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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1905)
.ai' I.L.UXLaUj.i..taUi.i , v . l Ui LETHAL . LAVA AT. OAKS n t ': .v -.-"'.. ' "'. " ' V.j .... . ZOXIOSTt i .- Mutt .. I.Trt -,h4 feroas -BW ... -lattr" ...'Til Lm That Vim" VWTi.le -.........,. Von Va-.--- f Cudsrr : and : Myrtriou v Fire Destroy Ciite Room Inn :T and Cauiet FatalitriiT T 'V'aiw t6v' s;rr 'awati 7 1 v. SabvllMn of Ie Jo-l whs re ' ' ' swajr far aek or k -- a -r - tho pauvf iiwir , V end ei-t te aujr addroa bf suit at , tb aa r tatve, aa4 euuer -"a will be. uioda.b riilr carrier a-r remw . to til it. excvot at Leaf baaes aad - Seaside, where V no Jouaaal eaa Me" , Shu- eerrter -uorj. Otfe Blua , ot, Wu.iu.loo, Baa ekarse j The Journal oa Lo, Brack as Lewis f Co. a Saa 1 ban -arav of The Joiiraal- oa haaaido or Cuitaop beach. : : lullrat wUlioo m at tnar Iwa points at rrfular auoeeriptloa rarae. , Giro yew eheaje of adrinee to font earrtrr or Pbnoe Mala poO and praaipt ' etUstioa will- bf lea ,011 ardors. (' In hie answer to. complaint of V. H. Marlay and H. E. Noble, to quiet title ',to a ornall niece of suburban' property, ' Charlee A than Hal) alleges that the title claimed by tha plaintiff a 'was IllegsKy acquired.. The Jplaintlffs' bought tha " property at delinquent tax sales held be tween tba year o l9t and 117. and r Hall declares these sales wera Illegal . bacaaae they wera not held at tha court ' liousa door, aa tha law requtrea, but bev ' hind closed doors end -at a dtatanca of o feet from tha entrance. It la aleo alleged that tha sheriff did not adver- Use the sale and did-not levy on tha property before making .tha aale. Tha total amount of the tax wee J1I.I9. . "" The Innal account 'of Arthur H.'Nlcb ola, administrator of tha aetata ot h)a t " wife,' Marlnda J. Nlchola, waa filed In tbf. county court yaaterday, In which ha declarea his wlfa left all her personal property and $10. In 7 money to .her " alater. Mre. . Rett -McCoy, and he aaked that only tha 1 190 bequeathed to the alater be allowed her. and that ha be declared the daviaea of tt which a-1 u. - t . . . ia a t a k a " abaI j nn ;whb nan on uepuiu in nw . Mr; Nichola ilio'ownod. J0- ere of . land in -Clrk county : WMhlnf ton, V M-ktk .Kak. takaa a Kama ktiahAnrl -. ,. Patrolman R. J. Ellla will appear be- fora the mayor and police ommlaalpa -. ,. on a charae-of nealect of duty. lte ta aecusedMof hayint been off hU beat d ur ine tna hotel Dra jtear tba fair arraunaa - '-. yesterday morning. Charces were filed ;' with the mayor by Chief OrlUmarchar on the. atrenath of a report handed him "In reference to the affair by Sergeant "uelaner. ".! Ellis works On tha first night retif. , :v,j , ; , . The funeral servlcea of Milton Brown of Buffalo, apeclal representatlva of tha U. 8. treasury department at tha expo altlon, will ba held today at 4 p. m. from ISt North Twenty-fourth etreet; the aervlcoa will ba conducted by the Rev. Mr, ' Morrison of ..Trinity church. Mr. Brown wss a Mason and af Knight Tem- Flar Uaaona of this city ara requested to pa present ai ma nouaa. .; " . ;" Charges were to hare been preferred With tha mayor and police commission ttlaf af Police nrltamncher agalaat Fatrolman Ray. N. Smith, accused of Tieg". acting r hla - duty by - frequenting - . saloons and drinking on' a Bunnyaldr beat. ' Smith learned fhat he waa ta toe - tried by the police commission, however, and handed hla resignation ' to Chief . . ' Arthbr Spencer, Ernaat Thompson and Trs.' Johnson, Kavanaugh, Bittner and , Thompafn left last evening on -a tramp- fng and hatting trip. It la their mten- tioa tc ttcnetrate tha unexplored regions . of tha Slack Butte diatrlct and to annl' u ffllfta all quadrupeds which bava not - taken to tha tall timber. A wagon load ' .vf provisions and ammunition, waa, taken along. pVi,- -,ff--:: t-- J V f,TJfa Preservers Purchased. Tha T- ' vbrlte i Boating company haa carried thousands upon thousanda of passengers ; to The Oaks and return without an acol ; dent, still wa have equipped our launches v 'wlth life preservers. We bars, there ' - fora, - taken - every precaution - for the ,' aafety of our patrons. Dock upper alda bridge. fao of Morrison afreet. " Tele phone aiatn aioa. Launcnea ror onarteA ' Sunday'Trollay-Trlpa"6n"Or';WV-iP't-; ' To Oregon City,? Canemah 'Park and ; Oresham.. t fenta; Borlna Eagle Creek and . Eetacada, is - cents' round-, trip. Dinner at Hotel Eetacadav It cants; ears leave First and Alderjitreats.ior Oregon . City on the odd hour arid every 40 snln utes; for Eetacada .:ao, 11:10, .' :30, l;40. i:4. . 7:11-. . W. Judge Horace) E.. Decman of ' the su preme court of Iowa; -with, hla wlfa and daughter.and Mr. and Mra, Joseph Jun kin of Rd oak. Iowa.- left Friday even ing for California after a .week'a visit ' with Mr. and Mrs.. M. Walton, 4el West ' Park street. Judge Deemen la, an oM , achool-mata of Mr. Walton. . . t . Three Chlnesa - were srTeated Jast night by Patrolman Craddock for angag- ' ing In a dice game, with money aa tha atukea, at lis Second street, a tnerohan - dlea establlahment...-At the city-prlaon they gave tha names or Ah L, Ah Sing V end-: p Dock.' All ' were' released by .. CpaWu Moore on depositing cash ball.. , l Mr. and Mrs. S. L Lisle of Echo, Ora- gon. ara visiting their daughter, Mrs.'!. - ' R. Greenfield at Seaside. .They.'wlU ra-"-turn to.Portland about Septembei' ..J, and spend a week or two. visiting tha fair, ' and Mielr many-friend and relatives in ? thlg city.- ;.-. ' 1 - , , ; ' . ' i 6 y , ' , i.. : Tha men's meeting at the Y. W.C A. this afternoon will ba addressed by Dr. . ' Roland D. Grant, on "Saul of Tarsus.' 1 Dr.- Grant has given this In many places and his. friends In Portland are vary - fond of It. Mlao - Lytle- af tha Temple quartet will sing. . .... . ; v. 4, , , f Dr. Joseph Strong, noted preacher and . author, .. speak at tha White - Temple Sunday, both services. ' Special aolo ' 1st. ,Mle BchoBeld, Mr.' Hampton.' Mrs. : Selkirk Norton. Dr. Brougher prealdea. ' , ytaltora apeclally Invited. Though O. Swanson had fll.'t In hi ' pocket laat -night,, ha refused to pay IS cents for a meal at tha restaurant or C. R. Smith, 114 First street. Ha waa , - arreated on complaint of tha proprietor hy Patrolman Craddock. - At the city ', IL. , -THB PlaACB TO ; BUT- Pictu remand Furhitu ro Clly Wdxre & rcrnre S!:re ' tUH FOURTH STREET. . '. Wa carrr tha largest and finest stock of paintings, etchings, engravings, pas . tela, photograpbures and other pictures In th-v elty. . . , , - , Aa an Introduction wa will sell any : of such stock at a discount of t per tent from regular Hat nrtna. We also carry a nlre stook of furniture, burnt . leather work and other nice things, as well aa aourenlra. - - . Be aura .and glve ua a call before ' you buy. moat of us apend money and ra . gret it aoon afterward. - Wlaaat way Is to aava a nickel here, a dime there, and -then, -deposit , a dollar or two in this sound sav fhgs . Institution, - drawing tha 4 . per cant Interest compounded semi-annually we allow, and so have a competence for old age, or . whenever. you feel that you don't ; need to work any longer, but want to make paying Investments, - Ask -or write for free booklet. . prcjica Savings Dcii!t Ml MOaUUSO ST. J ' v - ' ' ' ' 'i alphaa aTUaft IS. V -i prison ha deposit $1 and bail for 'hla appearance in the police court tomorrow and) was ' locked up : f or tha Blght..a ".' v ftt J. ,..