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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1905)
r;ic:,x Ar Ci":n2 VeryJI'h cn Account cf Vr.9 Extra Heavy Osm&ns-. Peart Are K:h With Call for the Far East. " ' ' TODAY J ... - til PIKE mw& MB : t'FRV STCffilB 1 TUESDAY PRICESjrj v i V THE WHEAT MARKET nnriARE reports readi Receipts Are Liberal butbemand , Extra -Heavy, ; J. na 1 Pricet Areiigher-; ; , iTOMAf OES ADVANCE WITH Chicago v Liverpool Now York. .... Bail Francisco. Milwaukee .... Kanaae City. -" Sept. - Deo., HIH4 ".80HB .-7 4a 7d 1.14 i USE PRICE IIS RISES 3 POKJTS TODAY Singing of Irrigation Ode at Fair Causes Outburst of Pop-J-: uiar Enthusiasm. -i fet LouU...,u :,77 - .7TAB Suluth,..M.,.-,J5t-r,.J Old September. 2a Chicago Wheat Market Bullish Common Stocks Very Strong Z-? l . . :. t.... ' 1 "j "a-..... v ... aj,- va!4' Tn(iw witn uveroooi onow i " ' wwx "Ine Advance at Close. tt1 Market During Session. WONDERFUL TONAL EFFECTS PRODUCED ;44444444W44 , AN INCREASED DEMAND iSSISZ m""!1 TEgft and ; Poultry . Range Higher GOVERNMENT REPORT .TELLS OF OREGON DAMAGE pssipoc: I81J- ordinary. 85t78c; - pluma. 7fcl I ERIE. ISSUES ADVANCE ON BULLISH MOVEMENT Entirt Program Is Melodious Sur prlM to Critical Auditor and Pro gram Thia Evening Will Be Even Mora Pretcntioua. , ..-!. r !., r..'.M.Mhia Smaller I w. i wraAcwV v , I fiMt . .b..7 ' jiTeoiia per do.,- ' e' ' -a. are M T T) ..-.---wm-J I mmium Mil nap hni 7 Big ,wnear, vP M"-JviiGrrTBtt-rBipa. o.w. ioa pi -, ... X V1!,.L4a . . I CTITOt. II.Wttl.B Per. eacn, Beaie.. from yvaavw . . I l.IS pe eerki Oregon rndiabea, -e par t , - 1 , InhliiM. lnBM. IBs Mr CWt: V ' . X ---- ' ' ' I aA.Udl- . - 1 -1 hnUtM. f.' f i V, , ' ....f5r: parmtM. 1.0uI.aO Mrlnc faaaaa..m4ii; .far toa rorciana. whokwm , I noraaraaian, lae in: arrwaoaea. a"ntv" ir "-. r "watai loiia .Butmra. 2.uoa.a B,,v r.nln Dui to Continunct I Common Cloaca ' Two and arr erU; water mloua. rwiipil". , : I . . . ()ruu. 60cil.W; ijillfonita ai.2Mtl.40 iwrl fwara, OnHP. I JU.ll.W tmy blacabarrfca, I r ! of Hot Spn Doea tha Work Too 'Wet fa Spring Wheat Country for Harveating Corn Condition Good. J Thrta Quarter Hifher Whila Second Gaina - Ona and ' Three Quarters Union Pacific Heavily Traded In. , Toaatuaa. ara idranclnC. Paaeaaa rallaf ary lh. E((a ana podltrr ar blclwr. . Haarf rail tut Barllatt paara. Car Toppaniah aantalaupaa la. ! Hlsw aala la walanoaiooa. Waaro aM atlkaital whaa aaaTjr. Local aulona ara abcwlnc decllo. Huttar aad baaa qnotad flrw. Hrrtata anrkat la Joat aa4. - lxiad .frulta eontluu apwar. t-reata ' mrata quoted tary atro. bo I boa m latttif. SOCtTBci baa laltoo. ISa pat aoa;. gfn enlooa, 0(J12 par 4oa: aptaaca. par Ibi ttaraa aorn. ai.00 per aack; praa, M par lb; cui'tMunara. aucjiov par aacai Colorada, AftftTBcl local, T5S.V par doaaa a.i UO nar ratr nttiauktna. - 1 Vkft. " - OKIKO rRims ABnla,. aiaiwraiafl. It"lt arr Ibt anrloota. lUnlSo par lb; aarka. H par lb Icaa: aaadMo. a A lie aar 1b paara. -oar Ibi aranca. Italia. W4tt oar Ibt Dapl. I'M.. Mar.' TUESDAY'S WHKAl MARKET. . i Cloaa Chwo Oata Ooaa . . . Tuao. ' Moa. Taaa. Yaar Api .OHB -HB .004, l.lli mkl .H1UA .00 W 1.11 ........ .tttja A. JO A .U0i4 U3H Chlraaa. Aac. SL Damaaa morta from a- rlona localltlra and a blcbar Mrarpool anrkvt balnad Chlcaco wheat todar. but tb baltlab (orrrnmaat rrport wn tha prtnrtpal factor ta ADVANCES. l ' ' ' Vaaabaa kallaf Vary Hlk. ' f- Altbonib tha racarpta of paaeba ara oulta baary. laa daaiand la auck that tha narkat la -raachlBt klgbar. a4 aoma a.Uaa aii fany , mod. ara raporbMl Bae at $1 a box. Tbla prlra to axcaptkmal, bowarar. aad ta " If'" ancy pol.lor. ara today oted at POe a boa (aud aalca at that prlca wara rary laay. Bowa 'amaU alaaa ol off quality W ouotad a.lraoj . tloa laaa. Tba Ualaw M a- W . .la aacallaal Franeli. Ut4Ve Par lb: (laa. CallfucaU hlark. I making toOay'a adranca. Tba oreruawnt rai tin-,, nittad. Bar lb: datra. ola, 1 .. i'Mm hHi haratro tr" alac-. ana 1 BrH)klTn par Ibl lama, oar ia-; vum, , , r I (nraauinl oa lua ww tanua nt aaai ... ' Onaarlaa. Jfata. Eta. ' I part of tba aprtn wnMt(racian. wn "!bi. ram . . . "r" ... ia fun. rh... waa latarruotad durtna tba Caaadlaa bvumm- nacM oaaiaH i. i . - , - . . .- . , . a. t. ... . .- . . . --M.iHi.tML l fun nart ar tba weal, tna neraa aawa wv. i uaaaar ". ?"