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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1905)
chlts m :'H nnrn niTPHrTP Ul LU WIUiiLi) Anil cAd service in selecting mediums quoting rates and checking inser tions, means many dollars to the advertiser may mean the success or failure - of an advertising cam- Get acquainted with us, Mr. Advertiser. " You'll find we work for YOU. This Fall lots of money will be spent in the country well help yon get a share of the business. ' ... Use us. . ' V5 til (I ' aaas i -. . . 613 Ccnnercid Dlcek. tlaln 2791 ... i. Delay In Filling; Deli'injer'a Placa Said toJ3e Against tha -'. ; ...t'.; Justice. - FULTON'S FRIEND MAY WIN PRIZE AFTER ALL -vim LTJ II S3 1 II l I M l. r 2 Walking Cushions Are the Mwwt creatlona ' f or thV comfort of the-feet "-SFhey are-wornlir anyshoe. and" create a moat delightful spring, constantly driving the vapo from the feet, admitting fresh air at all times. They thus keep the J feet Warm and dry in winter and cool In sum mar. THET ARB A NEW THING. ; Every body ouiht to wear pair.. Prices lie and 10c. Our Remnant Sale of Shoes Continues to attract f avorable eommant from our frlenda. Wi ara eell 1ns aboaa worth np to SI at ll.ti; Oxford, worth op to 14. at ti lt; larva alaaa worth up to 14.11 at $1.11. Tbeaa ara Crat elaaa footwear, and wo aall than at thta prieo bacauao wa desire tha room for fall and wlntar- goods. ' - ' v - ' ' . . We Sell Hea's hosiery Vf AO the Most Fashionable Patterns Vanduyn & Walton I ! Telephone Hood 71 270 Washington SL, Bet 3d and 4th 1 COUIIK THREAT IS FUTILE Charter 'Will Not Allow That Cody to Retain Discharged Special Policemen. EXECUTIVE BOARD IS. APPOINTING POWER New lien Are Being Choeen by Com mluioa Without Regard to Poltt leal Services or Affixation or Their Influential Relative in Office. Mayor Lene te ot at all disturbed onr tha throat of tha city councu i iiaitinn to nreveat him from removing special poliea officers and .. i..- ha eaw fit. It makes no difference to him, he eeye, mw ii . iianAa4 aoaclal bar brother, uoclee or ooualna In tha city cotim-ll; ba and tha police eommtaaloa will prorM4 with tha work of reorgenls t" tha special force according to tha 1 a ouutMd by thMa and -without any l..rnoa U tbo offloare'pollUeav AU thmt will K maiiIm a lh - polnteaa will ba a aood moral charae tar, honaaty and an oath to aaalat In enforcing -the lawa oflba city. Anv attamnl am tha a ah jalaa J hhi was aa fai V vt uaj Vllf council to retain -the apeclale In of flea and to reappoint other men .would be a violation or tna city Charter. Bectlon 1M ayi: Tha esecoUve board la au- thorlMd f n a.nfAln nmnni a Bnit.h). character apaclal patrolmen or police- men, vox aucn - epacial policemen ehall not be paid by. tha city for their aerv. Icee." The flrat apeclale received their ap notntmenta laat FrM at tha of tha executive board. Aa faet aa tha police committee can Inveatlgate appli cants, additional appointment will ! recommended. AU apeclale will be re moved from the north end, aa It i tnouKni me reruiar patrolmen will be aufflclent there. . It la known that In stead of asalstlng the regular officers to enforce the laws the specials have la certain caaea hindered them by refua1n to give Information which would have been of sreat asslsUnco la the appre hension of offenders. 