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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1905)
r .--... - - - ADVIITI3I2): :nT " HUH ' JOTJdLJL 99 TODAY AI7D rTATra rr Tun coiUeZii-CTOiirs or a ronTuiiE . v ; L.CATE : Ufa Ccz tD Us fcr ths C2$t : Cays ! Nor Kadderly But Vrie" Important ult of real eetate announced the' paat week, that of the southeast corner of First and Stark streets, for 119,090. Joseph M, Healy mada tha deal yesterdsy. ' selling tba property to J.- BV Blasters Tba traat transferred la 71 faet on First and 104 on Stark, and la occupied by a. three- , story brick and small buildings. . Thla daar Is tba boat evidence recent ly Of tha popularity of First and Sec ond, street holdings. While tha move tnant In pro party farthar back bay heen haavy for aoms time, tranafara on Ftrst . street wars not frequent But lataiy thara has ban a pronounced Interest in . this . seotlon. Bualnaaa man hare bean negotiating- for several treats, and more deals are expected In the near future. First street la not liked very wall as a wholesale thoroughfare, because of the ear lln but where a property has front' age on First and a cross street, this ob jection la removed. ' Tha corner which Mr. Blaster baa Juat, purchased - is . so situated and may be used for a whole - eale house or a retail store. - At present the lower floor of the brick structure ' ta occupied by the Jlammond Manufac turing oompany, " This property la now yielding a good revenue from the tenants occupying it, but It is Mr.. Blaster's purpose to erect a large brick building there some time next year. , Mr. Blaslera work in erect' Ing the Columbia offloe building on Park and Washington -Streeta la aooepted as a precedent of what be may do in tha building line. The Columbia la one of the neatest offloe buildings ever erected In the city, and Front street property owueis expect' to ' see the First and ' Stark building to be something of which that section of the city will Je ppoad. RKIICE OF O COOTIUEIITS Vine Divorce -Aoif oTTitir7fHibIta ' Story of ' Nobleman's Lova : for American Beauty. GIRL 13 WON. TO BEU - - (; . .DESERTED AT ALTAR . Husband Left to Devote Himself to v f - Orgies; and Revelries tt . Certain ' Smart Set, in London -Both Fami lies ell Known. . .yV (Ssislel Mssatek by Lease Wire ta The Jearaal) "tfew Tork, Aug. 1. While tha my? --tery-about the Identity -of the young - New Tork woman who. as Mrs. Kate B. Lampson, ha brought suit in . the , ' supreme court for an. absolute divorce from her husband, Harry. Gk Lampaon, '"-Of london, - would not be-dispelled by "her attorneys today r one of tha -most remarkable stories of wealth, position ' and romance involving as it does one - of tha proudest famlllee of Europe and a family of wealth and Integrity in 1 New Tork ever recorded in tha annals' , of tha divorce tribunal, was brought to light ,' .' ;.; ;-':'.-' Harry 3. Lampson, against whom the iZtult la dlrectaVJa.Ua-f Irst son f the late fir George 3. Lampoon, baronet ' -ef Atbertgata, England, commodore of ' the Bdyal ..London Taeht club and brother of the present' baronet' Sir ' . Curtis George, master of tne vast villa Miranda at Hyeree, Franoe, He do fserted his New Tork bride almost at . - the altar, disappearing after a 10 days' V, honeymoon. .. v...,' ..... For five- years thla . young woman - strove by letter and through the agency ; of detectives to reclaim him1 to a life 7 of quiet demeanor, while all tha time he waa throwing himself mora asd ''.more Into the orgies and revelries of a certain set of London society, until 'finally she despaired of Iter task and Lndered her attorneys to file proceed ; , lngs for divorce. ' Tha bill 1a short and to the point and does not reveal her : maiden name. . .-.-V '' -i ' , - '; A ITotortoae Blvoeeea. ' - ' It names as oorespondent in tha case . Evelyn Bratt a notorious divorcee of London who ta said to have recently fltfured in riotous esespades with young Lampson along .ths Strand and other ," places. .. . , ' The young woman' attorneys Sre Roe V McComba of 00 Broadway. . She ta ' aald to, be a member of one of New York's best famlUea. "Mrs. Lampson la very desirous that i. her family name not be brought Into tha'affair," said McComb today. -Sh Is an astlmabis young lady who was cheated Into this marriage to a worth 7 less nobleman.