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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1905)
TK3--' ORZGorj dailT j2ur.::Ai; ror.TLAi:o. 'rr.iL 11 UIT TOO 17ELL tourist Cau Arrest of Woman On0 to;: Find Property SUSPECTED PERSON HAD 1 1 DIAMONDS AND MONEY Carried , a ' Small Fortunt and Re marked Sfce DM Not Have to Stoop " to the .Theft of "' Mtn Watch- ' Trouble bcScutred on Train.' ( '' Suspected of complicity In the 'theft of a gold watch aid Klk fob from N. jt Little of Council Bluff. Iowa, Capl ola Scott, a Degress employed a maid j Mrs. U Uwi of Kansas City. Mts wurt, sscaped arrest thla morning only jk.uu the watch' and fob ware dle--overed. Detective ;. Day - and Snow ere" waiting at the east eld depot to rrea t tho oegress and the porter of i Pullman car occupied by Little. ' i At the- time ilM 'vu, under auaplclon v negroes carried diamonds belonging ea mlatreas valued at 14.000, as well large amount of money.. 8 he dia led the dlamorxli and coin In proof ier atatement that she did not bead . xteat a watch If ah wanted to turm f, , : ; . ... '? vlttle came to Portland .to see the lr oa- the Overland from Ban Fran nco. arriving on the . eat aids thla aornlns at 10 'clockv He : left . hla seieh and. fob- -Ma berth when he troae and did not tnlea if for eome time. Then be demanded that the bed clothing be searched, but tha porter re fused to heed hla request, saying that Little could make tha search himeelf. The porter bad been very friendly with the maid of Mrs. Lawa, who U a wealthy resident of Kaneaa-Ctty, - and fcoth Immediately .fell under the auepl Clon of Little and bla friends, ' A wlra was sent from Oregon Clty by railway officials, to have officer In waltlag at tha depot to piece them under- arreac. Patrolman,- Welch noti fied Chief Orltamacher. who detailed ' Detectives Dar-and Snow to tha eaat Ida depot. On the arrival of the train It waa discovered that - tha watch had been found, wrapped ia bedclothlng, by . Little himself. 1 "Tha only ground for suspecting my weld.' Indignantly asserted Mrs. Lawa, "was tha faet that she waa on friendly terms with the Pullman porter. She got acquainted with tha porter In San Fran cisco Whether the Intention was to - steal the watch or not I cannot Kay, but . I am certain Mlaa Scott had nothing to , do with It. If there was. - Why, she bad $4,000 worth of diamonds and' largo amount of money belonging to Ma on her at tha time. If she wanted to be dishonest she would not waste time on ' a watch and fob.'": sr.- - : tt." , HARRI MAN'S AIDS WILL ' HAVE NEW QUARTERS On - c'ofhpletlo of the Wells-Fargo office building that la to be commenced iieal meals, el se nnaaes nf Fifth and Oak streets, the entire office forces of the Harrlmaa railroad lines in Portland Will be moved there from tha Worcester ; building, where the consolidated compa nlea occupy from 00 to 00 rooms. "It la no secret that the general of ' flees of the- Southern Pacific and tha N. will be moved from their ' present -quart era to the new Welle : Fargo, building," said A. L Craig, gen eral passenger agent. "The . architect who'dealgned the new building for the express company earns her to Confer " With tha railroad management and get ... Us ideas about suitable of flees.. Special provision has been made for meeting tha J requirements of all the general offices 1 of the Harriman system, and the rooms have been planned to accommodate those departments in the ,- most convenient manner. , . j, - r .... -. ..... ; 1 i Tha Southern Pacific's general officers - at San Francisco recently moved Into th fin quarters specially designer for them in tha Merchants Exchange build- DOUGLAS REMOVED AND SUCCESSOR APPOINTED . !' '(' -' ': : . "; ' : - ', : ' (Bseslal Clap US te The JosnalV :.' Albany, Or, Aug. 81. Superintendent Douglas of the Linn county exhibit was .yesterday afternoon removed by-' the I committee having tha work in .charge ' and Secretary K. C. Roberta of.the Com- .merclal club of thla city was appointed to auoceed hint. Mr. Douglas admin 'stratlon has -not given ths satlsfaetloa expected and tha committee thought the exhibit would be better looked after "by -soma one else. Mr. Douglas at a pre vious meeting waa asked to resign, but refused, and yesterday's action was the result Mr. Koberta baa been at the 'exposition for a week and is thoroughly familiar with the work la Linn county's ' .soota, :5jf:zt-'gzitrrZ: :L MALLARD OFFICIAL IS V; ' ACCIDENTALLY KILLED ' (Special Dlapatck to The looraal.) '- , Seattle. Wash... Aug. 25. Jacob Tea ajersoaw- atreet commissioner -at Pl'rd, wss killed last night while nnloadlna a scow of garbage Into the bay. While bending over the rope on a windlass it sroka. The arm of the windlass struck - Ira oa th head, fracturing his skull and he was knocked Into the water, j Harry Qlbba, whose tug towed ths scow into tha bay, first noticed Tagger 'son's hat floating on tha water.' He Investigated and In half an hour re covered the body th the skull caved 'lav,,,; : .