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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1905)
TH2 OHSGOM SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUIIDAV IXISIIKO. AUGU'T IX KIl 10-luCffilSE SIZE "SHUR-OR iFfflsiiips;; SIiilKularid Designer Find That . Present .'. Plan Must Be Changed to Meet New Conditions, t Reliable Dentist Uindct HEAVIER BATTLESHIPS f -7 . JITH.CREATER SPEED r 1:, jC''' v. ill.' v.- , I .,. I Absolutely - Mcd3m.":, II B I ' , - . T , tMptm $eji It Fot(ble to C6n trnt a lf$chln 6f Eightten Thoo ' ..ttad Ton r Displacement With , Speed of Smaller Vessel. .;'V'. j -v. i -. '. -- '-iff (SpwUl Dlrab-k br Inh Win to Xkt Jul) Wublnvton. Auk. H. Th dMtnrera ! of tk m battlMTilps hT dlxwvared , thatk they cannot with present plans , furnish Tthoaa vessels -with ths arms meat which .would make the ships as . powerful as the battleships bow being destaned snd bull! abroad, r ;, It Is found that if the Americas ships ' are limited to U.00O tons displacement -' as required br congress, there will be s , vital defect in the ships and it Is now proposed to Increase the displacement to lt.MS tons. I .... Siv : ' - , The Increase la the displacement by . J.eoe tons would call for greater borse- power of the engines and would require f an abandonment of the . plana already drawn and the preparation of entirely new dsigns ' It Is necessary to have i the speed of the battleships maintained and this can only be done by material ... changes In the machinery designs which have been drawn on the assumption . that the displacement would be 1,00 tons as named In the law, The advantages to be gained by the '. change In displacement, however, are ' such that no one In authority Is likely ' to regard the abandonment of the pres- ent tentative designs and ths prepara- : tion of the new plana as a sufficient r , son for keeping the displacement at 1I.S0S tons. The experts believe that It la possible to construct a machine of ,11,00.-tone .displacement. snd give the asms speed, for Instance, ae that of the , New Hampshire and -Kansas, both of these being of the If, 000-ton class. : ' One of the reports In the bureau of ' Intelligence shows that Great Britain l contemplated building three vessels of this 1. 000-ton class. They were' to be 4i9 feet long. They were to carry four It-Inch, guns, eight 7. i-lnch guns ana a -IS S-lnch . yuns on' their main ' deck; : speed not less than ll. knots,- It the , vessels are to be raised to 11,00 tons ; each It la estimated that It would re- quire .11,00 horsepower. These are the , problems which are now being dis cussed with the chances that the next ';. vessel will be of this great -lS.0-ton class and.wlU probably have mors than It knots speed. ' . ; - - m ANOTHER TRAIN BETWEEN v ? PORTtAND AND SEATTLE f-y ; (Spselsl tnspsteh Is The Xoeraal.) , irJBeatUe, Wash., Aug; 1. The North ernfaclflo tealght-' announcea Ita in. Seattle and Portland to be run on four days during the next month. The first will be to accommodate the Scandina vian Singing society, leaving hers Au- gust ZS. The second will .be operated during King county, wees at Portland. vbsln nlng August . If, when it is expected there will be an excessive amount of travel over what , the regular trains can iaae care or. The third one will leave here on Sen. tember 1 to carry the Woodmen to the fair, and the fourth will leave on flep- wmoer io car lor tne ,hoo , Hoo crowds. - -i : Says Bhm Was Bobbed. "; ' '' Hun Xyoka. a apanese woman, re- s ported at police headquarters last night .. that she hsd been robbed of diamond .Jewelry and money aggregating f SI in v, vara. She Is sa Inmate of the LJttle . Farts house, II North Second street, and - left her room for a few minutes Aurust , I 14. When she returned she found the v xouowing articles had been stolen: A ; gold watch, set with s diamond, valued st tl; s diamond brooch. 