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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1905)
. . . .jjt stgi" Ft?; ::; c:::tu akd vac:::;: :tc;j stg, rcr.iR:c5T c:px:lt vestcf ct::aco CTC CLOSES AT 0 P. M. VISITORS ARE UPXZD TO ENJOY EVERY PRIVI LEGE OP THIS GIJEAT CTOrJS TO THE UTMOST. ctc:.: c.::: at o a. r.:. . 1EEP;A FZW Gfr TilZSZ FACTS 7 fi?ied, irj-YOimra.. .. The OLDS, WOIITMAN ft KING Ausuat sales oSet more ad-, vantagea than any others, not only in the city, but on the Pa- ' cific coast There ia a larger atomic of merchandise to select from, infinitely more variety and absolutely correct styles than any other Portland house can show. 7 Prices are always lower, here than elsewhere. : Year 'round prices here are invariably ; far below those of other local stores ? Present prices, "during the final August closure sales, show these proverbial low prices cut in two or badly smashed. Every day the big, assemblage of bargains is replenished $t the merchandise man goes thro the stocks and finds additional lota that are small or sow movers. And the selling is large rapid, pleasing and profitable to our , patrons. . But remember, some of these short lots cannot last . the week out, some won't survive the day on which they're ad vertised; so don't be one of those three-handed folks a right hand, a left hand and always a little behind hand. Don't. '. be one of those always-just-a-little-too-late- people who miss the finest of whatever'a. roing by being chronic procrastinators. Come to the sale tomorrow in the morning if you can, but come . . . f t a . - . . a k nyway na snare in uicse vaiucs you reaa oi, ana many mon youll miss unless you come, tq the store. , ;. , ' .' ' ; 1 ' A DAINTY LUfCIl SERVED FREE ! l ':Z:.::Z- ON THIRD FLOOR. r . ' Command snp with us on the ! toothsome delicacies our demonstrator serves FREE on.Third Floor, near the bisr eleva torsyou'll sure fall in. lqve with the, delicious "ROSETTE . WAFERS' she this modern Eve is cooking with the. aid of 4 uic new iwbciic vvaine irons. 10 w p. m. auy. 1 . v ' : STORE CLEANING IN THE KNIT UNDERWEAIV SHOPS Hf st Floor . "The melancholy days are come the saddest of the year" to the underwear chief who is right in the midst of an upset of stocks. Fhere's daily collision between incoming winter goods ttand remaining summer stocks. Needless to say summer lines' Jget.the worst of it and prices are smashed to flinders.; Stocks go out in pieces maybe some-may go to you; at such prices buying becomes a mighty good investment.' : ..f -. WOMEN7S 76c MESH VESTS 60c - White-mercerize lisle mesh Vests, with sleeves and low neck; regular value 75c. Special, each. ................... ....504 . ' -WOMEN'S $1J15.UNI0N SUITS 78c . White mercerised lisle mesh Union Suits; regular value $1.25. Special. theauit ....... ......... .t. ... w ......... . 7. 78 .WOMEN'S 35c COTTON VESTS 25c . White cotton long sleeve (Vests, extra sites, 40, 42, 44; regular . value 35cV Specials each , WOMEN'S 20c COTTON VESTS Ityc-j Whit. Cotton Vests, sleeveless, V-shaped neck, neatly trim- " med ; regular value 20c. Special, each . . . . . . 7. 12 WOMEN'S WCCUTTON, VESTS XSC. White Cotton Vests, jersey ribbed, long sleeves; regular value 35c. J Special, each ....... . . r. . . . ; . ... ........ i .25 f WOMEN'S OU: ANU rAN IS iBalnriggan Vests and Pants, vests with long sleeves, pants knee ' and 'ankle -length; regular value ,50c,. special, each...,..S3 , u WOMEN'S 80c UNION SUITS 86c. - - : ' White Cotton Union Suits, low neck, no sleeves, plain or lace , trimmed; regular value 50c Special, the suit. ....... .35tt ; ..; WOMEN'S 26c COTTON PANTS 18c. ; v White Cotton Pants, closed knee, French bands ; regular value 25e, '. Special, pair . . ......,...... i . , ; ; ; . 