The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 20, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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    ; Tins cszccri cv:;dav jcuiujalv fc-tl:::d. cu:::
J. '
.A-el V
room. .;.
f ! 5 '..:: f w .1 IMAM;
K ' ; s 'Residence of R. C. Kinney: T ' , 1 ,) , IJIUI
A wonderful ' demonstration . of vrhat
Oregon toll and water will do la mid
: twin 1s mm oa the lawa of the saw
: bom of It. C Kinney, secretary and
: treasurer of the Almeda Conaolldatad
Mines compear, at East Third and Has
aalo streets. The lawa la ana of tha
moat beautiful la tha city, although tht
' grass and mora thaa 100 roaaa and other
flowering plants were planted about the
first of Juljrl. " - " 'i . S'
Mr. Kinney flniahed hla homo June II,
and then began moving the flowera from
hla former realdeaee at Tenth and An
kenr streets. Rosea, dahllai and many
other planta, nearly all la bloom, were
moved. About 140 rosebushes were
transplanted, and only two died. ' The
dahltae kept on blooming. In a week
rt waa Impoaaible ta teU from appear-
aneea that they had "been, moved.' Tha
ground waa ordinary Oregon soil, with
no fertilising. - Water waa tha only thing
used. Tha grass waa sown oa tha lawn
after July 1, and wall watered, and by
August 1 It covered the ground with a
heavy green mat It la said residence
grounds can be made la Portland any
week la tba year, and by application of
water every kind of plant Ufa common
hero may be started and made to grow.
Plant Maturing for Stem Wheel;
"era to Ply Between Portage
Road and Lewiston.' '
When ,War Is Over, in Orient Many
;' Flat-Bottomed Boats fof Use In
China ' Will Be' Constructed In
Portknd.' r , :
- c r r-
The cargoes wilt be 'delivered: at
port In the' United Kingdom,
at Havre, Antwerp, Dunkirk or Ham
burg. The vessels have an . aggre
gate carrying capacity of approximate
ly f,00t tons and are expected to ar
rive .la time' to begin receiving their
cargoes early la October.
Thesa are the first grata ships char
tered to carry new crop wheat to Euro
peaa ports this season. The rate paid
in each ease waa 17s (d, the price aaaea
by the members of the shipowners' com
bination. . Tha 'Portland Flouring'mllls
baa also chartered the British ship Kll-
tnalllle to load new crop grain at Ta-
coma and Seattle for the United King
dom at I6a 3d, tha union rate for carry
ing a cargo from the sound. ' ' ',
Tha Cambronne la ea route to Ban
Francisco la ballast Arriving at the
Heada aha will receive- orders to pro
ceed to Portland. It ta supposed that
tha Invergarry la now on the west coast;
she Bailed for there two month ago
with a cargo of coal from Newcastle,
W. a... W. It .will be the nrst trip of
the Britoa to the Columbia river, out
the Frenchman was here a year ago.
': Plana are maturing for the building
up of a number of steamboats for serv
ice oo the upper Columbia river between
- the portage railroad and Lewleton. Jo
. aeph Supple has beea asked to 'quote
. prices for the building of light -draft
boats. Mr. Supple said last evening:
'Indications are . that contracts will
soon be let for the building of a number
of boats to ply oa the apper Columbia
driver. It will be possible to have them
ready for service by early spring, which I
is . In time to bring tha major portion of
tha grain crop to tha portage road from
the territory of tha upper Columbia and
Snake river valleys. In fact the, liver
will be at a better boating stage thea
thaa at 'any ether season of the year." i
'. Mr. Supple says be will build . any
. boats contracted for at Portland and
'ship them in knocked down form to
CelUO. He has built and shipped a num-
ber of eterawheelera and propellers la
.this manner for service in Alaskan
waters, - . .
The fame of the Portland shipbuilders
has spread to the orient, and had It not
been for the opening of hostilities a coa
; tract would have been let for the build
: Ing of several . sterawheelers here for
- V operation la tha rivers of Chins, The
vessels would have been shipped In
knocked . down ' form on tha regular
; freighters plying from thla port When
'.' peaea haa' been restored it is said that
the matter of building river boats at
'Portland for that quarter of the globe
will again be takes up.- y----
Work 'oa xadspsadeaee Project Win Be
. ,. OosBplsae: Box Week. '
-i David B. Oaden. assistant United
States engineer, returned yesterday
from a trip to Independence, , where Be
InspecUd the government wora uiere.
