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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1905)
( 5TC..Z CICCI5 ATO P. ' VISITOES'ARE UT.CZD TO ENJOY EVERY PRIVI LEGE OF THIS CRE.VT STORE TO THE UTMOST. O' 'I ' . - ' " '' '' ' ' ' ' ,Cn Third. Floor. - ; -: ':".") Corse and tro with u on t!;a toothsome dillcxcii cur damcr-itratcr trrve FREE on Third Floor, ncir ths t?' elsvators youH cure fiU in lovwith tie delicious "KOSETTIS WAFERS' the this modern Eve ii cochins with the aid of the new "Rosette Waf3e :,.' . . Irons." 1 to p. m. daily. ' !' .' ' BONNET'S BLACK AND COLORED SILKS GUARANTEED "EOND"' TAFFETAS AND SUITING3 IN- ALL COLORS. V SOLE SELLING AGENTS FOR PORTLAND; J Of Asbestos Sad Irons Today on Third Floor.--Housewives Are ..;,-". Especially Invited to Attend. r ;. WATCHES CLEANED AND WARRANTED ONE YEAR FOR 75c NEW MAINSPRINGS FOR 75c. ALL OTHER REPAIR ING ON JEWELRY AT PROPORTIONATE PRICES FIRST ' - FLOOR, NEAR LARGE ELEVATORS.; ; V ' " ; -HIT;. THE BARGAIN TRAIL TOMORROW Jfae::&?es& Shoe ai3 Em mm we WeeCi -V" ' Sixth Street Annex First Floor Along Ye "Fair-Way " ; Big savings in the - family shoe buying.' Eveiy.'member. of ,the family may participate and 'every shoe-buyer should-anticipate his footwear wants bale ends Saturday at 6 p. rn. - :' X i'" M TIN'S tS Efl SHnES VAR 2a5.K ( Men's Soloes, in velour calf, vid kid, the new and dressy patent colt and tan Russian calf, in many different styles and both high and v kw- cut Tall, are our $3.50 value. Special during this saje : - -.: at-theair .r. . . . w ." . . . . .'. . ? .... v v ' ' ' . fai - MEN'S $3 AND $3.50 SH0ES FOR $U9. 4 About 110 pairs-of Men's Shoes, in severaljdigf rent styles and dif- ferent kjinds of leather; our regular $3 and $3.50 shoes. - ' :':. . ruisolaved on Tabids .i.f rv-. A: ShocjsSfor Women SENSATIONAL VALUES., - -s' .A . . . . WOMEN'S $2.50 TO $4 HALF SHOES AND SLIPPERS 4 v-- 'r. FOR $1.19." r ' - tv -'.r:::: A'-btg- lot -of -Womeiv's-Halt Shoe and Slippers,-in a . number- of t styles. All displayed on one table" for convenience in celling; values in the lot from $2.50 uo to S4. Better buy several pairs If vorsl2eserel.TGfelTe8Tvalues ever"6tferermntort- land at, the pair; ;Viv. ' T, ; ." ..;...,. ;.f 1.10 L mm mm No, dear child, this man is not telling a funny story. It Is an argument. An argument, as you know, is merely a collision of opinions. See the man with his finger up? Well, he is pointing the way to make money Not Do you see the point? Yes, you do, not. This man did bus!- ness once after dark. That's why he can't setf it now it's gone after dark, and still chasing Once he was a pros perous business man, but that was some years ago. " He is a stubborn old fellow and couldn't get on to new tangled mmmmwm 'In rtAr.V..ninir YT f ill Vn Inim mnn.u It tlta " If 2 ' ' S : sock for fear some one' would steal the bankv He wouldn't ST'J " . .. risk a new idea on the same haymow with him, but If you go out to the race track tomorrow with him you will see him pick Laura B a 60 tol shot, and risk a 10 bill to see F.her win; Wait till the race is over and he may ask you to ' walk down ther track with him to see what delayed Laura B. If you try "to comfort him he will inquire what you are "buttin in" for Just now he is advising folk 4oflo their shopping at night, because they can. see so-much better after dark and have more time the nights are so much longer than, the days on this end. He isn't in business any more himself, but there is some more of him that are on the other corners 'round town. Bimeby they'll be telling how to do it, not too. It's such a habit, ; And, by the way -speaking of ' ''' ' .-,-:..Vv -:-V'-V-V;.'