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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1905)
Ginnruoimnrai . 1 1 c - I, ' r ,.THS WEATIISS.- Cloudy, occasionally threatenln-; , cooler westerly winds. l! - yOL. II. NO. ,g3w fCHTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING. AUGUST C3, 1C05. FOUR SECTIONS FORTY PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTC. NO-' . ! . 1 - II js' . . ' 1 1 11 : r z i . r - Articles Agreed: Upon Hade Basis for Cessation of War-Disputed Points ; Left to Tribunal Strong, Party in Russia v Proposal , . to Avert KfSjJalan iL Petersburg. Aur- JO. CabU m nm from Minister Roacn bar (raatly Changed tba oomplezbm of mature here. Wbere yeeMrdar It deemed that the peace oonference had failed abeo luteir because of the Intolerable char . acter of the Japanese demands, tbare 1 now a feeling that a war, out . of the difficulty will be found.. , The messages sent "by Rosea to the far -after his audience with President Roosevelt, have not been made public, but their purport la hinted at among the department officials. An exalted Mtrannara whn baa been eonsDlouous as a member of the peaci-parly saM-tast night: . , t.-- - it . ; r..t - "it is not permissible to answer your Question directly, but.' assuming, for In- , .n 7 utK that tna arucies in warn proiumii thaT have beenTmgreed to be- made the basis for a caseation of bostllltlea and ' that the other artloles upon which the 'envoys could not agree should be sub mitted to a tribunal for decision, there , Is still a basis for a possible peace. - rhm abteotlon to. of course, made that nations do not submit matters -af-H fectlng their honor to arbitration ana Russia considers the iriatter of terri tory to be such a question but ln-thls case there Is a strong party ' in favor of the waiving of this position and con aentlng to the determination of the prob lem by probably The Hague tribunal or a court comprised of three rulers. In pmtjoTrouble "of Fmou - Singer Said to Bo on Vorgo . vVof Happy Settlomehi - rr I " 1 ; BARITONE RETURNS FROM ; c EXTENDED TRIP ABROAD ' When Shown x Interview With' Mr. .; Biapham '. In Which-. She ..Dtclaree Love, He .It Touched and Hints '.? That' Reunion Win Follow. BISPIIAr.1 AUD VJIFE AIRSJ IP RECO CILED i . IBpecUl CUpatdl bj Wire io ni aral) . f i New Tora, Aug. -. l.--The ,,' domestic troubles Of David Blphim.- the cele- b rated baritone, and his wife, have at- - tracted atUntlonkboth In this , country T and In England, probablr wUl be at an ; end sooaand result In a reunion, or this couple that have been seperaud for the last eight veara.-" ',, ,. ; '.v. ' Mr. - BUpham returned . from Europe . today on the Campania' and seemed" to r. be In an unusually happy mood that re : : minded . the friends who met blm on , the pier of the buoyent spirits that char ; notarised him before- .the. -differences . with his wife. An Interview with his . wife after her arrival from Europe wae : shewn the singer In which she declared i her love for blm and hinted that their differences would soon be settled. . ! and after a few moments', deliberation said: , . -; f , - " , "l cannot tal at length at present This matter which- must be left to time ' to determine."' . .' f ' ' ' When asked At he-Would meet his V wife, the singer replied that he did , not . care to be quoted. He seemed to be : mecji touehed and willing, that his friends should have the impression that 'reunion with' his wife wa possible. Mr. ...Blspham went -to the Royslton. where he has spartmsnts and received his mail, but did not stop. He told the , clr he weeolng-out of town.' ' . Mrs. Blspham with her chlldrtH-are llvinr with friends at 111 Spruce street. Philadelphia.'. ..u t'.',;-..., ' ' Ship Orerom Oattte as. , , ; fSperl.l IHaiwtch W The JeenwLf .' - I Beker City, Or., Aug. Monday a bund of 0 choice three and four year old trs'ere esBected to arrive, m ... Halter City from te .J-knDay section. 1 h lr . i 1 by J. D. Combs ' t. . i r ; r i-ns, jest y, , , l Accepting Further ; Bloodshed-. order that further bloodshed ' shall ' be averted.. . : ..' '-,: -,. "It - la assumed that Japan has been more than willing to accept this solu tion of the- pfleblem. Indeed, she could not d otherwise without forfeiting the respect of the world. Naturally the decision of such a tribunal would be in a meaaure a-compromise. - For my own Dart I would welcome It though it in volves the sacrifice of principle to some extent," ? ... " ' It Is understood that Baron Rosen's messages have . been submitted to a grand ducal council and. that the csar wlu abide by its advice... ?. , .