18? AH put "Merode" Summer Weight Underwear at Special Clear- i. BATHING SUITS AT COST. IG REDUCTIONS OF LOW PRICES TO LOWEST i ; i SUMMER UNDERWEAR FOR LITTLE F0U Ve've made sweeping reductions irt the prices of all Summer Underwear for the children that should clear the stocks from the Knitwear Shops in double quick time. White cottons and f lisfes, with vests made in the long, short and no-sleeved styles, pants in knee lengths with lace trimmings and plain effects . Regular 15c values. : Special at, each. ...... .....10 ; i . . .Regular 20c values. Special at, each. ........... 14 ' " Regular 25c values. Special at, each. ........... 17 WXW' SPECIAL BALE OP ' ;;..' WOMEN'S HANDSOME SHIRTWAIST : PATTERNS First Floor $1.88 AND $1.98 SHIRTWAIST PATTERNS $1.18. Shirtwaist Patterns, of either lawn or Indian Head, with beau tifully embroidered fronts ; our $1.89 and $1.98 values. Special at, each ........... . . . ; . . . . . . . .- .. . . t ; . . . ; . . ; . . .f 1.13 $2.68 SHIRTWAIST-PATTERNS $U9; ' Shirtwaist Patterns, in plain white, white and' pink, white and blue or white and blackrour $2.69 value. Special at, . . -each ... . . A . i . .. . . . . . . . . . . J .$1.59 HOSIERY AISLES CONTRIBUTE SPECIAL BARGAINS FIRST FLOOR. - WOMEN'S AND BOYS' SPECIAL VALUES IN THE HOSIERY SHOPS i v WOMEN'S 85c HOSE 22c ; r : a Black medium weight Lisle Hose, finished foot, double sole; regular value 35c 1 Special, the pair.V. . . . '. . .. ... .22 , - WUMJ1.I O OUC XlVdU, OC' , (.. Fine I Black Gauze Cotton and Lisle Hose, high spliced heel, double sole, French toe; regular value 50c Special, pair. .354 , BOYS' 25c HOSE 18c ; Boys' double ribbed extra strong-black Cotton Hose, finished ,! foot, sizes 6 to 10 ; regular value 25c. Special, the paii . . . 18 WOMEN'S FURNISHINGS RARE VALUES '-' : . ",'J ..First Floor Shops Special I : ; 65c and 76c collars for 5c . Collars, made of linen, heavily embroidered in xolors, with eye-: lets for ties; our 65c and 75c values. Special at, each.... .354 76c WINDSOR TIES FOR 60c. r -' C The newest thing in Windsors Jor ladies or children, in fancy Persian designs, all colors Jour 75c value. Special at, each 504 T. "NEW SILK GLOVES. J . - -Ladies' Double Tipped Silk Gloves, 2-claspV in black, white and colors. Priced at, the pair . . . 75 fl.OO, 81.25 and 81.50 . 78c FOR $1 SILK GLOVES. i .Women's Summer Silk Mesh, Gjoves, .with plain palm, in 2 ; clasp style, in black and colors only; our $1 value. 1 Special at, the pair ...,.. . ; . . i . '. . V 4 ..... P ....... . 70 ; DiTnAG.iDiNAav nzBUCTiaNs on vor.'zn's SiYUS: READY-TO-DO fJ SUITS, , SKIRTS AHD - IJOUSE WRAZi C?AD SAtONS 3aM-l?rice Wenscddy for Teiilored . 1 Suits end Walfiinq SJiirto The. suits are in just the most wanted materials, Eton, jacket and , - blouse styles, suitable for wear now and during the coming fall. In tailored street styles all made up in splendid workmanship; ex-1 ; amples of the best makers' products on the American continent. The values reach from the $12.50 mark up to the aristocrats at $75, " You may choose from them all until closing time of Wednesday. , ... .... , . . AT HALF PRICE BUY TOMORROW THE WANTED PEDESTRIAN SKIRT AND SAVE HALF! . " '..' Skirts that cover-a range in values from $6.50 to $28.50. - Panama,. cloths, serges and .cheviots, in plain black, blues, greens, black and . " white and an immense variety of smart mannish mixtures. For ' .Wednesday we shall allow full choice at just ONE HALF the mark- i t ' i a. t - . t f v; ea prices wnicn are, in every ins unite, wwer wm cuai (juaiiucs . can be bought for anywhere in the city. . (r t ? 