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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1905)
'i ,''-110 "J 7 V IK lav V" t TOUTLAND, OXYGON. SU1IDAY HORNING; ' AUGUST ' 0, 1SC3." ' - 1 . 5 r. ... VATCIIZ3 CLCAII D AND WARRANTED ONE YEAR ' .HEW MAINSPRINGS ' 7SC : All other repairing on jewelry' at proportionate . pricesFirst .Floor, hear large elevator. VANTZD AT . ONCE - :Ten expert- , enced Sale- ' .ladies for the " Suit and Wrap Salons. Apply to Superintend ent before J .y, Monday.. . , ; TV, yOVsTMAN'1 K1K& OfJ VISITORS ARE C QH3IALLY WICCM SG i OJ-JJS- . 1 v.. ') womMAm 1 GET NEXT TO THE CC As you step off the big elevator at Third Flc; landing... .'. i r ' " -. -V, LUNCH FREE "On ;th'e dainty Z'Rosette" . Waffles "she is makin z there---l; to 6 p.' ml 7lf you want set "of TA .the .irons, she ;uses they're. . ;.... v7.7JyC ; IRONS' also, on this'f loorl : i fvsz-x - yj&r- .x FALL GOODS ARE RACING IN! SUMMER STOCKS ARE .FLYING OUT! ALL PORTLAND WILL COME TO US Tho' we are bounding ahead at a rate heretofore unheard of in the retail business, we sometimes wonder why we don't have. ALL of the suit and coat business of Portland. There ; Are :niore good styles here to choose from than anywhere else on the Pacific coast. We. sell at from a quarter to a third less than any other local. store can afford to. We don't have, our suits made a hundred of a stylethere may be twenty suits of some- lots, some not so many -as that, and those are divided into four colors. Our aim is to be exclusive without the 'exclusive" price of jo-tcrmed "exclusive stores." The new sea son demands fine tailoring, without evin the suggestion of "ginger bread" ef fects. 'and in order to keen UD-to our standard we have exceeded ail pre vious efforts to have a great 'variety of fine, quiet, rich suits-and coats- ' J--A. T . . J 1 1 ' '.L. ai very rnoucsi prices, joroaactoins, serges ana nomespuns nave inc call in tailored suits, aud even the suits at $25 are exclusive. Both blouse and Eton effects will be worn tho' the three-quarter .'and full lengths in coats will have the call' for early trade. Plaids are the reigning fancy. In plain colors purples lead with greens a good second in the race for; favor. Velvets -will be used much in the trimmings with novelty metal buttons; both add to the severe effect of the tailoring.- Hie Redingoats and Director ie styles are popular . with ' smart dressers. These will be much favored by women of slight build as they tend to strengthen the Jisrure. i Tackets in1 oerjlum effects ' are . also shown. : Thc'Tskirts are cut in the circular styles, full round lengths as last season, but with a tendency to more fullness 'at the bottom, ana many plaited Styles are silown. In coats for wraps the tweeds and fancy homespuns have the call with a few coverts for. those who' want this smoother finished material. Mostly cut in?the three-quarter length But a few raglans are being shown. Very striking mixtures an'd fancy shades in such colorings as dove, maroon, cerise,' terra-cotta, helios, tans, etc., will be worn THE NEW DRESS FABRICS COME FLYING IN T--T-rr-- SWAGGER. FALL SILKS AND DRESS GOOODS. : -t " r l''" West vAnoex First Floors ,,'... i! :- V' Can you tell us, why, with' such' advantages," the whole of Portland, doesn't come here for the' suits and coats she needs? . '.'- 1 ": 11'- A GREAT SPECIAL THREE DAYS' " SALE STARTS MONDAY , : GranSalons of Dressy-Second Floor, t ; A SWEEPING CLEAN-UP OF PRESENT SEA ' :j )..: SON SUITS AT 0NE-HALF PRICE! ,r We - have combined all remaining lots of present ' season suits in one grand convention , and shall ' hold a big "farewell meeting" tomorrow in their honor. The suits are in just the most wanted ma ' terialsEtonjacketfarid blouse styles') suitable -for-wear now and during the coming falL - In tail ored street, styles-aH made up in. splendid, work ..manshjp ; examples of the 'best maker's, products on; the American; continent. 