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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1905)
1- JZm. I ': 1 -'Ill) ourt, Dismiss. Cher AsJtnt j Rythir tr.i" Cpescsr, Cat Hoii. bthV otocer. MINER AN-V FOHTCCCUC " ; SERIOUSLY COMPROMISED Court Hold, Armjr System to Blama - for DnrnkraoMW Expoei Durirj -J j Trial, Not1 Tar." or .Hs Wifo- Ufa. Tagzart WiU Taka Stand; 7 ' (aVeetal DUpetek tobiiXI Wire to tb Jearaal) . j Wooatar. Ohio. . Auk. X. Th ruling r Judg Eason en th motion to dismiss chargea agalnat tha military offioars with tha axoeptlon or Captain Ryther and aa . ngalnat Clinton R. Spencer In tha Taggart ' divorc caaa oame Ilk a dap of thunder ' ut ot a elaaV ky today. Not only did ' ' the Judg flatly decline to dismiss tha '.' charges against ' Oanaral . Ulnar and ': ' Lieutenant Fortaaooa, but ha want Into i .tha marlta of tha eaa ao far aa ha haa , determined them - up to - tola . data. In . clear tone ha proceeded to discuss tha . .caa aa it now atanda and .to aum up ' ,tha relevancy of proof In hla handa.- It ,waa Jn a manner Ilka a knell of doom. ' -1 . "In rarard to tha motion to dlamlse -: eartaln .ooraapondanta In tha petition," .aald Judc Baaon. "from tha charge ' .made. Lieutenant Ryther eaane Into Tag ! (arfa-houa In tha night. He waa In C they At or ten tninutea and want away. An anonymoua latter waa received but ' ita suggestion wa not acted upon. " , "While .theaa facta war ot a susplo- . lou character, no notle waa taken of ,tbem, even by Taggart' brother, wh for yaara after said ao thine about them. The law require tha delivery of teatl mony and careful Judgment muat b .T tieed to date rails that crlm ' haa not Afeea jeanrmltted. . Th charge agalnat . Lieutenant Kyther 1 not auatalned. .v Clinton R. Bpencer 1 aaaallad on tha strength of a conversation bet ween ' Itajor Taggart and hla wife wherein J J .. warned her against hi, company and telnet him aa a man. Taggart teetl ' fled that hla wife accompanied Bpencer " to Cincinnati' after h had given her th warning. There . la, ', however, no evl dene, of their keeping Improper hour and no Incident cited show the vital ' circumstance. -. , r.. y--,'.; ' A,; .,"',' Charge Agaimat lflaar ;. : V "While ah may hay been imprudent v tinder! admonition,' at th . aara Urn , there muat be more ahown before th ,, court eaa find the ebarg ubtantlatd , and th charge I dlamiaaed In th caa ,' of Clinton R. Spencer. . .- ,. ' "In. regard to General' Miner, Captain . ' .Taggart . aaya hla , wife told him that jWhil at a. dinner tarty at Miner" bouee , and whll aeated at dinner table with thra Oeneral - Miner - felt her ..leg. . ' Thlr muat have been an xgge ra tion, : and i " yet alter leaving th 1 ;tabl h preaentad her with a roe and tcld ber If It war not tor hi wlf h :;. .mtmii gtv her U th roee there. - He - .aeked to call on. her and epoke about ward Captain Taggart cam homo and ! "found General Miner leaving hi houa. KtB'Wtf said h had bn in . thfctr parlor about on hour. A young woman leaned chiohad remained -on Ma porch during that ealL fiha aald ha took. a t direction opposite to bis heme beoaua -aim -oia laay.mignt eaten on.' 4 - v . V', ; ' TlHinant lUUi . "Captain Taggert taw Miner walking with hi wlf and acting In a frivolous . v 'manner. He warned hla wlf and hi , -only recoura was to file ehargea which V let neoeaaity would go to Miner a com- ; mending of fleer and h testified' that h ; jwaa told be waa,. under tha circum .ataneea, justlfled In shooting hts brain v out. . , - ; ' "Thar I a cireumatanc which-: tank v -deep in my mind," aald Judge Eaaon, l with eapecial olmnlty and emDhaaia. . - , "Th obaervano of contradiction aa - to tha relation between General Miner and Mra. Taggart, In view, of which I will 'hear the whole evidence In thia case. Circumstance though potent may ; meit in uia light of other teetlmony, ;Thia oomment 1 from Taggart ttl ; mony. He waa put In that hall charged s 'wnn aeut aiconaiiam.' . - ' . "Surgeon Hoff, a major Inlh United BUte army, and a captain In the earn . aenrlc were with hint, on th day b waa . . arreied.