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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1905)
Tiis qsixon daily journau ror-TLAirp. i : r s-'J 1 The remainder of our btccl: of these 'Xtzh Cuits in Buster Brown end CiDor Norfolk styles ; vH te cleared out this week. -; j;: V V V;Y-. :.' ;! All iizes are represerited,vbut Jftercj ere very few of each size, '.".. ' ! r,",; 'vThere V lots more fine veattier coming better bring thd little man in end get him one-or more, mmis - a -. cr: i -vO' :: :.r , ,. .. -,- ;--CsTL-,aJ-- m ' - CwTC!b3 v IT AAlll UdV VUU.IU UUV 111U1U U1U1I VllVi V ana. ss , w w ss , s av . f as ' . :"" 3 . -' " : J -if yoo can get him fittsd, es" it's seldom; you 'find -the ;.'y:;', ' H .?'. ir vv -- ; to bay, et ' VJvjr HALF . . A v .'.1 J ' ? ' . '- The bkknee of ocr ctixk of Lien's I Co JrMy IUttd Uadrwer, rtiu-;, tarty prictd at 58c 0 thta. week SHIRTS LTm's Soft Chirts, rejulir velua 72c c4 59c -kit chanc to gtt thtn fOT THE FALL SUITS - , f . . v.- i , Th6 fall I patterris, in worsteds, tweeds end fancy cher iots, mads into stylish suits after ; modes by the most ferhionable -tailors. It would bo deceit to find a suit in town for $15 that could , compere with ' VIIEf. YOU SEE IT IN OUH AD. ITS SO f-m' mm- 'iiimh'iiiiiiiii "iiiri'f ' ''""" " " 1 """"""" w " ird and Oak W)).Th :OS CIO: -TO THE UESOD Chicago A Northwestern Orders a Further Extension Toward -. r- . .This City at Once. SURVEY MADE THROUGH - , r ; WILLAMETTE 'VALLEY Work Don la Oregon Country Said i to Hav Been th Lever That 7 Xfored Harriman Xatereata to Con tructkm in Coos County. ' -1. " Jk. further xtnlo of th Cbtcace Hnrimtni r&llraad ' toward Portland hma tan ordered. , At 'tho clo of the year tho company will hara completes about tfo mllea of construction la 1904. The road will, at tha present rata ot construction, anter . roruano in a,ooui thrM veara. Br tha eloaa ot Itbt tha Korthweatern Una will havo reached a point at tha aouthwaat eornar of tha Bhoahona In dlaa reeerratlon. Tha axtenaloa Juat deddad on wlU carry It II nUaa farther, into tha atata of Idaho. - Amended arti cle of InoorDO ration. In tha name of tha Wyoming Central, hare baen Iliad In Wromlna. Increasing- tha i capital atock to lll.IO0.e00. - Tha lncraaaa is Keaitte4 -a derishm to Immeflts- i -l7 boain .a . further extension . west rd of It mllea, and to build an. arm waxd to Salt Lake City. The con- traot let about a. month ago provided r an extension wast from Casper to ;er creek, and tha new arrangement v. 1 carry it II mllea west of that point, i It is said the Booth-Kelly Lumber ' -panT, which, owns tha Oregon Con 1 mitary road land grant, a 10-mtle extending across the ' state, ' has j i approached by both the Korth m and the . Gould . people with Vons for pnrcfaass of this strip. - j iasara Mtm Made array. i 1 arthwestora baa. It Is known, I a rrellmlnary surrey following t t r , and entering the Willamette t t 1 the north- fork of tha V, . rirer. Extenslre surreys hare i if T the -North western la tha Ct i Kr country, and thesa mover ments 1 It Is s-Ud, been directly re apocar-:e 1 t t e ) arrinaan decision to build ev r I f . I-raln te Marshfleld. The I or.w-" i under Its present mine ', ot- '- tr the Vander bilta, 1 -..t. S Marshall Weld. Cyras J-oCorm!