! P,B"',.I I T?i.:i .1 ini I .. u--a thaadar atorma la I Ba. WMtara North Dakota and nortbaaatarB Dakota canaad 1 Mankattan , . kl.l- nf MM-mldarabla a rata. Baltafactory I Matroaolltaa ylalda ar aanarally Indicated orar ue aouuiara i Katy . A mi tad .... 4a pmallar ,. i Imaltar, pfd ....... ttaitinora ........ I'. A N. W 1U (bnapaaka 44 Krla tS KrK S pfd ....... 1 Erie, lat pfd ..... l. . Rubber .... H Wla. Ceatral U . PEC 4 It En. Atrhlaoa ......... 4k ducar ............ 44 Wle. Central, pfd. N. X. tatrai ... Oat. Wrat ..... Ianaaylranla ..... md'aclile Mall Baa Heading .' ttork island, pfd. T-iae Parltn .. ryabaah .......... 8.0 Conf. A. 5.0o; beet graaulated, "! .,.. r aamv r D yellow. M0 bbla, 10. 44 bbla JBc, boxaa Ma adranca an aack ha. la. Ina ISa oar awl for caah. M dan: maple, 14 Aide par 1U . hONK Yt2 rar crate. . . vii.t . ui a. il. ... na. tee. Sft.fjOt i aeeebee to tbla aiaraet aad quaUty lubla. dairy. Sua. 11.00i ' 100e.: -Ijj. towa"ar7ara t a. Uraa ported Ll-erpool. 60a. $17.00: lour, MMt aa aaual. but what tba fralt lacking au. h NC u hoik, jjo iba. HJJOtiixOl aacfca. wrl. Arkanaaa and Ohio. In eotne rountla. la comaon roae polnta.-tb.aeeod pra'"" it aiora -ban vakaa ap to qolltjr. (tnBM, - Taa and generally through Taiaa tka crop la j polnta and the Bret point. 8t. Pnul. peacbea abow only about ;half a erop and the BAtT-ConraaBnlf eround. 100a. aer toj. of ,... ' Mlaaoort iacia and Union TaciBe ware baaelly portlona. Cmnnlalnta of ahmnkea grata ara generej from Waablngton and weetrrn uregon. 'The prerloualy excellent condition report. I an com eontlaum general tkrongh the principal corn atatea aad alao on too Auannc ow u. tba eaetera gulf dlatrtrta. Wind atornta blew down Mnaldrrahle earn la Nebraaka. Alia- Montharn PadSa ' . . ' Tenn. Coal ., U. B. Btaal ...-..j IT. S. Bleel, pfd.. Colo Boatb - Colo. Boutb., Id p, Colo. Boatb. lat p.. ' kfexleaa Central Mlaaourl Pact no",, Repuhlta Btael ..... anablle BteeL n. Ht. U A 8. W .... 14k IkiUnkm raelSe ..... Ktncth Anrl4uL a.. Saa aiw2d pfd. . 1 1 Watt lltraet. New Tork. Ana. Jl. Rradlnf and the Krlre were the eartrfng feature! i el the atock market today, xae riae m awaaiug a-annntad to 8 nointa ta tha common. Krla '...ira aa-nciatk-a'a nack -aa been .the W. . B. ' Ula-he eonpany . .I'll I , . ILw Marbaa are I freely, bat froat aoma aaetlona toera . ,--.. . with fungua and dry rot. Tboee raaetrad from tba elctnlty of Oerrala. baweear, ara abow log '.. wall.' . ' "' : '." .' . watameloaa Are a Baa. Bale. ; . 1 Cooler wentbar aad tba receipt of otoer iraiie ,1a lotarfarkig with the aala d watarnelcea la .the tronl etraet kaarkeU and yncaa ouay . ranging nean 100 w a. ; Um aattDar aknd elone. - ' - ' I ., Caatalonpea are eery dull and weak except for the eery fancy goodo aad prleee ara-geu- erally lower. A ear of Tonpenlah eipita enma I purcUaaed by xtS: tOa. pr ton. IT.BO: Urerneot HwiN of tbla ally. ia.M par ttx.! SO-lb rock. 7.0oi ino. . oomlng quite I (Above prteaa apply ta aalee ef Hi M than rar lota. Car lota at eoeclal pcloae aabjaei ta linctnationai. .30. ,i r . s. a VtJ . toir'n 1 u. I . gc ft a. S4(ei New Orlenaa head. dV4ei Alag. 44441 Cre- ale. bh BEANB eHnall white. 144 4Uc: large white. ac: nine. a'ACX-HiC: nnroa. enaa w " ,(, . KUTS PranelaTtUc: tambaa. 44a aer Ibl m naii -.. n.. mmmI 1 cocoannta. noeaaoe ner deal wabiata, I4A15e par lb) a Joe aura, tooisue per lb: lilrkory nnta. ion par i -.. .. . tiai. m lb llraall nnta. ISa ae th; rllb-rta. 14llBe OCT Ibl faacy -!.. i .vw, abaua ana eoiu 1 pwiu. iiniaoi niawmnn, moih wmw o., rTT.. t- nm. 11 alaad crated bring I .ia. r.l otia. Kte. .tba flrai dgure. Maloaa frooi Tba Dallea ara BOPB Puia tJanlla. 14c: ntandard. 13V4C1 ' . .... . . in... I .!.! niai.. 11.1. .1.-1 na. pew rary paanw . COAtT OULMrlw Aatrall 4a per Haarr OaU rar aanwn r -1 t 11.. hv. khia. 1 ine par eel! eeaUgUb-.Jt.v-eH. mrm. Official qaotatMoa ay Cooke company! .' wheat. Open. HlxU. Pept.....! Jt .K0V Dec...,. M 1 May .B Orerbeck, Btarr A Old Bept. ' MM Old Dec.. .4A4k May....,.J, Dept..... Dee...... May..... .tsti J4b .t4i ' cons. .M4i ."-4i ., .43 ""OATS. ...S44 . MEB8 POBK. T-rw. M .4RV. :34k .Sot. .94k .88 . The damawl for BartMii peere aa r. . ri woooea. laa per gall .aa ran tare . katug all lp pad Iraua tna , uaiwe 1 uur per ral. nkM durtu tke paat week 4a CUIcaga. he OASOLlJlu-Mea-. .. . f.itmniM ak.i I bbla. He per ml: ata V- mmA 'barleg-Uregaa.Uartletta aad thla la keeping tka . prlca bigk. , 1 aad KkklUt VMM urop neavyk Report. ralad today by Tba Jwl IW- ' tba wheat crop la tboee plaeee ta be eery beery 1 .. yti,V tiAt; g I'mial m- caaaa. tat per gait Iran caaae. 