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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1905)
t::z czcc:j daily, , jz:.z. rc..rL:.j , r 13 LICENSE JEOPARDY: JTYcprletor of the Tweed Saloon It Convicted of Keeping " , ' ' ' " Open ' After Hour.: . V 'may not be allowed - -: ; to sell uquor again (WW VWf Hanging Over Him, 1 ' Conduct PUc ia' Such Mann That ,JPolke; Swear Hia OroKery Wat Open After One This Morning V ,'y After declaring that "rank perjury: tad bn commltW by Tnoms. tOltnn. proprietor ot the notorloua Tu do saloon, while cm the wttaeaa n th police court thia morn ng. PJ Clty Attorney mtageral eel aa peoeecut him on a felony en McOUna wei convicted .and nned 15 by Judge Cameron fo keeping hla - lJo i durtag Ph'bwdJ,0,th.r 'the morning of August complaint charging -W with vlolaUng tordlnanc. by P-rmlttla .four men Un hi emloon at . oci?1nC . ,wa flled by Folic Captain Illy. ; Thia second charge we mad the 'ground tor rltrjolle ceneure f McOllnn ,by Mr. ritsgerald. who eeMrUd thet . promtee he mad a week ago to the city auditor that he .would observe the law twaa worth no more than the ."word ot any other persistent lawbreaker." That IteCHlna will lose bl lloenee '.aeem a certainty. In Tlew pi the action ' recently taken by the lltiuof license Committee ot the city counca ' He el- . .reedy fan aa Indlotment for permit ting a Roseburg girl under the agejrt "Ml year to become intoxicated la hie . saloon. ..'.:s....'1-'v',: ' V' "; ' McOllnn baa been arretted . several time for violating the 1 o'clock cloelng ordinance and on ' other charge. At ton time ha "shot up" hla own saloon . while Intoxicated in order to frighten V Chinese who was working for him. (an was arrested with Barney Lenlhaa Jot running up and down the street , flourishing a revolver.' He narrowly scaped arrest a short flm before the ' RceebuTg girl wea found la hla place because she was following htm around 'towa at J o'clock la th morning wear 'lag only, a klmona..- , '',i Damaging evidence against McOllnn " 'waa given by ' former Polio Judge Hogue, who. with Deputy XJIty Attorney FUagerald. elasbed freouently with At torney John F. Logan, counsel for Mo oiinn. McOllnn lost his head and used . insulting language and was reprimanded . by th court. ' --j-i..--.'.. Jnm Honit ' stated that after '1 ' ' o'clock one morning a friend expressed a etr for drink before going home. "'. "I took him to aha , Tux.eda.-eald ... . Judge Hogue. "because . I knew w would find it ouen." v . ': A few drinks were purchased and Mo , GUnn held the two men Inside because .he feared arrest, ae a policeman had -' km tttnttonoA In front of the Dlace. X- Patrolman Blnndi later roanaged"to" ' I enter and would at ve arreeted the pre- prletor had he M't- received Instruc ' tlnna from heed J rfera hot to do ao. Attorney Logs if tried hard te get t(Te . .witness to tell tiro Was hla friend, 'but , 'the court Interfered. Judg Hogue said that he was not Intoxicated and neither -vii his friend. Hla recollection on every point wasWlear and his language era ' . phatlo. . - ;; "'j,--..'. - ' ' MoOIInn awore positively that the two men were not allowed In the plaoe after . t'l o'clock with" his permission. He said the friend of th witness preceding him . ' wa Intoxicated and . refused to leave. - 'He also swore that It was a little before "1 o'clock when the witness1 was per . m It ted to enter his saloon. He failed to explain why. If this were true, he - . i said the mea .."forced their way in." . - - "If the lloenee committee means bust . 