-., MAIBOT: A story is told of an English school teacher who offered a prixe to the boy who should write the best composition in five minutes on "Howto Overcome Habit,, At the expira tion of five minutes the1 compositions were read." The prixe went to a lad of nine years. : Following is his essay J - 4 -. "Well, if ; habit is hard to overcome. If yotf Ulte off the . first letterif does not change 'abit. If you take off another still you have a bit left. If you take off still another the whole of 'it remains. : If you take off another, it is not wholly Used up; all of which goes to show if you want tof v ' ,v- li - ' get rid of a nabit you must tnrow on auogemer. -Ifyou've been in the habit of shopping Saturday nights, why not start tomorrow and 'throw it off altogether?" Start In time to finish shopping by daylight get that habit and nflt .Whmm vnu An vour Saturday buyirur. do it before 6 p. m. If any of, the neura m nnWi.h ttvfev interMta vou. we shall aooreclate a response in' person tomorrow,. : but remember, that with all first class stores, we dose when tb5e day la done at 6 p. ARE NEVER OPEN EVENINGS. This Is "THE"DIFFERENT STORE." J -m. WE SPLENDID SATURDAY: SPECIALS, IN THE v.. . . m ' i .-- at,-' vomen s ana Lnuarens H6sief;Aisles;.: First Floor; Mr Wk? ml t&m msL ifs w ff e& Ie ( CHILDREN'S BLACK COT TON HOSE 10c v Children's Black Cotton Hose seamless,' double knee elastic. Special at, the pair. . . . . . .1 0 CHILDREN'S BLACK LISLE HOSE IBeV ; ldren's Black Lisle Finished f - Hose, fine nhhed. dreiuv. Sne- cial at, the pair. . . . . . . . .Ilvf CHILDREN'S 25c HOSE 17c x Children's fine imoorted Maco Cotton Hose, finished .foot, double knee, neel and toe. fine ribbed: regular value 25c. Special, the pair. . & . . .; . . . , t f.i . , . .17 CHILDREN'S IMPORTED COTTON HOSE, s - J - Children's Imported"Maco" Cotton, Hosefine ribbed, double knee, heel and toe, white double sole . .. ' , - ' i Regular 30c value. , Special, the paif....;.i;,.;...15 1 Regular 32c and 35c values., . Special, the pair..,...,.17': Reeular 37c and.40c values Soecial. the nair... 10 Regular 43c and 45c Values."- Special, the pair. , , ,. ;;,21 . Keguiar owe yaiue." special, tne pair,..v..:i'..-i;.v;.Zo 1 Zrh, INFANTS' 25c' HOSE' lfcTv - Infants'; Mercerized Lace , Lisle Hose, seamless, black, blue,', pink, .cardinal and white ;jregular value 25c. j Special, the pair. . . . .16 BOYS' 25c HOSE 18c. Boys' Black Cotton Hose, finished foot, extra strong, 2x2 fibbed t t"--' ym ...................... .JL7. r iy---r -women's iat-HcisTon"-"r;,r"".r Women's Black Cotton Hose, seamless, double sole ; regular value ?r' uc pn j ,xvf7 Women's Black Cotton Hose, fine ribbed, seamless ; regular' value OKi 4lt nil',' . i- - .' . , v - a . : V WrtMPM'S S5i HOSE 5r ' : ' -- - ' Women's .Black "Maco" Cotton Hose, finished foot, white, double sole ; regular alue -3oc. bpecial, the pair. .... , . . . ,22 Women's BlacA Cotton Hose, embroidered boots, large assortment to select from ; regular value ooc bpecial, tne pair. ..... .-, ,23 1 . '; WOMEN'S $5c LISLE HOSE 25c V x' Women's. Black , Lace Lisle Hose,' regular value 35c. : Extra spe cial, the pair ..... ....... . v. .... ........... I , ,ZS f SPECIAL ATTRACTION IN The Art Stitchsry Shop V Second Floor Annex. 