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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1905)
record: crowds see the circus y X. ' s M PU- MMjftlCtA"" . . -' ' -. a ITV J? 'DC TIERS le. ., ..-- v : f 1 i -y .- av i jr , i --- V v That's Worth Every Cent of; Fifteen 3o!Icra - 7 f iTfl thib muni ' Bf Raca Whitney. Bar. uncle. In thoa good old boyhood daya, when the droue, ni the ecet&tlo ront of the yeaV-the ambition of your life, the aubllmeat prospect' of your xiatenre marbe they told you about the creates ahow on earth!" They may have called It Barnum Balley'e, , inc. 1174. Itd.' . . ' Well, they were not Ttlddln. It U the biggest circus the world has ever witnessed and certainly far beyond any thing the western half of America has rvra dreamed of. It haa been presented twice In. Portland within H houra be fore about 11.009 people, and If there waa one person" In either of those audi encea that did not at some point of the performance cheer until he waa hoarse it wss because the shriveled soul of . him was sank In the sorrows caused by ttght shoes. : It is a marveloua show, conducted on the same gigantic lines that made the name of Barnum a household word, al though the creator has long since passed way. It contains (t thrills and 7 screams" to the minute.. And yet It ia a clrcua. . Not so many ' years ago the nation gave up Ita search ; for novelty under a stretch of canvas. ho matter how vast that stretch might - be. Why? It must bave been' because J the Barnum ahow waa In winter quar--Tera-or -was. tt tiondont " , Bves the Olewaa Are Bntertalnlng, , Yesterday there waa novelty to burn -It afl ssemed new, even the downs : one of whom, by the way, deserves better fate He la the' fellow who tanos In front- oltne r'eserveTTBSi section and burlesques baseball game. It Is a funnier sight than the average at i n 1 human mind could conceive. It is 4 : - performance that comes, within one ace ; nf knocking you out of your seat, and If the-tears fail to course down your " cheeks when. he gets to the home run apd Is presumably . called out as he j .slides In home, either you don't, know baseball or your sens of humor needs stropping. ' ; But be was only a down, like Torlck. , ' The marvels of the circus are lnnum i .arable. ,. It atarta off , with a spectacle representing the durbar tn India." It i V not the howling success that Rlngllng makes of "Jerusalem.' but It serves to I a teres t the early crowd while the late- HiilCiOliili Cannot Words fluent enough to tell you In all details the superior points about our high-grade Furnishings, v. ' , ' Our Neckwear at $1; and Our Shirts at $1.50 Are Just a little . bit newer ia style than the average and" ' they have that ' undefinabl-j -somethinj about them which distinguishes the skilled handicraft of the man manufacturers. Take a look . . at our ' V. New Lisle Hosiery, 50 c rr. 1 riobinson CD, Co: Itd Perkins BuL'J '"V:. ii. -' V' What Seed SaW at the Circua. ' : '" .'' '.' -V:--"'' V.v'-V congers are plodding to their seats. The circus,, by . the by, begins promptly on the nours announced S .o'clock and I O'clock. . Next comes the ring horseman ship, just as In the good old days, and then the moat remarkable exhibition fey elephants that the show business has yet produced. A group of the clumsy beasts actually give an Imitation of a battle of artillery, and as their trainer falls dead carry him from the field with their trunks. That doesn't seem possible, but It Is there, at the Barnum Bailey circus, for your own inspec tion, - ... ,x..-' .. 'j Bxottlng aad atatertalniaav ' Then, suddenly for It all moves like clock-work-you are confronted by a man who turns back somersaults on slack wire and a Jap who slides back ward down a wire arranged at an angle of about S degrees with hands free. There is plenty .of equestrlahlsm of a superior sort; aiid grotesque acrobatics are seen on the two stages, while the three rings are occupied by performing cats. dogs, geese, chickens, rabOtts, tur keya, monkeys and ponies. . You crane your neck, and twist 1t, tn an effort to see all; but that Is Impossible. . And no matter bow much you are compelled I10TIIEH.EEII- Captain Dillon's Team