--w have, th teetlmony f .both that Major 'Taggart waa not in- . . - j toiicated uien and that tbar wa no i evidence about him of alooholism. Thia - (' la powerful teetlmony and unoontradlct- i i i aa iw i rmxm oi outer eumenis .-for which -ha may have been eonflnad. I t ' I don't believe man who had been ftght v ! Ing hla wife at t o'clock la th morning f v , afflicted with acuta' alcohoUam could I ' have been on duty at rid range th aaro day where w find him. Now, If Maor Taggart waa not confined for aout al .conoiiam, wnat wa n arresia ana im 'prisoned fort. : ... . " . .- BwollnM U BeleM Mtsm. ' . ,; i "Miner felt of her Ugs and wa seen ' around the premises. I therefore de , cllne to dismiss General Miner from th .charge. There I no proof of any meet Jlng between Mr. Taggart and Forteacu " i which In Itself would prove th charg. but . taken in this '-ease one transaction "reflects upon- anotharano taken- alto . gether demands an explanation.1 If th ' captain was not In that prison for acut i alooholism, waa he not ther that hi mouth might be shutf ; - - I At th conolueloa Of ' th : decision, , Judge . Eaaon declined to release Baab, .Miner or Fortaacu . from . th ' crime ,- j charged against them. Hla ruling waa .a piece of logic worthy of a supreme .Judge and waa gjtven from few note, i without, a page written out. . He only - .! added at Ita conclusion that becauae of ' th fring of dleslpatlon that surround " ' army post th habit of drinking of both . Major Taggart and hi wrfe would not militate against them materially While ' he deplored conditions In this respect, he ' : recognised them as a condition for which the plaintiff and.' defendant, were not alon responsible, thereby giving to the - TTnlted States army that portion of blame for which, In th Judge opinion) . ti dcm It responsible, . ,; y '- " Sack Make . Xaml SeaOal. '' V, ' Depositions occupied th remainder of , ' th forenoon session. Captain Bash de nied all and every allegation against him by Major Taggart and Augustine de la : Cru aa to hi being-found with Mra. Taggart In a bedroom in Manila, and gav the major .and hla wife a good reputation, i His testimony mr tiiTt -considerable' weight . lieutenant For- teacue's deposition did . practically tt ' same . thing. 80m admlaalon were, '..- however, mad by him. ' . Shortly befor a4journment-th attor ' neya for Captain Taggart objected to th -Introduction of testimony of defendant - , f defendant ny af- -r words, l" ":!?f do not atata faota giving the court jurisdiction under th lawa of Ohio. .. Th. point wa not raieed unt J Mr. Tafert'e attorney were about to in troauce testimony in her behalf. Should tha oontentlori of Lawyera Wart and Stirling, be correct Mr. Taggart will not be In shape to aecur any relief. Judge Baaon stated today that In hla belief th ease will not oontlnu over two weeka longer.- f' 1 'r--' '" Mrs. Taggart wllL b ori th Und at leaat four daya, par heps nve, and tha is wltnesee may be cleared up In elx days' time, whll th argument may take up a much aa three days. This may be shortened, . however, aa tha occasion arlsea, ...... " :-, - -v- - c::lV -tamn m . ; i:i 'i ?