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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1905)
Cart KsrrtjarVs Amateur Standing U jt t!ontd Hunt Club May Hofd FC Mtst In -Coast Lstus Director to Mrt.w-:-r- z :. n ' :i 5 Cea.! Ttka A.-.z.hir Cim From Por.!x..J . Patting. Aver;: cf Coazt Lejue Zrittrn Baseball and Ric!rj Rt;u!:i. ! ; '8 fry ' a ' . ' ' L 111 is too c Gil m mm roor Work Defeats Locals in the Fourth Straight Came of Present., Series. ;' v ZZ :an played P FIHOT-CLASS BALL : talon Scores Winning Run in Ninth Inning pn ScfclaflyV Error, Hi Steal of Third, and th. Famons "Squeew" Play by Gochnauetv, Ren Francisco 4. Portland I. Batteries Williams and Shea; Garvin nd McLean. ' , ,- . with customary dispatch and becom n dlnltr. the locale preaentad Baa f ranctsco with, tha fourth auooeaalva -ama yesterday afternoon - to .-eonteei That waa aootted with Jurenlle perfor- ninctL As usual tha locala didn't Vnow Tary much about tha game whan the crucial momenta came, and as a result the Seala ran away with them with tha score t to sgalnat them at the beginning of tha fourth Inning the visitors played like Trolans and la a a rd up-hill fight managed to tla the score In tha eighth inning on Waldron'e afe hit. Wheeler's aacrifloa and Charlie Irwin's safe htt over second base, that - ...... w. .. icorea -waiaie. van ouren to throw home to head off Wsldron, ut tila attempt waa feeble. In the ninth Inning tha Seals were aa may la a awarm of beea and aat out ith the firm determination of winning nd they acoompllshed - that . purpose. lon. the flrst born, eent a drive to Ichlafly. which tha Irrepreaalble second naseman fumbled and Tiaalon waa ears. peneer aent tha coming- "Chase" along to second on a pretty sacrifice, and aa Mr. Nealon didn't llke-hlo surroundings at aecond. he took the liberty of steal in thlfvl iin(t the eve and ten of Hecr Hoffman. It waa certain then thaff Nealon would cross tha plate en tha slightest provocation and he did. Goon nsuer waa at the 'bat, and at a signal from .Nes Ion. laid hla bat against the ball and touched It along a. faw feet while the Irishman scored the winning Tun. This made tt four for San Fran- ; cisco.7 while Portland - was somewhat oiscousourie wim one run tuv vwu. . In tha locals' half of the ninth Atl went out. Gochnauer ' to flrat. While Ats was at bat. In one of bis attempts to swfng at a ball. Danny Shea hit the bet with hla glove and Ats was unable co-awthg. - Davis called a strike on Ats end refused to pay any attention to the ible trick. After considerable wrang ling play waa resumed and Vatr Bursa struck out Householder came up and cracked out a single, snd With two strikes called en Mm. Mltobell got s rib roaster and walked to flrat.' The crowd thought that Hcniany wouia reaeera himself bu,t his beat effort was a fly to Waldron snd the agony was over. San Francisco's -early runs came on Garvin's bad throws and Waldroa's triple. Portland's runs came In on JWU , Hams' errors snd a hit by Garvin. - The game waa not a satisfying exhi bition, the locala showing no head work nor splrlj, Portland had It men left on bases. Mina? unable . to Band them across. With one man on flrat In the eighth-and but one out.., Williams walked. McLean and -quickly got rid ot Hoffman and Garvin. . The official score follows .... ..... PORTLAND. 7 -7 . ' "t '. AH. . M. nj. A. JB. Ats. a.... 1 I I Van Buren, Cf . ..... 4 1-1 t Householder, rf . . . . . . 1 ' Mitchell, lb.......... I Mchlnfly, 2b.. ....... 4 neming, u. s e.e Mclean. c... 1 t Hoffman, Jb.. 4 I S Uarvin, p.. ,.... .... I 1 i ; l ToUiS ...... ........s a t n H I ; . SAN FRANCISCO. - " ' (. AB. R.H. PO. A.K. Waldron, rf.,.'t ...... 