The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 25, 1905, Page 12, Image 12

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. t i
V . ' -. r i - -
. h'eepT' - "
; Llttl Mary Schmidt, a red 11 years, of
Hoi str. I th luckiest girl
that wwmt happened. - MMt, children
would envy her. .
Bh can ply ' "keep-houe" - ell the
time from early rry early morn till
late at night with, no on to atop her.
She haa a real play-house with eta
too mm, Just like thoae the grown-ups
hare,, and abe oleana. them with real
broom, and eh haa real, lire, meat dolla
to play with, almost a blgae her
self, and -they talk and laugh and cry
without pressing a little board in their
backs. 1 They. don break very easily.
Mary haa only eight' -of -these dolls,
though, to be aura, there were two more;
two other are ao much bigger than aha
that 'aha doesn't play with- them. .
' Mary's father keep .a hotel and res
taurant near the fair grtmnd which .de
mand his constant ' presence, and hie
elder son and daughter have to be there
as well. ' The mother was at home to
car for the little children, but abe was
taken 111 and la in the hospital. Then
there was a question what to do with
the little ones, and Vary took up the
task of play In mother to themw
- -If Just- Ilk playing house.: she
said cheerfully as aha etood over a tub
of water wher she had been washing
clothes lust like a grown-up body.- And
she actually laughed and her blue eyes'
(hone so brightly that one wondered
If aha war trying th Tom - Sawyer
fence-painting dodge to get one to envy
her the pleasure of the work to the point
f,.PT'nr hereto share jt lt waa enough
to make one won3e f WJI7TWKr cfi IHFoTfT
hud not' cried to be allowed to do the
family waabing. - - - ,... ......,
Mary has a system and follow tt so
closely' that ' when you ' ask her what
work she -does eh can begin1 at athe
.start and tell everything In order.. First
she gets up and dresses the children and
that Is not a small- matter either-when
It I remembered that th -babes ages
l : :A
11 . ' WW
,:: . i
8a.m. , :
........ 'fif- :
V1'' '.'"t'f-
v.-; .' ' T .-V'
Here's table Jhrift. Foldinf; Sewing Tables, built of smooth
-top and 30 indiaa WghIard niea on top. ; Light and easy to move. , ;,
Rcflular $1.250ri Sale All Day
cfl iron
r 6 P. M. TO
' These Irons sell reeularlv
. , irons, handle and rest. They are standard size 4aj
with polished surface and handle that cannot flh
crop C.I. .' a ou nvc o nun u 10 pux a on, ", ; ; rca
, c": ii ETTor,ioimotVr
Mary Schmidt; the "Lhtk Mother,1, and Soma of
rang from t rears to I months. Then
ah get their breakfast. But that,', ah
aaya, isn't really hard work, as on or
two or the children go to the restaurant
and fetch something. Bh does not have
to cook the meal, so she feels that aha
la doing nothing toward It rta spite of
tn ract tnat ah was to set the table.
help the llttl ones, and finally clear op
and waah the dishes. And aha likes to
wash dlahea! And the pota and kettles
Then ah makaa the beds, four of
them and you can count them and one
crib, and sweeps all th rooms. There
are five, and each on la cleaned every
day. Twlc a weak she scrubs all these
rooms. Then sh takes tb babies out
for- walk.'. And, mind you, tt la atlU
morning after al that
Then Sh gives her charges dinner,
brought from i tb restaurant by two
of the children. ' : ........ . m ,
-This family has been in America only
about two years, and yet. t he -children
speak very good English. . Btnl, they
confuse .their prepositions occasionally
in a ouslnt fashion.
- 'All of us were born at 'Germany,"
he said, "except this little on and
th little on from on year and a half.
Wi talk German at bom all the time.
but th .llttl girls at. school that we
play by. they talk English, and stfcf
learn It 'v Sure, I Ilk to keep house
this way. Th children are very good.
l,hav no trouble to keep' them quiet." i
And as - If . In Illustration f herre-
mark the baby sh was watching as sh
scrubbed awoke,- quietly opened Its big
see aad taxed at It he Intrudes, wUhewj
making a sound.
And th Intruder Stroked Its White
hair and pinched Its fat arms, but failed
to elicit a response further than a good
natured smile. ' -- , " . :.'
