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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1905)
t. i l-.i J l ...' CO. Cr1a-. teity-ao i ' A r-Ue. IP kieiem t.. one. .ri.. rooo leele a I CXOCXZIY AXB OLUgWAXX WHnLKSALB crockery and fiMiin. Praai. - bi C.. luo to loa rt n. for, B'-k at. . SOtt AXD BOUX HOSPITAL. H.C JtKOWM.D.T 8..D.C.V. n. tH bn pltet.BiT BiirBld.Phoni sitB4osS fcatoa. BIKTIBTf."- HEY CHURCHMAN, denttot. S24 -BJarwoam -M1r.. Stem and MorrtaoB. PboMklia ItoO. , "" ,L i I' ' ? - ' ' - ' PXJMaAX3ar " ' I SHIRTWAISTS, wool Of waak (Ilk, atad far ., 11.20; ahlrtwalat anlta, le.ou. tad lut Kir ' bet.- Ffcvss Eaat klUi. - , .- ;i)H8MMAKlN(J Strictly ap to dates . latest waiana. no t,iay as IXXCTXICAk WOaUU. .NORTHWEST - KUCCJRICAL NIJIKKIUWS Lonipanr, aw aura at., rortiaad. U. . aoe srer thins th . letrlcl Ilea, leoa kiala laaa. ... .... .-.. i PA CI DO Electric Co. EnfloMr. sontrartnre, repairers, tlactrle wiring, supplies. 04 Flrat, ' Co. Stark. Mala AM. R. B. Tat., mar. xxrxissrxov I lad. M. Exprea Company. Ill WaahlBf toa at., I'hnrl Main SO.; furniture, piano and ' earreeelng promptly atctuded to. Dallr to Lent. .. . , r. nuxitwur i aotoxub. . OHKUON Farnftar ktasafaetorlng Coeipasy . MaMifactarrrs of furullar lot tk trad. - Portland, Or. - .. . ' . 4- ' Fl'BNITVKB manofactarln and special orders. 1 I Boesaakr' forattur factory. (TO frost at. HOTEL. THB Ltadell kotel. Market totwwa Third and , Foartk, Portland; entirely Bow. Earopaaa aad A merle a plaa. Duo ta ft pr da. , HOTEL Prodletoa, PndlU. W. A. Draws. Burr. . i HOTEL Portland, Asurleaa plaa; IS. to par day. HOTEL It. Oner. Paodleteal loadloa ketai. BELVEDERE; Knrooeaa plan: 4th and Aider ata. nrxKAcxs. BOTNTON warm-air furnace aara rasL" J. O. : H'T" Tb Ciif!?aii??'aiiaiiMrl V in a HAIB AVO SOAXT- KXCIAUST. I. BORO, aisaafsetarsr of kamaa kalr nils, to. - 438 East Nlatk. Pbosa Eaat 121 1. HAJtDWABX. : Portia ad Hardwara Cov solicits strportoalt to - pool pnoas. IH 1st at., sor Ardor, aiaia laas. ';.-v. " liokiiiTiADS. : .HOMESTEAD Inratlmi. gnAm opportoalt, $30. t all anlar, alrHajr pug. .LAMBKRT,- WH1TMKR dt CO. Kir Inauranc . and ml ratat; ofDc I0T-10S Khar lock fcldg. r' Mala I00S;dapL 40 Eaat 'Aldor, Kaak 4Wl. il. Mrl. WOOD, smpaorara llabilltf aad ta . airuaai ascinxat suroty aoaaa si au aiaoa, kii at f - L' 1 w mtmw lit pui aMf vNa .11. F. BARTFt.l COMPANY Firs I nan r no . . 441 krkfc klda. Oragoa Fks Clay US. LOOXSkOTK. BE YXOLDS (aasrsl repair abop; iprt aaebla Sat. lorkemltk; ordora proaiptly (itlad; Bgcota aiiuar krims locka. oxa waa.. Mala tea. iltfcla repairing. TXSl ktark. Da paoaa. mw -sst- stgoi pswa. afaia bsd.--; KET StMns. eaat-troa brailng. I. Hi RleksraV .' Bos, md Foartk aC . Pbons Hood 1T8& XrnalOaJ. SECOKO-4ANO BBsleal enstraaMBta of all klnda at lowest prices, raak sr liwtaluisata. r iaar - MU IBira sa. VIOLIN, (mandolin. snHarj te., eanrally taufbt. IC'Marrratory kail, 46 lltk St.. all, riANO-fntng. Jf parfact work r C W.- J ktmnit. PhB Mate WlL larastosd. tUOXXTIO KXAUaO. MRS. L. H. HART treats sll dlsaasaa, stoatack troaM. iMrroaaaaaa and foactioaal araakBeaa. CoBanltatlon free. tQij Park, cor. Jaffaraoa. , r :T nmuc "accovxtajit. '." X. H. S. MULDER, albert scssantsnt: rsoaa 441 Sherlock blag. hooka opened, a dj anted aad anauoo; saoaa apt ror email soacern) aaw rata rkirgea; Drat -Haas rater ace. Mala kVdJ. MOXIT SO LOAJB. ' THE STAB LOalT CO. - day salaried satplsr. wagesrasr, esa s Month. i Montb. Week. IM.O0 Rfitsy la a $U U sr a.S sr M.M 51 I2S.iu Repay to Ba S or 3.a I IS. 00 ke pa to sa 4.04 of I.Ud BIO McKay kids. FIVE ear sent mooeri w bo lid roa a sr loaa rs a.suy J our prupsrti ainaan! Inwaatlaatol aneo katurrtl lortl BBOwini aturda ra Incs. Moosm 18-17 Labk bldg.. IU7vi Waak. MONEY ts loan, salaried ncoolt. tamatara, te. withoat iacurltv: aser oaTSaantas larsvat ' bnainrea la 4U arlaelpal cltle. Tolaaar U Ablngtoa bids. I'bon Mala 64W. i MONEY TO LOAN sa rial pmoaal aad soW , lateral arrurltl spMlsl atUattoa to cksttat mortgages; fi'trs oougni. . w. rsueaa ktJl-o Frctoa bldf., k SUth at. UIUHLY rasptctabl plar where ladle aad I:enta ca a norrow noary oo oaaavoDa ao cwlry. Collateral Loaa Balk, SOS Waaav ngtoa at. pkoas Black TL LOAk'S and apward sa all klads at strarlt sr to aaUfleil naaula OS thmtw notst lows ratt bo pnblU'Tti, no dU. SIS Aktngtoa a.og. tjoo Rad 17 Jo. 4 t CHATTEL ioan la amoont ranging from to ld.000; ronming-bouae a apeclalty. w Era Loaa Trust Co.. SOS Abiugtoa kldav "WE auk an kinds' Of Inans wa saod asearm - at lowsat rat; apealal attention glra w j ! loarjs. IPS Morruoa at LOANS at IwMt rata rnrBltara. 