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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1905)
ic ;v Jem-tr - V J . ,. . seVe - ' 1 ' Fair tonijht nd Eanday; northwest . winds jj - 2 VOL. IV. no. ua. PORTLAND. CIGON;' SATURDAY EVENING. AUGUST 23, 1SC5.SIXTEZI1 PACES. pricis tvo ce::t: i-i ,." i"ih 4. " mf - "awa " a m '-ta'S i -i - -n m -1 -i -l t - -u an, yq t, ir n. t. -l -- i- -l t. -- n . n - i n -i ' i i -i 1-1 ---- - .......... i'i . . i i wiiil lyLJid xwmmmM- Russian Chief Envoy Does Not i Anticipate Any .. Favorable ; Result FromY Today's I vl Peace Meeting. JAPAN MAY CALL BL.UFF hBY ENDING NEGOTIATIONS -A- Depend Whether JPa WJli - Make Further Concessions, Which -.'la Recorded aa Improbable-Cgar Thinks Compromise Should Be Of ' fered Ruahinc Troops to Front. - ' I'"' ' -iimil tatUl Berries.) 4' i v Portsmouth. It It. Aug. V' Peaoe , , i,.m)iM nf their staffs were f up early this morning reoelvtng and end'' ins final messages to and from weir gov-, ernmente preparatory to the meeting to day. Runala a answer 10 proposition w iwtijr w m preseii.. 7 irk. - tt h4 1 ahort . one. Japan's commissioners will receive Russia s anawer ana men propow " adjournment until next week, probably v Tuesday, to allow time for tranamlaaion to Tokio. ,y Wltte said Just after noont- "All de- pende upon Japan. anT' whether ehe ' will makeconeeaaions. -I do not antle , Ipate any favorable reault from today's meeting and am anxious to get away." Cf.A -k infnnnnl of Wltte'a State jfiwit-aaM-AaricijC Kaanaot ac- cordingiy, then." . . - y It le feared that Japan may call Rue la'a bluff by breaking off the negotla, tlonev --- : -;;; ':.i.--r AMERICAN SHIP SEIZED. fs i, ... -1 ' .- I.,-? ( '.iff I Jaimaeee Te AueteaUaa before rlie ... :.r Oonrt aa4 Oaytmxe Monterey. v-,; --"t-r-taBereaI BpwUl aarrUa.) .ftrtmimt la Informed that the ateamer - Auatrallait at, noon waa laaau to toko , wtiaraaV9Where the authoritlea turned the ."crew ever to the Amerloan conaulgen - arau ins cpto vi4-w .in 'nrew hare no money: ; ;The veaael baa oeen aen w i fu - - - Tha American. . ateamer - Monterey, bound for Petropavlovak, waa eapturad by the f apaneae in iienng eea Auguat v..-,"-: TO PROLONG WAR. t f reeeaiab Activity ghowm Throagbotit ; Baaeia to OoaUaae atragfle lm Baa. V": ' SC Petersburg. Aug. JS. Feverlah. ae- itlvlty.le ahown . throughout Ruaala' la : preparing to continue the war 'In the far eaat,' Half a million aoldlera whe parttclpated ln-tha aummur maneuvera. . are available for duty In ltancburta and are being dlapatehed aa rapidly aa poa elble. Thouaande of care and lobomo tlvea haye been- hired from Auatrla and . Germany to convey troopa and euppllee to the front. Eitenalve repair and ad , dltlona are.befng made to the ratlwaye ' to relieve the present atralm ;:: V MAY COMPROMISE ' w .'." 'Buaelaa tlevernmen igiee With Wttte That OompxoaUae Sboald Be Offeaed. . -' ; (Jearaal SpeeUl Swrlee.) I'i J St, Peterabarg, Aug. IS. A atatement waa inauo iumr vu. . m .v&.w -that the government entirely agreea i. w wi.a . that a. eomnmmlaa WKUa . . . . - r - 1 1 kM ha nffarait Janan. The onlT queetlon now le whether Japan will re duce her demand for oneyIt-4abe. lleved here peace la certain to be con cluded, f . ' - Amerlretr Ambaaaador Meyer ' la 'in r- conference with Foreign Minister Lama- ; dorff , today. - : ; ?Ar"; vVTREATYjaSIGNEDH:'. , wvw Aaarle-Japaneaa Agreameat Batlfled . ' '0veeentfc .r:;. ;.'v - ' ;. (Jearaal SpeeUl Strrlee.) . V - London, Aug.' IS. It le reported that 'the new AngloiJapaneae treaty of al. ; 1 lance haa been algned by both nationa. i ' The new treat jr la broader In acope.then the former treaty and aoognlaea the ' protectorate of Japan "orer-.: Korea. In- caae of a combination of .powara-agalnat Great Britain the aawlatance of Japen le required only ao 4ar aa British eol ' onlea In the far eaat and, tbe Pacific 