. U Heose. D. p., paatnr.. At 10:0 a. m.. moa by Kev. Irsacla J. Vaa Hera. U, 1)., at Worcester, Massachaaetta, "A Meeeage rroai the nee A Bennoa par vaeataaa-'; speeiai BHatle: T p. n.. Dr. Van Mara oa "ron by . 80S A Study of Doabt aad Ilseaars- Beat"i 11:10 a. Boaaay school; s:ov aav X. P. R. C. B., leader, Mrs. W. U. Palmer. Pllarna chapel 00 neoead street. Sunday. actannl. :M 1, a, L V. Hlce, aaperlnteodent. rllablano oa-aar Preerou a no Basa Bixta street. Borthi Bev. A. hL Bochvreod, pastor. Bonder arnool. 10 a. bu: 11 a.-sa '-uui we Uet Away Truva Codr't I :i p m.,, "Tba Creed at a Doubter." , I . Valverslty Park Arrlaaa, temple, rortaavnm Xaat f.aat Batsg Vewson. - ' Tns Southern Paclfia ennsur " I laed oa sale at all - Portland offloss round trip tlckeu to Newport at rate r as. umitea to Uo toner 10. 1101. and r- t Saturday to Monaay tickets, "pie hotel accommodations at rajason- a rates are provided at this popnlaf C3X INTO RESOURCES 7 OF-S0UTHERr0RE60N fSpseUl Mapateh te The earaaL Kugene, Or, Aug. 2CrF. H. Osgood, Seattls capitalist,, who Js reported to a interested in a. scheme to build stem of trolley lines In Lane county; urned to Eugene yesterday afternoon ma trip te the mouth of the Slualaw r. He was accompanied by B. i. nt Oranta Pass,, who Is Mr. Oa- a attorney. They mads the trip te -e acquainted with ths resources of v t rortion of ths county. -v., r:;3cnj::::::::;; ' -"trated by smiben ! ',' a: t t, was baaUfy.tha f ?J Bvr"s tt la ahaaajteiy free froae rociCe I a. ai Rev. U. B. Orsy, paatnr, 11 II a, a., OpportBaltMr'; 10 a. is.. saUy aebonL Hunnralaa Corner ef East Tar Vie ad Thirty-fourth streeta; K-. J. J. tksab, paatnr. I It -.a. " at.i"Tbe Prteadairlp- of "7ei Bnnitay school, 10 s. am., H. .'. Pier, saperln. trartenU Junior Cbrlatlaa Kbdesvor. 9 p. nt., Miss Edith Roe, superintendent; grnior Cbrlatlaa Endeavor, S:1A p. m.i avealng service .omitted i . . 4-; y-o c ' 1 " mi ', -, f .. tv - ''1-:'.."1 xrocovAX. -: ' .Trinity Nineteenth sad Everett streets; Dr. A. . A. Mnrrlana. rector. - Jiolr romntunloa. C a. Btr Mornlns aervlca, ' 11 'clock evenlBg service, b ran. AU HaJnta' Twesty-aeeoad aad Reed) atreets Rev. Bobert Mope, pastor. - Sunday st-heol, 10 a. m. : aerviosa ai it a. am. ana i:s p. sa. uooa saepaera Beuweoa aueec ana vaa eoavec sveaoe. Albtns: Rev. Jobs IMwaoa, rector, Ronday scbool, 10 a. m.: noralag aervtct, 1 1 ociora; oa avnainf aarvies. , ' St. David's Esst Twelfth end Belsanot etreeta: Kev. Georra B. Vaa Waters. - D. D., rector. Moralng prayer, 11 o'clock; Baaday acnooa, v:e a. m. ; bo evenins asrviee. Bl. John's MenaorUI He U wood: Rev. W. R, Powell In cbarfo. Herrlra aad seroaon, 10:43 a- nv. Bunasy ernooi, 11 a . Bt. Mark a Corner Klneteeafh Ssd Qalmbr streeta. Kev; . J. B. H. fllmpaoa, reetor. At a. m., holy eoaamanloa; 11 a. ., holy eoov aninioa aad asraaon; o'clock, evealag prayer aaa arrsioa; so snaaay scaooa, , ' ' BAPTIsTr . ' - - First Oorner Twelfth sad Taylor streeta; Rev. t. Whlteomb Broeshar, -lb D., pastor. At 10 a. m.. addresa by Kev. C A. Woody, D. V., oa Tbe Ureal Baptist World Cooxress"; BlbW arnool, 12:10 p. m.f B. T. P. U. re. reatloa aad aarelaa. 