The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 25, 1905, Image 13

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    r:n Cl
'3 O
1 r
r rt"- .
C;r;rt.! Cut ty C.t Ccr;.:-: y. :C;a
U" iJ it J. -
; ;'. ' .
Continued Hot .Weather and
General Lack f "Moistura at '
r . Right Time Hurts.
. , ' TotaV Crop pi Pacific , Northweat
Estimated1 ,-. Between Forty-Seven
v- Million Five. ' Hundred Thoasanl
V " snOiftjr Million Bushels. . ' '
".- t' ,w ' V
. ' - A ; i i tf." .-, . . , - .. ; ; f -.
h Front Street, Aug. SS. The principal ftature
f th Fori Land wholcaale fcarkrU today IW .
. Wheat, rtold anialler than expected. k
Balmoa huh cloned at Boon.
, Toaietoe higher at prJoMrj point. . ' .
- t'antatoupea ara Vary pour aale,
; Waterawtuaa drag with oaol wo tier. ' ,
,. -Kiport Hour ito 6 lewar. v.- ,,,'. v;
'., Orange ,r cro and higher, ' Kv, . - .;,.
Black arapca ara rather duil. ,, . .- I
grapes are Is demand. "v
Poultry market at danger point. .
r.g and hatter ara am. - .
Freeh tomatoaa I better Supply, f,
Fracbee com la larger lot. -t,.
!, ":' V , i ... Vlald Bo. Yield B.
-Oege :77T77.V.......l.iW.l:'
Idaho ................. 9.032,137.
'WaahlMtoa 3a.la0.0uS
j tetal J-WIaf. V J . .B8.W3.KO j' 4,T5ioui
-fyf eifrt urei.'::",;- """ .".;
at 'Weathar ttlla Orep 9am. ;
" That there haa beea a great loea la the
coming wheat yield daring the paat month haa
net bee denied tT erea .th meat, aangulne.
. list weather, oemhlned with a bad atari at
tea arljr .part at tbe araeoa, were the factor
" In making thla. toee.1 The Jownal'a eatlmat
i. today (or the eemlag wheat erep fct hetweea
- 47.6UO.0UO buehela and 60.000,000 boabela. There
, waa quite a hear increeee la the acreage of
-.wheat expected earlier Id the eeaeoa. bat a
, large part at It never BBatarlaUaed aecoaat
' ot the grrat ammp to prlrea Jaet ahoat that
. , tine. Altogether It- la believed that there
- ta eoma teorvaee la th acreage, bat the amount
. la asmlnal by . what waa predicted and ex.
perted earlier lot th eeaaum by tbe grata trade.
, Climatic, cenditmna - la the PaclA worthweet
-daring toe neat aeaaoa have no parallel la thla
, aectloa. There waa a general lack at melatnre
daring-th winter awath end thka deadeacf
waa aevev anide- ap. - Xher waa. ot eearee,
' aeav ralna during' the Urn whea . need lag
peratkma war ahoat to begin, bat laeteed. of
helping th crop It kept back th operation.
according to th report at th department of
agriculture for 180 the crop of that aeaaoa
In th FartBc aorthweet amounted, all told, te
' about U.023.B23 baabela. bat thla eatlmat waa
' conatdered over 6.0UO.O00 bvehela too high by
- th general trade. . Thla would make Wet year'
. total crop a (ractlea awler th. on of fhe
' preerst aeaaoa. " . . . ;
Wheat afarhet Tory Dull. ,.
- Th wheal market at th moment I eery
' doll affair, mlllera being caution la their
1 parrhaaea, while faramra d not know whethei
ln aril or h"M. at.ny of thm ara paw mxi
prveelng regret that they did not aell early-
. befor th tbtneae boycott a American fkmi
. became aa oronounced while arloea were- hlghef
' and the ahrlnhage lexh grata would be borne
aale of wheet during the paat tew day hard
i beeary eajelL., :.. .,;:i'''tj; :;
J "-- -Kapar Hour ilee lwr ,
" ! Rxport demand tor Boar la at tow bb.' Bong'
V kong , or other Cblaeee Importing entm are
.. but do log any bualaea with thla aectloa, prae
" tlcally the 'few purcbaee now -recorded being
-w'j frera Auatrall. ftoeha ot Boar l China
j ' are reported to' be dowa to th very bottom
. and If the boycott ebould be dlapoeed . of la
'time there may perhapa be aaatetarog- doing
here la tbe dour marktt," Today mlUera at
..-, Oregon are traotlag expoH tour Sc . tower, at, altbodgh om Waahlngtoa rnlUar, r
J; atlll aaklng former values.. Local trad 1 wry
..' talmaa BM Ctoaai'at ataaa. '.'-:'
Thtr-reOD aprtog-aummer aalmoa aeaaoa la bow
' a thing ot the past. The eeeeoa eloeed at th
aooa 'bW' and the ctoelng wea who rood by
- practically the entire, trade. Ho far ee at
'' preaeat known-tbe peck baa preewa dlaapoolnt.
fng. berauae It w believed Uat big -run
'.'would aarerlalla Into ta th eeaeaa. - Tht.
. however, felled to show ap. ."
f. .' Caaaed Tomateo iUJUghr.;':'.; '"'
a At primary point there baa beea a -esaterlal
,' .advaac la the quotation a rutar aaaaed
: .tiimator. . Ihl la due to th abort crop la
"" California and other centere. . Today ' primary
' polnta are Quoting th following advance aver
-pre riot a llu: Standard. 1H. 10ei aUndarda,
. gallon. SOc; ataadarda. la. 10c per caa. . Ke
eVkaagee bar aa yet beea made by tke local
1' lobbera' aanoctatloa. .... '. -
Kreeh tesiatora are' coming- la allghtlrfmrt
rfreely today and atorka are ot better quality.
Price touch ta top- at Tod for ta fane lee. ,
' - Weather Xarto Wabaraalea lato. "'
j - There I extreme dullnee la th demand for
.watermelon with aappll eery heavy. Vrlce
fraction off. .' .' f. - '. ' . .-- ' i
tanUtoupea ar drugging the market with
.' Jaupplle of poor etock .very heavy. , FTlcc
h.nwh.l lower- .. ' f
., I'eache ace- la- liberal eapply today with the
.market ehowlng a. light peehncee for th oft
"Black grapes ar Ja to Bberai aoppld bet
' white one ar eelllng better.
j - - Horn email ablpmrnt of , black brr lea fro a)
' ' valley point thl morning foand entail
.aronnd ll.2f.Ul.60 per crate. . .
