The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 19, 1905, Image 1

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    m i . M . . I i -
' " Fair toniiht and Sunday;
! VOLl IV. yNO. !. ' V
:5 O A A ' CO;; : f ft7C TO
1 ..
Question of Admitting Oriental
" ... . L.VUI t. 1, M
t bate of the Whole Trant- : ;,
MitelMjppl Congreee. l-;
llrii l 1 1 wrl l i In IL ilrllJr :
U kit I Ul U bhl. IV IIIUI II HI- ,
; ' .' Attempt to Make RadicalCbange In
. v Original Reaolution on Chineae E
1 elusion Falls Flat Complete Text
' of All Resolutions Adopted at the
1 Closing Day's First Session."
- - ',. ' '. " --r"-. rrr
n,';' One of the btereat flahta In the hla
. . tbry of thJran-Mlla!ppl Commr
e1r cbjnf ra waa . wltneaad . today
when the Chinas exclusion question
earns up for debats. Ths resolution of
thu coinmlttes as reported to, the con-
arms. was colorless, havlna been drafted
as a compromise between those who
f V were unalterably opposed, to admission
"; of coolies and those who favored admit
" ' tins them. If necessary to the preserra-
im ffcfiq ffommeroe of Patnn-lil
' S thr. ArlMnt.
- It was expected that no debate would
be heard, as ' the -Twnmlttee's eompro
' mis was understood to hare .eliminated
" the political Issue contained In the Chi
nese question Jroro, the deliberatlona of
ti . he oonsresa.; , . , . .2 .-. -'.'" ri
-The report of-the resolutions corn-
nil nee wt wiwf Suujwtf wasmmnjifa'
without - material modification.' thoujrh
Others waa an exhibition of oratory for
. a. few moments aOvt the resolution for
' admission of territories, which ' waa
' , amended by striking out the word "sep
V AraU" . from the original 'teat. '"-
Then Chairman Fred- W.- Fleming of
jt:. the resolutions committee read the. Chi
nese resolution aa a supplemental re
; . port; and the floodgates broke.' A'dOsen
men were on "Oie. floor at. no; j there
were cries of "Mr. Chairman. Mr. Chair
: 'man, I demand ' recognition!" and oil
" the arts of the parliajnentaruui were re-sorted
to by the disputants. . .
" VoUtloa,' Orlee Urtip,;
Chairman Fleming ' had , scarcely
' ceased reading the resolution when Mr.
- . Lynlp of Missouri sprang . to Jiis . feet
' and moved to table It, on the ground
; ' that it waa a virtual reflection on Prenl
' ' dent ' Roosevelt, . who Is moving te in-
veetlgate theMssu In China.,
It's . a political question, anyway,"
. exclaimed Lynip, "and should not be
considered here." , . '
. E. V. Harris of Texas was on his feet
; Instantly to protest against the tabling
; of the resolution.. .Before he spoke,
' . Chairman Smith recognised Mr. Tatea of
- Kanaoa City to speak -for the motion to
' table. He also urged that It waa a po
' luteal question and must not be debated
in a commercial congreee. , .
Then Mr. Harris of Tsxaa gained 'the
- attention of the chair and -delivered an
eloquent speech for the resolution. He
declared he and bis fellow Texans were
against coolie labor, but that this reso-
1 lutlon was a Just compromise and the
beet that -could be done under the elr
cumstaneea. t
John K, Raker and Frank Gould of
; California spoke with vigor but. the
. resolution carried. ; ' i., .'- ,
r Texae Aoiaat VU WMMn.
' An appeal was taken from the deci
sion of the chair, but It waa withdrawn
: when Mr. Harris moved a reoonaldera
v tlnn. A call by states was ordered and
' the reoonslderatlen was lost.' Harris and
t; his delegation voting sgalnet the mo
; tlon. ths Texan having moved the recon-
. sldera tlon .merely to permit a fair ex
. preeslnn on the aubject. -. : . . .