- .V . - I . VI- Marion CoMnty .' Has . ths ' Bast i V ' Record So Far ; Ra AS (SoaeUh Dlspateh te The. fcaraai.) JSalem, Or Aug. II. County Superin tendent , Moor this afternoon nounoed - th auocessful applloants for teachers' eertifioat in tha examlna tlna reeantly held la this dty. Out of Tl taking, th examination only two failed.., This la th best record reported from any county In the atste thus far. Tb liat touwa: - - . - Flrat - aradea Anna - Starr. . SaJm I Mabel Harper, Pratum; John W. Smith, Salm; Mr. Alio Traver, Pendleton; Edith Ck Hasard. Ida Millar. Treasa, A Mofflttr Salami Mra. Alma Col lard. Brooks; George A. Maaaay, Hood River; Julia, ChriBteneen, Woodburn; Ida Stran ahan, Maud -Stranahan, Hood River; Amy , Mark wll, Rlckreall; Bertha Her man, Woodbura; ; Winifred Balaton, Brownsville; A. A. Roy Salem; Carrie ChapaU Auma villa; Edith A. Swabtf. Sa lem; Iena U. Barendrlck. Olive M. Mlsa. more, . Jessie - M. WUde, , ChrlaUn Thompson.. Portland.. ' v Pi:mary certlflcatea Adelaide Sohlndler, Salm; Jenirle Burt, BeJem. - Second grade Jean D Witt. Mabel Wilson. Llbbl Wilaon, Satams JennU Gunning, Turner;,: Clara Harper, Pra tum; Anna, Simpson, Woodbura; Louie Wenlger, Salem; Blrdl Manning, - 811 verton; May Ha. Turner; Maud ' M. Barkua, Salem; Maud A. Barr, Bar bars Barker, Turner; Catherine Stand ish, Broamevtlle; Ethel McNeal. Turner; Flodene Walbarn, Mary M. Heist, Sa lami Emm, Knapp, Aurora; Helen Saw yer, Oervale; Lela'A. Boylek Salem; Chlo C Clark. Motalla; Nellie Cleve land, Salem; Marl K. Klsallng, Mao lay: Kthel Brown, Independeno. . Third grade Mary U Hetriok, geOem; Emma, Hofr, Champoeg: Ethel Harri son, Qervals; Lydla A. Mancheatar, Sa lem; Nellie Gardner, Monmouth; Mary B. Davidson. Salem; Tero Hicks, Silver ton Clareno Phillip. Sootta Mills; Ma S. Xiongrvn, BUverton; . Addl Cooley, Garvala; Beeata B, .Jonee,- Maoleay; UitUI V. WrKlitnev. 'WmMlhnrn; Klala -.y"'ra,nnU. TTthalrtrafla mnrrh,, Buth nrrang, Ba)m : lda M." Stephana, ' Woodlawh; Ines Waggoner, Mahams; Lest J. Wan- leas, Woodburn;. Eleanor " Richmond, Dora Eater Walla, Salem; Luclnda sia gel, Shaw ; Hermlma Knapp, . Aurora. HOREDS OF PASSECSi Have narrov escape - M - . .' s.: - f. , . f .i V-': ' Two Southarn Paolflo Trains : Collide Had-0n In Call- ; - - Maryavlll. Cal- Aug. 1 Hundreds of paaaengar on two crowded traina of th Southern Pacific had a narrow es cape from death early thia morning when a head-on collision occurred near Iomo aiding, four mil abov Marya vlll. ' Train men claim th accident was du to conflicting order of th south bound Oregon express to meet th north bound i at Lomo, and it wa Blowing down- to take th aiding, however, not before th Oregon axpreee, which ex pected to meet th southbound at Live oak, several mile above, and waa going at a high rat of apeed. ' , Owing to th larg stretch of straight track, tb headlight warned th en gineers and both reveraed. The traina were nearly stopped when both bumped together, damaging pllota and headlight and passengers were eeverely shaken op. NINETT-NINE DIAMOND i ; CASE WON BY CONSIGNEE ,. .- v i ir. v (geeeUI Dtopatck by Leased Wire te The fearaal) St. PauL Aug. 1. Th United Bute court of appeaia, affirming the dlclalon of the tower court, today decided the famou "t diamond" case and laid down th principle that If goods are consigned to a dealer, with th option of fxtroh) b beeomea- th oonetroctlee owner. ' . .-.) -.. ? - ii.v ... . rink, Bobenhelm St Co. ot -New York eent to Henry Boetruck of Bt. Paul II dlamonda with th option of purchasing all or any ef them. Th government at tempted t confiscate them on the ground that Boe truck wa neither owner nor tb Importer. Boetruck 1 sustained. Th court also decided that there can b no criminal prosecution. r : ,A . . SENT TO JAIL FOR ; ' J . - WHIPPING HIS FATHER , . "(gpeettt Diapsteh Th JaaraaLl ' CorvaUia, Or, Aug. 1. Press Taylor. aged tl. whipped hi father at Philo math last May.