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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1905)
THE OREGON SUNDAY;; JOUHNAL7r TOf LAI,-D;""CU::r MAnQUAfil GXAu'D THEATRE, I' Urphoum Mmtm SSS.:: U. T, Pm-, Httd9 UmiUtg, "'. SlraaMo U. W. ' Aawoclataoa, n. raC'j, FMrUaBl. .....IJ '. . . Morxiaom am est. .Beta asm L-U aaA atavemma. . . 4 nmrWiH ) iiFwTfeaBiBBiBjffweMffrTwiBBrrwfTr -j . . .... .. j. . ......... .. . ,..,;.,. ....... . t ; ... . .... .'v - 4 ..... .. .v.. . . . ( l'ln nll,Ji HE opening of the regular aea ' on. an event-which la cloaa at " J ' .Jiend, -...aooounta . for aeveral C id "Moat of thera'oonoernlhe Belas C theatre-stock companyv In tomorrow i :ht's production of -The Olrl and 'the J In'tWit o( Clyde Fitch's best et- rte, we will see W R. Walling, the I w leading man, who succeeds Eugene . Craaende because. the latter , must . hurry W New ,Tork and begin fehea reals with 1 lanohe- Baiea. f One waekv later Misa - Lacla, Moore,.' who. baa, endeaceAUaer aWf to Jooal. playgoers, will retire from (na. eooipany .an4. 'after La brief ,, wet, WUl Ibegln he regular Jieeaon aa leading w-ran, at the Aloaaar -in 8aa Francisco, : leh- lav under the same, management 1 r Oeoeeear will he Mlss'A.Ulma aw- jrica, whp' 'omnea f rom, the-, Aleaxax Vrlth.a aplec C .4 rrutatloiwr--- - olb and imi n t Ua Marquam 'last , renhij--ntery A Very. -successful' enr iVgament, lasting 'eight weeks. They I 1 - JI will be followed by McEwen, the mlnd- reaaer ana 'nypnoxist---'. ...i.v, .'. la another week on August 17, to be axact Oearge It. Baker -reaaauwea aon "trol of the Baker .theatre and Instead of v."tha continuous": ha. . will , glv Portr land noilrn tinrlaann. ' Bfr RmkA an inoaneaa that ha haa -oentracta" with- ft ' aVaMMwIaaa .aMftaa a. TAlalW aaamMK BBS Bl Bl Bl wUl be aba town's first tasU. of real t ourieBqae a bo? ina innovauoau wiu oe watched with mere than ordinary inters . tv '" ' '' -v .-. 'j '. ,. ; : 1 ili , MONOLOGUES. :4. na lfrRnn a Ifimnim. ' rnmmMAfnff UitnAir' Oraat 1 Me- Mgagement at tha Marqnam Grand thea tre. Hypnotism, magic and mtna reaa ling will be on, the program. McBwen - has for many years been' tha acknowl- uflm per w .au nrpiwuns ana minu - , reaaers. ins worm is clean, ciever, en tertafattnar and adncaHnsc-Rvrv teat V bears .the" touch of . the , master band. C McBwen la original and convincing, and ' performs marvelous feats with seem ing ease. . . :.. - ; . define. Professor McBwen says the sub ject has more to do with hypaotio condi tions than himself. That may be. but . when . be talcea .aay number of aubr - lectsjnakea them laua-h and r um An whatever he wills that they shall do, - we can. aa with electricity, see tha re -suits without undemanding the oc- 'eult fore that produces them. Ji Tha weka .engagement at the Mar ejuam of this wonder worker promises to be a most aucoessful one, and Judg- ' ' . - E, Laadinf IZsa KT'.J Ctxk Coir-tr . lU,1- , . tTi '.'i;,:f;t.,,v.-'sf. lit, .' ;: H-V. -"-' -i "ii - 1 " '-"-'-- - 1 t -.v.i.'-' ..J H 1 .1 . ' .1., I: -X , . " a '.;r..- f v'J.'- i 1 ' I . The- 0McEwaa,: at th 'Marqnam Grand. . - - .- . . i tng from tha advance demand for Beats, ha will be greeted by a large house on bis opening night. Miss Irene Franklin.' the world's grat-""l eai viaay corneuat, is wttb nun. Re served seats on sale at tha box office of the theatre for the entire week. .Popu lar prices will prevail, , . , v Comedx-prama. t Belaacd. I Tha Belaaoo theatre. stock company will present for one week, beginning to morrow night, the beautiful Clyde 'Fitch comedy-drama, 'The.'. Girl 'and 'the Judge," which' la a brilliant-conceit of the author founded on 'the Ufa and hab ita of a kleptomaniac.-.