-' . ' i, . , , ,0 ; ..:.',..! .,.. " Knights and Ladles of tha itaccabaes All visiting Ladleaand Sir Knighta of tha' M"accabecTara cordially invited. to attend the. eserclses at tha Auditorium on the axposltloq group4t ,t. 1:10 p, pa. on Thursday, August 14. . ', s, '. ' 1 '1 1 11 ,1 '. ,-1 . ivTBV TavernT 111- Sltth streetT; ladle entrance, j&Ot Alder. . Wa- make a. spe cialty of crawfish.4 First-olass servloe. Flrst-clsss orchestra each evening, t to I jiml'ltuV;,, fvv!i..i!, John Catn ' lost 1 49 while In "the com pany of T. H. Lynn on a Southern Pa cific train, near Woodburn. ' yeaterdo afternoon.:. Detective Day arreated Cain and Lynn on a charge of drunkenness. .100 Miles For $1.00 On tha O. W. P. Railway with two- hour atop at Estacada for lunch at the hotel. Excursion train leaves First and Alder streets dally ex cept .Sunday at, $:40, returns 4:00 p. m. ; - ' - ; '' i li. .' ( i I ' Maccabees All Sir Knight ,of the Maccabaea, supreme tent, who wish to attend the claaa Initiation at tha Audi torium' oa Thursday, evening, August 14, must have current psasword or receipt for July assessment. '.'-.;, - Mrs. J. D. Hart off Los Angles, CaU Is vlafting her slater, Mrs. J. R.' Green field for a fewdaya atSeaslda. after which she will return to' Portland -ta visit her mother, Mrs. M. 8. Oefseil of University park, ; , . '; ju,' '"t" Mr. and Mre.. Frank M." Wells of New Tork; . City, ' are ' visiting their parents. Dr. -and Mrs. O., M. Walla of this cUy. and . seeing, the fair. Mr. Wells Is a member pt ,tha New". Tork bar.r r1::.-; The disappearance- of Harold Wll llama, aged 11- years, alnca the night of August 17, was reported- to tha police yesterday by his father,: Jiving at-164 Eleventh street. -.,,! - . ,a :'.,;. Mr. and Mrs.' V. S- Blaknay announce tha engagement of their daughter, Elisa beth Rachel to Earl' B. Stark of Seattle. Xha wedding .will .take-plaea ' in - Sep tember. ,,. i - ; i. ' '.' -iy 'i', ' t- ..-' .''.. 1 .-', ... ;;. 'if J ; '..Today at t p. nu Rev. J.'Whltcomb Brougher. D.i D., paator . Firat 1 Baptist church, will preach to old aoldiera and friends in Grand Army park at Sellwood. Wo areVstlU' selling our I.0 eyo glassaa, for ill..'. Coneultatlon frsa.4 and Avery pair, guaranteed. - Metsger dt CoM 111 Sixth street 1 ?X L.i;'-.., : , '-.V.! ... ' For Bale Modern 7-roorn house and corner lot. Owner ' leaving ' city., Any aving city. Any pttd. (17 Vnln reasonable offer accepted. avenue -Jiprb. ' ,L aV Mv Delivery Co., til Washington at., phone Main Mi, makes dally flips to Lenta and all Intermediate paints, y-! 7" Unit ett . Hot Spring $1.10 day It and 110 week; baths. 2 Sc. . Take Regula tor tin. ;, .,,l-'r.'v.: '- v... 