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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1905)
:::i::3, aucu t; . . . - l . :d y XL. r ...... UeRw. tlx r V1g ..Toe Ua-I IU I -a . I-T.... , hir -... Orasd .. f TU Stace at tl A V. - Buserrlber ef Tka J 00 reel was aV w7 far a week or lone-er M) un , tee paps alopped si ntMtwl ' aad eat U ujr address b eil at . toe regular rats. a4 eollectloa mitt b. ' Blade oe 07 regular carrier altar roiera to tba cttr. euwot at Loom Beach aa4 Beealde, woeee-lbe Joeraal haa a ro sier carrier dellverr. Otla Rk-e of WaahlnfluB, kaa charga at The Iburnal oa Lod Beeck aad Lewis Ca. ( Seaside bare charge a( Tba Joareal aa See.lde ar CLtooo beach. DaliTsry will be s4e at tbaat twe potato at resalar eaberrlptloa rates. Olra -four rhanca or eddrose ta roar cantor ar Pbooa Mala euo and prompt atteatloa will ba flraa ,all. orders. - .'i ,Th if Sunday excursion to the Cai- '. eade Locks and return on the fastest of all tba Willamette and Columbia river steamera, tba Charles R. Spencer, etart Ing front tha foot of, Washington atreet . a. to. and raturnlna- about o. m affords one of tha saost delightful . teamboat ridaa In tha world. There la na other trip on earth anahrlned In eo ..much grandeur and wealth of a canary. Tba ateamer paaaaa through a constant- panorama or mountalna and glens, cata raota and canyoua, hill and dale, mighty forests and rolllna pralrlea. flahwheela In operation and tba wonderful Cascade ' locka, built at an expense of. 14.000.009 and II years' constant effort. Touriata - come thousands of miles to view the ' 1 entrancing beauties of the Columbia Between Portland and the locka. ei peclally Multnomah falls, ISO feet, and all this matohleaa beauty may be aeen 1 ' Sunday at an expense of $1. Excellent .. meals served on board. 10 cents. ' v ' .'' George . Morton. ' funeral passenger 'agent of the Missouri. Kansas Texas . railway at St Ixrais. and W. O. Crush, - general passenger agent of they same company's Texas lines, are, visiting the t Uli and Clark fair. They, a re ..on a Varonam Grand... hiim..,,.,.,, V; toun of Paolflo northwest :cftlea and ' speak enthusiastically of what they have 'learned by personal Inspection of the - Ore so n country. They aay the travel from tha aouthwest to the fair haa far exceeded all expectations of railway men and that tha people on the way home .artve siowina; accounts of Oreejon and tha Lewis and Clark, exposition. rffh Clty-Metbencer- aV Delivery eom , , pany wUL slva permanent. amploysaent , . to boys between 14 and I years of (ft, , or older. The work a easy, healthy and pleasant v Delivery of telerrama, let .tars and small packaajea are tha only duties resulted, steady, earnest and , Intelligent boys can earn from I0 to , Its per, month. Clgaretta smoking, pro ' .fanlty or rowdyism not permitted. From 20 to JO such boys -wanted at once. , ; Apply at main office, to Sixth street or (r, at. Postal , Telegraph office, 121 Third ' lt'h naiil.1i nlirnxl, !' AlKlna.' IW ' Larsen and Miss Anna Petersen were united in tha holy bonds of matrimony- -by the Rev. O. 3rtlL After the eere ;'; mony the party went to the home of H. vor Melncke. manager of tha Conserva tive 1.1 fe Insurance company of thla ' jrlty, where a pleasant and Jovtml supper t ' had been arranged and where tha couple 7iM tne wisnes or an Tor aTTiappy and -proaperouaro-voyagey--vV- " Jane-Brewatar will be at tha Portland. I T Toom" rtt, ' only a ' few- days longer. t ladles desiring to avail themselves of : ' the opportunity in having tha laoa front , ; corset which.- when properly adjusted, - gfvas eymmetry. ease and elegance' to I the figure; ahould call between the hours of t a.