The vote by states was:
: Continued on Pag Three.)-
It GetSi r&iNiGwM
'. You know that means .the 'Sunday- J6urnalthe only
newspaper In Oregton which haa a special leased wire service.
Just a comparison of its news with that 6f any other paper
Jublished-in Portland shows you th 'difference,: and, The
ournal always profits by such a comparison. , - V$
Graft inj the Russian arrhy with photographs showing
Mukden after the battle is a feature of the magazine section
tomorrow. . Pendleton flour was supplied tfe czar's troops
"there.- i:f? ' ' ' "'Jn:- ' S ' "..W. ... r . :
VVheh' Lewis and Clark carhe within sight of the'exposi- ;
tion grouhds is the closirig article of Frank J. Smith's series, in
which he has followed the explorers JroCftfilajo.theea--;
----The-only-color'tdftlofrm "Portland, with handsome illus
trated'pages, ihcluding the inimitably funny picture stories of,
Happy Hooligan and the rest presented by Opper, Swinnerton,
Howarth and Bunny make the most attractive as well.asthe
newsiest paper in Portland. :5 ' '--V ' ' ' ' r ; .
I The Sunday Journal J
II - . ,-,;'r ;
.U,.. , ,, - ' ' ' 1 - ' " ' ' P-P- I .1-1.1 II II I, .1 "
Youthful King of Spain Declared
by Phytlciahe to Have Con
Jl , sumption. andt07howv-
th''C.u Signs .of . Lunacy. - -j
I - J.--, .ft ?
King Edward PrevenU Conaumina
- tion of - Rojrsl Nuptials Neither
i King Not Princess Feefs Badly as
Affair. Was One of State and Not
of Heart," Both Loving Others. ;
j ' (Joeraal SpeeUI Bervlee. .
J Madrid. Aug. rl Dr. Macho, physi
cian to-th privet chaplain of the royal
family, this morning announced that at
the time of King Alfonso's visit to Eng
land' King Edward called off the pro
posed marriage of Alfonso to Prince a
Patricia of ConnaughtT The action -was
taken as the result of a report made by
two physicians, members, of Alfonso's
suite, who were appointed ty Edward
with lnetruetlona to atudy King 'Al
fonso's condition andrep6rted tliat he
was suffering with phthisis and ahowed
eigne of insanity, - .. ',-..- .v. ...
The proposed marriage of - the Prin
cess Victoria .Patricia of Cpnnaught,
daughter Of the Duke of Connanght. the
aurvtvlng brother of -King Edward... to
the little' Spanish monarch wmi
sense' a'lave mutKU. The nilinesa is
four years older than the king, the lat
ter having celebrated his nineteenth
birthday on May 17 last, while the prin
cess celebrated ' her . twenty-third last
winter., . ,-. '". i . . ii -s : -i
- The reported rupture of nuptials has
eaused a sensation in oourt circles,. aa
the match was arranged by the queen
regen.t and king wlthjthe sanction. of the
pop. -It has been known for some time
that the young king woe not of robust
constitution, while his ' eccentricities
have caused International comment, but
it waa never before auppoeed that any
thing waa the matter more than youth
ful indiscretions, so often condoned in
young monareha . -- ' .
' 'Alfonso XIII Is the' posthumous eon
of .King -Alfonso XII, and waa- pro
claimed ftlng on the day -of his birth,
with his mother ae queen regent.
Though a delicate youth, the king has
developed Into quit a manly fellow and
is fond of outdoor exercises of all kinds.
Hs bears the fatigue of th many publlo
ceremonials with great ease and attends
to the many duties of etate without
complaint. He is an-intrepld horseback
rider and has been carefully schooled in
all branches of athletics with ths ulti
mate purpose of making him a sturdy
and robuat ' king. ' 8hould Alfonso die
his successor would be th 4-year-old
Don Alfonso, aon of th late . Infanta
Maria, who died last year.,
Th Prince a Patricia Is reported to
have been much oppoeed-to th royal
match on account of a love affair with
a' young officer. Strangely enough the
young king Is also In love with a young
maiden who la called Donna Mercedes
O'Donnell, th l-yar-old daughter of
the Duke , of Tetuan. : HI consent to
th proposed betrothal of Patricia was
only obtained after a stubborn sleg. In
Whloh the young monarch pitted his wit
and obstinacy against that of the entire
court and the queen mother. i
' .' ' Oaptata Xartmoa Aoqaitted.
