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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1905)
TK3 Cr.rCCII DAILY -.-JCUSXIAUv CTLAIID, - rr.ID AV 1. . ' '"TIG; ,j - , aj, r,..- . - w V . ' ,' v. ' - , , . " "v- f Haa. Eaeni Brought ; to Ltvd and Excavation la Soon --' rto Commence. - .- . UTTLE ROOM LEFT FOR s v V PUPILS' CON YEN IENCE - , , - . ,. . , t ., If Yalks WMe Enoush for Safe Exit of Student Are . Provided There Win Be No Other Space Months Will ,Elpe Before Completion. fb sit T tki' lofifiul W tl acrt , U -ItltpO" , JLat IT. 1 The lt of the ut side High school, -Mt Fourteenth between Eaat Btark Jn4 Washington streets, is aiairly .h.nted from wuti tract to a level uUdlnc block. i Alter some weeks VKW ) aradln- contractor hare leveled tho ,ock to newly the m a-rade aa that t tha school block to the eouth, and the early part of aet week work 1 be commenced on the excavation the basement . proper, which r the greater part of the block, the buUdlnf leaving twit room for walk the four eldea Of the blocfc -The idlng contractor have taken all the ritorr In eight In preparing; for the jucture and the streets -tt nd west have been graded up to the ,1ns of adjoining propeijy. -.' : It la .evident that all tbia apace -erlu be needed to enable the-hundreda of pupil, to leave the big building rapidly, and while the Me of a playground for either the High echool or the Hawthorn school adjoining baa been given up. It la Planned to provide a eystera of walk Ind exit, that will enable both schools to be emptied In a time of emergency without either erowd of pupUa Interfer ing with the other., '.-, .. ; .. The dirt that la being taken from the lte U being nsed to build up adjoining block, which at present are sloughs mom tt or It feet below the street level. At present the earth la beln jumped on Kast Twelfth street near ' .. i nthin mora la ao- complUhed the elevated sidewalk will Ue-1 done away witn. a im seama -- " From East Twelfth to East Ninth street en Stark there la aa old elevated roaJ way which. Is out of commission, an which forms a, barrier to traffle even on the atreeta crossing It, though some attempta have been tnade to keep- the crossings la repair. There will not be clrt enough from the school Wock to make an impression on this bole, but until tt la filled or tha roadway rebuilt there will be considerable trouble -experienced by the traffic of this (McklV settled neighborhood, which trouble will be augmented when the High echool opens and hundreds ef children from -UI over the east aide begin to attend. A. ... nrmmtm Mahf CirOBTeSS the High school will be many "months" ! teams el pniaein vnnjiuou vwu.v to advantage on the big contract v A UIUKiVU "TIMS. . " Coastable Sows KU Troabl at Tronl- J'i'--.. Sale, aa jrtaalijr Wlaa. ' Constable Bowen of the Mount. Tabor justice court bad the time of his, offi cial career Wednesday afternoon when be attempted to arrest JBIir Baylor, of Troutdale, who was , charged with aa sault The consUbla waa not known In Troutdale, and when h found bla man and told him that, he waa under arrest Baylor refused to accept the constables word,; and . remarked , that he waa not "under arrest, and If he really waa It didn't count anyhow. as he . preferred to star' where he was' - Bowen did not argue the matter long, but tackled. Baylor, who waa a husky village bravo and a good 44 pounds heavier than the constable. : The meleo lasted but a short time, and after Bay lor bad picked himself up he admitted that perhaps he was under arrest. One of his companiona next took issue with the constable and he was also con vinced that "Bill", was wally under ar rest ' ' ' v "" After another ' sharp scrimmage the constable bundled both men Into a buggv and started for Portland. , When some fire miles from Trontdala he