- m. and I p. m. Prices within - tha reach "of every one. ' , X;r;'i, i ' Marshall Bros, cement contractors and ' ' dealers, have sued Goldle Bros, and the Oregon Kallroad a Navigation company 'for. I9T1, alleged to be tha unpaid bal 1 ' a oca for cement' furnished -the Ooldles and uaed In tha construction of a trans fer table pit for tha O. R." N. Co. la Its Alblna yards. -t ,";''.' ( The Danish Brotherhood of America .will hold Ha monthly social Ssturday, Augua't II, st I p. m.. at "Willamette hall, 170 H Second street All Danes cordially Invited - to become acquainted with the order and Ita alma. Oood imualc, dancthg and refreshments. Ad mission I cents. Ladies free. - - Aegust- t-See Puget aound-AuguKt .xs nva aaya- outing., Seattle. Tacoma. Beuingham. Vancouver. British Col urn - ( lv-etc,, aboard ocean stesraers. AH expenses. III. Tl. August If and IL Information and tickets, 141 Washing ten street Phone Msln III. : . ' Sightseers Don't overlook tha 100 mile, trolley trip for 1 on the O. VT. P. A Ry. company, with two hours' atop at Katacada for lunch. Beautiful scenery; cool - and comfortable. Trains leave :' First and Alder atreeta daily. . ' axcent Sunday, at 1:40 a. m.; return 4 p. m. v .. - , - - - i I, i ,. ; " , ; , . In ' the ' Washington . building.' Lewis and Clark . exposition, ... tonight, the - "Washington family,'.' composed of ex hibitors and attendants In the structure. will mt. for., another of .Ju iTiot. old times." Music, singing and dancing will be the order of the eveping, , . " " Dfigntfuf"Troiley Trip, SundayOn O. W. P. to Oregon City. Canemah park and Willamette, fall. ISO round ' trip. . Dancing afternoon and evening.' Motor cars with trailers leave First and Alder streets on the odd hour and every 40 " minutes, . : - ... ti John. M. Davis has begun ault for - divorce agalnat Klla Davis on' ' the ground of desertion, beginning In April. J 04. v They were" married In Spokane on May I, 1101, and have no children. County Clerk Field,' who presided as ' Wialrmen' of the convention of count -' 11 1 ill s Kciscr Stocks 'i i Htwctt, Critdlay O Co. ' S4i Wathlngton Strmm't ' i SBAS SaAgtt TSXaTKx, ' , Haafth Cf.lcsr MaUon Dttar . mlntd, to Trail th Cerm r of Summer Discatst. .: will In vest i6ate IN 'if ; A SCIENTIFIC MANNER Experiments' Begun; Ar . tBelng Watched With Interest and Pby ' ilcuno Believe That They Will Re nault in Much Benefit to the City. :. Dr. Ray Matson. city health officer, has taken up the study of health condi tions In Portland from . a sclentlflo standpoint; in, ait. "effort, to arrive at the cause of the cholera ' Infantum and other summer diseases prevalent here, and also to trace tha cause of typhoid fever oases reported within, . the paat two weeks. ' ' . :','. Dr. Matson ' wilt analyse the . water and foods used In an attempt to locate the disease, germs, Sevejsal of hla ex periments are being wafched with great Intereet by physicians- of ' the city. Mayor Lane has promised Dr. Matson all possible assistance In tha work; - Many typhoid, fever cases have been reported within the last three ' weeks, but they are Isolated and none, seems to be localised. . ,- r . -v The moat prevalent disease this sum mer la vcholera Infantum, from which It deaths have' reaulked in tha, past three wvva.- physicians are' treating soma cases of a serious nature. The 'health officer haa issued orders to residents In the vicinity of tha slough In the" 'burned district that they must deposit no more garbage of any sort in the water.--" . v , ;.. .. clerks, recorder and udltogs last Oc tober, haa received a letter from J. X Slegmund, - recorder of Marlon county and secretary of the - convention, In which he saya there is a general desire of theofflclale to meet again In Part land during tha fair. The convention adjourned to meet soma- time this year, but the date waa not selected.