34V4a per gat. I. khia UW - - 1 'j BEN-UNE OS-dec. aaata. SSa pap gals Ira pbto. mil. ner a.l. "" TUxriMit-r-li eaaee. sac per ga. Mia..n nee hl per jai awte Sept..... I4 B , 14-40 "-- Oct . 14.47 . 144tT . Jan....,r 1S.10 . v 110 .o .-LARD. ,: TTT T.8 T-T8 , T.PIl ' I P .. TJO ."1.17 -t.lT T.1T SHORT SIBfl. Kept a. an p-pt . w.vt oct a.-?-a.s 8.80- 8epr. Oct., Jaa. Clnee. I .B0B , JH44A jwu,a .40 ,43 4iA as ..MM 14JS1 14 41 .' ,18.10 ' in T.1T . -B.aa 8.P8 ' traded In but each eloeed lower. Official anotattooa by . Urerofcx Cooke company: Urr DEBOaiPTIOK. f-UKAJlT OaAM XOVEKI-TT. IN. ilia -wapfni. 1 1 u (-ui: a -"'uir ww e. In placaa by the. continue Jwt weataer. .'.. M-m,. tiia mcraaaea acxeaae eacy baary Aad tba crap wlU In U probability eake. ear let Pk bairn Aagr UK-ran Pw. rv. la bbia. . are nee 1 la I eel: aaara. Tin ner sal: genntna kettle boiled. I waa not I caaaa. TOe nee call bbla. fte per eel: aroae-l I Wheat, v be about lua aanta "ar a trllla larger ' than U.t aaaon. Kllcaiiat cooniy re-.,a m rwi. ' ' 1 -fine VIA 1.1 in Diacea waerw in. 830.00 and g-OJDO. aaa loan laaa than ca Corn nnina-enm: 1. .-a ei-41-. . I wneai MEAT Front atreet Deaf eteer-, II let HUH. ' Today Tear Aga Bnah. ' Bnah '. KM.nno ( 1W7.00 . 0i,000 401,000 Anaconda Mining Co.... Anal. Copper Co.. Ateblaoo, coa. ......... o preferred. ......... Aai. Car I'ouadry. . do preferred.......... Am. iiugar, aoa Am. Smelt., com,.,.... preferred Baltimore Ohio. com. Brook Ira Rapid Trenail. anadiaa facinc, com. Chicago A Alton, ceei. . do arererred. ........ . C. b. W., com....... Chi., Mil. Bt. r....'. C. M. W com....... Chicago Terminal By... Cbeaapeake Ohio Colo. Fuel A Iron. com. Colo. Bonthorn, eon...., do aecond preferred... do ftrat preferred.... llllaain A llaenn.,.. " - ----- . 1 rREXH uiiT ftmii airecr .ueer 1 grnand end ptvtoctea bp erbear I fffac per lb; pork, block. TH per lb; 1 ere. IHO per 101 pane, exioe pee m-. . Anrinm tbaf fyaealn anell, ri Locally the wbaet market la ary quiet, ao amall aalee being made. There la enme eoia- plaint among tba growara ea aeeaant of -the V lower price, now ral log. bat minora are bow f the tlilnna Myeett. A prominent rsua pecw iwn, lhl belle 4 kl Q t ner to: eowe. 4lSe Per lb: mm ton. 8V4eTWa per lb: Jamba wftli netta.- 84tte lb: real, extra. T444jaei miliary., H7o per lb: poor. e pe. 10. Ill lift. Hil'ON. ETC. -Portland Back! local) hama. 10 ta 14 Iba. laUe per Ibt 14 ta 18 Iba. 18V4C per lb: 18 to JO Iba. 18444 ' ner lb: cortace. te per lb J Wtakfaat bacon. 14M01a pat lb( nlcnle. lie ner n: regular abort clean, nn- ...... y4!4d.OOO 111 I vi Wheat. 40.000 KIR.nno 'i.. -.--.. Wheat. 40.000- buanela: fbrtr. SOOoo barrrla; corn, 81,000 buabelaj oata, I.OOf buabela. . CH1CA00 CAAX WHIAT, CbJcaga, Aag. I-L Caak wheat: D. R. O. Ao nrererrad Erie,' rem. ...b do eecaoB perrerred . . do first preferred... Illlnole Central -.inhellli A .lukillU 1IBV4 14i 80 8T44 101 141141 izavk litg 118 0044 SI 1T M44 4744 41 S TT7 804 k44 M" 101 14S44 1S044 12414 114 aw ISO 1244 lfelTa 22844 4T44 1844 41 St eavk BA pan 4R44 TBV4 P-444 ITT4k s I .15 88 m 87 44 101 144 1WM 123 118 044 -M4h 1B4- 17 M 4 ie na . 1 aa-d todart "Tboae who thmk that the Chlnaea boycott 4e not the real thing amokrd. 1044c per' Ibi arookrd, 144 a per lb; tfcaa qoetatlona and bare failed la moot caeea per lb: amokrd pe ner lb: cl -.iVa -ananaaa. Tba boycott ' may amoked. I le per lblamoked. 13q . ftaale aut during tba preacnt aeaatm. but the eellnoa -te tar rrom oa-ag oa..iae tl.80; Mb tall, $2.70j fancy. 1-lb flat. 81.90: b-lb faacy fUta. 1.15 fancy In era la, X7ftj Alaaka tain. pina. asuwa.. reo. Bt-wi annum. Ia. tall, 12.00. . n mi Hvt m. Te ner m; T-Bamrera. oe ner lb: halibut. ue pet lb; craba. 1.60 per do: atriped baaa. 12Ua .Per lb: eatfi.ii. Ta per lb; aalmon. rhlaook, 8e per lb; atrclbrad. TVt per Ibl brarback. Be par Tb; herring, 8a per lb; that the Chlnaea. boycott . rrw . . n n. ... i.t , ma, i . bare been rending out prlcea conatoarapiy . ipwer 1 per in: union putta. 