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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1905)
.mi LIST r t -v x-v e . ...... J. C I Pi. at' L ai a "I" 1 r: - ' ? mnam Grind.. ..t . . Mr 'weo. the nadrlaa liaKv. .......... l'rlc. ...... ...... r.r . in .ni and la Juue' "Tba ttiese of the Alamo VaaoeTllle .............. Vaaeavula Caad ........,, err a aw! j i...;.,,j. f abut etc Subscribers a Tha lanrnol arte re war (or wees ar fenser Bit h.Te tee paper stur-ued at Ibwr mld-nM , aud eot U any k Bail at th regular rataa, aud aoUactloa will k Bad br ragntar carrlar after retera to tha city, eacept at Uni Brack end , aaaalda, where Tha Journal baa a ra alar terrier dalleer?. Oct. Etna ar Ilwaco, WaahlnftetL baa .oars, at Tba Journal Long Beach Bad Lewie Co. of Saaala. have charge o Tba Jouraal ea Seaald. ar Clataop beeeh. llell.ery will ba Bade al tkaaa tare pnlota at rniular anbarrlptlon rates. Clra roar rbaoga at aadrcm Is raor ' carrlar ar Phono Mala ooo and prompt attiatloa will ba gives all ardrrv , i F. 0. Weeks, who says ha was a, pas .senger on an excursion train batwean Portland and Olympls . on Aufurt 11, 103.- has .begun a suit against: tha Northern Pacific Aallway oompany for 110.000 damages for Injuries received during. his Journey. Weeks alleges that tha car on which he was a passenger ,was drawn by an unsafe locomotive and an Incompetent engineer" was In charge ot tne train. . Tba train, so tha com plaint states, was run at a speed of to miles an hour, and Weeka' car jumped tha track, near Chehalls, and tha plain' till received such a shock that he has since been continuously III.'. He asks damages In tha sum of f 10,000. Weeks was a passenger on tha Klks' excursion train -to Olympls, which met with an accident at Chehalls. - Several suits for damagesagalnst- the : company ware filed; but nearly all tha claims wars sat tied out of court., Weeks' claim Is the last to ba presented.' , ; -- John P. Shorey, manager of the,. City Idessenger company, . appeared by his attorney in tha state circuit court this morning ana entered a plea or not ' guilty to tha charge of having' violated tbevhlld tabor law by employing; a boy tinder the age of It years for a- greater period than 10 hours. The prosecuting witness in tha case Is Fred I. Wagan blaati aged li. -After the) pie had been entered Robert Galloway, special prose cuting attorney for the Juvenile court. filed- a second information against Mr. Shorey, In which he alleges that Shorey employed Edmsnd. Holt, a -boy under the age of 16, for a greater period than 10 hours. Sbbt-ey wilt be arraigned on the- second chsrg in a fsw days. C r -' . ii i a i '.' sA huge ptledriver. whlcfe has been In operation at East Salmon street and Union e venue, laying the foundation In a morass foe a sash and1 door, factory, collapsed thin morning; and four men , narrowly abided death. .The crash came, with little warning, t Hardly bad the framework dropped a, distance of SO feet whn .the tower and hammer fell and were ; partly . burled in the swamp. One man waa standing; undsr the framework, but was warned by - slight crackling -noise preceding -the" cot- lapse and gtt out of the way. ' Two others were in the pathway of tha fall Ing tower, tut were quick enough to avoia inju ' RepresenBtlve ltlsens of Mount Boott (Lena) mot at Davis haH last evening anl .organised the Mount Scott fftmm,r.lJ cluh . t. J ar Allan president. j& N. French vice-president. - lw Andefson-secretary and O. J. -Wiley treasurer.