- N , i t KROSEN WTH PRESIDENTr- Xnsslaa KUistes peads am Xou and - jrTy pioseeea win - - Special Otepetcb by tnwtBltuMi leeeeeiy . - oyster.- uay, r. Aug. n. wnen Baron' Rosen. Russian ambassador end peace plenipotentiary, left Sagmore Hill after a eoaference of an hoar and three quarters tonight . there were many In Oyster Bay who were convinced that the prospects were brighter than they have been for many days. ;., Baron Rosen had responded lHndly to the ' basty.-v midnight summons of the president and when he leaded from the Sylph he did. not know the purpose of the calL The oonference, which was (Continued, on Page Eleven.) . FAIR GROUNDS Baldwin's Craft Makes a Record ; Trlp and Anawera.Her Helm , . .' Uko a Steamer. THOUSANDS OF NECKS ' CRANED TO VIEW IT Aeronaut Declares That the ' Praeti- - cability of Navigation of the Air Wat Never More Perfectly Demon trated Than by Yesterday's Flight While 1.008 ' people looked - on . and cheered. Bald wine airship, -'City of Portland, made one of, the moat suo eessful flights on record at the Lewis and Clark exposition- yesterday after noon. - Manned by young Uncoin Beach r? perhaps the most daring aero naut .In America, the machine circled the fair grounds and was returned to a spot within 0 feet of the point from which it started. - . . , , The flight was scheduled tor 1 o'clock but It was after S o'clock when the crowd 'assembled on the Trail heard the piff -puff of the propeller and saw the great gas bag floating skyward. - It rose to a height or probably 600 feet The propeller worked perfectly.- Beachy shifted the rudder and turned In any direction that suited his fancy. He sailed over the American Inn. across Guild's lake to the Government build ing, back to the head of the Trail, then directed the machine to . the atartlnf place, where many hundreds had gath ered to grasp his hand, cheer -and con gratulate him. '.Captain Baldwin, waa the most -delighted man In Portland last night "In my estimation." said he,' "there has never been a. flight of an alrahlp which more perfectly demonstrated the practicability of aerial navigation than this.- from' where I 'stood it wae evi dent that Beachy had perfect control of his machine I know of no demon at ra. tlon heretofore that Is" more encouraging- than that thia- afternoon.. . l am willing' right now to back the tlty of Portland' against any eirchip and do not exclude the "California Arrow.'' the record of which has been before the publio several years. -V - ,f Beachy was In the ait. less than 19 minutes and the throng which watched him feared at tlntea that ha had loet controller the alrahlp in fact It looked ol one time during the flight as though he could not possibly avoid landing, la V Iris. - . . - CIRCLES REMORSE ..; . TO v. ' E L Swartsel and filrse" , . fornia to Portlands. 'I -. Columbia - ' ;Y " . " Side ty side, with gaping bullet wounds in their heads, the1 story of murder and .suicide told by? a revolver . lying near their feet and a note pinned inside a satchel, E. L. Swartsel of Pasadena, Cali fornia, and Mrs: Lena May Clise of ; Waterville, California, were found by a .boy yesterday; after noon on the bank of the Columbia river near Vancouver, Washing ton.' ' V-V - V ' 'U' fc'-J,'" 1 :' ; v ' . Driven , to' their death by re morse, , the v unhappy ; pair have ended a search prosecuted bj the 1 mfmm , - ' - ' " f "V TV . . . MM k Bj ' - L , . -T r K W fkt V - .' ea,. -.Ma-ew 'i.r' VJ fa W -...'..-. 