1 , The specials Will1 b 'forced to report to the chief of police at atated Inter vale retarding, their work, the amount of salary they receive, and to take such Instructions aa tha chief deatree to give. Bsoemoa Bates U Sewpert. The Soathern Paclflo company haa placed on sale at aU rortland offlors round trip tickets to Newport at rate of J.. limited to October and for tt Saturday to kfonuay tlcketa. Ample hotel eccommodatlone at reason able rates are provided et this popular resort. A. . . - I-' - ' -' Fraf erred geosk Oaamed ooeaa. AUea Iewla Best Brand, - President Thought to Be Giving Heed to ' the Senator's Recommendation ' and That the Chances of Judge Mc Bride Are Growing. "C i " President" Roosevelt's "delay In ; an nounclng the appointment of United States district judge for Oregon . haa given rise to reports that notwithstand ing; the preference of the attorney-gen' oral for Justice Been some other candi date may eventually draw- the prise, v - Nine da'ys have elapaed since the at torney-general forwarded to the presi dent all the papera relating- to tha mat ter, . together- with a recommendation that Bean be given the appointment. It waa expected that the president would act at once and the general supposition waf that the attorney-general's recom mendation would be controlling.- Ae the days have eltpped by. however, without en intimation of the prealdent'e decision. the rumor haa gained currency that Senator Fulton haa at laat aucceeded In reestablishing bis right to a voice In the disposition of the federal patronage of Oregon, and that hla earnest advocacy of tha appointment of Judge Tbomaa A. McBrlde haa made atrong Impreeeion on the president s mind. Justice Bean a friends are still confi dent that be,'wlU receive the office. They attribute the delay to the fact that Roosevelt has-been eo deeply absorbed In his efforts to bring about peaoe be tween Russia and Japan, and they say that It would have been tmpoaalble for htm to give earlier attention to a mere local appointment, even though It be to the federal bench. ' They ara atrongly of the' opinion that -the numeroua In dorsements given to Justice Bean by the bench end oar wui prove ' an over whelming argument In hie favor.",. But there are others who believe that tha delay portends disaster- to Justice Bean'e hopes. They see in , It evidence that the president Is at last disposed to give heed to the recommendations of Senator Pulton, or at the least not to appoint any one to whom he ie opposed. It la true that when tho fight flrat began for Judge Belllnger'o Beat Fulton gave a certain indorsement to Bean by Including- hla name in a list of ellglblee"' forwarded to theattorney- generaL But Fulton's flrat choloe throughout haa been McBrlde, and for him hla moat earnest efforts have been put forth. If McBrlde could not land the office, Fulton's next choice would be ; County Judge Webster or Justice Wol verton, of the eupreme court. Either might be a strong poesiDUity u Jtseaa were out of the running. If BW h"vH he annolnteil It will be one more evidence that -Fulton's In fluence with the president Is far rrom strong. If, on the other bend. Bean SBSaeaAaBaassLa be a distinct triumph for Fulton, es pecially if hie first choice. - McBrlde, should get the place. Bean has never been a favorite of Fulton's for the piece, and -he became distasteful when ardent Simon Republioana openly took, up his causa and urged hie candidacy. - .. MOTHERS ORGANIZE THE T OREGON STATE CONGRESS The ezeeutlve committee of the Ore- r"on Stats-Congress -of - Mothers, which waa organised last Friday evening, out lined its work last night at its flrst meeting. Representatives are to be sent over the state to Interest women in the organisation of Mothers' clubs to Join the state union. It la planned to hold a convention, here of ail the - Oregon clube in the ran, when oeiegatee win be chosen to the National Mothers con gress at Loe Angeles, In May. The ' Horns Training - - association. which represents the movement In Port land and which, was Instrumental In getting Mrs. Schoff, the national presi dent, here, has some hard work before It and plane to work earnestly from now till fall to make this first convention a