'nees this man'a permit to sell liquor ' . wlU be revoked," aald Judge Cameron. ' '! shall do my part by making the re port. He admitted bis own ruUL Mr. FlUgerald says says be has . Caused more trouble than anjt other saloon, -keeper In Portland." ; ! MONTANA SHEEP MEN V-V , MAKING BIG PROFITS .'." . tteerlil XMasatch te The' Xaaraal.1 . Helena, Mont . Aug. . , 15. former raited States Senator T. C. Power today .old to eastern lnveetors 11,00 head of '1-yeer-eld wether at $4.1 a bead. This 1 Ja by far the best price ever paid, for Jlhl grade ot stoca in tnis siaie. ; -Norman Holter " cleared . $11,000 ' . - through a sale of 1,00 head of sheep. He bought th animal last year . for - ? $6.00 and realised the purchase piioe : 1 from the sale of the wool. The sale of , -'the sheep In Chicago at It a head -netted a profit of 113.00 on the deal. lira fide ;stii;i . ll HEEDED r '-. '' .'.', ' .1' ,' .: . .:v, -7v Chief Campbell Sayt . Company Should Be Placed at Third , -M-and CHan. . f V -'v LARCE INTERESTS ARE . KNOW LEFT UNPROTECTED Lot Haa Been Donated and Apparttue Purchaaed but ;Funda Were Not Available This Year for the Con struction of a Building. . ; ' r ! ;f i : ..v ? 4 Chief' Campbell of "the Are ""aepart- ment 1 of th opinion that th city should loee no time In erecting an en-glne-heuee and Installing a company at Third and GUsan streeta -Over- a year ago the property-owners In that lo cality donated a lot for the bulMIng and th city purchased an extra n rat class engine, hose wagon nd harness. but when the time came to erect the engine-house It waa found there were no available funds to build th bouse or to maintain th company. ' ' -' ' 1 ' Laat year when the budget or tne cuy expenses .wa made up it was xouna that the flr department, naa my eum- clent funds to provide , for running ex pense for 1I0S, and for th erection ei a engine-ho uae on the Macadam' road ia South Portland, to give protection against Are to the big manufacturing plant In that Vicinity. v r- -r- Recently the men wno .conmouiea funds with .which to purchase th let Auburn-Haired Woman With Money, Wanted in California on Serioca Charge, Saya Sh Is Victim of Man Whom 'She Jilted, 'V' I - for th nain-house at Third and OH aaa have been pressing their claim. Th entire district in the vicinity of the Union depot In practically without fire protection. It la ao far from th near est engine-house that a blase could gain considerable headway arter an alarm was turned In before th flr department would be on th scene. . ' . - Since the recent conflagration on the at aide th property-owners ere more anxious -than ever that the eriglne-houee should b built, bey-are' planning to end a committee before the exeoutlve board to ask relief. .-. . An engine-house will cost between $16,00 and $20,O. with all other equip' ment necessary.' Th coat Of maintain Ing th company would be considerable. Thia engine-house - should be built ht .once." sold Chief Campbell '. today. "The big- manufacturing district and wharves in th vicinity of th Union depoCtnake It neoessary that an engine company should-be Installed there. All the other companies are so" far away that It takes a long time before the firemen. can reach that locality afterkn alarm' la turned In.