1176; a long i rope cnain, no. and lit In silver. Xottery 3tsa Asssstsd. ' ' Tong Tip. a Chinese, was arrested last Bight by Sergeant Hogeboom and Pa- roimaa craadocs and charged with hav ing tottery tickets In his possession. Ha - was marking a stack of tickets In the basement of the structure atl!7H Seo- - ona street wnen -taken Into custody. The tickets and markers were secured i "e eviaenes. - Fair Bulletin No. 60 2Ath 5'srks's Band. Trail Attractions. 2 I t "sthmal Irrigation - Con g,rs. Indian Affairs tUm. ""s'nalan Athletic Sports, FOR WEAK EYES -.To lessen the reflection of light tipon the surface of the 1 eye, and at the same time widen ;the range of vision ' without moving the head is what V'.: x :- ;TCn!C LCN5C5 will accomplish. . Besides be ing a protection against the , wind, they afford great rest L fulness, which -is well worth : considering- ",',-i P?EPASED AIQ GROUND On the shortest notice in otrT -; - own factory ""1rr JtWv. ffACTUHlNG OrTICIANV r "Ob WASHINGTON! I .' .v ' . , I . -A : ! ' ,r. ? . . . . . v v. w'" y-. ; - . j , , x II - J -, " 1 ; ' , t "t ' 'vVv II ' ' " " ' - .. f . Jv 1 x - 4) - ' ' I N- ", I - ypv( - k r ; , - " 1 - I n x ' " v v " " V n Fajns 'Moore, of badgegame fame, whose husband has been pardoned out ; of Sing Sing penitendaty by Oovernof Higgins. Her husband, JWil .; liam E. Moore, was convicted In 1889 of working the badger game with i. his wife on Martin Mahon, a wealthy hotelkceper. -Mrs. Moore turned state's evidence and her husband was convicted and sentenced to 20 years , in prison. ' Mahon died gome time ago in California. ' Mrs. Moore is --aid to be fat Paris. ;' - '. V r.-rf; , ,,. ; . ; 4 ' - RECOSSE DRIVES ELOPERS -lOinROSIIICIDE (Continued from Pag On.) , CliseL was , found pinned to , the lininsr a note which read:' - s-We sre Elks. Will ftrtland Elks . i m M'r' V .. - Th ' chambers of the revolver wer filled with cartridges, only two of which had been discharged. The posi tion of ths bodies snd attendant circum stances showed that Swartsel had first shot' Mrs.' Cllse snd thsn turned the weapon on himself. His aim waa deadly, as shown by only two chambers of the revolver being emptied.-' - . . The ssdneea of the tragedy Is In creased by the fact that letters found In the woman'a satchel show her to be the mother of three children, i. One letter, addressed to her son, Stewart Cllse, at Riverside, California, contained "in In- closure of II with which to purensse a baaebalL She worded th letter affec tionately and did not even hint at her and Swartsel's intention of sndlng their lives. It Is probable that sbs forgot to mall the letter. . . ' . . 4 -: Had Osaessstoa at lalr. Swartsel came to Portland - several weeks ago and for four weeka conducted a chair can concession at the fair. He gav up th concession about e week ago, jas It failed ' to pring in money enough "to pay expenses. It Is likely in view of the time when the pair agreed to snd their lives together that they took th ferry-across the river snd walking a short distance along ths bank on the other aid used the revolver. Among . Swartsel's . papers was found A membership card of Paaadena - lodge No. 171. Benevolent snd Protective Or der of Elks, and a pass to th bowls snd Clsrk exposition grounds. . " She was a Telephone wtrl. V It lies been ascertained by the police thst Mrs.,-Cllse worked at. -the local telephone exchange under an