4 11 t Wheeler, lb J , 4 . 1 Hildebrand. If.. I S 1 0 Irwin. b. .;,..!..... 441 0 1 Nealon. lb........... 4 1 II fpenoer. rf I a, t 9 t iochnauar. as.. .i.. . 4 4 1 f t I IBhea. c, 1 I i 4 Wililams. p..i.;.i,... S 1 1 t 1 Totals -v.rrn;v jo - tr it SCORE BT INNINGS. . Portland ....t...l UMMII-I . Hits . 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 ,1 Kan Francisco :.. llMtli 1 4 , jyts ...... t i 1 I I I I f , - SITMHART. .' ' Struck loot By Garvin, I: by "Wil liams, I. Basea on balls Off Garvin, :; f WUllama. 4. Xeft an bases-rPort-Nnd, 19; Ban Francisco. 4. Three-base hll Waldron. Double . play -Ooch--nauer to Wheeler to Nealon. Stolen rases Van Buren, Nealon. Sacrifice ' in Hildebrand, Van Buren, House older, Wheeler, Shea, Spencer, Hit i.y pitenea oaiis Ats. Mitchell. Tim of frame One hour and 45 minutes. 1mplre Davia. -. .; ''..,", Street banners made and hong, tar at Kleiaer, Fifth and Everett . Foe. This tesm tt Sve awlmmers claims ed. The men ere amnlovad In the Portland hotet-OUphaat Is the eraek lnn. he men ar employed In the Fortmna noieu-uiipnani l u crack long swimmer of the coast and for ahort dl stances few equal McAdam. u a challence lotnr team of swimmers In Portland for a race. Read i left te right thy are: B. B. taohelor,' B, Ollphant F. Sinister, U nes - ey Issue T from left te right thy are ' " w. McAdsm. LEAGUE f-llGriATES MEET HERE! W - . ,. V... Y-rf - - Annual, Gathering of Coast Rep resentatives VYi!t Convene In i, V Portland on Thursday. " .------'Ji-' TT: . 'i IMPORTANT MATTERS r e TO RECEIVE ATTENTION Question ol , Dropping . Tacorna, St- lecting Spokane . and Traaaf erring Oakland to. Be - SettledFinancea of League Will Be Investigated. '; . The annual meeting of the directors of the Paellle -league- will meet in tnis city - next Thursday.. Representatives from Los Angeles. San Francisco. Oak lnsiatiiji Ticmi and Portland will be present and matters of the highest Importance will come up lor oiacuaaion at the gathering the magnataa. The chief ouestion to be settled wilt be whether 'or not the directors will vote for another term of three years for ths Coft league according to tne present arransetnent , Tha agreement of three yeara ase will soon expire. It la quite certain that the old agreement will be renewed, but there may be several changes regarding what -cities shall be represented. It Is well known through out the circuit that Taooma Is not a first nor a second rate nan town, ana that even with a pennant winning team the fans do not support the club suffi ciently to warrant a high -grade team being kept there. Spokane Is knocking for admission and has good credentials; fookana has a splendid, reputallon as a first-class" ball town, and : should the Tigers be transferred there It Is quit likely that . visiting teams would re ceive much more than they now make by playing at Taooma. . '. , . - xigwxs arsony upyvnea . Of course the Tacoma backers . thor oughly believe In their motto of "Watch Tacoma Grow." and raise all sorts of noise about their team, yet forgetting that it requires money to conduct a ball club. Spokane offers ths.' assurance that baseball will pay In eastern Wash ington - snd' oh .this ground - hopes for recognition ' from ' ' the Coast league. There Is sortie talk about dropping Oak land from, the circuit as the team that represents that cityla generally-playing In San ' Francisco tn order to insure continuous baseball in California me- tropolis. A good scheme; and one -that would be of