- An angina-house there would serve te prevent any great conflagration which might break out any time." , i , . SEVEN-YEAR-OLD BOY' r: KILLED BY BROTHER (BtHVUd Plaaalah U Ta 3 Helen, Mont., Aug. ' St Herbert Tewla. the 7-year-old son. of H. R. resident,: was shot and instantly killed by hla 11-year-old brother in an unex plained manner: during the absence of the parents In th city. The accident occurred while the (Children were play ing at the ranch h6ma , v The supposition 1 that th child at tempted to remove th gun 'from ' th wall and that It exploded, the charge penetratlng-th head Of Herbert. . Th parent upon returning bom at mid night were prostrated. DOOR OF laOPE LED TO DIHTV CELL aBiMpaaaxasaBcaBBBvaaajajB ". yy . ' . . . Blazing With Jewels and Wrath, Mjss Hale Is Taken From 4-W:'y Boat p lall. ' ; FOLLOWED FRQM LOS ANGELES TO THIS CITY 0 "' 1 HIGHWAYMAN ACCUSED OFTHEMIZE MURDER ' . ' Uoaraal Speelel Serrlce.l ' ' Chicago. Aug. !-Th police thia morning captured th. meaj whe robbed and shot at Mrs. M. ixiwenstein a few minutes before In the same manner In which Mrs. r. E. Mlse was murdered Tuesday evening. ' It Is kald that h answers the description of th Mis murderer. : He claimed to have been a deputy sheriff during the strike. ;- . aTTENBANCE AT FAIR : &i J- - UNTIL NOON TODAY The attendance at the exposl- ' tlon up to 11:10 o'clock this forenoon was t.m, a alight fall- Ing ' off. compared with yeeter- 4 day.-- The total admissions yes- 'terday wer J7.48, , .f, ., ,. ,-; , ;r lEPTEUBEiilKil 'Ml HtllUY 1 f"1'- MR8. WHARTON'S HOUSE OF MIRTH A brilliant article nnnnnPT Th Jtrtt intttllment of his pecotlsrlr UfMMllUr 1 fscinting Utters and DUrlax r"Dri Her Financial Proapccts. c-.rMN bT T F, Millard. . ; HI r'HTlIlflnii' The wonderful sad tafelr TMted L-JrL'filTUU,ir Roman ruins in Northern Africa, ' ; - " presentiar beautrful reproductions of ; Mr. . t ', J ; 'Z , Bmendort's remakable photot:rapha. i -j ' V : ' :tr, lowers of anhnauv etpeclallf of BIG GAMS. TnniFR-BT S.weU Ford, Arthat O I UliICO RtthL Margafst r Doane Gardiner.'' iv a ';;.r.r . , ' r.- ffM t ' An iosmtiair friew of the Mat atlnc's 'contents te a trSwtOoosof itiDCUjr: tratloiifcwtOt naflc4wfK)ri request. C" t i CZAI1LC3 CTT." ?3 SONS; New York v rhi women's ward of tha olty JaU Is aa irate, auburn-haired, woman who vows vengeance against th world, her enemy, and declares that sh will spend a fortune to show that sh ts not gunty of a crlm. but la th victim of Jealous persecution. Mis Frances tiara ia me nam sh bears; sh hall from th City Of Angels. " '"'.' :" V; ' ' 3. ln Voa Angeie mere is a ron w loved met I rejected -him, ror aia not love hm." she said. "He Is th oause of my troubles, and when I get out of this I'll whow him op- to me wmn, U costs m all my Jewels and all my money." ' " .: ' . . ' . Mlsa Hale flashes ner jeweis obmb- Utlously when talking. They are aald to be worth f 1.000. Sh had a large roil of bill when arrested, which Indignity happened to ber laat nlgne aa ana ii the ateamer Koanoke; Just In from San Francisco. She la wanted In Lo An gelea on the charge ot obtaining money h fmlae nratenaea. ' It 1 aald ah aav a benefit for the Door of Hop, an In stitution lor ine reiormauon women, to which clUsen Of Vou An geles contributed liberally, for It was promised thst th Poor would-receive 100, besides half the grose receipts. The benefit waa a great auoceaa, and a large- sum was realised. immediately after th performance Mia nut eaiu to bav disappeared. ' '' ' - She was .followed to nan rrancisco by .a Plnkerton detctlv. but eiuaeu him by embarking on tne noanoae aiivr It had left the