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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1905)
BAlli: -3 ATS BTTArTtil Tl"."l TiZZZX I EAItBOAB AT3 f - - '., - f I - v e . 4 s4 i lift. txme C t I t T 1 . e e a i !. . 1 party will start on its tr y next week. 1, ei iT tta- , .. cv. . i. se I I H.t-i ts been spproprletod for this work, snd ths local inter's office wl ta use it whom It wUL do the mo t goo 1. The . ... ' . vl- A Po e" 4 f. t In u e s y; ,j r 4 a . tall jp -h Ms i.m - f iud frre. alt4 t. .. CLOTHEl'eltaM h4 nw 1 p ansa. l)iau Tailoring Co., M Wssulngiea m. B. W. Tt'BNBB. professtoesl rtrer .ed - '"rmom mi. none Male lol. CAEBIABB aed hack coAjrr'- THS Cntko CABBIAOB CO. c.-v tally. rlss and earrr-elle. in h.-.. t. wt, Morrison. ' hm s-ata ". CKOCXMX AJTD OLAttWAEE. ". -.WHOLE8ALB crockery and flwwm.. Prest, ;: H.grls Cs., 1 00 U 10 pffth. oc. Stark St. - M0 AD BOKIX HOSPITAL.. DB C B.BROWN. n.V S.J.0.M Dog. horse bo. . pltal.tHT Buraslds.Phoo: htalneuofl: tutlVA DEHTISTS. KEY CHURCHMAN, dsetlat, 824 hfarqosm AM.; Birth and Morrison. Phono Mala 1TW. t: skiukaxixo. SHIRTWAISTS, wool er was, silk, mas tot , 81.88; ahtrtwalat aultm, SS.Su. , 4a Beat Mat ' bet, Pboas Eaat tXiU . . DRESSMAKING Strictly jut to datet lata! ZLXOTXIOAi VOIU,' '1 hORTHWEST ELECTRICAL B.IQlNBiamO Company, SOS Stark at., FortlsBd. 0. K. tot ererrthfog la la electrical . Un. ' . Fhoae mala moo, . PACITIO Electric Oa Engineers, ostrsetors, v r pa Ire re. electrl wiring, luppliaa. B4 Plrst, tor. Stark. Mala AM. - B. H. Tate. mgr. zxPEiunro. ).i L. and M.Erpree rMnpsny, Sll, Wsshlngtoa ' .- at.. Phon Mala 304: furniture. , Btana and ;'f, s -! ipraluc promptly atatndud to.--Dally to , ? - ' Lnt. i 1 ' wnmn VAoroxna, OBEOON rarattar alnafararln Ceaaaaajw Maaaraetura at luraitara tu( , tlx traAa. PortUod. Or. .. yUBNITUBE kMaafastttilur aaA PmI L. Bnraaaky'k lanHtura factary. T0 spaalal aFAara, rroai sc. rtrAoia. i BOYNTON warmlr Mraaaaa sass taL J. 0 ; . Barsf raraaea Cteksr'aU S ' ' HAH AVB MAX iTK0T4T.Wt. . J. 8OR0, auaarartnrsr at kaaua kalr taUa, t 4M East Math. Pttoaa Eaat Bull. KOTZXJ. HOTEL Ptadlataa, Paadtotaa. W.A.Btowa. kkfr. HOTEL PortUad. Amarlcaa BUa: IS. AS aat day. ' HOTEL Bt, Osorra. Paadltoa; laadlaE kotal. ." BJCLVEtlEHB; EaraasaB alsaidtk and AMar sts. HABDWABX Portia sd Hardwara Oa. ao Helta svaw laalty te CDott prtrsa. 185 1st at., aor AMT. Mala IMA. ISAAO U WHITE. laaoraaes. BOO Daku K LAMBERT, WHITMKB CO Tlra laaaraaca - .1 and real sstata; offlcM 10T-10S Boarlork bids. Mala 10061 aapt. 404 Eaat Aider, East 48L Att. ML WOOD, saaptoyara,' UablBry sad t , dlrldual aeddrat aorsty bnada at all klada. ' Pkoaa 47. tut McKay aM.. . ? . II. r. 8ABTEL9 COMPABT FHa Jaaaraaea. C44 lbM bld.. Oraaoa Pbaaa CUy MA ." '""' aVOOXBatlCaVV '"'''f-T--7'': - AtEVHULItB caaatal rapals abooi axpsrt awaala - 1st. lactam lib; ordara promptly tilled i anU ;.. Millar kaylras locks, fat Wasav Mala 4A3. , BBOWKE'A II TOWN Expart lacksailtk' aa blcyel rapalrlaa. SSS ktark. Day a as as. Clay Stli elchrpaoaa. Mala SAM. . SET SttlBf. aast-lrsa) braataf. H- BlcaawaV aoa. SUA Fsartb St. psoas Hood ITSS. -iBA anruoAx, ..SECOND-HAND a astral lutra masts a( all 1 ktada at to vast prices, eaah ti I as fall lab ta. liabsr Mssla CcTlM Third at. , . iVIOLI!,. mandQlla. t-nttsr, etc., cart folly Coassrrstery ball. 4SS lstb St., atty. . PIANO tanlne;, ft; rerfect work gnsrastssA " O. W. J. hnsoa. Phon Mate 1S11. '','- - ; ' ' ' ' atAOVXTIO UAXXXO. : MRS. L. B. BART treats all All troabla, serrsoaaess and fnacttoaal araakaeas. ,, Consnltstloa free. BMH Park, ear, Jsttsraoa, ltskbXba. ; , planbsra, raartb St. BaU cksan. I OX A CO.. sanitary plain bars, til Sseeajd bet. - Mala ssd Salawo. Oreroa Pksa Mala S001. xonr xo loas. THE STAB U) AM CO. .' Abk salaried aaploys, wayi ax asr. eaa ft sa hi But a, wltboat siortire - Moata. aasjoatB. wee a. ' ' j f SO. iM.auwBeaay ta aa S1AU sr A9.64 a SAU 00 Repay to H I S or s 3a or 00 Essay to as I 4.00 or 12-09. ss 1.00 - Ill MCit-ay Dioff. TIVB par col aynwyr a balld yoa a hears or loss yoa Loney oa year propsrtyt aaanthly ','J Bsawatsi larestlistst opea Saturday area. Inp. Roams IS-fl Labbs Wd., tUt Wasa. , MONET to loan, aaiariaa psopie, issaiaisrs, eie.. wit boot- seearltyi aeey psymsBts -bulBas tn 4 pnadpal attisa.- i MS Ablnctoa bids. Pboas Mala SAST. ; . MONEY 'to LOAN' sa rtal persosal Bad eoV lateral seearltyi apeeUl attaultoa U Cbsltal taortcsfes; - etes boucht. O, .