vast service In completing a - better schedule then the present league haa ever set forth would be to transfer the Oakland team to Spokane. This would be an eaay way out of the difficulty and coma, and such an arrangement would mean additional attendance at Taooma. Portland la la ths position on account of the perfect condition of her affairs to have a strong voice at the meeting, and it may be that local Influence will prevail to a great extent . i-' Matt ef Sfeoea. . ..; Another matter ef supreme Interest that will come up for discussion and for Investigation will be the financial con dition of the league. Teddy Goodman of San Francisco has bean treasurer of the league, but has ' never Issued . f inaacial statement leaving the finance in the hands of the president - Each club In the league waa supposed to put up-tl.lOt as a guarantee that It would carry out the three years' agree ment Now It has developed that the only clubs that put up thia money are rortiana. Mettle ana Uo Angeles. Oak land. Ban Francisco and Taooma did not put up their forfeita This 14.10 Is bow supposed to be In President Bert's Pos session, but that official has made no statement regsrdlng It. Otber money paid Bert Such as Nadean's tlOt paid by Portland to Bert for the national commission, and.yBlankenahip's, Frisk's snd Buohanan's purchase ( money, paid to Bert for distribution, will alao be publicly accounted for at the meeting. Henry Harris and his colleagues In San Francisco were counting on Bert's interest la Recreation park In San Francisco to make good these amounts, out recently uncle Henry waa - very mucn cnagrincd to learn that Bert had sold. Ms Interest In the ball . park som time sgf. Ths outcome of this will be Interna ting. . Henry Harris and Teddy Ooodman will be here from Ban Francisco. - It is not likely that i Jim Morley will come as he Is not overly fond f ths San Francisco contingent.- Cal Ewlng. here for Oakland. Dave Evena for Tacoma. Secretary Agnew for Seattle and Judge McCredle and Ben Ely will look after Portland s interests. . v - .-. ' On account of ' his popularity snd ability tbers Is quite a strong sentiment In favor of Judga McCredle for presl dent of the league, and the northern representatives wlli d tkalr utmost to place him at the head. - The opinion pre. valla that Ben Ely will be chosen secre tary er the league tf he will accept It Bwlaamlag Professor W. t Murray resumed his summing classes yesterday at the Multnomah Amateur Athletio club. Tbo hours of ths classes ..will be the same as heretofore. . - - ''s'k v M I i : It the championship of the count foe V . -. m. .V. - v- '.. Z WELL AmateufollowerirlairnThat He Had No Right to Com f . pete In Fair Sports. . .. , RECEIVES SALARY FOR CONDUCT4NC-8POrrST If A. A. V. Saitains Its Own Ruling, Local Athlete's. Record for Running ' High Jump WiU Not Stand Kerri gan Sas Sullivan Gave Permission. These are Interesting times for th followers of amateur athletics' on tha Pacific coast especially in Portland, and from present indlcatlona there will be some stir before the case In dispute la adjusted. . While the principals in tha affair are extremely reticent regarding tha trouble, enough has been ascertained to venture the opinion that at leaat one record made at the Lewi and Clark championship games will not stsnd the light of investigation that will ahortly be turned on It by the officers of .ths American Athletio union. - - The. trouble centers around Herbert Kerrigan, who Is the msnager of sports. at ths I-ewls and Clark exposition. Ker rigan Is supposed to be sn amateur and as an amateur