The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 20, 1905, COMIC SECTION, Image 35

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    ?72s. oop&7fj;ye7r r",; ,
AvojrcfAe. . '..
OIF. ma,.y woman are there tn
U n'ited States earning ', incomes
io,ooo or more a year?'
, Their number possibly may be computed
upon the fingers of d man's two hdrids.$tillt
o fye women who do earn such incomes are reJ.
' . markable in many ways. . -AAAAAA
"A .'-A For 'instance: they are remarkable for the
f: business instincts they have developed; - for A
their, ingenuity tn Jexploittng fields tn which"-
women have hitherto had little part.' yKZ U,
V " One of these high-salaried women is Miss
Kather'me I. Harrison, private secretary" to H.
y i ff.Rogers iff? the-Standard, Oil Company. -
'Another, is Miss Anna L, Amenjit, assistant
Ao- t&.'fast&CirttJR&ittt f the
' Equitable Life Assurance Society. "
' A - Miss Florence 'M. JR.hett private social
secretary to I. Pierpont Morgan is. still an7
other as is also Mrs. Florence ' E.' Shaal, ',.
- manager: of : the Equitable' si New Ehgtan
epafThieni for womenl
-I'-'-Jn business for themselves are Miss Annie
' Roberts, a wholesale, coal, dealer of Boston,
. Nvi iss-prancet-rirTtnuzm assacnuseus
woman .who has made a fortune in the Klon-
-dikfwfFhiU oipanjalarlesThSJwaJr
should be classed with the present-da female
.'earners ;of large incoihcs.-.-' : ' ( .
f HROUGH all the recent troublea of the Equitable
Ufa Assurance Society, one person haa paased in.
serenlty-and. confldence, tThl la Kits . AnnaL.
A mend t, assistant to Gaga E. Tarbell, second 100'
president of tha company..- . - -
. : Miss Atnendt receives a salary of 112.000 a year. . She ,
. la thef only, woman employe in tho United States, so far
kiiu.h, .119 iiiiu sjbu in ner pay cnvciopv L-n ww
Her employers, however, declare, that aha la worth it. r
I Thla young woman la decidedly averse to talking about
herself and her success In life. -If persuaded to do so,
however, aha will atate that aha a born in Logan. Ohio,
where she grew to womanhood. '., . ; '
Whan her father met- financial reverses she bega.n to -
teach school In order to aid the family. Thla. life did not
appeal to her, however, and when aha had aaved 300 aha
..'.went to Chicago and, took a course in stenography and
typewriting. , Her first position with tha Equitable paid
' .her 115 a week.' !. ,:, , .,'
'' Later aha became Mr. Tarbell'a stenographer and type
writer. : He waa then general agent for the Northwestern
territory. When he waa promoted to 'be second vice presi
dent of the Eiultable, and transferred his headquarter to
' New Tark, Miss Amendt went with him.
' In
Uma ah. learned to grasp tha Intricacle. of the '- :
business to a wonderful .degree. For aome years aha has
, been Mr. Tarbell'a -"right hand man.'.1 relieving -him of -
. much of the routine business of hla office. " .: :y
. ' Every visitor , who seeks an interview with "Vice PresN
dent Tarbell haa first to, present his credentials and relate
- the nature of his buaiaess to Miss Ametfdt In the1 major 4
ity of Instances she can transact the business In hand aa
well aa her chief, and dock ao, promptly and without
debate, " " , .
She I now a woman welt siong-lit tha thtrtler ut -
a a- A a. -. m. ka L-'' airfl Imm mm . V A. I
- witlr tha bright -look or girlhood atfll In her face. It la
a frank, honest and attractive face. Above It Is a wealth
,of fluffy browa hair, with a auspicion of gray- af tha
temples.-.'.' r-- -.--.-v- :- w'- ' ' '' --i f
'. Trim lis the figure and alert-tha polae.. The Equitable
Insists that It employes be nicely dressed at all times,
and Mlaa Amendt carries out this rule. While never oaten
. Mtloua, ber clothes alwaya suggest qu)e( elegance., 1 -.
Upon her. fingers ahe usually wears three rings,-- One le
f ' - . .. . - y
a hoop of costly dlamonda, another a turquoise set be-
tween two diamonds, and the third a rich aetttng of pearla,
AKAnt Km iik aha vnri a mid ehaln which renchea tOT...
her waist. " ; '. ; .".V'
In sddttion to her salary, Mlsa Amendt Is said' to
make quite a tldysum esch year by writing policies.- It
baa been stated that she turns in mora than 1200,000 worth
of new business each year. .: . - . : , , j . . ..