10 re ie 1. "'' " Ibt -. aUa M IK. box -a. I loCaL lard Kettle leaf. 10a. llVa Pt r-TI Ih: la. I04ke per Ibl 801b tin. 10e per Ibl IKal Oaten Baawtag Saellaa. ' . , I ateam rendered 10a. 10l4t per lb; Be, 10 VSTJLJSZ SET :L Ms0 SAlWumbl, r Mb J..IW tog a dec line of 23a today with auppllca at tba latter quite email. - Receipt ef potatoaa ara anty ardlaarr and lb 'market la kold-tg Joat ataady -with rbantae la the llat. - The bay market rematna eery weak except f" ,'tbe faacy aradea, but area thee ara quoted . Mnifeeda are' firmer tbaa erer ea aeeaaat at "tba email aunpi.ra aad a eoattneaece of tba dry wealber, whleb la killing aU tba range. Egg and real try Higher. . . BacelpU ta botk agga and poalrry a re con .alderably aaialier today aad botk markata are .firmer with a notch. Aa waa toM yea. terday, tha demand for old bene la bow very greet aad aalaa are keleg mad aa klgb aa 14414V4. 'wltk B oceaaeooal aale a'frnetkm ..klgbar. There la not mack demand foraprlnga and quotation ara Juat at cad amend 13c. ' Bee are o noted at SSc. .' .Tha follow In 1 quotattona ara tha onee paid by ' tha trad along tha atreet for flret-claae good ' hi mend . an. ITlcca at eouatry polnta ara ao apedflad: ' 1 Oral, rianr aad Vaad, WIJ8AT One tract, 1808 Mew club, T0 Red Kuaaian, etc: oinvaieni, iwj raury, too. A BARLEX Vaed. l-l.Boaa.00: rolled; $22.80 123.00: krewlng,s.t.wJ!. CORN Whole. fl.Mi; craeked, 8U.00 per tarn. ' 'RYE (1.85 Pr awt. . :0AT Nw Ne. 1 WklU, 137.00027.80; J Bray. IM.00e7.00. , .. rUJUH Kaatera Oregoa pateato. (4801 A H; trlfht. (8.T6: axporta. S 404j3.48; "ralley, (4.1t grana-. He (4.0P-, 10a. ,4.48; irye, B0, 8S.00; balre. 27B.. ' MIU.8T1.FFa Bran, (20.00 per ton; mid dUuga. (28.00: horta, ewnntry. (22.00) .jrlty, ,121. 00: cnop, io.w. Ko. red. ro. o red. ..... . No. 8 bard-tC. . No. 8 bard.-. ...... No. 1 Bortbera... No. S Bortbera No, aprlng Bid. ( .8244 JKI4 i!4 : .r lKl I. on .80 Ask. JIT 1.07 1.05 1.00 AMB1CAB emAiv TOIBLB.- Chlcago, Ana. SX America grain Tlaible aap . Bnah. 18.722.ono Corn 4.4H1.0HO Oata 8.14,0D0 Year Ago Bnah. 12.823.0OA 4.640.0O0 ' 4.120.000 Jncreaaa Bnah. l.nwa.ono 2211.000 4,CKM,000 Decreaaa. de mc Ibt abrltnna. lOe ner lb Kf nae tb: ahad. 4e ner lb: mo ahad. Be aer lb: V - , ar. - - IK, bl..h mv Tc ner lb: aflrer email, I per in; toneirra, ibc: iraaa mn I Wheat BC per int crawriaa. per aai .amuaro. mm 1 tlonl par id; imnon, ia par ui. OY8TER8 ttboalwata bay. par gal. (!; per sack. 8S.T8. . . cuai Hara (neu, per aoa. ax.w. raaoe tlaaw. 82.00 per eox CHICAGO BBACT CAB 10TB. Cbtcafa, Aug. tX Oraln ear lot: Car ...11 ...8N1 . ...812 Grade IB SOB . 78 Bat. an 844 842 infll ld 1T SI8 ......... f . . Wheat care today: annneenoiie 1 1, cuiuia .1. Tear ago: Mlnnennall 148. Vulutk a. CHOICE CATTLE .FIND A 1AV ntABC-BCO OBAIB xabxxt. 8a rraecleco, Aog. M. Official cloM, tag aeaaloa: December., December. WHEAT. . , Open. High. Ixw. Clnea. tlM (l.H4Vt (1.83 l-14Vk BARLEY. ; .M ,M(4 MVi LTVXBP00L aBAOr KABXZT. Receipt of Best AreTNot Heavy Enough Other Unas Show ' f Very Good Tone. ' - l.lrernonl. Aug. 22. Cloaa: Wheat, Beptrnv higher; Decemner, .H Met. 8t. By.. Manhattan By Mexican Ontral Ry.... Minn., Bt. P. Bla. M . Mlaaourl Pacific.. ...... M. K. Ar T-. com...... do preferred. , . ....... . New York Central...... Northern Farlfle... Norfolk Weetera, com. North American N. V., Ont. A Watt., peanaytrnala By....... P. O.. L. C. Co preaaed Bteel Car. com.. if r Pair .aeaaaaae PecMIe Mall BUaa. Ca. Beading. eom do Id preferrel do lat preferred Ben. Iron A Btael. com. do preferred .......... Bock laland. com....... do preferred Bobber Oooda do preferred ... Bon t hern. Ry-. com..... do preferred . . . . v. . . , Southern Pad fie, do preferred 8t. Lit. P.. M pfd.. do lat preferred II. U i W., eon.... do preferred.......... Texaa Pari 8c Tenneaaee Coal A Iron.. T.. Bt. U A W.. eom. do nr. f erred Cnloa Pactftc. cots do preferred.. ........ V. B. Robber, con...... do prcfrrrrd V. B. Bteel Co., com... do nretrrred Wheel. A L. B., com.., do 2d preferreo. ...... Ao let preferred...... Wla. Central. . co-d.... da nrererred Weetera Unloa Tele.... Wava. rem no pre. crrcn . 12P44 100 vt 1444 180 i 1"TT 88 Vi TOMi IMV4 211V4 H4 10144 148 104 40 PT 4844 1IA44 P444 08 TDK T uav. 9 rfii 8444 84k 80 81 V. 78 PA 44 17744 12044 107 84 44 1 10844 88 70 218 88 101 0T 14844 loftS. 