Next month the laat stretca of the revet;
ment 100 feet la length, will be com
pleted. Twelve hundred feet of the
structure was completed a ooupie 01
rears ago The work waa not continued
last year on account of there being no
money available for tha improvement.
The revetment la being bunt xor tne
purpose or preventing tne river irom
cutting through the bank at that point
and thus forming two channels, neither
of which would be or any use. Mr.
Ogden reports that - dredge No. -1 baa
finished the work of cutting a channel
through Candlanla bar and from there
aha will go to the mouth of the Yamhill
river, where aha, will be set to work.
At that point the river shoals, during
every winter', freshet end bas to be
dredged out ' As the - fiver Is at a low
stage It la feared that the steamers
Modoc and Rath will aooa be unable to
asoend the Tamhlll. . . . - ;
People of
X Oexter e Otva tabor and errloea.
Tomorrow the owners of the steamer
lioona and the business men of La Cen
- ter will begin Improving the channel of
the eaat fork of the Lewis river. At
, many points (he boat channel is said to
be not more than four Inches deep-too
. ahoal even for the small gasoline scow
recently built here. "
' Oaptala Graham of the Leona stated
yesterday that the people of La Center
' were determined to Improve the channel
ao 'that steamboats could navigate the
' river. The sawmill men have promised
f to contribute material and implements
1 required to make the Improvement in
"the channel and others will give tbelr
labor to aid la the work.; -'
At all shoal places It la the intention
to build small dikes of siabwood and
. heavy Orhbere and confining the water
tea narrow channel . .
Oaaabragaao aaA tavergarry a a-
' i gagsel by PorHsad Ploartag atlUs.
if Through Taylor. Toung ft1 Co. the
, Portland Flouring mills chartered two
grain ships, the French bark Cambronne
and British bark Invergarry, to load
wheat flow or barlay at this pert for
' Queenstowa Or Falmouto ror orders.
Compared With Former Tears, the drain
. Carrying Fleet Zs Terr mall.
Compared with former years, a. -vary
small fleet of. sailing vessels suitable
for grain carriers Is listed and aa route
for Portland not more than 21 or M.
It la estimated that la the neighborhood
of 121 grain cargoes will be exported
irons the Willamette river this season. .
Twenty-one ships are at Baa Fran
Cisco on the disengaged list and In the
event they are needed the exporters say
can be chartered, and brought up .here
en ahort -. notice. - Two ahlps have
been idle at tha Bay City for' three
years, and six for more thaa two years,
because there haa not been anything for
thrato dor W1ttrabtg part of the
fleet " at tha California metropolis
preesed Into service It Is believed that
enough tramp steamers oan be engaged
to take care of the big export trade
promised during the - fall . and winter
months. i ... .f1- .; ; .,
left on the return trip. The offloers
of the boat say they could easily have
covered the distance to thla city la five
hours, but explain that no effort waa put
forth to get up speed. On the down
trip In tha morning they declare tne
Spencer waa left far la the rear before
the mouth of the Willamette was reach
ed. The Steamer will leave for Astoria
again this morning at T o'clock, . .
Steamer Harvest Queen left for As
toria Friday night In place of the
Haaaalo, which broke her ehaft and blew
out her cylinder heada near Rainier.
Tha Hassalo la at "the boneyard. where
she will remain undergoing repairs for
the next two weeks. During bar Idle
ness the Queen will ply on the Astoria
route and tha M. F. Henderson will be
uaed In her place towing schooners up
and dowa the river. ; .i,'',v ;
" Captain Jamea Shaver haa . returned
from a two. weeks' , vaeatlonlae- the
beach.. -,. .. ...-, ' -
. Ladan with lumber the schooners Hal
cyon and Mabel Qale left down yester-4-
day bound for-caiiiornia ports. ---
Carrylng 750,000 feet of lumber and
With a full passenger list the steamer
Redondo sailed for Ban Francisco laat
night ..:.;. .-,- -;,
v A dispatch states ' that tha French
ship Vauban 1 sailed from Hobart Tas
mania, on ' Tuesday ' for Portland. The
vessel has beea Hated for Paget sound.