1 v ' l ;r I) ' WOMEN'S $2.60 HOUSE WRAPPERS FOR 78c ; V i Very attractive Percale House Wrappers, striped, floral and Dres-, ; , den oatterns. in naw. black, red ana rray colorines, collars narrow ; and wide, backs belted, flounced styles with Bishop sleeves and yokes. Pretty trimming ef- , fects of braids and embroideries; values to $2.50. For Wednesday at a choice, for. , . , . ;.79 THAT GREAT SALE OF RIBBONS C0NTINIES ..:;:.;''';,";;.Pv;:;7Firt Floor. -;"'.i;"Vi-' llJLThe crowdi don't seemJb diminish at the rjbbon counte,rs-and1the supply keeps up. Guess folks must have found that facts backed up the statement made Monday -"BIGGEST RIB- BON VALUES EVER KNOWN IN PORTLAND 1" Better get. more of the ribbons to-, morrow. Thousands upon thousands of miles of ribbons, wox& up'Tcf $1.00 a yard for 25c a .yard. Think of itl " . ' v ' ' ' " . ' ' ' : '' -" ". A RIBBON SALE FOR MEN $1.00 RICS0NS SASH RIBBONS " A RIBBON SALE FOR WOMEN Rjbbaa Sale for Everybody f BELT RIBBONS A RIBBON SALE FOR BOYS Waae tor tveyoay , NECK RIBBONS A RIBBON SALE FOR GIRLS ; 25c YARD . DECORATIVE RIBBONS. Some of the ribbons are 4 inches in width, that's the narrowest. Those at 5, 6 and 7 inches ' v. attract the eye by their splendid beauty and generous width until the orb. lights upon those . that are 9 inches wide-i-and rests, there. But all Widths are good, according to the use you s: :want them for. The men folks are interested, for those wide ribbons make rich arid handsome , neckscarfs." A distineuished-lcokTnfir convention of Oriental and jacquard effects, rich, handsome-fig ured patternsthese in satin, taffeta,' gauze and canvas' weaves; pretty polka-dots in a be wildering and bewitching variety. Roman stripes but, what's the use? Come and see for' yourselves. BONNETS BLACK AND COLORED SILKS CUA! TEED -BOND" TAFFETAS AND SUITINGS IN ALL C. T ORS.- SOLE SELLING AGENTS FOR POSTLAI.'D. special DEr.:or.STnATin:j OF ASBESTOS SAD IRONS Tomorrow on Third Flocr. Housewives are especially invited to attend. .. WATCHES CLEANED AND WARRANTED ONE YEAH : , FOR 76c. - : ,, ;. i,-v.j.. . . NEW MAINSPRINGS FOR 75c ALL OTHER REPAIRING ON JEWELRY AT PROPOR- ; r.-.:v'-:.:.-rv.y- r : ; TIONATE PRICES. . . - First Floor, Near .Large Elevators. ' " -C-, MAGNETIC: MILLINERY VALIES "BIJOU- MILLINERY SALONS ANNEX SECOND FLOOR. , The exquisite taste and beauty of the new modes for the coming season have : never been known to the art .of mil linery. The saying of there being an individual style for every Woman is quite true. There is really no limit to the beautiful effects to be attained scope in materials used, shapes, etc For every woman there is a shape and style that is most becoming to her. : Amone the ; OLDS. WORTMAN & KING modes will be found tne Ust correct interpretations of the season's smartest conceptions. "And the variety of pricings is as wide each the lowest in its class quoted in the city. AVe offer - ; SPECIAL TOMORROW ! - ' Two Rare Bargains in Summer Millinery to Close ' ' WOMEN'S $1.50 and $2 READY-TO-WEAR HATS AT 3c Women's Ready-to-Wear Straw Hats, for resent wear. TtMt the millinery needed to "piece out" the season of warm weather, 7 uuiyou ii nave to tiurry it you d share. ALSO, STRAW SHAPES WOMEN'S AND , MISSES' $1.50 VALUES AT 14c EACH. . Less than a hundred shapes inu this wonderful special offering. , For wear of ladies or misses, all wanted colorings and very latest shapes. , .( ; .--J.--..- : - .