- None of tna psany , great bills yet.praettedrby this esoalleni organisation. gives greater promise. '.' It the flrat Jima the v -The Qlrl and the 1 Judge" was or- Itinaliy perf onnsd at the Empire theatre in. New. Tork, t with Annie. RusseU. and Orrln Johnson In the title roles. ,,. Mrs. Gilbert' waa also In the "cast. It soored an tnstantameous aucoeas and added more tq the' reputation ef prollflo F1tch,'per ha pa, than any play be bad . previously written. ' -- . "' .' :'' " For otWer-reaaons the production to morrow night will be notablt Interesting. IfwlH-tMroduce-to- Fort hmdBre the uew leading ma. .WUl M. .Walling, who, by the way, has appeared In tha role of the Judge in eastern cities; it will be alao tha last ' week of Miss Lucia Moore, whose - popularity as leading woman Is second to, sons . among; local - theatre goers.,:; v - "The Olrl and the Judge" will be pro. duoed ' under . the' , careful, direction . pf Jobs Balnpolia and kwUl be equipped. soenioaiiy. on a acata aquaj. lo ui orig inal production, V-.. f: , , , j i: 4 H i (, i ft ' i'V ''..'.'' ' Orands Fiiw Ntw BULV . , r Today will be the last appearance of Angela 'May. tbe prima donna, contralto, at tha Grand. A capital vaudeville bill starts with the matinee tomorrow after noon. ' Manager Errickson has secured a collection of feature acts that would be a credit to the highest priced vaude ville theatres of the east. . Tha Grand always makes at a point , to get, the best specialty artists, and that is why tha program la always maintained at a high standard and why the - Grand is so liberally patronised. The headllnef Is ' Joseph Callahan, otherwise known ae. "Faust," -who gives character im personations that are exceptionally fine and impressive. Tha Polans are good entertainers and have a Una reputation as specialty people. Leonard and Held are singing " and ' dancing comedians, whose act la entirely different from the usual things in this class. . tda Rus sell Is a woman who possesses a good voice, fine clothes- and an attractive personality. The Taylor auartet, boys ranging in age from I to II years, is considered tbe best Juvenile quartet la the country. Tha illustrated song it "Back Among the Clover and the The Orandlsoope will flash, statures of Txns zoung xrainp. .i-. , i Ezra Kendall Coming- to Marquam, Kara Kendall comes to tha Marquam Grand theatre for one week beginning Monday. Auguet IS. This will not. only be the first, but probably the last Op portunity tbs residents of Portland will have to see Ears Kendall In his last sea son's success, "Weather Beaten Benson, " a play to tha creation of . which tbe great funmaker Is credited with contrib uting no small part. Tha play has been given a Dealer Co. , production and a cast worthy of Mr. Kendall. . Tba ad vanoe aale of aeata will open next Fit day morning. August IS, at JO o'clock, Baker'a New Management. ' The Baker theatre will open next week under the management of George I Baker, and the attraction for the week oomraenclng August IT will be the ay Foater company, under tbe management ot Joe Oppenhetmer. ' To those who bare at aay time seen, a performance of this popular company no Introduction is needed, for It has long had the repute -ttoa of being a leader of Its clssa. How ever, this season It is bigger and better than ever. , . ; The company Includes only vaudeville and burlasqua artlats of the highest Class, sad possesses an Unusually at tractive feature In its chorua. . The roung women are. not only attraeUee Jn far and form, but each possesses a clear, -.fresh voles and tha ability to U to advaauga . In tha chorua axe manv araceful daneenu who enow .to ad vantage la two lively travesties called "Cleepatrlfl in .Central1 Pnrrad "Tha Myeterloue Mra. Baf flea" The variety portion ef the entertainment; If sua talned by Louise Dacra, the happy girl; the' Roslnos, in their' bounding ollliard table act: VlvWn. the female baritone; Mclntyra