- W, laUet. .... biXA rmtoa bldf., S4 Slath at, . "- ' ' . . HIGHLY rsspsetsbla place where ladlea aad r sents ess Borrow awaey sa dUaoaas sad Jewalry. Collateral Loaa Bask, StM Wtib- j. ';' tsstoa at, Pbaaa BWok It J . " . A i IB LOANS aad apward aa all kinds at secmrtte at ta salaried peool aa tbeir Bote: towsst k rites; so publlrltr. an delay. US Ablastsa) :d.. Pboaa Bed ITSS. ' v CHATTEL iuaM 1a smoants rantiBt froat 11 ' to Aa.OOOl roomlnciaaises specialty. Near Era Loaa Treat 0b SOS Abiogtoa bid. .' WB Disks all kinds of loans aa Bool sasartM . at low ret ratas; special attention llrea ft ckattel loans. ISA Mosrlaoa at. . LOANS at lowest rates oa toraltara. planes any assaiity notes parebassd. Kastsra Lssa f Aoss, 49 Sbsrloek bid. MONEY to loaa la asms at from t&OOO to . M.OOOf terms to salt tba borrower. Booms xua-io, cstarasreiai bib. MONEY TO LOAM la Israa er small i sawonts . aa food sscurttyr Inweai rates. r WUUaai 0 Beck. SoT rslllas bid. ' ' n r TBB CRRSCBNT LOAM COMPANY Salary . , ktsBB. from Ursa to sis awata: sa6dsaUai. SIT Oresunlan. "MONEY TO LOAN sa Clarkamaa eoonty laaoa. , B. P. sod P. B. BUsy, SuS Cbambss f Caas. PORTLAND Bf.At ESTATE LOANS, S A NO aar eaat. was. peBawim. see .- OTSBAUJ. BOBS OP THB ROAD OVERALLS and m. . . ehsatrs elothlnf : anion aisds. Nesetadter manafaetarsra, PortlsaA, . '- EIETIB. BVSHONO Aj CO. Tsoal and Star sts.. Brio. Inf. Iltbocrspbtng, blank books aad afaes anpptlesi work dood on Uom: stoat esmplsta .-Trlnt)nt offlea la Us west. Mala 104. .ANDERSON A DCNIWAY COMPANY, jrHaMs. . I'-hofraohlnt. biaak books. PbsM fUlS IT. Alrvw st. E. A) f WT teaae I C I - - s aaA B- J. ii at. I . a i. a. . Elfl't! A CO. JoBosra, paints, ail, suss, a- a l sVwea. pr4 sna Carles. 'IXAtai,'' X: THB OBIOOS PLATI""! W0HK8. 4S1 Wsaa latoa at. FVM AwtS. Pwiiablas. alstuaf aad laeoeHi, .v. . inxn stamps. P. 0, STAMP V0RVSe Alder at., pbosa) . .Mala T iw; rabber aaaaiBa ssakv' staawOa, baa (sas, trade eoeefca; send tor catslocaa. kOPaV PORTLAND CORD AOS CO. Corner Fssjrtoaktt aad kiarthrBp ata.. Portland. Or, Boorate. TIN BOOrlKQ, satterlnf, re oa trios' aad robblaa- J. LsstiL lit Jetcereoa at.' STEXXT PATTEO. WAV REN Coaa traction Co., street pa etas, sldo walks and erosa walks. T1S Orosoalsa bids. . THB TrlnUad Asphalt Pssias Oa. of PortUad. OfSoo St. Wsrcsstse blk. . '. . ....... "" sioirp AnmBB. OOLD SIGNS, window lettariBS. elotk baaners. seooomlcsl sleetrla slyns sad alios of all kinds audr quickly." pastes A Airless. PUU aad Everett, Pbbaa Bxebsaca SS. BATXA, . J D1BBOLD Maafsassa ssfea; firs aad borf lar- urs ; jau ana priaoa wora i iwsme repairs. J. B. Darts. S Third at. xowoAjxi abu rtZTrazs, SHOWCASES nt srery aesorlptloai bank, bay and a tore Hi tares mad to order. . Tba Lb Us MsBafsctarlag Cs., PortlaaA.- TO BASE, TBAXSTZJI AJTO XAULTBO. . APES, wady Bisaos aad , larnitnra aasrad. packec for aklpplaS' aad snipped all work soaraaUed; Ursa. Stary, brick, , warehouse (or a tors sr. Ofncs . C bt: tlleea. Poos Mala S4T. & O. PICE; ofnes SS rtrst St.. be twees Stark and Oak eta., pbona SwS; pianos aad faraitar " mored and packsd far atilpplari sonsawdivas brisk -ararsbaoaa, Prest and Clay sts. riREPROOPrstorar) bssraca, hoosabold sooda er boxaai rbeapest placs In town. Boas M. PloaiBMr, .SflO TblrA st. A'boaa Mala 32. OBBOON TBANBPEB CO.. 184 Hortk Slit a. Pboaa Mala SB, BeaTy asaUnf sssl atoraja. POST SPECIAL DELIYERY Na. S0014 Waab iBvtoa at. Pboas Mala SSS, " TOWEL VUPPLT. CLBAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brash, ssaa, , II per awsta. Lawrence Bros.' Towel So poly Oa., Paartb and Coach. ' pkoaa 4SS. ' TIOLTJIb. Mi A. WCBCO. etolla-msksr Bad rsaalrert Srst claes. SS BosssU bids-. 4tb and Morrisoa. WALLPAPXJL SamsAaaaaBh, sahaAasii MOROAN WiU.PiPIl OO . ; 1S4-1M St.. bet. Ysmblll aad Tartar. Portland. ' rniAjrciAi. PORTLAND TBTTST COMPANY Of 0BEO0H. , Tba Oldest Trust Company In Oregon. . ; . bkbourckb ovbb 11,000.000. . 'General banking bealness conducted. BavlarA deposits rseeWed. ' TIbm rertlflcataa dssaed. S tn 4 per cent; spaclsl csrtlflcatss (not Qnder $30ft. ti ta 4 per rent on short call. Call for book of ILLUSTRATIONS.". ',; Pboae Mslif J5ikJlOThlr4 St. - H.. L P!TTO.'K..t.,,1i,.,.JJlJyte-Piwsldent B. LEE POKT. .. ..Secretary J. - O. GOLTBA Aasletsnr-Secrstary UEITXO STATES MATTOHAZ, AX : . - 0P PORTLAND. OBEOON. HOXTXWXST COB. TEXAS AND OAX BTB. Xnaaast a Qsaaral Banking BailsisSi . DRAFTS ISSUED" Aesllsbls la All a tie of tb United SUta id Earns. Beackoaf aaA Mssllav OOIXECnOBS BXASE OK PAYOBABLE Til MS Presldeat I. .1. C- A1NSWORTH Vlre-Presldest W. B. AYEB V lee-Preal dent JL LEA BARNES Cashier...,. A"."