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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1905)
. r w - n -i.-v; , V. ir ri?. n REALLY BID; OFFEIb HIS HAND IN MARRIAGE TO t - . J ' 4 ; m i in i . - - . i - ... i i w i i ' I V I X I'll . I I . I 1 ""IT V ToMpl 2000; or fcc Forete o8 fimema WILL AFFILIATE WITH THE CROWDS AND" MAKE MERRY AT EVERY ; STATION.-SPECIAL FIREWORKS DISPLAY AND MANY OTHER NEW FEATURES.' - GRAUI CUT AMD IN IE STACK JUgh6hower3?ccuiTed Early Part of Waek in Lowar , ' ' Willametta Valley. WHEAT YIELD ELSEWHERE t. REPORTED GRATIFYING . , v." v :: Dry ,.Wtther i Detriment to Hops nd Soma Arc Reported Falling Off . the Vines in Yamhill County Polk Hops Showing a Good Growth. XatMt Oreaoa crop bulUttn of depart ' . nnt Of afrtoultur by A. B. WolUber, . aettnf mcUob director: . LJ(ht ahowera occurred ' during tha for part of tha wmIc In tha low-por ,' 4 Ion of tha WlllamaUe TalUy and tn the jiorthrn ' ooaat countlea, klaawhara ' .throughout tha etat dry waathar pra vailad - Tha taniparaturaa tn . waatarn Orgon avarasad about normal, whlla tha weather aaat of tha Caaoadaa' waa : aliKhtly cooler than neviaj. "aapaetaily at . riitht. . ,. '.... . . . -. The rain aomewhat rerWed Tegeta - lon,' but ae a whole tha amounta were ' too amall to do much good, and gardene, ' corn, potatoea and paaturea are auffer ' Ins for want of molatura. ' ... : Grain la about all out and In the . 1 . afack. Thraahlnc oontlnuea In all aeo- tlona.- Tha ytelda In tha WUtematt val lay ' continue disappointing, but In the Columbia' and the Orand Ronda vpUw '" tha raturna are vary gratifying.' Hope . are making . aaaaonal , progreae, -and where spraying waa thoroughly dona the lice have about disappeared... Corn Is earing and filling nicely and a good crop ' ! Indicated. , Stock . continues t tloae fi. - - Plume, and ' some varieties of prunes , a v,r rP n1 totS gathered. - The yield Of moat fruits will fall below tha arer- llJIill2lIlLi!l!!llLjat!ll ; BaWng Poivdor UiDELY IMITATED -1 1 What better ; proof of its being i good thing? Be fure foo'get the genuine. 7 r:: V; rjC::of-723c:.-J3 AND HE WAS LIVING IN; PORTLAND, THEN SURELYJ'HE WOULD Evcry new bnde and groom come to us. o better place to spend a "Honeymoon Day." . ;'; ; ; r Special concessions to wedding parties at "The Oaks Tavern.'- i. and pears are email and .dropping mora thsn usual. Feaahee are plentiful and o( good riavor., - Coast Blatrlst. iFlshhawk, Columbia; county. .. K.' E. Hoberg Weather cloudy, .. with light showers during tha first part of tha week; more rain needed " for gardens ; grain all cut: in lion, cows doing well; pasturage very short; . fruit crop roe- oium. ,, , Clatsop. Clatsop county, ' u. F. Staf ford Thera hare been several iliht rains . this week and . vegetation now wears a much brighter color; with a lit' tie more rain fall pastures will be. as surad and tha turnip crop much ,ln- creasea. Trask, Tllltmook eourity, F. J. Oobar -Monday and Wiineaday war showery and about an inch of rain tell, which has refreshed paaturage materially; aoma potatoes being dug; tha yield is aoove we average. Remote, Cooa county, (J. A. Hansen Warm and dry, rain needed; harvesting and threshing nearly dona; potatoea and corn look well; prunes ripening; pas tures somewhat dry and short, but stock oontlnuea In good condition. Wedderburn, Curry county, A. 8. Miller Weather dry and Warm: thresh' ing In progress; quality of grain good; stock ranges dry, but stock doing well where feed la -green; fruit crop good. ' . ' wmamerta TaDey. - Forest Grove,' Washington county, S. T. Walker Grain all Vut and most of it in tha stack; potatoea and corn showing err acts of dry weather; hops look well and promise a good