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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1905)
rtMf f Ail ( tf - . '!- f -ea-vyw a ---- a; - At tiu vj-mju A j ww.., -A w a w . - - . , . nwww t?xrmaraua tarsegh U anal m emx-4-j ' rLtu Cue agle eoplasr Per aa 10 s . TZZTi ?U MM M M 3 eoate. I k e Fe. r-vorial .Mala SM rosrov abtobtisinw BiPEXPiBTATaTX. 130 Kimii afreet, Hew Jerkj lrUw" ens. - J . : .. . ' STJB8CRIPTI0B RATX8. The Dally ioanwlr wttk Sunday. im..T.60 lee Dally JoIi; with nuaday. "tM. la Dally Journal. monlbe ... .. "? - 7 . Dally Joaraal, llk bandar. I swathe. 1 7 e Dally wim Bandar I , la Dally. Bar week, deliv Ike ItalifaV MwinmCltaaday si ssptsd.e ...,. . ..., . Terms bp Jfafl. -Tba Pally loaraaL with ewaday, 1 ai...J.A 7m Dally Journal. aaii"-"'Vl;V I la In Dally Journal, wltk SnBday.w saosths, Al a rt-i i XAjsraal a sMAntha. ............ s.i ae Dally Joaraal, with Sunday, 9Btha. jj The Dally Journal 1 Bioatha.. ...."" Th Dally Journal, with Sunday, 1 moatk.. . iwn- 1 I a Mali .......a .90 ii .. - - ana loe Boeder Journal 1 yaa a-" las Sunday Journal. month.. -w The Semi-Weskly Joenwel. tti aWird-Wsekry Jrmrnal S 11 paJ each Is, lUastrated, tall jt.j, attaseeV ahld' bo ma d." W y' j011 P." 0. Kax 111. Portias d, Ocafoa. . ' Tba aanwt caa ka toao aa aahTat tfca oikTuMO-U. Ballar . W. Ma. Cia!oO-PoMitec w aoapaayt tW Daaa. tWIvFwUD.-J. Bteck, tUtaamth aaa Oaf KANSAS ClTTaa Soy law "P".r't. ImlNNBAPOUS at. J. TUTaaamga, ""t" KKW YORK CITt Braa Calaa ijaMJ. OMaHA Millar Botal Nawa ata4; Maaaaa A LT LAKB CITY Kaayaa Hotal Jlawa ata! Bamrw Braa.. 4S Waat T. LOUIS Philip Boo4r. 1 LaeaM. auaa, BAN raANCI8CO-W. B. Arttna, Palaca HoW . . Nawa ataa an 1K1S MarkaT Jtraatl Got . aralth Bna. MO attar alraat aa Saint ." rraarta hotel: Foatar -raa. terry hoUa , lac: N. Whaatlay. awaaahla aawa aUa aat- . err Market and Kearaey atraatt. BATTU Balnler Oraad Newa ataadl W. IV. iianka. Hotel Beattle Nawa auad. POKAJIB,, WA.B1NQTOH Joha W. Oraata. rimui wtrwoT01 Ontral Kawa OMa- nanr: Beta! Taeema Kawa ataad. iricroBIa. BRITI8H COLUMBIA Tlctarla Book SUUaaary eompany, WXATKXB BXM1X. Ll(tit tbaader atorna ha to accarrad la aorta. waatera Karada. aaathara Utah, Iowa, atiaaoart, ' Illlaoia. And at widely aeattarad alaeaa la tba Atlaatle atatea. . - - It la cooler thta aiornlat at Port land, aad warawr la aorthara Artaona. aorthara I tah aad aootbaaatera Idaho; elarwbara la the United ataiea th caaaiaa B teoipermtara ha to baaa aolmpcrtant. - - -' The ladleatlnBa are tar fair weather la thia dlatrlet tonlcht aad -Wadnaaday - It will ha roolar tealht la aoathera liammmmmBam .'"i" KAXBUOX U0XXSZB. ' Ixrata rtakrar oX Maytara., 11; ElUabatk Atrklaoa. 34. ; fharlea rV. Uinta, : May . Sea, M. Wllllaai C. Alkea. SO; lrrua K. Barton. SO. rmk B WIUU) b( Edys, Oragoa, 7; Miaala ACMw. 80! lilila. UJ..1L K. W. O. Sprlth Os.. Ween Poorth ad Waahlewtoa sta. .'i' iim Taw cntiTEBT. ' fflnrls fTST 910. Patatly Ms STB ts 1.000. The only eameiary la Portlaad which perpetually maintain sad cares to lots. Pat full laformatioa apply to W. B. Mack emu. Wotsaatar block, etty. W. M. Ladd. prealdaat. Ta Edward Holmes Undertaltuje; coaapaay, tsneral director aad smbalmsra, . SW Third street. Phone lot. i. P. Plaley Boa. faaaral directors and eanhalmera, tsrser Third snd Madlaoa atrosta. vtao af aaaaty aorsaar. Taispboaa aula. a. Pssai al wiaatlia aad cat towers a epselalty at Boee City Ore eons, Twi Esst Morrlaoa, aa. eaaaetary Clarke Bros, tor Sower, tap Morrteon street. . BXAX ESTATE TBaUrSTEXS. Oak Lambar eompany to W. A. Aabtoa aad wile, a scran anrtltai a. townahla 1 aorta. " " raaae 1 east, .1000 ; w. a. TV btver u it i. a, st (Tea, lota S. 4, block , A lb ma 3. H. Btaffaa and wlfa to I. Blaca at aL. Iota S, 4. block fN. Albtaa 1100 Moors laTaatmaat company ta P. T. Ohmr. lots l. s, block a, Vernon 1M - T. L. noklaa11k st si. to C B. Taylor, lot S. block . Woodlawa... M t. B. Lawpan(b to N. B. Lawpanira, part w. B. J one ft. I v., asctloa , ahlp 1 aooth, ranca t east Rli.nlea Oe meters saaodatloa ta Urefory, lot SSI. asctloa 10, cemetery. . , 100 W. L. Oreea to O. E Stoat, lota 10. SO. block a. Oolambla Helshte add Up rortiaaa una rnr usaMtery company to Mrs. W. K. A anew, eoata Kk lot 111. ' block MA. cemetery tS B. P. Lknisrmaa and wife to P. Oram try in an. lota 1. S. block 1. sabdlTasloa lot M. M. Pattoo'a tract . 630 L. Kuhn snd wife to J. Kmn aad wlfa. ' lot , block S, White tract 00 M. L. Below ta 4. P. Wilson, lot IS. block SI. Linn ton..... 100 B..U. Leonara ta v. m. Mmaar. east V4 ef fraction block SO, Couch add 40000 C. Card lee 11 ts W. L. Mellck and wife, ' - oast 25 feet lota T, S, block 23. elty 12S0 P. Pto st al. to O. X. Optta, lots S, a, block 22. Bnllrraa add 1 - C. Erfcksoa aad wlfa ta P. Bleid, west 10 feet lot S, block Sns, Ceack'e add... 190 P. Bleld ts H. BasnttiBMB. east U lot . and went 10 fast lot a, block 289, Conch's add 1800 W. J. Bordea et al ts H. M. Duraton. lot t. block a, Snnnyald add , 1700 J. PToodfR at al. to p. w. Aran, lot 4.' block t. B. HolUday add 800 A. W. Pick sad wife to B. Rroboda. lota IS, 90, block , Albtoa add 300 J. NlrtToleon et al to T, Srnbnda, lut , block a. Albion add. ....a. ............ 100 ' M. 1'. Sloo'yreei. ta T. Vrnjlery, t ft, am- U. Alhlna ....i 4U Tbs Tit'e noarantea'a: Trnat cumnaay ta J. Northrop. Iota 40, 47, 48, blac 4, Stanley Na. -. 40 "B. Onlllanme ta K. C. GoddardV lot X and south SO feet lot 1 block 1, Strong's , sdd aoob - Oct Toot ! nan ranee sad abstract ts ml petals from the Title Guarantee A Trnat eom pany, 140 Washington etreet, corner Second. ntZXTDTB B0T1CTB. PECIAL NOTICE K. O. T. M. L. O. T. M. , Thursday. A a gnat S4, will be Mecca be day st fair BTonnds. Committee oa erraBgemeni , ieiite Mat. sbea snd friends baring Sower . te sonata to lea same with Mies Margaret Pofflath. room SM. Falling building,, by S 1 a. m. Thureday. An mat 14. 