dock. He followed her to Portland aUd-tat praseet laat night with Detective Bnoxllvf our deputy sheriff when th hlpockd At police headquarter -ahe created . seen by refusing to be locked up unless a warrant wa. produced. . There 'was no warrant and aha took advantage ox tha fact, i 8b announced that letMy could not ghow bar th order of arraet from Xxia Angeles or th warrant, all th officer on th fore could not de tain her. Finally sh wa forced Into th Jail and Is there today, awaiting order from .th: officer of Los An geles, i- -' ',. -:. - "1 am innocent, en vaiu, mt my all my agTeementa I did not promts th Door of Hop anything that i oia not .siv..---" : " ';-,! FIVE NEW CARRIERS FOR H -HM)aTUNlCT0Fia(eE 'rt antal Mtrrtca Washington. Aug. . . Five addl tlonat letterarrlers will - be '.appointed for Portland on October 1. ,A special examination1 will a held In Portland befor that date to provide an eligible list from which to select th earners) Theodora Rosenqulst and ' Henry B. Barstow are appointed letter-carriers at Vancouver and Edward Ia. Bugg subatl tute. to take effeot September U The following postmasters have been appointed for Oregon: Freewater, Uma tilla county. Jesse N. Baakett. vie John Vinson, resignee; i iwyssa, Mainour county. 8. D. Taylor, vice John Annie, removed; Pine, , Baker county, Bernard Btavener, vie. Frank Craig, re lgnd. , T,' .. i-; -i; .,. . 1 know nothing about th appoint' ment,' said Postmaster. Minto. , "except what I hav read In the papers. Be v era! months ago I applied for five addi tional letter-carrier and postal agents wer sent out here to look overth ter ritory. I hav not been notified of their appointment" : ., -;'.: M0SBY DECLARES .TRUTH OF BURTON ACCUSATIONS Oearsal Special Sarvlea.) '' '' : "; ' Washington, D. Cv Aug. J 6. Th de partment of th Interior denle th charges published against Senator Bur ton In which he la accused of .taking fees from Chlckasawa after becoming senator. . Special Agent Mosby of the department or . Justice, ' just returned from okianoma, is authority ror the statement that Burton . has. committed Irregularities by receiving fee aggre gating 114,099 ror services, and reiter ates bis charges. Moapy wa th. fa mous rebel guerilla leader during th civil .war. , v, . ;,y ,. :t. DEMONSTRATION AGAINST MOROCCO BY THE FRENCH KS (Journal Special Sarrlea.l "'h .Part. Aug. IS. Th. council of minis ters haa decided that a military demon stration will be made against Merooe nuleee th sultan promptly yield to th French , demand for th release of French Al gerian - eltlsen, who-wee- - nn- Justlflably arrested In a town on th Al gerian rronuer. ' A flnal demand will be made by th French minister at Fea and If refuaed th French legation will de part for Morocco and a military move ment will almultaneoualy begin along the frontier. Practically all th Euro peaa powers, including Germany, hav approved th propoaea ooura. -t . GERMANS TO COLONIZE ' SUGAR LAND IN MEXICO . . " Ieral Seeclal Servke.1 '' Los Angeles, , Aug. 15. Twanty-flv Oermen famllle leave her next week for Mexico, where a colony will be aa tabllshed between Tla Juan end En enaada. August Heck, th. father of th project, owns 1.100 acres of beet sugar land and will glvs five acres to aach houeelmlder. The Mexican govern' ment baa promised ; half of the necee sary fund to build 4 beet sugar factory and a handsome bounty on every pound of sugar. , BIG BEAR CAPTURED v v., IN SILVERT0N WOODS " aMajBBMBBgawaeaaMa ' -V , -".'