and McAvoy.jsocentrlo black- faoe comedians; Bessie Ross, petite sou bratte, and McNattl, ICeegan and Mul laney, sketchy srttsts. ,JTV---y t y "'-m Thc'Surg New Bilt'i, - For the pas't two weeks the BUr'haa been crowded to the' doors at each pari formance.' In order that the ' good 'pat ronage shall continue the management bae reached out for . attractions much above the ordinary and as a result the bill for tha.comlng week will in every way be a meritorious ona Cliff. Dean V Co. .come with- the best possible, reo- ommendstlons f rtyn New Tork. Tbe lit tle company .carries everything needed in- the'productlon of a humorous satire on Married4 Life." ' Onslow and Oarnett are clever entertainers and never do the same thing twice. Preano ' haa new things to say and slnga the latest songs and as., a fclack-faoe m among the beat on the stage, wooatnorpe. ana Wills rd are absolutely new to tba coast and oome fresh from their' big eastern suooesses. ' Koy MoBraln will ba. heard In The Chapel In-the Pines," a pretty song with beautiful pictures. The Btar- oeeopeoffera tbe - humbroua - subject. "The Joys-of Married Ufe." The pic ture la of the humorous kind and very laughable.. .All In aU the show is a strong, ona and ehould jdraw big houaes. .'."-JT;;-.v;'!)' V ; "Th Sieg of the Alamo." As It haa always been tha custom of tha Lyric management to give the pub- llo the best obtainable for the money, next week will be' no exception,, and a play will be offered that Is entirely new to Portland. "The Siege of the Alamo" Is a typical western border drama, teem' ing with life and activity. Tha plot is laid in Texas and the characters are cowboys. Mexicans, United States sol diers and southern girls. A romantic love story runs through the piece. The scenery will be especially line, as the play necessitates many and varied ex tensive settings to represent the-wild and beautiful - country around : which the story is woven. There are many thrilling climaxes, aa iweil as plenty ot comedy, and tha ever ready "guns" typ ical of the frontier will be much in evi dence. . starting with next Monday a feature between the acta will be tbe singing of Tha Holy CUty" by Joseph Thompson, one of the best known bai ls dlata in tha west, "who will succeed Thomas - Ray.- -Thar alidee, -or -rather colored moving picture 111m, will be an innovation hen. as nothing .hat ever been aean along these Ilnea with illus trated Bongs. LaeV.opportunlty today It see "The Lave That Wine. t .. V ' Si . ... t . ' ... i,.'.. r.rf-:;...:.-'-T t-i H. Berger, Leader of Hawaiian Band, MACCABEE DAY WILt BE ONE OF. INTEREST Maccabee day. will be observed next Thursday, when exercises of a publto nature will be held at tbe Auditorium at. 1:I o'clock. Governor Chamberlain, Mayor Lena, President Goode and repre sentatives of the. Sir Knights and Ladles of the Maccabees wlU taks part. - AtSne ooncluelon of tha axercisea. drills will be given on the plasa in front of the -Oregon building by Seattle divi sion No. 1 of the uniform rank and by tna aeieoratea union guards- of Bt Louis, the leading drill team of the Lady Maccabees in the United States. At tha Auditorium at p. m. it! can didates will be initiated, when the atere opt loon work of the order will be pre sented i or uie nrst time on the Pacific coast under the auspices of the city tenia. -At me same time a general i oeptlon to both orders will be given by the city hives to all visiting and local Maccabees In the' pavilion annex to the jtew Torn state building. - . Largs delegations will be In attend. anea from Astoria. Clatekanle, Weatport, Washington, Benton, Clackamas, Seattle. Tumhu and Walla Walla v .... J. . . ' NEW POTTER SCHEDULE, i AdoiTlonBj Trips to ha Beach Arraaged for Fovalac Steamer. The T. J. Potter leaves Ash street dock for Astoria and North (Long) Beach points aa follows: ' Auguet It, II and I, at t a, m. Friday, August li, :0 a. m.i Saturday, August SC. 1 p. m. Particulars' and O. R. N. summer book at city ticket office, Third and Wash lngton streets.' Portland. '. , V . WASHSTSNST - fORTlAMO a.aaAU ' " ; MENS - etlOTHEJ .