- . A warrant waa Issued for hts arrest and Taylor disappeared. H returned to Philomath yeaterdav In an Intoxicated condition, whipped hi father again and wa arrested by Deputy Wells and lodged In Jail at CorvaUia for a period of It day. - i (geeelet tMeaetck te Tae JoeraaL) '. , nnvviTii iw, iv.-AnraifS a t incorporation were- filet In. the dark' offic.. till morning for tha Olendal Btate bank, located af Gleiidale, Oregon, with E. EL Redfleld, W. H. Red field. A. Ollbertson, H. O. Sonneman. L, K. Page, F. Horer ana j. Harding as incor porator. . ',,'- . .'(. .-', Th duration of th corpora t loo I unlimited. ' It la capitalised aw ISMOO. the stock" being divided into J50 ahare of 1100 each. - '. . " ar i .n i n ' 1 -' . - If y-iu writ to Journal advertiser ' z you read hi ad In Th Journal. Iblel Mmbtra Ci.'tit Another Race . t,:t ti livjrtt tha Fall .. . ana tnmir.i,uvnt. lf4TES:3T.:i6. F3CGRAM h ' v COULD' CS' ARRANGED Women Would Enter for a Mile Trot . and Various Distance Would Sas Lfy "Ardor of If en Staeplo-Chaae Event Would B Star Attraction. There I a feeling among th members of the Portland Hunt olub- that a fall meeting should be held some time dur th first, part -of October. Whether or not tb prevailing wlah will b gratified by the lssuanoe of an order by President Downing, and hla cabin 1 at present a matter of conjactur. - , . i Ther are :mapy In th Huat club who think that th correct way In which to conduct a year'a outlngVln the Hunt club I to 'hold a spring field day la J una, and to Inaugurate the fall sea son with anothey meeting of a similar character. Such mf schema, while' It looka simple to the outsider, la by no means an easy task, a only those who have been directly responsible for past affair can appreciate "what It mean to create an Interest and to ' aonduet a meeting, such aa waa held at Irrington rac track June IT.. ' 'v President . Downing . thinks that a meeting in October would be an accept able thing It tha members got busy and helped' arrange It, as he would lend whatever assistance possible. At th annual field day in June a aplandld pro gram was carried out and those who witnessed the races declared that they were com of th beat ever pulled off under d bunt club's auspices In th west Hunt club rider have been keep ing their horse In trim during th sum mer, ao that It a meeting were called It would tak bat ltttl-U order to get the horse In condition for th event. TH program could b fashioned after th June schedule of svsnts, that proved s Interesting, and successful. A mile trot for the women, a half mile, a seven eighths, a mil and a two mile run for the men,' a pony race 'for the boy and aaveral other event that would attraot th lover of horeefleah. Th affair could start 'out with a papercbae on th infield. and -a , half mil run for 100 pounder and a mil hurdl rac eould b added ' for th gaiety of natlona. A ateeplechaa ha bean suggested, and if it la got up 'It would be th moat fas cinating rid of th entire card. The Hunt club will bold Ita meeting about September 1, and It I Quit likely mat Ths TnttaT-wtn t given proper at tntlo ap thia UmJ-., v r; WHAT EXPERTS THINKS V-'-OF MORNING PRACTICE Spadal Dtspatcb by Leased Wtoe te The Searaal) , In apanklng about, lb evrOutjitJcaip Ing practice for a ball team when at homer Conni Mack, th noted ball man' agar, aayas "I eonalder morning prae- tloe th most essential thing In base ball and -would fine a man heavily If be failed to ahow up at the park." On th same line, Hugh Jennings, "one of th greatest shortstops who - -ever