The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 22, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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    r::s okegoij .daily
.3, .AUv,
. i i vTrni n nnnnnr nnnnnnrn
a f ,
Rather Than ; Submit to Tax
V will Take Their Business
erSari Franclsc,
la justice of Sugffeated Municipal Law
: Pointed Out by ,W. H. Addie, Who
' Says It Favors One Class at Ex-
-pens of the Other. - -; f
.; , Farmer living In Multnomah : and
11 Clackama counties nd in. Waahlngtoa
- within driving dlatanca of Portland arc
up la arms against the proposed ordt-
'' nanca to tax them" tit a quarter to sell
their product within, tha city limits
of Portland.1: " .. '-I ' 1 . '
i W. It Add! of Rusaellvtn Is work
ing In the Interests of tha farmers. Mr.
; Addis is a leading member of the Rub
Mllvlll grange and last Saturday night
was appointed chairman of the. com
mittee to organise a fight on the ordi
; nance. i
"If that law, which I saw published
' la The Journal, la passed by the city
, council " ald Mr. Addis, "the farmers
- will send aa agent to Ban Francisco to
make- arrangement ' for selling ; their
product on tha Bay City market. And
' we will alio ..refuse- to purchase gro
' eerie, clothing arid ware of any sort
sold by Portland wholesale houpee. , We
. think the proposed ordinance is aa out
i rag and we will not accept It.
"For years tha farmer Hying about
Portland have had customer la the city.
'. We have sold our fruit, hay, vegetables
and other product to Portland people
1 without paying a license, and W do not '
propose to do it now. If It bad not
. been for the farmers of Multnomah and
; Clackamas oounties and In nearby Wash
ington communities selling the things
grown by them to Portland business
. ' men, would there ever have been any
--canneries wr ptrkle factories established
la this city? Where would acorea of
retail grocer get their - berries , and
' small stuff from, if not from us? ., ;
Hamply aa Additional Tarn..:-
! "We have to pay state, county and
Port of Portland taxea. Now It ia pro
. Eastern Oregon Mines Continue
v to ' Increase .Their Ore T""
' . .;-;. Tonnage. . . - ,
Manager Fuller Ssye That Deal for
Oregon King in Crook County Has
: :. Not Been' Made,; but That It Is a
; Good Mine. Jr'y. - t :'v ;
Manager Fred XX fuller ef the Oregon
. ;-Smelting dt Redoing company, operating
J -. at Sumpter, la here on business. ' Dis
patches from Ash wood. Crook county,
f recently contained th information that
' Mr. ruller had examined the big Oregon
King mine, owned by C. M..Cartwrlght
, and others. Mr. ' Fuller stated this
' morning that such an examination had
been made, but that the property had
not bees transferred. - He did not car
to discuss th -matter further, aa it was
v of a private bualnea nature, but did
. , ay that the. Oregon King appealed te
him aa a great property. .
. Mr. Jollier grow saor confident re
' . gardlng the smelting situation in . the
' Blue mountain district- Ho says the
' . progress made Is gratifying and that a
; larger tonnage of ore la being offered
": ...the smelter. With gradual growth and
- all conditions favoring no doubt is felt
" regarding the future of the industry,
," when the Sumpter smelter will handle a
' lara-a tonnage from mines of tb ad-
.Jacent district .This yesr Jlnds several
. As 'soon , as the new styles
'.'"are showitn We're ready for
thev rush, and trust we shall
-have the pleasurt-of aelling-
you your Fall Hat. -
, ' " .-I "
. We've the new blocks in
soft and stiff shapes, and our
s Hats at any, given price are
the best hereabouts.
We can fit your head, face,
fancy and purse. .
- Soil nafs
$1.85, $2.25, JJ.C0
Hats and Caps in all wanted
' shapes for boys and children.
' fa wf aa tatoM.
a-l4 ThirA tn, BTeas Morrison..
v-. ' '
i ii r. r r w BiaaBS.aa nasrsu.aiai
posed that we pay a city tax ap well
We will not do It' .