suecees and to Increase the member ship. Attention will be turned to every channel which offers means for better ing the home and aiding the mother and ' children In understanding . each other.' r Members of the Woman'a club of Port land have offered to aaalat In the work. The president. Mrs. A. H, Breyman, has Invited the . women of the state con gress to meet at her home today at 4 o'clock. Any woman Interested In the work can secure literature tailing of 11 from Mrs. Robert H. Tata, 111 Colum bia street, who la secretary- of the state oongreaa, 1 v --r Shoe Mem treat o Orgealse. (Jeareal Bpeelal gerTice.! "Detroit Mich., Aug. tt. The' annual convention of the Michigan State Retail Shoe Dealers' association ' opened . ita session here this morning with a large attendance." Besides members from va rious parts of this state delegates from similar organisations In 'Wisconsin and other statee were present with a view of conferring with the . Michigan shoe men concerning tha formation of a na tional organisation. There le.a strong feeling In favpr or euch a national or ganisation and It la believed the conven tion which opened here thle morning will take the initiative In starting the Oregon Delegates to National Ir ligation Congress Organize . for Convention Work. RESERVOIRS ARE SAID . TO BE MUCH TOO SLOW Evidence Given 'of the Practicability . of the Flume in Eastern Oregon, Where Arid' Lands . . Have Been Made to Produce Riches. .. The Oregon delegation te-the National Irrigation congress met yesterday aft ernoon- at the Oregon building on the exposition grounds and elected JSL Ij. Smith of Hood River, chairman, and F. V. atanlev aecretarv. He'lectlona in ac cordance with the requirements of the national congress -were made aa fol lows: .. "' ' ' Vice-president for Oregon, Colonel R. C Judson of Portland; member of the executive committee for Oregon, Fred 8. Btanley of. Portland; member- of the resolutions committee, W. n. King of Ontario; member of the nomtnatlone committee, O. A. Bt earns of 'Klamath Falls. . .; ' - -. Several members- of - the delegation atated - that they expected to empha sise the Importance of the open ditch In the reclamation of arid lands, especially In eastern Oregon, and- that It waa prob able that before the oongreaa ende the eubject- would be brought 'forward for discussion by the delegates. " The federal government never : has recognised th open ditch as a part of the genera, reclamation, acheme; only reservoir projects have been lndoreed by the government engineers." "It Is not-a theory that we are advo cating." said H- C Willis of Echo. "We have the tangible evidence of the value of the open ditch to show 'to any one who will come to Echo. Maxwell, Uma tilla or In-lgon. The laat named town le Juat outside of Umatilla county, but uses water from the Umatilla river. "The Maxwell Land Irrigation com pany,, of which J. F. McNaught la man ager, hae 4,000 acrea under the open ditch and will have 4,000 more covered by spring. The .Butter Creek Irriga tion company, has 10,000 reclaimed. The Cold Spring Irrigation company hae let eontraota .for dltchea to cover 10,000 acrea, work to ba completed by January The W. 'J. Furnish company has let contracts for canal a to cover 20,000 acres and work le now. In progress. At Irrlgon 1,000 acres are actually under cultivation and 89,000 acree will be be fore long. ' A Tacoma colony la nego tiating with the Butter Creek company for an extension of its ditch with a view to bringing 10,000 ecree more un der water. '.,..."' "On Butter creek for 40 years O. F. Thomson ha e-beenT-ralstng-alfalfar-by the open ditch Irrigation, and along that creek are scores of farms on which the same has been .done, - "wun me open aucn as tna dssis oi this year produced 7.000 