yield; pastures dried up; pears fair, prunes small yield.. North YamhllL Yamhill county. J. T. Patterson Warm, dry and dusty, with strong north winds; rain- needed; grain nearly all In aacki very light yield, quality only fair; applea and pears drop ping: nopa drying on vines and falling off, yield) will be below average; late potatoea very amall; pastures dried up. Aurora, Marlon county. C D. V. Wil son Threshing completed, yields. light; potatoea need rain; hope apparently free or moid, put promise a light yield. Pedes, Folk county. CW. Pagett jrora pan or week cloudy and eool. latter part very warm;- thrashing all dohe; average yield of both wheat and oats; lata potatoes need rain r pan turea very snort; nops making seasonable proaress: many undea-slsed burst- weather condi tions auriog the remainder of the sea. son will determine the quality, which ai present, promisee to be excellent Corvallla, Benton county; E, J. Dilley Weather cooler; hope doing very well; while there will not be so large a crop as last year, tha quality la far better: there-la a vary heavy foliage; they are free from lice, as sprayers have Been uaeo several times, with good-re-utA i . ; ' . Albany, Linn county, J. W. Propat Weather continues dry and warm; ev erything needs rain; threshing well along; hay baling mostly done; corn not doing very wellf early potatoea ripe, late potatoes need rain; peaches . ripening: stock doing fairly well. ..- Ooldson. Lane county, J. M. Ooldaon Threehlng" contTiruea; yield disappoint ing, ' as grain la turning out much shorter than e parted, due to the aphis and dry. hot , winds In the early part of tha season; paaturaga getting very short; stock In tha bills are doln fatrw WV4. - eaiaeem- Toncalla, Douglas county. J. P. Ri.hnn Weather very warm, with drylng'nortli wmaj., .pssiurws extremely ; dry; eoru and late gafdene hot doing well on ao. count of dry weather. Dryden. Josephine county, H. a llii, tin Weather at 111 dry. but not eo warmt threshing dona; yield of oats aad rye good, bnt wheat did not come ud to e. pectatlons; gardens, where irritated. .. v is - , - i . t , : A I " V good; soma alfalfa to cut yet; stock In good condition. - Climax, Jackson county, I F.. Taylor jTery dry, -cool at night; corn earing nlfeir-and filling well; range badly dried up; stock or all kinds In fine condition. Ootaaabta Btvec YaUey. , . ' Hood River,- Wasco county, P. R Heln rlchs Weather much cooler; second crop of bay mostly cured and stacked; Bartlett peara ripe and W tha market; potatoea aad gardens, where Irrigated, are doing well; apples wlirbe short Tha Dalles, Wasco county, A. Urquhart Weather oool fore part of week, latter part warm; prunta and peara being gathered; in some orcharda tha prune crop ia good, others have a vary light crop.- ".- : " .. Weston. Umatilla county, Maud M. Baker Cool during first part of week, latter part hot; no rain; harvesting pro gressing .nicely; ylelda excellent, barley yielding' exceptionally heavy; potatoes doing fairly well i . . , V . - Flateam Begloau Baker City, Baker county, W. C Me. (fulness Weather continues dry; thresh ing' in progress; wheat and oat yields larger than usual; tha hay crop la im mense; on account of killing frosts In tha spring, fruit is scarce; there Is a scarcity of water tn the valley. ' Ontario, Malheur county, S. X Spann First of week oool. Thursday and Fri day warmer; second crop of hay, being harvested, crop good; Irrigation 'water holding out well;' some plums, peaches and blackberries ripe; green corn plentl- Haines. Baker county, J. K. Fisher Week cool and very dry; harvesting wall along; threshing just commenced; some damage to grain by hot, weather;, paa turage poor. - FAIRBANKS FAMILY IN t REUNION" AT