4T 744 lt5 BO P8 '4 84 5 80 TIT 8.1H 8044 loav 8744 101 leeia 11 114U 1144 00 180i an 74 82 V4 188 223 -444 4U 2DV,I-1 e.T 88 48 7 88 177 12H 100 2 18 107 88 70 184 112 R-4 100 88 I4A 104 4" 7 48 118 4l 8 1 88 81 f74j as 177 That thla la Utah week at tha fair wag mad very ovWant on th arrival of large delegatlona from Bait Laka City thla morning. ' Vn.t night Congraaaman Howall nd ox-Mayor Ttaompeon cam In. . Tomorrow TJnltad BUUB Sonator Bmoot and Oovornor CuUor will ba hare. tha latter accompanied by Bi n a large delegation from varloug Utah cltiaa. Senator Bmoot -and Governor Cutlar will apeak at tha- apodal aUta axerctaea In tha Utah building Thura- day. In all of tho aectlon meetinga ox tha Irrigation congraaa hald today Utah man war taking prominent part.- - Thera waa not - a paraon on tn r round a from that Stat today who countenanca did not glow with prlda over tha auparb work of tha Ogdan oholr laaCnlght on tha occaalon of Ita rendition of Profeaaor John J- mcici lan'a -Irrigation Ode," worda by Mra. iSodurg. Tba anthualaam of tha great audience, which -ran high at tna renai tion of tha ode. In which the composer acted as accompanist, and Conductor Ballantyne as director, broke over an bounds when the choir sang the "Sol. rllara' Chorua." It took Tom Blchardaon nva minute to atill -th crowd -and tell It that It could hear no more until tonight, when the choir would appear at the same building .In a splendid program, and where they . could bear not only the choir, but Miss Gates, the Rocky moun tain nightingale, who bad Juat sung magnificently the "Wall 01 tna uesert ; Mr. McClellan. the greatest of organ. lata, and Wlllard -Weihe, the ."Mormon Tsaye." . . ; r', -.. - ... . ENGLAND SEIZES PORT ON COAST OF TRIPOLI ' fJaornal 8neetal flwvlc.. ' nnme ' inr 12. The dwi is pub uane-i hara that Bngland.has occupied a port on the Gulf of Solum, Cyrenacla llatrlrt TMDOIL Bear UI.IW-Ul tier. - Thla haa aroused comment In par llamantarr circles. - IUllan sUtepmen am much alarmed and want the govern n..t la lnuuire wnetner ureal omi- Intands to- observe the - convenUonbe tween luly, France and England, agree ing not to Interfere witn iiaiya ipuan of Influence in npon, ' centraCTW BY EARTHQUAKE SHOCKS 88 67 11 av 17) 84 88i poS 88 110 , 84 88 8 138 63 88 104 18 28 42 82 81 83 22 43 138 U '88 14 18 in 42 . 83 82 22 43 184 S3 88 KM 18 24 aj 82 81 : 21 42 120 IBS 10744 88 70 185 21244 88 lot 88 148 108 4 PT 48 118 P 88 3 7 (4 108 85 P 80 118 88 TI 83 88 80 17 88 184 88 82 110 88 104 IS 24 23 82 P3 Wa I Bpeetet ierrlca.l Tbirteen states and territories of the West are traversed by Rock Island lines. TL,; are more cities of 35,000 population and vpwaiw- . on the Rock Island System than on any oir . Wntsrn roadt From Minnesota-to -Texas,- from the Rocky Mountains to the Great Lakes, it is RocIsrand cotmtiy. The Rock Island System occupies a ' strategic position in the western railway world;" r ' V-.r Going somewhere? Get a Rock Island folder and study the map ten to one your destination , is on the Rock Island or reached by way ofiit. , Note our. several offices maintained Ia the v :. Northwest: '.'v" v',.'1 -' "rJ-:'Tt'7' Portland, Seattle, Spokane, - . Butte and Salt Lake, City. : r ' .The' Rock Island is .reaching out for busk-; ( nessana solicits yours. V . ' Qcneral Agent, Rock laland System, 140 Third 8treet, Portland, Ore. - .3...' at r.IXWAUKlE HEIGHTS "This choice tract is selling fast from the fact that the lots are' the cheapest and best located of any suburb around Portland. This tract is on the Oregon City car line and river and all lots are 50x100 feet with 60-foot streets; level and sightly, and one price to all, whether you buy one lot or fifty the price for each lot is $50. The title is perfect, a complete abstract of title of Milwaulde Park can be seen by calling at the Hibernia Sav ines Bank, owners of the tract, and free tickets to and from MUwaulde Park will gladly be given to aU intending pur chasers by calling at fioom 305, McKay BuUdmg, Corner Third tnd Stark Streets. Come and inspect these lots Una for $50. Acre tracts for $150 each. " ...f:.'.v u si 1 w m -w m - (DTK ? i.-i -UUUlabW 1170. 21 S 43 t 1 liimia - eee, 1.1, mm 80 The etronc tone contlnnee In all line ef llTMtock except cattle. Of three only th beat Cooke compenjr; are wanted and tba, daman fur three la eery I - ' poon. ltoga, aneep. apnns latnna, ir rat, a-Hll1"1"" Teal ealre are brlnglns top raloc today. I February UfTlclal price rur iiraatoca: . . -i i narra Hnea JBcat eaatera Oremn. 