- PJ552 Asalataat Cssbler .........A. M. WBIOBT Assistant Ca aster , W. A. HOLT LTIBST BATIONAL BANK ,', . r OP POATLAAD, OBEftOII. 1 beslgaaUd Depository aad rinasclal Agaat of . ta voitsa atstes. . eiM"5 ...J. W. MEWKIRK i;ssBiar.k .,. AasMtsat Cashier W. Q, A LTUH eeoad AsslstSBt cssnier.....i.B. r. ni'ani Letters af .Credit laiaed Arallsbl la Esuoa aad tb Easter. States.' Bight Brcnanrs and Telesrsphl Traasfer sold oa New York. Bostoe, Cblesga, St. Lsols, St PsaL Omaha, Saa Prs nemos aaA .- tba prlBslpsl aoiBta ta fa North weet Sight aad time bill draws la Basra to salt sa Leaoos. Parts, Berlin, rrsnkfort-ls-tko-Msta. HoDsTBonr. Yokohama. Coaaabsgea. CbrtsMsels. Storkbolnm, St. Pstersbarg, Mas sw' SurtcBstiT HMMltilttr 1 - " OoHactleM Mads aa Pseorsbls Tirma.- LADD in. TOW, BAEXEBA - r EsisbllsksA hi lSSS.t . Trusasts a Oaaaral Baaklaar Bursas. -CollsotloBs mad at all point aa faeorabl terms. Lsttor credit leaned aesllsbls la Barop and all palBt la the Vslted States. Sight Elchaass and ' TelesTSnhlc ansrer Sold sa New lark, Waahlngtsn. Chicago, St. Lost. Denser. Omsha. 8s a Prsaoiasa sad Montana and ItrHlsh Colsmbls. Exrbsng sold oa Lnadoa. Paris. Berlin, Prsnkfort. H4s(kng, YokobaJBA, M sails aaA Hoaolalm. .t a SECURITY SAYTNAS A TRUST COMPAET. - SSS Morrisea St.. Pert land. Or. ': Trsasacts a Osaaral Basking Builnaa. , SAYIKOS DEPAATMINT. Isteraat Allowed aa Tim aaA Saelnga Deposits. . Aets as Troste to Eststes. . Drafts tad Letters of Credit Aral labia la All , Parts at iba Wotli. - . . C. P. ADfMS , Prssldeal L. A. LEWIS. .n ret les-Prsaldeat A. U MILLS. M....,..Bees4. Yloe-Preetdral i. O, JUPITE..... ................ .georotsry CEO. P. RXIBSELL. AasUtaat Sosretarp M SCHAUTA' NATIONAL BANK. POBTT.AWD DSIOOg. J. FRANK WATSON.........., ....Pr1dt R. L DURHAM...... Ylco-Preeloeot B. W. HOYT (.Cashier OEORCIB W, J10YT.... Aalstsn Caable Trassasta a OeBorsl Bsnklng Bnsinas. Drafta aad Letters of Credit IssaeA Asallabki . ' to All Part at tbs World.- ; ;'.-,' Collection a Specialty. M OBAIS BROS. A CHEISTTNSCT. . USVb rirst St.. artlaad. Or. Offer Ollt-Pdr tarestawntt la MnaMpa! sal t Railroad Bonds. Writ a Call. , MORTOAOE leOANS Oa PortlsaA Baal Istato St Lewesl Kabak Titles Inrarsd. Abatrasta Pnrslehed , v, TITLE GUARANTEE TBTST CO. . ' 44 Wsshiagtsa St.. Oer. BeeoaA. TO MAKE TRIP EASIER : ' FOR RURAL CARRIERS Spetal Dispatch Tba. AoaraaLI Corvallla, Or., Au. 25. Th troubl evperlancatl last winter bp rural fro Oa rtvarr carriers In eovartnp; their routes durlns the worst weather promises to b st Jat In part bvlated bp patrons of th various districts. - On route No, 4, t.000 places of corduroy have been eat and ars belns hsul4 ont th worst stretdhea of roadV the work of hauling belnr donated ' by residents., of th neighborhood, the supervisor peptnk for cutttnf th timber. Consldarabl Inter est In th other sections Is also belns taken and the carriers map look forward with less dread to the coming . aJny season.''' . - ;- OoUuj. - opened: T atatlTs ' Bmtn Qulalaa, the ' world-wlia fold Cnr. remove tb esne. Call for th full asms sad look far tb slgnsrar ef B. W. Cross, SS. - . . , .U-..' . :. . . . ...i.- . . . .'.! , ' 'r ' a r , r VvLjLa.J:-lii,.ut."''- Ctats Roanck and Alliance in , . Warm Run From Eureka 1 ... .. 'to Coot Cay'. :;" CEDAR D003 COME FROM NORTH BEND TO CITY Thf T Stemer Arrive in Port Heavily Laden' With Merchandise and passengers and Wilt Take Full t Cargoes on Return Trip. , v ; The steamers -Alliance, Roanoke And F. A; Kllburn had an exciting "race from Eureka to coos bay on their way te thla" city. Tbey all sailed from Eureka about the (ami time,' and the captains signaled, their, chief engineers to go full speed ahead. --'This waa dona with will and the Kllbttrn won the broom, getting to her moorings In Coos Bay about four hours ahead of the Alliance, which beat the Roanoke by an bour and a halt. ; -Put Captain R. J. DunhAtn of the Roanoke statea that th reason be lost was because) his steamer) - which draw mors' water ttuui the others, was .forced to lis outside the bar at Coos