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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1905)
TRINITY OPEN TO FIRST; TE.1E T0PAY . r--.w -'.'.' We enumerate befcwst prices t!wt. represetti la,th4asfregt.a sufcstantlxl tavinjsorfte, foecbla that are in constant demand in o nousenou. r . - . .. .,. . . ... ... , shopping here a pleasure instead of a drudje and a worry, ALU Crirhes, Etc, Drcj Specials j SwuwvLAlit "I - r- r , . f r - r v r-e . . . f " , ' ' ' ' i . t ' The housewife has learnel'that It pys to ts're advanttje of these tiles at ths store where she finds it so pleasant and prcStat! to shop at times, i : i , ; ; A dziito write a note, a free 'rhcae, a comfortable chair t9 rest, a drink crcletr, cold "water tiid a'couheourpunitAinf ckrklo wtif oa herT. ire wmeTbf the" factors that make, '.Tifcuty Chorcfa, Uapiiflcent. Episcopal Houm of . Worship just Completed la This City. Portland's fame as a city of beautiful eurchee has received added lustef since t e completion ' of . Trinity Episcopal c urch, at the southwest - comer of I.lneteenth and Everett streets. ' It Is one of the most pleasing and satisfying examples of ecclesiastical architecture to be found In the northwest. ..?- r1 ' Pure Gothic in style, on the lines of the early English, the building Is at onoe simple in design and stately In effect. The square tower at the northeast oor ner .rises Ji feet . Broad stone steps lead up to the two vestibules and to the handsome main entrance, over -which' Is the beautiful, memorial 'window com memorating Bishop Scott, Oregon' first Kplaoopal bishop. In1 each transept Is a rose window of rich design and coloring.-,, '. . '. - - - ' . ... .-. . ' .. The material 'of the building Is bar saltlo, rock. , rock faced and with trim mings of cement to match. The wall are backed with concrete. The length of the building Is 181 feet and it la feet In width. One transept Is oceupledJ py ne Dapusiry. ana .cnapet ma un other by. the choir and clergy vestries. Much of the - stained glass In toe win dows wss In ths old' Trinity' church which was burned, and this la espe cially true of the Bishop Scott memorial window above the main entrance. The building has a seating capacity of 1,00. 'The 110.000 organ Is the finest In the northwest. The Interior of the church Is particularly pleasing and harmonious. The altar Jg. of white marble. and was designed, by D. CX Lewis, the architect of the building. -All the exposed wood work, trusses and beams are of Oregon fir. ouartar sawed. . The tan system of heating and ventilating Is used and Is said to be the most perreot to oe xouna In any church on the Paclflo coast.. The Trinity chimes. Installed at a coat of M.OOS, have already become famous as .their melody Has (been beard re peatedly within ae,. past two or three weeks. ' .' f .', The first religious service to be held In the new Trinity church will Uke place this morning and will be conauetea bythe pastor. Rev. A. A. Morrison. Bishop Morris will assist. jffl CEETIOG OF m ESERS American Association in Portland JVyiilClbrati OrderTsix- .' teenth Anniversar"M T.. PARADE AND PICNIC AMONG THE FEATURES AH K ra.a anA Ml "Via- snd w-pnrrty-f American "system Itora Prom Pacific Northwest Will 'Join in Uakfof the Occaslbn ikui una. Next Tuesd y the Foresters of America Of Portland will celebrate the sixteenth anniversary of the founding of the order - In this city with a monster parade at 7:30 o'clock In the evening following J by an outing to the Oaks where exer cises appropriate to the occasion will be held. There are 1.B0 members of the organisation la this city, and there will be a large number of visitors from Oregon.' Washington and California. . Charles Wynn will be' grand marshal) sided by Robert Grooker.- - Mounted police will head the parade,' followed by Brown's band., and the local courts -will march la the . following order: - Court - Mount. Hood, No. 1; Court Columbia, No. 1; Court Multnomah, No. 4;-Court Web- foot. No. 4;. Court German la. No. t: Court Scandla.