1001 any aeoorlt ata purcbaaad. Kstra Lad . sfders, 44 SWIock kids. MONEY to loaa la sums of from $3010 -t 1.1.000; taraia to salt tba sorrower. Room . Sue-10. Cc m martial blk. 1 . MONEY TO LOAN la Urg. sr mall aawaats a good securlti krwatt rata. Wllllsaj 0. Bfck. SOT fatUng bids. THB CRESCENT LOAN COMPANY Salary loans, from tbrsa t sla awatki 111 Ortgoulan. . . ...... saaOdsBtlsa, 1 MONEY TO LOAN e Clackamas conaty land. . B. F. and F. B. Kilty. SOS Cham bet at Corn- PORTLAND DEAL E8TATB LOANS. S AND per cant. We Drabdm. tS Falling kids. ' xorx. PORTLAND CORDAOB C0. . Ooraav Fsartosatk aad Northrop au.. Portlasd, Or, IlOTUt,. BUSUONO A CO. Front and Stark at., print ing. Iltbbsrnnklng. klank books aad otftc .1 tiifpllcar work don sa tins: most complete - printing otnc ta Iks wsat. Mala 104. , ANPERItON Dt'NIWAT COMPANY, printing. 1 - tlthagrapblng. blank Bocks. Pkoad Mala It. ' oa Alder t. nUXCBtaUk . tKNNERBEB A BADEMACHRR. aaaHarT pHnnom. a Foartk at. Botk COX A CO, sanitary Btnmbr. BSl ftWoad kt. 'la aad Salmoa. Orrgoa Paoaa Mala SOUL hO't or 1 4 ROAD OVfftALLB aad aa c-aalca' ') anion iim. KoMtedMT l.roa . aaaDu-acvurara. Porxiaod. Or. Tavnrrt, ou. ajto BLiia. P, . BKAfH COTka Ptoaaar Palat CM vlodow-r aa aad (Uaioc . las Flnl at. t-BOBO I-. BAIMUB8EN ft CO.- obbara, paints, ell, a Uaa, aaak aad nor, BVanad aao laywr. TXXET 7 Aran. 1CABREN CoBatractloa Co., atraot parlac, alda. , waiaa ana eroaawaua. i i urasoaiaa BlOf. THK Trinidad Aapkalt Parlaa Co. ( PortUad. r uraea ajoo woroata aia. FLATTJIv. THE OH BOON PL ATI NO WORKS. Ml Waak. lna-toa at. Pkoaa loll. . Fall akin. pUUaf a bo MoqaanBaT, ooraio. TIN BOOriNO, fBttarln, pairing aad jobblof . J. LoatlL Il Jelfrraoa at. imnirmu GOLD 8IONS. window lettartnr. rlotk kaanars. aconoaalcal klactrlo alios and aliras ( all klnda aaad )alrklr- faatar Kl'laar, FUU ana B7Tortt. mono Eirnanra as. tnr "7T i i 1 DlEBOLO'MaagarMSS aafas; fir aad bsralar . proof work; )all and prlaoa work; lockoata oprnoa. npaira. j. u. m?B, 0 -intra at. RVBBEa STAJCXS. . v. Roar , i uaao, an avMIW n. ' Mala 110; rnbkar atampa aaala. ataBcila, aC trads kavkai awad (or saUloanaa. ' ITOBAOU. ' TXAXUTB Ajra XAVLXXd. SAFES, pUBoa aad rami tur aaortd. ' park ad ' raa for aklpplos and aklppd; all, work " BorBtoadi laria, t-atorj, brlrfc, Sr-preo( waranooaa lor atorua. urnc ui aural at. ' v. m. uiaca. raoaa at am Car C O. PICK. ofna SS Flrat at., katwaaa Stark aad Oak ata.. psoas sod; pianos and fnrnltors tBotsd sad - pscksd for alilpplna: aomraodloa Dries waraBoss. f ront ana cuy ats. . FIREPROOF atoraas; bargaf. kooaskold (oons , or Doars; rnraiwat piac lu town. iuwa n . 1'lBiaoisr. SoO Tklrd at. Pnooa Mala . OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 1M Kortk tlltk. aBoas main sw. tsaarj aaauat a no arorafa. POST SPECIAL DELIVER T Ms, SOOM Waak- di a . nw.. vd-.d ! 7 sufj wira k. s nuns' kn i ai worn SH0W0A1ES An riXTUBlB. SHOWCASES nt srsfT dMsriptloa; bank, ksr sad stats Sxtaroa Bad Is srdr. Tk Latka Manufacturing Ca.. Portland. ; TOWEL ttrPPlT. CLEAN TOWELS DAILT Coaih, kraak, aoaa. 11 per awntk. Lawrane Bras.' Towsl SapplF - oo., mru aad vaock. - raoas aw. - TIOLIEs. I. A: WESCO, rlolla-Biakar aad raalrcr: work Brat elasa. S3 Bsasall kldf., dtk aad Momsos. WHXPAPUL;- MORGAN WALLPAPER CO.. 1S4-1SS at., kit Yamhill aad Taylor. Portland. mrAvciAL. PORTLAND TRUST OOMPAXY 01 OBEOOX. To Oldnit Truet t'nmpany in Oregon. ; -r- SEaOL'BCES-OVEa: I.OUO.fXX) t. - Oaewral banking boa I nets roadacted. Rarlnga deposits rccelrrd.-- . Time certificate lnrd. I ta 4 per rest; armtal ccrtlflcatc rot under asiiur, to per cent on snort can. , CslI for book of "ILLUSTRATION." . : Pbon Main 453. 