released Saylor'a friend with soma kindly admon- i itlon, and the youth wearily started On his return walk to Trontdala with an increase"! veneration ' for const-l feaylor waa bound over by the laount Tabor justice to anawer to the charge of having assaulted a farmer boy who had become involved la an altercation with.. he' Troutdale gang to the physical discomfort pf himself. ' .; ' NEED3 OF TWO SUDUC3. atldway and sjtnltaosaah Olmba Organise ; 'V Oampam' fo re lroteetloav Two east side Improvement eluba are working faithfully for better fire pro tection. Last night the Midway im provement association neia a wen-at tended meeting at the offtce of the Port land crematorium and subscriptions to the amount of 1100 were secured to par chase grounds near the Midway school for a n rehouse and public hall similar to the one at Sell wood. Either a stock company will be formed -and definite subscriptions taken, or subscriptions will be taken on the community basis without the formal sale of stock. ' The best method will be decided by a com mi t tee, put in eitner event the ' money already pledged will be a nucleus for subscriptions that will In a short time provide for the purchase of tha prop erty. v . , - The Multnomah sub-board of trade In Alblna held a meeting Wednesday night and considered what ahould be done In the crisis that confronts the1 auburn. The volunteer fire company that has protected the district for years has disbanded and nothing is left but ' the station on Mississippi avenue, a nose reel and a few yards of hose. The near est engine company ,1s a mile and a half away and the nearest .chemicalsthat at nigniano, - is a muo.irom ine ceaier J the district k .: ..v'-.v. ; The council will be naked by a com- mlttee of -the board to place a chemical or other suitable appartus at the Mis sissippi avenue station, which ta In the center of the- district at present entirely unprotected,' and a district . which has doubled Its population in "-the last, two BETTER SERVICE FOR LENTS. Wkea Obstinate Property-Holders Olve la Doable Traek WU1 Be BU. ; The. .Arleta Improvement association nas secured the promise or the U. w. 7. management that tnfno conditions will b greatly bettered before the end of another year. - The committee which visited the management was Informed that the company would build a double track from the Mount Tabor junction to Lents aa soon aa a few property-owners who were trying to hold 'up the com pany were persuaded to give a right of way without the exchange of a fortune for. their property.' The namea of the three or four men who are delaying the double track system were secured and the committee will labor with them.' When a double track line Is built the company can operate any number of cars to tne Lents country ana present conditions will be greatly ' Improved. During the morning and evening rush hour the cars now- can not provide even standing room for the passengers of this rapidly growing district, and so long as a single track serves tha greater part of the region, better service cannot afforded. : ' .... , .. . . r BANK'S DEBTS CANNOT i, : ks ? OFRSET ITS CAPITAL (SpeeUrDtopeteh to Me ' Jeerest! . 'T. lTJhAuiI Btaeaxli onunlssioner J. H. Kasteroay , today advised ' the . Thurston county board ef t tonal banks of this, city In -assessing the bank stocks The capita) stock of the CspitaJ Na tional -oank la f loo.toe -and debts were claimed by the stockholders amounting to IKJ.C00, - The Olyrapla Nations I bank stockholders ' claimed , debts Of lil.008 on- tM.eOO of stock, - The law oermlta debts to be offset against credits, but Mr. Easterday so In structed. the board, on the ground that no ahowlng was made that - the bank stock waa the onty-redlt pf the stock holders 'snd no ..claim or showing was made ' that - the ; debts - were . owing to residents of this stats. ' - - PRESCOTT PLANNING NEW GRAVITY SYSTEM ' Special Diapitch.te The loaraaL) .. Preseott, Wash., Aug, , IS. Instead of depending upon wells and the Touchet river for a water supply, Preseott' is preparing to vote a bond Issue for a new gravity system. The council will take the matter up aa soon aa- Auditor Honeycutt, at Walla Walla, - prepares and submits the assessed valuation of property " within the ' corporate limits Last, -year the assessed valuations ex ceeded ,(M.t. It is expected that the valuation wHI run close to $128,009 this year: . . , . - Yom ttavbtgUm t : KSrtm with tbm Baby Fes it some etotmsslsff skle sffeerleat Ite sm ef sW . Bests ef hapsy awthen salty use I -fs btli. Eltle ultM. J entrs IrriUttoa 1 euip asd skin. e rMtfol siasB, Keeps baby tweet sad f. For rashes, esac trtrmt, senfala, , all skle seteaMa, RaRTIHA SOAP f weaderfsl Wtat H eaes for baby it . for yea. IfS the aMot esotblne and ef ballet, beta aad aanory enpa, : , . J rets. Mealeated. Aatlaestie, De , 4. aefreAtas. BeaUag, TrignnL -1 f PfaM Balsaai la CTtrrCaxe." tit. Tas'Il be eienijitee. Lsrst ate. rx. 1 cekes,efte. pracfiatsC -1 brPHILO HAY BPHTTAL. . - K, H. J. Bafeat aaytaiae istgaatoret - i f n r-v - ra. aaettsiee t -. . t3TCZZ3 JrL'lL BR A Y MAUn to Yczt"arGc:cn -"Had betea tfeebted with dtMIn a toegtiaA After estag see bottle ef Hslrbealth I foand tb aDdrnir soae sad my kelr, whlcb was twe-tbMf sray (I am S year old) restored te Ms satarsi snbara uWw. 4. EiOUMAN, La Onsea, Wis." - UsIrbealtB, quickly brtoes back yootbrol color is ciay aalr. so matter bow long It sas bees gray er wbite. Positively reiuoets daadraff, kills tbe gern sad stops batr fUI. Does sot tula skla or Uaea, . Aided by HABSTNA SOAP sad gkra bealtb, tt tootbea end seal the scalp. Stops Itch ing asa promo! Jkno belr grewtk. Lart 60. bottles, dracaiit'.: ,Take Botalag witaoat sigsa tan fullo Htj Ce. - Fres S::p C.7:: fXHWtftt eica tbls eso joa. take te say of the foTJowtng dractltts and get s aoe. bottle Bay's Bslrbeeltb sail a Ke. esk Barflna Medlrated Bosp, best foe hilr. batk. toilet, botb for ftue.l or seat by Fblle Bay tpeelaltles tV. Newark, H. J., exgtest pra ald, ea receipt of OOo. and tUa sdf. Bi LMnm.... .................. .J.. . follow!!1- drasaiate saeely Bay's Bsiiaeilth ad Haraaa la theUt eoose eelyi Wtappac, AT3, CfcABaOi OOVoarth bAd Waasiagten Ma "T aniinmnxsss: Coupon Free Ha wallan Trip ' : a t'.z-.itla, tlawaiUa (bUnda I vote for. .t...,.'i., , This coupon mast be vote! on or before September 1, ltt(. -. ' LIuElllliODilltil defoue Fi".r.::EH Deniw. Ju4- Can Enjoin Prior Right -Tfiough Farmtr Is Damad by It. ' CASE PENDINO IN THE COEUR D'ALENE COURT Novel latue Brought to Ught by Answer 'of Defendant Mining Com- v paniea, tad Operators Await De cislon With Interest, ' " " (Special Dtspatrh to The loaraaL) Spokane, - Wash, Aug. IS Coeur dTAlene's tailing case, which ts pending before the district court of Shoshone county, - Is - expected to settle one Im portant question. In the reply of the mining feompany defendants to the suit nf tha farmers, it la Set UO that the mining corapaalejr located their plants and ommenced using the waters of the Coeur d'Alene river long - before the farmers used them for agricultural pur poses., .r,.' '. J '-.I '.'' ' ,. ' "- There la a novel issue in tnia answer. It la not questioned that lode er placer mining companies, locating on streams later than agriculturists and acquiring only, secondary rights, may be enjoined by the courts whenever It la proved that they are Injuring the watera for agri culture or domeatic usee. - But in a-caee where the farmers came later; and their use lot the water la secondary to the Drior rights of tha mining companies attorneys believe that no Injunction will be granted. - Judge Beatty