190ft. von ex. ritopoSALS for Mlseellsrmooa SoppHea tor . Owatrnctlon and Repairs Depot Qosrter. Master's Office, St New MaataTnmarjr St.. - Sa. rrrtewes, ti.. Aagnat 10. 1U6. Sealed , impoaals. la triplicate, eubject to tbs natal eondlttoM, WUI be reeled st thl efn 'ne'tl t ' clack a. m. rrlday. August 0. lua, l'artnc stand ard time, and tbea opened, fof . furalahla . kardwara.. muriatic - Add. aelBt bcuaooa. carbolloesm, cheeeedoU, sesee ef giam, ghm, Hneeed all, palnta. patty, roe la, aclder, steel shrew. Tba I alted State re aerrea tha right ta accept or reject any a ait sane a aaf part thereor. inrornaai - and blank Mnnala will ha furnished SB oi,er)oettn. Ka'elapea containing propassl " ee saersea "Fronneal V. a.". as : , Aagwt t 1IXJ6." ana sddrSeeed ta - L"" c- : Parst, Qr.-Mf. U..I, km pot orsc.. ...... Vhzt the Day f lay Bring Eyesight. M and See Things Bonos.: BOIICS Or APPOIaTTMEirT OP EXXCUTOBS, aau iu m.aiaaara. . : la th cvMBt raatrt at the 'atata auf ftwaaa MBiinoman rooatr. at nt ataitar at ia aetata at Cilward MvPeoly, deraaaed. Not Ira la neraby airea that Uv aiMlaraliroad hare been duly emxiliited. br the above wurt. vj,n'ut,ir of me iaac win ana teaia' awat of Kdward MrPaelr. tleceaaed. All aeraone harltuT alalma aaaluat tha aetata of aa kl uacaaaed at hereby required to praaent toe aane, wna prar rournara, wltuia Ml BKmme froai tu data ef thta notice, to the atuarralcned. aamtora aa afnreaald. at tba of fice f Teal Jk Vllaiar. SI4 tVorraater blork. la tne city ac i-ortlaad, alultnoaia aouaty, atata oi . aim. , Vaiad that Iatk.My of Anrnet. IMM. JOHN BKORT..', - . . - . Mi;m rxiMKRTV. Bxeeatera ef the but will of Edward Mclatly, Plrat Dabllratloa. Anraat 18, isns. Laat publication. Sepiembar ID. IMIO. NOTICB Not tea Is keraby rrrra tnkt I hare aeea appointed adralnlatrator ox tha aetata ot Martha B. rltnlth, dereaead. by tba eonntjd court af Multnoraah rooaty, atata at Oreajaa. ana hare daly aaaliried aa aach admin aitra tor. All prraona harlna eialnia aaa I net aald eat ate are hereby aotlDed to preeeat tba earn a ta at duly ratified, at ny office, room H Marquam blue.. Portland.' Oratroa. within all month from the data hereof. Dated and firat imbllahed tbM let day af Aufuat, . . .' rBKDKBICK 8. SMITH, ? Admin la tra tar. NBWTON MeTOT. ; Attorney for tha AdmlBtatratar. NOTICB la hereby tlren that by order o tba dlrcrtora of thta company e apeeial aiaet ln( ot the atoekboldera of the Larky Bay Mlnlnc coaapaay will be held at the otsee af tb cvmpanr, raoni ou. McKay Mh ran land, Oreajoa. aa Aucaet SS, llwS, at 1 o'clock p. mt ta Bear, cwneidef and take actloa apoa a aeaeral baalnaea aad Bnandal report tbea ta be enhailtted by tba praaldeat aad for tba transaction of each e tiler baalaeai aa BMP come befora tba meetlna. P. C. BUAKKKX. Secretary. T MACHINE SHOP Tba autderaliraed. troatae of tha Ulil aa Eagiae - and Machine jonpanr. offere for eal for raah tba entire atock of aaBcblnery, too la. pattern, ote of th above company, located at Noa. 124 and 22 Oak at. Thta ta a-noet eanpleta ahop for all klada ef repair work aad for erwi tract ton of raaollne envlnea. William A. Da I sir 1, traalea. tlU WABTTTV-, at I T ! MILL btarkaaiita, Sr raawh carpenter. lumber grader, ex. ZD; auu aaa yaraaien. fj ta 2.S0i 1 hoy (boa factory), fl.2S; 1 a ah and door atachlna aieev $2.60 and $3: 3S wood men. 12 20 to tct.SOl Bttll aad lardraea In city, II to $t 28: other. Ll'MBBHMBN S LABOit BtBBAO, . . ..SuftH Morrlaoa at, WANTEB Immediately, plaalng mill foreman, waaea fluu par aonu; auarper and band aawyer. $3.00 per day: uoldlna; mea, fS; talr balldera, S4; Bona bat steady and first, claaa mea Bead apply. Addraaa Mlaaoula Lambar Ua.. Mlaaonia, Montana. . . . ALL DISEASES af Baaa saeeiaafnlly tree tad: dMeuaraea aoattlesiy cared ta froai S ta s days; conanliatloa free and strteUy confiden tial: aaad for sot aymptnat blank. X Badram Medical laatttau. Allaky bldfc. Third . aad Morrlaoa are.. Portlaad. . LOOOEBS AND OONTBACTOB& Seraral pood sacoad hand aa tinea, suitable for logtin or kotatlnc put puaea, ta be bad cheap, lor farther laformatioa apply t P. D. Kaettaer, Astoria, Or. STATION MEN, rock work; 'pood prleas, new work, lots ot It. sua sate, au wmtar. sastera Oraaaa; free fare. Particulars at Ranees' Employment Office. SS North Sacoad at. WANTED Maa af enerrr aad determination pood opportunity ror sacs a one.. i:au aw Steams bids., -Sixth aad Morrlaoa, S:M ta a. m 11 ta 1, AM ta S:80 a. a. COMPETENT operators, siperlenced la railroad atatloa work. lor in ana aroaoa utcsfo; stats sgs aad experience. Address B e4, Joarosl. '. aaa salary to ntni paruaa uhmnun. tailor, aot WaahlnaTton at. - WANTED Men for mill and yard ayerk. iEOO per day at iu boots. Apply st exnea sc Ibbmb Poslaea Co. ' ' WANTED Immediately, baa beys, roonr sad board lnctsoea. , Appiy aamcu inn, isir (Toonds. MECHANICAL dranghtsmsB sad dMlfnsr wanted; young man prererrea. Aaorass m 41, Joaraal. , , WANTED 4 famttnre sarabibsrs. AnrVy Ore gon Furniture Manatacturing uo juacaaaid maa. .. : BABBBTTS Detect Its School Last elaes thta term radaaad rates, avu wssniagtos at. MEN to work la gold aw; most Uk stock swi Mcaay eiag. xxxp wArmtratuix. WANTED 1M girl ts make eeoralls .kt.t.i inatmctlona siren ta InaXDerl ' Apply Keaatadtsr BnaV, . Standard Facta . No. X ear. fcast Taywr aaa uraaa are. WANTED Immediately, family cooks, fSO to tad: . chambermaid, waltre.. bouaekeen era, general workers, annas. WOfe XsmhlU. I'boos Mala S41S. WANTED Experienced mllllasr and salealady to go to Juneau. Alaeaa. Apply T01 Mar ahall, near Twenty aeoond at Wsdnssday, bet, 13 aad 1. WANTED waltraaaes to work la lunch room aa talr grounda, 11 per day. Apply bet. and 10 p. m. at Bow land botal Twentieth aad w aaumgtnn am. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 141 H Washmf tna St.. cor. be Tenth, upatalr. Pbeas Mala "r2. Pemala help wasted. WANTED Experienced second girl, Brat-claaa prirate family, anbnrban home: wages, jjo. ysmhllL Phono Mala 0413. WANTED A girl for ready atorej moat hare . city e i penance, tiu a eae awraMe. COMPETENT girl for general sataU family; good wages. 7 SB PettygroT st. WANTED 40 girl for dree ma king 27m Morrlaoa at., cor. Pourtk. WANTED Plain rook, woman a girt, ft par week. 144 North Eignteenia at. 01 RL wanted for light -apply at 911 west rara as. El B"IB gtrl wanted for baby pear old. Call M7 Lpahwr t- m WSIfTTTf HTT aVXB FXMALX BTELP. WANTED TEACHERS - Chemlatry, ST00; anatomy, 8000; ataaic aaa niaiory, so,); science, $800: manual training ansa. ILOOOl commercial, $00 te $l.80f wriHng and draw ing. (300; grade, $T0; rural, $50; principal, aooo THK riSK TEACHERS' A0ENCT." 1200 Williams svs. Beat 844. i WANTED Bookkeeper sad stenographer: W placed SOT poplla la lucrative poaitloa daring past year; call or send for catalogue; day or WANTED Lsdy tloa te travel aentlemsa of fair edneav for a firm of t2AO.000 capital I alary $1,071 per year and expanses, psid weekly and expenses advanced. Address with tamp. J. A. Alexander. Portland, Oregoa,. WANTED At sac, a bright, anergeiio. Beatable mas sr worses, a . good talker. taks ap aa attractive propoaltloa. fat Chamber et Commerce. 8 .a, am. PERMANENT poaitloa with hrcreeelng . pay. -trregoe and loeho. ladles sr rentlemek. Cat or addraaa Ken tine la. Sit Allaky bldgi Third aaa Mornson I - WANTED More ho. pickerel host yard; easy te earn money, apply Asorew A as at Ue SHI St. , . B. O. DRAKE, ttdv, whlagtoa t.Clay 444 WANTED SO more bop pVkers.. ddrea u Myers. Anrera. Oregoa, roste S. WANTED Hopptckers. A Co.. 388 Taylor St. Call aa A. A. Chare ITUATIOES WABTXD Flat All.- ' ' EASTERN dreesmalrer will sew m families for s short lime. II. SO per dsy; neat, flrat-cbu tretk (ssrutssd. Apply B 47, eovaal. - Aright the Day tmjATIOBS WaVBTETt M4It. POSITION -wanted by ma with family; ass twenty rmnr ea M m namware, .arua Implement sod groceries) good bookkeeper, , competent te take charge ef bualoses: slight , eiuerleBcs la general merchandl; beet ef . reierencea; agrlt-ultoral rommunlty preferred i will work on salary or take management of buelnea for Interest In profit. Address bocs. ' vu So, ueppaar, ure. . WANTED Poaitloa aa tnaebiaar ' snd mill mpply Mleamau; eompateat, B. H., WAXTXXI MXSOaXLAXXOtrS, PAIKT1NO. i praylag and white waablna; tree. bssemeatsJ barns, docks, sta., dons; largest eollne apraylag ootat oa us euaat. . h. u. organ Co.. STI MUwaakle'at, Phoae - aaat aai?. -- - --- SCHOOL BOOKS bourht, aoM aad exchanged. Joses Bwh Store, SB! Alder t. BOOKS bought. Sold sad exchanged at tba oia Boos store, iu namn at. P. I. BTDEB, print. Saooad aad Waahlagtsa ta. Phone Mala bono. ABE NTS WANTKD To sell ear esserlo high grade anraery . etocfc ; new sad sompiate oat fit tarnished free: essh weekly: write to dsy for choice st territory. Capital City auraery na., a lean, uraaraa. WANTED TO BXXT. A II OB- 14-BOOM bouee br tr Irate family: wsst sms prererrea, net no otijscuon . to eabums. Aadrsss so, Joemal. WANTED Ta rent from S te t acres aser city, Address u DO, Journal. WAJTTXD BXAX XSTATX. BBIN0 VU TOTTR REAL EflTATB AND 1 MA.ILItO. , . Bentala a Specialty. We Need Year BasTasse, ' X ',. Ton Need Our Bis-slesa. , , Methods Without Moss. ' SMITH BROS.. ' .' ; ISStt Sixth St.. ear. Waahlngtoa. Phoaa MaU 4OS0. IP yoa hare a ajoflera S ar a-room eottajm ana lot to aeii, part cean. naianca aa uataa ateata, addraaa. gliani location ot property and price, B at, care of Joaraal. WANTED SmaU tract editable for cblckea raarbea: mnat be toad ana reaaoaabie. ', B. u. Cate. IIS Soeoad at Portland. WANTED Lot or honae and lot for cash; atata terms ana tocauoa. . Adaraaa w aa, ears JoaraaL - BOB BXaTT B0t BOOMS, FOB BENT Psralabad hooaekeptiiarooaaa ta beat arlca Blocs aa sast alas; (as rnnaaa, bath, ate. Bo. traaalenta; prices moderate. Lose a blk., 108 Dnloa ars. acr. East Alder. Pboaa Ualoa IZaa. COMPLETE boasskssplng aatflt aad teat, 3 per wsea; torsiy place, rnoas scott btss. LewM and Clark Camp. ML Tabor Heights. THE liOWNRDALB Large, new. alegantly far. amhed boasakesping and aiagw rooms; gas range, running water. SOSH Alder at. HOUSEKEEPING- apartments, farnlahed, aa lorBisnea; aessirrai westwa. licaaou, uoi. rerally Park. Phoaa Boott 1200. . Jjrt'Kinsi'El) housekeeping rooms, (8.00, and I up: alio mingle reoma, i.o per week. 430 Qolmby ft. THB LINDA VISTA, alcely furnished banshs tat aad Bagis reoma raaaaaaaia. MTa s-irta. PTJBNISHED IwnMkeeplnt-reoms, SO a 1 see ot phoaa. Call 3d BsTsatk ot. TWO completely fumtahed room: beta, phoaa. gss. reaaonabu IS. lhons Best 700. BOOMS AND BOABB, PIBST-CLASS room and board for prima neat people, BaLov aaa aa pa awata; labia board 4 par weak. Aetor house, Ttb aad Madlsoa stav Tel. Mala 281. " THB Undall New family hotel. Market, he. tweea Third aad Fourth, a team Beat, eleetrt light, pore lata baths, sxessdlagly low rates. THB IKTINO Elecant aaornttaat sasrgesi , ulnlnaT Bsctloai prices right. Cor. ltth aad IrrUm. BOOMS with board for cermsneot tenant. nnnnaniai srai suss Sixth st. X0B BXBT PTTXanSHZB BOOMS.' THB ROTCBB8T, 1TB Twelfth at., corner xamniii just opeaea; sxciosits rooming ae eomBaodationa; boose snd furnishings sultrsly new; elegant saltea, wltk hot and cold water, an beds; erne slagls rooms; will rant a limited number ef rooms now to per ma sent peopw; irannisnis soacitso. THE KINO New . bnlldlng. baadaomely fna niansa, equipped witn every mooern con Ten snce; on direct car lias ts sxposltloa; all outside rooms; beat, gss, electric lights, pore, lam hatha; very low rates: take Fifth St. car from rnlon depot ta SOS Jefferson at. near city Hall.. HOTEL TAIN NOT. Commercial mea's headquarters, first class, .water la all the rooaia, bathe free, central. airect car ts depot and xpositloa. alH Third st, ssr. Pin. THB HAMANN. 