: - , (Jesraal Special Btrrlee.) ' J
Washington.. Aug. 1 The war de
partment has been Informed that the
court-martial at Vancouver that tried
Captain Carl F. Hartman of the signal
corps, has acquitted that off leer, who
was accused of conduct unbecoming a
gentleman. ' . -
rcr.rtA: vorcoN. Saturday "evenino,. august
i ii ill-
iins of he. Stateroom' Inn Pestroye
. llJ ? '. c'" - '
Federal Judge Rules That Munlc
1 Ipalities Cannot Take Over j ,
; Corporations. ; j v
Vv a) blocked by decision Indianapolis Natural
' Gas Case and Are ; Refused Right
. Given in , Charter, by Company to
; Take Over Plant.- 'v ' 1
;, .'...'-".V '5 v:',
(Joeraal Seeelal Senrfae.t ' ' -r '
Indianapolis, Aug. It. Judge Francia
C.Baker of th United States circuit
court has handed down a-decision of
vast Importance In respect to the powers
of municipal corporations to-trfke over
th property of public service corpora
tions, practically th effect being to deny
such a right, even when the public ser
vice .corporation receives: Jte;... charter
from Na municipality. Judge 'Bakor
Quotes numerous federal ; decisions .o
support his contention. ; - . "
It Is believed tb decision will com
pletely block municipal, ownership' plans
contemplated-' or' under way "'In ; many
cities. In 1887, when It was sought to
bring natural gas to this eity for fuel
purposes, the Consumers Oas company
was formed. - In an ordinance granting
the franchise there was a stipulation
that th city after IS years should, f
It elected, take over the property at Its
agreed valuation. . This the city sought
to do by cringing suit. , . .' v,
' Ths decision says It Is agatniyt public
policy to permit a publlo servic corpo
ration to sell a franchise or. plant,' thus
disqualifying lta obligation to th pub
lic - 1 . . - . .' .
v- (Special DUpetch t Tbe JoeruL) '
Spokane, Wash., Aug. 1. Searching
investigation Into the - report of the
police accepting bribes for protection of
disorderly characters was begun by th
grand Jury yesterday afternoon. Peter
Oouget, one of the members of ths
French colony; was the first witness
summoned.' :- He claims that his arrest,
mad yesterday morning -on a charg of
statutory assault, la the result of e
conspiracy, and he threaten to tell -an
he kuowa of bribe taking by policemen.
No indictments have yet been mad by
th Jury, but Indictments are expected
In the nest few day a, ;, , i . - .-
j' ' ' v" ' t . ' r X , '
' ' (Jesraal SeMftl Srvle.
.Btflxiuls, Aug.1 1. Lambert Klehaus,
sentenced to hang for the murder of his
brother-in-law. corfi rallied suicide In Jail
here this morning. . - v- ' - . m-
I I M;.'
This Morning bjr Fire-The Portrait: Is t One of the Two Unidentified
'.-'A-'-?----'effei -s-Ceer Photographic Company. :'-
t : ' - f -
' I'M
Would VVithdraw Demand for Limitation of Russian" Naval Force '
. and for Interned Shipsi Leaving -Only , Indemnity and ) !
j. ; Sakhalin-i-Rbsen Called to See Roosevelt.T'.7.J-1ri
'.' ' : J (Jeeraai Special terHeal';? 5 ' ' '
' Portsmouth, Aug. ' 1. Japanese 'en
voys' recommend to the . mikado that
their demanda , be nodtfled. Final , de
termination of the - question Ilea be
tween the emperors of Japan and Rus
sia. Conceeelons' Which the envoys are
personally willing to make are of such
a character as will ' satisfy the Rus
sians. ..--
It Is understood that th conceeelons
recommended are the ' withdrawal of
demand for the limitation of Rueslan
naval strength In ' the Pacific, also ar
ticles .providing for the surrender of
Interned Russian - ships, end. leaveg. for
setUement only the quesUon of the ces
sion of th Sakhalin and Indemnity. .