- Mr. Selgmund , believes the officials would prefer to meet during the fair rather than at a later -date.' To obtain a full expression' of opinion on - the. "subject he states that be will write to au the county officiate in the state, so that Mr. Fields .may select tha time for the A.. B. Heusner was ' arrested on a charge . of Insanity, preferred by - his brother. Dr. H. T. Heusner. thla morn ing, and was, examined before, County Judge Webater i and Dr. R. C Tenney. Heusner came out from Indiana recently to visit his brother and to ace the Lewis and Clark fair. Since his arrival here he baa been acting strangely, and he haa been, found walking on the atreeta at unseemly hours. He does not seem to have any mental malady further Jthan temporary aberration, and the court and Dr. Tannyeolded Mo take 'Tils 'cai under edvleement until they could con' suit with Dr. "Heusaer. A party of 10 o lOv people occupying two 'special tourist cars will leave Des Moines about. Beptember 1 for Oregon. to Inspect.: irrigation and. government lands- with a View to- making locations here. They are under the direction of the B. F.- Looa company. They - will make atops at various points and take aide "trips, Including a tour of Inapeo tlon of the Bend country and the Des chutes Irrigation company. ' The quarterly conference of the Lat ter Day Saints will begin In Aaa 400, Alisky building. ' Third and - Morrison streets,, on Sunday at 10 o'clock. Apos tles John Henry 8ralth. C W. Penrose snd. other prominent members of the Mormon church will speak. Forty elders from the entire mission will be In at tendance. N. : Pratt, president of the North western .states mission, will pre side at the conference. ; , Sunday Outings-on the O. W. P.i To uresnsm. ztc; to isstacada and upper . lacxamas river points, toe round trip, mnner at Hotel Katacada, lc. . Cars leave First and Alder atreeta, 7:10, 1:10, :so, i:o, s:tw. :4f, T:li. - .v. ...... - jr.'- - y - ' - Tourlsta. as well aa city peoota. flnan daily embarraaaed, will find the Port land Loan Office. T4 Third street' the aafsst ana moat reliable place to trans act their business. Rates reasonable. .. i" : i - . i . . :- , Eight o'clock eharp. Concert by the Norwegian singers will be given at Festival Hall. August 17 at I o'clock. Doors open 7:10 p. m. . f .We clean and press your clothes snd shine your shoes Sot 11.00 per monR:. Unloue -Tailoring Co., 147 Washington. Main 114. ' . .. ' Rabbi M. N. A. Cohen of Sacramento. California, wilt preach at Temple Beth Iaraet at I o clock tonight on "Ambi tion." i -t ; , , . :; . Any .Vetches cleaned. 11.00: .main spring, 11.00; all work guaranteed one year. Metsger it Co 111 Sixth atreet Dancing. Lewis - and Clark "pavilion. every evening, '--Twenty-seventh 1 and Thurman, . Turner's Orcheatra. ' . Window leterlng-J-up-to-date - styles Foster 4k Kletaer, phone Ex. 46. , -f Frltrs tamales are tha best . ' A Ciiaranteo r That all who Uke the . ride up the Willamette fiver- win reel more than repaid, and If yon have never had this pleasure we urge you to make It. The round trip only costs 41 cent a. giving you the choice to return by electric car. Boata leave foot of Taylor atreet every week day at I and 11:10 a. m.. and 1:10 p. m. Sundays, 1:10. 1:10 and 11:10 a. m.J 1:10 and 1:10 p. m. , 'V; I. To the rtouwif. : '. There 'are many who are In doubt where to buy their groceries and pro visions.: The Journsl is making a spe cial feature on Fridays of the leading grocers and provision stores. By con sulting this mai-ket page It will enable the buyar to save money, at the. same time 'get tba Pest there Is In the mar ktc . y. ... An Unprecedented Sale : Of fine Matured California sweet wines, consisting atJ'ort. Sherry, Angelica and Muecat for i cents per gallon; haa been extended until Saturday evening, August t(, 1t0t. D. Hermann. , tha family ltqnor dealer, til Morrison r , : rr . "T Fi'.!3 - --a , - - .'' - Notzd , Clr.z- l . From " Coast . v Pclnts ani tho East Will i i:-..D Heard Sunday. ?,"', Tha "Norsk' Sangarfest- will be tha feature of . Interest at the exposition next 8undsy. Singers from the entire Pacific coast will ba the guests of the local singing society and will make up iha chorus of 190 male voices.