-:-f v, ;--- r , r? i.' 7 ' aUytlas aMMeson U Session. i , ' r -. . tfesrsal Seeelst Serrlee.1 . : , Dallas. Tex.. Aug. . SB. The board if directors of the Baptist state convention , met here thie morning to consider busl neas matters and set the time- fpr the -holding of the next annual convention. 'The board consists of 3 leading Bap- . tista, representing the various churches, of that denomination. - , - Baa TrajBlaaa Flats ; (Spertal Olasatcfc- to The Jearaal.) f ' San Fraaclsco, Aug. I. Fire last night destroyed six flats in tbe St. Hllalre apartment house at Oeary and Laguna treeta In which there were 200 roomers. THS losa Is JiO.000. - J .- Every S,atur-ay. -" '- A. CttK.8aBida' SpecUl-A.A C.R.R. . 0:0e a. m. I Leaves I 1:00 a. m. 1:10 p, m. I Union Depot 1:10 p. m. ,Two-oay-Rnjnd Trip Tickets Two-day " On aale Saturday only. :: traaafere. v Mo delays. . aj dust. ' .,- 1 See . A. T swart, vest, til Aider ttrert, fGEMdEL El a IViTilQIiED-P- Henry .Morrison: Complld to Pay WorrjanH Enticed Away, "n:: a Hundred Dollar, '.v:... '. "i (apaclal XMapetcb'te The foaraaLt " T Seattle. Wah.. Aug.. 2s.- Henrar Mor rlaon, -a cigar salesman. Who came to Seattle front-New York for the purpose of engaging in business, waa tried Bye kangaroo court In, the police station tola morning--and forced "to give Mlaa 'Mary Anderson. also of New Tork, 1100 Jo gold. .." According to the girl s story sne met Morrison In New Tork a few months ago and fell In love with him. He Induced her to come with him to Beattle prom ising to marry . her on arrival. They took rooms at the' Seneca, hotel here a week ago as Mr. and Mrs, Morrison. Yesterday Mlaa Anderson. clalma that aha discovered that Morrlsonwaa a mar ried man and had deserted his family to come with' her to Seattle. She con fronted hlra with the proof and be threw her out of tha hotel. She then com plained to 4 he police. - , Morrison- when arraigned before the officers acknowledged the corn and was fined S100 by, Chief Delaney. ' The money waa paid over to tha girl mat sne might return home. ' , EAGLE WILL SCREAM AT FAIR TOMORROW From nearly all of the aeries of the great northwest Eagles wilt come to the Lewis and Clark exposition. More than 4.000 of tha order are expected, and today trainloada of Uyfm; rolled Into the depots and were met or tneir locai brothers and escorted to the local aerie. There -will be ne formal ceramealea. it la stated, but the visitors will , know that tomorrow ia their day, and so will everybody else at the- exposition I and In .the-city. - -'; '-v-v ' ' John . Watson, past president of the Portland aerie, ia In-chargeof tha ar rangements -for entertaining the visit ing birds. ..For the last two days he haa received many jtelegrama and let ters telling of the . great number -of Eagles who will wing their flight r position ward. ; f - On February . lr-ln Beattle,- W first aerie of Eagles waa organised by John Cort, a Well known theatrical maa of that city. Tha order now haa mora than 200,000- members, and extende to all parta of. the country. . Mora than (00 men comprise the local aerie. , . FINE HORSE BADLY v v INJURED IN RUNAWAY : (Bpeeiat IHapsteh to The JoaraaL Albany, Or- Aug. 16. John A. Craw ford tha fine pacing stallion belonging to the A. Hackleman aetata in thla city, ran away yesterday noon while being driven by the trainer, Al Thomas, and' after .'kicking loose from the . - buggy, aped, down Water, atreet, along the awttch of the Southern Pacific com pany, until ha struck a bridge acrosa a gully, where he felt on tho ties. His rear limbs wsnt through tho bridge and when a force of men -waa engaged In trying to release- the animal" be atrug giea, rouea over ana xeii on nis pack a distance of lf feet to the bottom of the VUTCD," 'PtlXH!"'HW ItrtlBsl ShrllnTterfiflc force. Tha horse as a result Is in bad condltlon, but It ia, believed he win re- cover; - i, i . ..