118 N. lth cce Hort Newly , fsralahtd rnnma AI M an: aoaTSaleat locatloaL I M minutes' walk ta fair ground; Morrlaoa ssr st aaloa dspot dlrsst ta hone, psoas S470, PINELT fttrnlebed rooms for 1; gaa. hath and steam beat; 44 per week. T42 vaogha. cor. Twenty aecoud; Ink any fair car, sr phone ysm oiaw. . - - MABQDAM H0U8S. 14SH or stnriel Bonerkeentn rooms TteTS. bath, aleetrle ligbtel trsaslmU se THB BELLEVUE to rooms nicely farnlahed: prices reason an la; rrsTeiing nanus psbUc . aoUclted. SIStt Fourth st. Hood 701. PLEASANT front rsoms,i qnlet bouss, reason. nie, very cenrrai. ami iamnui, a Twelfth. Phone Front 744. 3 LA ROB fnrntahed nrivats family. esntrsl, resaonsble; bth. S2T Seventh. refcreaeea; gas, pboaa y TRANSIENTS solicited; eormertlng aleeplng esertametet - slegaat, saedern. S Tar from ; aepot, ISMM, FRONT parlor tor gentlsmsa ex refinement whs wisne room nar u castas ,. ci Everett at. THE GLADSTONE SllVe Ssvter St., faralshed I aaflsr new maDaeamenil mioaa rse. bio. - TOt'RISTS Rooming Boreas; rooms ta beet part 8008. arts at tnty, eui xeata n. rnoaa Mais CHEAPEST sad best located room la Porttaad, 1 week ad ap. Ollmaa. First aad Aid sta. SBSUj. THIRTEENTH Rlewantly furnlahed rooms for teat; new, modem aad aa ear line. 3SC NIGHT Boom TB week; honeekaeptna Bethel hotel, Lents, Moant Scott ear. be. NICELY fnrntahed for sleeping or housekeeping, - $1 week aad apwsrd. SOStt Eugene t, . NICELY fnrnlehed front rooms, $2 snd $4 8 week. d4a Fifth St., walking dletaace. 11 S neatly fnrntabrd. Key t30 Severn n. Phone Mala 4&20. THB CABTLB T1 Washington riems. Phone Msla l7d PL'RNISHED so ap. MOH William svs. isquirs rooa - FOB BXXT FLATS. KEW siatdera Vfism tall, inclndlng Meet and FOB BIBT orncx-xooMS. FOB RENT 3 front afflc rooma euitahl for doctor or dentlat.' Apply 140M First St., room S. - Charte Hegesa. . orrirE-ROOM for rent. South bids. Appl almter, - May Bring Good BOUSES pob BXBra-rvxjnTuxx rox SALE, HOI'SB af S reosas for rest, central location: permanent ranmara. S rooma clears rant. tJu; will eell furniture. - (liturea. etc. st a - bargain, ff yoa are Interested rail sad mak am sa orrsr, ma inira at. - FOR seat rssalts oa 1 "POBNITTJBB," tVbstbsr te bay or sell, ting ap Mats SODsV. PORTLAND AITCTION ROOMS. . , . ; M1 tyrt m. , ... PUe.NlTURB af twe boaaeteelpsg roome for earn cnesp, room - ror rent. soa norta awenty-sscooa. our. tMTtsr st. MODERN S-roota hose, neatly furnlahed; pries is suit parcoaser; iBTsscigssa taw at sues. Ma, T Lnaua arena, aaruu $10 S roeam, Isrgs baaament; key at O'Nell't grocsrya sus. taosv aaa uranu mens Alais aVBa. POB BENT t room moders cottar; other for asm. R. u Cats, lis aroond PURNITURE of 4 -room bone for sale; bouse or rant, as ssontniy. aea rourta at. FOB BEVT 90VSXS. POB RENT -room bouee with bath. Keren teewcB sna aeni aiun laen sts.i reierencea, T. O. ThoratoB, room 1 Mnlkay Wdg., or 4M MurriaoB. raoaa Mam taoi. STUART ststloa. Meant Scott car 4 large room, outbuilding, modern; parties without children; furniture for sale. Call tbs Ball. see, loarta and Salmon. NEW moders 8 -room bouee near E. Eighth aaa Hoiisaay araaua; a-ru per monto, J. r Shsrkey. 701 C, of C Phone Mala ISO. . -BOOM hoaae: bath, bassmeat large yard; Meaoe st.; XA Tysoa Hiuaeii. sus com mercial block. .. Phone Mala. 182a. COM PLBTELT farniahed d-room booae for any length of time. , Partlculsrs, laaulr Z2 DSiung-iiirsca otug. 10-BOOM bolldlnr stors. with rooms: central Bear bnalnraa district. . luoulrs OOU IMrla et. 11 -ROOM hone, Bice big yard 271 North asigniesata at. inqairs pnone Msia uw, - $12 OOOD saw d-room boos la Monat Tabor. IBinure T. TautugDam, Mount Tabor. 11-BOOM house, centrally located, for rent; aom ruruisningn xor ssis. si i ins. XXTLOTMEBT AOXX0XS. .. HANSEN'S BMPLOTMEKT OFTICB. POB MEN. St M. Second at. Pboaa Mala ISM. PIONEEB EMPLOYMENT CO. Labor eontrso tors; help free to mployera si Morrleon, BTJalVXBS 0XAX0EB. A BIO aaa ph. must be takea at 'once; stock of - cigars, tobacco, luoch goods, fruits, Bats. Ice cream, isuo eonreoire, new , soaa lountaui, milk shake. 1 shos caass. gas store and fit tuns, stools, tables, dlaeee. g la saw are, tl Terwars. all rent, llceoae snd lusursnca oa IVIO paid to K arena bar 1. 10OS; all goes tor f 17a ensb; tb Sioney caa be tskea la frout aales- ot stork. Charlaaoa Nellli room SIM Alisky bldg northwsst. cor. Third sad Mar POB SALE Cigar, roofsstloBrry" aad - pool room la sudutd, at a Dargais. Cigar aad Ice crsaat parlor In city; $1,000, Includlns bnlldlng. . ' i,-.-inV t ; SMITH BEOS., BEAL BNTATB, " ' Phoaa Mala 4080 123V 0th at. - ' THE CLARK GRAIN COMMISSION CO. lot McKay bldg. PBITATB ROOM POR aVAllIES. -$10 bays ar eaUa 10 akares of atock at 1.000 bushla ot grain; commiaaloa - oa grain. 44 aa stock. , W boy aad sell pat ana esim. aXL i Si tHi H of saen aucceeaf uTlr traataSj dlecnargee positiTsiy corsa la from s se a dsys; eoasnltstioa free sad strictly soaa deatlali send for oar symptora blank. X Badlam Medical Institute, Allaky bids.. Third and Morrlaoa sta., Portlsad. - "' GOLD FIELD MINE Chance to get m; don't .fall to Inrestlgste.. See O. A. HrMtol, fiscal agsat, ror latest report oa asrsanprnent; small block of treasury stock now offered.