- The Madame Ragna Linne. local organisation, . of which J. O. Berg la president la making - arrangementa for elaborate entertainment of the visitors - for the three days they are here and Monday evening a banquet will be given them. ' Madame Ragna Llnne of Chicago wui be thf soprano soloist ' Madame Llnne was born in Chrlatiania. Norway, and haa studied with some of the great masters of Europe,' Recently she haa been filling concert engagementa In Chi cago. Olaf Udness of Belllngham, Washington, will- be , the' solo basso. On of .the notable figures will be Pro fessor Carlo A. Speratl of Iowa, who Ja considered one 'of the great musical di rectors of America.-. A. special train will arrive this even ing from the sound cities, bringing members of th ooast assoctatloil from Seattle,- Taooma, r Billardt . . Parkland, SUvana Snd Everett Tomorrow' morn ing a large - delegation will- arrive by boat from Aatorla and aome time tomor row the Ban Franclaco delegation will arrive.-. - The concert will be given at the Audi torium. Sunday night . ' ; i GOOD 11EII VMIHED ID THE POLICE DEPAROIIl Applicants Are Few for Positions, -eqtrwerrtCairorr7f ----pertetBeinga.- J Applicants for positions as patrolmen on the police force are scarce and mem bers of the municipal civil service, com mission are wondering If thsy will have a sufficient number of successful candl dates after the examination on Septem ber It to fill the vacancies.; There la no dearth of men who would like to make application for positions,' but many are barred because they do not DU.t&e re- aulramenta. : , A man muat be a citlien of the United States, able to read- and write, and must have resided In-the city at leaat one year preceding the filing of his appli catlont He must also be perfectly sound physically. No man under f. feet Inches-and 150 pounds weight or over f feet 4 Inches or III pounds weight la accepted. ' The athletic teat and phy leal examination will be severe. The applicant must be able to run-100 yards In It seconds. The written examina tion consists of copying from plain copy, simple problems in arithmetic and questions showing applicant's knowledge of the streets and large bualness blocks. A large number f -successful candl dates - will be placed on . the force aa aoon as the examinations are over and the list of ellglblee Is certified to the chief -of police. -' Very few hppllcstlons for positions ss stenographic-. clerks have been filed. Examinations for this class of city em ployes will be held lster in September, Tha examlnatlona for st&kera-on the flreboat wliK be bald September 1, and will be similar to those for firemen, ex cepting that the athletic ' teat ' will , be eliminated. . .. BENTON COUNTY WILL ' GIVE PEACHES TO ALL This Is "peach week" at the Benton county" exhibit af the Lewie and Clark fair, and the booth Is decora ted and filled almost entirely with , the . fruit which" has beerr artistically arranged "by 8. K. Trask. . On Mondsy visitors will b presented with some of 'the luscious fruit : .- . As soon lis the. peaches . are given -kway, prunes will fill the booth, and after a lew oayr oispiay, rnese will also be put Into sacks , and given . to all comers; not. "in small samples. i This Idea la believed to be new jwlth Benton tfunty. and will no doubt prove an at- traction. at na'... . . - ; ', . Ohio Society of Oregon. tmi. . 