- other Independent men. is prorf-T one of the most aggreaalre ra.. country- It haa bad a wona I wth la Influx .n ,. -1 la spending millions of dollars U ' tionOirork to atrenathen Ita Bos- - . ea rivalry between It and the 1 ' was at i's height a few ye . nrnble-tracked- their . a 1- serous e state of lewa, i la -w T I'soes -- tha routes to a!lU ' n i e gradlenta. , " 1 nd 1 ' tweeters are C ."evn- r -n specalatora or stoc ' ' -e Wlii-out a definite r f i tod development 0. r a g period tt years Into t -" a4 are qulc. j and ' prs:w : - . following, out this plan, which win within tha next few years bring the Northwestern to tidewater at Portland. . : right for Haa Ooatraota. For .the last) It yearathe North- weatera haa carried on a strong-fight against tha Burlington In the middle west tor. the granger business and for transcontinental mail contracts, -which are extremely profitable. -. Tha "black strap" - mall, comprising tha bulk of business correspondence in transit be tween . Mew Tork and Chicago and the orient Is a big prise for the railroads crossing the middle west, .and tha Burlington baa for years been the most successful competitor -for It. with- the Northwestern a close second! bota are struggling for -tha contract --between Omaha and Chicago Every year the contract la let to the road that has made the beat showing of speed with Its fast mall trains carrying a two' weeks' test The carrying of transcontinental man Is one of the considerable Inducements that are drawing railroads Ilka the Mil waukee, the Northwestern and ' the Burlington Reward tha Paclflo coast BEAUTIFUL FIREWORKS C AT THE OAKS NEXT WEEK Those who attend tha ' performances of Pain's great spectacle, "Last Days of Pompetl, at tns oaks nignuy in tne next two weeks will witness the most magnificent display of high-grade pyro technics aver seen In this country. This dlsnlay is tha crowning feature of tha marvelous exhibition. Among tha larger devices shown each. aught, will be per fect facslmllles of several of the largest fancy set pieces and most beautiful sheila exhibited at the St Louis ex position. . One of the prettiest pieces will be a beautiful representation of The Last Rosa of Bummer,' 'While the J handsome flower drops leaf by leaf the bl band will play tha sweet old melody of that same title, other neauurui ae-1 vices are "Aladdin's Grove of Jeweled Palms' and tha "Ooldea Bun wheel.' For tha pleasure of the little ones a number of com la fireworks asvices will be burned. . , V- . BULL RUN RESERVE D ; " WILL BE EXAMINED Kx -Congressman Malcolm X. Moody has Induced Olfford A. Plnchot chief of. the United States forestry ' bureau. I to visit the Bull Rub reserve which In-1 eludes the source of Portland's, water I supply.' la company with Mr. .Moody Mr. Plnchot' Cv Vf. Ebertetn of Baa Francisco and .Frank Dodge, ' Superin tendent of tha Portland water system. will leave Tuesday by team for the Ball Run reserve, to a careful examination of which several days will be devoted with I a view to learning what means may be devised to Improve toe conditions. . . Ths attention of Mr. Pinch ot was called to the fact that Portland bad shortage of water In tha hottest days of the summer 'and It was hoped that the chief forester would be able to devise means whereby tha waters of Bull Rub river mtghUJbe better conserved. . The city proper and the suburbs will need a much larger quantity of water In the Immediate future and the desire Is to provide for that need. .' j . . Tha Moody party wm make a thor ough Investigation into the conditions and after the return to Portland win make another eacurslun to tha south. The destinatloa of tha latter excursion la not known yet but It will be official in character and .pertain to the duties of the . chief forester. ." ". v . . v .Those $3 Shoes we' sell at f 1.95; those OxWdf worth op to $4.50 we are now selling at $3.15; those large sizes of , men's shoes, likewise worth up to $4.60 that we are disposing of at $3.15 during our 1 ' ' ' Renmcnt Sale d! W SCOES : Offer fascinating inducements to gen-; tlemen to provide themselves with foot-..'; wear now, rather than wait till later In ) the season when these prices have been ' withdrawn., ,;, ; ' ( ; l '";'J - P R O C R A ST IN ATION SOME TIMES STEAlS MONEY (AS WELL AS TIME.' Buy now while these bargains are to be had. ; . TaTE LATEST TCT.'S CUT FC2 THE ; izajLZZizun cr cusJaw cc"rcT 'Ii our, walking cushions. They cost 33c and 60c, are worn, in the shoe and make walking pleasure and not burden.1 Aye Carry a line Variety of FtsLIoaatla Hosiery ilVanduyn&W Telephone Rood 74. 