- No. 7 ; Court Concordia, No. I; visiting members from .other courts..'' j " .-a " 1 - ... The members, will assemble at For. eater's, hall. Second and Tamhtll streets. at -T :1s o'clock. The line of march will be north, on Second 'street 'to .Morrison: west on ' Morrison to Third; north on Third to Washington; west on Washing ton to Bixtn; sou in on nixtn 10 jaorri- son; east on Morrison to Fourth; south on Fourth to Yamhill;' east on zamhlll to First; north on First to Alder where cars will be waiting to carry the mem bers of. the order, and friends . te the Oaks...- --.-- ..-- Forestry had its Inception - at Leeds. England ' In ' 170, and was- brought to America, In 18Z, the first organisation In thla country was Court Oood Speed, No.4411 et Philadelphia. After that other courts were instituted, but none survived until Court Brooklyn, No. 4411, now No. 1 of New York was organised May it, 1844. At the subsidiary high court held at Minneapolis In August, Ills, the American branch of the order seced ed from the Ancient Order of Foresters and becema- known -as the -Fereeters of America. ' With the Independence of Forestry In America, a radical change In the form of government of the order was made recognised' head, but the grand courts which have Jurisdiction In the several ststes are untrammeled on the principle trrimnis TU1C "rromeutfordlnatel oeurts. to the supreme body the rules are the same as those which, apply to the republic. . . j.v -t ' It Leads Them All. One of the establishments on the fair grounds that has won distinction for Itself - as being first-class and popular Is the Administration restaurant, . run under, the proprietorship and manage ment of Mr. M.-Voney and MrrJM. Walker,' respectively. - - Its success Is due to many factors, that bare proven much to Its advantage. It la conveni ently located to the left of the main en trance, and Is slwsys kept coot, and inviting.- .The- straightforward business methods employed and the excellence of the cuisine at remarkably reasonable prices have won It a reputation among the ' traveling public -r Heretofore i a la oarte has only been served, but for the benefit - of . those' desiring- table d'hote the .management haa Inaugurated, a it cent, regular dinner." Ddn't miss-It No Intoxicating liquors sold.." ;. -7 ,, ' Fostef Plate glass signs high .class. At Kleiser, Fifth and Everett. NE17 YORK DAY IS WELL; KEPT: " Leaders of Empire State Bring Cordial Greetings to Men of , '". '- Great Inland Empire. . ' V GOOD FEUOWSHIP IS KEYNOTE OF GATHERING Classic Buildin j v Ig Dedicated With 'AtroprkttCermordeewPfojreng of West Ig Hop of Crowded East, Sty Speaker. The Empire State of the Union yester day made acknowledgements to the ln- land , empire. .Men of . national repute gathered. In , the New Tork building . at the exposition about 11 o'clock and joined in the celebration of New York day. Samuel B. Ward, vice-president of the New Tork Lewis and Clark commis sion, presided. Rev. J. B. H. - Simpson of Portland delivered the Invocation. - ' Governor Chamberlain In his address said: '. ' ' -r"" . ., " "A noted gentleman told me the other day that he was very, greatly surprised to find so muob culture and refinement in this northwest of ours. A rather doubtful compliment,' that. " There ought not to -be - any. surprise. - We . have had the best blood' ln. the United-States to me here and to make the beet cltlsen- ln the United States. ' .... -': ' iine oesi iae country naa to . give, tne speaker concluded.. "has come to us and haa helped - us -to make this great northwest what. lt Is today. , And New York herself haa done more than her share -lh giving .to ue the best of .her apme ship ' r VIA jTHE'- e' Tickets win be'good . for . ninety days from date "of- "1' A ffmxtsxraJ' A A 'til i '.Tt" "!,., ' -''."7" 1 " . i ' :' V Stopovers perinitted both 5 , 1 going suid rety&rning. .; Gk one way and retrirnV vl? 'j .-.