-. Booai 7. Hamilton bldg. Third at.. . - PEER LANDS IB OREGON. PXBTTLB solL pare water, delightful climate; land of alfalfa, applee and clover . Far fall information address th Columbia Southern Irrigation Co., S3S Wotsaatar blk., PartlaaA, FARMS, wheat and timber Unas, acreage, city property; umos aaa noeaeeteae lo cellos; Balaam chances and Insurance. TOWNBEND. MAXWELL CO.. SSS AMar at- . Phons Mais 1333. BOOMING HOC8B ot 11 room en Washington at.; furniture new snd tbs 'best; rent sen I a money maker, rsir or ao rair; anap, few. H. W. Garland A Co., l.tVv ronrth-at. WANTED Man with $fi00 to go tete poultry Dualnee witn party woo own a piece ana nss su ta ractuties to go on a urge scale i Writ to C. W. Herman, Orsgoa City, R. D, wo. a. , - POR - SALE 81.000 Weektr newsnsner snd Brat-claaa printing plant la gooa aoatnera uregoa town. Aoarem letter lor luiorms tlea to L. B. B., care Journal. 8375.00 restsnrent. nrincinal street: rent. a.i; average receipt sxo; open ror tns most rigid Inveattgstlon; dlsagractasat causa of aacrioee. jyi aaorraon. . PARTNER wanted to travel for mabufaerur log agency; staple articl sol to trade; only about $800 required; reference required. r. t. Jsox ha, , . , . . A BABOAIN $4,100 wtU bay a boslaes eoraer ot auxiuo inst win ssv 10 ner cent shove sll taxes snd Insurance. 1. L. Wall Oew a ursna svs. BESTATIBANT Doing a good buslneea, ae ep posltton, good location, cheap.. Call are be- aurai anvaeiiun vwvvaHV, , ravaf aaouii ew. PARTNER Atoo general mrent; $800 to $nno capital rerralreflj light sxsmtrsctnrlng; cnor i jnotm pronia. sooa is, rirst at. PARTNEB Also general agent; 800 to $AO . capital reqtiirea; lignt manuiactunng; aa mona profit. Room 1, Pint st, FOB BALE Hotel doing a aood bsawasssi araet b sold st ones; pries, $3,000; pari ah. W. O. Beck. SOT Falling bias. FOR - BALE Booming hnesi . ef 14 rumi, full ot permanent roomer; aa better ioca tloa ta city, euuv. sos rum ax. -. , FOR SALB A alesly-fltted-ap -chatr harber- shoo, "ryidrej esntrallr Iocs tod. doing good business. res P 40, car Journal. , WHEN taoklng for a location, slther elty or eountry, can oa th northwest Laaa cn SM Morrlaoa tM room Sll. FOR BALB, cheap, tailor -shop, complete In every way; party going east, Apply 348 North Fourteenth at FOB !.KaHf& l-torT house with etoreroom. oa prominent corner, $00. . Tyoa K lose 11, 802 tiemmsrcisl Dig. A FIRHT-CLAS8 bskery for sl ta sou I her Oregoa; centrally located. Address 0 et, ears JsaseeL WANTED Rids ts tar mo feet of cement stile walk. Adurssd A. Vv Folkmao, P. O. Lsnts, Oregoa. RESTAURANT for rant, sell or take partner; 5 nod ataad near th fair. Address E 4s, eats osmal. , FOB BALE Brick hotel, St rnoms pood torsi tore, splsndld Mass; la Portland. V ed, JoaraaL SMALL grocerr store ror sale Cheap; ran store for sale cheap; esnse sickness. - BtS Boath Graad are. East S3HL HOTEL tor sal la a good lire town. Willamette valley. Address Box 13. Eugsne, Or. WHO IB M. O. MOBOAN A CO.t ton in rowax LOST lady' msll black parea, bet. Front aad riurnslde and Twenty-first snd Bel own t sts.; reward. Phone linioa 3880. LOHT Near rorser af Fifth and Morrison sts., a chins gokl piece. Finder pleas rvtara to 000 pskaaj bMA. . . ' . c- With the Right Sort of Eyezlassc Fortune and Good Omen tor You FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. GREAT WESTERN LAND INVESTMENT CO, We bars asms choice farms, close ta; else aome Improved S. 6 and 10-scr tracts. Best-city neer-ciiy. List your til- snap m a wast s4da kits. brooertr with lie- can sell If, Wanted Heat honaa 11.900 will bay." CM In Wanted To rout bouse. Close 'la; W bars lots ef cslls. - , . mw mvwm neTy iimuer, lir m vnimi, .era Oregon; cheap; or xchaags far Portlaud prapvriy. - 90 Alisky bldg., ear. Third aad Morrlaoa at. mt - S. S, 7. t-room house built soda Bad aald aa tbs Installment plant prices from 1,000 to js.OOu; also equities la evrl houses for a Is sr will sxehaage for recast lota; also Tarsal lot for sal at aoeTtew. Long Beach and Tioga) Sna hoaae for rent I ncuaaay rara aatlitloa. Wiuua u. aexca. sui, tas raiung. - - . fl.eno POR a .T-room cottar, eonslstmc ot nail, library, - parlor with snoasra tirepmce, dining room, kltrnen. bedroom snd bathroom witn enameled bath tub. not ana, sou water hones wired for electric llrht. aood yard, . with three klmla of fruit trees: Dart cash. ha lane oa time te suit purchaser. Cora . Mixta, and Oxford sis ante black .from Wood, . uwi car Una. 'Apply aai Waahlngtoa St. FOR SALE 10-room hone, modsra Imnror- ments. von Mt. Tabor Uelgbta; bargain It csiiea ror tmoiedtately; pries sna terms re eons tile: owner coins te leave city: taks Mt, Tabor and sunny elu car, go te end .of line ana inquire or csll F. A. Xeung. east eisi, NEW 8-ruom house, lot SOxKIO. Highland; full easement, attic, rood plumbing; coca a. Pull lot, a houses, class la, oa vast ldc cbean. - J. P. WILSON, rooms 104-0-S-T Palling mug., TBn-a sna Washington. . . . $2,9008 ACRES well Imnrorsd, aU ta taa trait, tair building, 4 Oaoeg rrom car lias, caa be bought oa very essy terras; Is, mediate imsssssinn; will take part la raai sat at. Call 107 V. Third at . TO EXCHANGE 13-room bona -and three lot la Portlaad to small farm Bear rertlana. Call on or address I). A. Smith, Sot Ds Psuw St., University Psrk etatton, Porttaad, Or. POB SALE Choice boaaes. large or small; also aome Deaverdam yielding large retarns, S miles west ef Fortlaad. at Beaeertou, Barnes 4 Csdr. T-ROOM boas seer ear sad school, mast I sold st once; do not fall to look this ap; sr. noav. tvw m i.aiuaa, javuras, v. aia, vnuwu, -ROOM cottage oa Vnlon are., lot 50x100, bath, trait: a anap 81.400. Tyaoa Klasau, am Couserclal blk. Phoae Main 382S. A BABOAIN for cash. S 8-room boaees an. I lot, 81.800; 4-room noose and 1 low with fine orchard. (700. Phoae Scott SSIS. POB SALE Modern suburban cot tag, cms to car lias, ans location, groaad 100x100. o. w. P. Towasit vs., lat rtrst sr, . 