head of beef cattle, worth $250,000 ; 10.000 stock cat tle, worth 1200,000; 40,000 sheep, worth sMH OHiOOOl Soldiers and Sailors' Beonloa. : ;. t" (Jeoraal Special Barries.) " Bonnleastle, N. T., Aug. It. The Sol dlere and Sallore' aaaoclatlon of Wayne county opened Ite twenty-third annual reunion here this morning. - Thle -morning there was an Informal gathering and In the afternoon memorial services will be held. At the meeting tomorrow several prominent epeakere will address tha veterans. The reunion, will laat all through the week. - Polo Tournament a Xcwport, (Joeraal BpwUl BrU. .. . 'Newport, R. I., Aug. II. The annual tournament of the Westchester polo club ppened here today. The - entries sre Unusually numeroua and a spirited contest Is expected. The tournament will close on August SO. The principal trophlee to be contested foe are the Newport, the Westchester Poto club and the Brentoa Reef cups. , Duplloetea. . . She Did your sister get any duplicate wedding presenter - . He Yes; she married a wldowar with two boys . . ,j t wool worth 1(5,000; 60,000 tons of al falfaJiay. worth IIBO.000; wheat worth 1200,000; fruit worth $10,000; 1,000 tons of augar beets worth 14,000, and dairy products worth 126,000. - . "There le no antagonism between tha open ditch . arid the reservoir plans of the government. The open ditch mere ly does immediately what the reservoir scheme, will do In time reclaim the arid land. Later the reservoir may be added. If It la desired, and the engineers to be feasible for that region." Commlttea-aaalgnmenta of . othet atates were: -v. - -.-.'' -". - Missouri Executive committee, Mat thias Schults; vice-president,' Thomas F. Crittenden; nomlnatlona, Oeorge F. Parker; resolutions, John W. Noble. Wyoming Vice-president. Clarence da Johnatown; executive committee, F. B. Price; resolutions, F. C, Herrmann; nomlnatlona, B. B. Martin. - . , Iowa Vice-president. Dr. Oeorge P. Neal; resolutions. Charles F, Baylor; executive committee, H. C. .Wallace: nomlnatlona, John L. Kamrar. Mew - Mexico Resolutions., . I . B. Prince, Santa Fe; nominations, L. K, McOaffey. RoswelL . .',-. Minnesota Vice-president, John A. Steoa, St Paul; resolutions, John Mc Al pine, St. Paul; nomlnatlona, M. J. Cos tello, Bt. Paul; executive committee. It E. Hutchlngs. St Paul. . New York Vice-president. Wilbur F. Wakeman; executive comittee, Truman O. Palmer; nominations, E. O. Fenton; resolutions, Truman O. Palmer. North Dakota Resolutions, 'E.' A. Williams, Bismarck; nomlnatlona, John F. Wallace. Bismarck; executive com mittee, E. F. Chandler, University; vlce prealdent, N. O. Lnrlmore. Lerimore. Texas Oeorge E. Bars tow, resolu tions; J. H. Stephens, John Hall, execu tive committee, end recomendatlon of J. HVr Stephens for second 1 vlce-presi. aent- Every llrjsehcli in Pert !:."J Should Kn:wJfow:: to Resist it The beck echee because tho kidneys are blockaded. . . . Help tha kldneya with their work. . The back will ache no mora Lota of proof that Doan'a Kidney Pille do this. It's the best proof, for It comas from Portland. , Mrs. D. E, Sawin of (t Eaat Tenth atreet. aaya: "Ooan'e Kidney Pllle ware brought to my notice from reading about them In the paper from my home, Leominster, Maaa. Every now and then I read of eome one whom I knew per sonally , being cured of kidney trouble by the use of Doan'a Kidney PHI a. I wvuiu not nave paia so mucn attention to It had I not known them to be sood. reliable people, who would not . make such e- statement unleas It were abso lutely true. Last fall, when I - found my kldpeya were not performing their functlona properly I procured a ' box. They benefited me 'very much. - To say I have a high opinion of Doan'a Kidney Pllle expresses my feeling toward them very mildly." o, . , ' . .,. For eale by all dealera Price (0 cants. Foster-MUburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.. sole agents ror the United Statee. Remember the name DOAN'S and take no other.