108 Kilrd St. BENJ. I. COHEN... l-rnHdeBt H. Lv PITTOCR ....VIc-PT!dnt R. I.EE PAOKT,,.., ............... .rWretary o. uoltra.... ..f..... Aaaiatant aertary riXBT JIATIOWAL BARTt . - - nw Mier tan . Aavrvnar. our -sad- Fli th United Stata. Prssldtaf...;: ........A. L, MILLS Caahler. W, HEWKIRK Aaalatant Caahler......... W. C. ALVORO Second Aaalatant Caahler.. B. F. STETENI Letter ( Credit U'Oed Aratlahla la Xauopr r d taa Kaatcr state. Sight Etchanr and Telefraphl Traoafer sold oa New Turk. Boataa, Cblcsgs, St. Lools. St. Paul, Omaha. Baa Fraadae aad tk principal paints ta the NartbjrsaC ' I Sight and tiro bill drawa la antra ta sail on Loadoa. .Paris, Rsrlla, Fraskfort-lB-tb. Mala. Hongkong. Yokohama. Copnha, Chiiattacria. Srockknlm, St PaUtabsrg. r Maa aow, Enrtca. Honolulu. ''. CoiMetloa Mad oa. Faeorabl Ti u XITED STATES WATTOWAS RA1TX - -OF PORTLAND! OREOOnT. XOXTKWXSX GOB. THIRD AUD OAK STB. . TruaMts a 0ari Banking Baalaaaa, . DRAFTS ISSUED Arallabl 1a AU CIHe f tk Cnttrd Stated - aad Barsps. Uoagkoag .sad Ma alls. - COIXZCTIOXS KASX OX FATOXABLI TZXMS Prraldeot..,....,.. J. C. AIN8WOKTII Vle.prldBt W. B. ATEB Vlc-fr!daat R. LEA BARNES Caahler B. W. SCHMEER Aaalatant Caahler. .-..A. M. WRIGHT Aaala Ut Caahler W. A. BOLT LASD TUTOR. BARKERS, (latahliahad la 15. I -' Traasasto a Oaasral 'BaaHas Bualn. - CollastloBS mads at all point a favorable term. -Lettare f credit - laaoed I1M la Earop and all point la th Cnlud States. Sight Kscksnar sod Telegraphic T ran feet sold sa New Sork. Washington. Chicago, St. Laul, Den ear . Oman. Has Fraawlas aad Mnntaaa and Brltwk Colamkla. Eichang sold sa London. Paris. ' Barlla. Frsukfnrt. Hongkooc, Xokoksan. Manila aad HoboIbI. SEcrntrrr satinos a tbvbi company. tdd Msrrisaa St., Portlsad. Or. x Trssascta a 0aral Banking - Banana, BATHOS- SXPABTMEXT. latsrsat Allowed sa Tim and Sarlag Dpolts. Acta aa Truatcs for Batatas. Drafts kad Letters of Credit Arallabl la All Part af tb World, . C. P. ADAMS Prraldenl U A; LEWIS ....First Tlcs-Pfldst A. L, MILL ....Second Vic-Pr eel (lent R. 0. JLB1TZ Secret arf 0E0. F. BUS8ELL. ..Aatlataat kVmtary CXCHAXTS' NATIONAL BANK. PORTLAND. OXEOOXr J. FRANK WATSON .PrealrtVat R. L. UCRHAM. Ylov-Presldeat R. W. HOTT. reenter CEODOR W. HOTT.......... Aatltant Caahler Trsaassts a Oaaaisl Banking Bualat. Drafts aad Letter of Credit leaned AfalUbl to All Parta of tba World. , , ' , ColUctron a Spedalt. ' M ORRIS BROS. CKRISTXNSEX. v lUk Flrat St., Prtlod. Or. Affsr Ollt-Bdr Inreatmmts ta Mnnlclpal aad Railroad BoBda. Writ ar CalL MORTQAQB LOANS Oa Portlaad Real Xatat at - Xnrsst Rata. Tttlra uaand. Abtrata FnroHMd . , e TITLE OUARAXTEX TXVRT OO, ., SM Wsskingtoa St.. Oar. SMond. ONCE PROMINENT BASE-. -; , BALL PLAYER INSANE ' (Spaclal Dispatch ts Tha Joaraal.) . j. Walla Walla. Wash., Aug. J 2. Fred Oabom, a member of Portland's baaa ball' team In 1114 and formerly captain of tha. Plttaburs . leasu team, la belnx held at tha county )all on an Insanity charss. 'Oaborn'a mental trouble arose throuth domcitlo differences with his wife, who left him several months so for Portland.. Osborn lmaclna that he Hi solns to die and la In a pitiful condi tion. He will be given an examination tomorrow, , . , i ' - - .iii .i ii. . -1 pwatat Bzoturstoa XMtas, Very low 1 0-day tickets eaat offered by O. R. At N. Ausuat U, It, September 14. tT,-the Ot-H V K. sella IMtr ap. elal excursion tlcketa to eastern points: atopovera (ranted coins and returning. Particulars of C. W. gtlnrer, city ticket asant O.R. V N Co., Third nd Wash Inston atreeta, , Portland. I a If you write to Joumal advertiser say that you read Ms sd In Tha Journal. - t - j- " ..ail uUk.dL iJiii rCE i . ; , Croat OrlenUi , Firm WiM Run Lin of Steamers Between Japan and-Portland. SHIPS NOW IN USE AS GOVERNMENT TRANSPORTS Mitsui Busssn Kaishs ' Preparsd to ; ' Do Hesvy Trsnsportsrion Business With This Country th Moment , HostlUties With Russia Cease. T. -6. McRath Is ' perhaps- taking .a keener Interest In the proceedings of the pae commissioners at Portamouth. New Hampshire, than Is any other Port land citlseru' He la local agent of. the Mltaul Bussah Kalaha. one of Japan's