- She-hope to be able " . to secure her divorce without Ita being known who she wss before her mar- .rlage." . ' . 'J.-rj ' - The wedding, took-1 place in this city ,: November tU 111, and waa said to : have . been with the consent of the ps rents of the young woman, who had met Mr, Lampson and fell in love with him while he waa associating with the beat society of this city. There waa a church ceremony and Lampson. after -remaining with his bride for 10 days, disappeared from the quiet of her com panionship for tha faster life of the Horn at East Sixteenth and East Morrison Streets. J. J- Kadderly, ' the hardware mer chant, secured a pretty home this week on Kast Washington and Bast Sixteenth streets. - Mr. Kadderly sold his home on the adjacent block to M. D. Curtlaa for ttSOO nd took the reatdenee property of Mr.' Curtlaa for $8,00(1 and other. con siderations, which brought the total oon alderatton paid by Mr. Kadderly up to between 41,000 and 10.000. , . . f The new Kadderly bbme la two atoHes high, with attlo and basement Its style la la harmony with the modern residence properties of Portland. It la situated on a, double lot. -..-,,;, Second street property owners expert enoed thla week a aense of triumph over their achievement In having that neg lected thoroughfare given promise of a modern pavement. When the executive board Anally approved the report of the street committee the long struggle came to an end. It ta the purpose to prees work on , the improvement rapidly as possible. ' The car tinea have been ad Justed, and water and gaa companies have laid pipes, so that It ta up to ths property owners to give the street the finishing touch. . .... '. - Sines' It has become known that .the street la to be improved with a modern pavement, there has been much Interest in business properties at aeveral points. The Chinese houses have held business away from aeveral blocks, but these are being1 crowded more closely all of the time. At Stark street-ebtneee- row has been broken -with a wedge that gradu ally widens, and Washington, and Mor rison streets also break tha continuity of this row of the orientals. The fact that ne oar Una will be built on Second Broadway and London cafe, with which he .had already become familiar,' ; ,': ..: .'c.v atsAtTo Orgies, t Returning to London ha mada the ac quaintance f Georgia Read, the aotreea, and other women of the stage, carrying on . . extravagant - ' orgies' v. that lasted through the night His wlfs wrote let ters to him In vain and; finally sent de tectives to confer with him personally. He eoold not be Induced to give an the jUtS-t JaO!Sru.'-..vJj!i alroro P I ceedings were Tieguirerur Butnenis Court Justice Greenbeum, August It, an order being Issued authorising service on Lampoon by letter and publication. ' Lampson. who ta aaid - to have squandered the fortune left him by hi rather, now resides In London. - From boyhood ha has been wayward and was disinherited from succession, to the vast estates and title of hla , father. The family. whlch Is one of the proudest In all Europe, had ita anceatry on a Vermont farm, where the grandfather of Harry Lampson was a nlred hand and atep by step worked hla . way to weaita ana tne jsngusn title or baron,. IDAHO tlETKODISTS BUSY .. AT BAKER Wl .... r '. . .