88.S0Q8.7S; April bloakara . and. (lna . fa la- t.maia.aai aleclierat Mae nad (eedere, $a.2t3.75. I Anpaat-Vrr. t'attle Beet.eaater Orepna eteer. 8S.0O Pentetnner 8.28! imt - en, meiiima ateera, a.oowi.oti: i iifimur , beat eeera .and kelfrr. . I2.n4t2.ri0: old and Noeemher aad. feedern, I ueceower 4.VI 200 - Pnttland TBloa Stockjanh. Aac. 22. U'- atock receipt: , , " ,. ; . l.a Cattle Today ......llfl 112 Week ao.' .. . 110 ;ri:n- nrlceTtmothr. Wlll.m.... I PreYkwa week IS 140 -Taller. Inncy, pn.onr orainarT, aio on; eaarer .llresnn, H.-018.00; allied. llt.OOr clorer. 18. 00 US.OO: train. 88-00; cheat, f8.00fi8.8U. , ; , -Batter, tt aad Fenltry. , , BUTTS ft FAT Bweet, 8ej apur. t8a , V- BUTTRR Oily creamery beet. 80cr aeeond radet 87 ec entaiu fancy, 87 ordinary. - atore. 18(tl7e. Ktio No. T rea Orafof.-cinaiea.a; eaatcrn. 2021e. . . .... v - r .... e-il v . !. a. -Vonna America, 14c.cbedrtar, 13. a 8tL d Blghar. ki...., n-,. r. 4a 8 il. d hlfber; January, 4 8e.,4 hifber. . COTTON UNCHANGED : . TO FOUR POINTS OFF Kaw Tork. Anr. 22. Cotton fu terra clnaed nnrhanped m- 4 potnta- lwe. . ,,rriai onotationa w u--. ., .i.n Total alc for day, 1.028.000 akarea. 08T0W COW'S ITOCZI. , Boatoa. Aaf. M -Of BcUl capper cloae Anan. ttleh. t-IW. floe. ..11O0 1112 10 1 00.14 '7 '.',V.Y.iiM 'iiii iioe " no4.-. .1 ... v. 1108101 1111 ,I1X JMK iiuiuni llNNf ucnitiiii Bid. AdTentor 8.78 Atlantic 18.00 Albmea ...... - Ba T- BHbaa 80.124. t'ai. a an.. Calumet 880.00 Centennial ... 23.75 rvaner Kanae. oa.rai l)alx Weal J.--14 BO Kloa 2H-'4 Maaa e.o.- Mlrhlpaa la.HTVt Mnbaark- no. no itA nnnlnlon. 27.80 Uranby I.1JH Oecenta .... Parrot Phoenls .... Qitlncy HbannnB . . , Tamarack .. Trinity I'nlted Victoria Bid. .1100 80 . 28.80 . i 1 iH . lOZ.OO . 1 23 . . 8 . 88.75 .1 4.37H 2. 80t W1 hVma-Tr.-"-1 J. o- Woirerln ..trM.t - t tab IT. . aflMInf .. Royal - Trna. Copper.. 48.80 83.23 21.M 82.00 Bt Louie. Mo., Au. ira-Mlaalaalppl tatea were wlaltetJ by an frthqua'ie ahock ahortly before mldnlht laat nlht." Three dlatlnct ahocke were felt aa far eaat aa nmo'"i ,. aa far aouth aa Memphla. Ia thla city . - .Kiin-r waa aaeomnanled ny a dull rumWln nolae. and rteepine; oltl ena were awakened and badly fright ened. No damage la reported. - . Baaalag a Srof. . . . .. (jearaal SpecUl Serrlea.) Saratoga, N. T-T AUgrlt. Retmlta-rt "seren furlonga-iKlng Pepper won. Br waya aecond. Druid third; time, I:I t-t. 8teeplechaae. nanaicap, Cha rewind won. Rutha Rattler aecond. Knight of Harlem third; time, :. 8I furionga varonea aecond. Sidney T. third; time, !;. -The Amaterdajn. tone "-"." won. Fuatlan aecond. iyArkle third; time. , .. rina miia ana ona luriuna Moneleur Beaucalra aecond, Vontromp third: time, 1:11 4-. ; - Plva and one nail lurionga oir v,r- uthera won. Mlntla aecond, Remington third; time. 1:01. ' MORMON CHOIR AT TOWER. The Tabermaole Okotf. S00 Voloee Strear, ta Slag at bawlp ajad Clatk Ouaarra- tory Tower Tomatiow Koralag. t. w Bhurtltff. treaident of the Mor, mon Tabernacle holr, haa arranged to have the entire choir aing at tna -ewin and Clark oboorvatory tower between 11 and 11 o'clock tomorrow morning. The new from, tne tower at inn nme la at- Ita beat, arid -thla added attraction of having the Mormon choir alng ought to bring lota or people. The Tavern' Crawfish. Portland'a world famoua delicacy has bee-f.dded to the Tavern'a menu. It la the ilnewfr-llaa-4i-l-aworia 110- got crawflah. - Try thera today. Oppoalte Oregonlan building. V Ladlea" annex 0 Alder. . ' ..I0A8 e .,.,1078 ItrTrf 1078 1094 lona 1078 Ittril-rBY-rfhlckeaa. mixed, 13lSUe' per . n .7T.. , lb: -be,. 14tl4V4e Per lb) .naaten.; 'old lie aa"2ii2.78: linile. 81.W. , - r -Ibl yonng. iw r io. nrmwra. ae i Hheep Wethere, 8 Mixed aheep, par lb; fryert. 18 per lb: dock., I8jle per ,ti,bt ewe. a4tetanrta lambe. 4e. !! ZZLj.'WZZZ SrVZ PT relr-od real, W te 00 ponade. 8Hec; ira, Wtnyaawi w e . er rtmff I -"tQl ' Iv1" Hpe.fWl aad Hliea. I ' 1 BOOS STXAOT . TO , StkOVa. UAM-itH.t. 1008 Oreena. 18i W 1 , - n ' i. iim4 aeon. 17atae o I " ' rhlraro. Ada. 22. Lleaatork recclnt ",-.: I IT. r.v arlieae and, -aadlna-a. I' ' ' Hoc t'attl Pbeen ' i OOL-Tme ellp. ealler. wree ia media at, I Ohniaao I8(xt n.omi 18.1 .1002 1107 10ft3r04 10TWiM 10W8M a.4 1001 10P1U2 .. TOKorA-i Kivnre stocks. Pan Freadere. Aut. 22. Toaopak atoeka, ef, Bclel cloee. mornlne aeaaloa I Jiiu. j4,o 7.WI0 7.000 a.ono I loooe J 84V,4tVc; iue, t82J eaater Oregon, I Kana.a .4'lty ; MOIIAtft Nopilnal. 