. V Good apple are rather care and fall arte
- - Are being malnulnd.. , i . - -
Orange are- araree a ad higher price an
' being waked tor the wetter quality. '
' . Th following q notation are thee paid by
' the' retail trade to rronttreet dealer for
' beat quality In round tot. Producerf prlcea
...) apedted. ';
wrabV flea and feed. . j-' t
,! WHBAT 4mtrart, IBOd Wew cmK
b itnaaiaa. : blneatem. T2et vallev.. Me.-
BARLgJ Feed. l2l.Soa2S.00,. relied I2S.S0
. r dJM.WL brewing, Zi.M).w. .
T. CORN Wneie, .uui erecked, S2S.M par tea.
KVB 11.66 per ewt. i r
; OAtS-Ko. 1 whIU. SSoVM; gravf 3S 00. "
'.' KLOUIt eaatera tiroaua - ratenH. B4.r)dl
- d.B6 atralghta. M 76; exporta. 8.S0)Aa6;
. valley. S41; grahaav Ka. S4.0Uk loa. .,4,;
enre. 60. S 0t heme, 2-T5. ,;
,.i hULLSTL ITS Bran. J0.00 per toa! . mid-Wltiig.-
128 00; hbrtv oouatry, 122.00; ely,
-:421."0J chop, I1S.00. .-
. 7 HAT Producer' price Ttmothr, Wllle matte
' Valley, fney, Stl.M: rdl7, S10.00; tra
Oregon. SU.00OlS.00j mixed, -fll.oot clover,
: U.oufflS.00; graTa, 0.00 eheat, SS 00iS.S0.
, M Batter.. Xgg aad twaltrr.
Btrmtm FAT dwert. BSHc; boar, 'MM. '
V" BUTTEB City creamery, beet, SOc; aeoond
' trade. S7Vll ontald faacy, ordinary,
XSci atore. . 16D1T. " '
Eoan No. 1 freah. OregM, eaadledr SSQMe;
aatern. -21tj22e) - "
t HICKSB New-MfnJI cream, twin, .130 lee;
Yenng America. 14015; cheddr,14.
FOILTHV Cbkkaa. mixed. liOwt, par
. lb; ben. 14 per lb; rnoetera, .old. lie
per lb; roong. lc per lb; brollera, . 14fMiic
per lb; ftyerv 1414e per Ihl duck., lltjltc
Jbi geeee. sane pea. lb; rarkry. IstftOe per
ibt dreaead. Sottas per lb; aquaba, .00 per
" Hope. IFoel aad BTId. " '
, BOPB Toa tract, 1006 Oregon, IV; -Wh-'
Ingteo, ' Ht4t14c; leod crop. ITTtttU, fe
' Boiee;.1dJ'I7e M pHnte aad Biedlaanei .
. WOOL Ivor cMp, valley. oare te mediant.
. 4M2H Bav SOUalej eeatera Oregoa,
.. iollAl Kovlel,S0dJS1e. ' ' - -
- SHSKPSKINS ebeering. iO ahJrt weoj,
Cittwiei medium weL SOIjtOet hmg wove,
ietlfl.00 each.
tallajw rnm, peg ID) ecyoei no. a eae
" CHITTlaf I
t iARxr-SOJHe per lb.' r J '
-Drr hide. K. L 1 d .
per lb; dry kip, We. 1, W II R.
l"tiltte 'r
I An - Arw aalf. Nil 1 asA B rna. iaJSci
er o in. iev-ec
nawad Bide, terra, aennd. wiMa O'er "wv
Uei 60 to
lhe lan
ci aader a m an
boll, eound, ucj
d. is In 14 lb. )
. a. IS to Ail the. tot aooad. Id In 14
paoAy Fr.XcS i:j :v sir:
,: r. ' TM.2-WHEAT f.!ARXl;T
T ' i ' '"'"V .'. .', A 1 . ' , '
. - ,' Sept.. . Ic
Chicago ,.,t .894 A .SI B
Liverpool .. .., IHd a
Sti Loula. .". . ... ' ..1J B - .80 , '
Kanaaa City... .73 - -.U
Mlnneapotle ... .S8V " .81'
Duluth . . . . , ' ,7T M :
MUwsuk .80
San iYanelaco.1.00,
.81. :
'Dcmhr barlejr.
014 September.-
(Bnealted), 1 per th leaa: earn. 1 per lb leant
horwblde. aalted.
aah. S1.26tll.TSl
colt hide, each, S6O60e
oa, eommea, arn. lor.uici atugera.
1 aa, eeca. tScftl.
with wool
.. rntt aad gataw.'
' POTAtOES Oregon. TteSSc ' car' tool,
lack: eweet. tUtjAe.- - -' . ,A
. ONIONS New Orcgoa yellow Denver, tl.BO;
car lot. tl.oottJ.lO; vlw Walla, l.Wi (arUe.
lOc pt-r lb. .
FREH11 VbCITH Apple. Oregon, tU;
fancy, II. TB: erahapplea, NX-til. 00: orange, late
Valencia. IJ 75y4 (lOTbanana, c lb; kmoo.
choice, V.60 per bos'. fancy, fUMO
per hot) lime. Mm lean. II M par
loot ptneapplee. $.SO per ' doe; peacbea, fancy,
nattSOe; ordinary, 6507001 plum. TSeQ
11.23 per crstei ' cantalonpea, .' fl.0Atfl.2S
per eratet Idaho . nolm-gi. iA4vw2.2S
per crate; watermelon. Tocjl.tlO ewt; grgaee,
Oregoa.' -1.1S; - California.' SI. 1031.40 per
box; pear. Orcgoa- H.251.60 boxi blackbarri,
11.76; ciaabaa, ll.604ja.26 per don; fre
prune. B0t7oe per crate,
VKOBTABLES Turnip, new, fl.00 per aaebj
carrota. 11.00)1.28 per aackj beeu. I1.004I
l.U per aackj Orcgoa radlabaa. She par dea;
cabbage, - Orcgoa. . TSe pet cwti greea
peppw. MQaoo per hoi; meat remtoe soa
foe; parenlpa, $1.00116; atrlng beena, IVitt;;
cauliflower, 7 Be per doe; rhubarb, 8H per lb
horaeradiah. 12e lb l artlcbokee. eOahOe per dent
hothouee lettuce. S0O76c: head lettuce, .15 pel
do; greea onloaa, loOlS'fcc per doe; aplnara,
Se pe lb; green Corn. SI.Ov per aeckt Pea.