1 are- concerned.' . .. v . PLOT TO DEPORT YOUNG ; ; . GIRLS TO FROZEN NORTH v'v v 'tJearaat apeeUr arVe. "T'v fienttl? Waah.. Aug." J The police ' have unearthed a wholesale plot to de- iport young glrle .from thla vicinity to Alaska for Immoral purposes. J. . W. , Marvin, a musician, and Robert McNeil, mifoonkeepmv - were' arreated today. Other warrants will follow., rive alrla, all under age, were foumt-wy he police ' locked up- In a dlsreputablo lodging house, being held until the ne&t ateamer sails. It la claimed that scoree of gtrla have alreay . been - eent north, Seattle , having been a procurers' clearing-house ' for a long time..-'.- -::)' vf ' Ceatralto B9U Baraed. .. ... (Special Dissents te The loaraaL) ' Chehalls, Wash., Aug. 1. The Cen. trails. Shingle Mill company's plant, one ' mile weat of Chehalls, wes-destroyed by Are iaat night, v The loaa le f 10,000 with $7,000 Insurance. Twenty men were em pmred at the mill, which wae 0W6ed by Carlisle aV Pennell. ;n Tfl.. v 7 ClIYaiLtGEkCHEAPaOI FROLT BEliiliiiiEaiiil Coos County Product, Owned' by Orourht to Fsrtland and Dollars a Ton In Manager W. 8. Chandler of the Beaver H1U Coal company, whtoBroperatee the coar mine of that name at Coos Bay, aaya he Intende to enter the" Portland market soon, and expeote that thla city will conaume . about Z.OOO tona oi coal week. Ban Francisco 1 taking ; that quantity weekly, and the Beaver Hill manager believes that be will be able to establish as largo a demand In the metropolis of the slate where hta mine la eltuated. ''.-j-s:.; v ' i'-. ; , , Beaver Hill coal . la not ; well known here, although- it baa been burned - In Ban. Francisco for a quarter -of a cen tury. In the'aouthern market It baa especial demand aa a domestic foal., and la praised as a. good grade f lignite, perhapa the, beet that haa been opened on tbe north eoaet. : A clean white aah la left aa a residue, with no cllnkera. and the eaJorlfto--atrenata.-of a too of the fuel la aaid to be twice that of a cord of wood. . The coal waa need on the steamers of the California Ore gon Coaat Steamship company, where it gave satisfaction. ...-'.v.... "''J Manager Chandler etated that be waa laying down the coal In San Franc laco at a coat of 14.10 a ton to the trade, and would be able to do aa.well bore, At thla figure, no doubt la entertained that the Oregon product couia compete successfully - with coale ehlpped from Wyoming. Crow's Moat Pass country, Ladyamlth and Nanalmo. - " -.; CIIESE 00YCOTI THE. TRADE Three Big British Ships Have Been Chartered Within -the Week: jtv -J to Carry From This Port " v ,; - New" Crbp of Grain" and Flour.- t James Laldlaw A Co. this taorulng chartered two-British steamers to load flour and grain here for the orient. The steamers secured are the Ooeeno. 1,060 tons, and the Croydon. 1,410 tone. Balfour, Guthrie & Co. last Monday chartered the British eteamer Imaum to load grain for .Japanese ports. Karly In the week the British steamer Kelvlnbenk waa chartered to load grain and flour here for the orient. : The chartering of these four steamers to load here 'within the next few weeks shows that the much-feared Chineee boy. oott I Is not ; playing havoo with local shipping as some (eared It would. V For several days many calls tor flour and grain have been coming in from Japanese merchants and from several dealers In leading Chinese cltlee. The stocks of foodstuffs In some towns of China are run low In spite of the fact that merchants hostile to America have been .making heroic efforts to Import enough flour from Australia to supply the demand. Most of the flour ehlpped from ' here wilt be landed " in Japan, where It will be resold to the merebknta III Peking. Shanghai. Foo Chow, Amoy, Canton and Hongkong. ' y , - The steamers t bartered by the Lald law company will not be In port at the tame time, although local shippers do not