'The values reach from the $12.50 mark up to the aristocrats at $75. Vou may cnoose from ; them all until "closing time qf Wednesday. ..AT HALF, PRICE t WOMEirS $20 ilOUSE WRAPPERS for 79c ..v. YeT-attratfre Percale, House VVrappersV stripedi li floral and Dresden patterns; in navy, black; red and , gray colorings, - collars narrow and wide, backs belted, flounced styles with Bishop sleeves and yokes. : Pretty trimming effects ' of Jbraids and embroideries. -Values-to. $2.50. For three days at a choice, for. . , V; . . . . ....... :', 70$ About 200 in this lot,', values ,$6.50 to $28150. Pan ama cloths, serges and cheviots, in plain v. black, blues, greens, black and white, -and . an immense variety of smart mannish mixtures. For three days only,t, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, we shall allow full choice at just ONE HALF the marked prices which are, in ' every- instance, ' lower than equal qualities can be bought for anywhere in the city:-, ; , ; .-. , ,;. , - .7 r7X yprt 1 New-Fall Silks and - Dress Goods," open for your inspection Monday. A description of them here is a matter of impossibility, the assortments, while not complete, are by far the best we have ever shown. . Every new fabric and color will be found in our assortments and priced lower than the same qualities will be found elsewhere. The Silk Department is showing: New Bonnet 'Black Silks, New Bond Taffffetas and Suitings, ?every yard warranted." New, Plaid Silks in every new weave and color combination. New Novelty Silks from the best makers and style producers in the world. Patterns are exclusive here. New Plain and Novelty Crepe de Chine. New Taffetas in plain, Glace and Chameleon effects, in all new-finishes. . . ; ' , A tfw of th leadkrs ar Panama In plaid-Mdd and Boeteh Taitana. Bargaa and Chavlotatln all flnlahaa and colora. . ImporUd Worsted Bait tnga tn plain and naat daaltne. Rainproof fabrioa In an andlaaa aaaort mant of colora and waavea. Poplin da Ctaanaa, . Crap da Parla. Chiffon Voiles, Venetians, Broadolotha, In aU avanlnt and street eolorlnca; also an Immense Una of naat suitings, for the erer-wanted Bhlrtwalat. Butta la erery new color and combination. Also we are'showlng a new and com plete Una of Black Dress Goods la ererr new and wanted weave and Qnlsh. " - ' ' : '':.. Vf: 1 ' '; 6,000 Yards New 85c SilXs at 69c Yd. 6,00Q yards of new fall shades in 19 ; . inch Colored Taffeta, every want 7 ed color to choose from white, 7 ivory and cream included the . v best wearing taffeta Tip" the city;! 7 regular. 85c grade. Specials opening sale .69f BIJOTr BAtN8 ANNEX 'v; -BBCOND. IXOOB. .;.' ; ' A brighter, better picture of preyall- toi styles' for autumn wear of" dresar' women will greet you In this busy sec tion of the store tomorrow than" la all other Portland millinery ahope com bined.' A matchless advance dlsplar of the- correct- models.. In headgear for women 'of taste. Host of the patterns are exclusive with us. sent home bynr buyers now In New York and confined locally to this house. Our own work rooms have beea working v "Overtime" w ana xomorrow many aunty nome crea LstK V liV-OS ' ttona will lend an Interest to the show- i.t. ings. were luuy preparea ror uose C?" early buyera who are In need of a new hat and want one really NEW In atyle ..2 aa well as in name, Eastern tourists wm find hare just the" hats their friends at home will -be wearing after the "Openings' next month. 'Among the new. arrivals we find registered' 7"7;:v.:''-i';;7-; 7, -- QAQE.