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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1905)
i:::. ' J .7 rcii. !c: oy'o y cc-iii- gi? ;STotni? Llczig' Uiolit 1 t'r . o V.. ' rL-s Citric tr-i i:i!.-;-!t r with rpod edges end in dainty designs thl:yc::x2 from 9 to 14 inches' in width and can be used for(Corict covers and skirt flounc l"s ; rjood iZz viluss. C-tcLl. . , . . . .... v. . . , . . 22-Inch Wide Altyver Embroidery; in beautiful 'openwork patterns, suitable for shirtwaists'; il.ZO and $1.73 values. Special at. yard V. .... .V.. . : . : . ; '. . . ; . . . .V,,.y.'.75 v m 7 V v mn:r- '-m --v U .... r 1 IJjC. U C 3LTv7C Z? ... Lace Chemc:snr3, ach,......,........23 C0 ri S3 Lace Collars, with tabs; 25c value for...;. ...1C , Wash Embroidered TeetersSpecial, each..... ,v;.XC ii : G-CVC3 - vv;::: - Silk Gloves' the . Kayser make, with double tip fingers, every pair' guaranteed, sizes 6 to 7Vi, three qualities to select from.r,.........viVJ ......50 75f ?1.C0 This is to bs a great bargain w feel that you're chteririg a storeHhiat's trying to it as profitable and satisfactory to you as possible and with this object in view we rigidly exclude cdl inferior, trhyamade just to seir roods from bur stocks. A sacrifice of ' qiiality for lowVjpriws would ii ForJthe coming week ioscort- We are certainly proud oj our display this sea aon, of Men's Furnishings. Nowhere in all the 'city, will you beable; toT find, an equalj Tasty, up-to-date, reliable goods at popular prices. .That is why our popular" men's department grows in t such favor each day. v ;IIoT7, Ouspcadcrs 85c Suspenders-made of best linen ' webleatherend,:new colo'rjngs and patterns; for:. ; . , i . I: . .' . . . .25 75c Suspenders finest , linen web, best Bristol leather ends, for... 50 Vndcrx7car ' t; Best Quality BalbrigganUhderwear,' Maco cotton yarn, cream and fancy colors for vV. .'..,.........50 Gray Merino Und"erwear; the right .weight for thoseuwho ..wear. wool the year rqund ; all, sizesfor... .65e All Silk Four-in-Hands Tecks, Bows, Strings and Windsors, ; for ,..;:....25 All Silk Wide French Four-in-Hand Tic; lie west colors foritii'iiBO-$fcOO values m... ....... .......ef 01 Golf SJxirtarOOoTt Made of fine vduau'tv- oercale and madras, in ' plain and ' fancy colors, choice -of a large"rariely, all sizes; Ilonddy'o Special Sale Hand llaaOiOnoeo iqr 1 ;.T7bm6n:'iat'iii-: -We purchased several 4 thousand - pairs - of - Women's Real Hand-Made Shoes at prices that were .actually ridiculous. ".' We are giving you the full benefit of these low prices to us by making an equally low price to you. You've not heard of any one else offering to sell you Good, "New and Stylish Hand-Made Shoes at $2.16, have y you? Well,' that's what we are doing, and in all, the eood, new and popular leatners. ; ratent leatner, Kussia . . . i tt i i r i ij call, gunmetai can, veiours can, dox can ana yici kiq. They re worth $3.50 lor wear and nt. v,: . , MISSES' Tan, Kid, Russia Calf, Chocolate ' Kid and Black Vici Kid Lace Oxfords, : Sizes 11 to 2. Monday. .... ... . ... . . . V, , ; .V. . . . .87e BOYS' Box Calf Lace Shoes, all soh'd Monday .......... .'. . . . . .f 1.69 We sell no silks but good silks. ' Some of our silks are very low priced, but they are never of the "cheap" kind.''' The newness and beauty of the collection are inviting. V 75o and 85o Silk Snitings A Poorlccs ! Collection at X. . v and & l O I 58c Fonoy Xouisino' and Sttiss TaiTotas Thousands of yards of the very choicest qualities of new TJouisine and Tafi ' fetas comprise ' this sale. Styles and Values that crowded the department Fndav and Saturday and enoueh left for another busy dav; tomorrow. Tere are silks to suit every taste. AH sizes of checks, stripes, dots and dashes are represented in plain colors and 2t 3 and ,4-color combina- tons, yet no two pieces alike. 1 his is the greatest underpneed sale of Suiting Silks this season.. Come early as you . can for best Choice." MUNUAY ONLY, AT. , t.. . j . . .('. .... " Blacli TafTotOi No need to pay more than our prices for dependable quality ; Black Taf feta Silks ; although our prices are the lowest in the city, "every yard carries "Roberts Bros guarantee." 