tossed a ball, aaya: "I would not feel well If I didn't get my morning prac tice, and I do not know of anything o beneficial te player aa hour or tw spent on th diamond In the morning." Fred Ely, whom the world know a on of th greateat tara who vr wore a uniform, claims that morning practice aoea more to develop a player's y then anything 1b. - Ely any that all teh big league team ar compelled to practice very morning for two hour whan at home, and this I kept np until th season is practically over; Thee few pointer ar published for th ben. fit of the Portland player, wh think that sleeping until noon of each day, I better for them than an hour or two at th ball park. An hour's ' work at Recreation park each morning ' mean that Portland wouldn't have so many man left on base in every gam. - ALERTS ARE BEATEN m :; BY THE I. B, C. TEAM Th L B. C showed their superior ity over the Alert laat evening by beat ing them by a score of 10 to I. . Th I. & C's hav carried off th laurels of the season, having beaten th Alert three gamer-out of m puyd.-Th lineup waa:.'.?. tv- i ' v, J I. a C. t Alarts. Michael ....... f .e. vr;. J." Jameson Metcalf ........ .p. .....,.W. Jameson Yoder , Rgnyon Guthrie' Courtney Richardson ......tb. Hartman Hessemer ....... Thorn Barnett ...... Jackson Cbeek .......... .rf. ....,.. Trod gen Alvord ...... ...If., v.. .Gardner GOOD GOING AT THE. : ;V; LATONIA RACETRACK Cincinnati, Aug. II. Result at La- ton la track: ,- 1 ... . - Seven -furlong Omella (Koeiiie). It to, won; Covin, second, Ooldbell third. Time,. 1:14 i-5. Seven furlong Rsvlana (Schade). S to- I, won; Erla Lee. second. Bravery third, rime. 1:1 -. Five furlongs Sister Francla (B. Mor rison), 4 to 1, won: Oia second. Hoi Pollol third. -Time, 104 1-1. On mil Redleaf Radtk). . I '.to 10, won: intense second, scotch -TMstl thlrdV Time, !:-. ' , Five and a half furlongs-i-Queen Car olina (E. Robinson), I to 1, won: Ms!- Ueabl secoad, Japan eee Maid third. Tim 1:14 l-. - .-.-.' Mil and a quarter Foreigner (Radt ke), t to 1, won; Fonsoluoa second. Dun gannon third. Time, 1:1 l-l. , ,'" . ; stui oa right ' Bob .Fltsalmmon. th grand old man of th prise ring, declared himself th other day. - Th old fellow think there t on mere good fight left in hla old earoaaa and Invites th best man in th country to giv him battle. All Bob want - I - on month' training, but would Uk hi prospective opponent to make known tils Intention before tb sun quits shining en both side of th treat. : pertlaad' Fee Work. Portland'a exhibition yeaterday at Recreation park waa quite In keeping with what baa been going on In thre previou iramea, and If th nonaen doesn't soon ceas the local will be playing to empjy seat a Ten men left on baa I about th limit. ... .' ' ; . p -. . ' ... : '. vtOntlaI f-T-n ptg Eight) rope, and his f.Hsr to talr advantage of the eppct unities xcitd th dls ust of the onlookers. Billy Median affects to b aaUafied with Ruhlln' showing. "It waa a faat fight and a pretty good on for big fel lows," aald Madden. "It seems to m that th people out here- have become accustomed to exhibitions. They want work ot a a persuing ohareeter. Ruhlln never received harder punishment In his life tban he did from thia fellow. But whether San Franc lsoo liked the fight or tot Ruhlln la now the world's eham . plon. I will proclaim hire such and will see to It that h la ready at ail time to defend the-titl." . Mot a word baa been heard from John L. Sullivan ?or MoCormlck lnc that fateful evening. It 1 believed now- hat John's monologue. will not contain any further reference to Texaa Jim, th rising young heavyweight, who It Is. al leged had all the earmarka of a world' beater and waa -denied a chance to show hi mettle. .Jim haa had hla ehanc and b haa proved a monumental flsil. rremd OotaaS Ola." .