-HATS ' ' V. - -' Fetching creations in ' all ' the latest shapea and newest materials In soft, beautiful ahadea, plushes and camelahalr felts, corded alike and piffled plalta, A stunning Turban la shown In soft, green plush, the brim made entirely of Iridescent feathers. Another striking model is flniahed In basket weave braids a golden brown - velvet the braids matching the velvet body. ' A fringed bow at the aide adds to- the beauty affect. A pretty - Toque in sorest eamelshair felt with piping of emerald' green attracts the ejre that admirea beauty. Feather Turbans in great -, variety., -- i. --. :, -..... ' v: ' THE -ALICE RCXDSEVELT' ' 1 : ''''The' ALICE ROOSEVELT ".' Is . one of the stunnmgest hats shown Just from New- York. These are shown In "Alice blues, blaek and white, all black and golden brown. . , .. V;. ;! ::-a the TOGcr sailors li:': 7;: are one of newest and most popular fancies among smart eastern dressers. These trim and jaunty hats are made of corded alike In knlfe-plalted ruffles, trimmed with ponpoms or wlnre -at side. Other materlala are quilted aUka and braids. Prices are modestly placed and aUow of wide choosing. $3 to $20 Trimmed Hats $57 to $50; t AND ALIGHTED IW THE "FAIR-WAY" SHOE STORES SIXTH STREET ANNEX FIRST FLOOR ' i , - , : -i .-- ' ' We've hardly, been able to supply 'the demand at times Tor the Dainty - White ""Olbson Ties" that ladles so much affect In summer weather. And there's quite a spell of warm weather ahead; the weather man , tells ns he hasn't dished It all up yet by any means. Bo when another lot of the pretty white ties came In yesterday we knew you'd want to bear of their arrival. They're mafle of white "Sea Ialand" duck that's -, warranted not to shrink. . All slsee and the best of the story la yet to wjt we own mem so we can sen mem to you utKierprice. They're - me usual 11.10 raiuea you may select a pair more if you -,- wmiv ( turn pair, jaonuar. . . . .. . Ur more if you ; d -3Q i . . ". f M, -. ? ', ' ' w' e a r rrHB HABERDASHER IE" WEST ANNEX FIRST JELOOR. ,- , .' .-' ' MEN'S ' SMS UNDERWEAR : S7He. ' :.'" ..' .' . ,. line of Men'a Fine Medium Weight Cashmere Undershirts and Drawers, '1 extra well made and finished; regular value fLM. Special, the ' garment i.. .....&7H4 MEN'S AND BOYS' BATHING SUITS HALF PRICE." . - All our Men's and Boys' Bathing. Butta to elosa out. at. bait price. ' Regular 'Ilea value SpecUl at, the suit .....50w Regular 11.19 value Special at, the suit ..--TBw Regular II.CO value Special at,-the ault.- , v.Sl.frO ;;,'"' :' , ' '!', MEN'S iio COLLARS le. 7 .-."7'; ':' ' . i. A. lot of Men's' 4-Ply Collars, tn broken stses. most of tho leading ahapes; regular value Ite. Special to close out, each. . . ....5w .' .- '. .'MEN'S lOo SOX lto. '.j , A let of Men's Fancy Cotton Hose, broken lines; regular value 10c Special to close, the pair.-... ................... .........h...10 : " - MEN'S 11.00 OOLF SHIRTS ILJS..7 .'. . ;.;'... A line of Men's Golf Shirts, with aoft cuffs and collar bands. In pis In ... white and.eream; our beat 11-90 value. Special at, each ..-91. 3 WOMEN'S AND BOYS'' SPEOAtTVALUES lN 7 THE HOSIERY SHOPS FIRST FLOOR V V "Tv"5"'7 '.'"" ..''' f WOMEN'S - I5e HOBS 'l Ma. ' 7;.7'''-";'' 7 : ' 'Tl ' Black Mdlum Weight LMi Hoea, . flniahed foot, double sole; regular -rvalue-to -gpeclal the pair..--. ... . . ,. . ;. .32 S -.'"7, ' ..:'"' 7-7' "' ''''WOMEN'S lOo" HOSE Wo. ' " ; ; .. . :.:;" ,i Fine Black Oause Cotton and Liale Hoac, high eplksed heel, double sole, French toe;, regular Value 10c. t Bpeclal, the pair............. ..,..35 -Y'' .B0T8' ; Ho HOSE l$a,' ', :.' .'4 '.'., Boys' Double Ribbed gitra Strong Black Cotton Hoaa, finished foot ' slsee to 10; regular value Sic. Bpeclal, the pair. 184 ji-ROYAL'; WORCESTER CORSET 1 v m vsn raTn mtmi f? I ,Vire. Nalrtna?r nnrl Flrvtr Ann ... Royal Worcester Corset Girdles," well boned and very appropriate for summer wear, V trimmed at top and bottom with fine lace, , . made of pink: blue, white or. black sateen, 7JT sixes' 18 to 26. . Special at, each. '.7.671 7V ".m is INJWOMENS "FDCINS " AT SPECIAL - PRICES FOR 'BARGAIN MONDAY! First Floor , Shops.' .-MO AND 7 So COLLARS FOR lto. ' 7 Collars, made of linen, heavily embroidered In colore with eyelets for ties our VSo and tie -values. Bpeclal at, , each .....1,....,.. ...354 V; 7"- ' . ' ISO WINDSOR TIES FOR CO ''7f 777'. The newest thing tn Windsors for ladles or children. In fancy J Persian designs ail colora our 7io value. Special at, each ....SOaV "';. 