- - UTAH VISITORS PAY r r: HONOR JO LOGAN .-.7. i ., ; Utah continued Its week of festivities todsy by celebrating in honor .of Logan. tho fourth city of the state, Exercises were held In the Utah bulldlsg at o'clock thla afternoon. Brief addressee were made by President W. J. Kerr of the Agricultural college of Utah and President James H. Llnford of the Brlgham Young college, both of which Institutions are - located at Logan, , and Congressman . Joseph Howell, whose horns Is but a few miles from the little city.' The 'Administration band waa la attendance. .: -. ( . .. - . ' LEGHORN ACCUSED BY rX SPOKANE GRAND, JURY ffeersal SpeeUl BerrWw.1 v Spokane, Wash., Aug. JS. Moat sen sational charges are made against Dep uty Assessor J. F. Leghorn In presenta tions of facta made by the grand jury to Judge Polndexter thla afternoon. The Jury declares it haa found that Leg horn has accepted money for printing blueprints made In the assessor's office by other deputise, with the county ap paratus, and has not turned over the money te tha county treasurer. . CONDEMNS ALL AUTO GARAGES IN SEATTLE 'V (Waiblnftos Boreas sf The JesrsaL) Seattle. Wash., Aug. - IS. Marshal Kellogg thla morning condemned all automobile garages located. In buildings over which lodging rooms are main talned. - He says the fumes from, the machines are unhealthy and there-is liability of the building catching fire, If not of being Mown up In an explo sion, t Seven firm will have to move within 10 dajs s. . Xrfrw aseturaioa Hates Baal, '; On As gust II and September II 17, the Qreat Northern railway will sell excursion tickets to Chicago and return for fTr.60; St. Louis and return. If 7.(9 St ' Paul Minneapolis and Duluth and return, 10; tickets good for going pas sage for 10 days; final return limit, 00 days; good going via Oreat Northern railway, returning same or any direct route, stopovers allowed going and re-' turning. For ticketa and additional In formation call on or address H. Dickson, C. P. and T. A.. Great Northern Ry, 177 Thtra street, Portland. . , ..- Poisoned by Fried Fie. .' (Special Dispatch to The JesrsaL ) Rainier.' Or Aug. It. Mrs.- Oeorge Moerk or Ibis tows Is very 111 ss a re suit of ptomaine poisoning. Tha noison Ing Is supposed to have been caused by aeme Tried nsh that aha ate In a Port lana rests ursnt. - ".". .-. . i..-.' h ;:: Ceagressman (tolser meturas. Congreesman William Sulaar of Kmm Tork.. who has been devoting a part of mm summer in nia, mtereata In Alaska is in Portland, any route (noma Ha will spend a few days seeing the fa'lr, the opening ceremonies Of which he as sisted in, last June, on hie way north. - Japanese Seldiera ftrewa, " Ueernel aeeelal semaal . Toklrt,. Aug. J4. The JaDsnese trans. port Klnjo was sunk In a collision with ths British stesmer Baralong on August II in ins inoian .sea ana m invalided ('-paneee eoiaiers drawn, Vi .) . mwrm oiiti IllOfflltSi Managert of Local Line Decide i to Civ Home People Chance i . 16 :VIit Jth : Fa ; ; BIG CUT-IN TARIFFS !'..-Li". : -r--DURING NEXT MONTH Farmers From Neighboring Statea and Dominion Wilt Bt Given In- duccmenU That Art Expected to "jReauH Jn a Large Travel. I" t ii'mm bean as-reed between the offi cials of the Harriman Hnea and the Northern -PaxUll-Portland, to maxe radical s.cut In -ratea from Pacific northwest points to Portlsnd and, return for tha remainder f the fair period. Beginning September 1 and continuing until tha cloalng day of the expoaltlod, October li, these 'roade will eell dally at all their ticket offieea In Oregon, Idahot Washington and British Colum bia,, round trip-' tickets to Portland at one and one-tenth fare. . "' ' Theae excursion tickets will be good for 10 days.i snd' subject otherwise to the usual restrictions attaching to ths excursion tickets now sold. Tha ' cut wss decided -upon late yesterday after noon at a conference between C a Fee, passenger traffic manager of the South ern Pacific; A. It. Craig, general passen r of that). R. at N.: P. CStohr, aa- alsUnf trsfflo director of tha Harriman lines; A. D. Charltonr-aaelsUnt general naaaenger ' agent of the Northern ' Pa cific, and other officiate. They aay the railroad companies are oeterminea 10 bring .the people of the Pacific north west to the exposition, now