- ' This enterprising young woman rives alone In a hand-'
ome apartment at 71 Central Psrk West. New York city.
Here she gives dinners, luncheons and other entertain
ment. Frequently she may if aeen rkllng In Central
, Park. - ' -
Her vacation tripe are usually spent traveling through
Canada and the West. Bo far she ba manifested little
deposition for European journeys. She calls upon the
company's agenta and dlscusse the latest phases of In
surance with them. More than once she hae addressed
meetlwte of agenta In some large elty, In this way ah
has acquired a reputation ss the "woman orator of the
Insurance tnulnesn." - .'
Another woman who haa mad a conaplcueu success
In the field of life Insurmoe, nd whose annual Income Is
lio.ono a year or more, Is Mt. Florence U. 8hal, of
Mrs. Shasl was the first women In the world to have
absolute chargo of a oepurtment of a lorge life Insurance
eompany, and she Is retarded as the moat successful
woman msnaarr of a deportment. ' ' 1 '
She was born In Provlrtence, R- I shout forty-flv
years sgo. Whf-n quito young.- ir ' people removed to
Boston, and there shu was gradiisted from the grammar
and girls' tilth schools. Soon after that she became the
wife of a young man who JtiM becoming a ucceful
-Ufa Insurance aollcitor. Naturally, ane? took' aa Interest -
-.':... J .' r sir . ' f
A ,'AAAAA,,:-, ' ir -..A. '
- r - y.;
- A A
In her husband' business, and ytt It was by accident that
aha herself became an agent.-- -.-,---'t.
. In some way opportunity waa given her to write one,
or two policies, and thtn aha began looking about for
others. 1 Almost before aba realised It aha waa one of the .
moat valued solicitor on the staff of the Equitable. ; .
uoing-siMauy. aneau, in a tew years sne noa vnuea-i
so much business for the company that aha attracted tha
attention of the general offlcera In New Tork. : After soma
. deliberation. It waa decided to create for this pushing
young .woman. a. department which, waa then andfor ;
long time remained unique. V 4 -" "- ' - i : - ,' ;
It' waa called the woman's department of, the" New ',
England office, and waa under the absolute control of;
, Mrs. Shaal. In a little time Mrs. Shaal had organised her
own staff ar.d of late yeari ner department ha averaged
rnore than 11,000,000 of new bualneaa for the company every
Every one in her department Is a' woman, even tha
attorney, Mlsa Amy Acton, and the physician, Drr Etlaa
wior Kansom. com or Boston. Tnero are anoui wiry ,
agent on Mrs. Shaal's staff, and they cover New-England ;
th.M,,.hh , - .
.In nlti .mm mt .K. ,ua Am mnA
.1. "",.l .k. .i V.ViTiV f
as, e)vm-iuiwn vi s L se as mummi uusi eaa .aaaav uvin '
in her homOlfe.-Her husbandj, atllL.
insuranes ageot, ana sne nss on eon, wno gives promise
of a gratifying career aa aA electrical' engineer, -v- .i
V .Fully worth her salary of (10,009 W HV- II. Rogers, the
Standard OH magnate, la Miss Katherln I.. Harrison, hi
private aecretary. .' ', " ' V: ',"., ' ? ' -
. , ' The two Rockefellera rarelv visit Standard OH head
nuartcra tn Maw V.rk Hv ' ' le Wnirara la known, aa the
n. , :ot tTte triUmvirat. and ha la sealously
guarded in hla official lair by Mlsa Harrison. ; 1 '"
. This businesslike secretary Is a living refutaton of tbe
old aaylng thut a woman cannot keep a secret. She knowa
nearly everything, that goea on tn inner . Standard Oil
clrch-; she possesses all tha secrete of that wonderful
organisation and "aha knew how to keep her mouth shut.'
'' Muchiof tho Important headquarters business of the
greatest trust Ja the World la transacted by this woman
without' being referred to Mr. Rogers. She write most
waaisvM. VCIUH I vlCI ITU IU MM . ItViCI, -,W-
of ,,,, ictttn, ,, evn writes bis checks. It Is said. Heada
of department muat aubmlt their propositions to her
. ... . i. .
before they can reach Mr. Rogers.