think piece would be any trouble in finding oargoea for both at the same loading. The la the flrat-due; aha is at Shanghai, .wh4ra she-arrived August S. with a cargo of enals from Wales. Jt la' thought Jat -ehe will be here by the middle of next month. -The .. , ". . '. ,vi . ... Toronto, Aug. 26-Prince Louis of Battenberg arrived here yesterday afternoon. He will rest until Monday when the formal ceremonies in his honor will take place. Prince Louis is a captain in the British navy commanding H. M. 8. Implacable. - He has had a huge dancing plat form built so as to cover the upper deck of his ship and turns his man-of-war into an open-air ballroom with greatest facility, t. . .; V Spreckelss Brothers, May Be Snlrt ' tnril fnt Than-Uve ... the Near Future. No dates . were given as to the time when' the northern aervlce would . Be gin,, or how It would be accomplished. The-J.- Bv- Bpreckela Bros, company, which owns tho'coal property, la oper ating eteemehlpe between Cooe Bay ana San Francisco, and would be able to put on another for the Portland trade without difficulty , or td uUllse one of the several liners, plying between thla city and the aouthern coal dlatnot. The J. IX Bpreckela Bros, oompany haa owned the Beaver- Hill mine for about tan years,- Other prominent , Ban Francisco men are Interested In the Cooe district. Owing to the . line of ateamera maintained, by tbeae people te market' their -coal In Ban Francisco, all the Cooe Bay country has been made heavily tributary to 'the aouthern elty, aa regular connection with Portland was not maintained until recent times. -The fact that a company of such strength le about to enter the Portland market Is of great- local Interest, and la made doubly. ao by the fact that the Southern Pacific le arranging to tap the Cooe Bay country-. with a rail line. - v "- No local jonVs of Aha company " la maintained, as Manager Chandler of the mine represents the company in all of Its Oregon operations, t When speaking of his plans to reach ' Portland be did not indicate any further particulars, but left the Inference that something would be done in the near, future. . ; , y ' HAS HOT HURT OF PORTLAHD to Japan and China ' Croydon wae chartered for October load ing i she la at Ocean island, one of the Gilbert group in the South seas, having sailed for that plaee July 11 front Mojt, Japan. Both, steamers will come to Port land In ballast, -v---- .... . The Oceano wae built at Port Olaagow In 1900; ehe le ISO feet long, II feet beam and ' 7 feet . hold. Tha Croydon waa built In IMS at Sunderland, Is I4C feet long; 41 feet beam, and II feat hold. The vessels era operated by A. Weir St CO.; v.'..'. ....-.-,. The - British steamer Crelghall waa also chartered - thla morning to toad grain and flour at Puget eound cities for the orient - v - :.v TO HUNT FOR DIAMONDS -v IN CAROLINA MOUNTAINS ; (Joaraal apeefal Sertcs. New' Torn, yVug. tt.- David ''Draper, F. R. O. S., of Johannesburg. Booth Af rica, the noted geologist, and discoverer of the Pretoria diamond mlnea, la at the Union Square hotel making preparations for an expedition to North Carolina to search for diamonds, ' which are known to exist In the Appalachian region of the atate. but the source of which haa not been determined. I Draper and Profeaaor Ouns, gem experts, author of many government publications n the subject, have been In conference." Both scien tists nre much Interested In the outcome itf the -explorations which Draper , la about to undertake, ' "' ; - SELL ROAD TO SCRUB 170L1AII Pennsylvania Sheriff Will Auc tion Off Railway to Liquidate ar Dabt: : ''V OFFICIALS THINK FREE , JIDE OFFgETS JHE DEBT While ? Cleaning Car Woman - Rode ' .Entire Length of System, Thirteen .' Miles " and Back Line Mortgaged for Ninety Thousand. , ,? ' ; J : WJearsal Special Sarrles. j Stroudsburg,. Pa Aug.. it. President MUton Tetter of