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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1905)
G0C3 irvo.7E..G ! ' Fair tonight and Wadntaday; esrth-- t a:!' -weit wind. VOL. JV.OtfOUX? f ... f-.c (PORTLAND, OSGON, TUESDAY EVENING. ; AUGUST 82, ; 105.FOURTEEM I PAGES. V a PRICE TWO CENTS. J?!!. t . t i r"7TF V ... v '';. ' rrV ' TTV -A A ' r Kadderly Building in 532, ESTIMATED AT -a ' a v-i ' Burned District Was Regarded by Risk In the City and as a High to the Point -V - Th Mtlmatad 1om f rgm th , flr frtat. $111.4401 ihr wiw about IK.OO Inaunuie on bulldlnra and -alOCWadetror") - or damasad. Tna 300 iriSURANCE TO COVER A LOSS , . amall proportional alBOUBl of tnaur. anca 1 accountad IorTry tn birh pra Bilum ratal ctuiraad -for that., locality. Thay'riancaf (ram ,.tp- 7, ar. eaijVaijd maay ppta- nat ,err.inaaanca, lrfaaa and inauranea wf aa followa imi. taatauitnt ana lUUIIUfllUUM, whara tha .flra aUrtad. 11.000 loaa on balldlac, Wad bj J. AndaroH ; ? loaa an furnltura. own ad by Mra. Mary liam inaarmnoa on (urtilture, fi.aoo. ' t Waiaar Co., aaoond-hand otora. lo, : 6QO: Mnaoranca on atock. MOO. -Orac Vauahtt. loaa on furnltura. In rtoonra liu Kaddcrly building, 40; In ' ; auranca, 100. " - r : V i Dravm.n aatattt. Iwn ffiDIt bUlldlnCB. loaa. II. 00: inauranea. 11.000, . ' 1 W. .Oraaory. rroctry In Kaddarly building total loaa; Inauraaca on atock, 1,000. - i V H. Suaheimtr. ; lodf1n-houaa, loaa, tS.OOO. i : ! 8. Wochfald. two frama bulldlnga, loaa, ff.tOO; Inauranea, 11.100. Portland tundry Camont Tray com pany. Iota, I2.S00; Inauranea. on atock . and toola, I00O. ' - -Voider- Vaaterman, furnltura and aaeond-hand atora. loaa. $3,600; inaur anea on atock, 11.000. . -. Johnaton, aacond-hand ' atock,"' loaa, ; $500." . '. . . , Chin Sing, laundry, loaa, $300.- K ' . T. Caaper, lodrlnr-houae, loaa, $100. Alr-Tlfht Stora Manufacturing com-ptny,- loaa on atock and plant, $20,000; Inaured for $11,700. of which tho Port land Truat - company , arancy carrlad $0,700 ln rha Amarlcaar of Philadelphia '. and Harrey O' Bryan acancy had $7,000 In tha Homo Inauranea company of Kaw ; Tork and tha Agricultural of New York. ' Kadderly Weat, three-atory brick btldlnftvtoaa'7$lt.000;-tnauranca $4,000. Kaddarly aV Becky,. threa-atory . build Ins. !oaa'$M.OO0; insurance $4,000. SOCIETY: FOSi'EO TO" SLAY WEALTHY HEBREWS 4 i, I ..'. ,' -.if Jewish Editor" Told to Become L : Z Christlirt or. Else He Will . fee Assassinated. '" --' "'(learaal Bpeetal Bcrrlce. ) ', ' . , New'-tcrk, Aiig. ' 22.-Death'v for - wealthy- properoua -Hebrews of-' New York, It la learned today, la tha threat ' made 'In a letter received - by -Philip ; Cowari, editor bf tha Amerloan Hebrew, which he promptly turned ' over to the , polloa., jCowan. received the. letter la .April and . neither he nor McAdoo paid much attention 'to It at the ' time, but V' the aendlng of -Infernal machine " to Jacob" H. flchtff and tha Uugganhelma brought It t light, j The, letter reade In ' parti - S i '' I -I wish to notify- you that a riumbef of men of different - natlonaltUea. of , good charaoter -, and ; education, havO formed- into a secret society and chosen h. I Tha nhfao Af k society la to kill any Jew prominent or rich, or that in future beoomea promi nent or rich In North or South Amerioa, unlets aueh Jew- dhangea his faith and becomes a Christian.".. ; .-,.. . , , t SAYS TEREDO 1$ HOT i DAMAGING THE OYSTERS - - (Bpeelsl Dtopatcfe te Tea JearaaLt Astoria. Or., Aug. 12. H. M. Brana ford, genera manager of the Northern Oyster compATTairtartht-tmr- tereda l damaging the pyeter beda .of the North Far me coast. Ha aaya tha teredo la not an enemy of the oyater. but that reference mut have been Intended for ' starfish, which have dona soma damage. There la no danger from the teredo and not mora from tha gtarflah than uauali, A a. Cloud ot Smoke.; A OVER a Underwriter at the Greatest Result premiums Were of Prohibition. ''p.l, Farratt Machine work, loaa. $1.500.. ,. Multnomah Mkchlna worka, loaa $200. V.' W. McKercher, two-atory buUdtng. loaa IS.OOf ; inauranea $500. ' . jj. Bailer, tlnahop. loaa 008. "K. Puoui. palutaliop. loaa $oa. " Mra.