- The people of this locality sre progressive. - it waa but three yeara ago thel raw-hoof house bnrned down and they Immediately , rebuilt, on a. larger scale -an now bonds have been Issued and the fontract let for building a 10 roora sriool. - A -11-Inch-wster mala la being la tt on Main atreet and the water supply via be the best outside of Port "The; Admen's Leagus meeting 1n the , rommeitlal club last evening adjourned to tha first Monday In September, when meters win vm elected and the program prrpareo ror isai evening will be car ried out! E,. R n MrJhnaey. Mlssonrl rommlsaloner to .the exposition, and ed itor of She St Joseph Gasette, will be one of (tne speakers. For Sale Elegant new (-room, colo nist hosse; bath, reception hall, pantry, attv graded lawn,' concrete ateps and walks, hot and cold water, gaa and elec tricity; modern throughput, handsomely iininurc , Yry low price, easy payments; a fln home, a bargain. - R. L.- Cate, 111 Second street. . . , George F. Pollard, chief of spectal agents of the general land office' at Wsshlngton, is In Portland for a few lays to confer with District Attorney Hfney .and look. over, tea work of local agents. 'He la making a tour of the wet Inspecting all offices In his Juris diction. . . . , . . . . , . Portland Tamale Parlor. 141 arfc street, between Alder and Morrison, the Hrnnam Oi . oniyr piece in town where enchiladas, chlle con rsrne with frljoles, Mexican style, also- the celebrated Frits' tamalea, are made. Open rem 13 m. to 11 p.- m. a,. j ( ehawaaeaaasaaakai , jAlblna sub-board of' trade 'Special .meeting Wednesday- evening,' An gear tl. at Mlselftalppl Avenue hall. Property owners desiring better ' fire protection come out J. W Bnothe; secretary. , The H. C lonard property, on Burn aide , between Pafk and Ninth streets, has been purchased for $10,000- by , Charles K. Sumner for tha "Automatlo Telephone- company, tp be used aa a site for a headquarters building. - While on the way to Stelfc last Sat urday J. K. Wolffs gasoline launch, the UaHle, wa almost swamped at the head of Batcneior s island, about 11 miles down the Columbia. Had there . not been S good beach handy when the' boat begun leaking t probable that It would have gone-to the bottom, as the water was nesr1 th engine when a landing waa i Opening of " HateS -" f v' ,''' 1 r ; f. DENNY STETSON CHESWICK. Hewett, triiXzy 0 Co. i ' suszasASKxia . '' 348 Wathlngtdn Strt -, ' . . siaa ssabis rxxAiiti. - Ad;::::ibtratibn - .Rcctcitrcnt. ' 1 Tba popular rlaea of the Xa lr Oraaada. I1- ( aieat ra ran - fr S0 to (We "a (' up. "tboaa ar-.e -ewteg-a tern . cif toe BoaBasaaMnt baalaaugaratea a rc:rC:Cinn:r Carvlce, cumiIm and twjrtlitaf flrat-eUaa.., trls - raaaooablai Tailay'a ladta and ' Cjkm -Tnae aarrrd. Uoa't torf ,-t tlie locatlun-r'tfK raaUnrant te tha Wrt -unua antarhif tba grotincla. Free uae of tla phone, waab and tollat roooaa. He lntol kallnc Uquora aoal. -' , ., . made. Besides getting a good wetting those In the host experienced no 111 effects as a result of their unpleasant adventure. .' - '. ? ' - The -City Messeager aV-Delivery oora pany will give permanent employment to boys between 14 and .10 yeara of age, or older.. The work Is easy, healthy and pleasant. v Delivery of telegrams, let ter and small packagea are tha only dutiea required. Steady, earnest and Intelligent boys can earn from 110 to ISO per month. - Cigarette smoking, pro fanity or rowdyism not permitted. From X0 to SO such boys ' wanted .at once Apply at main office, lot Sixth street, or at. Postfl Telegraph office,- 