that tha harvest is over and conditions are right for local travel. ' -. ' - y ; V - v The railroad men aay they will at tempt to make the laat . month- of the exposition one Of the" largest .in point of- attendance. The reduction- in the rate was entirely voluntary by tha rail roads, and unexpected by the exposition management It is cordially apprsciatsq by the public and the exposition people. WARRANTS WILL'BE - !f 7"' TAKEN FOR DEBTS The ordinance passed at the special meeting of the- council weanesaay. which nrovlded that the cUy treasurer shall accept warrants Issued by the city on account of tha fUla In South Port land for any asaessmsnt for street Im provement which may ne maae agamsi tha holder at their face value, will be atgned by Mayor Lane. Yeaterday ha approved the ordinance and returned It to-tha -auditor, but recalled 1t later in the day on tha ground that the city treasurer would be held personally lia ble If be accepted the warrants and any of tha assessmenta were not coiiecieo. This-morning City--Attorney McNary, who- drafted tha ordinance; O. L. Miller, deputy city treasurer; Mayor Lane ana Thnnu flnm of the - executive board held a conference-on the matter and" it w a SdecTaea inn sgrffer f would not be held responsible for1 any loss wnicn migni result, wmcn i un likely. Mayor Lane will return the er- dlnance with hla approval. The ordinance waa drafted by city Attorney . McNary, who desired to col lect the assessments on the - fllla - la South Portland without a auit in the courts. Tha contractors who made tha fills bad -turned over a large amount ef their warrants to Several of the largest property ownersttn the assessed district for material uaed fn construct ing the fills.- Tha property owners de sired to pay-their assessments by re turning the warrants in their possession at their face value to the city treaa urer. They declared they . would not take tho matter of the assessment into the courts if allowed to paywhat they owed in warrants. The ordinance granted them thla privilege. -. '. r AIRSHIP'S FLIGHT BEATS -ALL PREVIOUS RECORDS There are four polnta wherein . the flight of tha airship City of Portland at the Lewis and Clark exposition today eclipeed all previous efforts on record. according to Mr. Baldwin. ' They are: Diatance traveled wnue unaer perieci control, 11 miles . Length of time in air, under control, 13 minutes. i Dlrlglbtllty the variety of directions traveled, with and against -wind and returning to within 20 feet of starting point. Kase with which the ship waa raised snd lowered at will fit, aeronaut, from 100 to 1,000 feet. ' The ship practically ran on a fixed route and schedule. It waa given. out officially that at a certain hour the air ship would paaa over the Ou- R. A N. company's shops In Lower Alblna, and promptly on tho-minute'. It appeared above tp,, hope,,, , SAYS' PAVEMENT WAS , NOT IRRIGATED ENOUGH 1 The report ' published was-done In " the repairing of tha east appspach of theBurnslde atreet bridge was declared to be- false by County Cdmmlasloner Llghtner tots - morning. Mr. Llghtner made a thorough Inspec tion of the bridge, and he said that the only place where he could find any loose blocks in the psvementwas at an angle Of thv bridge near the east span. The , loosening, he says, wss caused by the failure of the city, to sprinkle the bridge properly. -. ' . "The blocks were properly Is Id." said Mr. Llghtner, "and we did our pari but tha city failed to do its part In tha way of sprinkling. Every pert of the bridge haa been- sprinkled for the laat 11 years, but this year this one spot haa been missed. -' Ths blocks warped Rnd became loose, but .things ' would have, been different If the sprinkling cart had been freely used." . . ." Free Peaches at Fair. : There will be a free distribution -of peaches at the Benton county booth -of the exposition in tne Agricultural build ing .tomorrow morning, beginning "at 0 o'clock. It Is expected that at least 50 bushels will be given swsy. Next week 200 bushele of peunes .will - be da tributed. , . .-.' " - Foreign visitors at Fair. " Louis Marka of Pretoria, South Africa, and Alex Blades of London, are In Port land te aea the exposition..