rerused to grant a preliminary Injunction, after viewing the premises In dispute, and tha .se will come up on Its. merits. , In the answer of the mining com panics, which baa. just been Sled, It Is set up that ' restraining and Bottling dama have been built by them, so that there is really no danger regarding the tailings filling the river and disturbing the natural channel - The allegation of the complaint that- chemicals used In treating ores Is destructive,' is denied. The charge that natural chemical .ele ments In tha ore, freed by grinding In the mills, taint the water, la denied, and the attorneys tor the. mines will pro duce much scientific evidence to estab lish this point. If necessary. -v ' If the great Coeur d "Alone rams were made the subject for Injunctions by the farmers living belewln the manner In dicated by this pane, the, mining Indus try In the west's bonansa camp would be seriously Interfered with."- MINING NOTES. (Special Dispatch to The JoanaLt Baker City,- Or,, Aug. JS. The ore body cut on- the 409 abaft level of the Balaley-Elkhorn mine la 'being; drifted and Is said to be equal to that mined on the upper levele of the property. The ore was found on a dlonte-granlte con tact at a depth of about 700 feet, as the collar nf tha jhjujjulQOg.WMcutli having a depth of 100 feet Production deeper exploration is in progress. PIIUBUU. B. C district' mines- have -produced 'In the past seven months of this year 82T.S74 ton of ore and every assurance Is had that ' with the eight furnaces ' of the Oranby In commission the remainder of the year tha district will go materially above the 1,000,000 mark., V ' -. Grants Pass, Or., Aug. 15. These dry days "make the placer operator, appre ciate the work being dona at the Golden Drift property, near here, where tbe big pumping plant enablea tha management to continue aa If there were no seasons. This Is practically the only placer mine operating In southern Oregon now. It derives both water and power from Rogue ' river, which alwaya carries a sufficient volume . of waten for much heavier, work than- thia enterprise re quires. ' . f v -j ? Phoenix,- H. t, Aug.- zd since tne Dominion Copper company acquired the property of the Montreal Boston "Con solidated Mining de Smelting onmpuny operations On tha properties of these concerns are expected to be on an en larged scale.- Warner Miller, president of the Dominion company, la urging old stockholders to send In their certificates snd receive-stock 'In the new concern. The work to be taken . up soon will en liven the district where the mines and smelter are situated. - i - Juneau,. Alaska, Aug. 25. The silver strike reported from White Horee Is be lieved to have greater Importance than first -rumors' Indicated. The first au thentlo report here was to the effect that the crew of , the White Horse steam boat had deserted practically to a man to stake, mining ground, .and la tor in formation baa been sent out that many others are rushing In. The" strike waa made near Carcross, of the. White Pass line, and It toraald that the manage ment of thia " railway contemplates , an eight-mile branch to tap tha district ,. BONDS TO GET WATER FOR WALLA WALLA '-" t Spselsr Bhjpeteh-to Tk loaraaL) Walla Walla.. Wash-, Aug. 15. The city council baa definitely abandoned tha plan of increasing the assessed valua tion of city property E0 per cent In order to provide funds to construct a new gravity system, owing ' to - aeterminea opposition encountered front wealthy taxpayera and banking. Institutions. In stead of increasing valuations the coun cil will take advantage of tha law -of 1001. riving cities the .right to vote municipal bonds in any sum up ta per cent of the assessed valuation, and within ( daya a special election ' will be held to give votera an opportunity of expressing