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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1905)
uv OL.u' -Li .'-Li .'U.U . i :; 2: 7 ' 'Willli r n r l r-i i .t . .. vi-.i... - t . in SPECIAL This tale U now on at the cornerjof First And Salmon Streets, Portland, Oregon., No goods will be sent or sold on approval.; .Telephone or C, X D. not recognized. : MaiLorders must : be accompanied by cash or. equivalent v Address all commercial mail, Nicholas Longworth, Mgr..: Mail orders filled the day following their arrival. We reserve the right to reject all ui dei pal uiu upiluu. Qui uf tuwii pauoin should order eafly Bef6re lliej are sold or lots closed out v Order- must specify whether they can be filled in part, in, case we cannot fill f20tire order. .A ADVANCE SCIPIIENT $31 til WC3TD CI LOT: No. 1 Consisting of 242 Suits in aaric ana mcaium coiqra, soia Dy notianas ; at $7.50. On sale. . , ; : V v; 0 OA ' 4 . , ... V. - ' LOT' No.S-Compris!ng 439 Suits, in ' chotcei fall materials and styles, -sold by - Hollands at $10, $1V$12. f A f( Sold at, choice ! .V.;.;.. J4."U ' LOT ' No. Substantially 'over -VLOOO"! J Fine Suits, all styles and colors, some full r silk and satin lined, sold by Hoi- C7 yllY - lands at $15, $16.60, $18, at. ..$1 ,4U LOT No. 4 Extra quality, 1,263 fall " stylesj custom-made, Imported materials,'' , serge, Italian, brilliant or full silk lining, ; sold by Holland Bros, at $22 to f A flA $25, choice;. . y, . i J,UU LOT No 5-onsisting of fully' 1,046 -; Suits,'' including Prince AlberViulLdressr--TuxedojrChesterfield, . double ; and 'single . - breasted - sacks, T Hollands choicest- uits. sold-tt $27.50 to $30. i viKs. ft 1 M ' : Now sold at , W... , ' i . U , r. . V.) 1 IA) I ADVANCE SHIPKEIIir hi.s:) LOT No. 6rA.pproximately J850 Over- coats of different weights, colors and mate- rials, sold by Hollands at $6 and CO OA $7.50, choice , . . . . I ......... OL.tJ U LOT No. , 7 Invoice 1 'statement-386V' 'Overcoats and Ulsters, assorted weight, '. colors and styles, sold by Hollands at $10. ,$11, $12 Sold singly of. f - M AA in lots at, choice . . 'f.D U " LOT No. d Extraordinary lot of fine Cravenettes, falL and spring Overcoats," Ulsters and winter weight, all styles and ' colors, Hollands' $15, $16.50, $18 7 IA ; garments, at! . t. , , ItU ilOTlNo. Over 1,000 garments, fali and winter style, Cravenettes, Surtouts, etc., tustom-made, In select imported rria-" terials, Hollands', choicest $20, A Qfi $22,25 overcoats, at.... ....... 4JiDl 1LOT No. 10Forerunners and-advance 'shipment of our 800 extra quality import? i ed materials, highest quality., materials,, workmanship, Hollands ele- f 1 I A gant fall and winter styles. ...) 1,4" 1 ,r' . y ': v ADVANCE SOTKENT $W8I i LOT Nd litFour cases' Cotton Wor v steds,', Jeans etc.i Hollandsv$1.50 " a and.$2 Workingmen's Pants, at. i ;V'0jC. LOT No. 12 Thirty-one ; bundles as' j sorted Worsteds, 'Cassimere and Jeans, ' . Hollands' $2.25 and ; $2.50 Pants," on at;;,;,r,;,..;.;.v.;w.v.:oSC' : LOT No.' 13100 : doren extra quality' . Wool Casslmeres, 'Worsteds, Tweeds' Cheviots and Silk Mixtures .and Cordu-r roys, Hollands' $3 to $4 :V.v'.-'.- A . , Pants ..... ; . . . .3 1 U4 . LOT No.", 14 Over 2,000 pairs tailor- ' made mercerized and silk mixed worsteds, ; assimeresjnd or.duroyiHol- & 1 QA - lands' $4.50 and $5 Pants....;..) 1 .0 LOT No. 15 Eight cases, 1,286 pairs, i 'custom-mader fmported materials, . pure ..wool, eassimere, worsteds, melton, tweeds,, "eteTHollafldr$5.50 - pr & Qrtj to $7.50 Pants, t..... )&.U J9 )&.Otf 1 LOT Nole-Oyer 600 odd Vests of all : f kinds, worth from V ; Aft ; $3 to $6 , :t:;v:::.: (SC, J I ,o!) LOT No.' IT About 200" odd Coat 'of 11 styles, mixed lot odds from Hollands' ;- $ $15 suits. ; n Goi9g at v:.v.v..iA) ItOT 18 Odd Coats, 300 from odd 'Hot- viands $15 to $30 broken. suits, f A all colors, sizes and styles. ... )uiU Faets A Sale Around Which Spider Are bpnnging JLike Mushrooms In Sprins! 1' j-i3 ' "' ' j VJ - - Trl ;;"; TERMS NET CASH " " Iff -.'i :WwUl-'oellVyb chanto, and in dom you ao a conoumercan Buy at retail iday, lO p, m, ; liUli LOT No. 19-Over 200 odd from Hol lands' $10 to $15 splendid suits, A A A all colors and sixes, at.........)ttU LOT No. 20 245 highest quality Coats - and Vests from Hollands' finest $20 . to $30. divided into two ' A A A ff QA lots. .'Now sold at; . . 