40c CUSHION COVERS 25c. " Tapestry Cushion Covers, in fany oriental stripes, with tassel at . -e.t. ' m. m r - . each corner, an reaay 10 sup onio pwiow , our vc vaiuc. ope ' cial tomorrow each .... . . ... . . . . . ... .. . . . ; . . I ...... . . .2S PRODIGIOUS VALUES WILL EFFECT QUICK, P02ITI CLOSURES OF SUMMEI1 STOCKS IN THE Hosiery AiGlesRretTFIacr - Saturday Eargains iA. the Women's Krii . UnderweaV Aisle, y , i, , WOMEiirS 20c VESTS 12c Women's White Cotton .Vests, low neck, sleeveless ; regular value20c. 1 - Special, each ...... , . . , . . ..M2 WOMEN'S COc UNION SUITS i5c. .. Women's White Lisle Union- Suits, 'sleeve less; knee ienetn: regular value ooc. ' Special, the suit ....... . . . . ; . . .SSe) WOMEN"S $L2J UNION SUITS 7Sc 4 Women's White ' Mercerized Lisle Mesh Union Suits, sleeveless, knee length; reg-' ; ula'r value $1.25. . Special, the r - suit . ... i : ; i: . . . . . ; . . , . . . .7C Children's White Cotton Vests and PantJ Vests with long sleeves. ' Pants knee lenjtl.x v Regular 15 yalue. Special, each..lC ' "Regular 20c value. Special, each..lC Recrular 25c value. Special, each. .ICi Women's and " Misses' ',. Bathing Suits. : Special to close . rar;VvT;;ivivV.n.;;..i..HALF PRICE . i . i " yjri m t womnieini The fixings you need twlay for tomorrow's wear por from the cor nucopia, of dainty "frills and fixin's" prepared by the Women's Furnishing Shops, First Ftoor.- . y : , ; li'XV $1 SILK MESH GLOVES 79c. .,"-'';.';.; ".' . Ladies' Silk', Mesh Gloves, stylish and serviceable, in gray, black and white; our $1 value. Special tomorrow, the pair 70e Corset Govr Embroicries J . Edgings and Insertions Embroidery " Counter, First Floor. S CORSET COVER EMBROIDERIES FOR 25c A lot of Cambric and Nainsook Corset Cover Embroideries, in many gooa patterns ana iuu wiatn ; regular values to buc. bpecial- tomorrow the yard ......... 23 12c TO 17c EMBROIDERIES FOR 9c i Cambric and Nainsook Embroideries and Insertions. " widths to 6 . Jnches ; bur12c to 17c values. Special tomorrow, the'yard iW f)$ 25c TO 40c EMBROIDERIES FOR 15c ; Nainsook and Cambric Embroideries and Insertions, 4 to 1 i inches ; wide, pretty patterns and our 25c, 35c and 40c value Special tomorrow, the yard. ... r, . I . '. ", . . . .15 1 Womeii's Smartly Tailored $35uiter--p iiii : - GRAND SALONS SECOND FLOOR. ? Largest and Foremost Suit and Wrap Establishment West of Chicago : p, HandsomelSuits! tThere'are about-75 of them, and the price is so. much less than half, because they are in the way of ' new arrivals. The values run easily;up to $35 and the selling price. for, these. two day is just $10 a Suit. The materials are varied enough to please every taste. Every late and, favored; style and material is included, in every wanted coloring; and ' stylish; mixture." Plain tailored and triptmed effects -Jacket, Eton and Bolero styles. Splendid 'for fall .wear' or for now. Splendid values u& to $35. In - this matchless sale, for tomorrow only, at a choice ' for : . ; . ;v: . v. .... : . . . . $10.00 14 REALLY MARVELOUS BARGAINS! CHILDREN'S COATS REDUCED A HALF ! easpnablenpncHtlTecrft Description for 25C ; - Fine Lace Trimmed Lawn Chemisettes and Black' Taffeta Collars and Bows, worth 50c to $1. Special at, each. ; . . . ... : . ,25 Washable Cotton Stocks, with front tab lace trimmed; our 50c '" value. Special at, each . . . . . . . . '. . . ; ... ... ..U .... , . . . I . , 25 Washable Cotton Stocks, embroidered with English eyelet work and lac trimmed; our 50c value. Special at, each, ....... .25 Ladies' Fine Cotton, Dotted Wash Stocks, with front tab; our 60c value. Special at, each . . ..'. v . . . . . i , . . , .25 Ladies' Fine Embroidered Stocks, trimmed with Valenciennes ' . lace; our 75c value.: Special 'at,' each;., i '.;25 Ladies' Fine Wash Stocks, with long front piece ; our j5c value. Special at, each .25 Ye shaireffect a drastic reduction of. the stocks by:' deliberately f chopping off a half of 'the J price. 