assumed nama during-the time her companion conducted the concession at 'the fair. They are known t hare lived some where on the east aids. It la believed that the murder and suicide occurred lest Monday, as near ai ths date ca he fixed by the authorities. - A coroner's Jury was Impaneled at Vancouver and after hearing- the evi dence rendered . verdict that the -wo man came to her death by a bulls wound Inflicted by Swartsel end that he then killed himself. After ; the verdict of ths Jury wss U re ceived, Coroner" Smith :. turned the bodies over to the Vsneouvsr lodge -of Elks. Ths secretary of that lodge wa In communication by . telephone with tb officials of th local lode, of Elks up to a late hour Isst night Th bodies probably will be brought to this city by the local Elks and shipped to Pasadena, California, In accordance with the wish expressed in the not left by the couple.- r-t y . . Ths communication received by Chief Grltxmacher contained an Inclosur from the chief of police of Paaadena. asking hm to do all In his power to lo cate Swartsel. While he was supposoj by his wife and the Pasadena authority to have eloped with s woman, her name was not given, and nrobably at ths datu rcf wrltinr. was not known to them.. -Word of the discovery tof ths bodies snd the salient features of ths murder and suicide have been wired the Paaa dena authorities A reply is expect I early thla morning... " . 4 . XJeaveaaat Vleaola BeslgBa. " ' (SeeeUI Mspatrh by Uaert Wire ts Tse Jesmal) Washington. Aug. ll-The war d partment has accepted the resignation ef Second Lieutenant William U. Nich ols, third cavalry, to uke effect Sep tember It Lieutenant Nichols to from I California snd was graduated from ths. mill im j ,i,u,i7 wm niaa van anai Il..valrv in June. VXCL 7 I 'A . .' " m U1MI 13 SUED FOR SIX 1.1 WIS Frenzisd Financier Asked to Re rpy Defendant for Fraudu- - lent Sale of Stock.' : (Sperial DUeateb bj Uassd Vsre te The Jearaal) Boston, Aug. It. A. C. Burrage,, Thomas W. Lwson and about s dosea other defendanta were sued today by Pain Webber and company for the re covery of the possession of 70,000 shares of Copper , Range Consolidated mining stock or faillne thts the plaintiff asks that Burrage and Lawson be compelled to psy ever $1,000,000 cash, less certain commissions ana expenses, wnicn sum they sre alleged to have realised from ths fradulent sal ef 70.000 shares of Copper Rsne In violation ef as agree ment made In-Septembers ltoi. The suit is the outcome of sn allege tion by 'pains Wsbber and company that Burrage and Iawaon hsve broken s pool in Copper Range, which waa to continue to September, ltos, the other defend ants named being Innocent holders of a part of the pooled stock sold by Lawson and Burrage. - - - - . .Paine Weber and company stats that Iiawson and Burrage cannot now return the 70.000 shsrss snd therefor demand M.OOO.OOt Instead. SUMMER RESORT RUN, -' 7 ON DOWIEITE PLAN (Special Dtgpatch hrleeaed Wire to The Joaraall Waukegan, I1U Aug. It. That the In fluence of Zlon City i being felt. In Waukegan to a certain. extent la shown by th fact that th Summit hotel today advertised, stating .that from tomorrow on Proprietor Hathaway la to have only Zlon .help in hla place, that pork or lard Sre to- be tabooed and that everything is to be done along the line followed by th Zlon hotel. Smoking and swear ing will no longer be tolersted st the hotel. . snd the flirtations which . have resulted In so many marriages at that hostelry will hereafter be done away WlMt-v c . Hathaway disbelieves In the funda mental principles of Zlon In, every re spect.' He Is not a Dowlelte. He has mad' the change because. he says so many of hla boarders favored It , te Tffi i i . i ,t!Nbi riVerview ACADEMY 'A Boarding and Day School for ' Boys and Young Mert. Military Training. - Students i prepared for any calling; N". JlA diplomas -received by th Universities.