111 L . I of this society until Beptember ZZ. - - -. DR: BYRON E. M1LX.ER. Bee. FEATURES OF THE FAIR Administration : Restaurant Tke anjfialar. Jilaee af the Fair GrmtBita.' Rot Bat orUn raaibis from VM to SOe awl up. rar Umwb aet Snlrtng a la carte the MMpiMil has tnaaerurated a Popular 50c Dinner Service, rnMne and frr'lifcif rinrt-claaa. rrtree reaanaahle. Tjll'r'a lartla an4 rjlnm Teaa aA-Md. Dne't fnrawt tha tnratteo ftnrt tvataaraat a the left epia entering the VrmimWk. free oaa af tele- Cmne, waah and tMlel reaew, Na latut allng liqenra anld. iM. iii US), m;o ::,e it. Musicians. From the. Faradjse of the Pacifio the Sensation - ; at the Fair. " STORMS OF APPLAUSE; . GREET THEIR NUMBERS Royal Hawaiian Are a Braaa Band, Orcheatra, Mandolin and . Guitar Club, a Choir and Minstrel Show AO in One and All Good. - " ' V ." By Race Whitney. Talk about versatility! Th mn.t mnurluhU orarantaatloa In the world. In that respect, must be the Royal Hawaiian band,' which began an engagement of three weeks at the Lewis and Clark exposition yeaterday after noon before hundred wno naa not nere tofore found Intereet In mueta at the fair. .; , - '-- :- ' -' Here at last Is a . feature . quaint, unique and startling always - fascinat ing and sometimes thrilling. . There Is genuine holiday enjoyment In the per formance of -these natlvea. -and If the division of ' works is not compelled to place more seats In front of the grand stand before the engagement Is over I will rates my guess sadly, while Colonel Dosch lays he will eat Oakar Huber's straw hat. No folding chalra ' for theml These duaky Islanders stand while playing, like buglers on the campus at retreat In front of them, en a pedestal well merited, stands H. Berger of the baton. He's a funny little man. with a white cap pulled down half waybver his ears. Ha. la a bunch of enthualaam. ' When be wants a climax he tlpa up on hla toes to his full height, which Isn't much, then graaps a handful of coat tails and hauls himself down, . Berger wss sent for by a king snd discovered, by jan emperor an emperor of permany. ' ' Barge AooompUaaea Wonders. The press agent aald so, adding with precise detail that when the king of the Hawaiian - Islands took It Into his head td have a civilised band he requeated the kaiser to send him a leader such a leader aa might train a band of natives. So - Berger wss . shipped to the tslanda from Berlin, or thereabouts, aad began his task. Tha etory la not improbable, but whether true or untrue, the fact re malna that Berger, ' has : accomplished wonders with his material. ' - It was not suspected that the expo sition.. -when It made the contract, was hiring a brass band, an orcheatra. . a mandolin and guitar club, a choir and a minstrel show aU In. one. Tet this has happened. - They actually - got to singing coon songs In Hawaiian yester day and they Bang vigorously enough' to attract the attention of the Trail. tOO yards awsy. The . first ' - program : opened with - a Sousa' march, then ' grew ambitloua. "Poet and Peasant was rendered very acceptably. ' Suddenly half of tha musi cians dropped their instruments and In place - of the ' braaa there appeared a string orchestra and a chubby, smiling tittle woman whom - they call Madame Nana Alapaf.. soprano. ... She sang two native solus, while the glee club aw the choruses. It waa patent at this moment that the Hawaiian, band wis a distinct hit. - wople Saw Zfei "-Crowds flocked to the grandatand and stood around in the broiling sun with that smile which comes" with a new de light. Madame Alapal's voice la norm mellow ' than powerful less trained than natural. --' She sang a trifle nerv ously at fleaa, bub was called back re peatedly. She will ba enjoyed moat for the sweetness or the native melodies. The other great feature of the band Is the glee club, whose .