-... ' in 'i ' t Annual Conference : Will Prob- f ably Make Appointment .''":,;'rr,""-r: Monday. ' ' " r ' (Spedsl Dispatch te Tae tonal)' . ' Baker City. Or, Aug. ll-The Idaho annual conference of tha Methodist Episcopal church,, which ta in session in this city, resumed , Its work early yesterday morning. The day waa opened with the customary devotional exercises, after which tha ministera settled down to the business part of .the session, Most of the morning waa apent in die- euealon of varloua phases of the work, with Speeches by different brethren. Chairman Bishop William McDowell of Chicago Introduced Dr. L. Rader, repre senting the Pacific Christian Advocate, who spoke to the conference a short time an the "Christian Newspaper." He waa , followed by Dr. Leonard of the missionary committee, with a few forci ble remarka along the earns lines. Re ports on tha . work in their several charges were made to the conference bySamuel Allison, Thomaa Johns, N. J. narvey, i. v. waixer and J. m. Hixon. Judge J. W. Brown of Boise and Dr. Randall of Chicago both were introduced to the conference' and spoke at length on different -linea- of -work. Dr. . Ran dall specially emphasised the importance of tha Epworth league endeavor and its help to tha church in general.. . . At- the . conclusion of ths addresses subscriptions were taken to help defray tha expense or publishing the minutes of the conference. Mere than 110 waa sub scribed toward thla . In the afternoon tha vartoua committees met and pre pared their -reports to present to th conference, next Monday morning. At s ooiocx me woman aorign Mission ary Anniversary society held, a meeting in tne enurcn, 'mere were addresses and papers by Mrs. C BJ. Porter. Mrs. W. XL Leltner, Mrs. W. J. Selby and Dr. G. & Smyth- -Concluding this meeting tha ministers' wives, of whom there are about St present met in the manse ad joining th church and enjoyed a social time. - . At night a monater open air meetin was held -on Front street with addresses by Rev. Mr. Archer and Rev. Mr. .Ever ett Today waa devoted to business mat. teraiin the morning, and in the after neon recreation, i Thar will be no appolntmenta until Monday morning, t The blehop and pre siding elders are meeting every after noon and evening In cabinet session consulting with regard te th dlfferen: changes that are to be ssada 1 , south from ' Morrison -street is giving that section favor for certain lines. of business, and the single track north of Stark street also gives abundant room for teams,, so that the number of whole sale houeea already clustering along that section ' will be largely Increased soon. 'j . ' Realty transfers recorded last weak aggregated I10M04. The large deal per fected yesterday of First -. and Stark property waa not recorded, and will go to this week' credit There were few sales of importance, tha major portion of the otal being made up of residence property transfers. There waa much activity, alonr the last named line, and aeveral purchases were made which Will be followed by, the building of homes. The tendency,-1 a select sightly locations on such tracts aa afford opportunities In elevations and otherwise, is peopling the adjacent hyia. But purchases of res idences were not confined to outside dis tricts. Soros of the largest and pret tiest homes are planned for the estab lished . fashionable .districts, and the building here Tor the remainder of the year will balance the rush for suburbs. . ' Contracts were not let thla week for the Women of Woodcraft temple, but will probably be next Monday. Archi tect Hendrlcka aaid yesterday that- ar rangements would be completed imme diately for tha. commencement of work, " A meeting will be held some time next week by the , directors of the! Masonic grand lodge to discuss tha new temple which is to be erected by that order on a site recently purchased. : . FEVER' SPREADING Sunday to Be benefsL-Fumigs V tlon " Day Throughout ' '.-V?'":' New 6rleanCC - ' : MANY- NEW CASES ? . REPORTED OUTSIDE CITY Urns in Cemeteries Covered With ; Oil Disciples of Dr.. Leach ' At " tacked by Discste After ' Taking His Arsenic Treatment : ; i- (Special tMspalek by Leased Wire ta Tbe Joarsal) New Orleans, Aug. It. If tradlOon has-the chemistry or the Infernal re gions correctly stated. New Orleans will be akin to hades tomorrow. Jt will be general fumigation day and aeveral mil lion mosquitoes will meet an untimely death. Church service will be prac-, tically suspended while "the people of' the city, live for two hour in th fume of sulphur. Th situation -outside the city is steadily growing worse. Up to 0:10 . o'clock . tonight tit cases, had been reported outside the city with to deaths. No report haa yet been received from the fishing town at -the mouth of Bayou La Fourcjie end probably none will" b received for several days. ; Irt the city the fight le sua being carried on - without intermtaslon and the marine - hospital service is dally bringing additional men here to carry on the work.