'Dancing Lewta and' Clark "; pavilion, evening. . Turpey, oroheatrsiw.'v. . , Tests Koon. Bag Co.. 1st 'and-. Conch. , Fritsa lamalea ara the beat ' V DRr TORQLER'S FUNERAL- : ,SET FOR WIS AFTERNOON 1 l..a' . .' : 1 -t ;'- - The-funeral of the lata Dr. . George Arthur ;Torgler. who: died suddenly of heart trouble last Wednesday, will take place from the Taylor Street Methodist Episcopal - church at 1:10. o'clock this afternoon. , Burial will be mad. In. Lops Fir cemetery. ' , Arrangements for the., funeral were completed' yesterday, afternoon by the family of Dr, Torgler and many of hla life-long friends apd, classmates in the University ef Oregon. - The pallbearers will be A.. J. Brown and P. O. Hogg, who were closely associated with Dr. Torg ler; Robert Holt and Ben L. Norden, representing the .'Alpha Kappa Kappa Medical society, and Ralph C. Walker and Dr. J. H. Miller, representing Wil lamette council, Roysl' ' Aroanum, : of which Dr. Torgler ' waa - a prominent member.' Members of the medical fra ternity, especially the younger phys icians and Students, -with whom. Dr. Torgler waa very popular, will meet and arrange te attend the funeral, "- ALASKA EXCURSION. ' Steamer Cottage' City. August 14. Ska g way. Sitka and return. Steamer City ef Seattle, August 14, Bkagway. Last excursions of tha season. Pnetflo Coast Steamshtp' company." lit '. Waahnagton street, phone Main 129. 7anFCrvt. In the series of lectures Miss Brew ster haa been giving in Portland en "The ideal Woman," the subject of '"Dress Art" is now under, dlsousslon. .Tueaday, August 11, at 10:10 a. m.. In K, of P. hall, Marquam building, ah will Inter est the ladlea by suggesting "Artistic Lines - In Dress," "Proper Lines for Women's Hsta" snd "Artlstto Arrange ment of Woman's Hair. :. Mifwaukie Country Club. , Eastern and Beat tie raceaC Take Bell- wood snd Oregon City; cars St First sad Vesuvius, . Hut Overwhelmed I Pompeii. V. .-. .; t. ' , Pompeii is to ba destroyed again. . Not the ancient city that nestled among the Italian hill at tha foot of Mount Ve suvius, but the big scenlo city In Pain' vast, spectacle of Last Days of Pompeii, that will be aeen at tha Oaka Monday evening, August 18. This mimic city represents with Ideal aocuraoy the fated city that perished ',ln tba first century of the Christian era.' The scenery used In T this production' cover an area of fully four acres, but so daceptlva la tha perapective that It appeara to- spread out over many times thst space. ' . The-vew 'Is said to be historically ac curate, -'Tha affect under, the glare of half a hundred aro lights and calciums la. most beautifuL 'Aa one sits in. tha vast , amphitheatre, and gasea on .the scene, before him he aeas Vesuvius with Its head raised' against tha sky; below ara tha houses, templea and arches,' and to properly represent these latter many real, structures-10 to -.40. feet; In height. FIRE PROTECT! i If THEATRES Executive Beard Hears That Local Manager Neglect :' , ; Keguiations. 1 PREVENTION WILL BE V ' ' : ,THE.CURE PRESCRIBED 1 . Members Af in Earnest aruj Play- houses -May Be Compelled, to Em- - ploy Two Firemen at Every Pfi fornumcev -I '"'' ' -7-- !"M ' A erusade has' been started at the in stigation ' of "Max; Fleiachner, . who- de clarea: that the theatre of the citr are not complying with' the city ordinances, and a'n extensive Investigation 'ofevery theatre' In the city will te made this week" by a committee appointed by Mayor Lane,; composed of Mas Pleischner, N. J. Blagen and John Montag. - . If any of tha playhouses are found te be violating the city laws regarding aisle and seats, tha number and place of exits, the quantity and quality of Are protection apparatus, the construction of the- stages and quality of curtain ma terial, steps will be . taken to prevent the house from running until they com ply with, the city, regulations, .. .Many complaint have come to the executive board that several of the thea tree were nightly violating the ordi nance regarding tha crowding of the aisles and foyer with guest during a performance. It