5 K .kX." - J SI'., rl i '. -Ai Aim m- m A TRADE THAT. WOULD GIVE UNCLE SAM ALL TRANS-MSSISSIPPI CONGRESS; IS OPPOSED TO COOLIE LABOR C0UI1IA RIVER SAUIOII PACK VILL BE SHORT Shortaee Over Previous - Year Will Be at Least Hundred ; ' UThousand Cases. "'''.')': '- ' (Spaclel Dlapetdi te The JeersaL) . : ' Astoria, Ots, Aug. II. Samuel Elmore estimates that the Columbia' river- sal mon pack will be 100.000 cases abort this season. " Estimates of ether pack ers vary from 100,000 to 1IM00 eases. Tba cold storage output fwlir approxi mate more than 7,000 tierces, or about 1.000 tierces mors than last season. The product of told storages Is equivalent to 140.004 cases.' Nearly alUof the cold storagea haver suspended, but canner ies will be run until August IS. w The season will prove a proeperous one for gtllnet fishermen, but for only few of the seiners.: , - The ship BtKlcholaa arriving from Nuahagak. Alaska brings eases of salmon for the Columbia - River Packers'-association. The ship Berlin is -dne-ae-aay-tlme-now .Wltn. ItOOO eaaea, the pack of the Alaska Fisher men's . Packing company cannery.- Twala Beeevarlsg. . (SpMlal Dtepateh r Leastd Wire te Tee toerael) Wlneted. Conn-, Ang. It Samuel L. Clemens - (Mark Twain) la recovering from -evere attack or gout at Edge- cottage In Norfolk, rented by Mies Clara Clemens, his daughter, for DRIVES ELOPERS MURDER. AWD SUICIDE Lena Uay Gise, Who Wander to Lonely Spot and There .End Their Lives police for. two weeks. Chief of Police Gritzmacher received 'a letter from Mrs-.. Swartsel,, who lives at Pasadena, about 10 days ago, informing him that her hus band had eloped with some woman and was probably in this city.;. Detectives have been look ing for' Swartsel and the woman since that time. They learned last ' evening that , remorse and poverty had brought : about a tragedy, rendering further exer tion unnecessary." A '"J.y. T" The discovery of the bodies Bitter Fight Results In Resolu tion Asking President Roose-e ;" velt to Investigate. ;!.; KANSAS CITY CHOSEN-AS- r v NEXT MEETING PLACE Demand, Made That Congreaa Re Enact Law Allowing Warship Builders s Differential That Al- lowed Competition With Profit' The Trans-Mlssisslppl Commercial congress, which adjourned leet night to meet next year In Kansaa City, adopted at the forenoon- cession a colorless reso lution on the Chinese question, which was -compromise? between the oppo nents of 'the admission of coolies to this country end those who declared for their entrance if that were necessary to the preservation of the oriental com merce of the United States. The reso lution 1 was as follows: , "Our foreign trade with China le at present suspended and unable to dis cbarge. Its cargoes at Chinese ports and -Hongkong because ofthe refusal of the Chinese to handle 'American prod, nets. This nnsatlafactory state of af fairs Is Understood to have been pro duced by the Improper treatment to which the privileged classes of Chine have been subjected tn the administra tion of ear laws prohibiting the admis sion of Chinese laborers to the United States. - . - ' (.Continued, oa Page Eleven. Ran Avay From Calk on the Banks of the was made by a boy who was fish ing about 5 :30 o'clock yesterday atternopn,. lhe bodies were partly decomposed, showing that the tragedy, was enacted about a week ago. Coroner J. Randolph Smith v.of Vancouver; Washing ton, was immediately i notified and had the bodies removed to his undertaking rooms. The Port land ' authorities were immediately'- notified of-, the discovery of the double crime. C r . In- a 1 satchel -carried by- Mrs. (Continued on Page Two.) THE WORST OF IT. COLLIIiS : LOSES L06FI6HT AGAIIIST XTRADITIO Bigamous Lawyer Ruled Against by Court, But Habeas Cor pus Proceedings Follow. (Special ' Dispatch te The' JoeraaL) V- Victoria, B. (X, Aug. . It. As far as Judge Lampmaa la concerned, extradi tion proceedings In the Collins, ease are concluded.' Lampman la county court Judge, acting as extradition commis sioner, who has heard the evidence and argument ' In the ' case for about .five weeks, gave Judgment today committing CoUlna oa the charge of. perjury pre ferred ra the superior court of Califor nia and ordering his delivery to the California authorities within 14 'days from date. Collins is accused 'of big amy In San Francisco and' while the proceedings , against him were In prog ress there fled to victoria. Bigamy not being an extraditable offense the per jury charge arising out of the bigamy case was preferred, and extradition at tempted on It. Lampmaa'ajjldgment decides In favor nf extradition, but lOasys aie given Collins tn which to take habeas corpus proceedings. . Collins gave notice that the latter would be done at once, and application wae made to Justice Duff of the supreme court who fixed the