Sc per lb; cucumber. 60a75c per aack) eelery.
Coloridu, ertt7(c; local, T3SBo par donan;
eggplant, $3.00 per crate; pumpkin, !
rUBIKD KHUITH Aonlea, evaporated. tdlM
per. lb: anrieota. IHrilie per lb! acka. H
per lb lee: peecbaa. ai3 per Ibi near.-
per Tbi . prnnee. lUliaa. SV44Vt ear lb;
Free eh. SUfltW tier lb: fin. Calltemla burk.
ter lb California whit. , far Ibt
plama. pitted. per lb: date, aoldewjc
net lb tarda. 11.10 bar 18- bog. , .
0MaTaaWlM 'oVVttW' ' XtaV
BDOAaV-Saeh baala-Cnhe; M 76; powdered,
JS.dO; fruit geeaulated,.' 16.60; dry granolatei
S.60; Conf. A, S6.SO: beet granulated, 5.0j
extra 0. fS.OO; golden O. H-K'i D
$4.0; bbla. 10c, H bbla too, box (0 advaac
ea each beat, leaa t&e aer cwt Xo caaaV IS
day: maple. 1416e nor lb.
tiOXr-4 per crate, - ' ... - V ,
CorrGM Peek braada, 1S.TV
- SALT nuvBawa. Sa. he. ee. , lie." I1.I0:
table, darrr. gOa, 111.00: 100a, A10-I?!.-rtm'
MMd t.lranunl IIAa 1V OOl 100a. S1S.30I
z24. tll.OOj , extra One, btol. Sr. . 10H
M.aOns.BO: balk. 830.1b. MtkbMX nacu.
to. AfitSSd. .
hALT Ooaree Half gtwaad. lOOaje ton.
IT.00; SOa, r toa. IT-bOj I.lvernoolTyma rock.
111.60 per ton: SO-lb rock. ST.OOi looal.7o.
L (Abov price apply to aale of bw thaa
QnetaatloBstr. ' j . .'' i
ORAlit BAflft Ontcutta. TUa. ' T
BICB Imperial Jinan. Ko. 1. Set !.!.
SUc! New Or teas heed. Alex. 4.S Ore-
ale. -
BBArfi-HmaiT whft. S4tae: Ura wtte.
SHc: pink. SWCISUet bayoa. 4WI Urna. SUSS
hle-ttran red, . . ' ..
NUT Peaneta. 7Ur ntphoa. U P
raw. OlOe per Ibt rmurteo. - ! eweoaaate.
MM0e per deat walaata. I4dll6 par lb: Pin,
net a. lOaiSMe per lb: hickory note. 10e pee lb:
eieatnnta. eaateni. IIOIAc rer lb: BrH ut.
la par lb; fllberta, lei6 1! BC'
earn. IIOlBci alnMmd. lieilo par -
alnta.-rwr tJOaT
ItOPaV-Par Manila. 14et atandara 11(41
ml. 10ci llaVa brand BlaaL SA.
hwl. 10c.
COAL OIL Pearl or A4rL Caaea, BOH
mm e9 pMaT vT1
" OASOUHB 'de. caaaa.' 89 aee t 1rB
bbla, Sr per gal: etoree. caaaa. S4W g gal;
Iron bbla. IS nor gal. 5 . .'
BENEINB S-deg. ee. SSe v gah Iron
bk'. te et gL-: - - - ' ' tIV..
TCRPB.VTINB I eea,0re per gat; wwjdoa
bbla. SB per gal; Iros bhfet, 8Be per get. .
. WRIT! LEAD Toa lota. Ttao aer ibt' SOO-Ih
Wt. TiJer lb: leaa lota. S per lb. . . ,. , ,
WlhB NAH.S Preatot baee at S3JB.
tJN8ESI OIL Pure raw. In , bbta. 17 pet
gal; ceeea. Tie per gal; genuine kettl boiled,
caaea. TO aer gal: bbm. do per call aroaad
rake. ear. tot. 120.00 peg aBI toa thaa car
SU. 130.00 -ner U. H -'-.-j--
afeata.-' Ttih and PrertaVma. : ' -
TRMH MB AT Front atreet
St6e per lb; pork, block. THttHe per Ihl paca
rt TWOSft per Ibt bull. iS'per lb; (owe,
46e per Wf muttoa, Sta07Va per lb: Umb
with polta. S4os lb: -veal, gxtra. THUhc;
ordinary, ettttTe per Ibt pobr. So pat lb.
HAM, BACON. BTO Portland Beck ocn
ban. 10 to 14 lo. 1.1 per lb; 14 to IS lb,
114 par tor 18 to SO lba, lt per lb; cottage,
Se per lb; broakfaal be eon, lSdlH pet ib;
picnic, he pee Ibt regular abort etoara. -ainoked.
lie per Ib; amoked. lie per lb;
clear bark a. anemokrd, JOe Ibt amoked, ll
per Ibt Union butt. 10 to IS lb, enawioked. S
Br lb; amoked S per Ib: clear belli.
tnokod. lie ner Ibt mad. IS par lh ahoui-
LOOAL tABIWKettto' W. 10a. 11 per
Ib; ,, 11 per K; NVTh tlna, le per Th;
6,, 11, per lb; Bfrlb tlna, 11 it I
in rendered. 10a, 10 H per lb; 0.
team rendered. IQn, 10 He per lb; Da,
per lev
ravwwri B r.UtWfntmnMa rteev. l.rktalt.
tl.80; t-Ih tlh), 82.TO; fancy, l ib fUta, 11.80;
b lb faacy flat. 1.18; faaoy l ib vla, 82.76:
Alaaka telle, pink. a&SISOct tad. 11 AO: aacalaa.