was appointed by the Multnomah Amateur Athletio club to be Its representative at the fair sports, as the exposition f flclala designated the club to -direct the sports. - in tnis ca pacity Kerrigan was paid a salary by ths Lewis and Clark corporation for looking after the sports. .When the competitions came along ' It waa not thought that Kerrigan would enter any of the events,- on account of hla having received money for. conducting these sports. ; 1 - i . ' . August f ths Lewis and Clark open championship was held at th ball park. In one of the events ths running high Jump Kerrigan was a contestant and won . the Jump, defeating Hall of the Olympic club of San Francisco. Kerri gan jumped feet 11 H Inohes, whll Hall's mark was an Inch lower.- - - - After the meeting several of ' the Olymplo club ; representatives stated that they did not approve of Kerrigan competing, because - he had accepted money -for handling the sports, ' and added that they intended placing, ail cf ths facts before President McCabe and Secretary Sullivan of the A. A. U. Whether or not the California athletes have laid ths matter before the official Is not known, but Coast Representatlv Hauser declared hla intention ot doing so. ,' -.---.' . i.-;- , i ...i. , . .... ... - The matter will have to come before the A. A. U. offlolals for settlement snd according to those- who are well versed In amateur athletics, the mark made by Kerrigan In the running high Jump will be struck from ths recordst . Thia pro cedure, which will make a professional of Kerrigan, will bar him from ever again competing under . Multnomah's colors and ths local club will lose the services of An active young man. The football team will also miaa Kerrigan, aa hla work on the gridiron has been of the highest grade. Only those who re call with what vigor and daring he played for Multnomah on the laat two tripe to California and slso on ths local field know what a valuable man Mult nomah will lose. Aa to what will come' regarding Frank Lionergsn's connection with the hand ling of sports, for which he. received re-H muneratlon, when the footoall season cornea Is yet a matter of conjecture. The A. A. t. is extremely strict regarding athletes accepting money and the out come will be of great interest ta th amateurs of th Psctflc coast. When Kerrigan was asked concerning his status, he ssld: "Before entering Into ths competition I ssked Secretary Sullivan If It would be all right In th face of my receiving salary -from-the .exposition authorities for- conducting the sports,- and he told me that I could go ahead end compete. as h could fix It all right with Presi dent McCabe. I Slso asked President McCabe, and he said, 'Go ahead.' I ad- . - - : :..:r.'-;--v: . : IS DERI KERRIGAN PROFESSIONAL? OUT OF THE CYCLONE CELLAR. mlt -accepting money for handling th sports, but did not think that by doing so It would Interfere with my amateur standing." , .-..-v.- . ..'... B033Y KEEFE PITCHES . SHUT-OUT CONTEST i Tacoma Tigers In Great Form and Pound Graham All : " Over the Diamond. San Pranoisco, Aug. 1. -With Bobby Keefe at his best and the Tigers pound hi Oscar Graham all over the lot Ta coma .made Oakland look cheap today. Keefe did, not allow a hit until-ths eighth Inning and only two for the en tire ; game. He had perfect control. neither walking nor hitting a batter. Besides being hit hard, Graham - was very unsteady. - With a safe lead of three runs, Taooma bad a batfest In tha ninth, scoring four mors on as many hits. Bcors:-. ' 1 . ..TACOMA . '; V..' V,'-..;-.v v... Aa R. H. PO. A. E. Doyle, ss. ........... 