- menroers - play stringed Instruments while they sing. A perfect storm of applause greeted the rollicking rag-time numbers led by a robust baritone whose name did not ap pear on the program, and for an encore they gave one of the Incomparable folk songs of their native heath. It waa as beautifuf a melody aa . man wanta ' to hear. The concert demonstrated to my way of thinking why the reserved seat eon cession at the bandstand has not paid. People can hear a braaa band any day but ' they - cannot hear music like' this more than onoe In a lifetime. - - . i l - i .n PROGRAMS FOR CONCERTS r; ; AT FAIR SATURDAY The ' Royal Hawaiian band, the sen sation of tha fair; plays the following concerts tomorrow " at the ' main band stand : . Afternoon Overture, ' . "Queen of Spades" (Suppe) 1 vocal, (a) "Nuuanu rWaipuo." (b) - "Ka . MakanL" Iadam Nane Alapali Introduction, "Lohengrin" (Wagner); vocal, (a) "Ulu Huawalle." (bL "Keanu A hla hi." Royal Hawaiian Olee club; selection, "Bohemian Girl" (Balfe); vocal, (a) "Wal Punalau," (b) Tua Waihlne. O Manoa," Madam Nane Alapai; waits. -"Vienna Blood" (Strauaa); vocal. a ) tc Atoha,-(b) "Poina Oie," Royal Hawaiian Glee club; march, "Pe d ro" ( Berger I ,.r- - - v- - vocal, (a) ntapuina." b) "Walanuenue," Madam Nane Alapai; Intermesso, True Love" (Kretschmer)j vocal, (a) "Kala maku.' (b) "CM Hoi Ha," Royal Ha lls n Glee' club; selection, "Musical Review" Reviere)r vocal, (a) "Aloha No Win," (b) "Moanl.Ka Ala.", Madam Nane Alapai: waits, . VVlanna . Poreet'. Strauaa); vocal, (a) "lupu Kanl Oe," (b) ' "Hoeueu," Royal' Hawaiian Olee club; march, Thouaand Steamers" (Ber ger).. ' " De Capri s Administration band will be baaed ae-ffollows: - Morning March. "Coronation" (Mey erbeer): overture, "William Tell" Roa- slni); Intermesso, .Talla" (Dellbea); selection, "Fortune Teller" (Herbert); waits. "Roses ' From the South" (Strauss): fantasia, "Carman" (Blset); dsnce, "African" (Herman); - march. "The Happy Hayseed" (Rolfe). , Afternoon Overture; "Rlensi" (Wsg- ner); "Funeral March of ar Marionette" (Oounodl waits. "Dante In Paradlae" (De Capflo); fantasia, "Tankee Doodle" (Reeves); paraphraae, "Annie Laurie" (Beoneti); baritone aolo, "Salute Polka" (Llberatl).. Slg. De Caprlo; aelectlon. Maid Marlon" (De Koven)' march. "Admlnlstra tlon"'. (De Caprlo) . Mllwaukis Country Club. - eastern and Seattle races. Take Sell. wood and Oregon City cars at First and Aldsr. - . ,. ... - r. -When in 8attl . Oo to the Rathskeller, a high-class place to est.' Sea foods, eastern meats, large orcheatra dally.- a ' . Froerred Stock Ceased Ooods. , Allen Lewis' Best Brand, . - THE FOLLOWINO LETTER IS ONE OF MANT THAT WE RE CEIYB FROM1 THOSE WHOXSB' OUR PIANOS AND PRONOtTNCB " THEM ALLj-RIOHTj---, :- .- ;rV -r-rr;r i ; : - . , ' ? '171-111 Wabash Ave., Chicago., ug. IT, 1105. ': ;' Allen A Gilbert Rsmakar (Jo..1 Portland. Oregon: .' , . ' ' : '.' ', ":lDear 8lra: T Pertnlt me to express ,to you In behalf or the Na, tlopal Summer School of Mualo, recently In annual session at Grace ' : .M. K. church. Portland, the appreciation of the body of . muaiplana . ! ..' In attendance of the Everett Grand pianoforte ' supplied by your ',, house.' .- ' - . ..,-.-'"' -v " ' . :i : -'.-; ,' ... . ,: ' In tone; quality and, power this Instrument gave complete satis- . - faction. . The thanks of the members of the National Summer School ; '. ' gee herewith extended. Very truly rours, - j i v . ' ?r-. i , ;'-' - .'.'.-'';;:' '.; '--',..''. -f; .V'ADA M FLEMING "'.f.