"Sh la . very" dirty now" aald th
llttl play mother; -I must change her
dress." ' . v
-Hrw often d you do thatr .,
. ............ .
f :
T - N
9 P. M. ,U
(or S1.S0 a set of three
uuwL kedk-u u -unuvy
,,,.fIA., :',.XV
Ktr Brood.'
Three . times a day with th llttl
onea." '-.-'. '- ' . -. . ;.
. "Do you mend. for them, tooT
"No, we buy new .'onea till mother
comes . back,, and - then ,.h ... will . fix
them." - - ;
Th children' were called up to be
Inspected, and each came without a mo
ment's hesitation. -They -didn't seem
to consider the possibility -of not mind
ing her, even though they did not desire
the scrutiny. Ill hung their ' heads
bashfully, but smiled and waited obe
diently till - released, when they went
quietly back -to play. And they were
all clean,', even though one wae playing
In .the aand, another picking up rocks
from thexoad and another playing in
a new house being built next door. ..
In that playhous kept by llttl Mary
Schmidt while her mother Is in th hos
pital everything is clean and orderly. '
aaldMary when asked what ah lived
best "I Ilka to waah dishes. I like to
clean the house and I lik to take cart
by the babies; they are ao good. I like
anything that la a, help to people. - But
I will be glad that my. mother comes
back . very . soon from the"tiospltaL
will work just the aame, but it is dif
ferent when she is here.' Sh Is there
at the hospital now two. or three weeks."
. And so this little mother. . hardly
more . than a baby herself, talked on.
Innocently displaying her vlrtuea and
eagerly- disclaiming them and ' letting
them pace as matters of no Importance
but merely ' transplanted them and la
putting her doll knowledge to good use.
But she will bo glad that her mower
gets back frof the hospital very soon.
f Rcrofula. salt - rheum. errslDelas and
other dlsweeelng eruptlve.dlseases yield
quickly and permanently to tne cleans
ing, purifying power of JSprdock , Blood
Bittera, .. -:"
... . .
- gram maple, with 38-inch --';
Regular $1.25
- - v' '
85c A SET
a - -r-
''i:if:-;:l ' H Nn.m: '
: n to
v 1 9p.m.
L .1 asVSB-.
; nisT ,
' STS. ,
There is a new wrinkle in the Jrult
market ' Leading - dealers are ; selling
peaches ' and fancy apples by pound
weight .. Peaffhes are high this season
and good ones ax at a premium. Vn
Ilk oranges or lemons, there la no stated
number of peadhee or apples In a box,
and dealers sometimes are forced to
pocket a good-slsed, loss on this account
Peaches go three and four pounds ( for 25
cents, while fancy Gravenstetn- apples
range around Ave pound for IS cents.
Oranges are of good quality -for this
time of year and supplies are quit fair.
Today they are selling with a very wide
range, to cent to W cents a dosen being
th price. - -r----p..x
Bartlett pears ar In vary heavy de
mand from theeast and th far north
and the publlo win be forced to pay good
prices If they want , the best fruit this
season. In th retail markets today they
ar selling st U cents. and-S centa a
dosen, according to sise.
Usually - at this season thv supply of
tomatoes Is ' so heavy that prices are
down to bedrock. In many cases averag
ing slightly over - express charges, or
about 20 eenta to K cents a box In ths
Oresoh Creamery Butter
OGc, OOc and 65c .
On sack good Hard Wheat Flour, .SX00
pounds good Rloe ......See
New crop dry Prunes, per lb... .....
I pounds Seedlees Raiaina.. ...... ..See
Beat cleaned Currants, lb...t........l
Tomatoea, standards, 1, cans. ...... la
1 can Baked Beana. ......... 8
Tn 1 -1 K f- n HomlnV. ........... .
cana Corn. Pea or String Beans... SSe
pkg. Postum or Fig Prune Cereal.. ao
Good Salmon, 1 eana 15
Tomatoes, Solid Peek .v. .WO
Two -ib pkga. Gold Dust..... 1
One 1-lb.pkg. Armour's Washing a
Powder . . ;
Veia.NAntA. flnfln . . . j-m ....... : ... .
it bar Royaf Sayon Soap.-. ....... .See
bare Baby Elepnant Sop.....,...e
hattlaa RnMer'a CatSUD j. . .L . . . .SB
Nice dates 10c Jb-r lbs. ....