4 . 1 1 i t I Sheehan, lb. ......... I i 10 Nordykej'lb.. . I I It McLaughlin. If....... 1 J i Lynch, cf. ........... I - t 1 Casey,-tb. ...... Graham,- c... i : r 1 ' 1 Hogan, rf Ii - - Keefe, -p ....I . i 1 1 ' e ; Totals' ........ T It 7 11 I ...-. . ... OAKLAND. - AB. R. H.PO. A.K. Van Hsltren, cf...... 4 1 1 Francka, ss..... t 4 t Dunleavy, If......... - 1 0 Kruger, rf ....... ..... e t v Kelley, !b.. .......... t. ' 1 4 .1 ' Strelb. lb... , t ., . Devereaux. tb.. ...... I I I T M Byrnes, c... ......... I t 4 S Graham, p... 11 " 4 ToUls ...:........! e - 9 17 II , C - SCORE BT INNINGS. Tacoma .........1 14 t Hits , ...I lllllll 4 It Oakland.......... Hit v.. ....... 1 1 t 8UMMART. - " ' Three-base - hits McLaughlin; Nor- dyke. Two-base hits Keefe, Bheehan, Lynch, McLaughlin, Baciifloe hits Sheehan. Hosan. . Flrat base on errors Oakland, 1 Stolen bases Doyle X. gneenan. uranam ana iveeiex ctase on balls Graham, .- - Left on bases Ta coma, 8; Oakland, t. -Struck out By Keefe. 7i by Graham, I. - Hit br pitcher Keefe. r- Double play Nordyke to Doyle to Keefe. passed balls Byrnes, Tims of gameOne hour1 and 40 min utes.: Umpire McDonald." " pacific coasthleague: , it CLCBS. "1 Taeoeis ............ Seattle .nail B2B Jicio .400 Has rraaelece... ..... Portland . ........... lOsklss 4., Lot Asides Ust ................ AMERICAN LEAGUE. Won. Lost 4 PC .o Philadelphia 60 Cleveland ... Chicago New xorg Boston Detroit .............. Waahlngton St Louis Testsrday'e Besalts. At Chicago ChlcagOr 2: Maw Tork. 4. . At at, Jouis u ixruis, i; i-nuaaai-phla. . , At Detroit Detrolt-Bostoa game postponed; rain. At (jieveiana-o-cieveiana-wasningion game postponed : r In. . -- . Taneeavee Beats - (Sperlal Dtesetdb The JeeraaL) . Vancouver. B. C Aug. It. 'Vancouver defeated Westminster this afternoon la a lacrosse match. . four goals to three. it was ths greatest match of the sea son and was witnessed by 1,000 spec tators, - Close checking marked the match, - Vancouver played In- brilliant form. ' - "i KITTY ORASIIEAR IS BEST DATTER i The Ancreis' utility Man is it- , . ting the Ball on Every . V Z l V '; Opportunity. C )l i LARRY M'LEAN STILL LLAU3 FOR FOKTLAWP General Slump in Batting Xa Notice ' ' able All Along ths Coaat Circuit- . Local Batsmen Claim That They Cannot "See ths Ball Ths Figures. "Kitty" Brashear, utility man on th Los Angeles club, still, maintains ths lead among ths batters la ths Coaat league. . McLean Jumped up a trtfls last week, but Is falling sway faat Ths standing from th openlag of the season up to and Including August 11 Is aa fOllOWSI , : , - . - Plsyers ! , . AJ,;R Bbltlda. Beattle M SI Blankeaahls. Hrattle 12s ' ' 4e PC. Jf? .813 .813 ,2M ,2H .274 .272 .270 .270 .20 ,2H .24 .2flf .242 Braskear. Los Angeles ... . ..S6S CnHI, Oskland ............. M Mrlaa, Pnrtlasd..........4n Hart. S.altle ,-S Hoeerkolder. Portlasd 41 Mltckell, Portlaad .........191 Cravats, Las Ana-elr ......set Hlldebrsad. Ssn Frsnrlses...M a'aldroa, San yranrlsee ....41 Irwin, Sea Franrisre M HrTredie. Portland .... .... Smith, lxm Angeles. ........445 Trick, Seattle .'. 1 track. Tacems .......44 Nordrke. Tscobm .....,....44 Irllloa, Is Ang.ies 44. Nealoa, H.a rraaciace ' 81 Doyte, Tarvem ...... ......403 rVhlaAy. Portland ....... ... M) Easea, Timst ,,.444 Clark. Beattle 4 Wheeler. Hae FYgarUce ... .8A3 Kane, Seattle .v.. ...... ....Sua Hall ft.. Seattle 800 Sbeabaa, Tacoma ....... ...4A2 Ats, Porttand ,..4'J4 Hours, Sesttle ........8x4 Dnnleavy, Oakland. ..MH Xriigar, Oakland ...4M Miller, g. P. and S.Wle ... 