, - Access to H. II. Rogers is aa difficult aa to a crowned
head Of Europe more so, perhaps, aia moat monarch have
'public reception days, Misa Harrison Is almost as difficult
to n-ach. '
Evea the card Of J.. Pierpont Morgan le pasaed upon
by this InOuentlal woman. If she were, to say no, Mr.
Morfnn could not pas tha formal barriers. She knowa
, unerrlnKly whether Mr. Rogers care to see the teller or
hot. If her decision la against blm, the caller may aa well
' give up and depart. . . .. ; - .
At her home in Brooklyn, thla autocratic, woman relgna
supreme. With her live her mother and two sisters, the
- home resembles that Of a prosperoua business man; It la.
, handsome, in a fine section and has a garden adjoining.
Tall, almost si feet tn fact, broad-shouldered and
. strung looking. Miss Harrison appears physically fitted for
ln'J?",rt of a successful business woman.
- Fh. dresses plainly, but well. Her omc costume
usually consist of a short blue skirt, whit shirt waist.
' blue lour-ln-hand tie. with turndown collar. She weare a
short, closely cut covert cloth jacket and a toque trimmed
; simply with hhie Iridescent feather.
- . M-fsa Harrison la well-to-do.- ghe haS' worked sixteen
. year with some of the shrewdest nnsncters In the world. ,
It would be remarkable If, during that time, she haa not
' found ample opportunities for Investments with Aladdin-
. use miirna, . , -
Another woman In tho f1".fle salary class la Mlsa
Florence M. Rhett, V hose abilities have made hef almost' Pierpont Morasn. The fset that Mlsa
Rhett Is the niece of the world-famous financier doe not
permit her to disregard any of the exacting dutlea of har
position. . .
... ....... ' . i . 1 1 i j 111. t vi . . i , mm. i - 1 ii-i"
are aiffarafit from the that aagsf Jh attaatioa and'
'ire o title tnat fail to the !btf Mtaa Klrett, hi
Ar- i:::IA--- I'A'V
lest! lis mmi.
n . tot.
T A X. I . - I..-"
i.'V ' . i. - ; - . -1 . m. X.' X .
tAAA-.'l,:sA AVva. , - . ; ,?-:r'mesZ?PyJ il:
A, v 'V '
. v ; v- .
A,A no i TPt1-- .A
energies of Mis Harrison and Mlsa Amendt They have
less to do, In a way," with the purely business undertakings
Of tha raUroad and money king., :' . .;-;
- At tha same time Mr. Morgan finds the abilities of
Misa Rhett vaatiy imptrtkht to him In way. Vne h,
charge of the maintenance of the mnltl-mllllonalre's town
"u vukdvt
Ji'iht CtoSSr " " - P
: r Whin a dinner luncheoi or soma other entertainment
la given by Mr. Morgan. Mlsa Rhett supervises ell details.
.Viixte'iTd lx&s?.-Mtr th rv
MmVXmllZtol ?Z entertained of MrA
MorniL It la ..M that hia oharlttea and benafactiona are
- , .T. mmmnnt inir h. h. mr4tm t mil
the appeala that are made to him for aid. Mlaa Rhett
Amm .k..
vut. iu.h. . . ... . . . . . .
wo.fhT-orPc7 1. fuTrinUtlWTOVmJf
.aecl,ioB la favorable, a aubatantlal check from ber wealthy
uncle Is at onoe forthcoming. - - -
nt nnurae. Mlaa Rhett doea not occupy, the Vsusl DOsU
'lion D pnfll. .rvrviu, dui i - H mm m mriiivcr v.
her rich uncle's family. She Is Included In all their social
.'..functions, and la a member of every family party. that la
made UP TOT a trip. . . ... .'."''.
-v..rfT " '.'.J!1?-!.0 J.Z'mTi, S'aSLl. .."T
tl tJt 1 1 V iv-a- sja, itiay iiiovc( aiiiw a -v . w w. m-t .
:. arh.t hm Mnalrira ttmr raal wnrtn.
, , , Mlrs Rhett baa ber regular vacation each year,, with
AN the member of labor anion legally be bald
lndlrMuallvreanonalbla for tha acts of the union?
' Can their" separate a ad Individual property be
seised, held and sold to satisfy claims galnt
the nnlon. In ease legal proceedings are decided against
the body with which they are connected T ,v ; " '
A judicial determination of thla point has' Just' been
. made. Tbla w in Vermont, where a firm that claimed to
have been boycotted during a atrlk of Its employes car
, ried It oontenilon to court and secured a verdict of dam
age. . - - . ' ' "'" , ".