80O8I. " 8HKH8KINa Hbearlng, 10130 . abort wee, . Inttuoci medlna weel. SotlMcl king wodt, . kOcul.00 eeck . . ' -i i TALLOW Irlma, par Ibl 4051 He. aad ..greaae. ITtS4C. . - CHITT1M BARK 8944 per lb . HIKK8 Dry kid-, he. I. 18 end Bp, .ie18e pt lbt .dry kip, Ne. 1. a to 18 Km, Jr. e,r i M- 1. naiar 8 Iba. H18c; dry ' 'Baited hide, ateera, aonnd. 80 Iba oa rr 8Hfl I TbU aflcntoon tb Union Meat enmpenr an Ptei 80 to 80 Iba. 8VCI ander aa lb aaa I ajmmced-' the following, adrancee la pmlalmie, ..., . . - KmI I. aaaad. af Tr ! I . . . . 11 - . , ,. - ' kin IB ... .. Ik. mmnmA. IA te 14 DM. ft M I , ..- . . . .i4c: eair.eMMina. nnaer jw lm . ti a, . 1 per Ik leea; ealia, le pJ Ik Icaal w.w Otlaaaa Cot tan. K.m Orleene. Ag. 22. Cotton epote: Uld- dllnn. 4ac api market tady at u J iae. IJeernaal Catta Hickar. fJeermdl. Ana. 22. Crttoa fatarrJ clpae.1 ateedy, 7 ta polnta blglwr. (ax rAyatco local stocks. - i- 1,. n nffl-t.l .laaa. marn. null y. ........ , i.vv i,.ww i nan , , , v , - Hog opened ateedy to itrong with 8.800 leftllng aeaaloa; . . feM.lna a vaar aen. wara I.VIM-V Irtv.- I -.010. aaa. u i.1 . m man H a.i an.l - . . . A a,,.. I AuIh rifa Water a .- M,.h mnA kaaew. IXHOal ILUt: 11. ht 1S Inlu ValleC Water .... ...88 r.i a . -"" I .a . l l . .1. dr. " ) iA.m. . t attle niranT. i. . ; .w . . . . Hbeep-rWeak.i, . .. ., . "T " f ..." ymOTUIO-H ASTAVCB TODAY. s' Itoraekld-e. aaltrd, each. 1.-S1.70I rf. . .ark. -81. 0001. 80! eolt bine, each, 2JO-OCI ;8oat aalna, cow mon. Hi. lOfJlkcl Angara, wita wool oe, eaev9COf i... rralta aad ' Tegetablee. ' WILL BT-LKET 8088IP. New York. Ana. 22. lte Wall Street Jonrnat my: Amerlcanii In l-wdoa are beary, H ta Bemw nan I j. rnreiin meiiia ann crmeoie m i laaa mi vr w-iniarn, ratner bopafnl. Good deesand for Wlaconaln Mntuat Elcctrie .'vi " ii.. A eieetrie ...... 75 r , . , . . " Olant Powder . .. ............... T llawallaa t'ommrrd! ............ aa ii-wka Bnaar - le' ;;...;, . a... ia vi . .-.ll anear ...,.,,.,.,..,, ao .i ................. 88 Alaaka Parxera- , California Krnltcenner' v... Oeeenlc Bteem.blp ..-i.- r. -. . ......... ..182 Paclfle State Telephon . ......... 101 V . 44 i 8a4 4 .77 ' IB i6o Montana ...... 8.10 Midway ...... ) i MrNamara .ft.. Brlmoot l.oz Nortb star ... Iteacn " (laid Mountain. .11 -in, a,iiu .. .na Ton. Nee (A).. .144; fn. Kxtep a. xo Red Toe ...... .87 (kildAeld ...... .53 , Sandatornt .... .' Jandatorai Ex..." Adama .,.... .04 Uohawk ...... ! , Bid. .14 ' ,18 .ia Dlxl ... Kendall . tvalnmbla Mt... Jumbo Jumbo Kites..., Sllrer Pick Black Butte .... Oolden Anchor ,. Hay O'BrWa.... Ton. Ohio O. Boll rrg..., 24 Mamondaeld 4.40 I me Rtac. ..... .00 Unmeet.- ..... .18 Caah Boy .20 I , . .74 .24 .11 .oe .33 tertlaa Kataa. ' . 4- ew Tork. Aag. 22. aterltng tatee: Demand, 48B.80488.4Si 80 dy. 484.704a4B4. jV TOSTLAITO BAVK TATI-ttlfT. flearlnga Balaacea . 1543.038 .28 ... 4i.sjs.ue J' " '. Aaothe Saf eraal Maeklaet -. Mot-real Special errlca.l ... NeirTorlt. Aug. It Police CapUIn Mile O'Reilly laat night received air tr.rmr maehtn dlagulaed aa a gift a.. rcHacn. Anr. 22. OfBdal cloee. mora. I clrar bos through the mail a. Thla la comstocx inirnfe tocki. tiNIOS-N..w lireenn vallow tltnvera, tl.80; Thirty roaila for tba aecond week abow a rc tng arealon: , 8tiae r Hi. ' 4'RK8U H l.7f,; fancy. ipi iti inia' Oreaoe. tl BOIranced .12 per cent. in nnnaa painee rnwa ........ ,r-1-. -- anlilreaanry amce Friday iraiiii, weat. ..VJw4.IT..rF 'THM4.oni lern woTe-ient of grata la fnormotia and cat Rnllloa n.lcber t'en. C!.-Va.., Hhlr t aleonnia ...... Mrxlras ....... Aadea Bid. .... .?4 t I.t.i 12 .37 1 20 " Bid. are t .49 U-etnal ,.,,-,...."3. I'tilon Coti v Vrllow Jacket.. ' .1.4 Frcbeqoer .. . . .47 lale Morcroe. l.jn tha third eznloalve inatrument aent through the ma II a In the laet four days. Some of the chicken batched by th Republican party a mgiftarin policy are coming home to reoet. In tha ahape .1 luivKAtta' I , l . ;Hor-or -Astoria. Swlft-eteamer Telegraph leavee Alder atreet dock T:S0 a. m. dally ecpt m day. I)eturnlng leavea Astoria p. au, arriving Portland :!8 p. m. Sundays leavea rortiana a. m., Aeioria .v . m. Arriving Portland p. m. . medaaed Batea te nutate Springe. The Soutbarn" Paelflo company has placed on aala at