- - Surgeon Perry, who haa been ill with the fever, will be able to resume Jils work tomorrow aa he la fully recov ered. ;'t The yellow fever of 1001 will not be as bad aa the yellow fever of lt?t, la the opinion of Don Juan Gulteraa. expert on yellow fever. Dr. Oulteraa said: "Ths fever of ltot will go down In history aa ths last epidemic of th disease which the world will ever know.".'; ( A novel step was taken by the health authorities today when . they raaulred allnerurnslrt the doaen or more ceme teries .tor b covered with oil. Jtn ln- spec tlon was mads of all tha cemeteries and It waa found that mosqultos were breeding by the thousands in them. ' - ' Dr. Reginald B. Leach la thoroughly disgusted with hi treatment here and Will now go ahead and be bitten by an Infected mosquito without ths as sistance or permission of any local physician. Hla disciples are very angry, and they themselves will superintend the teat An unfortunate occurrence on the vary ere of the test la that one of those dleclplea, believing that he was Immune, want into the infected dis trict and, now Is believed to be deed. He took treatment for nine days. A young woman who alao took treatment for a length of time which would taaure her being thoroughly arsenated slso hat a bad as of tha fever. Bqnal a the Vaak. y s' .'; ' ; From th Detroit Tribune. Stern Father So you want to marry my daughter, eht - Toung Man That's what-1 said. : . Stern Father Do yon think you will be able to provide for her in the atria to which, h has always .been accus tomed!. Toung Man Sure. She refused to ac company me to a picnic last week be cause ah had so olothes fit te wear. in country : IBSOO" Very handsome t-room residence. II tnndern conveniences swell -" locality, Hoyt street. The beat ' buy on the weat aide. " $3000 t beautiful lots, handsomely tar . i i raced and gardened; - swell 7 ' room residence, atrletly modern, . nn vl list at.. Bunnyalde. SSSOO-20-acre Dlaoe within (Va miles - business center city) small , house, rich - soil, living water convenient to electlio cars. aaaaowverv one and .strictly modern. up-to-date (-room cottage, on Corbett street walking distance - business center.-, so.nno iiitinrt farm T miles from thrifty valley town; good public highway, to acres in fine state . of . cultivation, balance in very .". Tine graas paaiure wiin lumi small oak xroves; good l-room cottage. 3 barne, living water '' -I Piped to the buildings. Forced - . aale: beat farm buy In the state. tl.eOO Very nice quarter block near the Lewis and Clark fair grounds. . SflO l full lota '. with handsome s room residence, Howe street Woodlawn. " ' - ' --. ,. f TSO t full lots, neat S-room cottage, S4 bearing fruit treea, abundance 'of berries, fine garden, Plymouth " street Woodlawn. $ TOO ' For a nice I -acre place, small . house and barn, fruit, near Mon ' . tavllla. , f SOO 60x100 lot with small cottage, one block electric care. ' For the beat bargalna you should not rail to see , (.,.. a THE DUNN X LAWRENCE CO. ... 14SH 'First Mreei, '' ' Thrc3 New Additions Dinriham's ; ; On the Fulton car line and Mount . Adams road, and directly opposite the , Oregon Furniture Manufacturing Co.'s plant All lota tOxl0 feet Prices !0 to l00. Madras On the O. "W. P. Cos line, near Stewart's Station. Lota 100 to ills. Overton ParK Acres We have eub-dlvlded Tract "C Into acre lots and' can sell them ' away down. Take the O. W. P. Co.' ear to fioo.. Terma to suit. -: - WaKefield, Frieo SI Co. . Fhone Main It.' SS j J House and let la-Woodlnwsv t ljlSAP0 on ; Pettygrov . t, near SVyfi Cottage and lot on Hoyt,- be tween lt and ttd ata. - aaa T-room "modern house and lot I wClay; mtweeu llwiBd 11th uJ., till fxYI Quarter block, 4 houses, rents IV,VW p., iA p.r cnt. Location A L ftrtft Business property, 'between Od,UUU Washington and SUrk ata; F. V. ANDREWS & CO. - . a ; ' AGENTS. . Xasanto Bldg, Ul Third . - 3rd St. Good it-room house, next to brick, cheap at $7.B00. .,. ; , . " F.O.NORTHRUP CO,'.. '.' Ill Commercial Blk. 50x100 Washington at, corner. ..i...'