- ' Bodily psln loses Ms terror If you've a bottle of lr. i nomaa- aiciectne oil in the house. ' Instant relief In eases of burns, cute, sprains, accidents of any : -. i ' i 018 WMm SHORTAGE Exprt. Rnd Umatilla Shriff s -r Offic Is Over Nine Thou sand Dollar Shy. CHIEF DEPUTY ACCUSED ! OF.TAWNG THE MONEY Pretend and Former, Officiala Im mediately, Make Goo4 the Amount .VVkhWai Sum . During1 Part Two Terma. ; (Special Olassteh to Tee Jesrsatl v , Pendlston, Or.. Aug. JB-Experta ex amining the booka of the sherlfXa of fice of Umatilla county flnlahed their work" and made their report to the county court thie morning. The total shortage was found to be 0l-. di vided between the terms of William Blskeley, former sheriff, and T. D. Tay lor, present ahertft The BUkeley term shortage amounted to 15.681.11, and the Taylor shortage, $t,47l.7f. , . This does not Include the $12,000 turned over by Taylor ahortly after tha commencement of ;tha. inveatlgatlon. which ahould have been, turned in the month before. Tha oum was for taxes collected this year, which. It Is claimed, were not turned over because the rolls had not been balanced. '! Upon' receiving notice of the amounts due under respective admlniatratlona ex Sherlff BUkley and Sheriff Taylor gave checks, for t he 1 various sums to tha county treasurer; " ', ; " Blame for the shortage Is placed upon C P. Davie, who was chief deputy dur Ing both terms. The shortagea were caused by the withdrawal of. small sums from time to time. ' Davla Is in Portland and It is under stood that, an action will be begun against him at one. ,, ; ' ' "'' JUDGES CLASH OVER LEASE :F0H moo;i George and Sears Issue Injunc tions Which Are Not. in ;:i ' , Harmony. - '.:.,.t Owlns- to a clash of authority between Circuit Judge Melvln G. Oeorge and Circuit. Judgs Alfred F. Seara, Jr., ton fusion exists in the police court over the suit of Mrs. Anna Learning-to oust Louur T rummer from tha saloon prem ises located on Fifth near - Morrison street. - It is said that Judge Seara la sued an . inunction over the head of Judge Oeorge, who- had assumed Juris diction of tha case, and that-, in conse quence ..Judge 1 Oeorge hal refused to envthlnc further, to do with the affair so far. as the police -court la eon- earned. i,- The . result Is that by a curious com- bliiatlen si slunrastsnnas TndgBI amrrnn mmm. aatooned from hearing the. case -.artv hut heard ths matter today and took tha cape under adviaement de spite - the Injunction Issued by Judge Seara. - ' -1 .' T rummer sought an injunction in me circuit court to prevents J4rs, -Leemlng from ejecting him from . tha saloon. Judge Oeorge Issued .',the Injunction, but made -tha provision, understood by all paxtiea concerned, that tha order was not to intenere witn any . suns m forcible entry and detainer prougni.ia: the " Justice court v- Accordingly Attor- neg Q leas on filed a suit before Judge Cameron, as Justice ateia waa i rum mer's counsel. A demurrer waa argued laat Monday and a reply filed n tne clrcitit 'court the same day.: ' The forcible entry ana aeuiner sun waa to have been heard yeaterday. It waa atopped by order of Judge Sears. In injunction proceedings. Judge Oeorge refused to have anything further to do with it on account of Judge Seara' in terference. ' " ' .. '" Later, It la said. Judge Seara Issued sn order that bla Injunction waa not to be considered by the contending par ties. This Attorney Idleman denied, ASTORIA'S YOUNG GUARDS GIVE FAREWELL PARADE . la khaki uniform, campaign hats and leggtags, and carrying. Sprlngflelds in veteran . style, - Astoria a Juvenile . mili tary ' strength paraded the streets of this city today. Captain L v. Mahon brought the company to a halt in front nt Tha Journal office lust before noon. and had tha command execute the man ual of arms, several foot movements, and then marched away with the regatta colors flying at the head jof the col umn.: . ', : .' .' '. .7. . i There are It members of the Astoria Boys' brigade, of which 41 were brought to the fair. They have been camping at the exposition grounds for a week, and ' will depart for .home ' tomorrow. They have-had a huge time, as every thing haa "been opened - to them, and they have bad frequent marches for rec reation- and - entertainment ol-speeta- tors. . . - ... - '-l ; c NEW MASONIC-TEMPLlT : DEDICATED AT SPOKANE ; j '. - ' ' 'Special tHspateh te The 'Journal.) " Spokane, Aug- !5. With the most fa vorable 'weather conditions prevailing the new Masonic temple here waa yes. terday afternoon dedicated In the pres. enca of one of the largest throngs ever gathered In Spokane, .