the Delaware Valley Railroad company refuses to ' pay a scrubwoman 1 1 for cleaning the coach, and tha' sheriff has announced bis In- tention of aelllng the eyetem . to sat isfy ths Judgment, awarded the woman by, the local courts. - '" I 'V:' Tetter declares that while she was cleaning the car, ths woman rode the entire length of tbe road, distance of It miles, the fare being fL and back agahv which he contends should offset the woman's claim. He Is Indignant that the woman should ask for further pay. ' .: . ' Sheriff William Evans, In whose hands , the execution' was placed, aaye there la nothing left for .him to do but to eell the road, and. the auction Is set for September. 21. ; The Delaware Valley railroad, besides It miles of track, possesses an up-to- date passenger coach, combination car. one box car and several wooden plat-4 rorma, commonly Known as stations. The road la mortgaged for 1 80,000 and It le doubtful If It will sell for much more. " 1 . " 1 ..v CAIRO IS BARRED FROM""' :TRAFFIC OF. THE WORLD is ' Iosraat Spselat Servtes. Cairo. 111.. Aua. It. New Quarantine regulations birring this elty sgalnst the world, went Into effect today. Trafflo 1 1 praetlnally aead. . Get ?ouf' iMoney's Vorlh ! BY buying the Sunday Morn A ing Journal. It is the onfy e . - . newspaper in Oregon that X V . 1 A l. T e nas a specjai icaaca wire service. e T It covers the local, field as no Z other newapaper can tover it Z It tells the truth and plays no The first newapaper in Port- T land to notice the children, ' if X has continued and enlarged the X department especially attractive e X to them. Happy Hooligan goes T 1' IKH1C 11119 wwn, e of Maud, and bam and the Kate- T enjammer Kids do thrir beat to T e niaac ino yuunstos isiik'i. X ' The only color magazine lec tion in Portland that is full of good things. The only way to get your money's " worth is to Buy The . ; Sunday Journal j : eeetetttm PAYbESieUATIOf I OF FOR BY TIAYOR LAflE City Engineer yo, Retire From Office September . First and . Will 'I Be SuccAeded 6y D. W. Taylor, Who Held the Office? ; " ' r Several Years Ago and City Engineer -eharlee Wanser waa requested by Maspr Lane today to ten der his resignation, to taka effect Sep tember 1. ' Mayor Lane announcea that D. W.. Taylor, a well known civil engi neer, would be appointed to tbe position; The action of Mavor Lane In reaneat- Ing the resignation of Captain Wanser Is not a surprise, for It haa been known for some time that be desired to have a man of his own choios In the office of city engineer. While- there have been many rumors to-tbe ertect that Taylor would be Wansers successor, no official announcement was ' made until today. Charles Wanser was appointed elty engineer by ex-Mayor Williams to sue eeed W. C Elliott, who waa forced to resign aa a result of the Tanner ereek sewer scandal. Wanei"s- work In the office ' waa such aa Improvement over that of tfle former city engineer that an attempt was made by many people of both political parties to have Mayer bane retain mm in tne position, tie haa had the ' matter under advisement for some time and finally concluded, af ter maklnaT a thorough examination of condition a. to ask for Wanaer'a resigna tion,, and appoint a man or-ais own choice. ! ' D. W. Taylor was sleoted city engineer In ltt and served for two years. While In office many atreetj sidewalk and ewer improvements were made and be wae looked upon aa a thoroughly capable man. After ha left office be was for Oil A HW CLOTHES R. S. Barlow, With Garments Ignited by Phosphorus In His ; Pockets, Has a Thrillinsf Ride and a Narrow ; ':l 4tearaal Snelal Serlee.t -. Reno, Nev. Aug. IS His clothing a maaa of flames, astride a . maddened horse, R. 8. Barlow waa carried through the woods around Floriston last night, - f Li- .AHw Ul, was wit. neaaed by many employea of the Florlsfl ton puip ana paper- mnu wn i