200 FARMS, email tracts and lota; bargain oa o. w. P. e lee trie line. u. n. Audltoa, lata la. Or. Tak Mt. Scott car, Sc . HOUSE and one acr of Improved land at t la tat a si, ur. ; price rou. Apply w.i- tt, Conysrs, Clatsksnlo, Or. POR EALB ar exchange. 11V acrea-taprored. Its miles trom Hoots viiia earuaa. isquirs owner, 414 Belmont. POR BALE At a bargala, S-mom bouse, mod ern improvements, price at,ouu. inquire -Phone Esst 70S. SELLWOOD lots. $S down eadtS a atoath; trom $78 te S30 Beilwood Towasit . Co. Phone Unloa 1401. POR SALE Lota 11, 11. IS, .brack 3, Arlsts t'arx. fi2s saca. Aaarsa a.t vvaoater, Barton, Oragoa. .."J-.-.r'; MEW S-room rssldence.' atHctlyvwodrnVbtba, furnace, ttc, price I.00, 4SDU0 caeb,' T1S B. -iJoaeb t.- - . - . , ....... (1.000 New S-rooaa cottage aad 3 targe Van) en cor. Grand ava. aad Shaver st. Bee swnc. M aaavsr at, . Mala 4a. POR boasa-aa ear Ha with ta. I Ban Irs Sdl Lax aero frau Sixth at. A SNAP Party mast go esst: Samoa aad build- in, stock ftwv, lor fa,uuu. . Apply u su, Joaraal. ..- S-ROOM boss, cheap fof essh. Inquire L. R liemlngton, Moaemont av-. !i!!sr silai FOB SALE HORSES ABO 0AEKIA0ES, FOR BALE Horse (very gsntls) with baggy snd barnaas. top; cne cow, Jry, d gsKi gone milk, 840. Call 417 Ablugton bldg. A PINB top baggy, horse end harness, eoat S22S, for aal rheapj or trad for lot. A, R. Hacker, 348 Waahlngtoa at. . FOR BALE Cheap, rood delivery or express botse. Call 1213 Ellsworth, Richmosd. I'bons Esst 18. FOB SaUX LIVXSTOCX. POR BALB Fresh' milch eowe -with or wltlioul . cslf ; ales 8-year-old full-blood .Jersey ball. 1004 Mllwaakle et. FOB SALE PAX MS. CLARKE COUNTY BARGAINS. . A Widow' Sacrifice 80 acre level la ad, rich soil, as rocks, SO acres cleared, 40 sens fsucsd, 3 hemes, bars, atoo dairy, family orchard, ernes to railroad, school snd small town, worth $3,0U0. Price only $1,TB0. Dealrabla 6v acre. S ta cultivation, 800 trait trees, t-room boose, barn, Vaaeoavar - 3 miles, $1.0iO; terms. Suap 100-acrs farm, big Improvements, beautiful bouse, Isrgs crop, stock, Imple ments, sear railroad. All tor $o,80vi la Veatlgste. 40 sere good soil, 35 ecres level, 3 acre . cleared, creek, rssrsra bark, only tk mil , from dally steamboats. Prick $300. - Several hundred sens logged Isod. food oil, wall located; would mak sxeeuent pastors attar seeding. XM seres level land, good soil, 13 cleared, - baTa, orrhsrd, miles to Vancouver. $1,800. Address J a me J, O'Keine, Christ blk., Vsncoavsr, Waah. POR S A I. B 20 errs tw bsrrtas and frnlt, good buildings,- T Bliss from Portlaad, Hi miles ' of csr Ha. 10 ere st a bargain. seres la berries, 3 aeree la fruit, 84 mile from Portland. 10 acre -bear Mllwsokle, sll ta cultivation, good bnlldlngs, price $1,800. Acreage In email and targe tract on eeey terma. EAST HIDE REAL ESTATE CO. 404 East Morrlaoa at. . I' hone East 535. ONE f th flneet farms la TJmatllla coenty; 100 acres river bottom land, 000 seres See wheat -lend. Bene -dwellings,- bernev ote f creek snd large (prluge, ISO bead milch eawa, - 40 aslfers, 14 head hones; receipts $50 per ' dsy. Pries $.ln.000 810,000 essh, balance en time at per cent, or will tak some property la trade. T. Wltbycombs, room I Hamilton blk., Portlaad, Oregon. POR SALE 1804 eras, 40 btvs ef bass, 2 frames with supers snd smpty hives; .70.1 fruit trees 10 year eld, smsli fruit, good garden, get s crop of prunes every yesr; running brooks all the year mend; 3 county road a rack side; 58 seres cleared, good for bop and pescle-s; small bouee aad oatbvlluV Inca. Applynllllsm Clique. Hocklnsutt, ( larks county, Waatilngtoa. $8,000 240-ACBB farm near Tancouver. Wash.; 8 map. - $1,800 0 aeree In Clackamas eonniy, 10 mile from Porttand; It acres la timothy; living water, ... Several good farms la Hood River valley, RAND A CO. 40, -Hsmlltoa bldg. POR SALB Ds try and poultry farm, of 40 acres, 80 aeree In cultivation; fin bott-nn lend, aood barn and none of roums, ken bonces for 000 laying hens, good water, new fenciu. 8 miles from Oregon City and 1.1 from Portland; price $2,800, pat eaeh, rvwt aw eaay terms at 8 per cent utarrati Address WB hats tost platted 180 acres la B-aer tract It I one ef the best alecee of land - la Multnomah county; 11 miles east of Port - - tsad sad tasw than 1 mils from O. W. P. electric Une; there to ae rock or gravel; the price la $6 par acre, aa eery eeey terms, n IS. rare ef Journal. SALE OR EXCHANGE for eity property ISO seres of Improved lend, two barns, new bona. 3.000 frnlt trees, dryer, tl head of eovra, 8o lajns hay In barn, good dairy farm; well watered. I. P. WILSON, room 204, - e--T fub( bids. Third an wasaingioB, . JOB BXXT PAXK3. ONE and ens 10-acre tract, ot a mils from O. W. P. fiectrle Una and Csdarvtll . statloai very Sue' Bull, lays lavel snd very -easy to clear. $29 dowa, balance very easy lerma. luers la nothing asttsr oa tas aflar- ast. , v o, ears journal. .. $30 ACRES 80 meadow, 40 plow land. S orch ard, choice fruit, email fruit or all klada. An Imrswveaienta, well watered, rultmlted out rauge. Price $4,000; terma. See or addreet T. wilDyoomti, room a, tlastlltua Bis.t a-uti- POB SALE lm scree, fsncsd aad sorter eulti . vstlon; lbs beat af out bouee : a ft-room bouse, plastered; rars bargala; pries t.OO0, terms saay. Apply ts C. K. Caualnghsm, Ettbe ortics, r. or tu i-uwosr, uregoa. , , ACRES, right st Gsts statloa, oa O. W. P, electric line. STAV On 2 14 -err tract at -lav per acre very eery terms. If yea wsst gmsii tract oca l ansa taia. v , jour oak PRRE LAND IN OREGON eaear tba "C.te I rrl gatloa Act" Deed direct from . state. - Writs today. Boeklet and map free. B. R. Cask ce.. sdi- Aider t., rortisad, or. 18 ACRES near Lenta. S blocks from ear: 4 eeree eulrlvstedr bona',- bam, well.