leading steamship companies, which will begin running a line of fast steamers Into this port a a soon as the war Is over. The ships, which ar subsidised by tha mikado and are a part of tha Imperial naval reserve, are serving as transports, ' -, ' - Mr. McRath recently returned from a trip to Ban Francisco, where tha full details of the venture were discussed with the Mitsui agent there. As soon aa, tha news arrlvea that peace baa been declared between Russia and Japan, Mo Rath states that he will at ones, begin bualneaa for the new trana-Pacific line. The steamers are large carriers and up-to-'dHte In every feature.' y , - Before the war broke out. the ships of the Mltaul fleet were plying between Japanese porta and Shanghai, Hongkong, Manila, .the Straits' settlements. Ran- goon. Java and other far eaatern places. The aggreRate amount of bualnees trans acted by the company for the year pre ceding the war was JO.000,000 yen, of which the foreign trade alone was TO,- 000,000 yen, or one seventh of the whole foreign trade of Japan. The principal articles of the company's export trade were coal, cotton, yarn, raw silk, habutal, rice. ' cotton cloth, copper, sliver, camphor, 'ooral. cement, timber, railway sleepers, warships, , locomotives, steel bridges, electrical . ' machines, canned meats, wheat, - flour, opium, tobaooo, drugs, wire, lead, tin, sine snd machin ery of all kinds.- . v i . It is expected that at first tna princi pal articles shipped from Portland .on the steamers of the Japanese fleet will be grain and flour, but trade la othesvj Ilnea will be quickly worked up ana fruits, livestock, lumber, minerals snd machinery will crowd the holds of the steamers. Bealdes the steamship company named the Mltsula own a dosen of the leading banks of the empire; a score of the largest dry goods stores; coal, silver, lead and sulphur mines in various parts of -the-country-and -nglneerlng.-workavf They , are also leading shareholders or the following companies: . .... Bank of Japan, Yokohama: The First Bank, Hokkaido Colliery At Railway com pany, Sanyo railway. Nippon railway, Kluahlu railway,- Toklo Street tramway, Japan Mall Bteamahlp company, Toklo Marine Insurance. Kanegaruchl cotton Spinning, OJI Paper Mill and the For mosa Sugar Refining company. . 1EW-tOAOS-tUMBERr rltlsh Up Begins Taking em Cargo At Xaman-reulsea XCUls for Okiaa. Work at loading tha British . steam ship Comerie with her lumber cargo was berun at the Inman-Poulaen mills this morning. The steamer arrived at tha mills yesterday afternoon. She Is In command or Captain O. B. McOIlL and came to thle city from Ladysraith, British Columbia, where she had been lying for over a month. The comerlc's last cargo was coal from Comox, British Columbia, to Nome, During the early part of the year the steamer sailed from New Tork for Japan with a general cargo. She was In Yokohama, Kobe and Mojl last April and May, and there witnessed numerous celebrations of Japaneae victories. The steamer came across-the Pacific light from Japan to San - Francisco, hoping to get a cargo In the Bay City for Yoko hama . and reach tha mikado s seaport before July 1. but, she was unable te do no. While lying at Ladysmlth. ons of the Chinese firemen Informed the engi neer on watch that he was going to do just as he pleased. He began to cut up capers in tha engine room and refused to be calm, so the toe of the engineer's boot wse used to soothe blm. The Chi naman tried to make the ship par for his wounded reelings, snd all Ladysmlth was excited over tbe affair. The engi neer won. The Comerie will take out I.S00.000 fret of lumber for north China. Her officers are: Captain Q. B. McOlll, Flrat Officer T. McMullen, Second Offi cer W. Stevens. Third Officer W. Clay ton, Chief Engineer J. Norrls, Second Engineer Borthwlck. Third Engineer J. Smlrhr Fourth-Engineer. Buchanan and Steward Jones. . . NUMANTIA IS DUE. v, ' - Will Arrive This Zveziiag and Begta te .Take Cargo for Japaaese Porta. At ( o'clock this afternoon the Port land a Aalatlo company's steamer Nu- mantla Is expected alongside the Mont gomery dock and will begin discharging ner cargo sany tomorrow