-t.i"- i- f Vf. Three Throc;h JrtHzi My to Ce LslVblt te ir .' i ' i - -' '' i.J, - SP! J ''BMSMSl ('--' , ' esawanBsl assBBBJ ENROUTE It b a c'-rious Wonderland 4000 hot pools and springs, lakes'and mad Volcanoes. crJ czx natural novelties 100 geysers. Cost is slight-service right You travel cr-d ctt yourself we do all the worrying. " . All particulars at the office, 255 Mor- . rison Street. Corner Thirrl Pnrtlanrl Orernn" ? '' ' ;r ':!;'" ; rison Street, corner Third, Portland, Qregon: ; l:i!X TRATiS TO TAC0;.1A ATJ S2WTU-4 "l j j Thi Crrci Electric Lighted. Ob aervation Cat Train to the East h''L' i IZp.- Archil Cesertl "f&s&$f Atzt, fcrC Crtz r manhood and womanhood to give to us Just. that culture and refinement whtoh haa proved so surprising -to a number of 'eastern people.". : ; In the absence of Governor Frank Hlggina of New York, Lieutenant Linn M. Bruce of that state, acting as -his official representative, responded. ' The people of the state of New York. ne said, "are proud of the posi tlon accorded them In the northwest snd at this exposition and are deeply grate ful -.for the welcome extended . them by the people of the northwest, -' .-, . ., "This Is the only territory over which flies the flag of the United States which la ours by right of discovery. .- "We are proud of the work' that haa been done by the people of the north west... My friends, there is no-north, -no south, no east, no west We are. all Americana. There are great sectional tjueatlons which have caused these dis tinctions. -Yours Is that of irrigation. And we of New York are Just as anzlona that the arid lands of this northwest be Irrigated as anonare."-.; r--y---'j " "There-net'er-naa "been one word of . Protest utteredbTttin .nannls nf Ttfi York against the enormous sums appro priated for the purposes ef irrigating lands thousands of miles away from ths markets of the east 1 Why should tbey, when' It is those very same markets which' receive the benefits of Irrigation In the way of commerce 7 We of New York want you to irrigate. : There are no small people In the west, but ther are a few In the east . , ' "Yon have a ' Chinese ' question , here, too. '.We of New T York want the" open door, want the doors - open - to the im mense' commerce thatt you of the west have with the orient' We of New York want you of the west to have the best of the orient and if coolies are not of the best keep them out" , - ' v President Ooode follpwed with . refer ences to the willingness with which ths commissioners of New York at the fair have handed over "their building and lent their aid and experience tn making the social functions of ths exposition a sue-cess.-.-"'-.. .'--,".( '. :,! . - . ' V S. -TTred Nixon.' speaker o the ' New York-, assembly, '.was . then' "presented. His eloquence In depicting the feeling of good fellowship which exists In the hearts -of the people of New -York to ward -the people of the northwest Im pressed the audience, : , . v ., '""Oregon haa her tell' trees, 'bo t"isew York haa her big men," said . he. The educational system of New York state; which -the speaker stated haa spread te all parts. of the civilised world, was ex tolled. ,:(.' j,' . .'..i,-., : . s ' . "America." 'by '" the AdmlnlstraUon band. - concluded the ceremonies, and a general reception' followed In the parlors of the New York building. o concert programs ; i " 1! VV AT; FAIR TOMORROW ' f- . I . ,v-.i. V....-: , IHeTke's band will play the following program at; the fair tomorrow; ' ' v Morning "; 'JLo-.. -.- 7 Overture "Prince , Asmodaeus"...... ' ...Theodora Vogt Minuet Boocherinl "Blumen der Lust" .' Oungl National FanUale "Albion" ,. .Baetens Overture The . Beautiful Galatea'',. . ... . . . .... Suppe ValserrrDn-the Beautiful Rhine",. , . . . . .... i . .. Keler-Bela "Prince Napoleon" .............. Ludera Grand Potpourri Terpslchoreana". , Evening .:. -, ' . March ;"8ouvenlr de Portland". ..... ....Theodore Vogt Overture "Bluff King Hal". .Stewart Caprice for Saxophone "Maitre Cor beau" De Lisnnoy . Mr. Mundwyler. Air Varie "Alpensehnsucht"..Hartman American Festival Overture. ...... . .......... .i.... William . Kretschmsr Sextette from "Lucia" ....... Donlsettl Duet The