4 .SO a. aa.. leader. HereM Roundel T:46 s. m., Dr. Broagber preacbae as "Was Jesas Christ a Cbrlatlaa t Bt. Johns. Bar vices la Adrrnttst eharea. Preaeblns at II a. b. by Bee. Juha Bentstea oa "What U Worth Wallet" Soaday school, 10 a. aa, r , Bethany Sellwood. Sunday . school, 11 St.: prearnlnc 1 m. by ater. E. A. I aad at T:e p. at. by Mrs. P. J. Ada ma. umversiiy i-sra eonoay scaooi. 10 preaching by Mra. P. J. A da ma at 11 Kev. rcv.-rczt, 'cr1 Cs : f.o,rer, far aoro :Y: r 1 nfifect ..Sass... -V ; iatha Vcr.d JUaisterad. iTTa. l-ak US, i m aaa r : , v ' . ' ' 45 v t Highest Awards In Xcrrop ttnaf America A new and bandaomelj iUaa tratxl Beclpe Book sent fres lefferaoa etreeta; J. A. Leas. D. P., pasnw. Bervlcaa. 11 a. an.: Baaday school. 10 a. .as.! Lather league, T p. at.'; ao avealng aervtee. L' Bt. Paala (Gernua) Tomer Esat Twelfth na viinum iinvw; a. anuw, pwvaa. wn f easkieal aervlca. 10 a. 10 i . mom Ins aerrlce aad holy . emamanloa, 10:30 o'clock; evening aervlca, g o'clock; Baaday ecbooU 0:30 a. as. XTAaTOZXIOAS ABgOCIATIOsT. ' r rtref Engltnh. corner Xaat Btxth sad Market streeta; 8. A. Blrm.ert, paster. Preaching al s as. by Her. 1. - Emel aae it a. a N Bev. H. R. arbeaermana; Sunday scbool, 10 m.. A. Bltlner. superlateadeati Seaas rs ple-e allhinre, I p. m. . nrst uermaa txrnee Hignieesin aaa lay reetal Theodore arhaor, paetort BuBday scbml, 8:10 a. atu; ear moa at 10:4C a. av and t '"'..''"''-'' "-' 0. ABT Jf,". ' -' ''. The CbrbitlaB and Mlaeloaary alliance Birth Jind Mala atreets; Rev.- C II. Raw telle, sauer- tn tendon t. Preacblns. 10:80 a.' as.: Sunday scbool, 13:111 p. aa.; eriee-alr aertteo- Is plasa bloc Bear Poartb and Madison atreera; If the bar m anaefurable the aervlca will be bald ia the chapel. at With and Mala streeta.. . Aaaoclarifte lodtlortom 1T fourth street. At 80 p. aa., addresa by President Benjamin Ida -wneeler et raa imiveraiiy or uauioraia 'A Teunc Man's lliances"; solos by Mra. Loin Miller, eoatraito: Earl B. Takentlne. vloUalst. ; . '..:,.' . v-, Tnrrr AaOajr. : :S First- Corner t Beveath' and Yamhill' atreets: Bev. Ueerge C. ITeaaey, IX. D., mlnleter. At 11 a. m. Kev. W. a. El tot. Jr.. will Breach a - 'The Moral Effect of, a tireat Bxpiailtlaai UHjntjwmmalJ Jj Btcs u as liaia. ' Pirst Oorner et Kast Plfteeath aad ' for. risna etreeta; H. C "naffer, nasrar, Bible arbooi. 10 a. Bvl prearhlag, 11 a, be, as p, sa.;.!. p. B. O. B 7 p..aa.'t - f r, t j.-.'" t.)4i i in s,.-' i9.i ,' ... i ' BT. X. cxvxox Botm. s ' Pirst Ant-Becond- tret. roreetere' hall; K. li. Moenra. aaatar. Bervieeavat 11 a. and S p. nt. ; Heada school, 10 a. aa.; Xpwarth lsre,'fjB.iVBl. - , f t.' . ,'j, yj,, ' ' VaTmRgALISar. ' Plrst East Coaeh and East . Eighth arrests; W. P. 8 ma It, paatnr. At It a. m., "Christea- onaVe Cws. For-What Is Preteataatleni HUsnlScaat;" T:44 p. m., "Taints Money aad I Xalated Theelogy"i 10 a. m., Baaday aehool. 5 a, X' 1 K r A ; A: f : -y 1 tv- A svsa, t ; , tv A' t ft. ; I ea ;.t.;;v ?;.': : I . ; : J .,.'" 1. i f "" , ' ' - ;." ,' - i i ". v. Jt- 1 .it 111 it v ,. Ui . , .ti 1 j ' A 1 ' . -Jf.'. - -i -K . r-. - , . a -,"..'.'.-,.;... , n ear .''' , , i- . . ,f : '' ' K, v. t . ;i.