- (See Fifth-Street Window Showing r ' OF - SPECIAL-INTEREST TO HOUSEWIVES AND MOTHERS. BLANKETS, GO-CARTS, HAMMOCKS REDUCED ! - l Wonderful Bargains Await Fourth-Floor . Shoppers. , , . $70 BLANKETS, $5.75. ' ? .' ':; A lot of fine Navajoartd white wool Blankets; large size, blue and ,pink borders, some slight imperfections; regular value, $7.50, spe cial the pair. . ......... . . . ... ; .. .. . .......... .".85.75 $7.50 NAVAJO BLANKETS $4.95. :'.'A lot' of, very fine fleece-wool Pendleton Navajo Blankets; regular vaiue yi.ov,- special one wcck oniymc pair ......a........ ym,o r';'h J i "" V';'- BABY GO-CARTS ;, X: (That are equally useful as cribs, and take the place of . the stuffy cradle that baby don't like) are at special low prices. -v AUtomooue gear, paienr. iooi oraxe, anu-inciion wncci listeners, cushion rubber tires', reed body, adjustable back and foot jrest, com plete with cushion and parsoi: Regular $11.00 value, special, each... $8.50 Regular 13.50 value, . special, each,;. 105 Regular 14.00 value, special, each.. iu.a Regular s 16.50 value, special, each... ;12.95Regular $ .75 value, special, each.....? .53 Regular 17.60 value,' special, each...' 13.75 Remilar 18.50 value, special, each... X4.&U . Regular 20.00 value, special, each. . . ; Regular 24.00 value special, each. . . ' Regular 25.00 value, special, each. . . Regular 26.00 .value, special, each. . . Regular 32.00value, special, each;.. Regular 35.00 value, special, each... 15.85 18.50 19.25 20.00 24.50 Regular 87.50 value, special, each... 27.75 Regular 40.00 value, special, each... 31.00' HAMMOCKS AT SPECIAL PRICES. Reeular .85 value, special, each..... .60 ' Regular $1.25 vajue, special, each . . 85 Regular 1.85 value, special, each,.,. . .90 Regular 2.00 value, special, each..... 1.35 Regular 2.50 value, special, each..... 1.75; Regular 2.75 value, special, each . . . . . 1.85 Reeular . ' 5.00 value, special, each . . . . . - 3.35 26.50Regular 6.00 value, special, each 4.00 COMING TO THE END OF THE GREAT SHOE SALE - Such bargains can't last always -Spring floods subside -as the cause melts away and mountain snows succumb to the hot shafts pf "Old Sol." The oddments and endments of the Shoe stocks are melting away before the continuous on- . slaught, of buyers going fast vet not yet all jpneJThere'a ' Better V . supply the footwear needs before trade resumes the normal trend. Big savings in the .family shoe buying.'' Every mem ; ber of the family may participate and every shoe buyer should - anticipate their fall footwear wants. Sale ends this week. SHOES FOR MEN MEN'S $3 JO SHOES FOR $2.45. Men's Shoes in velour calf; vici kid, the new and dressy patent colt and tan Russian calf -in many different: styles and ;. : both high and low cut; all are our $3.60 value, special during . v this sale at, the pair ...... .......... .82.45 V, y . MEN'S $3.00 AND $3.50 SHOES FOR $1.89. : About 110 pairs of Men's Shoes, in several different styles aftd different kinds of leather; our ' regular $3.00 and $3.50 shoes, special at. . . ............. ' . . . . . . .81.89 . . i i t (Displayed on Table.) . (i , SHOES FOR' WOMEN SENSATIONAL VALUES. ! . Women's $3J0 to $4.00 Half Shoes and Slippers for ................ .fJ.9 A big lot of Women's Half Shoes and Slippers; in a number of styles. All displayed on one'" table for convenience in selling; values in the lot from $2.50 up to $4.00. . Better buy several . pairs if your size is here. Greatest values ever offered in Portland at, the pair. ...... 8 1.19 SHOES FOR MISSES AND CHILDREN. ; . Of all descriptions ; 'three long counters of them and every pair a eood barrain. School will soon open againr so-this is an-opportune time-to buy a supply foryvur boys and gif 1 s tor f uture . needs. . : . . ' -' ' mum; ROYAL WORCESTER CORSET GIRDLES for 57ci?rtg Worcester Corset Girdles, well boned and very appropriate for summer wear, trimmed at top and bottom with fine lace,' made of pink, blue, white or black sateen, sizes 18 to ?3. Special at, each. . . . . mii ; . i ; i i ; .............. , ....... . , , . . .T.V. . . BARGAINS IN LINENS AND DOMESTICS The Home Column of Domestic Economies First Floor.' ; '48c FOR NAPKINS WORTH 80c 100-dozen All-Linen Fringed Napkins, fine satin finish; our 90c value. A great special at, the dozen... .......... ..4S T- DAMASK NAPKINS FOR $1.03. 