ITie flrm In' question waa the Patch- Manufsctuiing
Com nan v ttt Rnll.nn Vtr. and Ita. leeal -warfare, waa
...I... K. 1.1 mt .mm tnl,n.llAn.l "T mAmm m -1
. . ivv.i ih.iuiivi. v. M . hi.i w .
Machinist, --" i-.--y:t - s ----,-: v-'. '
,1 iii - '
1 ' cMttry far ..
I" wA A
n,"Dfci,-fIr i'.K. vV- w.. i United Stetea Deputy Recorder for Council City, and It tor about 10
t ... ' v- . AHDfla.'.A"nV'nmiini'-viflrwini mum-mmm uuviiii..iiiii'm.i m
i in h.. Aarn Ii.iu1.nm. .nbrtm.nlt linlnan . t Kn Unrn. ' Sill Rf. . . "' . um
yr.i.iijMMWwMyMMfrMwwwwWii . w.'. wimmiim'mmm0..mmmmmtmfmmmmi mimmmmmAAmmmAllAi0mmimm mm.mmmmUmmmammmmmammmmiikti,mitmm0 MWMwwMwaa
A AAAv A - A," A-1 yU- :'Y':V:y ' .'M.Ss-i,
. . i inr ir
"j ' . vT7ftm 1 1 - 1 Nini SSj 1111 11 .i..-TSS?M,r?-ima.i'i nii
A' ' i
1 II . Il l ill II .'.""!
'A SaA::. ; ! i. - - ' i
B m:: 1 f;A"- ., n
V ' K , : :'A
- U v- )U
Sk. oNivW - - vk a
. fan' nanc ;
-S A'"
, par, ' Juat a .any thr raploy of tb
noner, inacnat hu. 8omtlmM aha ;
'-apanda thraa waaka of lcliut-a la Europ. '
? At tbt and of bar Taeation aba Taturna'
to'bar Aaafc'and bar dutiaa juat aa any
other paJ4.clerk doea. ' And Mr; Morgan
: ," ' i . f'ir" la alwaya (lad tq,.ea ber back, aa ba ;
'ican ecorcaly, dotbout'har."', " ? i: ; v'. i , ;.' ),
4 Thar ra a.t least two womftn In th count rr who ara
Aiaklnv mora' than $10,000 a. year angagad In bualnaaa forv
tbamaalvaa.. ', ;-"V f ;r" -3 ' '
,-. a , una or. tneaa la inaa Aania Rooerta, or soaton. ana la
.v '.a wboleaala coal dealar, and bar axtanaiva bualneaa la tha
.'.rcauit of .bar. own bard work.' N ' '' ' ' '
' ' Beginning 'tha bualneaa . aome jjeara ago ' In , a : email ;
' way. ty. aaeklng coal contracta,- aha now no longer-leak',
J ' for tha aala of a few tana, but deale In thousand of tons. : ,
; ' '8ha' Uvea at one 'of the Boaton Back Bay bptala very '
t ' quietly, and ouUlda of her own Una of bualneaa la vary"
Uttla known, iyen In that city. - ' , - :- '
y r .'' Yet In ber fown Una aha. la well known,' and no man '
, in toe coal- tmeineae in Boaton feeia that aha la an un-,
-.worthy competitor.' Her'auocaaa haa been won by bard
v '.4 work, and' In tha faea af keen competition, and bar. buel
f't neaa ability- la generally reepected. ' , ? ,
' ' Not long elnca lilaa Francea E. Flu, a If adford, Uaaa.7
"gtrt, Teturued' tu tiirKiuuanw. where; fluitnc Ui uutrffrar
. .year, aha haa played many mora prta than naually fall
TMBt'lU' ad Wall
that,now h fafea the prospect of a fortune. ;
: Her income. now la said to be considerably more than
Ji",lW9-yar,-but ah hopea o increase' this largely in
the near .future.. , r. --v- '-'-,',
Misa Pita, at flraf, had no Idea, of going to Alaska. : She
. learned atenography typewriting -and 'bookkeeping,: and.