.' 'laoseaU nssetett te The laanatt . ailMttnn. Or- AuC. II. Oeorge Morley and J. U Jack captured a bear naar this city yesterday morning which weighed too pounds. They pursued th El Only Seven Mora Days ncrjaln v-'.': - ;i for Tills Grant . Sale 5 Thets last seven days will b days of tsrLns. Ve have deter-j mined to dieposs -of the stock at very much reduced prices, so that we can have room for carpenters to work. Our stors has been much too small for us and we expect to, enlarfs It so tlart ws can handle our fast Increasing -business ': -' ',':' '..l-V.- come within the rmxr 7 day a if you ; want DARGAins in ciioes - ; ' Extra Special In Men I Vomen 's and Children 's High-Grade Shoe Men's Patent' Kid and Patent Colt Ox- Men's Good Dress.Shocs, for- (t , fords,.in Blpcher and lace strles, broad , ' mer price $2 now. ......... )i.tU -w oan,ric..iZ.4j: . S1.35 Men's Vici Kid and Kid Calf Oxfords, in : : 1 .. f ... -u. V-. Blucher- and-lace styles, - good, ;up-tr Men's- Shoes,, in., patenkid, rtnt ; col "date shoes. : Former prices M. A ff and patent ajalf, in lucher. and lace ; $a-and' $3.60 Nowi . , ... . V&AQ.- . styles, in broad and jjarrow toes, in . 1 higrh and low heels, strictly up-to-date. Men's Good. Working Shoes, with two Former prices $3, $3.25 and M if wles; lull rtock, water proof, 'C-' yij $3.80 : Now. . . ... I . .. . . . . Pi-t J ; at.i . ". 4 ' r. . i .....i..". . i i A teat ' ' '' ." " , -4 t-i . 1 Men's Vici Calf and . Box Calf Shoes, in Men's Extra' Fine" Press Shoes, in patent Blucher, and lace styles, broad and nar . kid, patent calf, patent colt, , vici iL: -row toes Former .price $2, (Jf Ag,' vici calf and -box calf, in Blucher and f $2.75 tnd $3. Now..... Olev lace1 styles, including a big lot of con- -J ; rr -gress gaiter shoes for people that take .Men's Fine Shoes, in vici kid, vici calf life easy, in low,- broaf heels-and ;mili - and box calf, strictly up-to-date toe; tary-heels in broad and narrow toes " and heels, in Blucher and lace styles. $3.80, $3".75 and $4 grades M QC v Former price$3 and $3.50. M now. a70 V .Now. k .... . " mV-iIU -'; ' . ' - 1 ' ' 1 t '-'" : J Boys' Good-Shoes, in box calf and satin ; Ualf. .Sues 8 to.-'.For-QO mer price $1.50. ; . Now .......... y U y Boys4; Good School Shoes, in box calf and ri satin' calfrSizel-llto. .Qf t(0 Former price $2. ' Now, . . . ; .'Dlai 7 BoysV Shoes, with extra heavy soles, in .box and satin calf. Former Q n A ' price $2.50. Now.4, .t. . .'. . . . . vl J Shoes for big girls and little girls, in vici, box calf aijd kangaroo .calf, in heavy ' sole with low heels. Sizes 5 to 8, 80; ; 8 to 11, 8; .11 to 2, gl.19: y to 6 $1.29 Women's Shoes, in vici and calf kid, good broad toe and low heel, ; f ; : $1.75 and $2 values.; Now;. J)IsVy Women's" Extra Quality Shoe,'. with giSbd - heavy' soles. Former 'price .CI - i $3. Now,v. eJ)IOy I f "T ban, military and low heels, broad and nar 2 row toes, patent and kid tips, hand " OQ sewed, Former price $3.50. Now." ty 1 Women's French Kid Shoes, strictly. up-to- date, extra fine; in high and loow heels, in V narrow and broad toes with patent tip. Good Rvalues at $3; $3.23, $3.50 and $f C7 4Q Xt. NOW. , ' ..' ', '" , ' .-.....,. ayaafa Women's Three-Strap Street and House San dalswith fine 'white kid Minings, :QQ Former price $1.50.' Now. ,V Oiy Women' Good Oxfords, in heavy and light soles, broad toes and low "'t :C1'2Q . at, iiT. V. , , - ' aawx Infant and Baby Shoes at nearly ONE HALF 1 pric: , lace styles, heavy; and light soles and nar- " row toes, strictly up-to-date, f Former price - $2.75, $3 and $3.50. t;'----;; -,"-.; ?