- etc.-; rtne soil; owner leaving city, sacrificing: gl.uuu, . terma. call loo rourta at., room no. ALL farm machinery, all atock. T3 acres heavy . crop, f arm tor asm essy terms, or nor rent, Extre good farm, vary ska te sit. 177 . BberaaSB. - " -.-!--- POB SALB On Oolambla river, TO-ser farm; orenara. new woose, la serss ta graae. D oulr Ella roe tar, SUveneon Waah. - POB eon there Orsgoa real ostAts, Isrgs sr small tract. . uuisra ciaytee. Hossoms. ur. PA RM tor rent with eptlse eg baying. ; Q. V aHBassuae, aaerweoa, uregoa, 1 FOB SAXX TIMXXJU FOREST BESBRVB SCRIP POR SALE Ap. provea, unreetrvcteo. resay ror imaMoists aaei Sows, prices. B. P. m P. B. RUey, tvi Chamhar of Com mares. . . TIMBER claim, patent deed. IM acres. 10 eleer, Balance Deary timnsr, sx.uuu; m viaciamas county sast of urefua City. , Inquire J. PUaa, Sylvan P. O. - v- FOR BALK Two hameetssd re tin on lek men vminani won nruwn,kwiil seat -aaan. et. P. NUU iieoe. Hotel KSemplauv POR bomeatead. tlmbac-cUlm sad tarmlaada Lsee A- X. Mstbsw Cu, SkaVa Morrlaoa M, room i, rrarciaoa, w. do ACRES timber-land. XamhUl esaaty, Saoa. A aatan Ka- l.t -.J - Bl... fl'.i.a. TIMBEB T.000.000, quarter, sceesslbls; Sr. radar) as acre. Aaareas w 47. joarnai. POR HOMESTEADS, timber clalaxa aad eartp apply te SOS Commercial but. FOB Bill MTSCXLLaVEXOPE. MBS. HOWE'S BULLETIN Goad aoreweed, elesa aad dry, ready . to rera, st 42.00 est cord; oak aaa far at cat rats; brick for est cheap; express fa hire; boo for rent. Pboaa TJnioa ITS ar 120S Esst Dlvtsloa at. POR SALB CHEAP 3 flrst-clsss- ttcksts te Kaasss City by way or boh lsii ana ucn ver; far -lady aad sent; tlcketa require no aiming. Inquire et once at aWUM Plrat st, P. 1. Cos Phoae Hood 167. - 1 BILLIARD AND POOL Ublea tor,rsat ss fat THE BRUN8W1CK-BALKB COLLCNDBB CO. t 49 Third et., Porttaad. - WB prist year ssm a SO calling eardb. prepef Size aa Btrie. . ane, ao eueiuas wna, Brown Scbmala, t Plrat, Portlaad. Or. WOVEN-WIEB aad spbolarerad eots, amp Blows, ssmmocav nswa vaatp , a, ,,, . w- rlnc tent Awning Co.. IT NecU First. LAUNCH tor ? lsngtb SS feet, 10 H. P. gins, Mrge earrrlug rapecnyi sos vwty " " JonenaL NEW greenhoo aad Sower garden: aa com pert- tloa; BO reiail sou vaoime irer, aveianjae Income. W. B. Blmev-newberg Or. PINB boassbost, three ; room; almoat new; fnrntahed; a bargalB. Apply W. Br Overlie, near Fulton, a OH, Journal, v. KEW It-foot rsnos, cheap; paddle aad aalL Pnone Mala asoa. w sirsx st.. . THE H. C ALBEB CO. Second hand macblsary. sswmllls. etc. 84S Grand ave. . ., - 10 CHAX0X,s TO EXCHANGE A beanllfal boms of one ere near the villa, rained t $3,000, -for lnaida property; will aaiime a mortgage. Address T. X Gayaar, 310 Hall at. A SALOON doing a $38 boelasse per dart ex cellent location, very cheap rest; pries $2,000, " T 43. Joarnai. A GROCERY stock te exchange for Portlaad real aetata. Address SOB Harrtooe- t. PERSONAL. LADIES. ATTENTION. J Ladlaa reqairtnc confidential aad blgb else medical sttsndsncs will serve their best m ter cets by eonsullng the old rellabl aad well known X-Radlum Medical Instltnts; no charr fur eplnmn; cerTspondeae solicited. X-Rl-dlum-Medlcsl I net flute. Alisky bldg.. Third ssd Morrison ate., porttaad. Or, VIBRATION eonsllxes errcalatloa. break down . end elect waste ttasos. rebuilds asw aad : healthy cells: free demonstration. Of flea aad treating rooms, Vlbratrlaro, suits 38-20. Lewis bldg., ear. Psrk sad aiorrieoa. . THB "Matrimonial Register," lOe, con Ulna i descriptions snd nerticnlsrs of eevsral bun - dred reeMsnts of Oregon and WaehlngMa who wleh to marry. Intrta( Introducing So ciety. Ruesel bids. . , - . MANLY vtgur restored br Dr. Roberta' Nerve Globule. 0a month' treatment, $3 BMaths, $8: seel ecnrely Mated by mall. Agents, wooasro, cisrks a) uo., r-oruaoa, ur. BOOKS! Bsrs the are: -Decameron," "Has. tameron." "A Hot Tamele" "Faaay Hlll. "Twenty Years Faker." 'PorblddeB Fruit," - SO each: Hats free. A. Bchmals. 830 Flrit st LOST power fsetored by th great Dr. Loren' Nerve Tonic Tablets; 30 par bog. boxre for $1.35. Write or call at Eyaseir ' Pbarmacy, 217 Morrteon, bet, lai ssd Id. LADIES Yoa appear 30 yesr younger, re mors all wrinkles, ksve skla Mks velvet by neing Ortfoa Grape Skla Pood, f bona - Rest 1187. BING CHOONO. Importer ef Chines root medV cineai arils Chinee tee thst ta eertels cor for sll dare. 11 Second bex. Xamklll ' snd Taylor. MANLY vigor restored wltbont drag, sppll , snce or sppllcatlone: guaranteed cure; jwst lively sure. Dr. Downing, Salt Lake, Utah. MENI WOMEN! Raymond' ptlls pssltlvsly cars nervoasnee and lack of vitality; $1, 4 boxes $. I'tamaier Drng Co., 180 Third. Bt-SINKAS' womas of ability wishes' to meet gentlemsa of meana for bualneee coenerl ami advice. Address Buslnesa, care Journal. CLEAR ANCR aale all kind of watat. klmonoa, mualla aaderwear, at., below eoat. . Bins I bong Co., 83S Morrison at. L1IJ.IAN B. CRAM Chlronodlet. msalcnring - and shampooing. Parlor 424 Ablngtim bldg Portland. Or. BUck 3803. THE Oregoa Detective Service: of bee 114 111 Colnmbls bldg., SdS Washington. Maletolt. DR. ATWOOD It Rtraaet bldg.. ror 4th A Mor rlaoa. Dlaesse ef women. Coasaltstloa free. FREE samp I eera, bus Ion and wart curs. ,- wis L. Dees, dept, E, Tauutoo, Maa. Ed- TVRKISH BATHS, 800 Oregon Ian bldg. gesta sll alght. tsdtas aD dsy. Mala IBHt. . . BALM OP Flos for sll femaldles. .434 AMer St.. rbone .Main es-tz. B10YOLX BXALXBB. OOLt MBIA. TRIBUNE AND CRESCENT. . SPOilTING OOODS, EXPERT RI PAIRING, '. F. P. EERNAN, SOS THIRD Br. , BtXWL MRS. S. M. FRITS. 