Crucifix", ...... .Fan re Mr. and Mrs. Begue. March "American Clttsen"..E. Schmltf '. -: route jswamfa, ,. '. y "; f Prom the NeSr York Press.'", A girl is mighty pretty when khe looks at herself In the looking glass. . . . A nice thing about friends Is the way you can keep them . by not lending money to them.' A man Is hardly ever ao bad he couldn't be belter. , .... , A girl is old enough to know better when her mother can tell her anything she thinks she doesn't know. A msa thinks he ia very practical when he can make a dollar and a quar ter porch bench out of a sixty-fire dollar bed. , 1 In -writing to advertisers mention that Curling "Irons . , i ;'. . . . Curiirig. Iron Heaters. .... J TLn f. 3c1Q - - : Four-row- 'Imported, Tooth" Brush - ' ---' "." f , 11-row. Willis Hair prush, soUd ' back, long' bleached bristles..,,.. 1 -X ; --". 't A line of assorted Hslr Brushes, ? solid back, good brUUes, values to i. Hand Scrubs . .. . . ,.. .". . .. ; Ladies' Rubber Complexion . Brushes . .... . .'. ..... . . ...'. Omega i Cqmbination Syr- i inge and Hot Water Bag. . ; t, Rachael White Vaginal Syr- ( -inge.. s "Royal" ' red .-rubber Hot Wter ; Bag, 2-qt, cloth in- $N serted ........... . . . . . . V. , - '. ".) Omega Continuous Flow 5 ) Sbiionsry Souvenir Stafionery ' Blue or White, sold emboeaed Real Normandy Linen . . 4 - -s rLeader". Fountain Pen i ' '.' ... A': -vl .'.i1'. Fabers Pencils, with ' rub ber, dozen ..... .... . . '. .'. . .' . wines tzi liquors Paul 'Jones-.. . 4 1 w ,-:i-s--' '; ;Marters,Very Old Cognac.. ;c ;c I v.Wooalark Scotch' Heather. . ' Colonial Bye ; ........a 1 Woodlafk Sarerac. Brandy. Superldr Old Holland Gin.. J A : - , 'J Li 2' Finest Superior Bay Rum, Glycerine, .(2. bottle. . .. . . Dickinson's' ..Witch .Hazel, J full pint P. ; & w Epsom Salts, full pound in carton ..... .V . . . Sulphur, lb. i-v'-.. Wood Alcohol, pint.'. . . . . '. . 7 V f .; '. ..' ' V ,'' 4 iSugar of Milk; .V. I. ; .V. , . . J "." 4''..V ': v .''.'"'J.yT""---r; ' ' ;Stuhro;'BrdSe.';7;':7.".'' 'CrystalBird'' Seed. .V;; Cream Tartar ... 'v. . ...... .' Kirk's Juvenile, per cake-. extra special ... ,..:.;!....' Kirk's Glycerine, per box of VOC ....... ..t.... ,j Original C I. Hood's .Medir cated Soap, per cake. .. Cosmo Buttermilk Soap, per 'cake v.WV..'...."r....:.,V. English Oatmeal,' box of three cakes ...i ;.?.;. ;w English- "Honey, three cakes My . Queen three cakes ..... box-' of Soap, ,1 box of French Castile, purest grade fwithr,,wasHhag- per cake . A1 Mb bar of Cslstile.i , Fairy Soap, per dot. ; , . '". V ijA-: 1-- A'..-t PC3T0 DaARTaENT .: Buster Brown Cameras and - Films, Developing and : ;: j., r :; . printing. .v.v-, Knit; to Fit; Anklets Ab- " . t;t dominal Belts, ifei TRUSS CEPARTKBITi JExpertmale and female fit ters. Special facilities in fit- -.s' V.'- --i-ting room, t ; PRKaaPTISM DEPT. Prescriptions; filled by-ex perts only; with freshest and , purest of drpgs. '::. ..,; f H PC0TCS2APCIC DEPT. I Non-curling Alms all stsea. Electric Drying1 Prooasa turns out ',,';'' pictures same day. ' v ... " Ccec?sJiIc Cispesssry Triturations Vend - tinctures, all potencies. Full line of .: Home Remedies, i FCUSIH AO IVASIX.STC'f BEWARE ' OF FAKERS ! Who rain your H a t s. Oo to HBAiHJUARTERS for , ., Panama end Felt lid :.1:.:-n, c VIVHIIIIIu J. FISCHBReSWvatort Will Dye for you or Clean and Block .' your Hate, ;.,.,,.. i f DpCRS' -SUPPU . Machinery,' Fixtures, Sausage Casings, Pure Spices, Scales, . Aprons.and Goats, Knives, Cleavers, Saws, Blocks, Coolers, S. BIRKEN VALD CO . -The Largest 'Butchers-' Supply House .'oii'the' CkM-'.''; . .Telephone Main 6331. -, : .'.804-808 Everett St, Portland. ton srasixTM sr. raosra mm see. i . . . 1 sr "'.!rr . - -"': I'- ''i' f''.; "".v ':rV'','----s'Yy;.v..;i'i,-..v:.''-: II- VancduyeiTranspOi -V;' ''-' C;v' ': ;.,..'' y'" J- - " '.' ''vV ''''. i'i ;v-., ; . " ,-'''. Makes the round trip daily, except Sunday, leaving: Taylor Street Dock at , '.'-" -''.V ; 'vi'vrr ' 8:30'nL.Jreurrin2''ayrrivea' '6. W-W-"''? 7;; v: r. '? yon read the ad. In The Journal,