morning. She left up from Astoria at. 0:30 o'clock this morning, having arrived there at ?:4J last nlht 'A full cargo of grain and flour Is awaiting tha steamer. This cargo will be sent direct to Japan, and the steamer will not touch a Chinese port durlngrthenest voyage; she will take what cargo la offered at Japaneee orta ana return. to Portland. This Is he 'firs time In many months that one of the Portland-Aaiatla'a regular liners has not touched at Chinese ports during a voyage. , o - i The next steamer due or this com pany's fleet Is the Arsbla, which Is ex pected September H. , A full cargo of flour snd grain will be Awaiting her, this for Japan also. IMAUM CHARTERED. Britisher Coming Prom xtoji te Take OraU for Balfomr, Ontario Co., , Balfour. Onthrle A Co. have chartered Orave s Tronble Poreseea. .. ft needs but lltUe foreslsht tv. tall that when your stomach and liver are badly affected, grave trouble Is ahead, unless you take the proper medicine far your disease, as Mrs. John A. Young of Clay. l-Y.did,- 8he says: "I-hsd neu ral;!, or me uvcr ana siom,ch. my heart wsa weakened, and I could tint eat I waa very bad for a long time, but in r.iexnrio timers i rouna just what I needed, for they oulckly relieved and c tired me," Beat medicine for weak women. Mold under guarantee br Sklri. more Irug Ca, 1(1 Third street, at 19c a bottle. v, . iai-LLLLU lU.ajU Li OEOS ' ' -1 Former, Chief Ranker and Chief of Indian Police Makes Sen-, i - eatlonal Charge.' . THOUSANDS OF ACRES t ALLOTTED DEAD MEN Personal Interests Looked After at ' tha Expense of the Public In Open Ini; Reservstion Mysterious Irref ularitica. . "" r-r;-'.,- , .; ' IJasraat Speetal aWvtra.) . ' Vernal, UUh, Aug, It Q. Clark, former chief ranger and chief of Indian police on - the - Uintah . 4 reservation, charges that -at least 11.000 acres of Irrigable land of the Uintah reservation kas been allotted to dead Indiana. He declares that he ts ready to furnish evU dence to substantiate hie statements should lnreetlgatlon be made by . the proper authorities, Clark says: . - "Personal Interests have been looked after at tba expenee of the publio In making the allotment. It la my- belief, having been among them for 14 years, that there are not more than .1,200 In dians on the reservation.. Estimate a fourth of them as heads of families. entitled to to acres apiece, and you have 11,000 acres. The other too women and children are .entitled to 40 acres each, or 10,000 acres, a grand total of 10,000 acres, - . . "Information that 111,000 Acres of (and have been, allotted to Indiana makes clear the purpose of many mysterious irregularities, which to my certain knowledge hare been practiced in con nection with the opening of thle reser vation." . , , Charges were recently filed at Wash ington a gainst Land Commissioner Richards by the Oentlles of Salt Lake, accusing him of partiality and unfair ness by unduly favoring Mormons In matters pertaining to the reservation opening. t . . . ,j WASHINGTON BOARD OF CONTROL OPENS BIDS r (BpeeUl Dispatch te The JsaraaL) Olympla. Wash., Aug. - 21. The fol lowing bids were opened by the board of control yesterday for doing Ahe struc tural steel work at the stata peniten tiary at Walla Walla. No award was made by tha board for tha reason that no bids were received for- tha ' brick work:, Minneapolis Steel 4V Machinery company. 111, (00; Meeter Bros., SL Louis, Missouri, 110,100; Western Iron Works-company, San Francisco, HO.lOt; Pstily Jalt builders. BL lxmtsrMlssoqrt -t26.f; Stewart Jail Works company, Cincinnati. Ohio, f 24,140, J. E, Davis, Delbold Safe V Lock company, Canton, Ohio. tlt.