Its Portland offices ronnd trip tickets to Shaata Springs at a rate or o. ueautuui. iu". pamphlaU deeorlptlve of thia resort can be secured irom any nouinern agent. , ' , . . ' . Tranhna T-txtxra No. 1. K. of P. Rag ular convention tonight at I o'clock In Pwthlan halL eighth floor IMarquara building. Knight rank. Vlaltlng knlghta cordially Invited. . . '. u fe cRorca c. c. ' FRED V. HOLM. K. of R. and S. Ifa Btffeveat. - :' rnn thai Chlcaao JoumaL A man WlU gleefully amlla whUa help. Ing to ley a carpet In rhurch.tbut you pught tojeeJilr-Ldolntlbeaainestunt at home. ,- .iiil ' f Steamer Telegraph for Astoria. - Round trtp dally- (except -.rrlday) t-aavaa Aider street dork 7; JO a. m. R turning leavea A tori p. 88. Arrtvirig Portland t:lt p. m. BMnoay iv-e rrr ,, a t aa, -eaaa rgruaaa a ma. TteoaaBda la Portland aad an ajar ine BortTwaat can t notify te r" and aa auapted aoccaaa. , . - . GONORRHCEA- Mae ba attended with tba rniMt eomptlca- ttona' If neglected or Improperly jreaiee- We bare a pecine ir--.,i-- " quickly, aafaly aad painiaeaiy SYPHILIS I nothr aconlred dlaraaa. tba raeagae ef wblch wben folly-deeeleped no era aaa dMcrlber Wbaa It abow by kla ruptVn orTeeaTln aUiw throat If J ire ilreedy aegoa. W aafaly iMU oghly car yon aad a mlaacal potaona are mployed. , ' VARICOCELE AND ... HYDROCELE We treat and enre, net by tba eld laaeglcal procedure. Dot by apalnlcea BMtbedaolely aur ewn. we uarwi-w - are yoe th nf ferlng aeeoclated wltb Harreea DakUlty, Laet atukood. -Jnpetmey. ireTu" er?sLS:H,,?u AmkitleB In tne krUfeet time A Itttla done aoa we mmMw - . CaoenltarloB and xmlntloa free. Write ft ayaptom bUnkand book If yoe can not oir tea Hoar: day. M to 12. ST. LOUIS Medical and Surgical . DISPENSARY C, td aad Taa-kUl rU., yartlaad, Or. S a. m. te a, m l Baa. IOTSZ-S AS9 tM. PORTI-AND. OB-COOK ' " A-Mrka-B Km -r $3.00 Jtty -and Upward-. ... ' c HEADQUARTERS rOR TOTTR. . ISTB - AND COMM.-RCIAL ' , TRAVELERS. Special ratea made to famlllee and alngle gentleman, A modem Turkish batb eatabUabmant ta tba boteL ... .SL a paUacb hotel Whether he goes by land or eea. the traveler will And It a delightful trip te San Pranolaco. where he abould atop at tba world-famed iPafccc Ilctd and enjoy Ita gnany ett res tive featurea. For fuller Information writ ta the Palace, or aaa r. o. rassxr' r at the Portland Inforraa. tion and Booklaw Agency, Hotel Portland. ror modern - dental work. . World -re- - Downed apeclallatat Lowest prices eonalatent wltb flrgt-class I. the .'. .'. NEW YORK DENTISTS 7r0UBTS Mm sounw : Open day and night, from a. ta. " nnUI f lb sb. .Clatsop Beacb, Seas-d;, Or. trineet anmmer raaort in Oregon. t3 only hotel on tba beach overlooking tba ocean. Sea foods a specialty. -Tna notet has been rebuilt and newly furnUbed. Hot salt bathe. Fine surf bathing di rectly In front of tba hotel. Strlotly flrst-clasa. American plan. For terms and reservation " addreaa . DAN J. MOORB. proprietor. . "-' ' iiiac- rrisriOJNQ ANO, CNtAHGCMCNTS Or ALL KIN OS ' ..uu,, . Ismap sforyosyeiofeo one day:, Hotel U e t T Beautiful Cottages If you would like to ace some of the moat beautiful homea In the ylclnlty r Portland call' and have a talk with us. We , will -be glad to show them to I you. They range in pnea irom eiv x Ij 1,008 .itl per month le our plan. m. raavai Hotel-Eaton , Owrner Kenieeaaa woi Kk tiaata. Raadaaseip faralabed. elegaetlr aalP8 8 re proof, gee B-lantee1 walk froal keert I e abopplng nd bualuaa dUtrlct, all airy, aatalde reema. a tea a bra tad. Ler ii.w. ..i.nhAMa ia aaeh aearrm. r ... . aritla-L DW.1"-, ' ' , llaeaie em ami lagtVOrend Ave. IS. soinme, sorvnrs co, (Eatabllahed II-.), vnn An stoox iionu Moom 4, roaad Floor, - cxAmm-ft or oo naM t . f-. a-,lne ladlee' neeptloa parlota. ny mail ar teiepnon. yrtvata a-aaibaa meet tmlaa aad Room fl.OO to fS.OO a Da Special Ratea te Caataerel-J Maaa . " 'J '-,-r'mI. MAS lATOaT. tformerilr at-Hotel Sedpatkk peb.a.. ffTTT a . tmcz -DEStOXft AXO . ; Lii--,-u r aoa -4ti r i. BOre yr.'- - W . . , if I okt rmc ovERBECicrotARR o ccc::: .. . Members Cbloaga Board rfJ4 , bazs, mrmsn, eoTrr-r. t : - 'r.1- - ' 102 Third Street. McKay fcu.- ng, FMuan-wn Continuous l'arkete by Frtvat.Wlrei oulcf0. b-'m - r.: t-ttkera, t-1 Vailed Sieteg KatKmal Bank 4. - 81. ao; erange.. -)) li( lea-oa. cborte.7 1 8aTI8e la feared. .23 J korakia ...-. .a I -r. -1 , . . , . 4 ix