, The cession of Sakhalin Is the ques
tion of the most Importance' since the
beginning of thenegotlatlone and. there
Is the highest' authority for. the atate-
ment that peace. If the above conces
sions - were granted could be obtained,
were the question of indemnity et-
"5. . - i
! . , u, , .. ' ...
rreeldeat Badeavoring to , Arraag a
', Oompcoatis Betweea Selsgate. , j
.i (Jeeraai Special Service.) v i
-Oyster Bay, Aug.- It. Allhope of
peace -between -Russia and Japan now
centers upon th Intercession of Presi
dent Rooeevelt and the result of , the
meetings . now being held between the
president and .the envoye of the two
natlona . Baron Rosen, in response to
the. president's Invitation, . left Porta,
mouth at f :!0 o'clock this morning and
reached Oyster Bay 1st this afternoon.
It la recognised that the president would
not Interfere with the negotiations were
he not convinced that an emergency has
Operators on Pacific Division 0p
posed to Surrender, Which t
' Is Unconditional. -
fgpeetal Dlspeteb te Tbe leerssL) .
-Spokane. Wash., Aug. Tbe . St
Paul dispatch stating that the : dreat
Northern and Northern Pacific telegra
phers' 'strike haa ' ended waa received
with great surprise her. Deputy Presi
dent Tanquary stated that a majority
of th men on tb line muet have voted
to rend i the-trouble. thouSh, the-vote
here waa largely- against such- move.
The sr1k vet as recorded here . last
night wss: flreet Northern. to con
tlno ;th Strike;- ITJ te discontinue, H.
isr, ms. sixteen pages.
arisen which demanded ' It. - Th presi
dent la already understood to have been
In ' communication with the . Japaneee
through Baron Kaneko and Is undoubt
edly making a last effort to Indue th
warring countries to compromise. . . ,
,'. . Mutual Ooncoesioms STeeded. -" '
- It Is reported that both Japanese "and
Russian envoys have cabled their gov
ernments for authority to grant mutual
conceas!ons. - These concessions, will not
affect tb principles embodies In - ths
demand on Japan's part, - though ' It ia
evident that the mikado mtfat modify his
demands if negotiations are to be con
tinued.) . . .v.-; .. i, ; ' )
The final session of the conference
wUlbe held next Tuesday. ' Pessimism
prevails In the camps of both countries
and tha prevailing view, la that theXaU
of the peace conference Is already set-
Ued and that It will end In failure. Not
only. President Rooeevelt, but th pow
era are deeply concerned In the result
of the conference and great pressure Is
being brought upon, tbe belligerents to
force them to. reach an agreement. King
Edward Is understood to be-lending a
helping. hand .and the financiers of the
world are known to be exerting all their
enerry. , .
v Botk Slda tabbora. .'
Th Russians have accepted outright
7 or the- ll Japanese conditions, ons ad
dittormr-they -have accepted In principle.
rour (inciuaing tnaemnity and Bakhailnl
have been rejected. The other two, lim
itation of naval power and th surren
der of Interned warships, might havs
been arranged had an , agreement been
reached on the other two points. ' Prac
tically both Witt and Komura havs not
receded from- their original - positions,
ths Japanese abating not on iota of
their demands and the-. Russians stead
fastly refusing to yield either Indemnity
or Sakhalin. ,T--. ;! .. -.