heartily, for next week. - Justice Duff will hear the argument on polnte-of law and front Mm an appeal lies to the full. court oi British. Columbia, .... - f WTMI'S DEllll BUI1I nan nnrtnc nmnn pam HHIUIUHUU I.IU U U i 1 ' . .... i I I . ' J- . . Harriman Goes to Orient to Look Over RailwayYield, and An- nex Publio Lines lot l His Interests. THOUGHT HE WILL GET PLEASANT WELCOME America's King of the Rail Will Try to Oct - Control of Smaller , Line, and bf Hia Methods of Reorganiza tion Work Into larger Systems and Become Partner of Government E. H. Harriman, the largest Individual controller of American railroads, sailed a few days ago for Japan and tha Philip pines, whither he had been preceded by bis Industrial agents and engineers, who are Instructed to report on oondltions tn the Island of Luson with a view of en abling Mr. Harriman to bid on railway concessions 4whlch - Secretary . Taf t will dispose of in - securing .construction ol railroads In the Islands. Behind Mr. Har- riman's avowed mlsaion:-'tt la said. Is a purpose ' to buy control , of the private railroads of Japan. J -t The real Object of his trip has been kept carefully concealed. - Only a few I of his moot trusted lieutenants have been i apprised of the deeper meaning of hia ,410m tour 01 tne orient.' with the close of the war . between Japan and Russia an auiDaralieled boom In Jaoanaae In. ternal Improvements, and an advance In allv Japanese securities. At the same time, Japan is in need of money. It Is said her people are In. a mood to welcome the influx of forelgnVeapitat and enter prise, and particularly are they disposed to extend the glad hand to Americana. It has been decided by the Harriman group of flnanclers. that now la the most opportune time they will ever have for getting tn- on tbs crest of the wave of Japanese . progress." . " ' . Sow '. They -Via Their manner of getting In will be to purchase a controlling Interest In the 1,160 miles- of various privately owned railroad- lines In - the-' three principal islands of ths Japanese empire. The entire empire or Japan has about 100.000 square miles; Oregon has 04.500 square miles. Japan haa a total of 4.401 miles of government and private rail roads, situated on ber three principal islands. Oregon baa about 1.700 miles. Mr. Harriman does not go to Japan because- he lacks room for railroad ex pansion and development-He.tsKsald to prefer to speculate -br-Japaneee rail road Unas already built rather than con struct line and open to business devel opment the Isolated regions of Oregon. Of the 4.40S miles of railroads in Japan, 1,160 mfjea are In possession of private corporations and Individuals. There are three main systems, and many smaller lines, and they connect the eitlee of Toklo, Kobe, Oeaka, Shlmonosekl, Kyoto, Sendai. Amori and many smaller citlea and ports. Nearly all of this mileage has been built stnee-lMO, The government of Japan has encouraged In every possible way the construction of railroads, in some Instances guaranteeing their revenues, Japaasas Cloverasasnt's Policy Ze Uberal Of the mileage built by the govern ment 074 mllea haa been given over to private companies, by approval of the diet. About 400 miles of these gift roads are In operation and the remainder under construction. It Is demonstrated in many ways that the Japanese govern ment Is pursuing an extremely liberal policy toward railroad promotera. Thia policy has had the effect of en hancing the values of Japaneee railroad stocks. In ths stock market of Toklo meet ef the-railroad securities are sell ing above par. Stock of the oldest es tablished road, the Nippon Ray-way com pany, built between 1880 and 1800, has a face value of 10 yen, and Is quoted on the stock exchsnge at 88 yen. Soma of the smaller companies' stock la below per. - It will doubtless be the plan of the Harriman people to secure control of all the smaller lines, and. dip Into- the larger ones to an sxtant sufficient to give them a commanding poeltlon.i Then by Introducing Improved methods, and gaining prestige with tha government they msy be able to bring about a re organisation - of , practically tha entire railway systems of the ' empire. Includ ing the government roada, with them selves In control of the situation. Bailroada Are Profitable. . ' The Japanese railroads are aaid to be already profitable, mainly because they have been 'honestly built and not over burdened with bonded debt Figured on the basts of a yen, which Is about 10 cents In American coin, the cost of construction of the state railroads ef Japan has been' 118.100,000 yen, and the private roada 881,400.000 van. The authorised cap'il of the private com paniea aggreovwg 140, 8T8.OOO yen, and of thls-amcttt !. i.i.8,841 la paid, up and the co'- "e have total reserve funds of t.LA,t I yn. There la a net work of f i t' e o-- -v a ' t . . v a t t 1 1 r 4 f , 1 Son of . Colorado rVT.'