- Henry . Erdman,- lodf Inc-houaa, loaa $2.$0W . ,i. . -v . McKocnale . frame ; building, , loaa I1.X00; biauranca $500. ; a v Whlte'e auto garage, loaa $100. ' trtd. It tTUn lai itaia euy huflalng, lau l4.oaa . Kay. BabrenaT mlaalonT looa $200. : , T.-- W. Bailey, loekamlth, loaa $100. Mra. AJbugh,.v honaebold . furniture. loaa $100., ' -a ?.v ' - f . Bailey-buildings loaa $oo.. 3. 3 JCaddarly, eUble. loaa $500.- . v , Ola Bin, laundry, loaa $1,000.- . , Mary Hinckley, furniture, loaa $100.; R. C. Warner, furnltura. loaa $100. . -Lambert As Sargent, agenta, two cot tagea, loaa $500. ' " ' . :. .... 8. Bablar, hardware,' loaa $200. , J. E. Mlchaela, roomlng-houa. loaa on furntturai $100; inauranea; $150. 1 'P. Sharkey eV. Bona, , barneaamakera, lOBB, $100. V- . .'-'!;.:".': '',. ! p Karna Broa., Furniture and hardware. loaa $1,000;, Inauranea,- $500. Mra. K. R,. McLaughlin, roomlng-bouae, loaa, $500. ,. ;t c-" ' 7 Portland Coneolldated Railway com pany, tracka, cablea and elevated road way,. loaa, $12,000. -i - - Portland General Electric, loaa, $2,000. Pacific Btatea . Telephone .. company, loaa, $$,000. ' i - - City, of -Portland,' Eaat dak atreet aewer and elevated roadway on Grand avenue. Union avenue, Eaat Stark, Oak and Pine atreeta, $10,000. ... Paint ahop, owner unknown, loaa, $500. Poultry houae. owner unknown, loaa, $500. j : - . , -Had tho fire occurred yaatarday tha Air-Tight , Stove Manufacturing com pany 'a 'loaa would have bean $5,000 heavier.' "They had " taken"- with" - the Harvey.. O'.Bryan ageney a $5.00. addi tional policy, which want Into effect laat eventng at. ( o'clock, .. iv . . ' 1 , v- ... ......... ".;'. - ... .1 i r. '"(, 1 mm Hundreds of struction the ). - - r ' For .five houra thla,' morning . Port land' a entire Are department, with tha exception of . tne exposition company, atrugglad with ' a ': conflagration- that a wept- tho eaat' aide, devastating four blockai of . bulldinga, rendering - acorea of people hontelaaa and 'entailing a loaa of approximately $120,000. Twenty- two - bulldinga ' were - completely de itroyed, many were badly damaged and net a few bualneaa flrma and indlvlduala were flnanclally ruined. . .. ' 'Aa the flamea awept from one build ing to another and a general conflagra tion aeemed imminent, there waa a, panlo in tha homea, apartment - houaea and hotels In 'the, neighborhood. Women aereamed and became helpleaa; men be gan to vacate their premlaea hurriedly. carrying, whatever they could put hands on.-- . -,' '' ."-i A woman with a baby In her' arma waa aeen to run back and forth near a window In . the third atory of a Union avenue apartment houae. , She threw a number : of artlcleaout . and waa ap- j parently' about to Jump 'whan a police officer roahed-into.'fhe houae and pre-! vented her.- Tha building ; waa ",not! touched by the flamea.' It waa 7:07- o'clock thla momlnaTwIien the alarm waa turned In. A few minutes !bof8rethat tluie i Police " Of flner Blnnott- attempted to notify headquarters, but tailed to gat proper telephone communl. cation.' .. .... . , , , - ,! Between '12 and 15 minutes were lost partmant In responding to tna" alarm. Working Looking North on Union Avenue at Bov Leans From Vindoi names Started by . t - ' , f 1 - ? ' - f 1 ,' " " " -: -""-.?'" ! )h:: "V r ,, tv . u'r. 7T- - V. Li :.! .r,t I" . . . . . i' , . -; .',' ' 't fcWU&e4i H m rtSllS l Ja-iriWUwtte. j--.;--Jafo, Uaie iaaUeygMj:: sU aila i 4t , , M -.m sSt Jeto aaHv. a A-Xtfja Lives Endangered of Four Entire ; Blocks - Loss x im: ana insurance p,5U ,V and Man's an txplodins M Iowa todin House. When It waa aeon! .that tha eaat aide de partment ' could not successfully cope with tha Are a aeeond call for englnee 1 and f and truck 1 waa turned In.. For some reason tha. second ' call did not eoma In properly to tho respective bead quarters. Consequently the two. angina oo in panics . and tha truck eompany did not know where to go until another call waa sent .in. Firemen at beedquartara eay that