Northern ' . Pacific, : to : continue, ' It;
against,. 16. ; -'-',-4
Huperintendent Kennedy of th Great
Nerthem her this morning stated that
a few of th strikers would be taken
back, but that no men hired during the
atrlk would be discharged. Tha sur
render of the strikers Is unconditional,
no advance In wagss being asked.. , (
' (Special tMsputck te Tke lesraetl
' Newberg. Or., Aug. 1. The Oregon
Handle factory,' located at thla place,
burned last night., . Between t, 009 end
4,000 finished handles ready for Ship
ment were consumed. The loss wll
amount to more than $14,000, covered by
an Insurance of only 12,000. . The com
pany . also "manufactured telephone
brsi lfeta end other - articles of like
nature. 1he fir Is supposed to have
originated from a spark from the en
gine, as everything about the plant was
Try-ery,";' "." ""7. . ' " ' '
V "A
Men Burned to Death Photo- '
, 1 1
" ,
l .'i
Prominent' Chicago . Clergyman
' . Who-l Going to Seattle to '
t Face a Church Trial. - - ;
Certifies That Young Woman and
Her Brother Are Dependent Upon
Him and Then Is Obliged to Ro
, fund the Full Amount '-," .
' I ' : l T . I .. , .-i :' '' '-' ' i
' ' (Jearaal Speeui Servlce.1 '
'' Chicago, ' Aug. 1. Rev. ' Myron ; TV.
Haynes. who recently resigned as pastor
of ths JSslden Avenue Baptist church to
accept a .call to the First Baptist church
of Seattle, -and on of the best known
and -wealthiest- mralsteT-in-0tcagov
to be tried before a board of trustees
of the . church next week on a charge
of fraudulently obtaining transportation
from th Rock.. Island. Railroad :cotn-pany,--...
. ,.. - - . -. i
. Haynes says the chargea. are-sbso-
lutely false, i He denies, too, tb report
that there Is anything other than a Pla
tonic friendship between himself and
NeUle A. Gray, a school teacher. - It was
for Miss Gray, her brother, John ' W.
Gray, and his wife that half rate clergy
tickets- to Seattle were obtained by the
minister, who certified to the railroad
paaeenger department that the three
were actually dependent upon him for a
living. . i-; t i '.;
Haynes squared) ' matters with : the
Rock Island "Railroad company - for
$93.28," being full, payment for the' half
rat tickets originally obtained. . .
. .. - f c
'(SpeeUI Dtepeteh te Tke JbarssL)
' Pendleton, Or., Aug. It. Ono of th
results of the.tnvsstlgatlen and recom
mendations of Colonel Tinker, general
inspector for th department of th In
terior, who was la -this vicinity a few
weeks ago, la th combining of what haa
been heretofore known as the old agency
with 'the government school.,
A contract was awarded yesterday to
Charles Hastings of this city fnr th
removal and repair or seven -f th best
buildings ' on th grounds of th old
place. They win. be taken to th ex
tensive farm ' occupied by th govern
ment"Indusrrfal school and will To fitted
up in modern manner for th recep
tion pi mi students ana worRmen. -
Twe Bnaawmy aya Arreeted. -
llptelal Dispstek te Tb' Joeraal)
Alhsnv. Or. - in. is w a.
aged' 14,. and Leonard McDanlel. ged
It. two boys from the Chemaw In
dian school, were arrested he- Inwt
evening by the r-'-ht police sn l lock.d
up. The fa -wi. i they re
from tit ' : ) .
and v if . r in Csi.fornlK.
" r I'l ha -t
PiliiSOd CII16ED
Two Men Perish Miserably In
Fire Near Fair, One Woman
t Fatally Burned and Others
Seriously injured.-
.'. ; ': -:-wi: --'v '
'it-';'v;'' V7: -.-!v'; '
Dogf Saves Her ; Matter and His
Family and Others and Men and
- Women Perorm Deeds of Heroism
. In a Conflagration That Burst
Forth Fiercely in Early Iforning. -.
IMpatF Ooroaer Arthur b nalsy aaft
Sergeant glover of tha polio fore saada
a eaacea this aftscaooa at the State
Boosa tarn aad found the eloShlsg of tha
larger maa when aa aad evidently left
thesa la bis eseape from his room. Za
the elotblBg was found aad let.
the aam ez Thomas torn
soa, from BTotoa Mill. B. O. This wlU
probably lead to th Idestlfloatloa of tha
maa. i .:v,' .,.