Schooner Churchill smiled yesterday
from Haiphong,. China, for Portland.
L. W. Shaw, agent for the California
Oregon. Steamship company at Marsh
field. Is in the city. " " '
Barkentlne Amelia has bean chartered
to load lumber at Portland for a. Cali
fornia" port; she Is at San Franclaoo, but
will aail for the north la a day or two.
The. Amelia .waa at Portland in May.
and took lumber at the Eastern West
ern mill for San Pedro. '""'
Anderson Crowe ' have sold the
Stark street float and boat landing
built before the fair to Captain C J.
McLean, owner , and operator of the
sieamer Ossella. Captain McLean 'will
conduct tha property la very much the
same manner as did the former owners.
It Is his intention,' to make that the
headquarters for ' a good part of the
gasoline launchee In the harbor. -He
will also engage In the towing and gen.
oral Jobbing business, and. will be. as
sisted by P,Z. Da via, .
Tba steamer Nellie, owned by Cantaln
Boone, will practically be rebuilt at
supples. .-)'. ,
The. steamer Stranger has beea fitted
wttn a new stiart '
The British bark Thistle, under char.
ter to J. J. Moore A Oo began taking
Oregon fir for Port Pirle, Australia, yes-
teraay. ; .. ., y
- Tomorrow afternoon the eteamer Des
patch Will sell for San Franolseo with
00.000 feet of lumber and 10,000 feet of
' " 1 ' t-. '. -
Baas From Astoria to Portland la Fire
aad One-Balf Boar aaa Boat Base.
In her Initial trip to' Astoria and re
turn on the eama day the steemer Tele
graph, heralded far and wide as the
fastest stern-wheeler In the world, made
a remarkable eh owing yesterday, reach
ing here at 7:10 o'clock la the evening,
although she was not advertised to
arrive until an hour ' later. . One ' of
those who made the passage on her said
it was not; the Intention to have ber
get here before f t, but It was Impos
sible to hold her back.. The steamer
reached Astoria from Portland at lt:S0
in tha afternoon and at t o'clock she
i., . . (i f i. -sfcAfc.aa-BB,
Coupon Free Hawaiian Trip
Ylosotuhf, Hawaiian bloods -
This coupon moot ho voted oa or before August IT, list.
. Astoria, Au 1 .-Arrlved down at t
ana sauea at s:so a. m. steamer Alll
ance. for Coos Bay and Eureka. . '
; Arrived at Z: If p. nv Schooner Alpha,
irom nan xTancieco. -
Arrived at t:IO p.' m Steamer Et-
more, from Tillamook.. t
Condition of the bar at I p. m.
Smooth; ., wind northwest; , weather
Cloudy. - : r ;t
San Francisco, Aug. II. Arrived at
a. m.- Bteejner F. A, Kllburn, from
Portland. ' -
Haiphong, Aug. It. Sailed Schooner
cnurcnui, xor .Portland. '
Hobart, Aug. II. Sailed French ship
raunau, mr ruruina or niget Bound.
Severe) hundred persons attended the
opening of Voalker'a new - hall, 7-f
Mississippi avenue, Saturday night A
concert was given by Everest's orchestra
to entertain the crowd . and at t:ie
o'clock the - building - was illuminated
with red nra. A dance rouowed. . . j
' ! : AaaeUl Bxearsloa Bates. I
Very low 10-day tickets eaat offered
by O. R. N., August U, it, September
14, If, the O. R. A N. sells 0-day apa
clal excursion tlckete to eastern points;
stopovers granted going and returning.