themselves on v bond Is sue and also to vote on What is .known aa tha Welle plan for securing an ade quate aupply of water. .. Thia is a pian lor taxing water irom Mill creek,, a mountain stream flowing through Walla Walla, at a point about 11 miles above the city, and was pro posed by , Engineer Welle of Spokane, brho made an exhaustive search for an available water' supply a year ago. . The proposed system will entail an' expendi ture of nearly f 100,000, aecordtag to es timates made by the city engineer. Walla Walla'a present water supply Is obtained from a half dosen springs and walla.. v1 : ' i ASTORIA MAN NAMED v : - QtftU I T (fcAAL I tU nULtn ' tSserlal fMspattk to Tae leerettl 1. r . i. M. fhsrlaa V. Brown of this city has received noUce of bla appointment as district deputy grand exalted ruler of the order or Elks for the district of Oregon, . The appointment was made by Robert . W. Brown, grand exalted ruler, of. Louis m Wc ' have just received w new souvenir - dook ox . i . ...,, . . t '- " ' . .t.-.i.- Each, book is bound in an attractive cover made by theU Indians - frorft,, native grasses, prettily stained.' Profusely illustrated. A inost appropriate Lewis and 2 Clark souvenir- . TEE i J. K. GILL CO. i Booksellers and : ,. Sutionen. THIRD AND ALDER 5 3 GrtdT lifts tt UZt Prttcr FUfIT TO T.UKE TOOL STEEL LCGATEO AT ABERDEEN Black Sands . Utilized' to Make. Product by a; Slnglo I , . ; - Operation. ' (Special Dlspateb to The Jeamsl.) , Aberdeen, Wash.. Aug. IS. Tha Shaw Crucible Steel company has - been In corporated under the laws, of Washing ton with a capitalisation of 100,000. Tha officers are: H. P. WeUs, presi dent: W. J. Shaw, general manager, and E- H Rothert. assistant manager. This company will erect a plant at Damon's Point for the purpose pf manufacturing high-grade -tool . ateel frpra the black sands. ' "" ... "-.':" :r An experimental plant ' waa . erected last January and proved satisfactory. Tha United Btates government nas taken, up ' the - Investigation of these sands and . ur. xy, wiin xne runusa fair at-present, 4s testing samples. WASHJNGTONIANS-GrVEN TEACH l;RSitnTI PICA ltd , (Bseeial Dispatch to The oraal.....4 ' Olympla, Wash.; Aug. The state board of educatiott has granted a life diploma to Mrs. R. IB. rriars of Kverett. The following teachers were granted state certificates: .William T. Walton of Montesano. graduate of Puget Sound university: -Bessie Annls of Spokane, University of Washington; Asa Dlllard Foster of Latah, university ot Missouri; Samuel John Relther of Trout Xake, Ohio Wesleyan. .; i '. -:. . Ufa certificates were granted as fol lows! Let!' la Kdna Cochel of Belllngham. a-raduate of Michigan state normal: Mor ris K. Snyder-of Colfax, University of Oreson: Melissa K. Hill of Seattle, on Washington' cert meats; uicy .vestal 01 Snohomish, Belllngham normal; ' isiisa Scherser of Chehalts, Nebraska univer sity; Ida O. McMillan of Ballard, Belllng ham normal. . : State certificates were renewed to 1.0- lie P. White of Seattle and H. .O. Giles of Ballard. .Other announcements will rbe made as soon aa the markers complete their work. :-" .'. "?.,;. CHILDREN REMEMBER a WHEN WORLD FORGETS (Jesrnal Special Servlee.) New lrk, Aug. SS. Giuseppe Nioo lso, ' at wbne ' time teacher of Adeline Pattt and other great singers, orches tra conductor and friend of crowned heads, died the other day in this city In abject poverty. . Nlcolao lived in the Italian district of the east side and. notwithstanding hia poverty and his seclusion, he riaa many admirers ana friends ia that district. , After hls-4eath scores of -the children, Who had breath lessly listened to the masterly playing of the old man, crowded to his rooms and covered the plain coffin with flow- era ' It waa a touching tribute to the genius of the old man. Round-Trip Daily to Astoria. J Telegraph' makes round trios dally (except Friday). De parts from Alder atreet dock T:I0 a. m. From Astoria I p. m. Arriving Portland 1:10 p. m. Sundays leaves Portland s. m. Arrives Portl arid 1p.m. MURPHY DEBARRED FROM -' - LANDOFFICE PRACTICE (Ssedal Vissafek to Ts learaatl .. !f I OlVmpla, Wash- .Aug. IS. J." O. B. Scobey, register of the Olympla land office, ' yesterday debarred Jesse F. Murphy. 