Bay, while the Alliance steamed boldly in. The Kllburn and the Roanoks reached Port land last night, while the AHlance was made fast alongside the Couch street dock at o'clock this morning. ' ' Among the cargo brought in on tbe Alliance was a carload of whits cedar doors for a-local -firm from a North Bendrcompany; this Is said to be the flrst shipment of this sort from North Bend. . She also carried five carloads of redwood doors and -shingles from Eu reka for eastern points; SS boxes Of cheese from Coos Bay, - tt.OOO feet of Port Orford cedar for local furniture manufacturers and 10 tons of household goods, hides,, empty bottles and othsr "plunder," and. M passengers. S of whom-' were from Coos Bay dtles. 4 - The Roanoke sailed from the Golden Gate with tons of cargo, a part of which was consigned to Eureka - and Coos Bay cities. Among the wares she brought . to Portland wars 10,400 . sacks of salt, T50 cases of canned goods, 144 sacks of coffee, 14 cases of whiskey and six cases of tobacco. On her next trip south she will carry 10. tons of Port land brewed beer to Ban Francisco And 1,209 ions of grain and a carload of ex Los Angeles. At Eureka, Bed ond Steward Dodson was dischArged and the others in tbe stoward'a department started, to walk out with htm; whan the reason "was explained most of the others remained. -..The Roanoke, brought , HI passengers.-.. ?. V . ' .. . - " lJ Tbex Kllburn was also loaded with freight .from. .ths..BAiClty. .i,-,-- CEMENT DEPOT. , "1 Portlaad . Zs 'BsoomiaaT ttreavt Sl V;'T vt:c.' Bslbotta.1 Mava..-''' j, ''J .V ' Cement ships are Ming asked' for by Pacific coast exporters so strongly that European owners of vessels suitable for . this product, are. receding irons, .their, di mands for high charter rates for outward-bound ships, r It is expected that within the next fsw weeks seveeat ships will be loading European cement cargoes "for Portland and Puget sound. During the past four years Portland has become the cement headquarters for the . Pacific northwest, and in spits of the Tact that scores of ,oargoe of this product have been received front Kuxop and thousands of ' barrels from Cali fornia and Japan the demand is still greater than the supply. - A new field has recently been opened for Portland Importers, that of Boise. Idaho. - This territory, until, a- few weeks ago, has been supplied with cement manufactured at Iola. Kansas. Portland. Colorado and Salt Lake City. . Within the last two weeks one local firm has shipped three carloads of cement to Boise, and orders have been received - for several more cars.' : Oregon .City has been taking hun dreds of barrels recently, and largo orders have been received from Pendle ton and Spokane. European cement Im ported by local shippers finds a ready market as far south as Aahland.-' LUMBER CARRIERS SCARCE. Owners rind , afore ' Mosey , im ShA Bnjeka Ban rrasclsoo Trad.' While Portland sawmills are receiving orders fasMP thsn they ean fill them, the number f steam schooners carry ing lumber between this city and Ban Francisco Is smaller than it was sev eral months ago. Most of the . steam era taken off the Portland-San Fran cisco lumber trade ply between- Eureka and the Bay City. . ' 'Shipowners state tnat tney can mans twice aa much money operating good lumber' carriers- between -Eureka-and San Francisco aa they can In the same sort of trsde between Portland and the Golden Gate. ; The price for carrying lumber to Ban Francisco Is the same eMM- .ak-. ewieea nsmal iA.-naOi . LAOS I vr w v . " - , - . feet. Tbe steamers can make two trips to Eureka from the Golden date In' the same length of time tnat it wouia take to make on trip td "Portland. -". ra 1 lnm In a ONertn Pjult HI OB III ship company has 1 had one steamer carrying lumber netween r-oruana ana Ban Francisco; several months ago It had five. The isteamer making - this port is the Despatch, while the Prentiss, Fulton, Navarro and Aberdeen have been transferred to the Eureka trade.; MKE PORTLAND BEER, - Boaaok Win Take Twenty Toss to Bar ' ', ; .'