-' r"-'r- -' Manager National Summer School, . StraioM, Legilim&te THAT IS THE ELEVATION OF JOHN - DELLAR'S BUSINESS Carrying reliable merchandlee and . makea prices very reasonable. At 6 resent we are closing out ROKEN LOTS of . tlEN'S AND DOYS'.SUITS Hats, Pants, Shirts and Under wear; also a general Una of Shoes and Oxfords, at one half prioe. . Do not miss this great - oppor tunity, aa It will not last -long. Our' Fall new gooda are also ready for Inspection.. -' JOHN DELLAR We Eca Two Stores: a cse1 Cor. First ssd XtsZ tzi Cse Cor. Third, tzi Davis. The schoal aeaiuilaan ' - Aa elaswatary. aehoet. with frisasry mnair - . . An aesdrmr proper, which .atsac?. aaatara snar westers neges.r A baardlna hall lor atria. Oflr. baurs at toe principals dnrlag the iroax w -a. to. - TO I M l PVa eataloaaa. atfdreaa rOKTLlNU lUUKai. Ttlf laasrk- aad Harrison.- PartlaaeV- Oets. AMUSJSJaUnrTaV TH E ST AR . . ctryy bias a co. ' .. OMBLOW eAJUfXTT ' THI MOTABTS -. - XaXAV0 . . wooDTHoart a wnxaas :'..'. - aor MoBBAr 77...-. : tux aTABoaaors . v . ' OBN1RAL AnatiaSIOlf. loo Rmlnra. Bbb- daya and Holldaya, raaarrad eeats oa lower nooc, sue. uauy Mauaeea, enure anrev naac, lue. Box esaia, jdc. - - LEWIS JtND CLJMKJOBSBRVJt . i,.- TORT JtMD CJtFK . roaxLajrp BxiaaTS. Take Fortlaae Balgkts ear aad get art al Bawtkarna Tarraee, see black freei sat naa. Ma ellsiblne. Klactrla alarator. gae aaaeUfal effect ef aowcrrol eaarehllaiit iron lap ei tower, xoa saa eat a aaiaty Macs wsiie ncwiag im BMam SMcaineeM la Aaieriea. Opaa a. av aa a. st sioa IS caara. - WILL DRAIN SLOUGH ' V ON THE EAST SIDE Dr. Matson, city health officer, and W. Beutelapacher. the deputy, are In veatlgatlng conditions In the east side sloughs, especially In the burned district at Baat Oak atreet and Ora'nd avenue. The slough will be drained, and orders will be Issued to the Southern Pacific Railway company i and to tha Oregon Water Power and Railway company tq build culverts beneath their fills across the gulch which prevent the water from flowing Into the river and have backed It up so that It covers a Urge srea In the low district. - The water comes from springs In Hawthorne park. .. . . in . i ai i i i : Low Excursion Rates to the East On saleta August ,11; alao Septem ber t' t. t, 10. -I r snd ' Xtr the- Rock island railway wui sell round trip tick ets to eastern points at greatly reduced rates. ' For full particulars call on or addreaa A. K. McDonald, general agent lie Third street. Portland. Oregon. . ' ; Tavern Hospitality. ' Everybody feels st home at the Tavern. That Is one of its most de lightful features. All the most de licious dishes served In the finest grills are served. The prime specialty Is the celebrated Tavern crawfish. Opposite the oregontan building. - Mellla's Food Babies. ' ', The expreeslon of the face generally denotes the state of mind of the person and the expreeslon of the baby faces in the - meiiin s rood Exhibit st tha Lewis and Clark exposition shows the hsppy. contented ' state of mind and healthy, happy condition of the Mellln'a Food babtea. Don t fall to aee them. and guess on the boys snd girls. 1 1 1, i i , Special Ban ai atom Bates. ' : . Very low 10-day tickets east offered br O. R. A N. August.- SI, September 1, IT, the a R. aV N. sells fa-day spe cial excuralon tickets to eastern points: stopovers granted going and. returning. Pnrtloulare of C. W. Stinger, city ticket agent O. R. dt N Co., Third and Wash ington atreeta. Portland. ... Bxeorsloa Bates ta Bewporl. " The Southern Pad fie eompaoy baa placed en sale at all Portland offloea round trip tickets to Newport et rate of . limited to October 10. 10. and for . II Saturday to Monoay tickets. Ample hotel aecotnmoJatlona at reason able rates are provided- at thla Ppsar rasert. . - - ; - - Way... 11th ANNUAL K ILGATTA ASTORIA, OR. August 29, 30, 31 Prlnbesa Saeajawea (Mrs. George Malar) will rule on land ana sea and at numerous pow-wowa and war dancea. ' There will be free balloon, ascensions and parachute Jumps dally," - ,., ' .-" tTiO In prises to flsbermen who par ticipate In the races.; ',.