1 a land-office attorney, from practice before - thia land of flos. The case will be carried to the interior -department by Mr. , Scobey. Scobey de clares that Murphy haa charged the local land-office official with, bribery and cor ruption, has been guilty of unprofessional conduct and oonduot unbecoming an at torney.'-'- r i---r;-XT'"-v --""V " Murphy announces that he will light the disbarment proceeding. Mr. Murphy waa register of the Olympla land office under Cleveland's second administration and la a prominent Democratlo politician, t 1 r - - r " ,K . T w o ' w o r d a. Schilline;. Bcst'j and one more that is morveyack-stand for the best in trade; best goods and best dealing;-, . ;,.r.,. - ; v;- . ; :taifaa ykaA-. ? -; J rv tt v r'rra at ta .-a ever te Boon la .J t 1 i . 6 MEW FALL, AND WINTZaCOOD3 are arrivifcT daUy. V need room for C arm r?TI irr ssreeba of auttamsr ahead tf 1l.'lti!l ClsntV Ol OCr . .4 a a . . M . L... . A, A lar veaav ' . 111 em 'vaB dVs a ables. Qur Glean-up saie ox au summer gooas u yor tosuts vu nwa ui, v w. a golden opportunity tor you to iay in youi 9ur rm iur ppcrtuni ty for wtrm wcztl:er v.-rir- balance f this season, but affords V , . "by next r-mraer's wear. Until 5c!d You Duy 'g Fine Suite at I I -:J -V x ' - Hen 1 " V T " - ill-J':- : 87.S0 For Suits worth up to....... "..'.$15.00 ip5.00. For Suits worth, up to. .. ,..'. .$10.00 - HALF PRICE . 825 For Suits worth up'to...'. $6.W $35 For Suits worth up to $9.00 j " ' A clean-up of this season s stock. Odds and ends and broken' lines. All desirable patterns are here. The trousers are worth more than we askjorthe suit.";" '' - ( - ; Yoana r.Icn's Suits i 86.50 For Suits worth up to...... .f $10.00 7.ou i-or. suits wort n, up to, ...... .lis.ou 8.85 For Suits worth 'up tov ; v . i .$13.50 lr I lA sM ev "a-. " . A m r aW aw" . aW MM -i r - tt I1 811.85 Fur Suits vvuilli uu lo a . . . . ..... . . . v AH in these grades. Single and iou- ; ble breasted models. 1 Superb patterns, most excellent - fabrics. . All- colors, all sizes'- from ; 14 to 20 years. . "" ' '-'V" ' The following is,' in brief, a statement of the heavy: price, reductions which we have : made v on the .various grades of Men's Pants how in" "stockt ' v . - s ' 81.50 For good strong Work Pants that are worth $2. " - v . ? s -. - 81.65 For your choice of Gassimere or Cor-' ."duroy Pants, worth $2.50. - : - .- j' 825 For your choice of a grand collection of fine Worsteds and. Cheviots, worth up to $4.50.. ' - . 8335 . Fort choice of custom . finish ; Pants, ; worth up to $6. ,i ",".,''' m Coys'and 'CMdrsSiiibrf i'' . .r" At Nearly Half Price '.' 11.65 For Suits worth up ta.4 . . . . .'. f.$3.00 125 For Suits. worth up to. . .:-. . . . .$4.00 12.85 For Suits worth up to...r.. .VVl.$5.00 ,' (mo for buils worth up to. ...... . . . .$6.00 Not a single novelty,' conservative or staple style in jthese grades, escaped this deep cut in price.., The variety is bounded only by cre ative genius of the' designers ' and rhalcers,' Sizes Vi to 16. , ; ' . , , Ken's Dals; I ' A hat may fit your head and not fit your facel ltd II ii v i. U IT.!. 4( A hat to fit your face and a size to fit your head. Autumn styles arriving daily. , V Largest Stock' in the Northwest of V OtCTCCN'O KIV f ALL CLCCES A massive showing of new'shapes and colors i :;-..-;;.,. ,84.00 and 85.00. . . ; ;' -;;'. 