helpless to aid him. Even with, his clothing ablase and hla flesh burning, Ratlna fMullul on th hOTSO Until he brought the animal to a stop. Then he dismounted, tore tne naming garments from around hla body and extinguished tha names. His face, arms and body were badly urned and all the 'hair eft FORCING A STRIKE IN - CHICAGO PRINTING SHOPS - "Uearssl Siirtri Sanwat ' Chicago, Aug. tt-Thie city today became tha center of the struggle of employing printers throughout the coun try against the - international Typo graphical union to defeat the letter's attempt to procure an eight-hour day. One-shop notices Were posted In four of the largest printing houses, Strikes are expected to follow. " BblLERS OF TRANSPORT SOLACE IN BAD SHAPE . (Jearsal ' VaI!o, mi.. Aug. It. It in learned that the boilers ef .the United, i .i.: t VAflZER ISASKED f.f . 1 x jade Good Record. I soma time president an4 local manager of the Trinidad .Asphalt Paving oom pany. but falling to approve of the pol icy of. tha company he resigned and has since bean engaged In private work. . Mayor Lane stated today that Taylor was a man thoroughly qualified for the position and one who would do hla full duty, toward' the elty.' ,.- FINDS AFTER FOUR YEARS V WIFE IS HALF-SISTER Joaraal Special Serrlce.1 Wabash, Ind Aug. It. Joslah Hoaf has Informed the county clerk that the marriage license Issued to Charles Hoaa and Bertha MoVea la fraudulent because tbe two are bis children, being half- brother and sister. They, were married four years ago, having come from Oh la The courtship was made before the two learned of. their relationship. After. f our year of married life, the young man fled, abandoning his wife and sister, because of rumors. Ha sought to have hie father make affidavit deny ing the relationship of tha two, but tha father refused and a divorce will be secured. - . i The father.' who is ' a respectable farmer, until today kept the secret with but' few manors . gathering strength. This la the first case of the kind In the state. The couple have no children. HORSE LIU HIS III FLAL1ES hla head, was burned off. . tie will re eover. " Barlow is assistant manager of the big paper mUL He wee .encaged In making an ' experiment with chemlcaje yesterday and placed them In separate packages-In his pockets. Phosphorus was one of the lngredlenta. While rid ing, the chemicals became scattered in his clothing, finally mixing . with the pttoepnorus,' and the rtre resulted. In riding along. Barlow did not notice me nre until me names.. bea-an burn. ing hla flesh. By this time his horse became , frightened and . unmanageable ana me roaa race reeuitea, .. bteamshtp Solace,' which returned, from the Philippines a eouple of weeks ago. have been reported to tbe navy deoart. ment as unsafe. It Is oaid on good au thority that on the last three trips of the transport officers have gon ont 0B asva wiitiei aa vvwaa ta, SEfsSATIOrj EXPFCTFn in MIZE r.:UPiDZn MYSTERY : (Jearaal Special UnU.i Chicago, Aug. It. inspector Hunt In charge ef the detectWea aeeklng -the muruerer or Mrs. F. E. allae. In Hyde Park, declared thla afternoon that he waa upon C.e track of V. criminal, and that t. mat of a prominent dtiaen of Hyde Irk has become Involved. i: Ult t'M . - - . . iw v- ivt a grt Mrs. H. S. Franca- of Lot AnI;, Says She Will Spend That -Cum to . Recover, Met ' Eloplns Spouse. FRENZIED LETTER TO . CHIEF GRITZr.ACI!ET. Romance in the life of a Sotr. Woman Haa Turned Very EI;;: but She Still loves the Han VTL She Says Departed From Calif o mi; With a Portland, Woman. , X have plenty of property, vat S ax). mis stable. - My heart yeama foe kfaav. I lore M- B. rxmaee dearer thaa ssy ow Uf a. X wlU forrtve aim, if aa wlil eeeaa to ass. 1 Mm lm atlao aavA aatas alte. X want aim, X lore alxs, and X U have) u. Xelv xae to loeate mum aaa a w&i Mr m SBOOlS Jsxtpae tkom lee wt&tten by a deserted