-,.,. :'.,,'.'",..:.. ' 5 IMse teams Will Participate " :'-",; . . First dsy reception. ' Parade and land sports: afternoon of - seoond day ' and marine parade in evening. , lXecrcatloi. ?trk ' -24th tad Vtsha Sts, Portland vs. Los Angles -ABgnet SS, SS, ST, Admlaalon Children, loo. Reeerved seats on Bale at Ball Park office, X5o - each. Theatre rHraerJoa P. W. T. A 8S It, CL HaUlf, 0th Teelglit and - ; " Bargals-Prlee . Taaaorrow Mbt, . . kfatliMo Toowrrew'.. - At : e'Cloek "-AtM o'clock Tka World's Greatest Hypnotist, TaUad-Boailar, - Magmas aaa surtaiser. McEWEN: ' . . : rUN LAUOHTEB MCBIC. ,( ';' am TTBABXLni, Tka Qreateet Lady Corset Mayer.' rOPULAB PRICIS Matinee, entire soeea, as easai. - nigai. aaa tb easts. Beats era sow sailing Oar the entire weak. TKKATBS oak. Sosissisg Ifaaaay. Aagest St, mi nxDiU Kxeellest Bvppartlag Owapeay. -' - BXATx'g BXiraOV." Thar... Frl., Sat. Mat. aaa Nlrhf, "THB BAAgSTOBslXji,'' BVHN1NO PBKB8 Lower rioor, l.a fi; MATINE! t a'lCE Uawar rtoor.' tl. Vtc; sal eoo, TIVo. toejgalWry, Se. v. ,. aUTlM'I BUS TUMUKBUW. Belasco Theatre (rarsMrly ColesMa Taaatra) lu aad Waaa, T0BTBT, t :1a ALL WIZX, THE GIRL 023 AND! lltth Weak Balaaaa Steak Ooaraaay THE JUDGE . Bi Produotloa Matlaeos antarday aaa8juoar. "PDICPC'W'slit-BJe to te" r MVCJ Matinees 10e to OOe. Vest Week "Alias ef Old Ttaa BAKER T.he.atre i m Btifi xamnui .OBBOOlt THBATBS CO.. LKMBBS, OEO. IV BAKES, MANAGES. One Week, Starting Sunday Matinee, August ZZth Matinees Rim.. Wad., Thara. sad Sat. (No rwroraMBto Batoreay MlghLt nrticAi BtrautaQtra. - The Seeogniase Leaser ef Tbaat AU. & Fay Foster Co. EVERTTHWO BETOltD CnMPARimw. BBAl'Tiyl'L OIBI.S. OOROFO! g Kl'KNKT AMtl a .SATinMAI. . KOVk'I-iru PKirya Nishta. as, as. bo ar ra cants. Matlno.a. 18, . 8A aad 0 emta. Bale at Beats Opua grlear. Aa. B, lo a. m. THE ORAND KB. JOaXTR CSLLABAB I IDA BUI, IL ' . TKS TATLOB tT " '' THA AA.-,..vvI . niviiil. inuimnv in- m . - -. . : --' . - ..-.ii, nan dare and . Holldare, rearrred aeata oa lower fl4or. J. IwllJ matinees. aaUra lowot floor, 10c. Box aeata. 1. , . WXTI CP ESXDAT, APS, at "Ti:2 CZZ2 C? T..2 AlAl0n ''A T of the foe star State," see r loa 1 04 "T p01, rit." t!W.r.ta fcr a -.- f'-xmif. Boa. "1 t atlaa a-4 e-".a. rirat arou ut w lia Is 4M waat. BASEBALL V TIENUJIIE Gcr: VjTJ wire, hslf ( r pint) cfLjpzcitft F: ter lids, T Decor&tcc v. beautiful cmbcccc J 'r'j tore of ML ' Hood, ' oordle Falls and t noniah. Falls: ' A jm:: cjouvenir of Oregon. ;. I. worth $1.50-our v?zz price as lon as thsy 1 Tka Sfcxt Vkere Tsar CreCt h tzl ouirrmr;:- c: J2i WASzTaSra stzzzi In Nothing , . More Than in? ' the Buying, of ;Is : interest, practi-' r . dal experierice pa tience and kind cor- , sidefatlon on . uie -part-of faatosmaf appreciated .by the ' fclafsTolme tw And nothing so helps in". ff getting ' just wha ' suits the tastes and requirements. ' ., ' 9 184-8 FIRST STREET CLBAS THBOCQH THB BLOCK. - Ask Our Customers. ' Great Auctton of (Mn2:2 cz J t)OW Owing to being overstocked for the Fair " trade and the vary limited room In our store, wa con cluded to force our gooda at" auc tion sale, "ftie largest stock of thla kind In the .city, consisting of beautiful silverware, clolssonne. aatauma. new braaa ware, ebony .carved furnitures, smbreidered Ilk kimonos and fine decorated porcelain tea sets, etc Sale commences J: JO and 7:1 p. m. Continue retailing before or sftor auction; wholesale at ware- noaae. - ,v Andrew Kan Co. SSTBUtnisea SUeet, B , , Foturtk aad Fifth. How mix-It sre you earning- ee. h WeekT ! h" ten dllr Are you worth morer -Ild you ever think ef thatt Ion't m snr time, but er.ter our whool once tor a thorough couree r I cxmmerrlal tralnlns Oresg al.o- -hand 4t s easy, snd goot M. A. A I HI.V, rrln"' Tel Al t t J i 1 4 Furnitore COVELt u..- -r" - " - - ' .