.. f 0,000 Aider at. corner, looxioo....... ia,ooo Nob Hill Beautiful ' residence site, neoge xence, oemeni waia, a,aav E. J. Daly, 222 Failing Bldg. NEW TRACK RECORD HADE atlo;;g brafxh carnival 0. W. Ward of Newark Easily Wins tha One-Milo Raca for . " Two-Cylinder Cart. , By Duncan Curry, (SpeeUl Mssatca r tssse Wire te Tea yearaal) Waat End.- Long Branch, N. ., Aug. It. Long Branch opened its . annual automobile carnival at Elkwood park track thla afternoon in the presence of several thousand spectators and while no fast raolng car took part' and .the contests were confined to stock car, one track record waa broken.' The feature of the meet waa tha per. formance of a etrlpped tt-horsepower Bulck driven by O. Ward orWwarkr Thla car established-a new track record for "two '.cylinder engines for distance from four to five miles, covering the entire distance la 1:21 l-l, and eaelly won the one mile race for two cylinder car and th free-for-all. -defeating in tha latter race two high-power ear a B. P. Bruyere of New Tork won the five mile motor cycle handicap from scratch by a quarter of a mile against a large field. The closest race of the day was tha second heat of the mile race for two cylinder care, W. Ward (Bulck),, P. Leland (Stepnens uuryea; ana w. c Hood (Rambler) came down the stretch abreast Ward opened up a few yards In the last eighth of a mile and Leland won second plsos by leee than two feet The weather this afternoon was Ideal for automobile racing and the track waa in excellent condition and very fast Few Barbers. From th Philadelphia Press. "It's strange that yon never met Count Spagghettl before," remarked the helr- s, . "Oh! I don't know," replied Cutting. "But he tells ms he haa been in Meat Tork for quite a number of years.' Tree, but I always ahave myself, yo know." Where PRICES ARE STEADILY ADVANCING. , y-:; IP YOU WANT. TO EITHER BUY OR SELL, CALL OR WRITE. 'r" WE GIVE- BELOW A FEW, PARTICULARLY JUICY BARGAINS J l3 i TO acre hop; Bartlett peara . i , .city; railroad and boat service; hope and fruit will pay for this place in ' ' tworeara; there la money In this place for you MOW. Price .............915,000 M AOB -Fruit and poultry farm, near city, very desirable; too Italian prune, Bartlett , . ;..' pear and choice winter apple trees; house, stabler new, fence, etc.; spring creek; a bargain; investigate. Price it taken at one S3 LOOO AOB3sat Stock ranch; three miles from P. O.rllvlng water ......... ...... ...9 S,000 .... .. :.. . ' . -.-. - - .. - . , ., . ,,. , ., IftOt ACMS WScarrsjich; TOO acres under .woven wire fence: It mile fence; On graded . , -. schools; look into this. ( Price ............ 9 9,Odk 100 AC Including 00 - Farms ef all kind. Can ault all ldeaa. If you want a home or aa investment come and now. Bole . agent for Ladd'a and Hawthorne's additions. Houses built on installments, pwn your own hems; costs no mors; sometime lee than rent Be a homeowner. Let me show you my plan , and do U today. Plenty or 113 SECOND ORAZINQ, COME OUT v And get ; the Idea of" rent-saving in a' way ; that makes you act, ; The best possible ob ject lesson is seen at Choice' tract fn eenter of Mt Scott district It min ute from city Mt Scott - ' car to fare, no tranafera. Lot 1110. payable ! down ' -and It month. - Houses v-built-to suit you and sold , at coat (with lots) at rent . '.rates. High, pur air, all . conveniences, ana ouigrow .' Ing all ether . suburbs. .There' a reason. - Come out : and aee. . 1 v? Geo. W. Brown I0t Falling Building. Phone Main lilt. t B. A. TAYL02 st Fir land r City office opem trtnlnf '. -.:.a - ! ; - . 