5 1, l . - rf - - - a ir ' -.-. ' a V v f 1 ....J, ..w- --'. ..(...in Ji' AUuui if, 1.-J. , - . - r " " -nn I - '- Advertising to Succeed Must t ' ; : Be Backed by the Goods : 'r50 SAY ALLTiilERCH ANTS WHO , li AVE TESTED THE VALUE OF i ( ., . ' It sm absurd to argue the neces . ltv of telling the truth In advertising. . ... No on ever think nowadays ot ad vancing . any other theory. . - Barnum may have been right when h aid the American publlo liked to bo , r humbugged and Beward Webb may have bn picturesque whan ha aald the pub- Jlo be blanked, but Barnum waan't aell Ins goods on the money-bacs-lf-wanted , plan and Webb was running a strike In '''lead of a a tore. ., ,f;-, V - The little old publlo la running the Stores and they have, aald truth shall 1 ,bo mightier than printer' Ink and what hey any goea and take, suocess along ; with It. -"-- Ask anybody In Portland wlro-hss any right to be' heard, on this question of advertising auoceaa and he will tell you the only advertising that '- aueceeds is the kind that 1 backed up by the gooas. ') ,V Saaoess Is ' ,', " - . Rock bottom truth-telling is .what . sella theae goods, -j - . . -' . ., . -If no ua to'aell aome thing -the ' buyer, la going to bring 'bank and, de mand repayment of the caah and cheriah ''resentment against- the firm. - ' Publlo confidence- being- built "tro,. the -. ; ttorea that advertise grow larger-and more prosperous and more capable of ' serving the publlo- aueoesafully. ' : Go to any., proaperoua store and- aak about- thla theory of advertising ana you will And It la backed by the goods. Take Roberts Brothers, for Instance, It's a big. busy store.1 . Success crowds the aisles and pours In at the doors. .' Vp on the quarter-deck Advertising Manager Boody Is busy editing the copy ." for his next day's advertising,'' but h ."Nlnds . time -. to . UU why advertising . is r . indispensable and ' why It must Te .' backed by , the goods,' and : incidentally tell , you the sad story of a big store . that started years . ago and is now a . small store because Jt 'did nor adver .! tine. v "i . iBut ; here's ' the . interview agy he .-,' gavs it: , . V , .;. i.-,'r.;. .,:;.. ; ..,. . - : ..- . CAN'T DQ WITHOUT IT. At Boberta Brothers aa Zaterestlag l . is- ..r psxlsBO Is Belated. " , v , 'Can you-do wtthoiit Itr .' ' . "No." -. ' 'Why notr '-- '- " - "By years of advertising - th house- wives and consumers have come to look for the store offerings each, day," 'je ;' plied Mr. Boody. - , "How long have Roberts Brothers, ad- ; vsrtlsedr "' ' '. ' Tourteen' Jrears."' ::-' '" '- 'i "And r . ."iviifer? " "Our growth In 'Oiat time has been ' from a store 60x100 feet, employing, half 'a dosen -clerks, to one covering, over ' !5,00 square feet of salesroom, . and employing ISO salespeople, With 'the tt trr iuii fm inuinw "Hin mu in mind anv atore atarttns i their that did hot advertise and Old hot J' grewr'."' ;-.r ; - tarted Big-. 914m Adver- . . - . alsa, Is Bow BbuUI.' . ' w on that started In a great 'Way, but not advertlalng. It gave up Its apace little by little, and Is now a very concern. . " ' small -fiacked-up advertising ' Is what has made ua grow ' Advertising must -be backed by the goods advertised, dla- , played In the store and ticketed, so peo- pie can see .them . when they come to i buy." - w "What pspers do you usef .' Use BvenJmf and Sam- ' " . Ti - ' day Papers Most. , V ; A1I three.".''"' '." . i'.v v "Equallyr ,'. ;' "No; the evening and Sunday papers -to the greater extent- The Sunday Jonr ', nal has brought us very salsfaotory re- : Suits." ".- 1 - v i . - .- -". '. fWhere does , The Journal- stand In elrculatlonr . J ,L"lt hag as much, or more.clty clr- "What daaaes?"' . i . ., . "AIL - Our papers here are clean and - neasy. They are better than the paper .' In moatjjther cities in the country." ' CUMBERT SAYS PORTLAND IS CITY OF SUCCESS And anyone reading the, following in r. terview with, Mr. M.' t Qumbert, aecre tary of the Bllverfleld company, will see .' that their success Is due to backing up ' their advertisements with the goods and expanding and Improving to meet the " Bllverfleld Store progressive conditions. "' . What he says In regard to success In AJvOW.e) 'JIB ' I A 4 n r . 