() Noifj. i. .ii '. i ft ... . ' . .vwwx Women's Good Kid Oxfords y' ; at , . . :i . , ; vf , v, v. .. . v . . Sl.49 Good Congress Calf Shoes, in sires 4 to 8, with for hop picking.. It is near .timc'Save ;jrf6ney. , Worth $1.50. Now.. . ; . . 89c Women's Oxfords," in patent kid and patent ' . colt,, in i Blucher and lace ' style's injbroad, ' narrow and piccadilly :toe, in Cuban, mili tary and broad low heels, in plain toej and 'v good, values at $3, $3.50 and $4. C7 AQ BAR ONrSSHOmS TORE 232 MORRISON STRUCT; NEAR SECOND . ., . im-m , I, IVHY ; TlVO HALF-C aEEDS : riiff to piso;i Remnants of tha Brave Mollalas t Spent Their Wampum All ' :v ''"f or Red-Eya. V (Special Dapatcb s the losrsaLI . " '" Oregon City, Aug. .Harry Clark and Henry Yelkes, : remnant 01 . ne brav MolaUas, went to pick huekleber- rie In th lovely Arutt mounuins, rising by th clear headwater of to swift Molalla rlvr Ther thy found rlo huckleoerrle. tip ana iucious buckleberrle. growing In th Arqutt mountain on th wlft Molalla river. ana thcee twain theyr nir-Dreea t.iii.u. rilled their pall with huckl- h.,na. filled With rip an lueeioue berVlea. and they, brougni iwm w mi eitv, aellina them- among th people. For thee rlo and luscious oeme these two Henry got much . wampum. Then they purchaaed much firewater, purchaaed hot and biting, red-eye. then began to spread their war paint and to do th annual wsr tfanc. When their mirth grew much too bolat'roua. . the encountered a policeman, who conducted them to prlaon.. ' --' ; Harrv Clark andHnry yeiae. ram- nante of tha brav Molallas, Into court cam they this mrfrnlng; cm me before th big chief Bommer. came befor him pal and trembling, to receive the big chief sentence. Harry Clark h flatd tn dollar. Henry Telke bad no wam pum, but at hard and cruel labor, that two weary moon will take him, he win work out all hi aentence on tha nigh; wava of the city. . '". ' Up th-wlft MOiana river,, wner the aaale make their eyrie, in ine shady . Arquette." mountains, - many - tip and luscious berrtea now ar picked by other Indiana. .i-.i -. '.,'.. STEAMER AUSTRALIA IS f , SEIZED BY JAPANESE (leuraal SpacUl Sarvle. ' Waahincton. D. C. Aug. SI, Th state department ia Informed by th consul general at Yokohama that th steam ship Australia, owned by ui nprcsis Interest of Ban Francisco haa been seised by th Japan. N. reason I given and no detalla for th laur are given. ,' . . I". . - : Th Australia, 1,111 tone, waa ouui in Olaacow In lilt. She la I7 feet long, IT feet 1 beam and -II. T feet depth of hold. Sh haa been operated, on th San rranclaco-Auatrallaa run.' , . - . SONS 0F-HERMANN MEET : IN ANNUAL CONVENTION " ' "." ' ' 1 " 1 " ' l. ;. lBclal DUoatrt te The JearaaL) ' Helena, Aug. II. Tha grand ledge t th Bona of Hermann met her today in annual convention. ' , Each of 'the It lodge In th stat : wa represented. Th' gathering waa presided over bv Orand rrealdent Emanuel Flaohl of Helena. A banquet waa-given last night in honor of the viattora. ; 4'T roreetev Oooae Ohleago, , - , (Jnraal Special Sawice.1 , i . Buffalo, H. T., Aug. II Chicago hal been aelected for the next annual con van tlon of , th Order f roreater of A $18 SPRINGFIELD BREECH-LOADING ; . CENTERFIRE RIFLE AT $3.75 id , ' T' Overcoat," ' t t mtn and boya. II to II ' breast meaaare - ment . ...93.50 itAaaxnoaanr tr. a. mruxmrnrmo