-.OttT rAy Trip. : '' When the steamer Roanoke sails for San Francisco tomorrow - evening she will have among her cargo IS tons of local brewed beer for Ban Francisco. A contract ha been signed between the North Paclflo Steamship company and the Welnhards" brewery, so it Is re ported, for the Roanoke to take 30 tons of beer to tbs Bay City on overy south bound trip. - Th csli for Portland beer haa been so Strong of lata that Bay City dealers are beginning to buy it liber- Ally. ' -. ; - , WILL SURVEY COLUMBIA. BewoA Party Win , IVook for Baoal v Flaoes - is) ITvpoA Uvs.. !5i- ;. A nart v of United iBtates engineera Is being mad up her to maks a survey of the upper Columbia from Celllo to the mouth of the Bnska river. The trip wilt be made In a rowboat; and win be of , great Interest to merchants and farmers of the inland empire. -. The engineers will maks thorough suVveya ef every part of the river, with a view to ths future work of Improving the chsnnl, A great deal of attention will be paid to tbs plsces needing the kt.:-:it c:j.:;t cp:.:::,c. Si Krilah sneaamep Said to e Char tered to Take Crrau to Japan. . ' It Is reported that the big British steanmhlp Knight Jgjrremt Is coming to Portland from Kobe, Japan, to load this season's grain for Japanese merchants. Local shippers claim to have no knowl edge of the steamer's coming," ssylng that if the report Is true she Is under charter of some Japanese shipping firm, most probably the Mitsui ' Bussan Kalsha, who expect to have steamers flying ths ensign of the mikado.. plying between Portland -and Yokohama after the war is over. ; - t -j - Bhould she come to this-"rlty,--the Knight Errant will ba one of tbe largest steamer to have received grain here. She Is 470 feet long,' 17.3 feet beam. 11. feet bold, of 4.779 tons, and. was built at Glasgow in 1898,. and belongs to tbe Knight- Steamship company of Liv erpool. ' .;,:...; ':.' ,, ALONG THE WATERFRONT. George Taylor, .president of tbe ship ping firm of Taylor, Toung A Co., is. spending his' vacation here. - ' ' Tba river v steamer-T Jessie. Harklns broke a tuba In her boilers yesterday afternoon and waa delayed about 'an hour tn sailing for Washougal. . Two hundred members of -th Odgen Mormon choir left on tha Dalles 'City this morning on their way home. r'. T. B. McRsth, local manager, or Qlr vln aV Eyre, la spending a few days at Seaside. '... ' Captains Edwards and Fuller, United States local . InsDectors of steam ves sels, are at Rlparla, Washington, ' In specting ths steamboat Mountain juem. While making her tending at the Washington street dock this morning the steamer Republic, broke her pro peller and bent her shaft - With the county rockplle prisoners - aboard she wss towed to Llnnton by tbe Resolute snd will go into drydock st St. Johns. " The.Numantia Is-dlscharglng .oriental cargo at the Alaska dock. Alfred Tucker, - local manager of Meyer, Wilson 4k Co.. returned yester day from a two weeks' vacation trip to various coast cities. :. J - MARINE NOTES. Astoria. Or.. Aug. ' (.Arrived down snd sailed In tha night Btearaer Boutb Bay, for San Francisco.' Arrived down at f and sailed at :I0 a. m. Steamer Columbia, for San Francisco. V- ' , Ban Francisco, Aug." f 9. Arrived at 1 S. m. -Steamer Despatch, from Portland. Sailed at 11:10 a m. Steamer St. Paul, for Portland. Sailed at last night Bteamer . Aberdeen,, for Astoria and Grays Harbor. '':."'".:", '.. - Astoria. Or.,- Aug.' 14. Arrived at' S and left up at C p. m.' Steamer Alliance, from Coos Bay and Eureka. Balled at I p. anv-te-Schooner O. M' Kellogg, for San Franotsco.-'' i ; --.- -Astoria, Or.,', Aug." II. Condition of the bar at I a, m. Smooth; light west wind; weather clear. . . j. ' Fun and Music Tonight: - Tonight, tomorrow afternoon and night tb grrat hypnotist, mlndreadrr. maglrlaa - Ssd ' sBtcrtalaer, sloEwen, will be tb attraction at th Marqnsin.-TBia Isjsi- srtmt has been pleasing crowded boasea algbtly. Irene Franklin, tb charming comet player, will be beard In several catchy selections. Popular pries prevsll la th erralng; bargain prices, at the matinee, Tbe Maroosm theatre fct located oa Morrlsoa street between sixth and Sereath, Fay Foater: Company.' ' . ' Mnslcsl burlesqns-, mingled" with specticUlsr brilliancy,' la Soma Masur describes th sew style-ef smnarment which will, bs tbe at trscttoa st tbs Baker theatre for on week ommearlnaj Sondsy matinee, August 27. "Cleopatra la Csatrsl Park" U tbs Utle ef the opsotag pert of tbe Pay Pester company's saterulaawat. It m fall af bright mnslcsl aumbara, sasgalacently gowned womea . aad cleeer eomsdlsas. Tb "Mysterloa Mrs. Bat Sea' brings the perfurmaac t a eloee. Th following contribute to tbe gaiety: Lwl Da ere, tbe BoslBoa, Vlrlan, btctatyrs