1 lb. Whit Honey-.- .. "l5S
10-lb. pail pur Lra, -..1.00
B-lb. pall pur Lard.v. ,v,.c....BOo
I cana Primrose Cream. ...vw.v.,'.B
lb. English Breakfast Tea 19e
lb. Gunpowder Tea. .............. .Se
MUler'a Naptha Soap .............. a
rail line Flaccus ' Bros.' Mustard. Cat
sup,, cniu eauc. asangoss,
Townsrid & Van
v Schoonhoven7
New Store. 147 Ftrat t. bet, Morrison
1l and. Alder. Phon Main nw.
Bast Sid Balrvery Tday and rrlday.
Hello! hast 412
Is this 'Klndorf Bros.? What
have vbu ttood- to eat? Every
thing in the line of Meat, VegeU-
bles and Poultry. Send me one
of those fine Roasts of Beet; tne
'-last was delicious. , ,
Kindorf . Bros.
: 130 GRAND AVE.
Best Creaiiiery Butter
60c & 65c per roll
t dosen Fresh Ranch Eggs,,... . .554
Full Cream Cheese, per lb. ...... .IT)
Special Bland Coffee, per lb. . .... .15)
English Breakfast Tea, per lb.... 25
Paacbea now for canning by .th box.
: U 127; FIRST STREET ' f '
Between Washington and Alder
Ks elds ro:.iai;ce OF
'n -. '' V ' awBssesMsasaWBSssaeBa- ,.j .
Not of Candy-Maker Found by
Soldier in Philippines Leads
to ' :. Marriage. ;i .' '.
- 1 (loaraal Special Serrle.)':
Omaha. Aug. 1 . Thre year ago
Rufua Denton, a non-commlsloned Of
ficer in 'the United States army In th
PhUlpplnes, bought box of chocolates
and therein found a paper bearing th
nam of Hattle Wllk, Omaha, Nebraaka.
Denton and Miss Wllk were married at
th horn of th bride In Omaha yester
day a a result of that not.
Mis Wllk worked in a canay xao
tory and placed her nam In a box of
candy sh packed and a year ago re
ceived a letter from th Philippines
signed by Denton, telling her he had
found the note. - A correspondence fol
lowed and a courtship by mail resulted.
Denton later returned to th United
fctate and came directly to Omaha to
see Miss Wllke. When h left h car
ried her promise to be his wife.
. Denton went - to southern California
and Invested In a fruit farm.- Thar for
tune favored him, and today he la rich.
A fsw.days age he oame to Omaha and
arrangement were made for
The 'young couple left for Lo
Angelea, wher they will reside.
(Joenel Spsvlsl Srlee.)
Manila, Aug. 15. The cruiser - Rain
bow, flagship of th Philippine squadron.
with Admiral Relter aboard, went ashore
this morning at the mouth of the Aku
ran river. In northern Mindanao. . The
vessel Is resting easily end tuga havt
retail market Tomatoea have never been
so high as they have been this year. The
production has"1 been cut ' materially by
unfavorable weather and th consump
tion haa been greatly added to. Today
tomatoes ar selling in the retell markets
at three or four pound for H cents, so
cording to else 'and quality. ...
, Green peppers are rather plentiful and
prices of late have been tending down
ward and today the beat green peppers
ar celling at retail around Utt centa a
pound, and there la a very good demand
at that figure. .- ' - , V '
Green corn 1 not of such good quality
thla season, although supplies are quite
heavy. ' The beat varieties are selling at
retail at II eenta and 10 cents a dosen. -
Celery Is getting to be of the proper
quality and price are down . with the
larger -receipts. On account . of ' their
freshness local stocks sell best, but the
Colorado celery la v good - when - first
brought In, . " . i ' - ' " - .
Cauliflower la coming In better condi
tion. 10 cents and It eenta a head Ja the
average price. - Cabbage is In good condi
tion, with supplies quit fslr and prices
ranging around ( cents and 10 centa a
head. . - . : -.- ;-.''..'
Keats- f.Ieate
t Iba Hamburg Steak-....... V..., 157
Boiling Meat, per lb. . . . . i , , 4)
Choice Pot Roasts, lb..... ........ .51
Cottage and Plcnlo Hama, lb,. ....S)
1 lb Loos Sausage . . t ...... .15)
S lbs Bologna ..il5d
Cookd Corned Beef for lunches, Ib.lOe)
People's Market and Grocery
JZ'U'' , Cor. First and
Tree BaUvery AH Part of th Olty.