wife e the Caieg of Polloo ef rozUaad. . In a frenxled communication, burning with expressions of love and affection, Mrs. Adella C France of Los Angeles. ' California, tells Chief of Foltoe Orita- macher that she wlU give him SEjOe te be will locate her husband. H. aFrance. ho la supposed . to . have eloped and come to Portland with a woman whose) name ehe-" baa not learned, but who la said to be a resident of this elty. Mrs.. France Is the daughter of Judge Shelton of South Carolina, who wae also a wealthy planter, cotton-grows and landowner, and In antebellum daya an Influential alaveholder. Dr. John A. Kenloch, president of the Charleston. South Carolina, medical college. Is her uncle. 8he has figured largely ln the social Ufa of eaatern cltlee and for eight years was private secretary of Governor Jones f Virginia. ; - v ' Her "husband la ariocomotlva engtnew- He is believed to be in tbe Vicinity of this city with some woman, and bis wtfo says that no matter what the expense she wants, him found and; returned ta her. The women with him. aha ears. la from Poftlandv and she believes went to Los Angeles at his request for the purpose of eloping with him. : ' Sorrow la Ker aaomaaoa. - Mrs. France's story Is romantic to a degree, though her marital happiness has' been marred by the elopment of her husband. - She waa married previously, from her own statement, and lived with) her husband at ill West Elmlra street, Loe Anxeiea. There, In 10J. Franco. appeared to ask her 'husband to help him secure employment. He was taken In and treated aa a gueet. 'Within 10 days, Mrs. Frsace confesses, she fell desperately In love with him, and eorre sponded with. ( bun after : he went ta . Arlaona. - - f Securing a divorce from be husband shortly after France's departure.- aha ' followed him to Ariaona and waa mar ried to him near Wlnslow. Ths paly returned . to Loa Angeles and bar hus band secured employment as engineer with the Pacific Electrte Railway ov . peny. . In time hie attitude toward be? grew cold and be began staying from homa at night, telling her be had t work extra shifts,. ... . ... There Wae Another. - ' Inquiry ehowed her that be waa Tarrl. eating and ahe bad him watched, with! tha reault that aha ascertained he wa going nightly to tha beach In the com pany of a woman from Portland. There were scenes at the Franco home and tbo husband disappeared. All Mrs. Francs thlqka of now Is bav in a him return. The woman's Infatua tion, ss shown by her letter, amount to a frenxy. She telle Chief Qrlta macher In her letter that Franca has squandered 11,000 of her money at gambling tables, but that she deems this amount a mere baxalalle in parlson with her loss by hlsfelopement. Detectives are at work trylna- to flnt tha eloping eouple.) The, letter eelved Wedneaday, but no clue baa been iiun wmcn mignt lead to . dlscovertnat their , whereabout a , , Y JOURNEYS TO PERSIA TOWED HER L0VE.T -'. .. . . .. ,),-.. . ....... .- (Journal SpsetU Rrrrlc.) Philadelphia, Pa,. Aug. . V-e Myrtle Campbell.. daughter of Mrs. J A. Campbell, of Plttaburg, Pa aa 1 today with a party of mlsalonarlea tr ' Persia, to become the wife of the Rev. . Norman Ewer, a missionary St Hanadam, Persia. Mias Campbell and the Kev. Mr. Ewer wars class mates at Geneve college, fr,om which they graduated l i lilt. Mr. Campbell has chares of mission church in Hansdam. Persia, un der tha auspices of the Reformed Pre, byterlan . church. . HOLLIES IS If.U'CTED """" on cor.spinACYC!iAr" (Jearaal Spedal Srrrlas.1 Washington, Aug. M.-rJH Holmes. Jr Ute asslstsnt stsi of tbs depsrtment of sgrlcul" was dismissed as a result ti ' veatlgatlon Into the leaknae ni 1 ton crop reports, haa been t . . A lurr An A h ' .piracy to defraud the cove . . . - h.v. . 1 ui heen arrests made -of i re.l l and Moses iiaas.or rew Kaontav Tacit T : Oearaal ' Mobile. Aug. 2-- nrlvate y'ht 1 . J.