Is said that under such condltlona If a Ore ahould take place a stampede would result disastrously. - It la also1- said that- the curtain matarlala are not fireproof in many ef the theatres and that .there ara no appliances, on the stages toveombet a Are. . , r. .. -. The proposition to pu-two. firemen In each theatre to watch' the doors and exits is now before the council. If .the city cannot - afford- to employ them, an ordinance may be passed td compel the thestrea to pay the salaries of the men, EVENTS FOR. SUNDAY AT THE EXPOSITION . L he 'order lor the Uy.tor Sunday at the .exposition will be aa followav- 1 s m. Oatea open. .; ; , 11 m. Exhibit- buildings and .Trail open. -. ' v. - .. .. . I p. ra Orand concert DIefke'a band, bandstand; Gray boulevard. t p. m. Exhibit buildings oloee. t B-a. Orand concert, Dferka's band. bandstand.. Gray boulevard. . 4 n 10.-0 rand select rjcal Illumination. T ""WHERE TO DINE. X - Bra'ndes Grill, at 101 '' Sixth! Stark, has secured the finest chef in the city.. Give him a trial. . '. ', Lewis snd Clark Observatory cafe. 1.000 feet, above. the city. Flne servloe, :!!kr- When; in Seattle 'W?- y Go to the Rathskeller, a hlgh-claaa place ta eat. Sea. toods, eastern meats, large 'orchestra dally. , . I EST ACADA' ov 101 or 0. w. f. xCTmio : XV m mxABT or m mrxs o ' .' HS 0XA0gI HTML ';. A roroxAJi Atnr An bxobiatiov , " aVi0I. T- atoanlala eSwMm troet Oatlna;, SO-aer pise Mr pork. larr. saartn sariuoa. betel prnvload with rlty water aad eleoirla Ilshla. flae balka. teWpbes lroct te Pnrilaad. Tkesaae ef I'M of fir loreot surrawe the yeaa alty ef getaeeoa. . . M atlLXS WOK rOETLAJTD. , Rates ae 4f . ......i 1 V, Itataa see wk...i...i fst-O SlKfial , rlfket. . Iscladlag rossd trip faro sad dlaarr rl- gnerlal ticket, tsetoriln raaad trip . tare, ea alfbt a lodflng aad three aeala.k.,.' '-0 S-Oe ncirr orncm nin aits alms. m. L. B, MARTINEZ. Xfanafr ' lit acaba, oaiooa. - - -' are' blended with tha "picture In the background. - i " The scene opens with a feta day lit tha ancient city, and for upward of an hour the anectatora are entertained witn vivid reproduction of tba sports and fests of the - hippodrome, . exciting - chariot races, sensational aerial and acrobatic acts, pretty ballets. Imposing and gor geously costumed process Ions, choruses and mual-.V-.j-...,-.-.'-.J. .;'....L . . - The tragic -dramatic episodes of the spectacle are ahown in pantomime. ! The fetee are interrupted by the terrific eruption . of ..Vesuvius and tha destruc tion of tha city by earthquake, which is a scene thrilling beyond description and brlnga into action all tha skill and ingenlousness of Paln'a artiata. Follow ing tbeaa striking scenes, there la pre sented a beautiful exhibition of fire work. , Railroads will maha '. special rates from nearly all surrounding towns on the data of this exhibition. , vj . COUPOI! EDITOR IS SH017ED UNDER Fairly Buried in Vote for Candi ; dates for ; The Journals t Free Trip to Hawaii. : MISS ESTHER ANDERSON OF ASTORIA NOMINATED How' the Struggle lVFrogftsslnc in TTTVarjou 'Piftricts Represented " by Fair Daughters Who-Want to View the - Wonder -of. the. Summer, 8 en. . Since the . vote announced1 last night In The Journal's contest for a trip to Hawaii several - thousand additional votes have been polled.. When the stand- Ing of the candidates again Is published it will show great gaina for aeveral and it will also show several new candidates In tha list. .