121 . Third street ; .... -.,; S Mecca Deea ah sir Knights ,of tne Maccabees, supreme tent, who, wish to attend the class initiation at the Audi torium on Thursday evening, August 14. must have current paseword or receipt for July assessment. - . . : ;, Knights and Ladles of the Maccabees All visiting Ladles and Sir Knights of the Mecca bee - are cordially Invited to attend tne exercises at the Auditorium On the exposition grounds at 1:10 p. m. on- xnaraoay, August zt , Thomsa Ei.JMnrphy of Welser, Jdaho. Is here to see the exposition. - He was the winner of a free trip in a voting contest at Welser. ' Wa eleaa and press your clothes and shine your shoes for 11.00 per month. Unique - Tailoring Co,, 147 Washington. Main 114. J i.i't . . : V i We are' atlll selling our SLI0 eye glasses for $1. Consultation free, and rery pair guaranteed. Metsger A Co ill 81xth treet. , ,.: ., W. ZwlckeL aged 71. la renorfed to the police as missing from 17H Columbia street He talks English Imperfectly. Mrs. Philip Gevurts Is in Eugene., the guest of her mother. Mrs. W. Sanders, at the Hoffman house, where they are settling up the family estate., ., , James it. Ewlng. bookseller ' has his office and stock temporarily at JI7 Sal mon street near Fourth, ' The largest sign shop In Portland. Foater KJelser. Fifth and Everett, -. Dr. W. 'C.-Shearer, Dentist,' has re turned, lot Dekum building.' Try a meal without meet at tha Vege tarian cafe, 101 Sixth street Dancing Lewis and Clark . pavilion. evening. . Turney orchestras - Frits's tamalea are) tba bestr ' Milwaukie Country Club. : - 'Eastern and Seattle races." Take Sell- wood and. Oregon Cltv cars at First and V Alder. .,.,.. ;f r . . ,r -.,' r.-" ' ' I ' ' . I tAfkAM- In Ca.i4Ha, " ' - ' I Oo, to the - Rathskeller,, a .hlgb-cLaas place to eat Sea foods, aaatern meats. large orchestra dally. .. - WHERE TO DINE. Lewis and Clark Observatory cafe, 1,000 feet above tha elty. Fins service. The Tavern's Crawfish.. In addition to Its many other attrac tions. tha Tavern Is now serving craw- fish., They are the finest ever set before a connoisseur. Opposite tha Oregonian building. Ladles' annex at 10 Alder street: 1 ' ' v ' Bagatta Marias Farads. . There will ba a great marina parade at night during the eleventh annual re gatta at Astoria, August Si, 10 and tl. A more beautiful feature may not be conceived. Thousanda ot fishing crafts will participate. I'pon each of these will be burned red fires and skyrockets snd roman candles in ths hands of their crews will add to the pyrotechnic dis play.- 'War vessels, lighthouse tenders, customs and quarantlns boats and steam snd' gasollns craft of every kind Will be seea-smeng tha marvelous array of vesseia, . , . v.-.: . .. madness Bates Bast. On August. IS. S3.. II. 17 and SO. and September T, . I, 10, 11. It and 17. the Canadian . Pacific will sell round-trip tickets to, eastern points st very low retes. . 5 -. nv -,--.,. , .. For full partlcufars call on or address F. R. Johnson. F. P. A.. Canadian Pa cific By 143 Third street Portland, Or, If you write to s Journal advertiser say that yon read his ad In Ths Journal, H OrderofTashinglcn I Insares Your Life at Eilf . thCoslfttrtWnBfjT Still, 4 wa" pises just - ss '"much ' money In ths mortuary fund aa .do . ths "old . liners," but not a penny of ours Is used for "graft". Do you like our way of doing bust- , neesr. , r -. .. .