Se. tan. S2.00. , ' .1 - ,
. PIHH Rock end. T per Ibt ftounder. S per
th; halibut. SM lb; crab. 81-60 per dea;
R lined baa. 12i "per Ib: catflah. T per
; eatmoa, ehlnook, Sc per lb: ateelheada, TV
per lb; blutbecha. Be per lb; herring. Se per tbi
eolea. de per lb; ehrtmoe, 10a ner lbi Berch,
Se per lb: ehad, 4c per Ib; me (had. 6e per Ib:
had roe. SOe per lb: black end. Tc per Ib: ellver
malt. Te per lb; lobetera, 1 6c: freah mackerel.
Se per Ib: crawfirh. She par doe; ftoaadera. a
er lb! artlreeoo. Te ner Ib. . , i
OTSTBRfl Rnoalwatar hay., per gal, SS-tSt
per eerk. SS.TS: -
tTLAhlS Herd eneU. par box. II. OD!
clam. 82.00 aer box. ... . .
Today's Prices Are Off Twenty.
, Five Cente on Account of
' Portland tfnloB Btoikyarda. Aug. " 36L)r.
tock receipt: "'..... .
.. -. ... Hog -CatH Sheep
Tody ...:.....;;..,...;..... as t t
Week ago. ......--a.,.,...,. , . 23 SHO
Prevlooa week .i. S3 175 - luO
Month ago .. - so . .,
- Today war recorded tbe firet decline In "the
bog market mneo June S. On that day which
happened te be Friday a fee th eattr ntncli
market w weak anJ prlcea dropped , 2ftc-
throngbrmt to marsat. tb earn cat waa
ahowa today. Oattto ar a nc banged, while-veal
calve aad ahaep ar qmted very firm.'
Of tela I prlcea for Ureal orb; - -
' Hoga Beet eeltern Oregnn, rl.BO; hlorkeri
and China fata, 10.00; atooker and feed
t attle Beat eaatern Oregon ateer. 81 on
8.26; light and medium ateer. S2.SflHrtS.00;
beat cowe and belfer. 2.zfttS.BO; old and
Hgbt'oswa, atockera aad feeder,
sa.2ie2.7s: bninv si.w... - . .
. Sheep Wether. &H; mixed ahaep, 1;
atrelght cwea. Sr2(c; aprlng lemha, ie.
Calna UoodTl. 150 to SOO pouBda, 1(40
r rough and heavy,- G c. - , . .
- . m ii m i i - ;
'. oobutocb: Kiirnit btocxb. )
Man rraneja, Aug. 26-OfSclal eloeov aanra-
ing ioo: ' . i.
, Bid.
Bnlllna ......... 8 -2
Belcher'' ....... .13
vm. CL-Ta... 1.10
Ophlr ,..f.... S-tS
raledorda . .,., rS
Meilcaa - ...... 1-01
Aede . ....... e .2S
.: Bid.;
"rat .47
I'ntna' ...... I, .(Id V
Tnloa On 46
Yellow Jacket., .IS
F.xrhequer i.w. .40 '
Hale k Norcroaa. I.lff
Meorpiea -,M
;L . . i . . . ; . . .7.. .'. .im.h tt.m
Chicago Wheet Market Stiffens
Up Somewhat Although Liver-;
pool Is Quoted Lower.
September "and Msjr Show Rise of s
Half December Qaina Three,
- Eighths Cash Markets Ate Some-
s . . . .
what Lower-tReceipts Smaller.
rniDArs whbat kabkbt.
rtoaa - Cine, -" flat - 'Ctoaa1
Prl. ' Thur. .'. krl. Tear Ago
par Ago
1.06 'I
,v.4 .o4A .",S .ooh Si
- 64 U Bit f iBfhdVL A
'J. '.tHA .m '.00
fhleago. Aug. SS. A aide from th Argentln
ehlpmenU being about 1.4O0.O08 buehela torn
than timted and th report of 40,000 buataei
ot wheat taken for export. Bothlng developed
during th day te change th eoure of prlcea.
yeeterday'a decline evidently Bed mcraaaea in
abort intereat. who wer Inclhted to cover o
krg entlne hlpmnta and eomeioing
i . the ehape 'of wheel iport. Pri
mary receipt wer again entailer .tbaa a year
tin, but caah ortoea In the aorthw
aa, aa city were lower, tnouga a. uenie i
porta tb table cleaned ap. Th real aignirh
cant fenturoa of today a aeaatoa waa h tat
that September wheat agala sold at To, tli
eeond time thla week. Preeear wa not
atrong aaough ta pat It through that point.
' Oora lnrlra DviL- , -.
'Oom ckeed anchaaged after a dull aeeelori
and 'limited rang. Ueah price- eontlno well
malBUined and rather free-Inquiry to reported.
Tbe peculatlve trade to (till alow with mtoreet
centered alnuat wholly la September.
la ant tbe narrow rang teim it own atory
of a dull, dragging affair. , .. , .
.';'. Perk laarhet th bade, f ' " - -Th
': orar talon market ' ctoaed om higher.
pork bemg tb leader.- Bog price at th aria
ahowed aome Improvement aad tb peeutotlv
market continue to rertoct mora tn name
toedernklp that ha been dleplayed for oom
Offtohtl noUtloa by': Orerbeck
Start '
Owka company: . -.;?
- WHEAT. '
',. v . Open. High.- - . Low.
, .S2 B
Sept..,.. .TOVk .bt 9 rJt
I1M...M JOlft , - M
hUp..... y.JI4i., - .8M4 . -.S4
Old Kept. .S4i .65
Old Dec.. .ed .
. . A
" M
' ".'
May....-- ,4 - ?
Hept..... ; M i'-.. .as
Ilee .-- .aa - - .
May...:.. .Ho 3 J8
Sept..... 14.SS 14.S7 -. 14.75 1
Oct...... 14.M 14.BR 14.S5-
Jaa 13.01 ; " 13.011 . - 18.06.
a : -. LARD. -i
8epe.'..Ji T.ST , i S.OJ t.JT ,.