CASH CCOCERS Pbone'Eas't 283
The New aterc, ISt SxAiri) ATX'l'ooors trwa
Morriaoa. lesdsrs la klgh grades ef Oeftte, Tea.
Bxtrsets sad Spices. - -'. s
DkT SAjrOXATKO tV9AM.. ........ ..MM
M Beune BeM Huasr 1.00
o-poss pall Best !, Roe; 1 bobbs....1.M
1 ponna nersi Blnf rowaer w
1 Doasd SrblllUMT's Sskuis Powew. ...... SRe
1 seek (nod ksrd'-wseat rVmr ...... i.i.10
BoUd seeke Tosistoes. see eose ...... -TM
tmae bottle V.nlll Xitrset .......v.... Oe
Iim bottle Lemoa Kxtrstt -10
-FOBLrifiSper. s sheet for ...... ft
srs Corr-r io srixxitid. nraaui
uooo BBSiiss snwmi lea
1 boob OuaDOWOer Tes . . . .
.... 1ft
Bass Bras.' Catsup. ( bettlss
. i... . .. ....
l Dark bv. i.ora Htarea ............... ..
Scotch Oats , 10
Best Jsts ssd Moea Oof tse, . per pound , . S5e
1-Doend ess Baked beans ................. . So
S-ooand ess Baked Beass to
Postnai .
Good Bseoa 18
FIs Pros Oreal - .Tv..
Bt Hama, per poand IV
Whit end Yellow Oor Uesl. 10-lb sack.., e
Best Saso sad Tsptaca.. 10 seaads ........
f van ooap
1 pound beat ueoaaat
Hanat niuiu t. ....... .................
eana Orearoa OrB faaaa .............. 9ft
t cans Prlaaros Cream Ifte
raBer Table-Srrap, pee (altos one
OUe Oil. quart bottl
Laws box MacafDol .
Mutton, Lmb arid veal are
scarce and hard to get,, but you
will alwajrs find them here. - We
have just opened a new' barrel of
Sauerkraut, .: and we keep '. the
spareribs to go' with-the kraut.
Also FreshiButter and Eggs.
Donh Forget the Place
43 North Sixth St. "
Phone Main 1954. 1
Butter Butler
r-' 1 " tif Other
. Prlc. f Prlcee.
, ...BScSOo i He-TOc
Beat Creamery ...,,
Dailrv Butter .......... 40C-4 Bo-
Ranch Egg ......... JlVio-ISo i ,S0c
Best Susarured- Hama.,.. Mo v ."'He
6.000 lbs. Breakfast Bacon UWfl "
Best Tea, lb. ............. .0o ' SOcTSc
Laira, t-io. paii c-o tte-
. ... .. . . i!..- , : . ...
Rem ember, Chickens oq
Saturday 16c and 17c '
Spring Chicken 2(fc
All Ooods Betalled at Wholesale Prleea.
La Grande Creamery
4 jAiaaxJt. nn sraas
; : Don't Fin to Call On ; -
Fine fresh Poultry
Of all kinds Fish of all variety
.'."-. on hand constantly.
.String beans and garden peas are very
plentiful, the former aell at 4 cents and
1 centa a pound, while th latter goes at
four pounds fr 16 cents.- i:. ; - , ,-
Sweet potatoes are ' much improved In
quality and there are very liberal sup
plies everywhere. . Th beet are quoted
at S cent and cents a pound. Cucumbers
are In fine Shkpe and there la a heavy
demand, with stocks selling at two for
t eenta.- ' T "T .. 1 . -'. - - . ..
In the fruit market there are quit
good supplies, but receipt are not nearly
as heavy as - in ordinary years. , Seme
very good looking and tsstlng trawher
riea ar shown In the larger markets at
IS cents a pound. ' These - berries com
from -Just-outside- tk dtyXllmlts, in
Clackamas county. ' Blackberries ar not
so good aa formerly,-but storks may still
be called fair. They ar selling at three
boxes for tr cnt. Huckleberries the
sort delicious pie srs mad of ar in
larger ' supply. . Prices range around HH
centa a pound, a trifle high, but the
people must have them. -. i . .