- Fall term begins September 21, ; 1905. Writer for prospectus to A. C Newill, Principal and Prop, n 940 to 048 ; Corbett Street, Portland, i Oregon.y Phone Main 2699. : , , - , ' ' We are headquarters for: these famous Classes- Our prices are 25 per cent less than others charge. Come in and try on a pair. ; . .f Oregon Optical Co. r. at o. a. ; jh and YxmM"I ntldlauf. lw Ituutul JAY LUY RECOVER FROM IdJURlES RegalnsXonsciousness for Short Tiryie and Phyalcian 1$ .. v Hopeful. '',X V-r't , . .... P ' DEATH KNELL OF f C AUTO RACING SOUNDED Fearful Accidents' at Clavcland and Buffalo Cause General Condemna tion of Sport by Manufacturers and Participants. .'):'-', '. ' (Bpeelal Dispatch by Leased Wbe te The leanan Buffalo. Aug. 1. The turning point will be oassed In ths next 14 hours.' aald Pr. Blxby at th German hospital when asked late tonight about the con dition of Webb. Jay, - the Clevelander. who waa seriously Injured at the Kenu worth race track yesterday afternoon. "Mr. Jav la conscious at times," con tinued Dr. Blxby. "but suffers severely from the shaking up he received. Judg-ins- from th progress that h" made to day, we have reason to believe that he will recover- unless some unexpected change occurs.' Automobile racing in Burraio : is doomed. -Webb Jay s terrible accident at -the Kenllworth race track yesterday has had Its effect on automobile race promoters and -dare devil participants. It may mean the end of th automobile racing throughout th country, ' "Today wUl be my last as a. racer In automobile races,'' said Charlie Burman today.-: Burman Is segardad as the peei BiUiuiiEiu ami jay ss am si speed producing cars. It was learned tonight that Jay regained consciousness for a - time today. He mace a brief atatement to friends thst If he recovered from his present Illness, bo would quit ths race came forever. - A Cleveland dispatch says: Ths acci dent to Webb Jay. In Buffalo Friday blda fair to put a stop to automobile racing. Manufacturers and drl vera have pauaed to consider. Sari Klser an nounced today-that he would race no more. Charles Burman ' H -aH-sftT he races st Buffalo next . Saturday. Oldfleld will cohtlnu to race, but will alow ud at curves. There will be no more, jneet , at' th Kenllworth track, Buffalo, where Webb Jay waa injured. Cleveland manufacturers Interviewed to day condemned the sport ss dsqgerous snd without practical value to th auto mobile Induatry and said they would be glad to abandon it. - Dylnir In his bed at St Clair hospital today. Earl Klser made this promts to his mother: . "I will never drive a racing car again. Until yesterday I had thought of doing hso, but since Webb jay's accident I feel that there la nothing to the sport, put dsnger." , s . A movement for a law preventing automobile racing in Ohio was started today by Representative Sawyer. He said:' ...... , - . "'These automobile races have degen erated Into slaughter svents and sre In some respects worse than- Spanlah bull Sghta. How -to stop them is ths ques tion, and will take a great deal of ee rloua thought." - .;. . , CITYPRISONERS REFUSE- ; TO EAT HASH SERVED When breakfast was served th pris oners confined- In th city Jail yester day they refused to sat. ; Ths proprie tor ' of the restaurant which has .the contract for feeding the prisoners, waa summoned and said ths food waa good enough for anybody.. In proof of hla aasertlon he took a mouthful whll th prisoners Jeered. The men drank the coffee .and, ate thebread but refused to louco ine nam. . Jailer Branch supports ths prisoners In their contention that most of th food glvsn them is . bad. Mayor Lane and Chief . Grltxmacher ', have Interested themselves In the matter and will take ateps to see that ths quality , of th food is btterd.