between, 12 and 15.mLnutea were loat In that way.,,c . -t , , , . Three people were '' injured, women too 111 to make their eeeape unaided from Impending death were rescued by fire men, river . and - atreetcar. traffic . waa suspended until noon, telephone connec tion waa cut off, and a financial loaa of about $120,000 waa sustained before one of the fastest and flereeat Area In Port land's history waa under control at noon. .' Aa tha result ofan almost prohibitive Inauranea rate the loaa will be almost complete. -, ;.. - " i The devastated district Ineludea four, blocka, of buatnefca houaea and : resi dences, lying betwfeau Stark and Pine and Union avenue, and Sixth atreet. Tha entire district la In ruins . and other adjacent sectlona have . been destroyed by the flamea. , .'.i . , - There waa ' A. stiff ' southeasterly flamef ajut sent burning amber biasing Into .the. stagnant pools below the ele vated road way a and buildings. It was a spectacular nra. ping mail aa limy naiwi -nig wane of soma large building, the flamea were ':; '.- ;.'''ys :-4 i K,J tha Fir Enginea on the Burning Elevated Roadway. ' ' 'A 1' B oTIock When the Fire Wa lUjlng in the Ite Leg Is BroKen- ove m then beaten down, . and, running along tha dry and worm-eaten beams and raft era that aupport tho elevated: roadway a and bulldinga thky 'turned tho stagnant, -unsightly pools and sloughs ' Into bril liantly colored lagoona. ' ; . :' tba Tiro Started. '-: ' The Ore started In tha kitchen of. the Iowa restaurant, at . Union avenue and Eaat Stark . atreet, , and ' waa caused by tha eaploaioa of a gasoline atove.i In an Inatant tho. amall wooden building waa In flamea. The Ore descended and within a few momenta bad eaten a way under tha wooden streets and elevated roada In the neighborhood. : v ' " Theodora Eaaar of P. Sharkey A Son, harnaaa-makera, heard tha cry of - Are, and running out of hie shop saw tha flames buratlng from tha burning build ing. - Ho turned In 'tha alarm and with a number of companions rushed , Into j tha Iowa lodglng-boua on tha second I atory - ana awoae tna aieeping guests. There were aBoUt tin. the building. and when they ' learned the atrueture waa on lire they taade a dash' for tha doors. Several barely escaped the leap ing flamea, and very few were able to save any of their- belonging i ; . Tho flret alarm waa sent front tha old lows lodging-house. By thle time ' tha bla: had fair headway--xb,. tlon living aver tho gulch at thle point waa aattr in a lew moments. Hundreds were quickly in tho atreeta Mdragglnf (Continued; on .Page ,Twov- A. ? --. At AA Photo bjr Klaer Photograpnio Co,'. a i . . - . -I f r tL, LaU In tha Heart of tha Fire.. Theaa Firemen Death When tha Roadway Caved In. , T --.'. ' ' t CARS STOP, DYNAralOS ARE STILLED AD S1LEPH 0 f. ES A R IE S I LEn W Twenty Thousand People Have to and East Ankeny Cars' Are ! . - vtion on the East 'if , 'i4. Twenty thousand' peopJe. walked to their work thla morning on account -of tho lira: and several hundred will walk for a day or two unless they can find nrlvatji . Mnwntuuia ... - i popula-in.,,, and o-cock thla morn Ing tho current waa-ahut" off from all tho aaat side car Itnea, owing to tha dan- smsi 'aailaej ol Mseneal capea occurred before tho current waa grounded, and firemen worked amid a tangle of wires that biased and sput tered aa tha poles were burned and. ahort circuits made, -r - . -r At- the time of the greatest morning rush care atopped abruptly all overtbe eaat aide,; and . realdenta of Upper end Lower Alblna, Vancouver. WoodJawn. Piedmont. St. Johne. Unlveralty Park, Mount Tabor, Montavilla. Brooklyn and tha- dosena of other dlstrtcte and sub urbs started on a walk of from two to six. miles.. Most Of tha lines ware put In service by 10:20 o'clock but tha power on soma of them, notably - tha - Alblna routes, waa ao weak that twice tha uaual time waa required to make tho trip. and thla condition will last for a day or mora. . ". - Two lines, Montavilla and. Eaat An keny. Tire out", for lack of power, and for 14 houra or ao there will bo no serv ice. .