70 Bernard.. ..Loe Angeles .....4.TO Hornsea, Portlsnd ...v..... IT Mclucblln. Tacoma .4.TT FlMDlDf, Portlsnd .......... 82 Casey, Tscoais ............. Vll McHale, Seattle ,..,84 Hncaa w., Oakland a Krarjr. Keatle 1.; .....1MI3 Van Haltrtn, Oakland ....a44S Walter, S. V.and Seattle ...SM Fload, Los Ansvlea........410 Loe Jtwalea jujWL:.?X Graham C Tacoma DZST Brme, Oakland .....SIS Orar, Los An. tee ......... 9 Kelly, Oakland 41S Caver, Los Anseles ....ITS Eaalck, P (inland ...... ...! Jones, Perftanit ";-.r'.'...... a lit ." 10 , 1'T . n , 114 . t .-.'tSS 125 111 ' -. t 11T ' 1 lo 121 .2U 2TiO ,2 .'AS flSl . - W .1 111 '.. 1 , o . ( ' 91 c . 11 , lf ' .i - 05 ' ; ; in ; '. is rW ut .' loo v TS . M S T Tt 41 SO ss . -, T ' ' .A W 'i ' : , 2" ' : I T7 - - 14 .: 32 r'" 41 sf - i " 23 .251 .2.'! .250 .248 .241 .24 .240 .248 .242 .241 .241 .241 .27 .2:18 .2;i .2.12 .2211 ..225 .22.1 .224 .223 .223 .K0 .218 '.217 .216 .21.1 .214 .214 2 .) ,24 ,t4 -.23 .22 .I2 -.201 Vaa Baren, Portland .......STN Thomas, Tacoma V1 nan v., seattto ...,.. Beam, Ixm Asgrlea .i......l9 Rogaa H., Tacnrss ......... .201 C-anka, Oakland AW osklmes, OskUnd 11 ,200 NATIONAL LEAGUE. ' Won. New York 71 : Lost PC. It .711 Pittsburg r... II 41 47 4 -II. 70 T4 -1 .124 FMladelDbla 1 ,6S ,.M4 .(27 .171 .111 .111 Chicago ............. II J Cincinnati ........... hs - 8t Louis 41 Boston IT Brooklyn 14- .r- - '. Testerdaya Besalts. At New YorkNew York, I; Chi cago, I. At Boston Boston, I; Cincinnati, 1. . At Phlladalnhla PhltaaelDhla. 7: St LouiS, I.--' : ' At Brooklm Brooklyn.' 1: Pitts- burg, I. . .. . Daly Zs stroke. . Tom Daly, the old Inflelder, who was star Id ths major league for a dosen years .or mors, lost all .hfa earnings at the racetrack. At ths end of his base ball career he finds himself with a large family on his hands and not a cent to support them. Daly has gons back so far that hs I ren too slow for th minors.- By- the way, 4.he Brooklyn police would not allow the players to play that benefit game for htm a week ago Sunday. SEMI O ICL' ::iles FC1 Fifteen Exactlrj lnr.5.-: Without a Rt:u Wjs Outcome of . ' a Fitchers' Ctruie. ; 7 : (Sseeial Dispatch te The Jonroal.) ' Seattle. Aug. II. It was a lS-innlng draw today - with ths game called on account of darkness, Seattle had' the game 4 to I up to the alxtb when" Wal ters and Hart did an Alphonee and Oaaton act allowing Smith's fly to fall aafe and count for a two-bagger, scoring ths flrat run. - Hits by Dillon, CravaAb and Ross accounted for the second one In the seventh, and Brashear tied the acore up In the eighth by clouting ths ball out of th lot' sending Flood In ahead of him. From that time on both pitchers settled down and the men be hind them played Ilka demona Seattle's men went through "the entire H In nings without a slip. Los Angeles wss very snaky In the early innings, giving Seattle four unearned runs. Th bat ting and fielding of Kane and Brashear waa ths feature of the long contest Warren Hall seemed to get better as the game progressed, having excellent control of his eurvs ball, and after Bra sheer cracked out his noma ran. Shields settled down . and pitched . swell - ball. Score: .-... . :t, ., -. i; h' x- SEATTLE. ; V ' -. ; , , A B. R. H. PO, A. E. Walters, rf ........... 4 Kane. lb....... 7 Blankenahlp, o... ..... I Hart cf Houts,' If... 7 Frary.' lb... i. ....... I Runkle, 2b,..,.,.,,,. I R. Hell. as........... I t 1 t I 14 t 1 Shleldai ' p. . . 4 Touts ' ....;. it 4s it ; . - tOS ANGELES. - -a.- - S - Aa R. H. PO. A. X. Bernard, ef. ......... 7 lit Flood, . tb. , . .... 7 , 1 t f ; i. t Smith, --. tb. .... ....... 7U 0 1.1. a 9 Brashear. ss. ........ til l -ll Dillon, lb............ I t I II I Cravath, rf.......... I 1 X I - Ross. if. ...... ....... e i i Spies, e. .............. I I . I I W. Hall, p IS 1 ,1 ,.t Totals ....ft 4 11 41 II - ' SCORE BT INNINGS. - Seattle ... ,iiooteoooi a 4 Hits ...i-ll111110111l 11 Los A...-0011 00 00 4 Hits . tie it to It tit II ; SUM MART. 'Z Z ' Earned runs Los Angeles, 4. ' Two base hits, Kane, -Hall. Smith. Cravath, Rraahear. Home run Brashear. Dou- bte plays Blansvanshlp to R. Hall: Bra- anear to epiea to nrann; w. nan to Flood' to Dillon. Stolen bases Kane, Blankenahlp X, Flood,. Dillon, Cravath, Roes. Struck out By Shields. I: By W. Hall, 4. Bases on balls Shields, t; W. HalL I. Hlt by pitched ball Frary. Paased ball Spies. Left on bases Se attle. I: Loe Angeles, . Time of gams Two hours. and 4 minutes. Umpire- Perrtne. ... . r'.' " --"V , 1 "Mi : " .' ' It ... , - i- I No Other 'zyzz'i : -zzzz z-z-z,,7- :?: z-zt Iridudcsf MPlicavyweight suits as well as blacks Clearance Sale . Boys' Clothing: ' ' Z-Z, '.':'-Vv ...;v ZZ'-'Z': '. 'Vv ... EVERYITnTnG CH9ES IIERE AT -Or-E-FOUDTn OFF re k FOR $3,00 QR ICj FOR v $3;75 QR' . Another Big Shipment of : Little Tudor Play i: Suits Justitv. :U-.Prlc 50 pento Each.: CJ-C7 TOtf St,iotneeh -Stork Cah iir fit ';n7 J.J I .;) lltllli .l.j: COTIil S7VLE Ruhlin-McCormick Fizzle Dem V ojnstrated Unpcpufarity of . a t ' EIg Clusters.,'. ' . ' NAUGHTON DISCERTATE3 ; f ON THE - FIGHTING WIN Britt-Nclson Contest It Overshadow-' inx ; All 'Other Matcheg on the Calendar, snd Coffroth ia Worrying About the Success of Meat Battle. By W. W. Naughton. ' (Special Dispstdi by Lessee Wire te Tk Jaarasl) - San Francisco. Aug. II. Heawwelsht pugilists are no longer the vogue. This was shown at the Ous Ruhlln-JImmv MoCormlck contest st Colma some nights ago. The house waa the poorest prob ably' tha Colma promoter have known. It . waa muchi. smaller . than the crowd that attended the Frankle Nell-lUrry Tenny, battle. From Inalde Information It la learned that the gate receipts did not total 1 1.000. i -j And auch a flghtt : . ! , " r The crowd began to leer before the flrat round was finished snd kept it up until .HcCormlok finally flopped to the floor mors weary and disgusted than punlahed. ' -..-.'. N- . ?. Tbe oonteat made patent a couple of things: One Is that Ruhlln will never be a world-beater and! ta only a wraith of the Gus Ruhlln of a half doaeh years ago. The other is that McCormlck was never cut out for a champion. . : Baa Francisco sports bad beard so ' much of thg whols-sfouled fighting quail- -flcatlon -of John Lw Sullivan's towering Taxaa that .they expected to see a very earnest willing novice In action. . Thsy ' bsd doubts, of course, aa to the degree of nattlness McCormlck would display In handling gloomy Gus.. Thsy felt, however, that the Texan would prove to . bo a fire eater even tf he did not hew to the line In the' matter , of Queensberry etlauette.: ... -. .--..: V'. i. : , ' aiOoimlak Za Oat, He was a disappointment every way you looked at him. He did not- seem to have force - enough in his punches to orlpple a horsefly. ' Hs was so eager to get away after making a lunge, that some of hla attempts fell Inches short -of the mark.- even when Ruhlln had no guard tip to Intercept a blow. Ruhlln is woefully slow and hi mind appears to set tn a faltering way. He oould have punched this man McCor mlck not once, but 4 dosen time while the Texan, was all tangled up on the - (Continued on Page Nine.) a .'and blues in their iLAugustJ,-i.-':3f;' ALL $ai50 SUITS A3L $4.00 suits ALL $4.50 SUITS ALL $5.00 SUITS ' l