Arrives Here to Tackle the Wary ?T Giants One More. PENNANT RACE IS CLOSE T TAND VERY EXCITING Giants Are in , Better Form Now Than Heretofore for the Engage ment. With the Angela Local Men Stay Out Late to Celebrate. . V Yesterday was moving day In the Pacific Coaat league. Seattle going to Oakland, Ban Francisco te Tacoma and Los Angeles coming to roruana. - The present week, commencing today, will mean considerable In the standing of ths teams, on account of the extreme rtoaeneaa of the race. Portland and Tacoma are now tied for first position: Oakland, Ban Francisco and Seattle each. belna at the -.600 mark - ror second honors, with Loa. Angeles bringing up the rear. A few games either way will make a complete -change in the entire standing of the teams, Portland will begin ' another aeries with Los Angeles this 'afternoon. - Twe weeks ago Portland took Los Angeles Into enmp five games out of six, and the chances are that if the locale play the kind of ball of which they are capa ble Los Angeles 'will stand but little chance of winning any games this week. Portland dropped four games to San Francisco through sleepiness, stupidity and light hitting. Manager McCredle compelled the men'fd turn out for morn ing practice during tha past few days, and the result of this work ahould be apparent. It wouldn't be a bad scheme If Manager McCredle insisted upon the players turning In before midnight as sleep Is quite essential to good work. Monday morning, sbout 1:46 '. o'clock. several .of tha local men, in company with three of the Seals, were still cele brating Portland's victory of Sunday, If these men cannot see the ball today, a good scheme would be to blame it on to the signs on the fence at the park. Jones and Tosler are scheduled to do PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. 2 clcbs. Portland Tarnaia OakUne Seattle ,. Kan I'rancbire.., Lus Augrlee.... Tnfato 7T0 01 in 10 10 a 0 .1 ..vje 41 l 0 nl ..VIA 01 Ol 41 .MM it ftl (N ni 'n T 4M q iioi ) r ITewport Teaaie Tonjmament, ; itmrnmX Beectal Bervte.! Newport R. I.. Aug. if. There Is un ususl Interest manifested 1n Ihe snnual Iswn tennis championship tournament which opened at the Caalno (hie morn ing. Kxpert players from all parts jf the country are assembled here ami many of them are entered for the sin gles and doubles. .The winner of the singles will be celled upon to play Hoi combe Ward for the champlonahlp. Th winner of the western doubles will be AUGELS HERE FOR 1 J J I to miss,' you certainly have had your money's worth. . . . Four women perform marveloua feats on the aerial trapese bars. : A head balancer turns himself Into a giant whirl while ocupvtng an Inverted posi tion on a Ana-inch bar. You wonder if It will never 'cease. Men and women in traps perorm with four-horse teams with aa much ease as the .clowns who are meanwhile jumping on - and off burros. -,. - . .' .' . -j '-. But the great features are in reserve. The Imperial Vlennease troupe of aer lallste give the most exciting perform ance, I've no doubt, ever witnessed. There are 10 In the lot, equally divided aa to sex. and their feats, coming in rapid succession, arouse tremendous en thusiasm. - And These Balsa Ton Mat. One of the sensations Is Volo's leap ing; the gap. The gap la larger than it uaed to be, and his unenviable position during the three seconds he and - his bicycle are In the air literally . ook away the breath of the spectators. - The hippodrome is the most rapid and most exciting In history. It contains hurdle races, some of the horses mak ing vaulta aa high as five feet. . -Finally Mile. De Tiers makes her now Ward andB. C. Wright for the champlonahlp In dou bles. All champlonahlp matches will be tha best three In five advantage sets. Among the famous tennis players In attendance are A. W. Dunlop of Austra- NATIONAL LEAGUE. Wotu Iyst '41 P.C. .711 .(lit ' .W .loo .171 .112 New York . ..... Flttabura . 1 niceajo . ........... Philadelphia .t ....... Cincinnati . , 8t Ixtuls . Boston . . Brooklyn ........ - At Boston. H. K. ..1 1 Boston . . ..... St. Louis i .... ..0 6 1 Batteries Young and Morgan; Brown and Lieany. umpire Bauawlne, . . . At miadalpala. . " R. H. R. Cincinnati . ................ .t 11. fhiiarteipnia .- , .1 T 1 Hatterles Rwtng and Schlel; Nichols and . Dooln. Umpires Kmslie, Abbott and Walker. , ' , At Brooklyn. . " . R. H.E. i. ....... .13 14 1 .. i u t Chicago . Brooklyn Batteries Welmer end Kllng: Mitch ell and Rltter. Umpires Klein and O'Day.- ...... At slaw Tork. ' . v , . 1 R. H.B Pittsburg......., 1 7 1 New York . 10 1 Batteries Phlllppl and Pelts: Mat tliewson and Bowfrman. Umpire John stone... ...... AMERICAN LEAGUE. ' Won. Philadelphia......... 1 Chicago K5 Cleveland . .......... tl . New York , 6: Ronton.......',....,.. SO Detroit . . ............ EO Washington , 40 St Louts . it ; - 1 1 Ist 43 PC. .62 ,t7 .641 Jill .tit .471 .43 .263 .v,... . At St. XVala. . . St Louis V. . . . . ... .', ... . . , . . Philadelphia , Batteries Buchanan , and Coakley and Bchreck. RILE. ..2 t 0 8ugden; ' At Bataolt. First game -- .. R. H. B. Detroit........... ...... 4 0 Boston I 1 Batteries Kllllan and Drill; Tanns- nni and unger. Second game , 'R. H. E. Detroit.. ....,........'...... 11 Boiiton . . rrrrrrr.r I 1 . Batteries Kltson and Warner; Di neen, Criger and Armbruster. 'At Olerelaad. ; ' '' ' "First game R. H. E. Clevelend . , 0 2.3 Waahlngton t 14 1 Batteries Hnlla. Hess and Buelow: HuerheN and Klttredge. , Second game . .c. R. H. E. Cleveland .- .....2 0 Washington '. . ...j.'.. 1 -4 1 Batteries - Bernhardt and Buelow: Townssnd and Heydon. ,T . ....;.. . , At Oaloaga. . ' . ' R. H.E. Chicago . ..................... .1 g 2 New York . .................. .t 1 3 Batteries Walsh." Owen and Smith end iucFariand; Chesbro and McOulre. CHEMAWA STUDENTS' V WIN ATHLETIC EVENTS The'atMefes-from Chemawa Indian school carried off tha track and field honors at Recreation Park yesterday afternoon In the presence of a handful of their duaky eountrymenN Saunders of Chemawa won every event-In which he competed., winning six flrt placea Tha only event that was not- won by a celebrated dip of death, whirling with terrlfio speed around the outside of a oircle In- an automobile and leaping a Bras' while the machine ia inverted. . She Is. of course, .strapped Into . the . ma chine and it Is run in a groove. But that doesn't keep your hair from com ing uncombed. It is. the sensation qf the year, .and It was an enthusiastic, cheering crowd, that poured out of the tent at the conclusion Of the act.' The features above mentioned do not constitute the entire performance, but select any one of them, go and see It, and you. will not regret the money it COSt ' T. J- ; .The, circus was preaented to a vast erowd this afternoon' and will be oh for the last time tonight v ' :r.. Last night's attendance was the larg est the clrcUs haa had ainca Ita return from . Europe" aeveral years ago; the down town advance ticket sales . were also . the largest the show has had for years. Had 'It . not - been for the - fact that .when tha ahow came to Portland, the management Increased the seating capacity of the main tents the' show would have been swamped last night As it waa there were 1,000 at night, the largest crowd this season, and 1S.000 yesterday afternoon. :J : .: Chemawa atudent'was the mile run. cap tured byJuan Apacnoae of the Blierilisn institute. The summary: ' 1 1 0-yard daah-J. K. Smith. Chemawa, first; Levi Sorter, Chemawa, second; C. ' M orcette, Chemawa. third, j . Time, in Li,, 1 1 r 1 1 1 ' Discus throw Won by R. 8aunders. Chemawa. 10 feet 24 inches; . R. Smith, Chemawa, ...second; ; 8. Moon, Chemawa. third. '' ' y . - Running high jump--Won by R. Saun ders, Chemawa; Oswald Wiggins, Che mswa, second," M. Poland Chemawa, third. . Height I feet 1 Inch. . One mile, run Won by Juan Apach ose. Sherman - Institute; M.- - Wilson, Chemawa, secoml: B. Wilson, Chemawa. third. Time, 1:01. v ' -440-yard dh Won - 'by P. Casey. Chemawa l H- Quepah Ina. Chemawa, sec-1 ond; John McCully. Chemawa. third. Time, 0:tt. ' v V Throwing lt-pound hammer Won by R. Saundera, Chemawa, 102 feet 4 inches; J. R. Smith, Chemawa, second, M feet 4 inches; ' Oondy Moon,. Che mawa, third. . . . , Putting tt-pound shot Won ' by R. Saunders, Chemawa; J.' R.' Smith, Che mawa, second; Levi Sortor, Chemawa, third. Distance. IS feet 11 lnchea. 