...... about, aix years ago, became a bookkeeper in New Tork
..-:clty.Than.ha-want-Waeti-.y . . , ,i .. . v..'. L,x
. , In Colorado, aha waa In the employof several. mining
firms, and the talk was all of tha Klondike. - Finally aba
V decided to try ber luck there. . and Joined a party that
sailed for. Nome. ; ; '":r " i ..----,
V . . Stenographers irera' decidedly scarce. In Nome whan
- .h arrived, and whan tempting offer of plenty of. em
words vii made her, aha'
br,ght, .cuvi young wonaa. whose object in going to the
K"k. .Vm. tZJiJ???1?. t'L"
' obtained valuable Information aa te the best gold regions
t&Ztmi&tm: .-ft kwhiw..-.'-.
portunltie. to ecure cla:ma for tenaie ..Soma were good, r
me Daa or uweny wonmams. anu mnwrm aovuv iu i
the expense of working them. Dut sne paraeverea.
Har knowladaa of clalma and mlnlhc crew, and Ona
arxer anoiner sne sot rw oi u nr viaima, wim i.i -
.1 n n til, in ..k . hp .r. walfiahl.
MIFlt; aHhoh" pid high ratw fo7f Kr work a.
publlsner ana eaitrese in council vny, aia not nave iuna
SUmcient iq wora Bar ciBima,"avu ini un iwiwn
returned from the Klondike. Last fall ahe came to
Peat tie and organised a company to work ber mlnee.-
' F.very bit of the stock waa sold, the machinery contracted
for,, and . when aha returned to Opblr creek: It went with
' her. .- . . . -
She picked out the opnir ereea eiaima nerseir, , ana
i wvv.v. r i ' - . . ,' r mil
i 7a A-.-
with the experience gained In her work aa Recorder,- abe j- age and drainage.
is confident that every one of them will yield large re- Recently propoeala have been asked for the conats -turns
. - ' " """'Ttlon or a government palace and national theatre la U I
. ' - jjoim oi popie, ane saia texore sailing raccniiy. , bit
j k .
ljn 1
TZe PJduiai jrAcA t&eSirifc Occnrfd,
' t i.i-.i k..'1m Hri iai eOnantrscv of lahA
. . li a . . -la wvmm . -- -. w .
onion In Rutland and throughout tha country agklnat tho
Patch Manufacturing Company being alleged. Boycotting, -
picketing and other forma of annoyance wer
among tho
grievances charged against the member of the union.
The PVh Company entered suit for tlO.000 damage.
- The trial that resulted waa sensational.' Efforts to have
. tho offlcera of the local lodge produce their books and
records were without avail. . , , 'v.
. After a' long deliberation, the Jury-gave a verdict of
ton and costs for tha plslntlff, or tbe Patch; Company, tha
.whole amount invoivaa Being jwv
Tht. araa almnlV tb befflnnlna1 ttt the flaflt On th. MM
. , w - - - - .
ef tht company.. la order to. collecU this Judgment, the
raied' ma aa being worth half a million dollar. I ara .:
worth that yet. but expect to be befora tha lunimw 1
- over." - ' . . 1- .
"During Mia Fits' raaWenca In Council aty aba aaU"-
- Hshed a nawapapar there, doing moat of tha work upon 1
baraelf, Thla baa paid her haodaomaly...
There lan't a bla af tha frail, tannine vlna Action abort
Mlaa nta. . 8ha la light In build and of only madhusa
height, with a gentle, nnely chlaeled face, but bar gray
area are bright with detaimlnatlon and erery menra aha
make telle of bualneaa and a "aUck-to-it-Wanaaa" tha
glvea gocd raaaon why aba baa propered tn tha oU
and inhoapitabla Klondike, . Withal, aha la womanly to tha
core, and her aye can twinkle a eejiUy with fun a they
i-da with ..bualneaa, iU'.;.V": ' T ' t A'' " ' , '
j 7
fJ tiX new Republic af Panama ' appear to bavw
I . caught the aplrtt of improvement and progreaaiow,
t 'X ? from American anterpriaa that la ' iuUdln tha
, " 'canal aoroaa tha latbmua. -' r'
Harbora, highway, and railway and a new city are
among the project to which Fraaldent Amador, ha given
hie approval, and, upon which work la In prograaa. At
prevent the eantril provlnoea of Loe Bantoe, Coda and
Veraguaa are the nalda for the greater part ef theee
Improvement.- fo which l.W,00(Bllver) ha been ap
propriated. . ..'.- '7:J:' :' 'V ;"'''7".:r "
. The harbor of Paacadariaa and Puerto Poead are to
! be Improved, ao that It will be.poealble for paaaangar
and cargo to be received and landed at wharrea. 'With
'i the' exception of Panama. City, the port. of Ague. Suloa
la at thla time the only harbor on the Padfle where It Is
poaiffile "lei jeelBt6 'AiiScTiaYg'e ' and load from" plat.