"Borne -product are sent by train 4r
interurban cars direct to merchant or
cltlsena, and. th shipper . cannot be
charged a license. Why should w who
happen to live close enough in to haul
our atuff to town Instead t shipping
It in be required to pay a licenser
"Many farmers residing about' Rus
sell vllle sell a few loads of hay. each
year to people living In Portland's out
lying suburbd; should these farmers be
required to pay license for tblsT And
then w would not receive any benefit
from the city after paying the tax. We
would Just aimply haul our atuff to
town, deliver It to our customers, buy
goods from Portland merchants . and
drive home again Just tb same
farmers have been doing aver since
Portland wa a village.
The members of the following Mult
nomah ' county granges will right the
propoeed ordinance: Russellvllle. Lents.
Kvenlng Star. Woodlawa. Columbia and
Rockwood. Clackamas county grangers
state they are with their- brethren In
Multnomah In' the fight on the ordi
nance, of which the following. la a copy:
'; Th Osaosloaa Osdiaaaaav ,
"Section 1. All farmer or gardeners
in hereby prohibited from delivering,
selling or offering for vale from wagons.
carta or other vehicle upon any of the
publlo streets of the city of Portland.
after September 1, 1)06, any grain, bay,
vegetables, fruits, meat, poultry or other
articles of produce of their own raising.
"Provided that each and every person
desiring such privilege shall first pro
cure a license therefor, in accordance
with the provisions of section IT of ordi
nance No. 1M2I of the city of Port
land. , . ,.
"Provided further, that In lieu ef
such license, such farmer or gardener
may be permitted to dispose of theil
said products on the streets of said city
after the hours of o'clock a. aa. of
each day by first procuring from the
market master of the publlo market of
the city of Portland a certificate of
their having been on said market block
aald day. and there offering their aald
proaucta xor eaia. ., - .
"Section t. Any person who shsll vio
late any of tha provisions of section 1
of this ordinance shall upon conviction
thereof before th municipal court of
'the city of Portland be. punished by a
fine not exceeding $190. or by Imprison
ment In the city Jail not exceeding SO
days,- or both such fine and Imprison
ment" - ... , X'v.
The ordinance will also affect th
class of farmers who peddle from door
to door." ' ...
new properties entering th producing
list some ef which have large reserves.
With' the old mines revived and new
onea giving as great promise a any yet
opened In that district the eastern Ore
gon country 1 entering upon a greater
period of proaperlty thai- it has n-
Joyed since th. halcyon placer Says. -
wia.roapanTletnr Oompaaiea Meld
i Annual Meetta at SanwtM. ,
Manager H. T. Hendrya of th Oelser
Hendryx Investment company of Port
land and Sumpter haa Just reached the
pity with a. large party of aouthern men
who - are Interested in his properties.
Annn.l 'lh. Pl.M. flm.n
uold Jttlne company and th Vict
company were held in Humpter," wron
wore attended by . men representing a
majority ef th stock in both concerns
Manager Hendryx, A. O. Hanauer. fiscal
agent Consulting Engineer Allen Case
and ins 'large party of eaatern men
making th trip were In attendance
Plan for future development were sub
mitted and will be acted on by th di
rector. Tb director and stockholder
expressed their approval of th work
that had been don th paat year oa
ooui groups.
Drilling for oil In th Nehalem dl
trlct ha commanoed under tb direction
of th rortland Dvlopmnt company.
A- standard rig drill ha bean secured
and is said by the management to nave
commencea coring. - it will drUl to a
depth of , toe feet if necessary, te
prove th formation, Thl work will
command greater attention than an
other oil boring begun in th state, be
cause of the proved soal- deposit' neat
the lt of present work and the favor
able oil formation found in Nehalem. , j
Eugene, Or., Aug. M. Th Great
Northern Development company, operat
ing' the Great Northern mine in th
Blue river district, ha elected the fol
lowing officer: W, S. Standi ah, presi
dent; J. H. Glass, secretary; W. 8.
Btandlsh, . treasurer; . directors, W. 8.