-. . t f J. L MITCHELL -Supreme Secretary, MAjtQtJAjg avTLaoro, ; r, ''tuM,i Or. x .'j '",.',. at' uu Contt.for, ThX, '!,urnaJ, ' i Trip to Hawaii la Clota in - FL-riXiatri MISS AM Z LI A WILLIAMS x - WELL TO THE FRONT Kelso Girl Distance! . Competitor! in tb Fifth DistrictHow the Fight ,' Goes Forward for the OtherPUcce 1 in the Party. :. -a Tha vote In The Journal's contest of a trip to Hawaii for eight of the most popular young. ladles of Oregon, which is published today, ahows that ' Miss Lora Baty la still In the lead la the Orat district although all - tha candl , H Miss Amelia Williams. dales have made substantial gains dur ing the past few days. Miss Baty at present has Jl.l votes to her credit Miss Minnie 8. Phillips, deputy clerk of tne circuit court is In second place in the urst district-wtUnnora than 10.000 votes. Miss Ore tec an Kurtb is In third place. Miss Wlntermantle followa her. with Miss Bern, Miss Gould and Miss Madlgan close behind. I. The contest In tha fifth district Is be- wageV rigorously. At present . Miss Amelia M. WlUlema of Kelso leads In that district Miss Willlama, who 1 a native daughter of Waahlngton, Is one of the most popular young women of Kelso. She has been assistant postmis tress of that place for. mors than three rears. - Miss 'Parsley of Roseburg ' leads In tha eighth district although the other candidates have mads gains In the past few da ye that ahow their friends are working for them. - Mies Courtemanche still leads In the seventh, district, with nearly 2,600 rotes to her credit, and In the third district Miss Emille Crossen of The Dalles heads tha list from that section, '. j The Interest In tha contest Is lnoreas- ng dally and each mall sees a larger rots than the previous one. The coupon Is published every evening in Tha Jour nal, and ror subscriptions paid In ad TBrrcyslpaeiir Vni aJ"WrCao"Tryou nave a rnend in tne contest ba aura and rots : for her or nominate soma friend. WEDNESDAY'S PROGRAM m ATTHE EXPOSITION ': T Tha order of srents for tomorrow at nJ ' exposition will be as followa: " a. m. Gates open. .' . ' t a. m. Exhibits. Government build ing. and-Trail opart , t a. m. Indian Affairs conference. American inn.' -'-'-. - - ...' . a. m. to IS m. Concert Adminis tration band, Agricultural building. -4 :I0 -av iawto 1 p.-m. National Irri gation congress. .Auditorium. r - 10 to 11 a. m. Concert Tenthnif fantry bend. Government terrace. 1:10 to I p, ra.- Concert Chetnawa In dian band, Transportation . building bandstand. ... 1:10 p. - m. Grand concert Dlerke's band, bandstand. Gray boulevard. . 1:10 p. m.-United States life-saving service exhibition on lake. -.S-p.. m. Meteorite dar sxercisea Mines building, . Administration band. 1:30 to 4:30 p.. m. Concert .Tenth Infantry band. Government, terrace. 4:10 p. m. Concert, Chemawa Indian i... a ra. .. . .1 i . . hi, . EMifiu, t. ran.pvriauun vuiiuing , oana- stand. . .- - 4 to ( p. m. Concert Administration band, California building. . . S:30 p. . m. Government ; building closes. t . - j. , 4 p. m. Exhibit buildings close. 1.30 p. m. Grand operatle . concert. Kirairy s -varntval of Venice com psny. on Trait ' p. m. Grand concert Dlerke's band. Danasiana, uray Douievara. , p. m. Electrical Illumination. ' ' I p. .m. Concept Mormon tabernacle choir. Auditorium. . .. t p. m. Fireworks on lake. " 11 p. m. Gates close. - 11:30 p. m. Trail cloaea MUSICAL PROGRAM AT ; 3 THE FAIR TOMORROW ... j' r, ' .-1.. ... . aOlerke'S band at tha fair tomorrow will give the following programs: "Afternoon-" ' :. ; TT. Overture Ralmond" ..... ... .Thomas Valee "Bid Me Good-Bye". .. .Camors "OfTenbachlnana ' .'