-'; . -'- V V:1 id 6 fu 1 TVi m--: V ! UU. 0' i , : isVT i- v Me y Psrk br Mrs. by Bev. Jobs Bentalea u l:S a sa. Heeood East Seventh aad Ankeav atrneta: Rev. a. 0. Laphasn. paatnr. - At 10:90 a. m.. "The Inspiration ef a foreign Life"! Bible aehool. 11 as.; 7:4 p. m. the service wlU be uiastratee with atersoptisoa, . 'A ' ' VaTtXsTJ ITARaiXXCAZ. ' rirst Corner Rant Tenth aad ftberaiaa streets; A.. A. 'Wtnter, paator. .At is a. m.. Boaaay acoooi, nj. a. Btsvar, mpst-iatandeat; presehlns, 11 a. an. aad 8 s. sa. neeood Comer far go aad Kerby . atreeta; nev. e. awweranx,. paninr.- - at al a. Bl Th Fniineea or roe uenttiea" a p. -jn. fThe renfcnires Bible"! Mandsy scbool.' H s.-ia.t Jsnior InOaaror, s. m.; K. L. C. l:i s. ya, ..... . . . . , Oekley Oraea gnaday- arkool. 1:80 Breacfalng,- 1:30 B. m.,, by BeV. B. Vlckat. ' St. Joha'a Corner ot 7oha and Ivaahoa streets: a. m. Mcvicgar, pastor. At 11 a. as., "The Reality of Jcetie Chruat"; 8 a. m., 'In traase of Manwinei laersasa Daasaada sot Doea Not Satlsfr"; Bnnday aehool, 10 a. m.ivj. K." U C t, 1:8V p. St.; . K, U C. ftH 7 ' . . CHUbTIAbT.. . ' Central Kaet Twentieth and 8a I men strarta Rev. J. P. Mborailey. pastor. At 11 a. sa. Rev. Benjamla U-Hmlth will apeak; 8 p. as., Rev. M. M. Oooda ef .Missouri will sneak: Baaday scbool, 0 a. aa.; Senior Endeavor, a. 45 p, m. . -. ' . yirat oorner- park aae ' onluniMa B. B. Maekley, mini ater. preaching at 141:80 b. m. or Her. J. 11. uarnsoa or m. Loots. editor of the Cbrlatlaa Eraagrllat; lecluro at Treo s. BL by Bev. B. I Smith of Cincinnati. secretary ef the American Cbrlatlaa Mlaelonary society, ea "Toe Ufa aad Work of Alex Camp, sen. ' , . Bodaoy-AveBBO Corner Rodney avenue - had Knott etreet At 10:80 had T:eo p. aa., aerelcea coadueted by visiting bratbrea from Baa fraa- : - - cinnTiAaT soinrox.- Flrat Scottt.h Rita cathedral. Morrison sad IWBsdSh Streets. Ra-vlaaa 11 a m mmA a e. au.. aanieet. uaa"i mnnAm buMi -t chow of BMralng aervioe. aenoae Aadliorlaat balldlag, Tb-4 betweea Tsyler snd Halnvm atreets. KanHar mlna si 11 a. ta. ana B p. at., anblset. "Msa" Ana. asy acBsot, a. m., la the readlsg-rooani. OirtatlSB fat nolle AonetelU Chnal.' I. Tl Alleky building. Morrlaon neae Tiiird.T u.. John Aleaaader Dowla, srat sposUef R.v. Cbarlee A. Hoy, alder la charge.. At 1 p. aa.. Bible stadu 1 a. aa.. a .1.. .71 .-J. awmy aerveee, ceadacted by the elderi 8 b m I 1 Mil. 1- th Ill.1n III. II ' Norweglse Brnodronjr Beat1 Tenth aad Urant atreeta; O. Hagnaa, pearee. HttI In the fnrennoe) by Rov. T. ft. Dshlwf Useen. -rarta: no evening' service. bt. jasws muaa vucaer wet fut aad attsraXXAB-XOUB. The Holiness eampmeettng. Grand svobbi aad EaK Xajahlll, will elaaa aa Baaday area . Ullva Branch OosdsI BUsetoo rirst Baa Ola Rervleaa . eeery evvulBg aad Baaday at 1 aad 7: p.-'. - rirst Bplrttoal society Artlsaaa' hall, A sing Ion bulldlna. Uowfsreace. 11 a. m. : lactnrs. 