120-yard high hurdles Won by R. Saunders, Chemawa ; 8. Moon. Cheritawa, second; O. Howard, Chemawa, third. Time. 0:111-1. ! , ' ..-.-.,.,.... Pole7 "vault Won by - M. Poland.- Che. mawa. t feet I Inches; O. Wlgglha. Che mawa, second, t feet inches: 8.. Moon, Chemawa, third, reet 4 lnchea . ' , Running broad jump Won by R. Saunders, Chemawa, 20 feet 1H Inches Wiggins, Chemawa, second. 18 feet TH inches: Bagnett, Chemawa. third, 1 feet 4 lnchea .-..-( , 220-yard dssh Won by- J.- R.' Smith, Cbemswa; C Morcette, aeennd; J. Ju ardo, Sherman institute, third. ) Time, 0:24 2-t. Jast a Minute, Please Do you reslise the vast Importance of a thorough commercial tralnlngT - If so, why do you delay In sending your son ee- daughter, to our up-to-date business colleger we oirer complete courses in Bookkeeping and Stenography. - Behnke-Walker i Business College Sixth, aad Korrlsoa Bts, rortlaad, Or. Open all the year, day and night Call or send for catalogua . .. .. Oregon Portland St Helens Hall A'GiVls' School of the high est class, t Osrps of teacheri, location, building, equipment ; the best. ' .. : Send for catalogue. ' r .. t Opens September 18, 1935 - Tke aeboel eneiprleei: ' ' leaaury aeooeh t wiia priswry ass gransMr srailas. - aa eeaeemy emper, wbks sis n nnn sod we.lera eolles,S' - ".''! A board I n kail for girls. Offloe .brare of tha prlnHpa la earing the L. sesisier, from t m. to 14 m., at tae aeadewr. eat.lbina. aMreta, ..... . PORTLAND ACAPRMT, T Tklrtaoatk anS U. w. mmt : You'll have; to hurry. up. We're offering : these 'garmenti, at this price to clear the decks for our stock of winter tlothing now arriving, and well take no m.or orders to "hold a suit for me ; 111 call for it .within a few daygr We must nave the bpace We cannot hold the goods Jor anybody. . The suits are worth $15 of any man's money and If you;want yours for $7.50 you must call and get it WITHOUT pELAY.We are not selling cloathing at less than -wholesale and weeping for. some one to accept the snap, j That's not our way, so get a move on, buy a year, or two's clothing -in- advance and save enough to , clothe yourself for: another "year. V " :.f'f :m'''''''.''x: -Tr;--V; : g:J d ..-..- ' ...-.' , .-' . .. t- v - - - ; , If you know what that means with us you will need no other invitation. This is not a mys terious sale of mysterious clothing bought 'from "h mysterious house in a mysterious way. 1 II Is the Muek And that means everything to you. This is a big concern doingAusiness out and above board, It Is the Knck dothlni Cotehny feitlslics This AimCamcccient " So come on now; get -your suit; don't wait another minute! f ,,; 1i?3 MUGK eLO.TlKBNG CO. HATS AND FURNISHING GOODS Makes the round trip, tiM -miliary Academy y I ' l" Private ssd BoardlDf Bcbeol to r-fi Bora. Manual Trala. ins, Miiitarr inan . Mm, Coili Prep- aratioa. rirm aao kftlaat anbltlona ef yoata an eonrased sas aeealoped. . Koja of any age admitted at any time. Vail Term Opens geyV as, Rena for illnarratea ettaletea, eoetalnlng - .fall . laferBatws, ttrma, etc. Address ... Hilt Military Acadim? POKTT.AJtO. OR BOOM. How much are you esrnlAa each weekT Laa than ten dollars V, ' Are Voa worth more? Iid you ' . ..... i. vt-tmn mm i wim - ' any time,, but enter our school st once for a thorough course of rommerrlal tralnlns. Orerf short " ' hand It's easy, and food. The Multnomah Business Institute M. A. AI.BIN, Prlnrlpal. ' Tel ataia 4aoe. aa atasii Btreet. ' ...... -V . ;, .:. ' t .;. , ,-.'. .-: ... ' , ....... , ';:-.':..':.--.. . 4 : -. .V .-.?: : - ' .' j :'.'-. ; - . v - ; - ; i " " '-it-. . . ::.. . . : '..'.. " '- "". -'- '- l-: l'v ''--. ' ': -."'' V ,-1'' ; ' ; t ;. V-'-.v.!''! l.;;.;J.i ;v ' . Rcaht Wow! .. .' - I Vf. MACILLII!, rtcinc 109 6th St., Bet. Vashinaton Vancouver Transportation Co. daily, except Sunday, leaving -"V . w i aft i:- ; 1 . II !Jlaw "UiT(; mm Gbthes Kept, la Repair 1 Year. & Sterh cSJXeXLJ s a,. Taylor Street Dock 'at" Hen's $0.75 Suits Choice of a lot of $12.50 and $15 '. -Suits at ,' v We can fit roa i1 ,ome ' tnem I Men's Shoes 1 r $1.50 to 5.00 -fp c - V THU BEST9'UATZv UlF NOT RIGHT. WELCH S r ' ': MORRISON: CoJififiSTSr ... I" it . e. a- - I r::.i',i: .:x . mm