-. - :.''". Among the new candidates nominated yesterday was Miss Esther Anderson of r f ; ' . ' - - ' ' . i I ' - - ' ' ' . I plsr'ii' i'v ,-i'Vvj 'T '"' i- ;'. i'4 5" t w - . " I Plll'ajel'itf( '11 1 si'ifil aV' ij"at 'aWe' i'i:'if'rfi'iltfiratifaiaTi ijk .Mise Florence) V. Heavren. Astoria, She haa. aa sponsor several leading cltisens of that city who an, nounced thrt they would aae every ef fort to capture-the prise for her. - The fifth 'diatrlct promises to be on of the exciting polnta In the contest tt has already three-eandidatasv-aad each la making a atrong fight. -1 MIsa Amelia Williams or Kelso. Washington, Is in tha lead. A candidate In this district who Is developing considerable strength Is Miss Florence V. Heavren of Vancou ver. Apparently aha has the solid back ing of that community for so far. this Is ths only csndldata Vancouver haa ad vanced aad when aha wa nominated her sponsor declared that Vancouver and the aurroundlng country would cast a solid vote for Miss Heavren. as she Is one pf the most popular and widely known young women of southern Wash ington. .' ,. .' . ' 't , In the second district La Grande le evidently- going to try and wrest hon ors from Pendleton, for La Grande baa apparently settled on Miss Molly Pfoeb stel aa tha choice of that section of tha second district, while at present the vote In Pendleton 1 divided between Mise Ruby Whltemore end Miss n Agnes Fletcher.'' -, ." . In -the-seventh - district- Mlaa Bertha Courtemanche still , leads, with nearly 1.000 votes, while in the eighth diatrlct Mlaa Edna Parsley and Miss Dale Har mon, both of .Koseburg. s re. struggling ror first honors sna miss Lioulaa -T Jones of Jacksonville Is developing con siderable strength. , - : a i ' .-..'-He Seta the Fee.; . '.'.1.!, From the Philadetphla Ledger.' ' I hear she's to be married." said the gossip "Who's ths lucky oner "The Rev. Dr. Splicer. I , believe." re plied Bac heller. - , "Nonsense! She Isn't going, to merry him." ',....' - ' , "No. but he's going to marry her. He's tha only one who makes anything, out of If " " " WOMAN JUMPS AND 13 SERIOUSLY INJURED Thomag Sorenson Believed' to Be a Victim of a Conflagration That He snd His Companion Are' Supposed to Have Caused. ; . The police believe that a' lira at , the State Room Inn, 00S Thurman atreet, early yesterday morning waa caused by the . twa victims who were cremated. One of the unfortunates, they think, blew out the gas; when the .lethal fluid bad rilled thai room, one or the other awoke and struck a match, which caused an -'explosion. . ; :. . : ' ' f ""' Deputy Coroner Arthur l Flnley'and Police Sergeant Blover identified one of the dead men yesterday from letters and papers-In bis pockets aa Thomaa Soren son of Notch Hill. British -Columbia. Tslegrsms to his home town have failed to reveal the Identity of hla companion. , A report from the aoapltal late last Right stated that MIsa Anna Lubet was able to sit up and talk, but that ah did not" remember' what happened from the time aha was awakened by Pollner and was told' to Jump from 'the window of tha burning building ' until - yeaterday noon. Her physicians ssy- that - while her back was not broken - the aplnal column waa affected by the fall, and that there Is a chancw ror her recovery. The Injury Is dangerous, they say, but If aba passes the critical stage she may be able to leave' the hospital In about two months. : . '"' ',..','. " The BsJttlnr Flre.Trs,''- 'The loss occasioned by the fire Is said io have been approximately 11,600, which waa fully covered by Insurance. - Incendiary theories war advanced by certain officers; Investigation haa failed to