(4; Van Dora Iron Works companyCleveland, Ohio, 121,710, , ., ' ARE YOU GOING EAST? If So, Learn About tha Very Low O. i - . : R, W. Rates. , . " - September .7. (,r and 10, tha O. R. A Ii, places en sale very low j-ate long time ttckete east, account i. u. u. r. grand lodge meeting. Philadelphia. Pa. Particulars by asking at city ticket or flee,-Third and Waahlngtoa ' atreeta. Portland.' The Ruah Continues . To tfie largest and most up-to-date real ss tats office on the Paclflo coast, II. 000,000 worth of Inside property for sale, Houaea on Installmenta. Business prop erty. Hop, Fruit. Dslry, Oraslng and farm lands In Washington snd Oregon. R. U Cats, lit Second street, Portland. the Brltleh steamship Imaura to load here for the orient. It la supposed that a full cargo of grain and flour will be ready aa soon ss she arrives. -The Imaum ia owned by E. Bates A Co. of Liverpool, wss built at Belfast In 1S0, Is 400 feet long, 40 feet beam. It feet hold. 1.704 tons burden, snd Is en route from atoll. . MARINE NOTES. ' Astoria. Aug. It. Arrived at 7:40 last night and left tip at :I0 a. m.. German steamer ..umantla, from Hongkong and way port. . Arrived st 4:10 snd left up nt I a." m, steamer Columbia, from San Francisco. Arrived down at i a. m., steamer New port. - : . - Arrived down at 1:10 a. ra., steamer Deapatch, and sailed at 10:10 for San Francisco. , ' Ban Francisco, .Aug. 12. Arrived. steamer St Paul and steamer Whlttlsr and barge Santa Paula, from Portland. ' . Balled t 11 last night, steamer North land, for Portland, a . s ' Sailed at i p. m., steamer' F. A. Un burn, for Portland. Astoria, Aug. ii. tjanea at p. m., schooner Novelty, for San Francisco. Ban Francisco. Aug. tl. Sailed at 1:10 p. m., steamer Roanoke,' for Portland. . Astoria, -Aug.- M. Condition or the bar at I a. m., smooth; light north wind; westher elesr. - - .ALON GJTH EJfVAJE RFRO NT. The Columbia will arrive this evening from. San Francisco with a full pas senger list. She sails for the . Oolden Date nest Thursday evening. - There was a slight falling off In the number of up-the-Columbla paasengers on the steamboat Bailey Gatxert this morning. It Is supposed that many had planned to make the trip, went over to look at the Are and mlsaed the boat. The steamboat Nellie Is undergoing extensive repairs st Supples' ahlpyard. ' Captain Theodore Baker, lighthouse Inspector for this district, soiled . this morning on the lighthouse tender Man- tan I ta ror an inspection tour aiong the Oregon coast , . ' Beat Baeee topped. ' No more races between the grey hound steamboats Charles R. Spencer and the Telegraph, for awhile at. least This morning the ewnera or tna Tele graph changed her leaving time from 1 a. m. te 7:10 a. m. The Spencer leaves st T o'clock, thus preventing racing. Yesterday's rsce did not tell which was the epeedler steamer. The . Telegraph had en more steam, so It Is said, when she pulled - 4btt- her - rival aad fee swhlle It looked sa. though she would catch the Spencer before the mouth of the Willamette waa reached.' but ae anon ss the Spencer got under full steam the boats ran even... - a- r - - Ttmimrt Bok tjaswed Oooda. . , Allen A Lewis' Best Brand. - . ." r; d. BAZLX0AB AXS ITZAKXOAT tZ-J tl'lU, a-w'jiekwe -"mm CC3EApEJCyS10RIS j i . . - v . v v,. a - , ..... , , .... 560 ROUTiD TRI? - On the Popular Steamshipt r. . .-, , JlFERSON AUGUST 20TH r DOLPHIN .AUGUST 23p : , JEFFERSON . . . .... , . .'......AUGUST 29TH ; , Do Not Neglect to Take This Ideal Trip. Remember the rate . Includes Everything. ,, ' -. . i :f. Reserve Your Accommodations Now.- THE ALA&Hl 5. CO., &CATTLC Frank Woolaey Company, Agents. Phone Main 86. 252 Oak A. - , V : Street,' Portland,' Oregon.; 7 :.. J ?V"Upt.i3 Columbia" f To CASCADE LOCKS ' AND RETURN ' ' ; Regulator Une Steamer "BAILEV GATZERr1 Lsaves foot of Aides street dally Si30 a. sa. . returns Bi30 . sa. Y ' ' a 1 tT V fniig eteaMners for The paUes and n Fare 1 "1.5 0"tz ittot;.irpt muaAm'u-1 I If Yon Are In Trouble or Sick See II 5 ProLDc Forrest i- .'. 334)4 MorrltM Street . C V" CLAIRVOYANT CT AND PALMIST I V"'- - U He tSvea . XX 'Dates cff '' ' Bad ea all Facts 1 fi . . . , l sexaii ' I f toirvnwin, r;fc- viuiiiviuiii e,; Cortland 303 Wash ington Street To ata? "wish to know te make a ekaag In bsslB ''"'rihall I aaeed la my " BdrtattBsr, "Caa I ebula ny hope, air wkuws, air "Shall I erer eajor tke laiorie ef woaltkr' Hoe BolBr br tb lore tkat rl(kt fallr kcloaas to ml" "If so, mbomV Am I loved hi retoneT' I tbere a Hvl m sr Wr "WbM shall mf lor affair tsralnate la Btarri(rL .. Wbea ahall bit doaiestle troubles eadf 'How ra I ansks air llfeiaad kon kappff 303K Washington