- Th Cplma club la proud of th fact mat It haa baaaed th Jlmmr Brltt Battling Nelaon fight ' A th earn time th Celma olub la worried becauae the affair In queetlon 1 overahadowjng all th contests that are scheduled to take plaee meanwhile.'. Coffroth, the leading spirit of the Colma organisation, -is sure ther would hav been better attend' anc at th MeCormlck-RUklln light if th Britt-Nelson affair had not com, to a head Just about th time th advance sale of tha - MoCormtck-Ruhlln mill opened. Mow Coffroth is tearful that the same malign Influenoe will, have it f feot on th Jlmmr-Oardner-Buddy Ryan match, which take plao next Friday night, '-As a matter of fact -it I hard to- hold San Franclaoo fight fan to any subject but th Brltt-Nelson affair. Th eonditlon are similar to the which x lsted . when Fltsalmmon -and Corbett boxed- at Careoa. The rallure of the heavyweight to get together at Dallaa, Texas, and lata at Hot Spring. Arkan a whetted the' appetite of th publio for the . fight, i and in Uk manner the delay and hlndranoe which tia-ve beset th Nion-Britt match -hav created longing for the engagement -between the native oa and th Dan. .-' ' - : 0aU whJ arttt or Mel. Every sporting man In thia city feel tnat Buddy Ryan and Jlmmr Gardner would make abort wortt of either' Brltt or Nelson, but tnat aoeen't iter the fact that Gardner and Ryan are Being slurred over entirely. It la tha common belief that there la more Jealousy among fight er than there 1 among summer girls at a resort where. beaux ar vary much In th minority, and no doubt Gardner and Ryan entertain very bitter feelings' toward th two lighter man who ar robbing them of a talr ahare of publio attention. . If by any chance you' 'can induce a San Franclaoo fight fan to djpcuaa th Oardnar-Ryan contest h will tell you that he believe It will b littl short ot th fight of a century. This gives promts tbat after a day oi two haa alapaed Ryan and Gardner will be more at home for dlacuasion. than-they are now. They certainly deserv to be. For, orevtainsvfytMnarieHralr and above board, - they abould furnish a highly exoltlng contest They have both trained faithfully and there appeara to be a fwllug of g.uuln. rlvslrV b.twaan-iham, fortY:to-one:shoT:: IS AT RARATORA (Speela) Dlspatek by Leased Wire to Ts Jearaal) - Saratoga. Aug.; If. Summary at Sara toga Spring:. ' ' Six furlongs Perrlns (Brush), 40. to 1. von; . Humo cont Water Mirror third. Tim. 1:11. Th Bererwlck rteeplechase, about t mile Jimmy Lena (Owens), it to 10, won; Maiden cond,.Jlm Newman third. Time, i:ll - Six furlongs Burgomaster (Redfern), I to I, won; Pegasus second, Ormondale third.. Time. t:lt -fc One and three-quarter mile Caugh nawaga (Redfern). to I, won; Beldame second. Cairngorm third. Tim, 1 :00 4-1. On mil Knight of Rod (Mcln tyr), 1. to I, wonf Klngros second, Irish Witch third. Tims, 1:41 !-. Six furlonge Talagal (Buchanan), 40 to U won; Filpflap aeoond. Bridge man third. Time, 1:14.. . - . . i . . 1 . -'-' ' , THOROUGHBREDS CHANGE ; OWNERS AT IRVINGTON The auction sal ef thoroughbred at th . Irvlngton track yesterday after noon brought out a fair aised crowd of bidder and th bidding was rather live ly at times, th highest prlo being paid by Dr. Fehr for April's Pride. For this bora th doctor put up WOO. Ther were a number sold on probation, but the actual buyers were: Bruno. Mr. Jackson, $1; April' Pride, Dr. Fehr. aMOi Aurora, B., Ed O'Brien, !3S0;. Juda- Thentaar-Mrr Cogrevr I1S0: BalllC Goodwin. Fred T. Merrill, 200; Sir Christopher, Billy Aysrs, 1135; Skip Ms. William Nevlll. SU0; La urea tea, M. Dur ker. 1771: Amlnte. Fred T. Merrill, 1180; Bert Davis, Batea . Tucker. 