- ;;V-OF:: ':';V',: THE WORLD'S GR2ATC3T ilYPNOTIST,";;'" UOtD 'READER AND ENTERTAINER V v Vv ; 1 '.-.v v I,,!. ''.. . .' '! V f; ,;- VH . f fil't 4 I- .J ..... . t- . .( ' ' - ' - ,i , A , ... . mm 1 ,iL .: 1 r ,'!';.,v 1 i 1 1 :'::! : f CillioaiiLAUQHs gu IRENE FRANKLIN ; The Greatest Ldy Comet Pliyer" WCI b Heard inClaaaic . '( and Popular Eoloa -.-hsv 'n ... , ; - , i. , . r , . , . .- ,.,,,; i;t-'--.-r..;-'....;V.-. Prices-reSc, 3Bc, BQq 73c ironaMif koiumua j neatra; 'fi't'MatInce; TWayand ,Ton it tvvi Perform COMMENCING MONDAY. N1QHT AUG. 21 THE OIRLr A INT I 13th Mr. Win B. Walling makes his firs appaareaee wltk the t . 'Belaaco tock Co. ta this play. ' y ' ; ' ' 5 j Matlna Saturday and Sunday. .. .'.vvV. Next Week - ' - - "Alice of OldVlncennes" EARTH'S GREATEST 0H17AY HERE ,'' , i; :; ' , - ', Bamum A Bailey's Circus Head ed for Portland, and Small : ' v-;'"';;. Boy Rejoices. f''f- FREE SHOW TO BE GIVEN MONDAY AND TUESDAY Tb la Will Take the Place of Street - Parade, and Will Give the People Foretaste ef the Wonder Beneath the Tent. I :',K-i"-' . Barnum A Bailey's much-exploited big circus exhibits here : tomorrow ' and Tuesday, and that means several lively days, not only for the army of circus men, but also for the curious thousands who always And enjoyment In watnhing tha interesting" sights Incident to a big ahow. Even tha small boy, who couldn't be hired ' ta remain away, realises that there are a hundred and one. things of absorbing Interest to be seen on tha ex. hlbltloQ grounds, and ha will be out la force to do honor to tha occasion. Tha show comes from the north and will reach Portland at an early houH There will be no delay In unloading the five long trains of ears used for trans porting tbe paraphernalia, and as rapid. ly aa possible tha tents will be erected and the exhibition city placed in raadl neas for tba Inaugural free show and the perfortnafioes - that are to follow Monday. This outside display will be an van in front of the main exhibition tent between 10:19 and 11 o'clock In the morning and l:t and o'clock In the evening. It will be entirely free to the nubile, but will be so new and sensation. a as to constitute one of the ntoet Dleaslna- features of circus day. In stead of waiting on the streets for the usually delayed and conventional street parade, the publie will be entertained, without charge on the ahow grounds. The free show will be given both days. Tha four performances will be com blete la everr wsy. The first is at I o'clock, and the second at o eiooa. tb program Is a varied one. Particular at tenUon has been given to aerial displays, The Imperial Viennese troupe of high air gymnaata numbers 10 exceptionally clever men and women from the Aus trian capital. The Slegrlst-SUbon troupe ef av -JTrenek -4mpertaUon. They created a sensation at Madison Square Garden by their remarkable double and twisting somersaults la mid air and are among tha greatest artists that Europe has ever sent to America. Europe also ' sends . Miss Ross Went worth, Ella Bradna and Dallla Julian, exceptionally gifted equestriennes, and a long list of ether talented performers. The beet ef the aorobata, and there are nearly a- doaea troupe with the show, coma from Italy and Germany, Among the most notable are the Ploreni and Ornnatha troupes of gymnasts, who perform almost Incredible feats ef acro bat lam with a grace andaklll that In stantly win favor with tha public . - The display. X rhigh-ecbooi' honee VNM..n.. ' ar AiiTEiiD-io6d 1 ' ' -. -V t ,..v. PHONB . MAIN It oeiasoov as ever ua w.. rrpfe. BY ' CLYDE FITCH Week ol Bclasco Stock Co. JUDGE f rSlaht-2c, aSe, 80c 70 MatInM-a8et 3So Spe has also attracted- a: great deal of. at tention. This department of tba ; new show presents the sisters Huettermann, tha Baroness Kasomyrska, Mlas Minnie Johnson, and many ethera. There is also aa entire school of leaping horses and ponies.'