The nrolect la to have. In the not far distant future.
' "a"fSSai'"lHa. mgf ' faiiwityi. itiaimiua niaa
- y ,h. and foothill, throua-h the mountain paaaac to
the Atlantic, and thus develop TlcB natural
which to-oay ua aormanu
I Loner ago abandoned gold mine have recently been
-.relocated, and are now worked with profit.--The erode
' method of the Spaniards were only successful where
- tha mineral vain were moat accessible. The result ob
tained by the ase of modern faculties will surpaae tbaaa
of the original discoverers. Because of the lack of trans
portation facilities coal and iron' have, lain undisturbed
In the flank of the btlla. .
A large are of Ana wood will, becoma aeaaaslUe
when bettor communication la aatobUshed. Cocoanuta.
"coffee and rubber grow wild In, luxuriance.
;To cite an example. It la credibly, reported that act
Indian cacique possesses S.000 rubber trees. , With C z
benofita of cultivation and transportation, to aa a valla!.'
market, a rubber crop yields a profit of from W to 1
tree. Meoesaary jinoian laoor caa B ootaiBi
cents (silver) ner tree.
Improvement to the harbor of Puerto Pose da "r"
highway between that place and Penonome'exe W
way. Basket and rone maklna and tha manufaotio
genuine Panama hau are oairied cat In thla vicinity. ,
port of Posada-will aerve as an outlet for the proC
of these Industries. On tbe far sideof Ponooomo
highway will be continued through mountain paaaas) a
ver tha hill to the Atlantic. - .
From the port of Ague Dulc to tbe city of the r"
name the highway, with tta aeoeeaary aradea and bri
is practically completed. Thla route will b further
j tlnued beyond -Ague Xhitce to the Santa Maria T
Tbe- river la to be spanned by aa extenalv atoel b
the contract for which baa been allotted to aa iaa.
. kMt.
; Sonal road, are to be f wld a4 r
tiuiii wnn a view to tne practicability or pTimina t
. with narrow-a-auae railways.
Midway between Ague Dulce and Penonome a " f
-a model town ha been planned. -A pubuo plaaa, 4 t i
square, la to be the centre of the town, and around It
' be grouped a church, school, government and munU
' buildings, and a market. The town will be provided t
. a Mmnl.ta IVIt.m nt w.t.rwnrka ml mf trim 1..KI. mmm-..
eiiy- oi ranaraa.
iBlMtlS m , . . .... . ....
vs.u (t J vpvn ilia propeny OI in mOlViaUC.4
members of the union- ,V",Ki.Z
' ." ThI procedure fell Ilka a Holt f.nnt IK. rtmmm V mmm
tha men Involved. . They are employed In varloua shop,
quarries, stores, etc. Many of them wer not active la
lb atxilM.and.are.aow .not. member, of tbe mac.hinfcT
nnlon. The fast that they were members at the time t2
tha'atTfke makea them liable, however. They were cancel
for sums ranging from $30 to 1100, and In aome cases sj
little hardship will result. 4 - f " - i , - V
For Instance. John Grimes, a reputable young ait"!
with a family, atopped to have a few moments' centers,
tlon with a friend while on hia way to draw about JC3 f?
hla wage to pay medical bill. He reached the desk t
minutes late, to find that hla pay had been atopped by t.
legal proceedings, about five minutes before. HI convex
a tlon had coat blm hla month' wage., Orima was a.
active In the atrlke. In any nay. except that be quit wor
with the others and went to work for another firm.
- Thla lUustrate tha general effect of the new Co
order. It doea not atop there, however. Home for a "
workman hav labored for year may ba swept from t
control. - . , : .' ...
The dlacomfltnr in tha unlotf camp has thus i:f J
venfe tha MMkim front deciding npon a plan Of
-with regard to the results of the suits. Many I t
anticipating that their homes ana otner propsny
attached In tha oollectloa of damages, save ir
such property to other persons- Thla course, isc
not expected to avail them In 'case the plal -to
collect tha remainder af the um due from t
In queation. aa by a ault in chancery .ucJi r
ha eecured, even though In th nam ef aoir j r
than the defendant In the suit
Unwittingly, therefore, tho labor ur.:. i -appear
to ba confronted by aawr!or
It la en that will andoubts ,
llttl weight la determmirg tls
.' , ' -' .V ' , T "t '