1116; Our Choice, Tom Tongue, 160: Ulloa, F. Kauf man, $300; Roee of Hilo, Mr. Niool, $196. . ' a' y " ' ' Jim Agnew of Seattle I Taeoma' candidate for president of th Pacific Coast league. . This announcement wa mad yesterday. - At the league meet ing to be held August 14 at Portland a successor to En gen Bert will b named. President Dav Evans of tb Taoom elub atate mphatlcelly that h i vary much In favor of Agnew. Th California club will undoubtedly do their beat to have a Callfornlan elected to the posi tion, but Taoom will -do Ita beet to have Agnew elected. '. , .- ' ., " 'Jim Agnew is an . nonest, conscien tious square man." aald President Evans yssterday. 1 have never known a man In baseball -of whom I thought more, and I know that each club would get a squar deal from him. I am In favor ot Agnew and am going to do what I can to him elected." , ; - SeartU Kaa Wis Oup, . --, , (special Dtspetcb bt Leased Wire t The Jottraal) Chlcaco, Aug. 1. Frank C. Newton of Seattle won th cup f th Eamoor elub in open tournament today from George F. Cllngman of Chicago by one up. , j . ; ' ' -; , NO SHIP AVAILABLE FOR ASTORIA REGATTA Bperlat Dtopatck to Tbe JearasX) Salem. Or.. Aug. 1. In reply to th reaueat wired th navy department by Governor Chamberlain yeaterday for a warahlp to be preaent at th Astoria re gatta. the secretary of the navy ha nawered: "N . hlp avallabl for re gatta." .. ,..'-. . .- ' . Baaael'B Body eevrea. " (IpeeUI Dtepateb te Tbe Joarnal) A a tor la. i Or, Aug. II -Tb body of J. A. Rannala, a prominent reatdeut of As tor Is. who ws drowned last Tueoday at Band laland, wa recovered today. The funeral . will be held tomorrow. 'it i eV .,.:'; '4 ( NEW BOOKS FOR.THE.: : : LIBRARY FKTLOSO Far. Br, W. D. Troai Kplear te Oarist. . Bzuaxo. v Ameer, Alfred Oespel and Boraaa Life, W, M.-Qgtatlaa rsltk, U a. Ag i - Btaekour, F. W. aeoaemiee. '' Dealela. W. kf .BleaMeis of Pnbll flaaaea, ' Doathit. ' If. O., aa. goaveaW ef rrMliw'n! Hukh.ll. a. A Tin Tkreasb Cklldaoed. gsirU. B. V.. Oomo. obsolete A ai ericas 'geearlttae and Corporations. ' Tarda, Gabriel Lsws of IsilUtioa. ' ,' ' FKOOLOOT. .'..,' Km.' klchard Frearb Dally Life. ' Mottl, Platro Baasiaa Ceoversatle Oraav er. ' ' - : r ' kUTEXXATICa. ' - Olbaea, B. A-Iatiedaetlea k tke Oakalat Baas ea Graph toil Metaeds. UMMTUt AKTS. Altaules, 0. L-Meda TypewritlBg lustra e- er. , rreaar, aasMeV-The PoUte. ' i . JaoMa, C. & Praetlcal Agrleelrere. ' Parkra, H. A OofseitlTa TBerapeatle. Boekwall, A. F. koada aad Peveaiaata him ... . . i BpaldlDg. . F. F. Taatbook ea Beeda. aad Pavements. . . " Wllsoa. Oeetse Haadheck ef Brrlae aad Sanitary Science. rm AXTt, nroLtrorm AMnaxMxsi-s. CUT for. C B Period Deearatua. Oittrr. Benlamte Haraesle Aselrate. Belaack, galoiea Itorr ef Art Taroagbeat tb Aaea. atepbsne w. Tj ABMrieaa zacanog. ' ' i. LFTKBATirBX. .' BasetaMB. O. t. ' B-Boskea Bell Lass. Andrew Adveatares Anon I Maniasd. Cora InterDteUv Baedtas. tone. M. . Jr. Boo ef AaMrieaa Prase Banter. -.'. Lao Aotkoloty ef Baasla utr- Wllber. S. at., seam-Delearto BeeltaUoa Book. Weodberry, O. -America ta Uteratare. - SiaOBIPTtO ABO TBATEU Beesnt. Blr Walter Leaeoa. - -Bradley. A. O Blghwaye aad Bywaya la North Wales. : ...... Herberteoa. Mra F. B. P. (a. I Central aa oath Aaerle. Jobnaos, Cllftoa Land of Baatber. . Mctiurrr. O. A.