Street : Ooraer of yiftk Street. JSUKE Clir.E FOi.' PILES j rrroXIXa yfl proiueeotemr deelMtitrjsl wU aa ailna, aieeain o rrotnaUn A b Dr. Boaapko'a Pile emd tope llohins hleolns. ADaorBvtuaaor. ouo a at aiac ' pr ralL TNufr.Wrlt I aOooa ror 4 alia. . a u, fum, ra NEW POTTER SCHEDULE. AaditlOBaU Trips te tke Beach AVxraaged fog Popular aHsavmer. The T. J. ' Potter leaves ' Ash street doch for Astoria and -North (Long) Beach points as follows: August tl. 23 snd S4r-at t a. m.; Friday. August It. :40'a. nv: Saturday, August it. I p. m. PSrtTcnlOs snd O. R. A N. summer book St city ticket' office Third snd Wash ington at reel. Portland, , . TVs treat successfully all private ftr roue snd chronic dlaeaaes ef men; alst blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and throat troubles. We cure SYPHILIS (without mercury) te stay eured for ever. We remove STRICTURE, with out operation or pain. In It days. We stop drains, the result ot self abuse. Immediately,--We -can restore the sexual vigor of any man under to by means of local treatment peculiar te enrselvee. ' " ' We Ctire Gonorrhoea in a Week , . The doctors ef this Institute ere alt regular graduates, hsve had many years' experience, have been known In Portland for It years, have a reputatioa to mnlntaln, and will underlak no caa unices certain sure can be effected. We tmrantiai a cure la everv caa W ttndartska or char no fee. .Consulta tion free. Letters conrtdentlaL Inatrue. Slew HWVA rvn ,a Miaw .w Plain wranner. . I L" IV I . - H ir it j aaTBMBw i i. la Idt. la smar- ' Tar Sale IN A WEEK i We cure the wnraretser ef pttee lsj t ws r thfee treatmenta. without operk Uon. Cure auaranteed. , . If you cansot call at offlce. write for Mfnl. Office hours, t te I snd T te I. Sundays snd holidays. 10 te It. DR. W. NORTON DAVIS i CO. Offices In Van Nor Uotel. 11 ThlrdStreeC C- j BA1XB0AB AXO BTXAMBOAT TIKX XABLXJ. , -. .asajasBaa.J,sJ , aaiakJawpaaJsaw ' fncludins - ' VV Berth and Meals. rzzHxunuiiun aaa. DAYS ON PUGET SOUND Tk MedltrrBB of tk Partfte." rrjoit BouMD iimiK ooluxxia. $23.75 Par for dar rousd trip to TAPOUA, SB ATTI.B. XVGKRrr, BKIXINOHAM. ANA COBTEH. WA8U.J YA.NCOUVEU, 8BIT1SU tVLlMHlA. CIS. - Lt1ii Portlaad Ana-nt IS aad ti.' 8:30 a. si., (Irat-cla trsosportatloB, aieals aod kerlit IBcirxtM. .-. Tke pdiMall ereaa-solng steanahlas UMA TILLA, QUBKN. CITY OF PCEBLA. ror Mrkts-SBd full loformatlo spply Ps- el Be Coaat stsiBip (... am rv aanincioa i., kootk ktfra. aod liberal Arta kids.. Pair sraiBdsi I'uraC Sound A Alasks Kxnraloa Baraaa, Ooodoonsk kldg., Btk aad Xsouilil ata., Portland. Or. $..00$..00 Turkish Bath and good bed ' for tbe night, all tor H, King's Baths - Seventh and Wasb- aa'BUT" largest la the city. Scott's Sntal-P3$in C2jscl:s A POSITIVE CURE For I b namaiBttos or Oatarrh of th blad.leraod IHaeaaad Kid- Bar. SO oosa se r.i. tare alraiy saa BrmaiiT in neat mm, of aioaiaii a BiaaaB and dilee. ae sialtar of bow ions todins. Abaolataly barmleaa. sold by drasaiats. rnc or ar man. paid. I I boxes, S1.7B. THE SAXTAL-PEPSn CO. by WaWard. Clarke Oa. on. gu:iii's: IMPROVED V LIVER PILLS ONLY ONI FOR A DOS! by removlDn tba causa . OWRI ILIOUSNBSa ., - - - by aidiug digestion OLSAR THBOOMBLBXION . ; , by puriiyiiig the blood BEST Pill Of EARTH BOLD B Alt DBtTOOISTS.OXBTafAI&OkT. subobipt ow raica as, rsa box OS, BOtAMXO CO, PHILADELPHIA, PA, U. B. A. Vcman k b)tnlratdand ihoold know shoul trie wonderful MARVEL Wrlina Sorev lTkMWVaa4BWSerar. Mire. IfciaM oaerle. Iiet Hat. -31 oat ontnt. safe yr dnaeatet Sje It, If be ran not ant Mv tl MAKkRI- sopt BO other, but aend it mo for lllnetrated bonk aeelea. tt 1 full Mkrttcaiara d ittreetionalM. waluablaln ladle. MaSVUI, rdXa ee a. sea sr.. am lonuT FOB tAU XT WO0DABD. C1AXXX ca ,. lr'4. r'JSrfa'i , A gr V' ejaestlosi blank. w Home treatment sue- rtae X .T j '. dm aw m ear m 0' S?0 7 la. r i Or, All! 3 A? i ' 1 ' 3-Tralos to the' East Diiy Tkraafk pnllana atandard and toswlat Ins-rare Saltr la OBtab. Cbleair. Heat tnajrtet leeplBr dallr to kaxaaa t throusk Pullman tanrlit aleeplns-car (per ally eondncirrti areckia to Chloas , ReeUu cbalrcara (aeata free) to tb JUel dallr. UNIOM