ahow that they were well founded; a can of kerossne found In the ruins, and to whose presence some Importance waa attached, was left In the building purely by accident, they say. !" ' . Sorenson and' his companion reached the city Friday morning and went - at once to the State Room inn. where they met their death. . They retired at a lata hour, after having talked with a number of people. It la known that neither was accustomed to gas. " Tha building waa erected In n hap hazard way, ' Each room had a gas Jet which was only 11 or 14 inches from the celling. Over the Jet wss a small piece of asbestos, about 11 Inchea square, which waa lntendeL,to keep the celling; from catching fire. ' 4 The bodies of tha men ara at Coroner Flnley's establishment. One was burned beyond possible recognition! the face of the other waa only partly mutilated. - - Valuables Fomad sree Fix. , " A number of valuable articles havw been found in the vicinity of tha hotel Harry Bllts., wbo was awakened by the barking of a dog and who lost t0 in gold, is said to have round his money through -.the efforts or police orncers. . A. H. Pollner.' who discovered the flr and who injured himself In saving others, is also- said te- have found the articles ha lOBt. - ' '' " ' k "We have been unahle'-to learn - the causa of the fire." said Chief .Campbell of .-the fir :. department v yesterday. though It la believed that It. was caused either by the dead. men, who blew. out the gas. or oy an explosion gas range in the kitchen. There is no especial reason to believe the gse range theory, while rrfany who lived at the place be lieve that the victims themselves caused Uie Are." ' .' " .-'. - ' " ! Coroner Flnley haa sent telegrams te a number of placea near Notch Hill, but haa failed uo to this time to -Identify the other man. ' Telegrams received by the Journal state thst neither is known at Notch H11L i Tha - young man who ac companied' Sorenson waa believed to be an'employe of the Canadian Paelfle Rail- read company. -.-,-. -.-' OREGON MAMMALS ' THEME OF SCIENTIST Dr. " Marcua iTT. Lyon ' of the Smith sonian Institution briefly described and classified 41 different varieties of ani mals of Oregon "In a lecture before the 8 tats Academy of Sciences last night en' "The Mammals of Oregon. Dr. Lyons has made a apeclal atudy of ths animal Ufa Of this, state and haa col lected a large number of specimens for, the Smithsonian Institution, and he im parted the knowledge ha had gained" In an entertaining manner. ' - Miss Ada R. Walker, a professor In the University, of Nebraska,-read a paper on "The Reproductive Organs of the Oregon Grape.'? . . - j - . i Colonel- L- L. Hawkins, curator of tha society, stated-that a man from Lane county had notified him that be had discovered a remarkable ..deposit of foe all remains. ..The deposit la located In the mountaina II mllea Inland and 1.000 feet , above sea leveL The. informant said . tha bonea resembled, thosa. of., a whale. Colonel Hawkins will make , an Investigation of the deposit the coming week.,, . , . a7Pt Is OrowUr Ughter. Dark as Egypt will become an Irrele vant phaae eg the light of modern days contlnuee t be lna tailed Into that an cient land. A -large German landowner la Introducing It en, ble vast estates near the Barrage for power sa well as Illumination, In nppar Egypt there I the greatest - opportunity for ' motive power owing to the situation ot the Nile FEATURES OF THE FAIR Administration Restaurants Tha aneelar sleee of the Fair Orooixl.. tint ateat erftero raal fma Sfte to SOe aad as. Par thnoe eat seatrln s U carte the aaaaaaeawat has tsaaswated a Popakr 50c Dinner Service, ralstae aag rwrlhaif flrat-claaa. Friers raaaMaeble. Tetlef'a IihIIs an-1 Offcta Teae aerve. Una't frst Ike Inrailna flrot reatanraat M the left apnn eniartaNf the raa. Tr m ef tele nann. weak aad tnllet roosas. Mo latai kaitaag Uaaora soM. , . . - x-v Ex!i!li. Tzi tl Ccr.i-cnnt J Tzti iz, ....... e!v:ry l:.L.'J Izzzzs tzi C.i:-evC.