.' .- ',. ; .; ..'-. The comedy part of tha. ahow under the direction of.- tha" famoua ' clowns. Spader Johnson, Harry Wentworth. Sam Watson, Frank Oakley, and St "Merry Andrews." keeps the rings and hippo drome very much alive. These - fun makers are or the class known as "me chanlcal clowna," and they uae a great deal of Ingenious and Interacting para phernalla In their acta. Tbe hippodrome raoes are. rendered aa exciting and real istic as possible by tha use of genuine racing stock, and in the chariot races some of the most daring and dashing driving Is performed. The menagerie la notable from the fad that It presents SO elephants, in cluding tha only mother elephant and pachyderm In captivity; four towering giant giraffes; a splendid specimen of the M-horned rhinoceros recently se cured la Africa: SO camels and drome darlee, and 10 cages of rare animals. Tha show Is preceded by a splendidly costumed spectacle -entitled. "The ' Dur bar at Delhi," and It serves to introduce hundreds of men, women and children, and so res of horses, elephants, drome daries and other animala In a magnifl oent oriental speotactle. -The big eea aatlona of the show this year are furn- isnea by Mile. Mauricia da Tiers who shoots forty feet through space la an automobile, and Tolo, who leaps , a chasm on a bicycle. Owing to the great amount -of pharapherna-ia - required - la these daring acta, they will be presented In the early part of tha program at the nigni snow Tuesday.. : Reserved seats may he Secured both days at the Allen Ollbert-Ramaker Co's. musio wareroome. Sixth and Mor rison streets, and on tba ahow grounds. Twenty-fifth and Qulmby streets, at the opening Hours. .,;). ; INTERESTING EVENTS 'AT FAIR ON MONDAY ' Monday will mark the opening Of the Irrigation con grass, the Historical con gress and tha Indian Affairs conference. It wilt be known also. as Nebraska and Ogdea (Utah) day. The order of events Will be: ; ' - ' :. . t a. m. to 1 p. m. National Irrigatloa congreaa, Audltortnm, . Administration band. - 1 10 to, 11 a. m. Omcert, Tenth Xn faatry band, Oovernment terrace. . 10:10 to II nv Concert, Administra tion band. Transportation building band. stand, r . :;.' . ' r. ' I ta I p. ' m. Administration band, lsw Tork building.. Ogdan day ex erolses, .-. , , ...... f . .... . S:(0 p. m-K3rand ooneert, Dierke'i band, bandstsnd. Oray boulevard. S:I0 to t:S0 p. m. Organ recital. Professor P. W. Goodrich, rorsstry building.'. i ' 1:10 p. m. United States Life Saving oxhlMUoa drill en lake. v S p. m. Nebraska exerelsea. Auditorium. Administration band. .' . I p. mw -Indian athletics, Exposition Stadium. . ' , . S:S0 to 4:10 p. m. Oonoert, Tenth Infantry bead, Oovernment terra oa, 1:10 p. m. Government exhibit closes. 0 p.. m. Exhibit buUdlngs close. ' 1:10 p. m. Grand operatic concert, Klralfy's .Carnival of Venloe aompaay, on Ruatlo steps. rree.)- 1 P. m. Grand aoaeart. Dtarkse bend. bandstand, Oray boulevard js:: I p. m. Grand eleotrleal Illumination, II p. nvGetee eloee. - i ,t U40 p. pa. Trail eloseaV. - . . , ' IV-wJ.riiL I f t '.u iV " . - ' il 1 ' 7 vjk uaraaaiuaaaiar i.-sa.. r-- N ' .Oef, t. . I l v "T' i. kTO HCITT. ' ,. i ' oomtaa ' J ae tt laadaaad the vattoa'a Ketrepells. . Six St:t:Ca. Surcisi..-. Superb, SeRSStfcnsl &Usk REPRODUCTION OP; THB QORQEOUS DELHI DUR3AR . . . Juet as tha Grand Ceremonial THF ; A. Lady Lbopfns tVap In an UTOMOCiiLE' L Paaetaatlir. Peajfal, Tlltdaa', Paaxdsua PsoUe wrk Pate. ' The ABsolaae Umlt to whMk atertaia ma tompt ibeatk with Smpaaliy.: .:'-;.,; t ..