-rTeacber'o atesoel ef ee-raohr. " ' Yoanc. Arttiee Amar Teans's Toer m I re- Is ae m-irr)t . br a. w. ustte. . xirroBT. Oorbett, J. A Drak and th Tndot Bavy. ; Dyer, Henry Dal "ItppoB. - ilartarttw T. nDkrttaearv af nattlaa Ireai toe Barlleat Data to tb Preaent Time. afnara, D. 9. giatoe Book ef Beaua Ha Reiea, Rm 11 Fonnda tirme ef Madera Barene. Bbra. Jena aad Jonee. David Bryaswt . Weieb reopie., ,-. BioamAPBT. Alfred the Oreet. Blag ef BosUad Life aad Times ef Alfred the Greet: by Uteris Flam- Censtaatlne t the'. . Great l Ceeatanttee tbe Great: br I. B. Ftrth. I CraeaweU. Oliver OUver Creaweu: br a. ' B. Gardiner. -. " Baee. J. B-Jame B. Bsoe; by Lenta How. Blteabeth, Qneea ef Bnglaad Qnaea Bllaa- eeh; by Madoall CreKbtoa. Emereoa. B. W L1f ef Balpb WaMe Baer- a; by Biebard Oanett. ' Walpole. Horses, 4tk Bar! ef Orfortl Hor ace WelpoJet by Aastta Dobaoa. . i FICTIOB. Cery, . Hj Kellle's Meaaertee, Ceuea, A. T. QuMtar Aetata Ferrf, MAY CLOSE ASTORIA :. SALOONS ON SUNDAY ... .V, ll, . . . , (Bneelal Dtsnatrh ts Tse eraL ' Astoria. Or Aug. ll-A maa meet ing of ohurch aad temperance people haa been called for September t to pre par plan for compelling th observe anc of th Sunday closing lew m Astoria. - All aaloona wUl be closed en Sunday, if th plan carry. : ... -j,., L - aV W. Begin Ballsstiag. ' tapertet Dbmat te Tbe JoaraaLt Independence. Or., Aog. 1. Th Southern Pacific railroad commenced work on the gravel bar thia morning. It Steam helatlng plant ia down on th bar, and hauling of gravel will begin Immediately. One tralnload of ear was placed on th track thia afternoon. 1! will Uk ll th gravel off the bar a go down a depth ef la feet below t aurface ef th water. Th flrat gre will be used for ballaattng the tr along the Yamhill dlvialon of the rt ; ::.(i.v :'"?: '.?"?"' ; 'f'' r.: ''y&h ':.v V'';y; 1 1h9 IZTCllZLU Bray Tha Vroctt Iroa tzsyy Ttsttiypto Wca over resshest rotda. AYIth Specitl Body Corner !rcj; Seat Corner frci. Hsavy Sills , DocMa ZolUd SzsSmt Long Dlstcaos Axis, pdhy Loops, tad Ersilay Cos?- 7 lsri. '.' b therocshiy cood Bcjgy, Bsd!a-crls4 Bnjy thet'i bdZt to Ctboth you tndyorpocittloclr.. First and Taylor Streets 1 i J ' Wlli(ifieril I ' fS l . af X X w iv im rill ' The beet and lightest touring oar rr exhibited in th city For the' moner. Abaolutaly aafei - Simple In construction I a aneeda aJiead . and reverse! . Swinging sent, teriaJ money can bur and by buy Until you .have- InveatlgaUd. . , . ? ; . ; S. H. D11AINUID 0. ActOAel: IUred - toto Afwatt for Batna's AtH YIN OaiNESE 81 Chop Suey and Noodle t : Tea and Cake IT DiDlNrr HURT - .a' bit. la wast faey eay ef aantal work. lasai worm, we ee eat ef the city tnckbr te Sveid any delay. Iverytblag ap to . jsaia miwm WISE BROS., Dentists The Falling, eaa. Thaw sad Waaatagtaa. SB. T. P. WTBB, -Toung man., youag woman, what ar you really worth to an employer? what eaa you actually do that should receive his attention, and bis money T Can you keep hi i " accounta. aratematlse ' typewrite hla letter or . ' ...' foollah and presume ; .. sown we in nam or proper promotion. . . . . The Mtiltnomah .Business Institute" : . f fc ' 4 V I . ' v ' -a., 1 ti I . . K , - , m , MIMMlMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMm;: ' Oregon , I-f ' Portland St Hekns lidl A Girls' School of the high est class. Corps, o( teachers, location, building, equipment --j-tha best,' : - - . t Sen4 tor catalogue, r v ;C73 r:;::r:M i;:3 f ; J, I, TOURIKGlCAnS 16-Hopcrwer,' 4-Cylindf , :: ledCnginesyTested ( model r; Speed 30 MUes Per Hour aid entrance. Built of tbe finest ma ekllled workmen. lt now. von t p :: TIrea Vclsr3 )IUjLtkitemU tm4 Pofishoa : KIN LUM KISTilXlANT Sekoat) Jtrwat Coraer Oak ear ! ef ata. vpoa sianlagi aad . - 4 hla bualneea. take hla dictation. manaar department T Don't be just enter our school and you will imt nilHary XccZcr r iJTiAffir ' 4 f l A Frt ( ! . r'artest aw' ,Ve' VA' s efeawfc- ,o f Fa a . If I I , twM, i n 'r:.y