. ....Offenbach "Plff, Paff. Pouf Sch warts Roumsnlan Festival Overture ............... ... ....... Kretachmer Valse La Berceuse . ..... .WaldUuffel "Prince of Pllsen ... ., . , . ... .yLuders. "Comical Contest Oodfrey Farewell concert evening . Overture "Tannhauaer" .... , . .Wagner 'AJbumblstt" Wagner 'Lohengrin Fantasia ' r. ..... . .Wagner "Parsifal" . i ... . .Wagner Grand Fantaale, from Faust". .Gounod "Babes In Toyland" ......... .Herbert Prologue, from "Pa gllactfr'i. Leoncavallo Mr. B. Begua - i "Triumphant America" . Voa der Mehden Joebo Walds a the Oaks. - Jocko Waldo, the famous high diver and champion of 'the United States. has been secured by the Oregon Water Power at Railway company to- make a perilous dive at ths Oaks every -afternoon at S o'clock and every night at o'clock from one of the cars of the giant whirl flying machine .while the snaohln-la-travellng. at. the speed of seven miles sn hour. - As the whirl is built out on - ths Willamette a - con siderable distance tha diva Mr. Waldo will make will be 110 feet high. Only thoe who have witnessed the wonderful revolutions mede by the glsnt whirl while In motion -can appreciate the great risk Mr. Waldo takes la perform Ltii ex Lin ct o. w. . tzzzrxxa ar THS OLAOXAIUa tUTUU ctacit c::q A foroxaa '"" X0iATt0 aMpva, Vooatala climbing, treat flahlK, tO-are !W fir perk. Ursa aaaclng paTiuoa, batal roTldad wltb rity watar aad aleetrle Ifhta. flae batba. talapoaae direct te fur llaaa.. Thmaandt ( -;. pt f r iKtJL eorrouad tba jouag cii of fcataoaua. . m htlxs raox roxzxAjrs. ' Bates per day f IN Eates ear weak... ........ $10.00 gpaeial tlrket. lacladlsg round trip fare and dlaoar... I tt paetal ticket, lacludlng round trip . tare, ese alxbt'e toeglag aad tarae ' ' .; awala , I 1H noxzT omoa ruax aitd alsu sti. . L. , MARTINEZ. Managtr " . A UTACASA. OaXftOaT. NO PAIN NO PAIN 1NICE TEETH ' We are tba discoverers and originat ors of the only reliable and selentifle system of Psinleee Dentistry. We ex tract crown, till and eleaa r treat teeth e.tianiiit1w without naln sad aruarantee all work for fifteen yeara. i Our work I IS III. PUL VUr PTK LIIV VWV vun- sistenc wiin nrst-ciaas wort avjAaa INATION FREE. Our plates are unde tectable from the natural teeth and are guaranteed to fit ... i FILLINGS ......SOe) 75 rnd Sl.OO GOLD CROWNS .S5.00 BRIDGE WORK fS.OO FULL 8ET NATURAL TEETH. S.OO ' Opea for bastaess aatll eyolaeb arealaga. ' , ' ) - . - Doston Painless Dentists tl H Morrtsoa St. Op. Metes FraAk - aad Vestofflaa, . . HOURS t:S0 a. m. to t p. m. Sun day. 1:10 a. m. to 11:I p. ss AT THE THEATRES. - Ezra Kendall Coming. Batter aad ware delightful fn every reaeert thaa "Tha Vinegar Barer," Is warm praise, bat tkat aaama to be th. .eriltet f ererr see whs haa aea Bare KeadaD In hla aew play, "Weather-Beatea Benaon." wklt-h will be etea at Ike klarqaaia Ciraad theatre next week, kegia- a ln next Monday eight, Aogaet 39. "Weether- Beatea Beeaoa" la aam te be raat very atrongiir and aaeented beautifully. -- The advance sals ef aeata will epea aext Priday awn bis at 10 e'clock. ' . ; , .'..