'A' Latest styles, coverts, serges, homespuns and mannish mixed goods, in tans, blues, Areds, grays,, checks and mixtures; regular values to $16.50. Choose as you may for Satur r , day they, re (,'.. .......k..e ....,.. ...... HALF PRICE CLfliniirifliniQj (Umbipellas for Wear IN SUN OR RAIN WE USHER IN f HE NEW SEASON WITH AN EXCEPTIONAL SALE 6F PLAIDED v f v .First Floor Near Large Elevators. pH:'rP rp''-.-:-"r 'A. j Here's njost opportune time to pick ust the umbrella you'll want from ' now on. Equally useful as a sunshade or to protect the gown from the rude shafts of Jupiter P. Our buyer,' just returned from New York, took advantage of one of those fortunate trade chances which come but seldom, especially at the beginning of a season, to secure, the end of a manufacturer's line of swell 'new umbrellas, in a pattern so taking that it was the 'first one sold. The fashion World seems to have gone "plaid mad." A fad of the smart dressers this season will be to "wear" an umbrella to match their gown' of plaid.; We have provided liberally in a regular way to supply the demand sure to ' come later on.'.' But tomorrow's opportunity is an exceptional one as we shall offer a lot of these stunning new plaid "bumber-shobts" worth $5 at a choice V7 for', ....... .............. "i. ..... $2.08 jM r'' ' -"'V h. v k v axiaa, avv ttviiivii nuv vuiuv v uiuuiuM vuuiiici ty Mil's a w vv 'will offer these handsome plaid taffetas, in iacauard weaves CSuoolee's best make V with interlocking, tight. rolling, paragon frames and double reinforced joints Very smart natural wood sticks, the coverings made with wide selvidge borders to insure best .wear. The 'most beautiful convention of plaids your mind, can imagine, every "clan represented. ' 13 est o values m ine cuy. rot ine aay ai a gnuitc jur , , . , . . ,q.uo Surprising Values in New NOVELTY . PLAIDS. FANCY SILKS AND BLACK TAF- FETAS AT AMAZING REDUCTIONS.: The woman's world has gone "plaid mad", this season. . Every clan is represented 'in the beautiful showings, and we have selected a leading line 'as '. feature, of,: ;V : 'v v-;V ', . ."-,- yCpSJ:pyA MONSTERrSILk!'SALE;.V ;:;A,'::; ; That every silk want may be filled and eveiy silk buyer interested, we've also included a line of new fancy Suit Silks and a lot of new, staple Black Taffetas. Silk buyers should throng here tomor rowas bees 'round a rosebud. ; Silk Store Fifth Street Annex First Floor.. ' . '..'.;.j,'''i:-::' NewFaTTPliid Silks, in all the newest color combinaUonaltty durable fabric for suits and . waists-; $l-regular value. " Spe cial for Friday and Saturday only, yard.......... ....... ...-.r70 New Fall 19-inch All Pure Silk Colored Taffetas, in all colors; no .inahe--cityiat-85c- per. yard. :Special -f or,.Friday -. v and Saturday, yard -. . . . . . . : iv'. . .j.-. v.'. ... 1. ... . 69 New "Fall " 21-irichBrack'"fi ; give .satisfactory wear; regular $1 value. ; Special for Friday and Saturday on ly, yard ...... . . . ...... ....,....... 7f x dress goods specials in fall suitings. ; :"r .; : Colored Dress Goods Special for Tomorrow. New Fall Mixed Suitings, in all wool and linen warp fabrics, es pecially good - for children's school wear, etc.; regular , 50c value. ' Special ,for Saturday only, yard. ... , ........... . . .. Alt New Patent Lea itherPc Colonial and Broad Brim Sailors Late Arrivals From New Ycr: r for Immediate Wear at Astonishing Reductions. j '"; -i V,' MILLINERY, SALONS-SECOND FLOOR. ' These new Hats, trimmed with gros grain ribbon bow st side -d bound in same. Stunning hats for ladies and misses for ': NOW; values up to $2.49. Tomorrow. ..' r Childrcn'a 50c end SI Szilcra itT AT Straw Sailors, to-be closed at a slaughter sale price f These, hats are attractively trimmed in silk ribbon, streamers in all the wanted colors; values from 50c to For tomorrow choice for. '..,.....'-" .'5