BOSTON (Jearaal Special Servlea.) f ;Boton.Aug Zl. Several,- hundred members of the Fairbanks family, in cluding Vioe-Presldent Charles W. Fair banks and aeveral membera of his fam ily, met here this morning to attend the fourth annual reunion of tha Fairbanks family in America... This, morning .the members held only a short And Informal meeting and then, went to Lancaster fn a body. ' There It was that Jonas Fair oanka. a son of Jonathan, the founder of the family in America, and two of his sons, were killed by Indiana In l7t. ; . Tomorrow the' visiting members of the family will makq an excursion - to Millie. Med. way, Dover and Medfleld. They wlU visit the Old South Sherborn cemetery, where many of tha family are burled, old - Boggstowa - Fort. ' Death Bridge and -other historical spos. In the evening supper Will be served In Berkeley temple, Boston. The Hon. J. Wilder Fairbanks of Boston, family his torian, will gtve a lecture on "Whit man's Ride from Oregon." Illustrated by moving picture On Thursday the grand family re union will be held at the old homestead In rxxlham. A family mala quartet a New York family orchestra, a dinner and a long list of speakers will comprise the day's program. Pennsylvania Preaibltloaista. J (oaraT.psetal gerviee.) ,. Wllllamsport. Pa., Aoe St. The state convention of the Prohibition party of Pennsylvania met here this morning. Nearly 100 delegates were In attendance. After the temporary -organisation had b-n effected and the usual committees had been appointed, the convention took a recese until tbla ariernooa. .A full a Lata ticket will be nominated. ' 4 lETIflG OF. BAPTISTS First Grand Congress of Great Denomination Results in Permanent Organization. MANY FAMOUS PEOPLE - SPOKE AT SERVICES C A. Woody Tells of the Work of ; the Convention and Predicts That It WUl Aid in Building' Up the Church.'.' . ' After attending a world's eongreae of the Baptist church, held In ' London, England, C. A. Woody, editor of the Pacific Baptist and secretary of tha Pa cific district of the American Baptlat Homo Missionary society, haa returned to Portland convinced that the Baptlat denomination is one of tha greateat re ligious organlaatlons in Christendom. Over 4.000 delegatea were at the meet ing, representing Baptist congregations In all parte of tha world. About 1.000 delegates went from the United States, and Mr. Woody was the delegate from Oregon. "Mrs. Mcintosh of The Dalles attended tha congress. y - r "It waa tha first world's congress of tha Baptist church and resulted in a permanent organisation, which will meet about once in five years. The, next meet ing will be held In the United Btatea." said Mr. Woody. : "There were many famous preachers in attendance. Dr. Maolauren of Manchester, the - moat notable' nonconformist preacher in the world, waa elected president o the con gress. - ' "The permanent organisation Is known aa the Baptist World alliance. Dr. Joha Clifford of London waa made president. A number of Pacific coast people were present ' among them - Mr. and, Mra, Robert Burdette. We all preached, at the services at the congress, " which lastsd 10 days. Six delegatea from Rus sia were preeent One had been exiled NE WBltO'S The OBZOXaTASi the CSOINGr! aTeraleiae WW Save,. It, A WOMAN TO ZZTSSTtY erast baee pretty kalr. Beaettrat leeks " tmM mm teeerlal em sesasiea Tatr tr.em aoaa'e laperiel rase ..! . Tm eapoetle as limilr real fl.ner.rf Uru stakes tke kalr doll, brittle sad Hemes viia iw wanii, 1MB in I'JOflLD'S . - . amioanoss at mrnxwaxit basuisdb skots. nt lism.l i. St4 ISt. lUttt, rZITX::Z P.. lt?L . tctraft, rici.. far i lag. 