Btsndlsh, C 1 Ipman, Dr, Morse,
Salem;, Dr. Hodges, Albany,-and 1, 8,
Mahon. '
, . ;. ..i in'; '--1 , ' y
-Phoenix, B. C. Aug. It. Six of th
Oranby furnace hav been blown' In
and the two new furnace will go Into
commission Immediately. The entire
plant would be running now but for the
fact that th new ; flu chamber waa
bardly complete when connection war
mad with the two larg furnace Just
oompietea. ' , v - -
Juneau, Alaska. Aug. II. No doubt
remains that th . production of th
Klondike thl season will fall below-that
of last year. , Tb water proved shorter
than usual and most of the. important
claims nave stoppea work. . : .
Alaska's road fund, under tb act of
congress appropriating license revenues
outside' th lnOTrpoTated- -towns,- aggre
gates The total, receipts from
this source are ItO.OOO to.' data, of which
ft per cent la for schools outside the
towns and i per cent to care for the
insane. '' Arrangements: are being made
to commence important road construc
tion at uch point ahow th greatest
need. r
Oa T. JT. otter, Qaeem ef klves Boat
,Joat suae n.--;- J
T. J. .Potter sails for Astoria and
North Beach a follows: August tl,
a. ra.; Angust St. a. m. August 14,
a. m.; August IS, t:40 a. m.;-August
J. 1 p. m. Don't fall to e the lower
Columbia from the decks of this mag
nificent boat Particulars and O. R. at N.
summer book by asking C. W. Stinger,
city ticket sgent Third sjid Washing
ton streets, Portland. , ' ,
N. R. C. Making a Hit ( .
No feature at the exposition haa at
tracted more attention or comment than
the free exhibition given by a large
Ohio manufacturing concern, known aa
a -Trip to the N. C. R." In addition to
th dally entertainment thee r now
given Wednesday, Thursday and Fri
day evenings at o'clock, at ths N. C.
R, auditorium. .'...,...
'" Jftefetred Stock Oaaaed Oood.
Allea Lwls Beat Brand.
is at n
Nineteen Men Examine Wit
nesses as to Operations of W.
TNrJones and Othersrr
'Jones' Brigade" ' and Many From
Prlneville and Albany WU1 TeU Ift
- quiaitors What They Know of the
Aecuaed Men. A ',"
Nineteen men. Impaneled thl morn
ing In th United Statea court aa a
federal grand Jury, are probing, anew
Into th land - fraud.. " Behind the
guarded door of th jury room they
are conducting their Investigation wtta
th aid and under the direction of the
district attorney. T.. 3. Maney. Doasna
of witnesses crowd th corridor out
aide, waiting their turn to go before
tb Inquisitor. . l a
Thl afternoon tha grand Jury, began
Investigating the operations of W. N.
Jones. Thaddsus 8. Porter and others In
the 8U.ets reeerve. . ' V
ISX-Councllman n. Russell - Aibee is
foreman of the Jury. The ful list f th
Juror ia aa followa: '
vi H. Rusaell Aibee, insurance, Portland;
j.' W Bailey, druggist Hlllsboro; A. C.
Alexander, farmer. Forest Orov; Jack-
Son A. BUyeu, farmer. Bcie; Oeorge
Brld well, warehousemsn. Amity; F. W.
Durbtn. hopdealer, Salem; Theodore H.
Fearey, merchant portlandt o. . Mar
greaves, capitalist.: Oregon City; W. A.
Jolly, farmer. Philomath; Chsrles A.
Morden, printer, Portland; John Murray,
farmer, Aurora; J. w.-Partlow, rarmer.
Oregon City; John R, Pearl, merchant
Brownsville; William ' Schmeer, mer
chant Portland; John Shannon, farmer.
Beaver Creek; C. K. Stannard. merchant
Brownsville; "Walter K. Taylor, dairy
man, Corvallla; Albert P. Vail, farmer,
South Mount . Tabor; M. H.. Wilds,
farmer, Albany.
The panel from which th Jury was
taken comprised 10 cltlsens, but there
were many who aaked to be excused.
Among those whom Judge Gilbert per
mitted to go were F. I. Fuller, manager
of the. Portland street railway system.
and W. p. Olds of Olds, Wortman
King, v ,-: .