aad Me Avoy. Beast Mose aad McNattl. Keegsn and alullaney. Tbe east sale was large this morn ing when tb box offtc opened and oontlsned (U day, which demouatratea that the pabllr wsata this - class ef sntsrtslnmrat. . ' ; para Kendall Next WeekJ ' ' Ears Keedall has sever had strong a ompaap a that which sapports blm Is "Weather Bee tea Hansen." bis aew. exunsdy, aad tha . critics hsre been . eepedslly en tkaslsstlc la its pralas, Among those who hare won special honors in tba new play are John D. Osrrtrk, PblUp Bishop, Thurlow Bergea, Harold Bassell, Esthryne Browne, Ethel BrssAoa, Edith Taliaferro, Elisabeth King, Mary Mtockwrll and Blta O'hslU. Mr. Kendall will present kla aew comedy st th Marcjuaoi Orasd theatr next bloaesy, Tueadsy, Wedaes day sights. Tborsdsy, Krlday, Ssturday matl se aad sight he will present tat the Bret tins on any atag Sidney Bnseafsld's latest offering. "Th Barnstormer." Bests are Belling for ths sstlrs wees.--."'. . ' -.-- - . ','"; ' Crowds at the BcUko, The Girt sad the Judge." as performed by the Belasco theatr stock company,'. continue aa tbe current theatrical sensation. Tbs plsy boas I crowded algbtly aad the performers arb praised without reserve -T by tb aismasMh sudlcaeee. It w en of Clyde Pitch' best work and will ' break sll record st th popular theatr . far attend are. .".'?;"' '.'"'.' ,: ; i ' ' ,' f ' ' i ' '-" . Hiatorical Drama.''" - "Dtr Birr therAlsBj-,-- frier prest 1iltm-l est drama which tb Lyrte stork eompsay Is presenting this week, drews crowd dslly and sightly that keeps tb pnputsr show boo e Slled t Ite eapai-lty. It la the heet show ever presented la Portland at tb prices soar red. Nest week' bill will he th celebrated comedy- drama,. "A Hooster Herolse." At the Grand. Joseph Callahan, the character Impersonator st tbe Ore ad this week. Is on of tb fw raally clever people who have flatted Portland IS vaudeville. Th Dolana are send faansakers. as i tb team f Leoaard aad lfeld. and Ida Bwsell H a cbarmlns woman. Tbs nlustrsted song aad tb ksovlag ptctare are ap to th Oraad madard. 'i . ,' ' v The Show at the Sur, ;'' Cliff Da Ce. eootlnoe te pack tb Btsr wltk wkat hi one of the beet ketrhe that has ver ensse to tbla eoaat. Th Moaan ta a ssvel da nelng act are Vary good. OiiaWrw and Uarnett, a funny pair, and Jo Irno, a mooologul.t, sr both., good. Roy llcBrsla aad th Buraerep cojnplehr lh strong bill. BIG BUILDING BOOM ' " " STRIKES CORVALLIS ' (Special Dispatch to 'The oarsl , . . "Corvallls, Or, Aug. is. There Is gen. ernl wonder and comment ' over the ateadr advance that Corvallls la, mak ing. ' Tha growth Is steady and rapid and dally increasing, r Contractors are mA hi., work inouah ahead ta keep them busy sll winter. Many new residences OI SUDSisniiat ana ornamental dalgn have already been completed here since spring and contracts sra be ing let dally for more. Besides tha real, denca growth, there Is a marked Im. provement In business .lines, and there Is talk of some handsome bricks going up in the near future. J AT THE THEATRES. 4"aasBaBjhB A T- --r-T - Mi v .'v v,;.;v'v ' On 'the .Popular Steamships :( '; fj.-;r t". '' ; JEFFERSON. V.'. AUGUST 29TH f DOLPHIN . C .... . .: . SEPTEMBER 2, 12, 22 Ut' - JEFFERSON. ...;. ...SEPTEMBER 7.JI7, 27 c : Do Not 'Neglectto'; Take This Ideal Trip. Remember the rate V'-i'-'O: -'''.': Includes Everything.' " . . j -. ,T ' V Reserve' Your Accommodations Now. . - '.. t " THE ALA&LaA 5. 0. COe -&CATTLC : i :S Frank Woolsey Company. Agents. - Phone Main 96. 252 Oak .,.;: f.i.;'V-;V;'..--:''-: t Street, Portland; Oregon. y ,ts ts "Up &3 Columbia" ii-W'To CASCADE LOCKS AND RETURN v , Regulator Une Stecmer GATZERr Xesavea foot of Aides erases dally Si30 a. as. ' rernras k'sM sv' , am. -'-'.' g: v. t? ' -wnrotiO stsssiSTB fo The Dallas aad '. Fare SI .5 0 ri jf: C. GEE WO The Great Chinese Doctor 1 Pormerly ' IneataA at assi Alder at, , esrsat iMovedT T th lar ' building at 8. B. of Pint aad ' sts. ... ..... v t -.,,:.