Particulars of C W. Stinger, city ticket
agent O. R. A N Co Third and Wash
ington atreeta, Portland. -
As an event of orlme Icioortance. we make the announcement that w have taken the
agency of this modern and perfectly constructed range, ?THE MALLEABLE." A rane that
combines great economy and satisfying results, In baking and heating
lis pitf
Malleable Iron Is the very' highest grade of gray Iron submitted after casting to an annealing
process.' - In this process the carbon is burned out and all Impurities are; eliminated, thus giv
ing It great tensile strength. . It Is pure' Iron and can be stretched, doubled, hammered and
twisted without breaking. To anneal these castings, they are placed In' iih immense sealed
oven and are given heat for sixteen days,' .These castings -when ; removed from the annealing
process, are fashioned back into their original shape by. huge drop hammers and by hand.
osed in "The Mallea
Vblel ' range 'operate ;
; equally -' well ; with'
, either hard cbal, soft'
(: coal ."or ;wood. By
Ont;.; turn of . the
shaker, to the right
or left the' grate can
; be adjusted, for
either fuel. Grate re-
p volves front the-ien-
-Tter and a slieht ro-
, shake r;rem oves
- ashes and - clinkers;
"without dumping the
. fire. Gear that con
, trols this motion has
two small cogwheels .
. melted together out-
.. side of the firebox,'
' ' thus in this position '
they cannot be
, clogged ' . with ashes
or affected with heat.
Tba Southera Paclflo company hi
placed on sale at Irs Portland of floee I
round trip tickets to Shasta Springe at
a rate oflio. 'Beautiful, illustrated
pamphlets descriptive of this reeort eaa
be eecured from any woutaera raeue
It ill '..- .'..: mnaMKlf JlliLL. i . ' i
M . ClrCJ 5rZT3g 'LZsy .VV'75
z irz iuUP T?r3 r7
IS lle ot , V.x M I VJ J . t
l kj ata. , 'V - - y . at irvui i
! ': 7. v "Tr. ... ' . ' .- ' - '-, . )',
BLE" range is. built .
, of cold rolled,: dou-. ;-
ble stretched 4 steel
plates , ; and smooth,;
.' thoroughly, annealed ',
, malleable iron
1 ....' , " " ,
literally welded
. into , airtight form. S
Top".'; doors,, damp ;
'lers, frairies and han-,
dies are of malleable -Iron
which admits of
' riveting throughout
thus insuring against -JiabUitybf?
cracks ' in doors,
frames ..' and .. oven.
Surfaces are so
smooth that 'polish-,
ingis unnecessary.
Flush Ricscrvoir
' An important feature " not
Lbverlooked in THE MALLE
ABLE." Constructed ;so as.
to hold as much water as an
elevated reservoir, arid at the
same , time can be heated ef
ficiently. : The reservoir ; is
heated by means of a copper
pocket which is in contact with '
' a steel pocket ; located in the
right hand end of range. .
: No matter how attractive a range may be, a
'.. defective oven will condemn it ; forever. : As
the most vital part of a range, to it is looked ;
" for nothing but.satIsfac.tory results.' The first )
essential is that At shouldbe absolutely air-..
tight and in "The Malleable',' this result is ac-'. '
complished by, riveting alt oven plates Jo jnil-U
t leable iron frames; .Withthese frames Ijijing )
cannot warp and door cannot get out of plumb, v
Firo Box
Being renderedairtight all food during cook
. ', . r : . v ' -. . .
, , ing retain their juices and flavor.
V : One ' of the strongest , fea-e4,
tures of THE1 MALLEAv '
BLE." One hundred pounds
disposed : arouri d 'the firebox,
composed of the very best grav
iron. Behind the linings are
air chambers which prevent ex-
cessive heating. Large end 1
feed for wood, also pouch feed
' for cotL'',''v-:?..;,'f ::; "V"
77 Steel angle corners-strehgthens 'con'structipri.' '
; ' Asbestos : linines-rvery ,heavy-Aa i perfect " non-, '
conductor prevents escape . of beat through the I,
walls. Shelves supported by open nickeled brackets. ,
l Top closet large and roomy. Has drop doors
on which dishes may te placed.
- - Oven door handle -has double .catch no springs
:to getwout of order. :.'. ':' --1 . . -p :
(.Clean our door hinged and closely fitted will
-not work loose.'; ; .f y-r ,t . V : .
Ash pan made in ohe piece, rivetect to the mal
leable front... Has open end. . Do not have to turn
it trver to dump ashes."i y
eittjnt voiAr,
MJTl l Jill TWK
"XffsV . Mi a mm ' -
4 - -