se-aavaa form th Rock Island Arsenal, at only aTOTaVSTSV direct Arid Ail ' Other Goods,' Comprising Hundreds of Articles, in : .. . '-..Froporooiw. n?4-i-- Th!t Sal cf COVEaN:.lXNT -ARMY AND NAYY RIFLES, rSHOTGUNS, SLQVWLVLTi i . ' . v Will Likely Never Be Repeated in Fortiana Everything Goes at ONE FIFTH- to ONE QUARTER AC Fin AH-Wool brawar flnt kind f cloth that with a ""U altera, tlon ari far auparlor to thoee to be ; had In ator.a for three jlrnes th . a a a ' f aaa1 wr w w Khaki Coats for Ladl. Ths Knew voaia wun a slight alteration by moving beH on Inside, make a reg uiir Norfolk Jacket. Suitable f of outing or work ing ....a............ i. ... ...6a money r . . Sailor" Blu Cloth Cape Juat the thing for little girls.. 20 Everything People. Booming-J-Hundreds of - Supremely Satisfied W. STOKES KIRK. "I Khaki Suits, Juat ;the thtng for worklngmen, . Garment . .65 Suit . ' . $1.30 j mem giotjjJ 11 ' 1 SIOLEII PURSE RETIEEB ; AFTER THREE YEARS -a -! Tfe-'Si''i-iwr;. . . ... . - r '.:'. .- 'at. Granta Pass Man Receivea Book Through Mailt He Lot In ; ..--SanFranciaXO-y ' raoecUl Piapatak te The leevatLl ? . IjQranu Jaa. Ojr-AaV,.-rOaor Calhoun, on pf th prominent bulnss in of this place, ha had a ram.r unique experience. - On 'Auguft-1 he had a pure tkn from his prsn whll boarding a streetcar In San Fran clsoo. Th puree waa In hla lnld coat pocket and contained letter, tax and lodg 'receipts, .lia-ht' currency and a bank draft for 11,00a. He dlcovrd hi loss In tfm to stop payment on me draft. c .,: ;, '. ' 1 -' ; -' ' Thlweeki he reeeivea tne through th mall and th oniy ming ralaalng waa th II Ire currency. - The package waa mailed In San Frnclc and had gon to Wtanvlll. California, where Mr. Calhoun waa in busiu... a year or o, and from thr had been forwarded her, , Th :. papr In the puree were ell datd from Grant Pass except a receipt for a storerooin In Wat sonvllle. - Ther waa no word of plsnaUon. accompanying th rjttfra ot th puree and what come over th thief to rtum It after carrying It for thre yeara 1 a myatery. x ' '. ' " , Th pur doe not, how - m ot rugh uaag and th only way In which Mr. Calhoun can explain Ita return la that th thief had put It away and baa sine died and relative or friend la looking over hla paper dlaoovcred .lt and returned It to th rightful ownr. ? 1ad a running. Itching or en my leg. Suffered tortures. Doen a Oint ment Hook away the burtlnrnd Itchlna InstanUy iM quickly effected I perniienl cure." C. W. Lenhart. Bowling Oreen, Biff Sale Still On We still continue to hold our sale on White Goods until , thia stock is cleared up. We must do this in order to rnaae .. room for our Oriental goods which have just arrived. ; i White Lawn Shirtwaists, , regular $1.23 1 ta $3. J .1 Vr ('A; Special;'.. .......... .a3f to fZ.UH 'Japanese tottorrrepc Shirtwaists, regular 4-5?-; . Special ... .... . ; . . . . Japanese Cotton Crepe Shirt waisrmternsregular. !:,l...M.UU.r special '.....,.......? ' "r -.. e TSkirts at HALF PRICE and White Coods at 25 and 30 : per cenlTbffr. ' ' - :,Z ; ;-.."r,V..:Lan wow ana lane. Advantage yi ;iucw vyB, i : WeaOtoin Importins o h. : -. T ; 829 WASHINGTON STREET. - i t ... mm YnilltSlA . - Doubt Grand Prist' St. Lout; 1904 , Down $K00 $1100 Per Veck i ?O,C00iaccorG3 m COLUMDIA PIIonOGIXAPII CO. lo3-)n Watiitrtwe Ctraet Cotmievte KaZOos, Portland, Ore. -2 XaeeaeisaaaeeiawMravMM fc America, "" . .V ' i ." ' . .- : m ,-'.- .r ... , i " . i , , i, ... .... il .. ' fVV ' , i. - -r r-