-. , . i . . iL Fay Foster Company. Mnaical snrkwoae. - Bkurlad with apectaealar brUllaBcy, - la eooie sMaanre fleet rlbae the Fay r oatar eoapesy. which wtll be the apaalhg at- traettoa at the Bakw theatre for eee wees. emBMBCtag Saaday aiatlnaa, Aageet ST. "The atysterloaa Mra. Bafflea" hrhiss the perform aace te e rViaa. Tble la a travesty aa the swat for Bafflea, which- recently raoaed seek a attr throesbeet the coentry. AU that Is saw, . ao-rel eVeaawsilesal la haaa Is lalaaaawb -' McEwen Tohlgfat ItrCwea. the world's greatest aymotist, at lml reader aad entertainer, will he th. attraction at the Marqoaai Oraad theatre, aa Merrteoa atreet betweea Slit and Seventh atreeta. aoalght at t:0, o'clock, aad every nl(ht tbla week. .Mia. rranklta. the . area teat wotaaa eot player, le with afcBwes. Popular prleas frevail. .At the Grand. . ; Joseph Callable, the foreaMet character pereonatar ef the country, te the headllner et the Grand tola week. The Dolaae, Leonard aad Held, Ida Kuasell, the Taylors, the eoage asd the Bkturee eomblae to wake this one at the Boat attractive vaudeville feasts tbs Oraad has sre- tlSM. -. '.. ..- .y.- . . The Show at tha Star. The Rtar la attracting aaaanally larte with the excellent proa-ram It la met atlas, Cliff Iteas and eanpaay head the Itot as one ml the beat little eketehee tkat ever eaaaa te Port i. The Moearta mtrodtMe a rather aovel form of dance with wooden ahoea. Draaae ta lark face le a good eatortahwr. , -a "Tha Siege of tha. Alamo." What le andoebtedly the errttleet play aad the Mgeeat aarnaa of the a.aaoa wae 1 eented at th. Irhv last Bight te s Backed keaae. The play la s harder drama with tha plot laid la Teiae, and tha eharaetere ar typical w eaters cownnra ana enMiere. Toe Holy City" la Bong by Joe Tbosipeoa - with storing plerorea. - OIRLS MAKE MORE MONEY '"v - . .A ; ' ..... . , Working for us than aa type- i. j .... ;'. writsra . ...... , WE WANT ELECTRIC IRONERS Who ar competent to do ths best - class of. work. Ours is a great laundry, provided with ths very lstoat makes of machinery, our work Is Al, and aa appreciative publlo keeps us rushing all th time. We hsve the only steam bested collar snd cuff polishers In " the state, Theee do not burn the linen. - -. . - UNION LAUNDRY TeL Mala .' aa aad Colamsla. THE PLACE TO BXTl ': "-" ' Pictures and Furniture V ; is at THE-- ,' City PIdare & Fomltsrc S:sre 1111 WV-T e-T-O E- 0--T1 ' W earrr ths largest and finest stock of paintings, etchings, engrevlngs. pas tels, photograpbures and other pictures In the city. - , . , As an Introduction' we will sell any of such stock st a discount of 10 Bar cent from regular Hat price. jVe also carry a nice atock of furniture, burnt leeiiner wore ana otoer nice minge, as well ss souvenirs. : . , Be. stir snd give us a call before yeu buy. - . LEWIS JtNt CUtfitC-OBSSttUJt 70kr JtMD CJtFB ' rOBIXABD KQaxTa Take Sartlaad Uetahai'ear aad re erf Hawthorn. Terrace, aae blort trow aar ana. B. .Uatblos- ' Kleetrte elevaesr. See haaatlfnl .(feet ef noeHvrat aearehtlshl mat top r tower. - lae eee eai a eaiaty lane while Mewing the moet SMgalfteMt arewerf a aawm. una a I I. a, a I a a, R--A I II I'll J Ee.sllsnabree any' one to secure the best ' watch t' fill III ' there is by simply paying a amall amount wh.n " I I III 1 making purehase (you get possession when making - 1 111 I p;S5l.C0;irW jl Win We carry all ths hlgheet grades Elgin, Walthem. . Ol I 1m nd Hampden works Boss, Fshy's. Dueber and . r I ' I 1 Cresosnt cases, solid gala and gold-Oiled, la endless " IWft, VL-Varieties and slses, from ta Its. ( ' '! I xPctot ybish ffemo , .,-fi ssnr pinijvtry 1 s'oai It woaV coat yaa ta biikb sMney as k aill If yo ass sa csltod "cheap" new trs Hunt sovars awra samca sad attar stuck fencer. - Added is tbs uvtaf la ctasl cost, Is dst tarpart-f ' l"J i' -V at bet raat your soahi wlU look banar, for Nt.' Era Ptlat (tves s betatr flam sad prone, m sat fact fro rJ sleaieat " 'y' ..'