Oct...... SjOS - AU Soda
Jaa...... :. ' 720 - MI ?.
rtopt...,. T.ST ., -( . SfTV
Oct...... s.ot -. tt- ton -
,a aj i . ' e.s
rxxxAix exAnr xotxxut.
L tTOcago, ""'T. ,.J
i T-r-rneTiaa
wheat- .:......:..,..,.,. ws,ooo ,. az4,ouo
Com . ,r......oni..i,v.,t.t'".iW. ."
KhlpmeatB ... .--t-,
m-v..t .4,000 . 4A4.000
corn 42S.00S
- I'learanoea: Wheat., none;. Sour, 20,000 bar-
re la; corn, yS.OOO buhl; oato, JT.Ouo huHwIa.
4' ; CHTCAOO CASK nrU,T.'"; ." i v"'
V Chicago, Aug. Ml. wtom.: f-
Ko. t red :..;....l....i........8 .gljt ;
No. I red i .'...tit .'.T .. .11
No. 1 hard ..,...,...-, Jt 'Tl ,
No. S hard JJ .
No. 1 aorthera .....M J '
No. B aartbera .....'....... ." -
Not- S priog .......
.SO :
urxmroox. masit.
Liverpool, Aug. 86.
at Wheat, Beptom
Peeember, I Tkd,
her. ee Sd, fed
Corn September, Hi higher; December
higher. .: - ." - ;- , ,'. -
"' ' t f' Xaaaaa City Caah Wwi ; "
Kanaaa City. Aug. . Caah wheet:
1 red, fOq; No. 1 hard. Sic ' - -
'. AreaatlB Srala Shin meat.
Chicago, Aug. . Argentine grata ghlpmratai
. - .- Today - Year Ag
. ' t " ' " Buafa. Buah.
Wheat i..'..i.'..l.s.0M I.a6.on0
Cora .... .i....mii,wuw t,iH,wt
'' .:': . .. i - y v '
New York. Ang. IS. -Cotton fnturea
4 to T point tower. ; ' . .
Offlrtol quotation by . Orerbeck, , SUrr
Cook. co-P-y: .
January til" Ji" J'
1104 VM
rehrnanr inn jiin . inn
March 'J !
AprU ;
May ......... .11'-
Anguet J 10T1
Heptember ..!0I?
HIT 1108
in liod
1121 1110
lOTT 1071
1078 . 10T
109 1081
Oetober luv
November liii
Itocember 1105 110S. JOSt
ii laui inn cm imn
ALAdrXA MluU ouuisu v-
. , naelal DtopateS to The JearaaLt f
Aetorl. Or.. Aug. ttt. AnmmiKeiueat was
mad yeeterday of a cot of 10c per doara 1a th
.,M nt Alaaka caaaed ealmoB. . Th opening
pric wa 8L but oro of tbe pechere hare
eold rr 8Th tt hasaaafftet ea the Co
htmbla river pack, which to alreedy ovaraoM.
It af fact principally tb tower grade of Alaaka
aad Paget eound riaa. ,
- wOOB KILOhT cmop. .'- ;
" IBpeclaf Wpuh to Tb JoaraaLi
The Dalle. Or, Aag. 88. Water xakm-r
coming ta bow by eartoad tota and ar bang
hipped to Portland rommtentoa bona. Al
tbongh tb hot and dry weetbe ha affeetoj
anm melooe, in larger pmna n tow arwp
.nalitv and ' fair nrlee are neld.
Dalle metona rh earning to th front, and
eech year a larger acreage la planted and the
rail for -them from , twtatde town Incrraa.t.
Tbi eeeaon about 900 acre were planted la
what to know ar Dry hollow, ahoat two mile
enath of thla city. Fully 20 carload will be
ehlpped thla year aad perhapa that, many
more will b enonunwo ner-. -
. norge Cooper, tlie Urgeet metoa grower fa
thla vicinity, ba Tl acree. Ha haasehlpped
... MMrm a.ui will ahln aa many more, htalnna
ta a fair eaoa will net about 830 per acre
clear of all xpeaaee. fthlpper get ahoat 10
te. 200 per car ea hoard eara.-, ( '
'l;twioiici oorm aflreoaii'':.'."
Boetoo, AOg. xn. vincma wapwev nw
Adveatnr ,. S.OO
Atlantto - 60
A Hone .14.211,
Blivgham I... ' i o '
Tal. A Arlg., lanoo 1
Calumet -.e dnd.on
Copper Bang. 71 S2V
Centennial ... TT.oo
Italy Went -..- Id td j
Elm 1 TB I
riranhy ...... T TTH
Greene ...... ' 2 60
Old ItomlntoB. . 2T.60
tlohawk . .... - 6 19 -tlchlgaa
' 14.60
(Weole ......8102 6
Parent ....... 27 M
l-tinmilt , I.M
Otilney ....... lClb.
Shannoa t.SrA
Tamarajfe ..-323(iO
Trlultr ...... S.2S
I'nlted ....... 81. M
Victoria -4St
Wlnia ...... IK)
WnivdrlB .... ITA.Kl
l Uh t- 40tl
1'. r. Mining., St. W,
Royal' v.. SKI
Ttao. Copper., 3vo
I ... r ' -
Oocton ; Operator Predicts . Dire
Calamity In the Prloe of Cop- ,
r ', per Metalt : 80011.11
Pacific Man a Very Bullish Feature
With a Bear Market Rock Island
Preferred Buff en Moat Amal-
; (amated Slightly Off. : '.
Nortn ABMricaa ..e
lint. Weat .......
People' )
Atchlaoa, pfd .....
Swelter ..........
Colo. Puel .......
hoc liua
Bock lalani, pfd.. Ij
Moot hern Uy ...... V
Texaa A I'adfw ...
U. a. Start V
Wla. Cent., pfd V
Ken. Steel ' V
Cheeapeah .......
Cauadiaa .........
Culo. houlh .......
Colo. South., let p.
jjenver .....
Krie ............i
trie, lit Btd .....
Hen. BteeL Pfd...
ureal wool
Han. Praa., 2d pfd.
llllnol Ceatral .. -JrilHt. Lit W
Lonla villa . i .-i-,-rr-4 1 Untoa-
alexlraa Cntral .. WabB
a a" a M
auaaouri facia
.. . taW.naah. ufd . ,
ADVANCKrl. - ,
A aa ceo da
Atchhwa ....
aaty, pro n
Pacts Mall ...... V
Colo, Mouth
South, By., pfd.... .