20-inch Black Taffeta. .' Special at 63 24-inch Black-Taffeta- Special at . . ..... .... ..... .C0e 27-inch Black ' Taffeta, - Special at f..75e 36-inch Black Taffeta. r - :-i at. ....... ...;r...;.C3 58c IlewPlcidSillio . iv,' , ' Moderately Priced. Jyst ' received : a handsome assort ment of New Plaid Silks, in a beau tiful blending of colors. The most popular of the new fall styles. Our jjcxial IIcdcrato Prico Prevail ; Ypur choice of Three qualities at 75C3 05O 01.00 Gilli GliirtwciiGt Quito "Worth from Q18.50 to 025 at With the continuous arrival of new fall garments, 1 ; the more imperative it becomes to close ? out all summer stocks. . For Monday we have arranged a special lot of extra fine Shirtwaist Suits at a bargain price.' About two dozen in1 the lot and all, of all of them this season's suits.- Styles that will not only be worn this fall but will undoubt edly be' copied next season. Choice of these handsome suits in black, blue, brown and green' ;Silk;Pettiwatsf Women's attrctiveNovelty Silk Petticoats in the" rnosrpopularshades." Made-with " accordion pleated flounce,; trimmed with ruffles, silk un- Ttrrlffy and dnrtvf"'"', Best val - ues ever offered at the price. Your tl I choice, each . ,'. ,;. ....... '.' . ',!-. i:.vV " Shirtwoisi TtaM to SSM for. ... ,U Jb t A-bargain feast in ; Women's Fine tWhite Lawn Waists. For-Monday's selling we place on sale all our $1.90, $2.25 and $2.50 Lawn Waists, in the most beautiful patterns of the season, at your ;. - 5 choice, . 7; ' each'H .". . . vv;v $1.50 teen-Pettiooata I Never before did we have such-an in teresting line -of black and colored Sateen Underskirts. Every skirt" made extra full with gored hips, and different styles - -of ruffles J and. stitched bands. ' All have dust ruf- 11C3. . .: A UUi UIU1VS of the 'lot for, " - each. . ;'. . . . ... .... .. wmm $1.25 illewiWacjh :Cottono Another Handsome lot of New Fall Cotton Dress Fabrics just received, new colorings in "plaids, dots, dashes, stripes and mannish effects, correct imitations of wool serge, full width, and usual 25c quality. -Our Price Only...:. .18 JNew Flannelettes, - in a complete ramge of colors' and patterns -at. . . . . . . . 10 rZfrf and 15 New Outing Flannels, in plain and fancy colors, at. ..8 10 and 15 Window Shades, .' made of good quality Scotch Holland, .with com plete fixtures, all widths up to 36 inches and full 7 feet in'length; un usual quality at, only,-each.... 35 Tapestry Table Covers, 8-4 size, in two-toned color effects, handsome patterns to choose from, reversible sides, finished -with heavy, deep fringe. Extra special values " at ;7. . . .v. V. ;-..'. ; . ' j . . -i . . ?1.25 Curtain. Scrim, a great variety in pretty colored effects in dots, stripesr and figures, 40 inches wide. , Special at per yard .tr.T; rrv r .... 15 ' W take care' that ' only good wools, inodorous wools, get into the blanket we selL Comfort demands that they shall be fluffily warm and Pleasant to both smell and touch. Of course, all blankets are not all"wooL Better for some of the grades to have cotton warps; but whatever the price, our blankets are good blankets. Gray Wool Blankets, ; full double size, 6-lb. weight,: made of select wool with heavy cotton warp filling, splendid values at $4.50."fl3 CC On special sale at only... $000 White Wool Blankets, full -size,' good, full weight ; never before sold for less than $3.50.' On &JJC upeciat salerafronly. . .7r.$L i D White Wool Blankets,' strictly all wool, both warp and filling, full size, blue and red, fast colors., usual $6.50 . grade. -On special - J J? r A P sale at, per pair. ......... )0&O New Fall Diebo Gbodo Very ; Tempting' Prices Each day we are receiving large shipments of New Fall Dress Goods; the showing is the most extensive we have ever had; no matter what your wants may be, you are sure to find it here, ' and at prices much lower than the same qualities will cost elsewhere. ''V-v,.-';'; Vr; 38-Inch Panamas, strictly all wool, fashion's ; favorite material ; for fall wear, all shades in colors, brown, green, gray, red and' tan ; "ujnusual quality at, only, per yard. . . .'. .60 52-Inch ' French ; Panamas, strictly all wool, hard twisted weave .that will shed the dust, full assortment in all the new fall shades; regular $1.00 grade. 