-i:ii Has fascinated the pecpla of Portland, and hundreds tziz been purchasers of their choice of this fine stock at their cm prices, and have been rejoiced that this opportunity tea been afforded to satisfy their desires to beautify their hobo. These Goods Wcro Intended for tha alr Dut Arrived Too Lato ; Hence we are sacrificing them at auction rather than hold them subject to the slow process of private sale at their real value THIS IS A GREAT OPPORTUNITY to make the home attractive at small expense, and forever after have in possession treasures that do not wear but.' F. SrasrOne, CCmO CSSS. mtntaUve 1 , .- f -aaaaaaaan I ?09000 Riccprds in Stpc!i COLUMDIA PHONOG1XAPH CO.' 365-371 WeaWnst Str ColumWe Bti&dfces. ftrrdetrl Or. IO I eauracta. ' The use of aleetrlolty Is limited, owing to the large coat of pro. ductlon dua to the high price of coal Petroleum Is cheap, hence the petroleum motor la mora economical than the elec tric mntor. On the other hand, con siderations ot cleanliness have led to the use of electricity. : There is good - portunlty, for electric elevators ' In . the large lodging houses, where the rooms are high because or the purer air ana less heat, yet discounted because ef the tiring atairwaya.'- .- '- - 'w. , CUT PRICES :" 14.00 and 11.00 grade for 9 1.80 end S2.10. , : ; , r 'fl.OO Straw Hats for 09. . Men's and Youths' Suits, fancy . worsteds, blue serges, double or - single-breasted.' at $8.50, 910), f lS.SO and 915. worth from 1.60 to -17.80 more - at regular . prices. ; ,. , '. t : 15.00 snd 11.00 grade Pants at 9S.50, 93.0O end 94.00. ' ; f ' 1( per cent' saved on Trunks or Suit Cases. Do not miss - this ' Clearance Bale, aa yon can savs money by investing now with ; jonn DELLAR JtT r wo - s to r s s Ccr. First xsd Tsd tzi Cor. . Tt!rd tzi Cavb Sts. Watches ! Secret Lockets and Chains I 'VO TOtT EVER HAVE EWKLRT ; REPAIREDT f. ; - Does your watch ever need atten tion! Do you ever have to buy presents? Do you want a diamond? . 4 V :-1F SO SEE 293 r..ciwCn r .rcit ' tie re t I a- mrr: o'- J30 C:. , ; CH. VCKZZX Art KzziZ2 4ee ,Mttw Double Crtuut Prism SuLouU, 1904 9 SI.00 Bovn f $1.00 Per Vceli I MMM In the Various - Stocks of . r There are many things dif ferentnot as to quality -in . the' main,' but as to ldeascf beauty, taste ahd harmony. People often 'find here what they ' can't find elsewhere, and vice versa. We make a note , of . these things and gradually - lean individual Uste in this way. You may be able to notice this fact If you will look over our stock. Others have. - - V, ,' ' X84-6 FIRST STREET CUU THBOTJOH TBS BLOCK. . Ask Our Customers. Great AyciioD o! (?:Izx2 czfj O i . m aWr V - Owing to being overstocked for the Fair trade and the very limited room In our store, we con cluded te force our goods st auc tion sale. The largest stock i this kind In-ths elty. consist in t of beautiful sUverware. clotssoneM, satsuma, new bras ware, earved furnlrarea, eiubroL. silk kimonos snd Una decora- . porcelain tea sets, etc. t Sale ' eommence -1 and T p sa. Continue retailing befo? i after auction; wholesale et house. t7 ' l'r-r-if J Fflfnifefc V . :.v.