1 1. :.fK;'-'r"; : Preildenf David R. Francis and party in front of the Missouri building at the exposition. -In the forefround, reading from, left to right, arc: Commissioner Qarber, CommiMioner.McJimieyrnd Presidents Kern of. the. Missouri commisiloh; Mrs. Goods, President Francis, Mri. Francis and President Ooode. Standing behind . ' llirx h C rd ITotle of tU Louia, a former secretary of the interior.' ' . 4-. . i : .-. . ' .', v TRU TH-TELLINQ Portland confirms the general fapt that aucceas here is eaay to thoae who know HOW, -...' f . : -. ... ' The knowing how consists In the right the right sort "of goods, the right sort of advertising. '. - . The Sllverfield Store la a epeclalty eatabllehraent. Mr Bllverfleld.- says: -It la the 'Woman's StoraZ. It. la the only exclualve . woman's store in the northwest, and from the time It opened its doors. In this capacity iW-tths ,beea getting more successful all the time, i - This store has been In existence six teen years aa a fur store; as a cloak. suit and fur house for six. years, and since last September It opened its doors exclusively . aa a . "woman's store.' . t , "Advertlalng la - one of . the things which. we know to be. great factors. In our prosperity, end In advertising, newapaper la, the" moat successful math od. Advertising, however, cannot be made a' success without the t cooperation of our saleapeople. We pride ouraelvea on having the - moat accommodating force of salespeople we-can secure. - We' plae special stress on eoartesy and intelligent knowledge- of the goods we sell. i . Portland" Journalism " T r i. Xxeproved ay Taa JoarasU. . "We have In thla field splendid news papers. - They are better now than ever. "We feel that. The Evening Journal la the potent factoiMn the newspaper field In thla city, and we have known it for a fact that the .opposition papers, the Oregonlan and. .-the Telegram, have greatly improved every department of their papers since The Journal entered the field.---? -i-''v' .'....... , "We have been greatly pleased''' by the ttggrelaive methods pursued by The Journal. It -has, certainly caused the blood to spurt in newepeperdom In thla city since its ineeptlon. -. a, . -"The Journal's -Hawaiian trip Is a good . idea that is bound to help The Journal's circulation, v i' , . stm "We were among the Brat advertisers The Journal had and we found It a pay ing medium, reaching a large purchasing constituency." i'r ; ! .;.- j , - ' M'ALLEN & M'DONNELL A Store That Was Among The Journal's " '"Barly Advertisers. : '' .-..i Mr." John T. McDonneU of MoAllen 4 McDonnell said he usually left Inter views to his partner,-tut on this oc casion consented to ' answer questions for publication. . V . "Is Portland a good city to do busi ness, in?" ; . . "It Is one of the best cities west of Chicago.' - It has the wealth, the popu lation and the enterprising merchants. ' ."I have been- here yeara It's 10 years' since we started on this corner. "We owe our success to y-eating all alikeone price to all .--.v - -,,"We cater to good -trade and carry, goods accordingly.. : Our growth- has been with the growth of the city. This sll wHI hmm 010,880 laslda tea neareji "We are among the first to use The Journal, It is aa:enterprlalng a, paper as mere is on ins coast. - . .. 'It has. . I believe, ss large a circula tion within -the cltyjimlta aa any paper has." .'." , ; ' " YOU MUST HAVE THE GOODS "X Bevsr Advertise Ualeas X Bave the ' Oooda,"-ays Btt. Shaaahaa. When the Interviewer walked into the Shanahan store Mr. Shanahan waa ready to tell his experience .and started right out by saying: . "I never advertise unless I have the goods. . Advertising " nowadays . isn't- worth the paper It Is written on unless you have the goods to back It up with. and the people to sell them good people to sell them." . ; . . "What are good peoplef- . ;-' "The ones who tell the truth to 'our trade." ..-- - .... , ...... "Can they sell that wayT",, "Thejr. can't sell any other way." "Do you ' keep selling .mors all the timer' ' ;-'..'.'' -'. "Yes, the more truth you put Into any buBlness the batter. - That means all goods marked In plain figures and one price to all." , 1 "How long you been-growingr','-; - "Twelve years." "Journal growing, too?". t " ' . ' The Joazaai -. v;.