Judge Gilbert's charge to th grand
jury waa brief. He Informed them that
th district attorney would advise them
fully as to- th matter to b Investi
gated and he cautioned them to observe
strict secrecy.. A few minutes befor
11 o'clock th Jur?retlred. ,
Among th witnesses who have been
subpoenaed there are a acor or more
from Prlneville, most Of whom testified
en - tb former trials of Congressman
Williamson, Dr. Oesner and Marion B
Biggs. It -Is-the generals expectation
that these throe defendant r to be
reindicted. v
Another batch of witness hall from
Portland and f ronvAlbany, and they
will be examined concerning th opera
tion of W. N. Jones, Thaddeua S. Pot
ter and othera in th Stlets Indian re
serve. . Jones and his associates) were
MA I..T .r, t.,r K..t lh.
Indictment proved defectjv and waa
dismissed. It is tb intention of the
district attorney to procure a new in
dictment against the same defendant's.
so framed that It will withstand attack.
Jones operated chiefly through old
soldiers, who took-tip -claims in th re
serve. . A number of these veterans-.
"Jones' brigade," aa one of' the apeclal
agenta humorously ; dubbed them are
waiting to be called before tb grand
jury.. .'-;.
Eugene, Bosse Victim of Incen
diary for the Third Time
Within a Year. v v
" tpedal Dlspetek te The Jearaatl
. Salem. Or Aug. I. Fir laat night
destroyed a flax barn, 100 tone of flax
fiber and .200 tone of flax etraw, be
longing to Eugene Bobs. The loes sus
tained Is about f 11,000, and aa Mr. Boss
1 in Chehall attending a meeting of
flax men, 'It could not be ascertained
whether or not he carried any Insurance.
That the fir was of Incendiary origin
Is suspected, aa It atarted -In four dif
ferent places at tha same time. The
only persons at home when the fir oc
eurred were Mrs. Bosss, a 7-year-old
daughter and a Japanese laborer, all
of whom war in bed. . Thl 1 th third
time within a year that Mr. Bosse ha
suffered loe by incendiary fires. Th
first fir destroyed a larg brick .mill.
containing strsw and fiber, valued at
tit. 000, the second sn old woolen mill.
containing fiber and machinery, valued
at J,ooo. , ;
Stealing property weighing exactly a
ton, three thieves losded It into a wagon
yesterday! evening and. made .thslr .ss-
cap. A stamp-pulling maohin and 00
feet of cable, owned by J. J. Herman,
the contractor, were stolen. ' Ths value
of th machine and accessories I 1100.
Th loe wa reported at th polio ta
tlon thl morning. . , , , .
Herman was engaged " In ouillna
stump for ths Pacific Bridge company
at Montavuia. 'in xootprinta ahow that
three men stole th machine and cable.
They circled around the field several
times -end frequently crossed and re-
crossed their wagon track o a to pre
vent being followed by th owners. .
Through Attorney A. B." Treadwell
lf San Francisco, Mrs. Concspclon Ro
mero haa Invoked th aid of Chief of
Police Gritsmacher In having her daugh
ter. Viola Hastings, who was a member
of th Kolb and Dill company, returned
to her horn. . . -
Mia Heating I known on th stag
Conch It W ilson and Is said by her
mothrta.J undrll year of age.
Sb left th company here and ha been
living at 0f Jefferson etreet
According U Attorney. Tread well, th
girl haa been sent money to eome home
flv times, but for some reaaoa or other
hss remslned her. Bh I said to claim
that h owe a number f bill and
cannot return until they are paid. He
asks chief Gritsmacher to see that eh
ia protected and eent bom.
. sn i;u;:3?i
Oorertejr Enrtlra Tfrij. Cbe4
DilctMifavl Boftlea Iflfhtly.
' Jgkln Cracked Open. ' CaOr
' Ins Dreatdfal. Doctors Fall.