Th -markets are ; full of : prunes
fresh enes; i They, are -of better quality
than.uual and selling about t cents a
pouM for th best r . '
Choice Creamery Butter, roll. .. . . -6
II lb Granulated Sugar
Llptou's Tes, No 1 quality. 1 lb..
It-lb box Maocaronl. Spaghetl or
Vermeeelll ...85
f cana Pet Cream .... .854)
1 sack Hard Wheat Flour, tr. .. .51.00
i aaca roiacoes ................. . Toe
Taylor Streets
Phea Mate 141s.
Ef ig Cut in tlie f
Prices of Meats
The plactvwhere all thejneata are
kept in fine condition and always
salable. Come and get our prices.
Boiled .Beef '.. . . ..4
Pot RoaSt . . . . a '. . a a i 4 .'. 5
Corned Beef , i .7. :
Rolled; Roast .fri f :..v.;.;r.9
Beef Steak, 3 lbs. . ;.'.;. . . . .25f
Hamburg- Steak, 3 lbs. . . . . .25
Lamb Chops, i lbs........ ,.23"f
Sausage, 3 lbs.-.. .V;.25
Corner First and Columbia Sts.
'V Phone Main 111. '
":" v '.'.... -i.' . ,y:
I Independent Branch Market f
...187 First St. ,
' -r :'' ''
Free dtlivery'Ho any. part of city.
' arXASTT MITirnWf ,
" Another illustration - of ' th progres
sireness of the PALACE MARKET Is
this near feature. - - THE ONL.T ONE IN
PORTLAND.' 1 It eneble a large display
and at th aam time assures the con
sumer of meat that th articl bought la
always fresh and sweat,'... .y .
Full Line, Eastern Hams
:: and Bacon '.
r Home-made lard, fresh dally. : Choice
cornneef, stesks, chops and roasts of
all deacriptiona - , -. i , .
t. . . , . m aTl ST SJ. .
akM ar aa.
.4 . ...';
Krerythlni in the line ef fish
dally. Vegetables and frulta.
e, fresh -killed ai
Of aU kinds, fresh-killed and dressed
dally.. ..:... ;-
OVat aUST ''- rOnsTTATaT,
4 .. woaTsas or m paoxtxo
J'-' - -..-.'.; - OOAS. ' .,. ...
260 Yamhill St.
Bet. Sd aavt 4tk Sta.' Pboae Mala ISOT
3' .It
373 East Morrison Street
v. ) Phorie ast J47. '
Splendid assortment of every
thing in the Meat, Poultry' and
Fish line. Our . . specialty is
Give ' us 'a trial we ; can please
Try Empire Market
For Choice. Roasts, Steaks and
Chops of all kinds. Hama, Bacon,
Fresh Lard everything in the
line of meats. If you cannot
come down phone us your order.
Good service guaranteed. '
Palace ttKet
sTAra . tow r'' m ''am xom
4fr;-v a
s Pineapples from the Hawaiian 'isnU
ar ahown everywhere and. thev are find
ing ready sale at U cents and to cent
each. ; " V :, . .
Bananas, are very scarce on account of
a demoralisation of traffic on ths north
ern -railroads and most of the stock
the market . come from - Honolulu via
San ' Franctseo.' -' Price range from M
cents to W cents a dosen, according to
quality and sise. : - :--
Ground cherries are coming more and
more Into publlo 'favor. They are In
the market but 'are still hlrh. 10 cents -and
U cents . a pound Is the average
price.. ... .j.. j - '.. '; : .'. . . :' .,
Pameua Columbia "river chlr.cek Salmon
la again-coming to (market freely the
run In th lower river Increased -greatly
the t past ' week. ' The genuine chlnoek 1
can now be purchased in the markets at!
U icenta a pound, while th sllverslde
rang around W cens. Other, fish In
the market la quoted aa follows: Hali
but If" cents;, silver smelt,. 10 cents; .
perch, 10 cents; flounders, 1 cents; ct--rtih,
11H cents;. crabs. U eenta; froglegs, '
40 cents a dosen; California, mackerel.
It cents -a pound: striped bass, so cents: ,
rock cbd, IfH cents; sturgeon, .UH cents;
black and ling cod, 11H cents.
To the store where bargains are "
to be had in all lines. If you cin
not' come-; yourself , telephone.
Your "older -wilf receive prompt
attenticfc' Ihv "r'tM - -SU
'-x' Sugar . ; . .. - ...
.: Tpry Ornulatd, 1 pund for !