-- :- "-LP09 ' "I think it ls-I know, It Is.",, ' "How do you know?". . "By. the reeults I get from advertis ing In It That's ths only wsy to tell." "Use other papers r - ''I use Ths Journal - mors than any other on account, of the results It J - .':. x . . --V: ' . v! I ' itfa osw, J.i ssisisa; FOaT THE CITY . - Construction of a Great Office Building' Is Discussed by the Leading Dusiness Mert. V MANY ARGUMENTS MADE " ": : FOR SUCH AN ENTERPRISE It "Would B Monjunent to Greater Portland, an Investment of Re sonabla Certainty and an Invaluabl Advertisement for Community. -- Amonar Portland's progressively ener . getle business men there has been much discussion or late regarding a roam moth, offica building In this city, a sky scraping monument' o a greater Port land. - '. ":- -- ,'.' ' -t There seem to be unanimity on two points In - the discussion: . It ought to pay a fair return on me investment. and It'would be the greatest advertlse rnent the city could Invest In Just now. Who" should undertake the work, and how the burden should be distributed, are clauses, for debate. ' In arriving at conclusions on the le.t ter score., there are a multitude of con siderations..' A great office building, with' all .modern conveniences end the usual club facilities, centralises busi ness. An Immense number of persons will .make it- their business home, thus enhancing the value, of ell adjacent property, i The effect must be to bestow upon many blocks nesr Immediate ben efit, and the streets crossing that dis trict will become the scene of .a traffic Impossible when low buildings are ' In vogue. - With these considerations be fore them, many argue that - the work of erecting a skyscraper should be un dertaken by a syndicste of men owning adjacent property. i t ' ', ; V AO Would Shaso la Benefits. ' .- But when It. come to . debating . the advertisement., for city - and state, broader , arguments prevail. . ,In this benefit -every property owner 'of Port land would have part. Tha r general affect of such work would be an element of confidence In. Portland's future that could, not be produced : by. any other single local effort. Men who are ready to build, but are gauging their lines "by apparent publlo confidence In the future, would here find a precedent t. Increase practically every - succeeding buslneee Investment. ' Inspired by the reasonable e access to be. expected from, this enter prise, there would certainly spring up others, on possibly a less scale, yet. of much greater proportions man n a any scraping standard had-not been fixed. In reviewing similar work elsewhere. there Is every assurance to encourage the Portland enterprise. SeattW a 'Alaska building Is one of -the first arguments seised on. .San Francisco's great Claus Portland rtherearr"TnorxBSp1ef which give life to. the argument. It has been -noted frequently -of lata that James B. Hyde's great Equitable build ing - In New York; which -oat several millions, was' one of the : best invest Twitti " tn cdmpan",svf-Tmira, - wm from direct returns and ths generalMn fluence It -exercised. r "When the Chamber of - Commerce In this city erected the eight-story stone edifice 'there ; waa serious apprehension 7In; many fmlnda and --this foreboding seemed to bave vital en-ect in tns at presslon . of, 18tt-4, ' but . the . eminent success .of the enterprise: as' viewed from the past nine to ten years hss been en Inspiration . that cannot be . que ttoned. , -. i-.-; ,. Y t .,-" v - ; "Money Would Oome aiadly. " There Is abundant money available anywhere In the country for building enterprises, especially those on a large scale in cities of a recognised ruture. No one doubts that -If Portland capital ists did not, want to finance the enter prise .fully, a number of them would be able to secure ample asslsUnoe'on reasonable terms. By Inaugurating the work, with three-quarters of tbs money drawn from the east on a long-time loan at low Interest rats, the city would get the benefit of a large amount of out aide capital which probably could not be drawn - here otherwise. : - leaving local funds open to other lines of Industrial development. ' ! ' , : - "The time is especially opportune for this work." said a local man thla morn ing, whose name Is withheld at re quest.' "Our fair has brought us before the world ss a city and country of in fringe. ' Ths Oregonlan Is a good paper. There Is none better anywhere - and I am not discriminating against It -when I say what I do Of The Journal. "I like the spirit, of fairness In the Journal. It does not seen to wish to, knock any other paper In this advertis ing discussion, and I like that." - - ' . ( A.. r V X. r -t-i' OiVils1 LaL'aLii'A ...