0uU) )t)jU LOT No. 21 Consisting of over 1,000 unfinished Coats, Pants, Vesta and Over ' coats. Some partly made and others only cut and trimmed ready for the tailors' hand will be sold in lump lot to "the trade. ' Diversified lots, fall weights, mostly all , wool or union garments, wholesale rack V -v : sixes, runninsr from S to 14 years. : :' iOToSa-.-One.Jolv-lS-bundlesJi . ior sizes, all colors, Hollands' regu- CQA lar $1.50 and $2 suits, atr.. . ,.V. .Vdul V LOT No.' 23 26-bundles, junior sixes,' all wool, select quality, $2.50 to OA ' $3.60 sizes, at.i...4............;.04lC; LOT"lIdr24balesrTegTJlar;iizertr- 14, all styles ana colors, hoi- ' , r 1 : lands'. up to $5 suitsT. . .-. 4 . . . .4 I 1 4 :LOT:No25i227-iluItsrhigh class wool, i superior make and styles, Hoi- : CO OQ lands' up to $6 suits. ......... ..LUi j ; .' . 1 , r , Ll.ji i.l . t. LOT No. 201 lot of dark and medium colors; summer and early fall qualities. , :. Hollands'- $6.and $7. suits - LOT No. 2T-Ovef" 300 -specially good Sualities, fall styles, .mostly , tfl OC: ark colors, at. . .'. : . . ... . 3r0u Hollands $9, $10, $11, $U uits. - . ; -,; LOT No. ; 28 Choice of all Hollands' early fall i and winter , styles In clays, cheviots, silk mixtures,' black,. 0 A Ar blues, tc, at ...... . . . . . . . ... . UtUu , LOT No23 Odd garments for boys and childrenat 20 per cent of value. ' MOTS n mi i .17 m rflAMNUN sr ; oy-oo cast haoisow stucct' -" PAYABLE IN tWY0K O CHICAGO CXCHANGC. e ' of eductions allowed cept by tpechl tgretment StbcItTudt:vbet bold $10,000 itock of medium weight and , heavy kinds, cotton, mercerized, merino and wool garments. Direct from the mills in original packages, Holland Bros, entire - r fall obligations and store stock.. ; " LOT No. 30 One mixed lot balbriggan, various colors, odds, etc., f I OA' values up to $1, at.......;.. 4Cj LoZ LOT No. 31 500 dozen straight $1 val- V ues in balbriggan, merino or mer- IA ceriied, splendid styles. . .'. . . , .V. .ttD v LOT No. 32500 dozen imported unions, mercerized, balbriggan, merino and. com mercial, 100 per cent wool. Hoi- JJQn . lands'. up to $2 value; at. ........ .7 uU . . All underwear bought in dozen lots or other ' merchandise bills amounting to ! more than $20 will be 'delivered free to any, point within city limits, 2 per cent dis count on all bills of over $100; 1 per cen'tj on $75 ; no other terms. ;.No goods sent or , Isold on approvaL ""-All deals must be spot 0X $S,$00 worth of cotton, woor or merino. LOT No. 33 50 dozen boys' and misses' "black, HolUnds' 15C" quat.r "r" - hies. . ..... ... V,5C LOT No. 34 200 dozen men's cotton, ' superior quality, 12c quality, 1 A- . go 3 Pair for. .;. . : ... 1 Jy LOT Np. 35 200 dozen or more fancy - cotton,' full regular or knit seams, () : Hollands'20ct qualities,' at.;.;....; .".oL ; LOT No. 30500 dozen super select cot- . ton or merino," double heel, and toe, as-'. - sorted colorsr Hollands'-25c A " .': to 85c....'.. ................ ... iLil LOT No. 37436 dozen British Killgame : - and American hosiery mills, balbriggan, -t lisle, merino, cashmere and all : 0k wool up to 50c grades, at.. i. ..'.... l, , TK flm0-l fAftl C-tVF-i rT---r r no Icnzr, Eccptj C;:n r i Yi.jr- 7 I I I I It 1 , ; and Fly Imitator i. loos too? wsminotov .V:v 'i:X:.v-'-:-:i: at lower priceo tiini: and wq have rtc conounier:CASIl TALEZ m. The entire wholesale stock, consisting cf 'J -yl over 2,000. dozen. - ,-' LOT No. 38200 dozen, good web' f .and steel. trappings, at pair...,...;.. LOT No. 39500 dozen imported web, : fine gilt trappings, Hollands' up - 1 to 35c grades.. 1C tOT No. 401,000 dozen lisle, worstei, floriana, imported web, select trapfin-, 0c and 65c values, will be sold O '' -. LOT, No." 41--300 extra quality French, goods, mostly silk web, kid or cari- C bou ends, values up to $1, at. ,. .. ,"., ' Suspenders sold in less than 10 dozen lots will be delivered only at the buyers' tr.- ' Pene-. ,; :; .: "500 dozen,' divided into two fjett Irta, , x '. ; I- fall styles orly. LOT' No. 42 Over 1.C00 scfCtad-stiiL -hatsrblackrtan-d-bririm only, . Hollands' $3.60 grades. .....OoC LOT No. 43 The' balxnce of the fine stock soft and stiff, blxck,- brown and styl ish colors, Hollands' fall orders CI (C of up to $4 haU. . ; . . .... .y. . . ,Q J 8,843 pain in transit. . Goods patr:J Crr ha Weinetdxy. August 9. Va n r - knmediately upon ai. 1 t LOT Ka. 44 This lot will consist cf sev eral hundred pairs standard S'jT-V shoes and will be sold,: CI at...... ,.,t-...M.""vl' LOT lip. 43 Consists 0 over 2.5C3 rif; patent leather, winter nr".. tc " ctj vid, ' cordovan, cariioa, I '-t nd cz; stock. Hollands',fall ? to V values, at.t,.... : - , . " r 1 r ill r r -1 r - , r 1 .r -