. Pravyed for Death. later says,
i !orrnt tire np. Try Cutl
Tcursw'" Erekat Znstavnt Ke
llefi In 0 Weeks Completely
I have bee sJUcted for teieuly years wttk an
betliiate ekin disease, called by eaa M. ls.
iwjrlasts, sad tacr Lepresy, eomsaesc.
lag ea sy ecalp; aad fai spite el ell I ceald do,
with the help ef Us meet kilful aoctora, It
lowly bet anrely satesded nsta a Tear ago
taia wiw k eeiete my amtire person la the
iora ei dry !. Fes the tost three year
I have seea evaebte te do say labor, aad eef-
. feftag knianlysatae Mate. Every awrslng
there weald be assrly a daetpaafal ef scales
lakes areas the sheet en say bed, saeae ef them
BM as large ee the cavttopc containing this
letter. Ia the lastev part oi winter my skia
ceeasssneed creckiag open. I tried every.
Usiag, aJUBMSt. that cooid be taoagbt ot, wtta
oat any relief. The nth ef jeae I started
West, ia hope I eoald reach th Hot Spriag.
treacaed Detrest aad waa so lew I thoagst t
ShaaM hav te go w the aeepital, bat aally
get aa tar a Laaslag. Mich, where I had a
teasrSviag. Owe Pr, trsetr d nt sboot
,tw weeks, bat did saea good. All thought
I bad be a sheet fame to kve. -1 esraeetiy
.rayed h die. Cracked through th skia all
over my back, serosa my rlhs, arms, hands,
'limbs ( Jest badly swollen ; tee-cnil came eS I
Sager-ejails deed aad hard aa a boasi hair
' dead, dry, sad lifeless a old straw. O aty
I My sister, Mrs. S. K. Davie, had a email
' . . w -J isiiwi. ta tha hoaaa. aha
jwealdn't giv ap said, "Wa will try CatJ.
'cava." Boat was spplicd ea one hand aad
'arm. Itareka I there wa relief ; stopped the
terrible barning eeaaatioa from the word g.
They Immediately got CnUcisaeaoTaA
a tables pooetml ef Cancnra Keeolveatttre
tiaaes a day aftas meal had a bath ewee a
day, water about blood heat; need Cafjcnra
Soap freely applied Csticmra Oiatmcat tnora
ts Mi veniag. Kesstt: returned te my
horn aa fast sis weeks from the Uses I left,
aad my skia sa saMoth as this sheet of paper.
tsigaeai hissb b. -wa .
' IV. M. V.
rson, je
With the aforesaid Hiram K. CtTfAm. a3
kaew hie coaditmn ee bev been ee etated.
We beUev bis statement to be true is every
particalar. fdmanU U --SL .?T
A. Davis Millard B. Jotoer, kterehea; Jean
Carpeaesri A. M. lemagwelj. ASkwwry ead
Cueaasloret r eir. all ei Henderson, K. T.
TSe asov saanmnami w i - J-----r
re, iSaa. Vader date ef March se, lees, Mr.
Srpeoter writes Jo eay that he baa never
angered from peorleeie encejhc waa cared by
Californian Invehts ' Aeroplane
j That May Revolutionize
s Modern Warfare. -
NtTKuddcra of Moving Weight Re
quiredOne Man . Can Discharge
Explosives : Through Six Tubes
Over Ships, Forts or City. -
(Joans! Special Berries.) '
Vallelc Cel.. Aug. If all that la
claimed for it proves true, VaUaJo 1
destined to revolutionise modern w
fare. Peter Levin of thia place, in a
letter to Admiral MeCalla, haa aaked
that permission be granted him to show
a modal aeroplane witn in view oi in
government accepting th same for aa
during war. Admiral McCall referred
the Inventor to Naval Conatructor Ev
ana to examine Into th merits of th
new airship. - It la. called a eelf-balanoe
aeroplane, equipped with alz adjustable
tube for the discharge ox dynamite.
Several aeronauta who hav examined
th modal command th inventor. , Th
inventor says:
"My aeroplane will hav a fixed point
of gravity, which will enable it to main
tain Ita equilibrium under all conditions
while in the air.. It can be raised from
the earth by ita own contained power,
and will lift more weight relatively and
fly farther and faster than any aero
plans yet recorded, nnd will return to Its
place of atartlng with aa much safety
and certainty as th ordinary automo
bile. - - . - '
"All motion, up or down, port or
a tar board, are Instantly controlled by
aa adjustable propeller. No rudder or
moving weights are required. One maa
caa go in the aeroplane and with the
adjustable tube discharge th dyna
mite over a ship, fort or city with dead
ly ffct" . : . .