4 Special sale price. 85 38-Inch Novelty Melrose, absolutely fast color in black, blue, brown, tan green and. gray ; -unusual quality at, per yard . . .......... ' , . : :i ..',; . 30 .Three Black Goods ' Specials , . v ; 98 For Black Jupiter Lustre, this fabric is very fine in weave and very lustrous, 46 inches wide J real $1.25 . quality,' for Monday special. X. 88. 85 -Imported -German -Henrietta has a very silky finish, 44 inches wide ; sold regularly for $1.00. Spe cial for Monday.. ........ r, . .85 50 38-Inch Black Batiste is a very Fine weave, strictly. alL wool ; one of the best materials for hard wear. Sold regularly for 68c. Special for Monday, i .... . ... . . .50 Two Lots Silk TaHeta Hibbons tJndorprioed Lot 1 consists of 5-Inch Silk Taffeta Ribbon, jsoft finished, in a splendid range. oLcolors. Lot 2 consists of 4 Inches Wide Extra Heavy, Silk Taffeta, Ribbon, full line of colors; this is a special purchase at less than manufacturers', cost, and ' . both lots will be closed out -1 ki at, yafd r. .v. . ... . . . . ; . . . . I UVc ' This Underwear "Section of ours has had some . wonderful offerings of late. . Here is an unusually interesting lot at prices much below their rig ular values. Prices run like thif--VV?, V''.V'';''';'':':''Vr':r''.: Womeni's 'Muslin Gowns made' chemisette style with elbow- sleeves, : YoWe and sleeves 'attractively. trimmed in dainty embrbidery beading and rib-"' bon V-neck and.high-neck gowns trimmed with tucks, fagoting and, lace.. Long sleeves.' Sailor collar trimmed with hemstitch ing. Regular values, $1.25.' Special sale price .. . .;'.'.'; .'. . ...., 7 5o Drawero 50&mr Women's Drawers, made of fine muslin . and 1 cambric, . with deep flounce, Numerous ; styles ' ! of ' ' lace ' insertion, ' tucks, embroidery and blind embroidery ,. trimming. AH sizes.; Regular, selling price, Ell rv 75c. Sale price . . . .'. ........ . . ..... . . . . . J U EZUSlilBT : GOWKS 01.50, 01.75 Values M1 , : " ..' i-i. ":n:.'. t-.- Your choice of good quaiity "CambHi," Musliu ui r"f-i !Nainso6k ' Gowns. ' made with sauare ' or ' round ? yokes high and low necks. -: Yokes, neck and sleeves be'auHfully trimmed "in . finest valen- - ciennes, linen and fine wash laces and embroid eries. i At : least a dozen - different,, styles, to $W0, $1.75. Special;, 1 'f; C4 3 sale price ) M. JtJ a 50ot Ilioaea' Apr bna 3 06 K Fine, White Lawn Aprons "for girls from 2 years up to -12 years of age Aprons .made sleeveless,' embroidered fronts, wide - reveres of embroid- ery over shoulderrfand wide hem at .bottom. ; Excellent values .at ' 50c.- Special sale price. . . ... . .. ... , , .....'..M........0t . 45c Y7omen'o Aprono 35o AU-over Aprons made Mother Hubbard style. Good quality small checked gingham. Full sizes. : Finished with; wide hem and but-iC : tons. Regular price 45c. ; Special price....... .........Oov linen Scarfo and Tea Clotlio Fine Quality Hand . Embroidered and. Hemstitched Linen Tea Cloths, 86 -inches square; unusual values at. $ 2.85 $2.75 $2.40 2.00 and 81.75 Linen Scarfs, in handsome patterns to match Tea Cloths, 18x45 ' inches. Special aW.. ....... ....V.S2.50 S2J25 81.C0 and. CI. 50 if Unbleached Batb Towolo Bath Towels, good, heavy quality, 20x40 .inches, unbleached. Extra values at ........... ...,10 Bath Towels, extra heavy quality' 22x45 Inches, unbleached. On spe- ' cial sale at. ............... .. .lfc "Alpha" Knit UndorwoCiP for, Tomen 'f 7 50QnaUticahiyfl -- Toinorro7 V V;..3ubO' viy .Tomorrow'.we place all styles of the popular "Alpha" Under- wear on sale at a greatly reduced price.- Garments are of the 2 finest bleachedlliste. threadbare hand-trimmed vesta made hiehr-- necK,,iong or snon sieeves, painty lace-inmmea umDrella style : .,(;,;'-'' ''' ' ' - . pants to match. . .-. ' . . ' ITot7 Ton CZiodca ' A 1...t.:m.M t TCJ..'.. T1- f ... .-J OA A all styles'. ; A handsome line of patterns for your choosing here , at a big reduction for tomorrow. : v ..,. . .. . ... . ,- ' ; ' ' . . - W6nien90 Lcco Isiolb Hcaibry Kim? - UK . V. Of trl 1 300 rz v -w -v ' A marveloiri c" :'. cf II;;h-Gra;; I" frtctic r- r frice. Fk'I f ' " f;r r:-; ' '