1.'' " '. -., Pine lots, beautifully located, two and three blocks from car line, lupplied with city water, at $100 to $225 Each To those who object to going to . m a mm . aT tne sudutds we oner mis prop erty; only 18 minutes' ride from the business center, ; Enjoy its evergreen . trees, high elevations and pure bracing air. Por terms . . ;. ,r -; ,."see- PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON 109 THIRD STREET , . SPECIAL BARGAINS " New and 7-room houses, all modern; choice location, Kaat llth, near Burn side. .... i- , T-room house, with I lets; barns an time, . .. ' , VACAINT LOTS Comer, eOxlOO, East 14th Street , " 60x100, llth, between Marshall and Love Joy, West Side. V. SCHMID, 109 Grand Ave. Beautiful Cottages . If you would like ta' see some of th moot beautiful home In th vicinity of Portland call and have a talk with lit, We will be glad to enow them to you. They range In price from 170 te l,000li per month Is our plan, . , laevt St a Ave. IS. $12,500 Vorth 10th st, close to Washington, comer. In- soma nearly is per cent eat . 9. SAXT, SSa VaUla araC. TODAY WASHED WGTORI Opportunities Reign tt seres in fine vegetable garden! 1 and Winter applee: large new barn.' house, stable, etc.: near head cattle, IS milch cows, I ham, - feed. farm machinery, etc; goon buy.. money to neip you get a noma - ST, j PORTLAND, OREGON FRUIT AND QRAIIN ' UAISDS This choice tract is selling fast from the fact that the lots aire the cheapest and best located of any suburb around Portland. This tract is on the Oregon City car line and river and all lots are 60x100 feet with 60-foot streets i level and sightly, and one price to alt whether you buy one lot or fifty the price for each lot is $90. The title is perfect; a complete abstract of title of Milwaukfe Park can be seen by calling at the Hibernla Sav ings Bank, ownerr-of the tract, and free tickets to and from MUwaukia Park, will gladly be given to all intendingjpur chasers by calling at Bloom SOS, McKay Building, Corner Thiijd 'and Stark Streets. Come and inject thcafr lots facing car line for $aO.Acre tracts Jor $150 each." , j .: : , FARMS ialtx Of selltnt Is Impraottoable to advertlae them we nave oareruuy preparea lypewrnien usu. we win rurnisn to inter-' ested pert lea anon request. From thle buyers have the advantage of se lection from a large number ef properties. e a rule we can sell at lower price) than can be had by purchaser going directly to owner, i - As to our standing and bualnsss methods ask any Portland bank. , Call or write for llat ,. , ... ,'- - . .'. 'rrr r- JBNNINOa UODOB TRACT'- "7". " We hare choice acreage In our two new additions ' to thla 'elegant suburb on the Oregon City car line; rich soil, fine location, easy connec tion by river apd rail and a locality that will rapidly develop in th near future. . Buy while lands are available. ' The Investment will prove' better than any saving bank interest and Juat aa safe. - Will sell acres at price of single lota elsewhere. ' With ' part' down. eaay paymenta on . balance. - ' . . It will pay you to Investigate at once. . .: : , ,t . '.Li. , .' ... The Shaw-Fear Company, 3? , Cash down and $10 monthly for one of those sightly lots in Waverly on , , ' k ' V -'- 7E27reet ; 7 Lots 52x100 feet each. JT, ' $200 and 'upward.' Joseph JVI. Healy, Owner : l ; v , $14 Abington Bldg,' 106, Third St. Por Inside AXWATS STOCBSSTTO Goldsmith & Co. OCX BX.OCX. qo.c:::m V elleSaVSs, CZ'i -ttrt rt. ' r " t L ' V - ' Supreme. aera Italian prunes,' . , C3 II I C 8; - blacksmith shop,' ' ..f 18,000 , PARK farms and hare so larre a list that It tliroaghrtpertCThtf"6TtBlar' WASHINGTON ST. ALDER STREET SIXTEENTH ST. A MAGNIFICENT BUSINESa ! SITB WITH ABOVE THREE FRONTAQEB. Ej.D:Iy,222FlIlnC.'.'i Secure a Hczzi i.: Cholc 1ot'l,'at l cent a day : down1 and 1 per month). Don't fall to visit BVTT.TN before vesting In real estate. The lnducem I offer will appeal strongly to you. KVKLTN is eh th Mt Scott a' railway, SI muU from, the city. . orrxoa tvxtt ctai C . Z-'V a new, e- fii cottaea, I., streeia Craned a- 1 tonth'y pays t preml-s, s.reeta, Vi