-irzAOL for color card, tasertag fiifcloasms Maw H as hataa Saha aai VasswaahM Aga Vbiw Lead ox Cslsr Warka. I FC2 SALE IX THE NEW 208-210 eVMUESBtJarTm. : Ogden Mormon Tabernacle ;l,Chbir:':V 200 VOICES Joseph Ballantyne : Dlreaotor In Concert Auditorium Hall J t th Tslr Ground TuitDAT ....... Avatnrc aa . it ....Auatrnv I p. m. -'. ' . , : ASSISTED. BT i-John J McClellan . j , f Organist .".'V. . Emma Lucy Gates : ' ' Soprano - ' ;, ' -Wlllard Ei-Welhc- ;. ' Tlollntst ' .' Admission to Concart 30o rrTheatrc g. W. T. ASS!!, C Bet Us. Free. Man la as Street sat i th aad TU. PI TOHIOKT AT S:M O'CLOCK. Aad every nldit tbla week. th. World's Orest aat Bypotlat, Mladreaeae end Entertainer, . McEWEN -'- He will atyatlfy and entertala yon. 1,000 Leaghe enaraatoas 1,00 . ;. Iim FSAXXXXa. i , The Greateat Lady Comet Playar. Pepalar frtcee tor, sk, aoc, Ic. . H E - S T A R '';- ctrrr sxaw m. 0bL0W AWITTi..- TKX BTm.IT BtKAVO ' woocTKOawg a vjmxAaj . .... ' 0T er , tac RAjMMeuvrs , AKNgRAL. AnwiSRIO!;. ISe- ga.slase. Pan- ara an Bnlldar. raaorved aeata ea .fe-eree fleer, .. nally Watlana. eattre snrar tmar. ttB: M da Sat ofi palat, bscaaas osj tmm la- rO-H V - ' ttl3le--d CCA PA.TT AKD YALNISa CO. Front St. AND SIIOES Men's' and Touths Suits, regu Ur m.00 and tlO.0 gradea for $8.50, flO.OOand flS.BO. Regular 14.00, 11.00 and 11.00 grade PantS for 92.50, fS.ftO sad 94.00. ,-. - -V . Full value ,10 and 11.10 Shirts and Vrrterweer. to clean out. for. 364, SO. TB and fl.OO. ' Big' sssortment ' of ' tadles', Men's. Misses' snd Boys' Shoes snd Oxfords, tan patent leather snd rid -Md, regular fl-10 and 14.0 grade, for 1.25. S1.80, S.IO snd 92.hO. This Is a snsp. po not miss 1C . , We tea Two Stores: ce Ccr. First ssd tt!n tzi Cse Ccr. Tklri zzi Davis. JOIIN DELLAR am Belasco - Theatre (rw-BMrly OohuaMa Theatre) lets asd Weak. Tovran, ran mat a voartAjrs the girl: By Olyds 11 teh AND EE 'eak Balaaaa Steak Daaif aj THE JUDGE C HaUseae Saterday asd SsBdsy. PDinPQ "Isst 5e to T8c. Best Wnh "Allea sf 014 Tlaeaaaea." THE O R AIN -D ' ' -: ' MB. JOSXTR OAIXABAB ' . i , IDA atJBSELL Tgt IATL0A aUAJtTIT . TBB BO LAVS Lioeaap a hrTT ra rtjaiiToa Tax mAiiPis'ooPB : - rJRKBRAL ADMIUIO!, loe EveBlnsa SeJ. 4ara and Holloa re. warwt aeata tm town. ST z rrr LYRIC TIlJZATaaiX WZXX or KOBBAT. AVS. tl - "THE $1EGS OF THE AUr.6M "A' Story of rbe Loae Sar State." nana hr hr llfe aotlei slnoras. Beanilroi tnnatnr UaeMfaa'ute 2ZL"' lr. r"-ctiea ef tale r " v r aL.1 WTTF E announce the final L J reductions on aU.Hnen, Lawn, Batiste, Crash and Light Mercerised white, medium and dark Shirtwaist Suits. - Every garment, well and stylishly made. Th price is cut in two. r , ' -" Ths ' Start Vktrt Yar CrsCl k teas EASTERN OlJTFiTnr,S CO T- Ice Bayers cr -., - v , . . ' Usually have . a good ' idea . of , what they , re " quire for a certain pur pose or scheme of dress ing up. the -home, but r every one of -them will quickly : agree that the ' salesman can give them real assistance. IF he', is ( a real furniture sales . man. We try to keep , quite alive to the virtue . - of the "IF.W- . 184- FIRST S-rtlEST CLBAB TBBOTJOB TBB BLOCK., Ask Our Customers. sjac aalilll VeCan Tell You Eyes that causa headaches eaa bs corrected with proper glsssss so that ths HEADACHES will en tirely disappear. Ten don't bav to wear them a long tua before vyou get ueod to them. Olsssas properly fitted will soon feel a eaey and restful as yeur natural eyes did wbsa you wer a eblld. . . ' Thr is ao. trouble wltb tba niQf;t ri:.rJ WcFit Tf:c.a !Mrr: mm Purnitiire ing taia feat 1 aaama, ... i . . ,