Teaa. Ooal ........
Toledo, pfd
L. S. Bubber- t
V. S. SteeL pfd...
South, By., pfd.
Erie, 14 pfd
...h.e, H
Well Street. New York. Ana. BS. Thr wl
conlttorbl prollt. taking in tb tack market
today. It may have beea due to th lateet at
tack of Laweea bat th trad to unable to
ay. Tb Bo toa max ' came out wita a
tirao again! toe uopper awcaa. xte preoicta n
aaddea break la euoner metal, which wlU
cam the nrion to the low eat level la year.
He aaya certain intereet nav saioaaea euu.uuv
eharee of Amalgamated and atlll .have SoO.OOO
to feed to tb lamb t praaent aiga vaiaee.
All Uopper atock ar to b Included la tb
coming inmp, aooordiag te th noted bear, with
the exeeptloa of kl own Copper Bang aad
TriaUy.-- Th market today opeaed mixed aad
.ImmI tmMw B.M. -, ..
Official quotation by Ovarberk, ' SUrr A
voott company;
Anaconda kilning Co.
ten uopper uo. ......
Ate toon, com ...
de preferred.
Am. Car A Foundry, .
d prefrrd. . . . ... .
Am. Bngnr, om. .......
Am. Smelt., com.......
do preferred .
Baltimore A Oh to, com.
to DVSl'qWI'Vd ae
Brooklyn 'Rapid Traaaft.
Canadian Pacific, eom.
Chicago A Altoa, asm.,
no nref erred. ........
ioi u
C. m N. W. ft,,,,,,,
Cheeapeek A Ohto,
folo. oel Iron, eom,L
do eerond preferred. .
" oo riret prererreo.
Delaware A Hudaon...
IeL, Ick. Wea tern.
D. a. com
do preferred. .,, i .. ,
do fu-et preferred
fUlnole Central
181 to
LouUvtlto A NaahvlU.
Met. St. By...,
Manhattan By ,
Mexicaa Central By....
Wlna-.-At. P. A Ste. at
oo prenrreor. ,.,
HIaaoarl Paclfto.
hi. K. T., com
ta JDfVlWITwTlB .eaegaped
New Terh Central.., ....
Northern Pacific
Norfolk A Weatara. cow
do preferred
North A merle
N. T.. Out.. A W eater .
Praaaylvanta By.......
P. O. U 0. Co
Pacific Wall B. B 0. .
Beading, eom
.do eecond preferred...
do ftrat preferred. . . .
Be. Iroa A Stool, eom
65 H
22 -4
SAA tl
do preferred
. . .......
Bock laland. com...
do preferred......
Boa there By., eom.
Bon them Pneine..
do preferred.
at. l. a a. r.. m pfd
do tint preferred. . ..
It L I. W com...
do preferred...........
Tana A Pacific
Tenneeee Ooal A boa..
Toledo, St. L. A W, com
do preferred. . . . .....
TTatoa Peelflc, m....
V. S. lather, pfd....
U. 8. Rubber, om....
do pTriTwl .)
tj. S. Bteel Co., eom...
do preferred. ......
Wheal. A Lake Erie. ot
da eecond preferred..
do flrot preferred. . .
Wlecanem Ceatral,-
do preferred. ........
W. C. Telegraph
Wabaah. eom.
do preferred....,...
Rnbber Oonda
" -w
Total aale for dy. 0.fif aaaree.
'i Call moeey cloned t per cenL
Toi-ofAH Bmrnie stooxb. ;.
aas Prnc1ee. Aug. . ToBopah rtock, f-
ScUl ctoaa, morning aeemoi
' Bid.
Montana .......8S.10
Midway ......a 1
U.HImlM ..... .40
mxi .14
Kendall 18
Colambt Ml..
Belmont ....... 1.4TH
Jnmbo ....
North Star-TT..-.S
Reeca ........ .0
Gold Moon tela.. .11
u umbo Bit...,
Block Butt ....
Jim Bntlet .... .SI
Toa. Nov (A)..
To. Ei tea ,8 60
Red To ....... .
Ooldfleld ...... .80
Saadatona . .... .SOA
Bandnterm Bx.. .0
Adam M
Mohawk 1
ktoldea Anchor ..
Bay O Brlea ...a
Toa. Ohio , '
O. Bull Frog....
Plamondneld ... .SS
Lone- Star M... , .AS
HomMtak ..... .11
CmA Bay 20
Baa Frenctoco, Ag
tag Mtatoai ..
SS OfScUl floae, i
Bid." -
Conn reeta wrer
nna Valla Wt .......
Mutuel Bloctttr .....i-.......... IJH
Sa Frnctoce Go a Eloetrf T4J4
Ulnt rvwder ............ T4
Mawallaa OeimercUl '
Moaokea Sugar
HntcblMO Hngar
u -1. -.u a .... .
Alaaka Pacbere' TS
California rralteaBBer ........... .. ' low '
Oceanic Stramehln- .,..........,.
Paclno fvt Borg ,.......181
acts Stole Telephone IQltt
, iiir Toit oorm luasn.
Kewtark. Ag. l.-4ff .fatarea gtoeed
' OfSetal ntatloia by . Overbeck. Surf
O"' SSi. ""'U ' '- SM- A.k.
H.rcb IVtS t"'?i& J? J?
ADrll la! T Htl I . f t uriinser 1 .m
mVy ISO T.Il!ov.mbe .. t.M T.dO
Jo , t.8 g.oo, December ... lis T.eo
' " - .,''.
','...' Vow Terh Cash tefTao. . '.-
' xae Vara Ana. av aah cot (eel , Be. T
Commissioner . Dttrmlned to
Educate Them Alonj Unei ,
-: of fnherlted TraitC:'r,:
Teachers' Institute, .Which Has Been
in Session lot a Week, Hears Many
Interesting Papers and doses Its
The Indian TeaoharaT Instltuta, whlca
haa ' bean In aeaslon for ona Wai
cloaed today with an addraas by tb
Bnra) - uprlntendnt ot Indian
schoola. Miss Estalla Reel of -Waahlng'
ton. Diatrlot of Columbia. Tha Urg-eat
crowd that has rt attended a meeting
or tha Inatltut gathered to nar- nor.