Stafeewd gaock Canned Ooods.
Allan Lwl Beat Brand.
Bar Harbor - Son Show.
-fjocrnal Bpedil Berries.
Bar Harbor, M., Aug. 11 The art-
nual hors howlhrlncrpal.event-f
the" social summer season of this fash
ionable 'reeort. opened at Robin Wood
Park this afternoon. Th number of
entries Is unusually larg this year and
ths attendancs at th opening today wa
very large. ' Many prominent society
people from Boston, New York and othsr
cltle were present.
Nervous Disorders
include all affections of the brain, spinal
cord and nerves; they embrace head
troubles, such as Dlsslneae. lullness.
Headaches, Fits, Blues, Melsncholy and
Also Backache. Neuralgia. St Vitus'
Danceuc UDlleoar. and all dl "orders aris
ing from a weakness of the nerve of
any organ or part, aa wean j,ungs.
Heart, Stomach. Kidney, Bladder, etc..
The nerves furnish energy that keeps
in motion every organ of the body.-
If you hav any of these aliment,
your nary ar s fleeted, and you need
Dr. Miles',
Restorative Nervine
because it reconstructs worn-out nerve
tissue, is a refreshing, revitalising tonie
food-medicine, prepared especially to
rebuild the worn-out nerves
,"My eon, when 17 year old, had epi
lepsy; could not attend school. Follow
ing th failure of phyalclan to cur
him. w gave Dr. Mile' Nervine, and
Nerve and Liver Pill In ten . month
he recalned nerfect health." J. S.
WILSON, .Dep.' Co. Clerk, Pallas Co.,
ma. - - -
The flrst bottle will benefit: If not. the
druggist wU retura your money, i
W Vii
Its r.::st DeL'ciCzl C.';ll C:: WptJ.p U;::3!
V See the Island Wonderland while on the Pacific Coast
that narlnnal familw ...,'.'...''....''' ' ' ' i 'y r
" avWajka a , r
Combine a chsxming sea
" It is summerland on the
everlasting snowesp. ;'- r,
You may be one of the party of eight to take this trip;' ; V- ' . ; :- I'
yrMT tar yeaag
bdy ver- IS
ef age mi a aeealsated at aay time oe
btaaks prevlasd by The Jearaai. with the
eedorseateat ef two well-fcaswa dtlsas
ef the district la which aa rseloe.
exOOsTP Three Jedgee sgreeeble te ths
different easdldstae shaU be sslsetst te
effletally aDaoaaee the wiaaer la each die
triet, one yoeng lady to fee cheese fro at
. earn eutrtet. ,
THiaD As k ether elections, each die'
trlct shall veto eeparately. Tbe vote la
eae eaaaet affect the ether. Matters aree
erly eoaeeraiag the district wtU be settled
by the wiabea ef the majority. The win
ner ahatl have tbe right to aaM s prosy
if eneMe te attend herself. -.
yOTTETH Voting will eomawaee There
day. Aagaat a, 1A06. aad ekn Saturday,
'- I f eanS"?aaawaaBJSJS 'i
Coupon Free Hawaiian Trip
v' T HoBotalu, Hawaiian leJaatls 'y' v .." jj- f.
x -ot Mr
'. . Thta coupon mut be Voted on or before August tl, 1101. ' r
. Any information regarding conditions of the Honolulu tour should be addreaseti to the
manager of the Contest Department of The -Journal.:; ",:7- mV,-
: V' I:;Vy-: ..districtNo. .1: -C-v;" ' Typte.'.