7:48 a. m.. by Dr. M. t. Bavlla. pas lor, oa "MediaBmnip er the rutore. - MlUenulsl ' Dswa Barvlcee la O. A. R hall, Mulkey building, oorner Baeoad aad Mar rteun streeu, st 1:80 p. m. - "tiesasls aad teowu ef the Rnmaa fVmT' will be the aobloet of a lecture at the Thes- sopblesl roossa, Allaay MUiaiiis, aau sou, Bu say evening.' . Tba portlaad Mew Cbarch society, gveedes borglsB ReceptlOB hall third Boor 1 Malkey batldlna. Second ' aad Morrboa atreeta. Lay aerviea ano aarroon ai ju:sv s. aa. rirst Bible Splrltsal society A O. U. ball. Beiiiog-Hlrsch balldlng. At 8 p. 1 Iretare by Mrs. J. A. Johnstoa. follow ad cots sad trumpet pbenoavna by J. A. JobBotoa. IMvtiM Truth Center Divine Troth ehapsL ball tot Alleky - balldlng, corner Third end Morrstoa streets; Tbaaoeus M. Mlaard, paator. oorvicca aa sa a, as. : . Fat Folks. :-'fr . 1 have reduced my weight (I pounds. bust nlns Inches, waist eight inches and hips nine Inches in a short. tuns by. a guaranteed, harmless remedy without exercise or starving. ' I want te tell yon an aoout it. ' inoiose stamp and a dress. Mrs. Charlotte-Woodward, Ore gon Clty..t.l..jLv-jvS. f:,'I.;.: v,V..Hil ; explicated SJally aestottoss, ..? )-' '. tJoaraal 8 pedal Barvlca.) ' ' " :' New "York. Aug.. II. A double wed ding was 'celebrated hers today In the presence 'of a large number of friend a, which was quits remarkable from the fact that in each ease the groom mar ried the sister of ths other groom. Miss Annlevooiden became the bride of Louis Rubin, while Ml as . Jennie Rubin, the sister of Lou I a Rubin. , married Levy oien, tne orother of Annls. Ooldon. This unusual doubls marriage comoll- cates ths family relations between the two young couples..-. Mlra aS BOa-y crtneiiaDy ir 0 0 d If you want good, food for your baby, food that to en. physic Ian a, food that contains a larce amount of dlfestibas eonstltuente, a food that feeds, a food that will nourish, sustain Bad pro mote ths spowth of your baby, try ? Mellln'e Food. We will send g eam. pie for you to try,-" raHla'a feed la IBs 0ftT lafaata aed. which reeelved tba 4raBd trtae, Ibe klrrbeat award stalMi-laaafaiw saass lapeei oa, Uc Lsais, Ivwd. Ugh er ihaa a go4 siedsl MKLUM't rOOD CO, BOSTON. MAIt, si it tmf i A ,' .... ' ' -"-:' .'V ,' WV, VV.'':-::.v.'Vr...l.---T.-:;''' Tm ji a s m mm 8aJ,U t. a A . t. ' ,.-' a. '- -..... , v.;.,: '"v .;'i' .. ;l i r j ft" v'v t; 4 1 ? ; ' r-V'.;- ".'.'-- , 1 ;.' '' r'..-'.f-- jr - 5. V" r. ti,-..--.. .V,-- V....1- ,r; I ' . 1 . i. f . te. '-i '' -v It must bs ELECTRIC LIGHT if you want dean Kg safety ; anaecony xne Die ieauire xne thing is the LIGHTS the necessary eg . nniir waJ L"- w www lCRIG 1 -1- ' ; , . . I sawaB - , V y t IU. i. .. . v v. ,1 fV tJ.! ;i s - . r - - .t; 4':::; . .-; - . . Jge-aaf JLVJ XXX .; .y, v- " v' ' i'Xr ,'..',7 ' 'Q --v,r-''"l:i::V,;;v.':'.'. I fiSfrMos recreation ahd amusement in the even- ihg,-and-il-weare really4o be aHvea ! r .r:r-i V : 1 ; ,.f 'f..-7fj .1-: i . ' t.a, ! Hal, is . . A-aL-aatgW. -.afcoa-aa. . 8 . artificial tne one; xne grearort comiprt e 5i u - turn onvthe switch when it (if only tor a second) and when thrbugh tiirri it bfffae STOPS! - You pay bnlywhat vr:a3:iIfroperl: GHT is. the cheapest , of all artificial lights, our reduced rate for current oh Light - r" . ' HtMter- ..:v ' . t. '".(- ...r i: ' . . possible .,eeV, JT 8, j '. " iV' ise" r ear ' "' nlf'i tt'.'-rx y.r-i voir '': .'f. 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