Bh greatly ancouraged tha taacnars
by zplalnlnc in part, tha poller of tb
department at Washington with regard
to tn aborigines and tnir develop,
ment "Another szceptlonally Interoat
Ing addresa was that of H. A. LorlnaT,
United States superrUor of native mu.
lo in Indian schools. He pleaded tor
the preservation of Lo's native music
Th first address of the.saealon was
by Mrs. M. W. Deloaa of Pendleton on
"How Beat Can Indiana be Taught Self
Reliance r Ir. J. JL Ldndley of Hoopa,
CAUforala. talked on "The Ancr Phya-
lclan." Rev. H. fell of Twana, Waah
ington. aooke cm "The Indiana of Pugat
Sound Their History and Their Re
lltlon." Dr. John Nywenlns? of Ch-
mawa followed with " an Intereatlna
raDr on "Th Indian School Ph rale lan.
"Th. Importance of Sfuaie In th Claas-
room was a topio treated by Will lam
Uvls of Fawhusaa. Oklahoma.
Utner speakers were:' J. H. Fletohet,
x-gorrnor of South Dakota, Jefferson,
Oregon; John J. McKoln, Pendleton; Dr.
B. A. Plero. Salem. Oregon j J. W. Roy.
nolda, Kean's Canyon, - Arlsona: Super
intendent C W. Goodman, Phoenix,
Arlsona. ' ' '". -
Atlas Reel's address followed. She
stated that Francis K. Leupp, genera)
oommisaloner of Indian afraira, had sent
grewtlng from Washington to tha taach-
ers of tha Paolfl ooaat Inatltute and re
gretted that official business prevented
his attendance. . Ha waa, ah said, de
vising many Improved methods for mors
speedily transacting business in tha of-
fio. and bad Inaugurated many reform
In Indian methods. ' - .r
"Tha new I commissioner. continued
Miss Reel,- la determined to have the
best and most practical methods used
in the schoola, from th kindergarten
up. Hs wishes th schools to pratv
and dvlop along th. right Una th
beet of the children" inherited traits
and attributes, and not attempt to make
the Indian over and tranaform him into
a white nsan, with th Idea, that thla is
necessary in order to bring; htm into
harmony with tbe established order.
"In outlining directions for ua to fol
low, ho saya. 'I am. now arranging to
brinr Into the! schoota a novel element
tin rmuslOuLmelyTthprVsi
K. T BBS I mi am WW. !. tesmaaltf fA Kdh WdhAi1.ll ? "Pvv"av T'."
Mi a , as hbiv vBVa AW awy aratuuaj
end fnp slasjl ' "
Sham Naval Battle at Fair Last
; Night Wae ReaUatiQ and
v Complete Success.
Tha' sham naval battls which took
place on Oulld'a lake laat night waa
witnessed by trmndoua crowds. ,
-A reproduction of th fall ot Moro
Castl into th handa of th American
fleet waa th sublact selected and by
careful atuntion to dtalla and a eon
sldsrabl expenditure desired results
wer obtained.' i .
At IjO'clock a flt of flv vssels
moved out on tb lake, ' their lights
dimly visible. As they cam opposite
th fort, which wss built on aa eleva
tion to tha weat of th lake, they opnd
flrev Searchlight illumined them and
th fort itaelf. Several volleys roused
tha 4f na to action, tha fort responded
and for 8t . minute or mora th on
gagement waa . presumably - hot and
galling.-. A distinct featurp waa the
blowing up of a battlMhlp, - Vast and
furious tha ngaaomant wagad. but
Anally treat gap In hole Wr observed
in -the fort snd of m sudden It eanght
Sra, ; Whllevth flames- war at tblr
flercMt th flt drew doe to .land- And
th marine wer an scndtngt th
battlement. - They hauled down th
Spanish flag and hoisted th star and
atrlpss, at which Inatant tha massed
band of . tha . expoaittoa struck up
"Star SpangUd Banner."
Tb troops engaged ta tha battle war
th Tenth Infantry, th Centennial
Ouarda and Battery A -of the". Oregon
National Ouard. .- , ' . ; "
' .'(Joarsal Special Sarvlea.)
Toledo, OhloL Aur At thdLXaaauai
or Amarican Atunicipalltie ,- all . tb
mayors ' present favored municipal
ownership except Mayor Woodward of
Atlanta. A majority of th mayor re
garded city control as a last resort to
which th municipality ta being driven
by th hopelessness of securing fair snd
honest fulfillment of obligations from
th publie eervioe corporation. i f
,'... ,;,., ,.. -
" (Joaraal Spaelal atorviea.) n
Stockholm. Aug. It la atated that
King 0car no longer oppoae - th ac
ceptance of .th xrown of Norway by a
Bemad ott prlno and conaented to
Prince Charle bain; crowned. ; Th
BwotTThh consul of stat has taken atep
to meet th Norwegian commute and
arrange for dissolution.
, i i " - .,'
. - BTpakaao Obiaf Aeon. '-.
- (Special Dtopatcb to Tbe Jeuraal) Z .
Spokane, Wash.. Ang. II. Th grand
Jury which ta lnvtlgtlng elty officials
hs presented a report accusing Chief
of Polio Lroy Watfter . of accepting
money from di reputable woman In th
Itn of bribes to permit them to llv
immoral Uvea. , .
.' Mow Terh-tealeB Soger.
' fcew York. Aag. SB. BeSned and raw eager
Bnc ar red. ' tndos beet eteedr nd aachasgedi
Aagaat. S Sd; Bepteaber, Sa
'' - Stortiag Sato. ''
... .'. . ..... v . , - :
This choice tract Is eellina: fut frcca t!.j tzxt C:t t
the cheapest and best located of tzj t-. -j trc .
This tract is on the Oregon City car llae ar.J ii; ri
are 60x100 feet with CO-foot streets; level and f zJ,
Since to all, whether you buy one lcj or fifty the prizs f . . .
ot Is $50. The title is perfect, a complete abstract cf f
Milwaukie Park can be seen by caEinj at the IIIL -Ines
Bank, owners of the tract, and free ticket ta .