77 77. 7; new' bilk' gloves. ' .'"' ."I ... Ladles' Double-Tipped Bilk Gloves I clasp in black, white . and eolora. , Priced "tt, . . ; the pair....... ....75 91.OO fl.2S Md $1.50 " . ; ' 71a FOR f 1.0 BILK GLOVES. ' ' Women's Summer Bilk Mesh Gloves. with plain palm. In t-claap style In black and colors only our 11.00 value. Bpeclal at, the pair JB4 OB WOMEN'S HANDSOME SHIRT WAIST , PATTERNS 7 "FIRST FLOORr - . j $1.8aand $1.08 Shirtwaist Patterns $1.13. w Shirtwaist Patterns of either, lawn or Indian Head -with-beautifully embroidered fronts our $1.89 - and $1.98 values. Special at, each..." 11.13 7? . .7 , $2.69 Shirtwaist Patterns $1.59. : v : Shirtwaist. Patterns in plain white, white and pink, white and. blue or white land. black; 'our $2.69 value. Special at, each . . . ; , ; . . . ; I . $1 J59 While the special sle sun shines. Prices have melt--ed almost to nothingness. Read Second Floor: '7, Sunbonnets.for12c.. , Ladies', and Children's Sunbonnets, in plain, checked ' or fancy materials, in a large assortment of colors. Special alt this week at, each. ;r4i.. .7... ..12 MONDAY BARGAINS IN LINENS AND DOMESTICS- THB HOME ' COLUMN OF DOMESTIC ECONOMIES FIRST FLOOR. .-'.'' '.. '- ' '4e FOR NAPKINS .WORTH 10c. ; ''.7 ' 100- doaen-An-Llrma 'TYlng d apklna Hne- SAtlft Hnlali out5 Movaltie,' . A great special at, the, dosen ...........7.. i...S ' DAMASK NAPKINS FOR tl.OS. ." . 100 doaen Heavy Bleached Damask Napkin made -especially for hotel or restaurant use. A great special bargain at. the doten. ....... ...fl.08 ;.vv; :,v-:-. ',0o. table damask tot. ; .'.-;: ;' Richardson's Irish Table Damask, full bleached ft Inches w We our 0o - value. Bpeclal at, the yard.... .004 "'y' V.:7.;.- TABLE LINEN FOR 40. -J ? Scotch Homespun Table Linen, IS inches wide extra good wearing quality. Bpeclal aale price, the yard.,...,.., ...........434 V ' SPLENDID TOWELS FOR HOTEL USB. 7- , Hemmed Huck Towels, also 17x11 lnchea. . Bpeclal aale price, the .' " - doaen ,r.." Hemmed Huck Towele with white or eolored borders else llxlt Inctie. : Special sale price, the doaen..,.;. (1 J , ' ' . ' ''; SHEETS FOR tie. .- , : '' . Sheets for double bed. made of . good, i strong quality sheeting. ' Bp 1 aale price, each ;...'.... i A SaUtAT IKOWtRfl OT BAXTsTTT 1TBW AmPITAXa fga T Ssad, etthe soft ev bM ftalakt Waie aaek aMtttara, Walt P Oeefmaaa ZOaeaa, Sonnle warp ttuaa, PteM aad Fas ay 1 t tags. Paalaa Clota aaa C'-poa. asisiarteetes la e w f Oaraa, -gatanass- aUmoae C.pes. S.sieoUered I. ait i. ISc Rair Rc!!s ":"' for 10c 7 1 l-lneh , Hair Rolls, assorted colors, - ' regular valne "1 tc clal, each J - Sc Sewing Mi chlr.tCll 3c Bottle best Qual ity . flawing Ma chine Oil regular valne le. 'Bpert'al. 50c Dress Shields for 22c Light- weight at tachable Dress Shields, slse No. I. regular value toe. Bpeclal, the pair. ........ 33 5c KJJ Eslr Ccrkrs f;r 2c Kid -Hair Curlers, 4H Inches long, 1 dosen In package, regular value .to. Special, the , package ." ti 60cE4th7 Spcnei 29c Rubber .Bath Bpongea, velvet; quality. ;7 reguUr value 00c. Special,' eeeh" . .... .. .39 2SC CtSmt Sw3 fcr 15c Large " 1-lbj , bar White Castile Soarp, regular Vai, c. BpecUl. each ....... si B4 12k Tailor Braid for 7c 7 Combination Reversible Tailor Braid - and Velveteen Binding, black only, tegular value llHo. Bpeclal, yard .. ...r 74 Es!e CaTbolated Petrolenai Jc;:y rearular value 10c. Bpeclal each J.-C 7 50c Cloth Crcshes 20c Fine quality Cloth Brushes, wood backs, regular value 80c. . Spe cial, each . . . . C r 75c Dshdruff, Cere 55c : Large 10-oa. bottle Coke's Dandruff Cure . and Hair Tonic. remir value 7Se. K . clal.' each.."..' I5c F:p:r l:; Ms f: 100 plalrt TT?."'.' Cr- rv - 5 ' f r. f - - m . . . i . . . C -"..n Flax y 1 a e n T7r. ir t e r 1 n 1-. Flr T': .