-. --.- t , DR.A. D. M'KENZIE ' - : DIES OF TUBERCULOSIS Dr. A. D. . itcKensle, li years of age. died thie morning at St. Vincent's hos pital of tuberculosis. ' He bad been 111 for five montha. He la survived by a brother who resides In this city. . He wss born in Scotland, moved to this country at an early are. studied1 and began the practice of medicine in Port, land In llSil, and achieved a high post-, tlon in tils profession. He was as Blatant surgeon for the Oregon Railroad Navigation company Announcsment of the funeral will be made later. .-. kOae Kale U Mela.' "'.:7 Police Judge Cameron this afternoon fined th balled, of Miss Frances Hals, srrested on a wire from Los Angelee, where she Is 'charged with embeullng 14,000. - Detective Frank Snow seonred a fugitive from Justice warrant sgalnst the woman In the police court this af taraassX 'f '.--"'-"- --, - '"-"'.-"t ('"- i....-.iiL;:.Jij,ii-ij vt v,. ;, .. ..... Seattle Cchooner. North . Sefzed T- fcy Dominion i Cruiser li De- clxred Pirate. ft VECCEL WAS CAPTURED - OUT OF CANADIAN SEAS Judge ' Declaraii - That Ship ,Waa .Poaching and That . SeUnrt; Wat Illegal athalrgdit of th Kestrel W Continuous. 1' .:i 7 ,V .'. ; -. .. --,t .-1 (Special DUpate to The JearssLI, t. -7 Victoria, B. " C, Aug. -25. Hon. Jus tice Martin today delivered Judgment In the ase of ths Seattle r schooner Uut mmim-A k th.' nmlnloa fisheries cruiser in Quataino sound on July 8 laat. Hla lordship ordered the confiscation of tbe vessel, her cargo, ooata ana um;i -utai -.ntnrl a mile and a half or three quarters outside of the three-mile limit, and ii nu that tha selsure waa toereiore iiiesat. U ynmUnm Uertln Antandd that the pursuit was' continuous, notwtthstand- u- .k. w v..m .tnniuJ Iti tha Chase to pick up doriea. Tha case , waa like that of . a policeman purulng a. crim inal who stopped to pick up the lattefa plunder. .-' . .--.. - "1 ' ' Tha judge aiae aiinoeo ,o me rum atmhini ta uarrh " a vessel sus pected of carrying contraband. There. lore, ne ruiea,. tne question oi juneuic tion ahould not prevent tha veaael'a ar rest under the circumstances. - ;'" , ' . .' NEW JUVENILE MAN FOR BELASCO.THEATRE i The Belascn stock company will have a jiew juvenile man after the produc tion of "Alice In Old Vlncennea" next week. He la Fred Sumner, who arrived yeaterday from New York,' .where he was In Mary Mannerlng's company. Mr. Sumner aucceeds Morgan Wallace, Who haa accepted an engagement ' In the east.;- - - J .-. -" ' Curiously enough. "Mr. Sumner's open ing bUl will be a Mary Mannerintg play, "Harriet's Honeymoon. He ia a hand some chap and , a splendid ; reputation precedea blm. . ..... . . ' I UNCLE SAM REFUSES TO , CARRYTHE POSTAL CARDS t. ; V'V t ' 1 " ""' 1 "--'r :.l .Whether postal cards that appear to be Improper or suggestive, may- be sent through the malls is a mstter which baa been taken up for inveatlgatlon by the United States postal Inspectors, A num ber of cards manufactured In Portland and offered for sale by local dealers were considered suggestive. In tha Inveatlgatlon the "postal in spectors are assisted'- by7 Assistant United Statea District Attorney Banks. CLERICALS ELECT NEW V COSTA RICA EXECUTIVE . ttoarsel Special service. I "' . Washington. ,D. C Aue 18. -Advices from Costa. Rica report that tne presi dential election resulted In the euo cess of Dr. Panfllo J. Valverde, csndi date of the Clerical-party. - The election waa attended with serious disturbances and bloodshed and trouble Is feared as a result of the Clericala' success. ' The government la now la the bands of the Liberals. . ' , .;(' . - ' .,; ) JAPANESE CONFERENCE ; " I I OVER PEACE MEETING ' .::i7," i. ' :, ''': -'-.".,';.-" IJoaraal Speelal Servfee.!' Tnkio. Ant. sc. A long conference la being held thla afternoon- between Premier- Katsura, secretary-general . of China of the foreign orricev-ancnnarquis Ito. It Is declared tnet, tne conierence will have a. bearing upon the- Ports mouth conference. . . '. i " ; BANNER YIELD OF WHEAT FROM SILVERT0N COUNTRY VV'.- V - , . V, I (Special Dispatch to Tbe learaal.) v SUverton. Or.. Aug. 2S Hon.