't "Ulc Lssfi lays' of Popi" twice, and spent five veers la Siberia for-j pulpit . expressions antagonistic to 'the established order in Russia. A French minister said he felt so happy over the congress that ha 'eould kiss everybody in the meeting,' and acting on tha lm pvlae kissed the ' -venerable ..-presiding officer on the cheek.' '': - Mr. Woody said the feature of the discussions wss a reaffirmation of tha principle of absolute liberty of every man to read and Interpret the Bible for himself, without the Intermediary of any priest for which tha Baptist church haa always stood. The law passed by the English parliament about two ysare ago, forcing every taxpayer to pay for school instruction by . Cat hollo priests and ministers of the . state church, was denounced. ' The Inaependent churchmen refuse to pay tha tax and their goods are seised and aold and they are Im prisoned. About 1.400 prosecutions have been made under the law In tha United Kingdom and the Indignation of the peo pla Is steadily growing. . SUPREME COUNCIL OF FORESTERS IN SESSION (loeraal Special Service.) Buffalo, N. T, Aug. St. Nearly 400 delegates from all parte of tha country were present when the annual conven tion of the supreme council of the Or der of Foresters of America was called to . order here this morning. They represent a total membership of about 100,000.. scattered, ail over tha United States. The morning session was occu pied' with the annual address of the supreme commander and other officials of tha supreme council and reports of committees. - The work of the conven tion will be continued in the afternoon. The Knights of. Sherwood Forest which are the uniformed rank of the Or der of Foresters,, will meet this evening and wtll bold As annual conclave during tha evenlnge to give the members an opportunity to attend the Foresters' convention during the morning and aft ernoons. The local Foresters have made elaborate preparations for the enter tainment of the visiting delegatea and have arranged for a danea and a vaude ville entertalnmena at Concert hall .on Wednesday evening. - ' ; , ' 'sroeery nraa Xaoorporatee.' '"- Articles of Incorporation of McKln- non At Smith were filed with the county clerk yesterday by Donald and Daniel McKlnnon and Charles Smith. The capital stock is 110.000 and the object Is to engage In the' wholesale and retail grocery business. Herpicide "kffla the : 1N&J! GONE Ml. STwHHi WlU Save I. Tee Use rat HanlilH, ' seal eaeT ftmBg fcaBrFewWrv BereMdr deetmre tkla eaetay ef beasty aad .aaaiea ne ie rws im aenirsi mmww SMad.aee. A In it a lew tke ase ef Beri aat anaeiag. Krsoi t Mmteaa rMita roi Brlete. a a eaaeMe hmh. hnbIh elua- aad satkes tke Uskt aad taffy, be grease ar aye. teee Itefclaa Maiaauy. SPEND A DAY V;.-' Nxt Tharsday Morning Opnog 81 of ..V THE EVEFJT Or ALL EVENTS J ' Two Wek -Commencing Monday KTtnlng, . . N v. '. August 28th, Pain'a fetupendooa, C : Thrilling Spactacle,' -v . I And Gorgeoaa $2,et0 Nightly ; C C Display of j f .Pain's nisnhallan Decch 7 y J Hrcivorlcs A ) FIVE ACRSS OF SCENERY. 40 PERFORMERS , ? 1 100 ARTISTS. . 1 3 C . . . . Monster Amphitheatre to Seat 10,000 Peopla. - v - II is? f I IV VI11VV'V II II -. lla.ti 111..... II . .1 I saw Be mm mm fi&ttt&blt PnnliooCx-As-slmilaling IheFoodatidBetiuia:'' ting the S toasts &ialBorels of Proniolcs DigcsdonXhwrM iiessandlkstContainsndttier OpiimuMorphina norlfioeaL WOT KARC OTIC. xn ivenaapsaKvia rienwJasat- Apetfiecl Remedy for Cons fk Tlon. Sour Stoinach,DioTitoea Worms Convulsions .Fevwiah nrss and Loss or SlXKF. FtfSitntla St (nattrre oP ' v NEW YORK. - ML tSSSSMtSSSS SSSS nit irMBlA j::cia pi: Si, -nun AT m Tl53 ((i:d Yc-j l!:v3 toy l w-. . ---'- Bearo tho Signature of n' Yl MMMM Doubt Crmmd Prtn SLlouli, I904 U.r-PorOudr Thirty Yoaro in veaaeaM V . . : , , - : ... . X , J o. --V - - - -