' In a fir at th Stat. Room inn, t03
Thurman street, at l:ie o'clock this
morning, two : unidentified ' men -. wer
cremated,- one-woman-was -fatally in-
Jured in trying to escape the flames by -lumping
from a window, another waa
severely injured in the saaaeumay and
"tfumbef of offtsrs were more or .less
lng building and in rescuing- the sleep ,
Ing inmates. , ' . ,
"iThei fire la supposed to ' have orlgU
nated-ln .'a gas range. In th kitchen on .
the. first' floor'--' - j r --
'The remains of the men are at Coro
ner i Flnley'e establishment. On was '
burned beyond ldentldcation, whjl the
face of th other -waa only slightly
mutilated., .They ar-. known to have
been farmers from a small town near
Vancouver; B. C who-reached the city
two days ago and- secured aceommoda -
tions at th hotel. . They wer overcome .
by th heaaTidmoXawliil. trying to
scape." ;- , -. .....
-Miss Ann Lubet. a French girl m
ployed In th Foreign Exhibit building
at the Lewis and Clark exposition, is at
St Vincent s hospital, sulTerlng from
Injuries to the spin received in leaping;
from tb second floor of. th building.
It 1 stated that ah cannot recover.
. Before making tha. fatal - leap she
grasped a crucifix that she had worn
about her neck for years. ,
Harry Bllta, wife and child, who
livsd at the hotel, and flv members of
tha.Eonaldeon family, who occupy an
annex in th roar, wer aroused by tha
barking of a dog and saved themselves.
from th name. Mrs. Harper, who waa
conducting th hotel, and - Mrs. Van.
Alstlne. wife of the proprietor, broke
down . doors and rescued several pare
sona, .- - .
rire Waa wtft and Savaga.
The residence of Attornev Van
adjoining th hotel,- was gutted by tha
flames, though th furniture waa saved.
Nona of -the occupants of the residence
was Injured. Inthe reside nee of W. D.
Bevler, tot Thurman. adlotnlnsr tha vn
Dusen residence, were IS persona. They
nma ia ieav tn place Hurriedly, but
firemen kept th flame from tha resi
dence, and no one waa injured.- "
ID notel bulldlna was rxnmrttA
after th fashion of scores of other
buildings near tha entrance to the fair
graunas. It til a verltabl Mtr.
and the flames ran riot , through th
iaono. wiimn it minutes after
it had started, two Uvea had been !.
a woman had been fatally-Injured, sr
eral -ethers persona mord or less serl- "
ously injured, th building in ruins snd
ujiHing reaiaence greatly dam
aged. Only the charred Skeleton of th
building remains. . around - whtrh nnii,.
officers and v guards from the fair -
gvounas are posted to guard the treae
ures that wer thrown from the win
dows: . .., , -,
?Th fir Is said to have been dlscov-.
red by -A. G Pollendet. Who wss sert.
ously Injured while rescuing othera He
lived at th hotel and wss aroused from
sleep by a blinding light, ha says, lie
leaped from his bed at once. Flames
had gained headway, at that time.
.'Vernea i
Ms fV Runkel, proprietor of tbe Fst
Boy enloon, SIS Twenty-sixth street,
was aroused and with the snslstanes of .
a Chines who was passing, began to
alarm the sleepers. lie' fired a revolver
and Special Officer J. H. Roy turned I i
an alarm of fire.
. Meanwhile Mrs. Ida Harper, a slsu-r-In-law
of ths proprietor, and Mm. Van
Alstlne .were aroused. They- rush 1
through, th hallways and battered do
doors. After most of the roomers 1
escsped In safety. Mrs. Harper fall,
find Mr. K. C. Lewis, wife of a fr.
who lived at the hotfl, who has r
snd wss confined to hr bed 1
per rushed In'o the bunilr -end
drefved Ira l f
Into the strl end four I i
st the homj of a tie
The f? ' " '
Dnfn r-.. --e e
tir ' n r ! t
( r I 1-1
. . i t
r ' -'f