7 500 dozen Heavy Bleached Damask Napkins, made especially,1 for hotel ot restaurant use. A great special bargain at, the dozen 81.03 rr 60c TABLE DAMASK 60c 1 -. Richardson's Irish Tablepamask, fall bleached, 62 inches wide ; our ouc wm. prtai ar, tn. -yard- TABLE LINEN FOR 43c T. Scotch Homespun Table Linen, 68 inches, wide, extra good wearing- quality. Special sale price, the;.4Si SPLENDID TOWELS FOR HOTEL USE. Hemmed Huck Towels, size 17x33 inches. Special sale price, the dozen ............ ...... . . . .13 Hemmed Huck Towels, with white-of colored borders, size 18x36 inches. Special sale price, the dozen. ........... 81.40 . v . SHEETS FOR 39c ' ,- : Sheets for double bed, made of good, strong quality sheeting. Special sale price, each. . .7. 71 ., 7. . 77. . 7.. . .CC A Great Showing of Dainty New Arrivals in Indian Head, either soft or hard finish; White Duck Suitings. White: Pique, White Costume Linens, Double Warp Suitings, Plaid and Fancy Wool Waiatings, Danish Cloth and Crepes, Flannelettes in the new Japanese Patterns, Japanese Kimono Crepes, . Embroidered -Flannela and Eiderdown Flannels. ' ' ' HOUSEKEEPERS' SPECIALS THE CHINA CLOSETS THE SIDEBOARDS THE KITCHEN CUPBOARDS . , ' , Get Attention in Tomorrow's Special Sales. '' v Read the bargain list and check the items that interest you most. (;7 "7'-- 7 Thjrd, Floor. - NEW CHINA" DINNER SETS $237 -' . . New , Haviland Decorated China Dinner Sets and separate pieces. 100-piece Dinner Sets, value at, set... ...... ..C20.CD - ORIENTAL SILVERWARE. ; Guaranteed for 25 years, new up-to-date patterns and finish: Teaspoons, set of 6. Value's at. .................. ....CIXO Dessertspoons, set of 6. Values at...,....;,,.;.....rCC J Tablespoons, set of 6. Values at. . .. .. . . . J.C O Full line fancy articles in burnished and French gray, finish, guaranteed for 25 years v -r ' A lot of new bronze figures, busts, pitchers, -vases, inkstands, blotters, bookholders, stationery racks,- paper, cutters, ciar lighters, cigar holders', match stands, smokers' sets, candle sticks, candelabras, penholders,' in new design and finish. , : ' , KITCHEN FURNISHINQ3. Heavy Wire Potato Mashers. Special at, each. ..... 5 Heavy Wire Soup Strainers. Special at, each..... 7.... V. 10 Heavy Forged Steel Kitchen Set, consisting of basting spoon, fork and cake turner, set. 7.-.-..i,.. ...."..,...........,. 19 Holt's Improved Egg Beater, each.".. 7.. w... .......12 Potato Masher and Fruit Press, each. ......... .29 MEN'S AUGUST SPECIALS - The Haberdaaherie- West Annex First Flo&lC . ' MEN'S $1.25 UNDERWEAR 87C 7 A line of Men's fine medium weight Cashmere Undershirts and Drawers,- extra well made and finished ; regular value $1.23. Special, the garment. ........ 7i$ MEN S AND BOYS BATHING SUITS HALF PKICS. All our Men a and Boys' Bathing Suits, to close out at half price r Regular $1.00 value. Special at, the suit,... W... ... C?r Reeular $1.50 value. Special at. the suit.... 77 Regular $3.00 value. Special at, the suit Cl. J MEN'S 15e COLLARS 6c v A lot of Men's 4-ply Collars, in brdken sizes, most of the UJ mghapes ; regular value 15c. Special to 'close o-t, each77.I. MEN'S COc SOX i:c A lot of Men's Fancy Cotton Sox, trcln 1' j; i 60c Special to close out, the pair- r:z:rs col& r A line cf Mrt's Cell Shirts, wiih r f'-n v ' t-! crtn; our t