. 25
t , . S-Ib. packag Oldsa Starch,, . ' . ;
5 '' . 't:' -J ' -
4 ' 1-pound packag Corn Starch. ?
.7-. !vl;--; .15 :,::v?;: --V
l-pound packag washing Powder. C
-..'v- -y ', 25e ;. s :v::f;.:;,:-
i., II bars goodp-Laundry Boap. v-
25 v": 7;.
Two I-lb. cana Pork and Beune. Y '
v" .'' ;:f is..:. " -
s cana .nvnra rsram, so per ooa
FoOuovv "
-' - ,
tLEiie Crowd
Y'Can Bakrs'W ahirardelir Cocoa.t7cr'X
Pound- Fellow Bland Costa Rica Coflfea.
.. : 3O4 A7'7V
. Deliver on East Sid -fi.very 'Day.
Oor. i West Park and Waskiagte 9K
; . Pkea Cai So.:
' ,: Whceside tad Retell Cronr 3
t' w. Third and Jeiterson Y
... . . r-'.
Ton can aav per cent, by dealing -
Ith me- , ....
Plcnie Hama, 1. ........'..v.,......- e ' ,
t -cant bare Tar Soap ........... i' tt ;
2 1 can Primrose Cream. ....... .-- It -
1 deck Best Soft Wheat Flour. ....11. 00 ..
lo-ib. boa Cracker ................100
1 lb. Shredded Cocoanut ....... 4... IIh)
I package Scotch Oate 10j
Tb. good Rle ,.....Ha
l ib. Arm and Hammer Soda ...... ie .
I-lb. can Baked heaim.. loo -1-lb.
can Baked Beana.......
11b. Sehllllnrs Baking Powder. ..... Inow
1U Royl Baking Powder ....... .40o '
1 lb. Ite.M. dr J. Coffee ....,,. ,.t.i
It bars Royal Savon Soap'.. ...... .tie .
1 Iba Sago or Tapioca,;.... kilo
J, lb. rood English Breakfast Tea...U?
Boat Bugs r-C ured Hams, 1 lb......,14o
1 lb. Ouppowder Tea ,s . .i. . I?n
I sack best D. O. Sugar .......','..13.11 ;
II Iba, D. O. Suaer.. ..,.11. n
ssrk Best Patent Flour. ... n . .1 l.SS
aack good Hard-Wheat Flour. .. .11. "
10-lb. pall best Lard II
10-lb. pall pur Leaf Lard. ...... .!
I-lb. psll par Leaf Lard '......(a
1 1-cet can pf Milk............... to
TOellYerUe en East Side, Tuesdays and -Fridaya,
' . -, ., -. ; , ,. - ,-
11 Tint Streat;' tot.' Stark " sal Waskhrtea.
. . .keae Ham Ml...
Retted Reast Beet ........Se-
PrlSM kl Reaats . ,.IS
glrtols MeskS ...Itftf
ThaSerHiia Bteas 13M
pia lei hense- sleek -, i'i.h . n1. . ,. .....-.lee -
Rone Steaks !"
Plals Stesk. 4 Iba fee ..'...!:
Leg Motto .....,.o.. .................. ." .
Ut Lastb ...13M J
Mnttoa rttoca. 'S lbs tor ttxt
Let or Rib CnAv .......... .....;.! te I2H
bnl4r et Uuttse .......... . '
Matton Slew .4o
Perk Roast ,v......i..ine te II,
Perk Cbnpa 7..,. ...... ...... le lHe
Teal Resets -,.,,... r.. ...!" 4 US
Vesl Cbf 10 U lSi
Sanaase ataat, g lbs for .....,...........;.tV .
Bsstborssr f lbs far .....tse
Rusar-nred Breakfast Baeoa .... ......... lee
Heat i r.anaarr asttsr ..,.................".r
rreab Ranrk T-tt ....
Rmid. S Wieea tee ...
o-4 liana ...
Ball Beef
............ -
aeM"! v si sins.
f tpBeae oreers detirered proaatlf, . east
. , - - arest side.
r . -e
:r 7 . Try our Fancy Blend
' t -rovna fob f ise,
Call Up Main I ill. Prompt
dellYry.. . . .r
275 FIRST ST. - ftztt V.n S3$
3l First St. Phont Main Ci.
been . dispatched to her assistance-!, I
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