- C. D. Hartman of Scotta Mllla reports a wheat yield In that vicinity which will prob ably be regarded the banner yield tor Oregon. From It hi - acres of land Me threshed 1.110 bushels of wheat ... , . i i .. . u -... -. AIRSHIP RACE PLANNED H -t IN NEW YORK CITY New Tork, Aug. 21. Leo Stavena of the Baldwin Airship company and Roy Knabenabeu have arranged a race over this city - to take, place within three weeks. .. - ......; -. , , j - 7 !; ' ' a V HI - rr i - : ;7.77-7-. :: I Y'i-:J 7 -! li..'j!i ; . : . L. Federal Grand Jjry ,Cxpct4 to 'f Drinj In a Tru ClII Th! r . Aftarnoon. l' ,". ;v KATE E.; PARSCEft AND 1 ' :.7 J. F. WATTO TESTIFY On Their Evidence It Is Said the In dictment Will Be Found It Is Said to Ba for Land ' Frauds at T0 lamook. v-.i-- The'flrat1 lndlotment by the' present federal grand Jury will probably be re turned lata thla afternoon. - The utmost secrecy- 1 maintained as 'to the Iden tity of the accused person or . pereona, la known that tha erlme charged ia fraudulent traneactlona In - govsrn-el meift . lands altuated In the Tillamook region.'.' - -: .-.--..-- ., ' ' Two ' Witnesses, .Kate u.. Parker 01 thla 'city and John F. Watta, a lawyer, also of Portland, were before the grand Jury this morning. . Their teetimony forme a principal part of the, evidence on which the expected indiotment will be'based. .--', ' - ' The crime charged : was - sommiiteo very, nearly three years, ago. and. the statute or limitations nacr atmos run. For this reason the case waa .taken up thla mornlna. althoush the grand -Jury had not concluded1 the consideration of evidence against W. N. Jones, Thaddeue S. Potter and othere, Implicated in lano transactions in the Stleta reserve. That matter will again engage the attention of the grand Jury as boob aa the Tilla mook case te ended.: Next week the grand Jury will begin Its. inveatlgatlon of. the operations of Congressman Wllliamaon, Dr. Van Clea ner and Marion R. Blgga, yin . Crook county timber lands, ? ' 1 77." , SALr:d:i pack lasger thah : THAT OF LAST YEHS': Flblng Saon End:Xornorr'ow V.-i and Flsur Show Good 7 incrsas. .f i - V'..V ; ' ) 'V-77.' ' lapsciai mapates is sa eoaraat. pack approximates 100,000 full eaaea or 4t,ooe cases' or pouna cans ana nan nnnnrf nana Vlaures comnlled lata thla afternoon ' ahow the-.full case pack to na aa follows: Cooneratlve. 14.009: Tal- lant Grant, 11.000; Sanborn Cutting, 11,- 000; Columbia River Packerav associa tion flve canneries), 110,000; A. Booth, 10,000; Mr-Go wan-Chinook, 1S.000: PU i dav in nae. UmIm. l.aoe; Altoona. 1,000; Seaborg. l.OOO.Warren-Cathlamet, 11.000; Warren,. Cascaaea,-i,eee; ic Gowan, Cascades,' ,000; SeufertT The Dalles. H.O0O; total, 101.000. ... i Tha cold atoras-a outDUt Is fully 0,000 lUices of ehelee fish, .. ulvslsnt ,tn 110,000 full cases' of salmon. - -This 4a an Increase over last year's pack . of 1 one J err-as. Sixteen hundred tons of steelheada. have been jf rosea tor ship ment. The figures for the ( pack are tuiaarf nn four doxen one-pound cans to the esse. The actual number of cases -f packed U aboflt 41t.poo. - Laat , year's I pack was 100.000 fuU eaaea. v UNARMED HE PUTS TWO ; 7 ROBBERS TO FLIGHT Mr g',;.,:? 'Attempting to bold up Beth Crall, condnetor on a large automobile used for slght-semg purposes, Thursday, two highwayman found they had caught a Tartar. The affair waa reported . laat evenlna ta Police Captain Moore. - ' Crall live at U North Eleventh street and waa on hla way home when tha hnld-nn occurred. It was about 10 o'clock, when ho reached tha corner of Ninth and Hoyt streets and waa atopped bv tha two men, One highwayman, who held ' a club, raised it threateningly and eteod di rectly In Crall' s path, while th other started te edge around behind him. -Throw up your hands," commanded the highwayman with th bludgeon. A glanoe ahowed Crall that neither robber had a revolver. He made a motion es if to raise his hands. Instead of doing so, he Jumped forward and dealt tha man in hla path a heavy blow on the Jaw, ataggoring him. Then he turned and struck at the other robber end tbe man who held tha club. While they were struggling, th ether robber, who had received the blow, ad vanced to th fray, but -waa unable te assist bis companion on account of the darkness.- Finally ths robber tore loos from Crall's hold and ran, as did the man who held ten club. ' The r .automobile .conductor , waa slightly bruised during the . struggle but suffered no material injury, The 'trus- Ualt'Tonic rich blood - - maJnng properties is It is made up of 14.60 per cent of nutritious. Malt - v extract and is a perfect ' digestant non-intoxi-.. . 