-''. : ,'""' Entrance , 163 rirat Straat Sr. a Om W, the Arsst Ohlssee Doctor. Is wsU known aad tsmoaa thmgboat tb 0. B. becana bis wonderful sad marreloo ear, hare k.s h.rslded broadcast threaghost tbs length aaA breadth of this country, lis treat ay. aad all dlae with powerful , Chinees roots, herbs, bods, barks and vegetable that are entirely ankaowa to asedlcst ctBe la this country, god tbrongb ths ass of toes harmless remsdlea bs ta cure catarrh, asthma, loss troubles, rbsumstlsa. nereouaneaa. stomach, llrer, kidney, famass troubles aaA all priests AlsesssS. - - . . f This fsmoas doctor enre wltboat the al4 of th half, wltboat aslng poisons at draga Hnndrsds of resttmonlshj oa SI st his etflosa. Call aad eta blm. Cbargee awdeist. eiowntTTS-aiTfiW Till, r " ' Patleatr -st f tb rlty writ for hlse. (ad clrcnlar. Inclose e stamp, aooreee las a See We Ohlaee htadloln 0 USVb tet St, or. Marruwa, rertuad. vs. -a., ,i ?laasA BMbtlos ..this pPr., - DVH m . O SPICE C07FEE,TI DAIflDP0V7D3.e r0rTTIlO,CCS00N. WHOLE TRAIN LOADED v ; WITH INSANE PERSONS .. (Jourasl Special Bcrrtce.) . ;- 1 New' York. Aug. 5. Ths most strangely laden train that was ever sent over any ..railroad lcrt here toaay ror Rochester snd WHlafd. Theloadcorie slsted of about 800 Insane persons from the Long Island state hospital In Brook. Im. who were accompanied by nurse, keepers and physician. The -Brooklyn hospital was so overcrowded that it be came necessary to ship part of tbs pa' tlents to the hospitals In Rochester and wiiiardk -- Moat-ot-.tnenx. wera sent W Rochester, whare 'the state had lust com pleted buildings large enough to accom modate 788 patients. v i preferred tooh.Oaaaed Ooods. Allen at Lewis Best Brand. Lc3 V VTYA i r 5V O LuaO) ' Ws trsat sneoesafully all private . vous and ' ehronl diseases of men; also blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and throat troubles. We sure STPKXLia -t (without mercury) ts stay cured for , ever. . We remove STRICT0RB. With- . out operation os pain, in II daya - . ' , Wa stop dralna the result of self.' ' sbuse. Immediately. We can restore tha " sesuat rigor at any man under II by - means of looal . treatment peculiar ts ourselves.' ,-'-,"."..;' i " S v.'.- W fiirnrtrtrprhOrl8 TTv ( tf W WAbWAMB, WAP WaW a a -us- wyw ( . V;;,' ... y; In. a -Week -J 1. The doctors af this IrisUtuta sra alt regular graduates, have - had sneer . yearn' experience, have been knawa In Portland for 18 years, have a reputation to maintain, ana wui unaoriss is au. unless certain aar caa ba effeeted. - W guarentoa a cure In every cass waws, tmdertake or charge no rea consul ta tlon free. Letters coifldentlal. Inatrue . tlve BOOK FOR MEN mailed free la plain wrapper. ws i eiirs th ernret eaawS Of Cllea IB uon. . v. ur. uaraiu If you cannot sail at ofAoe. writs for casaful. "-';'. . ' . . . . Offlea hours. I to I and t te s. anrnaays and holldaya 18 to It. DR. W. NORTON DAVIS CO. Offlea) to Van Nor Hotel. 13 sV Third Street. Corner Pine, PartUa Cjw . on DAYS ON r7. PUQET SOUND t "Til sfdlterraaeas ef ths Psrlae.r " nraiT bottstd bbttieb: oetuxsu. . Pays for g days' round trip to TACOMA. SE ATTLB. EVEKBTT, BEUANOHakf. ANA COBTES, . WASH.; , VAMGOUVSK. BBJTlAil COLUMBIA, sts. . Usrtag PortlsBd Aagaot IS aad SI, 8:80 s. aiH flrst-clase tranapurtatioa, avrala aad. ksrtiis Included. .The palatial eresa-folag ateemahlps TJatA- TILLA, QUEEN, CITT OP PUEBLA. roc rlcksta and fall taformatloa amlv Pa. else Coaal Stsamahlp Co.. t8 Waablnctaa t booth aurs. sad ubsrsi arts bids. Pslr sYwsadsi Psset Bound Alaska I El Borsaa, OVmoaoagh bldg., 8th sad XaauuU sts., PertUnd. Or. North Pacific S. S. Co.V ' Steamship: i, :";;,,v ,400 TOafSJ ' .,' Sails from Columbia Dock. No. 1 for BAN FRANCISCO AND LOS ANOJXEB, calling at EUREKA enrouts, .' r. lATrnnAT,' atcv. bo, e y. ss. . SWeArsshlrartojLfit, Turkish Bath tnsslsAt. safari!. King's Baths Seventh and Wasb- . iagtoa Its. And Urgest asUAatt. -'. ...-'. J v,.. . . ' .-' '-'- ' I For . modern dental work. World-renowned specialists. Lowest prices conltnt wltk Srst-alAss , - r.a- ? -' wagsfc- ;., , i ... -.- oo to' taw - NEW YORK DENTISTS - rovBTat aur woaaxsoaT ara. ; Opea oar and night, from 8;I8 a. as, . . , , aattt sS Ba An - - ' Volea Ctaiwad Wttk, sAxdsr. ", ' , (bursal Special Berrlos.) . ... rn,i.elia Wash.- Aus? tl. Countv At- . -u diihim hu fllad an information for murder against all flva,oI tha Poles who were recenuy impucatea in us murder of a countryman, whom they beat to death- near Ta K1L Tbetr trlaU will ba held durfns! tha September term of eourW-w-i--!"- . - A: .. Beankm of t. . iJmm.1 BtMaal Bel lira 1 .'