-.-' The Hi chest :prlced'AtiracttitfEver.k lust think of nt 'A yos lady reoetvtaa' S1SQ eaah aresy aleak tick foe a Somer sault lm' aa AatataMbila. .. . . ,,, . , ,vk ' , yOliOvTH EVO lilTANT FLY!NmmnovGir;sPAc& ois a bicycle flmallaat Mara In tha World. Jumnlne? Peats, Aorobatlo Acta, 100 Thrilling Acta, S00 Expert Performers, tha Welsh Giant. Trouna of Mldsets. Scandinavian Vocalists. Musicians and Dancers, Grandest and f,!ost Cos Bant; "aO oaa . Ht m a.rvl nA Wrfvata Bm Rasta actra.. aeeordlna tA loaailoa. -All raaarvad seat tickets are numbered end have coupons attached. . . . ' . . .. ranrin iox in aimno ataAT for sale at the AXXVBaT kt JTX- BZUaT-JLAXAXam OO- corner Sixth and Morrison streets, and on the grounds at hours of opening. All seats have footrests. All tickets sold at regular priceav Beware or paruee enarging more." . rtminm ta the Btunandoua filaa of the SCASB, but a Hlgh-Claaa and Very Expenalve Prea aVhaw WUl Be eUrem oa the how Oroaads one hour before the doors are open. .'... , --r-,- Will exhibit In Salem. Aug. SS; Albany, 14; Eugene. II; Medfbrd. It. v , . Exclusive - C IP A T3 WctiU of Vaudeville 1 f ) Autf. ? 21irt Onalow and aarnett gpf Tf7f?nf? Af T WOODTHORPB and :ce;ik.tca.-"'.r'. tUfi. Dijil. : WILLARD , . ":, " ; - - fv 1"nMT J TMB MOZARTS " ' (lnil; LOe PREANO ' " BlgkVass Maaieal Aet ' utae Caaranng tittle Play. ; '.' wM-rtm Maaelcgae. ! MR. ROY McBRAIN THB STAROSCOPB ' -Tt Cbaaei la the F1aaa.M atsclal Settlage sad Sffeeta, Tke tT ef Harried Ufa.1'. General Admission 10c QsSSSsSiSSL,S , a VAUDEYILLE sfL 0 A TVT fTS Week of ; . HEADUNERS V-J IfZ-TLll LJr . Angusf 2tst fC TMB DOLANS '; fV JdPrh V HOLCOM TRIO Is 'tfarrled hy Ueense." ? laaia-ejyvjai , gcosatrie . ttnaer sad - '" ' " : . - Daaeara.. f' r i GALLADAN ida russeu. ; ' - ' . . " ; ''-' Tee soaUara SoafMre. v - .' Tbe Mstlafalsaed Aetar, la ' : .' ; Mr. Fred PurlntOIl ImpersoaaUeea ef the flDiWnicrOR "iuo A-H-. .. cwv as : n aRANDI5C0PB General Admission 10 c 'SSjSiia LEWIS JtffD CLRICOBSRi)Jt. TORT JtMD CAPE - take Pertlsae Batgats ear' an set afl el vtaorae Tarteee, aee bUck treat eat aaa. 9 eUatWag. KUetrle elevaaat. - , gee BMoUral atiaet at aawwfnl saareknait from foe f tewar. Toa aaa eat a Ostaty laark arklle vtewtas the bms atagalflaeat aeesarf m aaMrtea. Osaa 0 a, av as 0 a. m - Aaras toa 10 seata. . ' SKOaiAITOV TA.1K ' " ' Oener Taagaa aad xwaaty-rsarth PORTLAND v. SAN FRANCISCO , ADarrsalOS lee . ;, ' Avevez it, u, so. aKANDSTlND, Kc - CHILDBIN, ISe. Bex tlcsets sad tsssrvil aeata ea sale al "t . Beekolitk STeweet Something new under the sua has been found in the form of a new min eral, discovered in Kussla by Dr. Mor oeiewlca, prof eeser of mineralogy at the University af Krakau. Me has chris tened It beckollth, In honor of tho Vienna mineralogist. Professor Pried erieh Beck,, aad he says that It reeem- blea mostly a combination' ef garnet having similar crystals aad containing many, rare earths, which farm Tl par J V- y:;tr,i-J; - -r f ) - TTT - . , , lysjBBvaiBBiJ SIBfBlX i-wsaBaBtNaa.BrsMr Pageant was Produced In India. :; Horses. " liaaoinr : Ponies. 1 Oymnaatlc si. sooma opanrajr srova Sana) gg titm Cknati - - Shew SO iTftlTf eiaiaa WTXIi 11 f J LYRIC THEATRE; .' SXaatlna: Si Pleoa, kra. "Tatar xotrsa o arpocaaaaa." WEEK CP. -KCKDAY, AUG. 21 i i i -i i , ' in,, i i 1 1 ,r i. THE SHGS: C7,TGE &UOT-. ' Ban-. H fa Tbenpann. "Thi ttnif City." Illaatratvd br HlWasntlita pie Sfiium iranenmststma ana aolarlas, rnt sreaeetaa (4 . tale klad ta tba west. 3Aw ADMISSION 1C v lUevfcX 1 fcxmd Sect 23c sent ef tts volerae. The chief eompon ante are oertum. lanthanum and dldy. -lum oxides, and It may be oeeful la the manufacture of rhemlcal preduets, as paelaUy. In the light lndvsUy. i . DEATH tlyShw Ever Wiled