270 WtsZZsffa it. Itl 3d sd '- h?" - K-l rj XCaaaC Here ::rrow end yca'H ts a Hub: customer the rest cf vour davs .:-.t:; ..., . ' . . e. - -.. s a . . . i 1 ; I in f- - - ) r Tr iir,: f '-it w ': I'"' V. if -.4 Facts: are hard to idowryjthe goods i-:ara here );i X"r: -i--'"1 :; awaiting you. : '1 Takes the Choice if Over Five Hundred Pue, AU Wooi'orUriioat ' VX' 0;,'::,.; 5':: ' r' "" ': " In light, dark or medium colors, stripes,' checks, plaids and mixtures, that sell usually at $10, $18 and $13.50. '.:;''.4-K.v'wlr''i 3 -.' -' f. a. .vaa- S.aV ' . - .-. v-.s-v.. . TC2S : ' . . v I.'ln.- your ; -life1..; when you can- do things bet . : ter thanbth' ; ers. Tomorrow is your time at V''The-Hub. I J - 1 .v-'.-. SMoes; 'V : Facts rare ' hardj to ' down,1 the goods are- here tt:!a cf ih2 Rnest Suit in the Store Nothing excepted but worsteds all single and double breasted . black,, blue, brown,' tan, drab, plaids, stripes and neat'; mixtures, in cassimere, cheviots,' tweeds, velours and mercerised fabrics ; hand 'tailor made Remember, every $15, $18, $23, (S3 and $29 Suit in our big stock is oft our counters and itf this Grand 'Final Clearing Sale at . FOR CHOICE. We will give , yon ; aome Shoe . Bargains ' that have never been equalled since the days' of. Noah. fSv:; your r;oriEvi "Will buy The Hub ' vthan any -other; place-in the ' United - States . during . this " Grand.' Clearing Sale that r' .: clears, v . ,: llltil We will dear over 1,000 " aaft and tlSf llats. all ,, of this season's . latest ' ' and best, at an average of i less' than. One -Half f f For choice of 1,000 pairs tans, blackTTl .ePleUlpatcnCinykica worth" $3. Remember, they,are ail of the lat est and best 'tjles:'yx ; f For Thibets and others, $3.80 to $3 epsVeUO high grade Shoes, low cuts, bale., Bluchers, etc, tans', patent; xalf. cordivan and vici, all sizes and tyles.- It's a giant closing i of 'over 1,500 pairs.'.;,--. ' ; : ,.;'V;-i:;A: Cpia Every Evcdna fcfodny llP.ri 'Value1 ' For your choice of the UtestUbft and, stiff, " black, brown, tan, ,drab, pearl, ' ash ; every one $2.60 and $3 values and some worth even more at St.35 for Choice 'f ; rl uri (- i V ' - arm-son ni This monster department will yield a world or good thing---cost or worth not considered. Clear them; at prices that make "Clear" the watchwcntl- v , 394 for the' best and -choicest of , Golf and Negligee Shirts, madras, penang. eta 109 styles, tie value. &94 for choice of air' Shirts worth ., up to fl.OOt golf and negligee im , ported .fabrics, .perfect fleers, . Undemear ; 144 'or choice of a lot of tie valaea. 8 at forchoioe of all Itc values, -f 50v for choice of all 11 values. , Suit Csses, ' tTmbrellss, I Robber Goods, Sweaters, -eta, - at an average of ona half valua x' 64 for le klnda. ' ' .. 94 tor 0e klnda; r:- , ,.' y 1SH4 'or tie kinds. ', ''-" - . 194 for lie klnda. ' Handkerchiefs 84 fer to Mneai ': ; v ( . 54 foylOo kinds. ; 94 tor toe kinds.;' ... ,;-s,, Suspenders". ; " 94 for tOe grade. ' 194, 'or tie grades, v S94 for lOo to IJc gradea.- . - i X .v. RAN When' Adam was.ea earth he weald - not have' worn the ag leaf .- if . here bad bee a- stab so trade at. :-t - V V.. .7 ,v r :' iP'Z'y FOR UNRESTRICTED CHOICE OF (00 PAIRS OF $2. $20, $3 PANTS; dark and medium colors, odds from broken suits, etc $2 STRIKES THE CHORD OF SATISFACTION in style, make and quality. - Over 1,C00 pairs, $4, $4.60 and P.'ln all colors and weaves of material. ' :- ; '.,. ee3o3S FOR THE BEST $310, $3 AND $7 PANTS In the store. Noth ing held or rest, can-make or mc $3.C3 for choice. ing held or reserved. , The Very finest and best pants that man can make or money buv are on our counters and in this sale at W . ,... .' : '1