."V. -tirnton." ma.. Aor.S Th-tWTtr- thlrd annual reunion or tns nineteenin regiment Mains volunteers Is held here today. Many of the oomradea who Are In attendance ars accompanied by their wives. ' ' , , . m y e- twa thraa tsmatsnaaata. wllkaat - (neaUoa blaak, Borne treatment ' ricket QTflco 161 WaahiruTton nu I :' 1 St. iePBTS. AewaA. I - Peaurfuet f Jeff so stie. .. a..- l. imw,A Mire n,.M. f-sA-s TEETH tor ' '-:-: i ; Oaww A eSL - ThroasSi PMnaaaa otafiA. aad !' tg-e.ea dslly to Oawha. Coms, "arm sieepiag-sar asiiy to k.M tnragh Pallmsa tsorlst eleontag-ears I ally ondDrtd weekly to Cblcasa. t essircsrs isssna rreei to n aaet WIOH DEPOT. ' Lv . Arrtv CHICAOO-PO BTXAB P ' SPECIAL. SttS a. BV. t n p. 1 Est the East via' Beat- Dally. - Deliy. lagtoa. . '..:.:,. .'j. BPOKANB BXTBR. - For Bsatera Wssbiag- " ton. Walla WaUa. Low- BUS a. Sb a. t latoo. Caeut d'Alea Dally. . , Dally, snd Great Martaara , ,. poBta : : ATUarrr-y a 8:18 p. as, T:18s.a lor U 1- na meat- Dally. . Dsliy. If . (- Blear- Dlililia. roil ASTOBIA aad way! Points, eoaaeetlBg with tnar. for Ilwae aad IM.a Dally, sx, BoBdsy. BstDrday. 10-.M p. as. About 8:00 B. 1 north Bench, st am. asBMit. ' t 1 av..- i . ' v . rnur xor aivi. a an f Baaeb aa fellow! Aogast hi. - . SLt A st St, S:0O S B.; Asgast 4. S.00 a B..J .Aagnst ta. aeoa. .; A"5 . A P- - TsBkhlU mm - rflk navrrtw Cite T. t!m ' T)0a. a. Dally, sa. aWssaP. T-B.1 pjisdj. ermr. aars aad D '. asb-oc aoes IWsbsr permitting.) Bssks Brear Beat. FOB UWISTON, Ids.. I 4n a aa w..m arooii jaooojiy Blparla, wash, etaua. Wedoasday Spot ass aad Lew latoa.! Friday I M. as. a. Ta, Tnnrsy TICABT OPPICa Third aad W.shwgfa, Xaarn .'' P"m msiB Til. "T Q-W- sfUOTA CMr Tleket A.' A. Z. CBAIO. Oeaersl PssssBgas Agsa. EAST SOUTH . DMIOM DBPCT. Arrle OVBBAAltD KZPBVA Trains, for Bal.a, fcoss-l ejAJpiaV '' :., ' ourg, asaisao, saera BMBto. Osd.a. Baa Praa- TdSa. Bh emeo. Stock toa. Lea As- 'isa, B4 rus, new w-i saa a bo ine Kasv btoninc trala icts - at Woodbuia dslly escept Aaadsy with - trala Bar 1st. 1:80 a as. e fd8 p. av Angel. B 1 1 V 1 1 a. Brownsvlll. Bprtas-I field. WaaAila Mstroa. -Baasa Bssseur 80s. m. Beeta st Woodbara with 18:88 I hit. jAngsl Snd AJY-I T:8 s. is. corvsiii sassmaar, Bhcrldaa nuaingee, Poreet Orov psaaeny 8:88 p. St. ea-sa m. 4:60 as. IllOlltp.BV IHl:oO p. an.ll . II Dalle eeeen IMlif ' "f '-' '. ' K r Pertlssd 0asgs Bak.rkss sVwvwa sad TaavfcSl ,. . UiWUV s.w. e.w, ..e, w.w, o.w, . - ' a. m. Dally (szeept aoady. So, e:e 8 - ivtss a. at,. t;vuiw .aLki Betarslng from Osnigi', srrtes ParrleeA 1 7 li:18 p. sv, bally (sicvi Sonday). S.-i t:i , SrAO a. m.l 1:U. S:06. 4:58. :. f c 11:18 An. 10:1. ll:A a as, auaasy. p. si. ealy. 100 s. m. Learea from sams depot for Delia and teta. au.ti.te nolnta dailr 4:00 a. Array rw ta!rt'0:V.llIMamr-th iW U-e perate dally to Mesnoath aad Air. Is, aectlag with Bourhsra PsetS somsssy's trass ( Dallas aas lss.peBO.nee. - m . cmm EWrl.eJ o AseesaaeaiSa ad Baa rraaaise H0. bertha Mli tm far 818, aeeoad-elass apaPT VUSP es- Ticket to Ea.teru point snd lrpJi - nl HamI.1. eoS Ansteslls. 1 BdEnrepet i ebm Js 0ltr Ticket Offtc orner Third aa Wash. . . tPWjesa Usla ntBTTfrsl Pi. I WBJIW. AT sasessas i aw. a w. STIWOEB, " W. m. rtmAW. atf Ticket Agesi. . , wee. rm. sans TIME CARD TRAINS Portltyic!j DAILT. .UHI0M . DEPOT. iMpar. - I Arrtve. TeUowston Psrk-Ksa-j ss Ctty-St. LooJ 8pe- rial Sat cneoeus, tralla, Olympla. Orsys Baroor. kath Bead. Ta eonta. Seattle. Baokaa. 48S.SS, 4-A0f,Ss. Lawutoa. aatia, aiiii' h,M bne. oauha Kansas City. Bt. Louis) sad Bsatb!. Merrh Onat ' Limited. elertrle Ugkted, for Ts-1 1:00 p. BV fMs.Sk. eoBM, Be. lite, npocane. Batter Mltinespolls, St. Paul aad tb East. Paget Boaad LI mired, far Cash Us. Centralla. dJSp,BV Tscom sad , Paauw ealy. ''''', Twin City Einrssa, far Tacoms, Besttl, Pn. kan. Belena. Ii i. 10A8p.Sk , X.llewstoas Psrk. k aeapnlla, Jtt. Psal ad! U:Sp.l 8:80 p. SV A., n rsiii.Tfii. Aaalataat General PaaBsafer Agsat, BnA MnrHnoB St.. or. (.. aor. lair. PertAaBd, Astoria Sl Columbia : River Railroad Ca Lesee. ONION DEPOT. B-O0B.BV Dally. isAB. av, ' Pee Bfayfuav. Ralalsv. Clatakanis, Wsstport. Cllftes. AaftsHa. Wsr-i 1141 Dau,. reatea, Plassl. Boaa, Port Bteveaa, (eearbart Park, Seeslsa, Astoria aad Seaeaar . ,' BiprsMdariyv r- ,. Astnri Skprs, f0.Ss, lIDally. . 8:88 A 1 Saturday esly. HB 'j'''',, AT0 ' -l ' 1 v O. P. a4 P. A.'. smei. , .- street. Pas msla 1 1 TrffiAon n "2 TraUriAi ISz a a ' fT - a. A a Toe'' -.rT, r V....x. es-.T . AiM ' psylle-ht trip them ad Recsr mountai 3a J .re, ra.e. fviAArs, 4 A. r. r- mS v . US