MISS LURA BATYr340 San Rsfael Street. . . .s t. ...., . . .T. .............. .... . . .13,001
MISS MINNIE S. PHILLIPS, Deputy Clerk Circuit Court .10.470
MISS SADIE WINTERMANTLE, City- Dye -Worts, v.,..,.....;.;.. . . . tx 4,557
MISS EDITH BERN. 246 Stark Streets..... ..... .. ..U ........................ S.803
'MISS LUCY. GOULD, Telephone Operator Oregon Hotel
MISS SALLIE MADIOAN,. 547 Flanders Street ; 3447'
MISSJBESS SHARON. 210 East .Thirtieth Street 273
MISS RUTH LEE. 553 Hood Street. 2,708
MISS MARION LEAHY. Woodard. Clarke Drue Co. u 1,811
MISS GENEVIEVE HOLMES, 354 Harrison Street 1,12.
MISS CORA JOLLY, 753-First Street. .,T.v..;r't.r..n4;.;...;.M....U'l,vS4'.
MISS MARGARET-SMITH. 146-Fourteenth -Street . . . . . .'. . w.Wol417-
MISS HENRIETTA WINKLEMAN, 407 East Couch Street..........:.... ....... 1,280
MISS LOUISE WEISENBACHER, Perkins Cigar Stand ....................... .. 910
MISS SOPHIE OLSON. 298 Ivy Street........... .. ............................. 210
MISS ALVA HULVERT, St Johns..... ...V............ 140
MISS LAURA DERBYSHIRE, 680 Water Street ........ v... 16
7 ' . DISTRICT NoV 2 ' "'.
MISS MOLLY PROEBSTEL. La Grande, Oregon . . ... i. . . . . . . ; '. .. . . .... . 3,024
MISS RUBY WHITTEMORE, Pendleton. Oregon ....... . .. . .............. .... . ; 250
MISS AGNES FLETCHER, Pendleton, Oregon .... 150
MISS LAURA CRAMER, Hood River, Oregon ;. .a.................. V 250
MISS STELLA RICHARDSON, Hood River, Oregon .......................... 250
(Voting Place, Hood Kiver, is. c. wngnt's store.; y .
'V'. : '; :' ".:DliTRICTWo.4
MISS MYRTLE BRATTON, Baker City, Oregon 150
MISS HATTIE BARTON, Baker City, Oregon 100
MISS GERTRUDE TICE, Baker City, Oregon ......... 75
MISS ETHEL PARKER, Baker City, Oregon - 60
MISS AMELIA WILLIAMSr Kelso, Washington .. . . ......
(Voting Place, Kelso Confectionery Store.)
MISS KATHERINB GORE,rKalama, Washington i2 .7..
(Voting Place, Kalama, Coffey's Store.) ' .-r
-MISS FLORENCE-V- HEAVREN-Vancouver Washington
(Votine Place, Vancouver, 613 Main Street) V- .
MISS ESTHER ANDERSON, Astoria; Oregon ; . . . .v. .
MISS . LI2ZIE VEATCH," Cottage Grove, Oregon .. .... . , V. . ....... . . . ...... .... 1,180
MISS MARY DAVIDSON, Salem, Oregon...... 1,016
;:,. ,,-r- :: DisTRiCT';No.-7lv...-. ;
MISS BERTH A" COURTEMANCHE, McMinnville," Oregon ........... ........ 2,400
(Voting Place, McMinnville, Houser's Store.) . , . ,
MISS MINNIE ROY, Dallas, Oregon..;.,., .a...5... ...1.... ........ -702
(Voting Place; Dallas, Staat's Confectionery Store.); - a : -::y (
MISS MARIE HOSTETLER, Hillsboro, Ofegon ;..V...;...... 274
MISS ROSALE C. HOLSHEIMER, Beaverton, Oregon .......................... 62
MISS LILLIAN WEBSTER, Philomath, Oregon ... ...v 27
MISS MYRTLE BUTLER, Forest Grove, Oregon ..i i 10
(Voting Place, Forest Grove, La Course's Store.) ; . r : . ;,;
DISTRICT: NoV 0. f :''"7 -' v."'
MISS EDNA PARSLEY, Roseburg, Oregon...,.,....., 1,405
MISS DALE HARMON. Roseburr. Oregon. '. . . . . . .'. a.a.'aaaa ............. Z1&
Voting Place; Roseburg, Hamilton Drug Store.) : ; . . ' .