Milwaukie Park will gladly be given to all intend j r
chasers by calling ai Room SC3, McKay Building, Corner 1 .
snd Stark Streets. Come and inspect these lots facia err I
for $50. . Acre tract for $163 each. I'i.Jt y,K:: :, 1
Our motuod ef toatoaila; (tvaa vsttoU awla. BTow I ho ttsasi hvv
your furaAo laarhnUadi tf yom waa oma te wu aus thla artaWr. ..
omoa asa ssoobto wt.., . vmtAMrmoMM maxst -i-
. ' A'. BIT
I wbat tbe an af
dental work. We d
eat of th city ajutrttr'
Bverrthlag a to date.
WISE BROS..- Dentists
the lufllas. aer. Third aad waahlagtea.
am. r. r. wpm
?.. l(mbra Chicago Boaxa ot irioa. .-,-.
l!"7' ' VAZXT, FBOTISIOjT, OOTTOBT, aWOCste AaTD BOsTSbV ,'v..;.'- ' ;
,; . , i Third Btrwet. McKay BuUdlng. Portland. Orn ? ' rr -
'.' - uyaj 0 A'sWBXOTXiT CiaaaO MVUMUWB. '
Cootlnuotis' Atarkets by Private Wir. Quick Barvlc. Ladd
TUton. banker. Bad United Wat National Bank of Portland.
. i vi
U a. f-Cl
I A I..J
IsUUlAhW 117.
t:i rmtms o:i ttst isvoaic
Thoneend ta PorftoBd H th
northweet e teUt t groat aad
asptod laiani. ; ;"..'.;. v
LL Uiy b attended withthe
ia ereveit eowmllra.
treitflMut waiea wa
i. ul.l. and nalnleaalT.
I aaothar aeojalred die, th ravage ot
Which when fully deveiepea a nan cen
deaerlbe. Whea It ahowa br akia eraptton
ar br aore la Booth or tnroet It Borron
are already hegua. W aafelr and the.
eaghly cure reu aad B Blssrai Bow ar
esiptor. ..j , , :--' ..i -1
' We treat aad cure, ant by tb eld vortical
proeednrt, but br inalnleoa BMtbod Bo lair
ear own. We llkewto will cure real and
ea To th Battering aaaodated with
PeUity, Let Btoabood, Impetoae
-- talaatona. Pi
BaatBre Beeliae, Leaa at KeaaerT, Xaargy aad
Aaxbittoa la tbe brief rat oat It ean b aea
aad w I a or yea a eafe aad poaltlve ear.
- CertSBltatto aad xwlnatloB free. Writ
tor srsaptoai bleak aad book It yea eaaa
aall. ' ' 1 I
Oface Boarat Sa.xa.toSp.Ss.lSn
ara, 10 t IS. ...
st Louis :
Mdleal and Surgical
Oar. M sad Taaxkm sbv, TeruAad, Or.'
- W ar th dlaeovrrs and originat
ors of tha only rallabl and acUatlft
system of Pnlnl UentUtry. W
tract, crown, fill and clean or treat tooth
sbaolutely without pain and jruarant
U work for ttn yar. Our work
I th best, our trles th lowest con
istent with flrut-claoav-work. EXAM
INATION FREB. Our tlata ar und
tectebl from th natural teeth and
arw aruaraite4 te- St.
FILLINGS ...... B04 75) M l.O0
BRIDGB WORK . .vr .........
- Oui f a busla a
awaieTa. . . ...... ; , :(... v
Boston Painless Dentists
MIM BaOttrtaoa St, Op. BlatsaT Si S-imnk
- i aa4 arostem. . '. ;
HOTTRS : a. m. t t p. m. Sun-
day. a. a, te IHM p. aa.
" ' L . ; iloaraat Spaelal Servtew.) v
Manila, Aug. 16Th transport Lo
gan lft Taclobaa with th Taft party
thla morning for Legaapl, on th island
of LuBon, At 'Hongkong th party will
separata. Secretary Taft and most of
th congressional member returning on
th Paolflo Mall atrnr Korea, nailing
September . whll Aala RooaevaU and
a number of others will proceed to p.
king to b guts of th dowager m
prcsa of China. ... " ' , :
D'-t r-
- i eel I
" T fa S3nr-2a
&al Bervlea.)
at Car I
Hi . V
1 Two soldier died
y yesterday of eholer.
t aerlou a yet "
helng Fd ti r'
ea BMfhods af
work, for peepl free
vet any er
Open niBga aad
POWaTZBlBr, XOriaZsT a, COe
(EstabUabod llfl.)
Brother ViIMa51, Ht C" J rr;t 1
IT IS jrBT AS CHEAP TO B t T"1 r-.r.
L0W rBjL
-1 do hereby antonanly a nd guar n tee
to make bo charge If I to call yo br
Ban la tall, bobm ot rnor frton.i. enaailr
or rivals. I prouals to toil yo wnether rne'
hnabaud, wife or eweetheort to true ee faleet
tii you bow to gln the mve f tbe one rou -aieut
desir. even though mile away: how ta
rarcMd In bnalaeae. aneeulatloa. towaltt:
bow to marry the one of rear enolce: hew
regain your youtb, bealtb and vttauty. Be- .
BMvea aril Influeaoea, core drink hahlax, -torate
treeearee. -
-- B1BH WMkUmrbrxr Oov. of lath.' '
.- hish--"-. " 1
1,1.1 rBcra,.that ar su
ha th bt nd moat a
that I rr.""
lerr 1" t-"'"'. Thx-' '
opiHon-B, uni r t.
racLoi-' r
4 - - -. -
niit ajtp arooa: bboxxxx- ; .
'V, '"' ' SAowaa 4, wrenBl TtrMrr,
,,'.v 'cmajacauajs ob co nraTBytm ' '
If You Are b Tresi. ef SJdTSct
I " '" I
III Br" W '-a-!'
1 1 ' .jr .. -" BUI
Is I
III i t If .1
I I ' . . . A-i .
i; . - -"C
Am ...
igwww IVI aniwHS) - --- aoBB puneww-e
sSSA2Jai SO daja. dsi.74, . .
Im'i (, aoBad,
Bade Id Ik. t0Ul ST
XSto, Sll ii 4 SAato, !,