.'.'.'onrJrs AH lL. ( vill.j tin til , n viiiiiw tw.i. in Automobile at New port, Rhode Island MACHINE JUMPS BRIDGE TURNING TURTLE BELOW Leaders of Smart Set Riding With Youth .- Are Thrown Into Stream and Have Narrow, Escapes Prom Drowning Sister of Dead Man Re- (Special Duvateb by Laesad Wire te Tea Joerael) Newport Aug. 1. Vina on Walsh, the 18-year-old son of Thomas F. Walah. the Colorado millionaire, waa killed today In tha worst automobile accident that has occurred at Newport In recent years. With him la his 40-borsepower Panhard at tha time of the fatalty were Mrs. James 1 Kernocnaa of Hempstead, the n u.-. A,.Aa-At,nr rlitM mnA ' whin Miss Evelyn Walsh, hia lT-year-old ale- All - of them .were ' seriously Injured. Miss Walsh sustained a fracture of her right leg. " "- ' " ' -. The accident ' that -resulted in young Walsh's death, occurred at a bridge over a small stream between Newport, and Easton's'Beach. 'Walsh had taken' Mre. Kernorban, bis sister snd two friends at the Clambake club. He was driv ing ths Panhard at a lively dip when Ul. .11. o& tuv au. mmm- wum w- ploded and the wheel instantly Snapped oft -.;....-' .... ... . - la a second the giant car bad bounded smashed the top rail of the bridge, which Is six by three Inches, and Plunged into the creek. , ' - Ptnages Taoag Bridge. ' As the machine smashed through the railing the top rail broke In twala and one end of it struck Walsh's skull with such force that he died within an hour. As the auto dropped six feet Into the stream It turned turtle and Walsh and his companions were caught like rata In a trap beneath the tonneau..- Had it not been for three men who witnessed the tragedy. Mrs. Kernoehan. Miss Walsh. Oetrlchs and , Pall most have drowned beneath the car. Charles M. Blley of Newport Wil liam Holt of Boston and Wilbur E. Thompson of Beverly, Massachusetts. happened to be walking down the road and saw the car make Its death dealing leap- Into the stream. . They- rushed to the spot and found the- wheels still spin ning snd heard faint cries of those underneath the car. . '' They rushed into the water, dragged the machine off and rendered such Im mediate surgical assistance to tha in jured as was poaelble. 1 ni iwuuiruui w.ifni o id. anaonnie made thia difficult and the Injured young people were In danger of drown ing. Quick and effective work waa done. Mr. Walah was nnoonacloua when taken out. He died before medical as sistance could reach him. His sister was found to be badly injured and an examination showed that her right leg was fractured. . Otkm Sally Bnlsel , The occupants of the car were on their way to East on Point to visit . Mrs. Clement C. Moore. The accident oc curred as the automobile was speeding rapidly down a hilt Mr. Oelrtchs waa also severely bruised and Mr. Pell's Injuries were of a similar nature. ... , ...... Mrs. Kernoehan was eut and sus tained contusions about tha body. The injured. were treated temporarily -at near-by . cottages. Physicians stated that Ahoy might recover. The accident caused grief among the cottagera Mrs. Jamas I Kernoehan la on ef tne leaders or society. She is a famous huntawoman and president of the La- dies' Kennel association. Her home le la Hempstead, bains one of the most beautiful residences of that place. Thomas F.- Walsh, father of young Walah. la widely known In America and Europe. .He Is a Colorado millionaire but .has a msgulfleent bouse tn Wash ington, where he spends his winters, Kle summers 'are spent :. in Newport ' eni Paris. taunt Walsh's sister has at various tiroes been reported as engaged to tor- (Contlnued en Page Eleven.) FAIR ATTEf.'DAr.'CE CLC" TO KILUC'J r:3 A V e e 4 4 4 4 4 4 C 0 C The total s ja snd C