-A" "- " t -.- , : "Wo could operate tho Montavilla cars and transfer at Grand .avenue, were It not - that our power lines are - burned off," aald General . Manager Fuller of the Consolidated. "For tho - time we will give double service on tha Mount Tabor line, and to a considerable extent relieve the congestion, and by tomorrow evening wa will' have llnee at rung ao thst. the Monta villa service can - be again Installed. 'The power la weak on several eaat - aide - lines, - notably - the .Union avenue and Willlama avenue ones, but thla will be remedied probably before the evening rush begins." . Tho Portland General Eleotrlo . eom pany also had Ita trouble In connection Had i - Narrow" Eacapa From. Walk to Work and Montavillii Out Because of Conflagra- , Side of River.- .-. - -. - with tha fire and . for tho , day .neither power nor light waa given tho buatneea, section of the 'east aide. 'many of the smaller factories and ahopa 'taking rest because their dynamo were attlle'd. : "'Aa Boon as it is cool enough' for .tha man to work, la tho ruiue wa wiU atrlng tc moflraf v wlrra - aakl Ihnawlnta F. O." ykea. land service will be sumed this evenlngv - On atreet. and two Incsndeseent mains were Severed, but we will bo able- to. fix-tip-torn poetry -line aa that the district will bo given power and light aervlce1 tonight, Tou can tell the people that there la no fear thatth- atraata-win be-' dark orrthat houaeholdere will have to fall back . on oil lamps."'': ' ' Patrona , of tha telephone company . suffered great inconvenience two of the eaat aide cablea and hundreds of wires were on Union and Grand avenue and were destroyed. . Superintendent Thatcher aald concerning tho altuatlont "Soma of the auburban lines are out. but the chief trouble la with tho line that serve the central aaat aide diatrlot. Roughly . tho atretch Included In - tho phonelesa district la . from Eaat Ash south to Madlaon " atreet, and from tha river, eaat-to Tenth or Twelfth atreet. Thla ineludea all tho eaat side whole sale and tb major portion of the retail ' bualneaa diatrlot, and we will renew, tho service Just aa soon, a our workmen . can atrlng temporary lined, which wl.l not be for soma time on aeoonnt bf the hot rulna they have to work in. and tho number of lines to bo reconnected- Wa . hope, however, to have the major porllon of the disabled service In operation by tomorrow noon or evening. niLLioriAisE FinEr.:En iv: i 6L03Y.i:i .finS.. ; ' '' ,. .- i-. Amateur , FlreFlchtsrs ,;.Cxv ' Property by Smashing It Ci-i ' t,fore Putting Out Ramt.-.r , "".V"'7,v'-.tH;,,. (Jearaal SpeeUl airVlee,)-- New Tork. Aug. 12. The minionatro Are. department of ' Larchraont ' Moi.or had a chance to distinguish. Itself, .li -t night, when, the fashionable . Witch I houae took -flro-and - tha - wealthy ' f -a laddlee gave a . remarkable perfot i anca. When the alarm- waa. Bounded t e company of eight firemen started: to" t e " acen or tho conflagration, but while )a tho way alx.of.them discovered ,U r had forgotten their red ahirta and:h. i" mets and turned -bark to-get the n. They .arrived "at - tho' Aro.10 ntlmit tater., . ) '.' . 'r-,-, I- Though the bias waa In the kltcr the. Ore men .began , to - hack, . away .- i axes at tho walla end Inlaid floor of t a dining-room i Than It occurred to fh- i to try to remove tho property, from t e burning building." All-dashed ap aul a and In a few mlnutea - the apectato saw - expensive garments' being toa t out of the rooms of the second floor -. I fall on the . branches of trees, - whe.e they became entangled and ruined. ; Beveral thousand dollara- - worth t? women gueeta' elothlng waa leet 1 1 thla way. Tho Aremen threw expene' furniture out of the windows and .. amaahed to pleoea en tho ground. - - tlmo th Are In the kitchen waa bku. merrily. After some delay a hose connected to a hydrant and the I waa quickly ex,tln-nlahed, . t EAnTKC-'AXE tl':::l:3 r czmFr.i sir." (araal .U1 gir 111 I L lula, Aug. 22. A Be- Knuoetlon building at the .rounds wss wen. ouske Uit nl-"' J morning, arr. fatally. IcJs. :;vrt -:V"