-,: ,,; ; . DISTURB BUSY BURGLAR t WHO MAKES HIS ESCAPE At 1:11 o'clock this morning C. Wln- dom of 24 Caruthers street discovered a burglar trying to force an entrance to hla residence through the back door. Wlndom ran to the home of Deputy City Engineer W. P. Lulls at lot Fifth street snd called for assistance. With Wlndom Hills started on search fdr the bur glar, but when they neared th house the man jumped from th rear porch ot the houss and mad his escape. Linn and Wlndom followed, but they "oat trace of the burglar In th. darkness. v . DEATH CLAIMS NEW - ARRIVAL FROM BELGIUM (taeetal Dispatch to Tee JeareaL) ' Bsber City, Or4 Aug. It. Mrs. I -eons! Mortler, sged 44 years, died In this city yesterday of scarlet fever. She hsd only been In this country sight days, having Just arrived In Baksr City from Belgium, her' native land. ' Shs t came here to meet her husband whs te pros trated -over:-her death... The funeral waa held from the reeldence in South Baker, Father OlUvettl of th .Catholic church officiating, v s . , ' i ; . .. i ' ' V-'. :' No Pain THEJ HIGHEST CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK A SPECIALTY. 1 PROLIPT- H ', J i v NESS OUR lVK)TTa NO DELAY. FINEST OFFICES IN 'fi ;. t . j THE NORTHWEST. ? TEETH EX iPAlN. ' TAKE ?CARE OF i YOUR TEETIL THEN THEY . ' t ; WILL CARE FOR YOU. DR. B. E. ;342 IF. V... I...a I ; OfSs Xesrsi i s a. sm. is sa.1 To 9. as. to SiM p. sa.1 ahudays, S to !."':' liii'lllilll i'ii MS 'IIS JMUI . Wfumm -1 - . 4 thre months go. - They are here now and instead of selling them for $1.50 re 1 Z wUl seU them f or - . , r. . , as .V .:;Xh::$V'i '$ 75c ; "M . we bought these Blankets for sale before the fair opened, at which time thera r was a big demand, but the late arrival compels us' to dispose of them rjuickly., ( The colors are white, of thevlargest and hest I THE COMPLETE HOlSEftRNISHERS 0 SHE'S A PERFECT CYCLONE, THIS STEADIER. IS t BAREHEADED LADIES ARE THE THING on the decks of the shooting star steamboat ., :, Because' of its speed as it dart 'V-:.-' - . THE ..TELEGRAPH GETS '.THERE, ELIt ' ;'s : :. Ti-':' , . ,.' v--' -v.-.; .Vv-,;. ' 1 -'' Running from Portland to Asteria every day but Friday in five and one half hourf by the r; watchrrThs tteamer leaves its berth foot of Alder street.. atT7: a. m, arriving at Astoria at 4 12:30 p.'m.; returning leaves Astoria at 8 p. m, arriving. in Portland again at 8:30 p. m. vj.: -v - Ti cztC'is" so?.ii s ATC?AcTit5ri w Rcr:o" ; f:-'i OU A STaXAL!20AT THAT RUTIS LOB TIIAT-- H " ":;!::..r':; '''V.Connectlon8-eVt Astoria with all pleasure resorts on both beaches. - - rrly ttebsis, Saturday and :.; . . b. b. is. wkzx !?' CLASS DENTeAL WORK REASONABLE FEES." CONSULTATION FREE.: Washington Street, Corner mm mm .S MArtia T1..1 ' ,Vi! brown, stnpea ana inaian enects. mills in Philadelphia and. are all i ). appropriately nuucu men Li, li. l&lil&&hJr&b n il ? through tha, waters of the Willamette and Columbia riyers. ii Sundsy oo4 for'an Sax Isysvsr In Astoria) tJ-80; athar days, sn Way, ll.lft. NoTain QU Al AIITEED. v ? . ... f' e. the PAINLESS' -V DENTIST ? Sevikti. J X; . i; a, -v. : .; Fion KUV tS. j, - V. ' t....1 t.. - J - . iney come irom one w good, well made Blankets.', , ft f, , i 'I 4, ..... 1 3 - ... - ' , : .' ..- 172-174 FIRST STREET