77 eating delicious tastine. c convalescents. , ' - - - '. Sold by aU. druggists and 7 7. 7r.'"V;'7 v-' '-'7 7 U7.-. -7 " ; -A . x ' rYeparadby AnneuxeT-Cusch Hre St. Loeria. U.S. TT Contracts!-. r.:;rt fist Dla Ctrct Imprevtr -tj h th f I : Futur,.Cij a t;.i f.:-t?or, ; 1 ' V WILL GIVE VVCnX HI3 ; , -.-". PERSONAL ATTENTIOii Many Important Thoroughfares Ard ' 1 lmpaauDie Aitnougn Material for Their Repair Has Been : on' th s Oround fflr Number of Months. ,i . Mayor Lane today decided to begin ' vigorous movement by the city , off 1m elala who are under hla direction to com- 7 pel the more expeditious completion of contracta. i ) 7' .-:.' '- "... An -Instance of the ' delay -that has characterised the work la found in Eaat -Twelfth atreet. .which from v Ankeny atreet north . haa been . covered wltlt . crushed ' rock .' for ' several blocka ' alnc . June 1. with nothing further done to . ward finishing tha work.. Tha portion of th street upon which the .crushed . rock waa placed has been virtually !m passable for. ordinary vehicles for aU .. moat. three montha. , ',. . - . . '. j Other ' streets, those that are to b Improved' from ' tha street repair fun t and others' that were let to contractors have been- permitted to remain In a ' similar condition- for long perloda to the ; great Inconvenience Pi Ibe. people living adjacent thereto. ; . I will take up th matter at once," . said Mayor Lana. "and expedite the come : pletlon of the work." , , This waa hla answer- te t numerous complaints jthat had been -reglatored bt the residents along tha streets referred to. ' The . complaints Induced htm to travel over tne city ana learn tne con dlthmav -i ' s.S- '-, i ' -' -'- ' i ' ; Twenty-third atreet leading to the ex poaltlon Is one of the highways that have, been uncompleted tor the most f th timey since ths exposition began, crushed- rock having been placed . for almost a mile at the northern end of that atreet .s ''."., j.; , JAMES B. SINNOTT - DIES IN HOSPITAL ?.'V.;:- , , ii; 7: ' (.' Jamas Basil Slnnott, a well-known at-.'7; torney ef thla city, died at 5:16 o'clock. .J., thla morning at. St' Vlncent'a hospital. , Death wa4 due to a complication of die- J eases. - - . - - r -,sv -...-'' Ha had been ill for A'yearTir more and waa removed to the hospital four '. day ago. - lis waa a graduate or St Mary's college in Ban Francisco and . had practlceU In this city for several " years. . He was born in Portland, where; he had many friends and achieved an enviable reputation, r. , - r --: ' .Ha la aurvived by a, father-, and ' mother, who are In Europe; two broth , ers, who are In Alaska, and a alater, the wife of John T. McDonnell, at the Arm of McAUen aV McDonnelL Hie parents - have not been notified of hla death for fear of the reault - -' - , . -.. He waa is yaara or age ana moat ox lila life was spent lie Peitlandi Faiieial services will be held. at 1 o'clock Suny day afternoon at tbe church of th Im maculate Heart of Mary, Williams avc; nueand Stanton atreet - Interment wlH be at St Mary'a cemetery. - - ; iE-ADMITS RUSSIA: 'A & . " mi i wiimiuk. i iiwii i , .',. (Jearsal Soeelal Berries.l i 4 - Portsmouth. Aug. IS, Witt i . said . thla afternoon that n naa not received any definite tnstruc- , e e tlons from, St- Petersburg, but e- admitted there la a probability ,e that. Russia would modify hsr position I en tha question of, re-'; 4 2. imburelng ; Japan. ' ',;;; j . '7 - e UTAH MEN DISCHARGED . FOR GOOD OF SERVICE , ', i ii i j. .-, ' '.. t -:.. S Jearsal Ssadal Servte."'! '' v-: ' 'Salt 'Lake, Aug. II. AO a reault of, internal dissension in the First battery, -field artillery. National Guard of Utah, general "orders Wars today laaued - by the adjutant-general discharging 1S en listed men for the good of the service and tor violating the twenty-second article of war. The resignations of two officers were forced for the same re son, ,' V- ' -'.'.' .'-.'-' Vj .f - - 1 ' v . . sera Valla Pros Sttdewmlk. .;, f A horse belonging to the .' Holman Transfer company fell from an elevated sidewalk at the foot of Oak street today and was suspended In the air for 10 mlnutea by the harness, which finally broke and the entmal felt into the mre below. , It wae uninjured.. . l j ia tissuef orndng, J The ideal tonic for ;f:'.fV grocers.--feK ) t .' v:'-,--? . . V ' ' '. - : C. wind Ai"n ' A. r:-'.-. ...v.'- wm 11. rr- , ..... :-v.,.