80-Grand svs.. beautiful Imported canary bird, rsssonsble: all good al&gers, aad stat(Uoa asaraateed, r .V j Journal V Branch Offices' ABTXXTISXMXXTB Will tm rai Ivad st reamtar malnffto rates. Pnliooina; Is 8 hat of authorised erents . who will forward your advartlae aieai la urn fur puuiicattua la th Bell 'I - NORTH SIDE. ' 8. A. Prestos, drug let. " Twanty-Ulrd and Thurmaa sttoete. Nob Hill Pharmacy, tSO GUesa a tract, corner Twenty-orst. ,,A, W. Allrn. pjaimteUt, BUteeath aad Marshall atreeta. McCommoo'a Pharmacy, - Klaetceatk awl Waahlngtoa street. . B0TJTTX BXDX.' -''' - t. F. Jons A Co., druggists. Front aad Olbbs atreeta. . . , Cottal Drus oempasy, Flrat -and Great treeta. F hla a Byerley, duggtat, 400 JeffereeaT treet, oetuer Tenth. Bettmaa'e Pkanuacy, aoraar Blllh aad Harrlaoo atreeta. Plummer Drag eompsny, 300 Third a treat, corner Madlaoa. - - - -- - " ; - EAST .' - w, B. Love druggiet, eoraer Great avense and Eaet Burnaid atreet. Klchela Thomnaua.- 13S BaaMll strt coriie Alblua avenue. Jancke Drug eompaay, auraer Hawthorn aed Graad aveaaee. W. O, Cable, draggtat, eornsr HolUday avenue aad Larrabee , strsst, near slael hrldg. .... ..... B. A. Wlteoa, ' 133 Gad avsass, seat East Morrtaoa. E. W. Hall. $65 Eaat 8vatk . street, corner Stephen. " , ' XIOKLAJfD. ' P.-1. CUrk. druggtat, loot. Marts Dales Bvaae. . ,, '" ' StjaTBTBTOX. - - J. X. Worth, pharmacist, MS atalnwwt atrcst. . - ,- , - j - BBOOKLTaf. Brooklyn Pharmacy company, Powell aal Mllwaukle treeta . ARXETA 0XX00V, Arista Pbarmacy, More aad boater atresia. ART EMPORrOM. PROP. RICHARD MAX MEYER Portrait ssd aaaoacepe arusii ma traction is su painting, water so lor, st., and . drawing; art gallery Connected with atadlo; pictures tor sal snd framing ta e.dsr. SAB Alder at. Phoae ISao. ASSATXX3. THE 3. H. Flak Aaaaylng efflea Oreealey Crawford, anslytlosl shsmlats aad mHl asrglat. xaMH Wsaaiagtaa St. , ATT0KXXTS. OREGON LAW A COLLECTION CO. 417 Fan. lea Block, teiirctlooa maae tBreoghoat th United States; bankruptcy Butter a spedsltyi bad teaaats ejected; renai eollerted end sea. -ami law bsalneeaj notary peblla. BATKS MAI1AQ3. THE Palace Massage Parlor I tb only place to get e Bice Invigorating bath or maag r yonug laoy, js yeara oio. whb amiaiaut, recently from Neve York. Stark at., between Third aad Fourth. The Taeoma, room 21-22. ; EXPERIENCED sure gives electric aad mag netic trestmests; ssw atesm Da tns lor cold or rbsauaaUsai only. liSm-SUth. room... 34-35. TWO young ladlaa give ma as ye. tub and rape nsrns. jios ronrtu, cor. weeningioa. BLAXX BOOK MAXOTACrVXXXS. HOWB. DAVIS A.KILHAM. lup-lll Bscead Blank book eisaafactsrsrst sgmta for Jot Improved Laaea Leaf eadgers) see the a Ksreks leer, tbs best oa tae.maeae. BOTTXTJfO WOBBaVr---- 0. A M. BOTTLING CO., bottler -ef fin car. boasted hsvsrsgesi family -ariaee na uqeor - spscislty. 1ft I'nlon eve. Phone Beat 185. 00A1 ABB W00B, CHliRCULKX Bit OS. have rei Dsvla sc. as 438 Ksaraer et.. near 11th: la R. UNDERWOOD A CO dealer ta vrsed sd anal at lowaat nricas: aatsaucnoa au ma lesd lrvla fast. 'Teatltaad Eleventh Phone Mela 48Tb. ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealer la .-dwood. eosl and blaa na greea sea sry sMsweoa. a. ex. ana aa. a ve., a eaaeas sees oa leery. aMs , STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO.. dealer ta anal. OREGON FUEL CO., all kind ef aoal (ad wood. 808 Aider. Pbeae Mala as. . KIRK HOOVER. IIS Water St., wood end eoal. Phon Mala 3e- tx ., FOR BALB 3,000 sard fir wood. Pboaa Best) S87S. CHIROPODISTS. IF year feet are eat ef order, go te Dr. W or ley - Benismin. asvenia sna rnurn, xne mn ctallst. Phone Black SIS. - SROCXRB. WADHAMS CO.. wbolaaele groeera. Bin. fseenrera and omOilswe giarahaata, FsartB aad Oak sta. ALLRN A LRWtS. mimmlaaloa and peodace awr . sbsata. Front aaa dsvib ata.. ronisae, tar .OXXZirZ COBXXACT0XB. CHAS. H. CARTER A CO cement coatraetere. ex East Twsaasta at. rnone aaa isia All Work amsraoteed. CA7ZB. THB OFFICE 385 Waahlngtoa at, Phoa Mala ITmiaisel Tlgneasx. -'2LjgM . .. OOABJ ABB X0BA0CO, E8REBO-OUNBT CO. DtaUlbatora sf FIKB CIGARS. Portlsad. Onajea. CLAIXTOYAXT ABB FAXMMT. MADAMS JOHNSTON Clairveyaat. pelmlat. card reader: 1 rive facte rename ih is. portant on all tfaln ef real Ufa. Beading SO. 88 Seventh t., neat Oak. MADAME LUCY. anedHim knd hahtf; dally and ejvenln. pariora i-. i'w rirai. - - OOMMaHIOB- MXEOBABTaV- DAVENPORT BBOB,-BrsVetinimlsloB sj chnnte; frnlt snd produce: cnasignmsuis licit ed; prompt returns. 150 Front St. IF roe) went to ire good return for roar produce, ahlp te oa: pay oignaai pixm a sggs f. . h. P. Miller A Co. EYERDINO A PARRELL, prodoee sd small. stoa mrrrhaat. 140 Freet St. rwws. m Phone Mala ITS. CL IX 0 ABB DYXIR9. PORTLAND STEAM CLEANING A DYEING worBei araeticai narrev an oodw,w, .--. rrtcei Banar la coooeci,oi .-.w-. boss aad pin ind plumes cleaned end I curies i r pert. 811 Fourth. Phoae uir " TIBNNA ! aeentng A Iry work Best equipped plant la the city: enemjej, roUlty.. Cail np phone Msla 104. Glove (leaned free, fid Third a. CLOTHES cleaned and faaaed $1 per atOfrta. Union lallorl! lo e-,i e..u. B. W. TPRNKR, snfessloosl dyer ess sieaaer. aw saiV.isT0 ia mill mm ii iinam m a iinaai a am I CABPEBTtIS ABB BTO.BXBB. - . . . AUTHORS Bad H. B, WOOB, rarrajntera aad balldera; repairing and lobbing; store and erne sstoree ballt. Shop SuO Colembla. ) Main BfOT. ' ' " . ' fJAXPET-OLXABIXBr AVB pear walls e leaned! w eleaa paparsd ae palBiea wa,e, . - .wb iwrinnrai nelce reaanaahle) refereaeea. Red 303. , CARPETS rteaned a tb. door l we ralae aa , aat. FBOU .iay eoi. srve wasnnuairairan. 1 HUNTER Steam carpet aad mattt Jffrro raoa Malp S14 ... dtaaaata ,1 V :' -