;S LOUISE T. JONES, Jacksonvile, Oregon ...V.. ...,;..... ................. 103
f ... - ' , ( f B . ( ,,
trip with the seeing of charming sights '
shores, but within sight 61 nodding palm and bending fern is the
", v:?. "s '.it"---'' v,-., ; -" '''"''' 't-
of The Journal's Honolulu
Peeetaber SO, st e'deet . .,' rT.
Conpone nut be voted wtthla sevea daye
after laeee. Ooapoas eat fraai the Paily
Journal aisst fee neatly trimated. All
coupons, wbethe aiagle or epeelal, arast beat
the eaate ef the candidate te be voted Bar.
coutosts ui errs as vouowst
yilTB 6Mnle eoapees, eet troej the amtly
paper, are good far ee vote. Ssbeartptioa
to th Bvealng Jonrnal aad Sunday htoralns
Joornal, three sjoataa, I1.SS, ta epeelal
eoopoa ef 150 votae (paid la' advaaee).
RubacripUoa te Bvenlsg and Snaday hlorn
Ing Joarnal all Boat ha, M-Te, a apeelal
eoupaa ef ISO vstea (paid la adTaaee). Sefe
eeriptloa to the geenlng sad Suaday htora
ing Joarnal 1 nMnths, gT.50.' e aysdsl
onpoa of TOO votae (paid la edeshes). i
Sebeerlptlea the Bveaing ead SBadaV
Moralag Joaraal. three atoatae by aisll.
fgnaWietsJ eBsTaTJ
Telephane Q-wWa-PirUajItel, , , 1 1 , 1 1 , . t . . . 5,336-1
biiA wirvrviv.ivirM, vii vouca Direct. ..............,... , xou
E MUNGER, 596 Raleigh Street .....1,152
I REDDtCK, Oregon City.. .1 1,116
HIGGINS, 665 Everett Strwt. .. ......4. .... ....................... I,t06
East Thirty-First Street............................. $44
The Dalles, Oregon 'i;...".7.I-V.;l'.V..r;
Know of the newest addition to
Tour Contest:
SLtO. a epedel eeapen ef ISO votes (peM
la advaaea), auheerlptloa to the Teuaf
a BnaWa htarntna Jaaraal h Bull six
anoathe, 14. TB, epeelal eeapoa ef a0 vote
(aald la advaaea). . Snheeristioo to the
mine and aenday ansrala leeraal by
mall ll BMatha, t.i)0, a special ooenoe ef
Too votes (paid la advaaee). aesnt-Weekly
loarael. Il.fco e year, special eeapen ef 1M
votae (paid la advaaee).
aiXTat Osapeae sheald be voted at the
teaadqaamrs nearest yea or Bailed ta th
eoopoa dopartsMat of The Joareal, or at
aay potat named below. Tote will he
eeeated Mondays, Wedaeeday aad rrldar
aad the total aaeoaaoad to the pablle the
(oUowlag dap.
Aay candidate withdrawing fms the eea
test oaanot hav her rota eeaated lot aa-'
ether. .
iltaasiah and Oteekasaae
eeentiae. - Toting plaea, Doapen Depart ment
ef The Jearaai
limt XHstrie Unle.
Vatatllla sat
Thard IMaWUs Wasen, ahei
Morrow, Whsslar sad Creek
lanrth PletHet Baaw Steat, Hamnv
aad Malhear ceeatlea.
fifth tKstiUit, OolnmMa " and Clatsop
conation, Oregon t BUichiUt. Cewllts. Clarke,
PaeiSe. Waakiakam aad sasaanU anas Una,
Waahina-toa. ... . .
Sixth Plslilst Msilsa,
aevoath Darhrlet Washlaftoe, TObraeeh.
Tamh:il, Bentoa. Pelk aad Uaeata eeantlea.
XlgMh Bistiiet Oeaslae. Coos, Cerry,
osophlae,. . aecksoa, KlaBMth i asd Lake
Marie. v 1 .
.:........ 3,775
'....'-'OO l
' v
, J- V K
i- A. - ,' f
. . . . . . .... . C. ... . . 3,203
... ... . . . . 1,711
; 7 'r ; "
- .. . , '-. '. . r r - 2,054
:y : -
. ..... v. - .X j.i