- , ., i .. , were kept for aome time and were given to farmers and others who needed dogs but who did not have money with which to buy them. ' - A-. TWO SMALL ACCIDENTS DURING CHARIOT RACES A rough place In the track traversed by the chariots at tha Barnum 4s Bailey show caused two acclderrta. isst night Madams Werta, a driver . In- the two- horse chariot race, waa rounding a turn at terrific speed when the tongue of her chariot broke and ehe waa. thrown clear over the wheels, . alighting In a manner that did not break any bonee. She waa able to walk to her dressing room. In another ' race' one of . the chariots struck -on ' the - corner- of - the seating benchaa and caused a - email panto, but Injured no one.1: V ' ' : Beg and Moaay Croaa,' ' ' Harry Bllts. who with hla family oc cupied - apartments at the , Stateroom Inn and who was awakened by the bark ing of a dog, declares that he hae -not recovered I to which waa loat -when the building was burned early Friday morn ing. The money was in gold and waa left hi the room.. He also dec Urea that he haa not recovered the dog, which waa uninjured. .-' i- CI Ht t!x!!tss iCtie el . ALFRED EMJAO & CO. BuHom '& Pendleton , 311 Morrison St, Opp. Postoffice ' WE HAVE NO BRANCH STORE SOU ASBXTS no: X MATS. . i , ' SOU AOaVTS urau argAMnr . "OOIIIOT OXiOTXaS." - BaBBBanBaBSBBsans IT DIDINrr. HURT A BIT, Is wast ther- say ef ear SMtaeds e( Solas ental werk. "W e week (or peevle treej eat ef th. ttr qalekly te inM asy aeUy.. RverrttlBg 'as te date, . Opa evtalaga sad sadsys. lists SOga, . WISE. BROS., Dentists i The ymfltog. ear. tkM ess Wasktagtea, Pa. WtSTBg. aassaaraeveaarampSB BSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBSeil The- people of this dtjr ' are . discovering rwbat it means to "ride pn a iteamer that dashes through the water' like a trout after an angle worm mm. MAKES' THE RUN IN FIVE HOURS 'AND A HALF, AND THE ROUND i TRIP EVERY DAY THAT HIE ANS TRAVEIIN& BY SITATJ The Tetcgrsph leaves her dock, foot of Alder street, at 7 s. m. every day (except Friday) ; v- arriving; at Astoria at 1S:30 p. m; returning, leayea Astoria at 2 p. rn.. . , , arriving in Portland at 8:30 p. tn. POUND TRIP TICEETft,: &ATLIDDAY AND 6UNDAT, $2,30 J ground trip tickets entitle the holder to one day's stopover In Astoria. 'There are no atringa on THE TELEGRAPH. It is the people'a ateamboat. ' :', -Hi- DOGCATCHER 5TARTS WORK NEXT MONTH Beware- ef -the-dogcatcher. He win make hie appearance September 1 with hla lariat and net to entrap s every canine found wandering without collar and license tag. The captured anlmala wilt be taken to the city pound, where they will be kept a few days and If no owners appear tha existence of the ani mals will bs ended with: a dose of sul phur gas. .. Several .hundred unclaimed ooge were killed by tha poundmaater laat year. Many -were of good breed and theae '' i T' t iiti v?.z inira hsre b, , ' t. Knock tho Flics Ces tfklU's "Se-Ses-oe aMUy" ea year stork. It SMS as SMMf la yeer eeekvt, for em (Its eae third aere silk aaa korMS ae fcet'er a4 sa laat whea anteetod from tba, tit. It ml; I few aMMds te eesly K s4 H s dar per head. To. e.Mnt afford le ae witaeat It. Write today far seeklet. Portland Deed Co. faelae east Atsals," Vertlaaa, Or. For Tuesday and Wednesday a f ; ,- i ? . . 4711 Mel Water ..; Rlediterranean Balh Sponne RegcJr Special J2.0C0.$1.26 Finely Tempered Steel Shears Florida Water; large size 3-lb. bar Italian Castfle Sofap Bathasweet . V . . v 65c 50c . i 50c 25 c 3j3c r" . QUICK DELIVERY SYSTEM t - V "4 RELIABLE ' PRESCRIPTION "DEPARTMENT TOILET ARTICLES