25 dozen Men's fine new fall styles, in tan ; ; pearl, blue pearl, nutria, medium brown, dark 1 i brown t and black. . Guaranteed to hold their shape and color; Special Sat- -x-: Jurday . ...... .w. . -. . , ... .... i . . . . ,815 50 dozen, jnnearly as many styles, all new j ' shapes and colors, but broken lots of . .regular $2.50 hats., ; Special Saturday C1.C5 Coys' FcrrJ:5r. ;8e For ; fast black double! knee Stockings, ' worth Utftv 12ytf For extra heavy double knee Stockings " worth 20c. - ' J9e For Wash Waists or Blouses worth up " to 35c,. ' . tf , - ' 35; For Percale Waists,' worth' up 'to - 65C lOr For odds and ends of 25c Caps. 39e For - Corduroy, Knee Pants, worth 65c ' .len's end Eoys' Shoes C 1 A Q or your choice of Men's High or ylaflO' Low Cut Shoes, in London and all style toes. Odds and ends of all our $2 values. CI ft K For your pick ' of Men's High or 4)1 aOO : Low Cut Patent Colt, : VicMCid and Calf Shoes,' all sizes and widths. Odds' and ends of all oiir $3 anH y?, KO valn: ' y fl r .. For Boys'' Kangaroo Calf - Grain 1 vi faaft snpes, quiitea soies, sizes v jo loyi. r-A shoe, that -will stand the racket:' reeular $1.65 vlde.. -1 , ' - - ' J''j AFor Boys" Kangaroo -Calf Grain pvlaTllI Shoes, quilted soles, sizes ! to 2. They re built on honor and will hold that boy, down ; regular $1.85 yalucv; , , " !fj Cr For Boys' Kangaroo Calf Grain PI tJO Shes, quilted soles, sizes 2y to tyi They're dressy and tough ; regular $2 value.' " - x' , . . - '.,'' j ; lien's Fnrnishinns ( 3C .For choice of over 50 styles of Men's DleOO fine Wash Vests, light, medium and ' ;dark effects; values tjp to $3. f'-r.? 'JWn or Balbriggan Underwear, plain or afOv. ribbed; worth 35c'.'---,-.;i.:iVV:?';: For Men's fine combed Egyptian Bal briggan Underwear. ' A soft silk finish- yarn, nicely , bound and trimmed, pearl but tons, drawers have large extension seats. Col ors are white, ecru, blue, pink and black. A garment that is sold all over as a great leader forMfli-'V'r'1"'1''' s '"'.;' CQr For New York; Mills' Muslin Night OOv Shirts, fancy embroidered fronts and cuffs! values up to V.-.iV.A. t;?- - ln For fine imported Half Hose; in 1 1 C ' figures, stripes and polka dots. All have double heels, and toes, and are full fash ioned ;' values - up ; t6 60C. Y i. ': A Ce For a large assortment of Men's Work ! ' tKJC' Shirts, in black sateen, black and white drills, madras, cheviots and Oxfords; in light, -mediuwandatsrects,allfullsizedand7 double stitched; values up to 75c. .v ';:' :Q For your, pick of. Men's Golf "Negligee yC. Shirts, in white, medium and dark pat- terns ; Tegular, 75c. values. ';,;".;; v -ZA "-For your choice of a fine line of Men's -II w Golf Negligee Shirts, in. white, madras, ' cheviot fancy silk bosom, French percale ; also pleated bosom style.','; These Shirts sold rapidly for $1.'' 'l;.,,;'!: ; A'.:ir.f'i .-V '"Jr OA- For your choice of 1 a magnificent line Oy wt of imporTed madras, - cheviot, - Oxford : :, and French percales including' fancy white ef fects; also pleated bosom style; values up to $1.50. v: 'vriV'A-f. "-.. ';:-"J' '; v-Li'H ' CI QC ' For a 'fine-' range of Mohair ? Golf ,91 add. Shirts,, attached ,caff4, cqlora arcT cream, tan, white and mode. The coolest shirt made;' values arc$2.50.Vv---:-; V ' Fof Si,k Four-in-Hand Ties, medium L flt and dark colors, dots, stripes and figures; our regularise value. ' ' ; I Cv .For Men's Bathing Trunks; '. -Hut . worth 25c , - ,-w 7? JCn For Men' Au Wo01 Je"ey nit Bath ,3uw ing -Trunks, in plain-colors and fancy stripes; values up to $1. - I pt For Men's fancy web steel buckle Sus- loC ' penders, extra drawers supporter; reg- i ular 25c value. ; .. .... 1 Zn For. fancy Silk Sleeve" Holders, great ItJay variety ot colors, fancy silk bow and silver buckle; tegular 25c value, r t v ville, Kentucky. , , . . 1 7.