DXFOT. Lea vea. PIICA OO- PO RTLAB D SPECIAL. For tk Eaat 1 Bast iuston. IS l BrS. 1 Dallr. Dally. SPOKANB fLYP.R. For raatern Waahlna toe. Wall Walla. Lew. 0:1Sp. a. no DUy., latoa. Cmt d'AUrae ana Great KorUera a TT , VTll -tna.... " - ...... a.Ar r.rtn. For th Kaat via Uaot- S:!Ss. m. I T:lSa, i Dallj. . v Dell. initioa. Oolnmbl BItt IMrraloa. FOn ASTORIA Bd war 8:00 p. st. pninia, eooBeetlBS arltb Jrnr. for Ilwaco and Worth Beaeb, ilmr. Uaa alo. Aab-at. dock. I Aboat 6 -.00 p. ra. ax. Soada. rx. Sanday, SatHrdar. ' 10:30 p. Ba. "T. J. Potter" for Aatorla aad Htfc . .cl!.. follows: Aariat 22, S:00 a. bji.: Auc at 23, fMH Sv SI.; Aossat 24. S0 a. St.; Aasuat 28. :4Q m.: Aunat 2d. 1W p. tm. TamklU Xlvr Beat. ' FOB DATTON. Orecoal ..r ana lamnill rivr point. Btmr. Uath aad T:Ms.aa, rialle. . -. dork. 'Water permlttlna. ex. Baodar. Snak Blear Boat. FOR LrWIkTnM .a- 4 OO a. aa. Ab-lt ft no b. am. snd way polsts trosi Rlparta. Waak.. atmra. Biiokan and Lewtatos. Monday WailneMita Baa, Tae. IThundar TICkXT OFFICB. Third aad Waahlnftoa. Tele- phnn Mala fit. A. Ia CBAIO. Garl Paaaeaser Asat. EASTvk SOUTH Lea re. DSIUH DC POT. oterLand express. Trains, for Salem, ltoa-l oars, aeniana. Baera nierito, Ofden, Saa rraa- 1:49 p. a. T3 S. Bk naro, Blorktoa, LM AB telea. El Paao, Now Or- aaane ana tae Eaat. MorBlDS train Beet at ' Woodnora dall . except Suadar arltb train ror ait. Ansel, S 1 1 V r t a. Browne ellle. S p r I a - 1:Mi. a. 1 1 e 1 d. - Weadllnf audi Natron. :nrn Baan(er en. OipO p. a, Iteeta st Wood bur wltnl 10;IB i Mt. Ansel snd BUrer- ton local. Coram paaainae. Sheridaa paaaenawv Forest Urov paaentr. n so a. a 4:80 o. 1110:45 p. i i:S0 S. I (S 28 a. I 1:60 p. Dallr. . - IDally nrept Smday. - rortasd-0w( Sabarksa Bervl aad TankuV . IMvUlOB. " ' Depot foot f Jefferaoa street. - tear Portland dally for oewego 7:30 s. si t p. m. Dally teirept 81da. S:SO, B 30. .J, io:za a. aa. u; 4:0, -1:30 p. sa. . Sasdsy salr. S.-00 a Returning from Oswego, arrtr Portland dally l:SO .1 J .on. :uo, :oo, :aw, .oo, 11:10 P. Dally (exeat Sandarl. S:2a, T:2S. 11:45 a. n Kxcept Moadsy. Z.2i S 10:10. a . Snnriav anlr. 10:00 a. . Leaves front Bant depot for Delia and Inter mediate point dally ;U0 p. m. AjtIts Port land 10:10 a. at. - . Tbs - Indevndae-Kontpoatb - tfotor Lin I 7 !ai a. aa, P'lr- i ts. aunaa. tt aoirr'tsJ I ArrtTM. operates dally to Hon mouth aad Alrlle, to. Bectlns srltk Son t her PietO anBBBr'a trke . st Dallaa and Iodepend-ne. Plrn-claaa far rmm rortiBa to ejrnwnr) mA Ba Franelaco 120. berth an: oatid-laa ria.Mcond-ela berth I2B0. Tleket to aaatvr point ana E.unu(Mij wumm apn. China, Honolulu and Anatralta. ' Cltr TIrael Vine ciw in intra mwm e, mb Imton afreet. Pkoa ktala T12. . C. W. STINGER. . W. X. COMAF. City Ticaet im. - TIME CARD OF TRAINS Fortl4ncl. DAILT. UNION DEPOT. Dspsrt. Arrive. Yllowton Prk-KB- aa Clt-8t. Loal Spe cial tor Cbehall. Gas trins. Olrnpls. Ufa Harbor. Bcntb Bead. Ta com. Sesttl. "pokan. t:S0a. I JO p. Sk, LewUtnn. Batt. -Bill- Inn, beneer. Omaka, Kansas City. St. laial sad oatbt. North Coaat Limited. electric II ft ted, tor Ta- t oo p. at. eoma. Seattle. StvHcane. Bntt. Mlnnaapoll, At Paol sod tb Eaat. ! Pnset Booad United. for Cbehlli. Centralla. Taooma and - Sssiil d:S0 p. a- 1018 a. av only. . f . v . j LTwIn City Rxoress. for r Taoor, Seattle, Spo-I aanc. neicu. Jlntt, 11:49 p. Ok 0:00 p. aa. avifwwawne rs. MIB' neapoiia, at, aad tmr a,aar. A. O. CHARLTON. Aaalatant General Paaaeaser Ageat. , ,,136 Morrlaoa at., cor. Third. i ' Portland, Orefna. AstorixVcSQIumbia T hiver Railroad Co. Lea re. UNION DEPOT. Arrive. 00 s. a. Daily. 3:00 a. at. Fw ktaraara. Ba Infer. 1120 a. av ffatekale. Wratnort. Uall. cilttoo. Aatnrta. warn renins, Marat, Her- Blond. Fiwt St. Gearhart Park. Seaald, Astoria and wnahtar. Bxprass dally. Aitoria Exprvaa, T:00 p. ax. II Dally. 0:K . i 8turdy nly. liEicept f'"jl"'M kJn -s a F. and P. A.'. Arr. Or. C A. STB WART, Crrnetrlal ," A1 street. Pks Bala - tt:i Tloket 0ee 1S1 hird St. Baoe ( -. TrrisoontlnerttI ytS . Trains Onlly PACT TIMC " AUS. POINTS Ac . " revl!rht trip through t and Ay mountains. Per ars, ra , tl r : oil k-a j . . f w il