-TV.'i f - - ..- Roman crooi strap kid slippers, LTV hoeli, cheap "r (S ' w at 2-spedal . . .,..yjL.OJ Patent leather one strap bow sandals, LXV heels, f refnlarly $2-speelal Vl.OU Eld Oxford ties, lw heel, patent tip toe, medium sole sixes 1Y to 8, widths' to EE., Good ralne at $2 ( gft special.. ........ ;9l.OO ; . -. i - .'. ' '" ' ' - '''! 1 ' '' . ' rETerylahoe that Fnllam sellsl Lhas rnllam's name to back ltj ftj;llai 283-85 UOERISON ST. exhaustible resources. . We have told every visitor that -this 1 the, city of destiny In the northwest, the metropolis of an empire which Is Just awakening. It would be timely If. we here gavs a guaranty of our faith ' by erecting a building on the sama scale as our claims for the future. -It would be an invest ment, a crowning climax for our work of this yeat, and would atart a build ing campaign - of - greater significance than the people realise. ' It is not 'busi ness to make houses faster than the people come, - nor to get -people here faster than they ' can find employment or buslneas openings, but wa must re member that the northwest has the re sources, and when wa get the people' here they -will find means of making money for themselves and helping , us; wno nave aireaay Beiuea. Low excursion Rates to the East. On sale Auguat 14 and SS; alao Sep tember 1, t, , 10, It and IT, the Bock Island railway will sell round trip tick ets to eastern points at greatly reduced rates. , For full particulars call on or address A. H. McDonald, general agent. UAQ6irflBtret, , jagUaAdgoj AT THE Tl HEATRES -i'J.. "Audrey" a Success, I Mot a slncle seat was aaoeeapled at the 1 Usee t beet re last Bight and man? patroas stood mreartaoat "the six beistlrul sets of "Aadrer."' The Brtxraetioa has siede a eisttaet tit."' It will be seen nlsktly up to and !n- rlndlas Saaday alrkt. Oa Monday Blht Clyee ritrh'a great drama, "The Olrl and the Jods," will he preeented foe tke flnt time before a PortlaDd audience. " Decidedly Funny. ' The ftaerry Baslral eoaiedy-bia-leeoiiee, "The Bklatfleate" and "The KtaderserteB." presented by the UeraaiT esDMdlans, Kob end Dill, aad their eacellent eompaay ef 40 people, will be the attraettoa at the Umrqamm dread theatre tonight et 1:90 e'elork and every sight this week, witk a speetal-prlea aMtlae gatarday. Both plara war wrlttea to stake aaepl bnwh and have aoeceeded admlrahly. The Marqoam theatre la kireted ea atiiiileua street hetwee Blstk aad gaveata, where nopuUr price ere the me. . . . . :.: , ; '' At the Baler. 7'- ,' The hill at the Beker eseeptleaally gand. It eaene with Barney ' trained aalBMls, la- trodoclng Knjak, tb only trained gorilla la fch wertd. UereBd and Oreea, world' sreat. est rlua lacsler; rrenrl and fraaeU, eosMdy k.trk arltata, introeaeiiig a very elaghanle eketeh: Lnuta Heavy ia aa Illustrated helled; tlrareoa Bn. aad I. H. gtansseld, the sreat eoawdlna. ... The performance la concluded .07 the Bskerograpa. - . The Love That Wina.- Th romantic drama. "The Lave That Wine." is the attraction at the Lyric this week sad pro rln a aarepna. The every la Interesting im etart te BBtab, and deem with the trial aad tribulations ef n beautiful girl who telle late the hand et enemies. Tbomaa W. Bay elng pictured - ballads between the sets aad the Liroscope shows smving pictures. 1 Good Show at the Star. The gtar is airing one ef tharbest it haa ever stased. Eanie Drake a C. nre- eent en of the beet little bit ef acting that Portland has ' ever eeea. 1 liable Howard, the Scottish alKhtlngale, Is - simply treat. The Wilson sad the Qottlobs are clever peCpie. At the Grand.' - ."r: Anrel Mar flvee s clever Imltatloa of Anns Held and alnS keteral IMectlona In a charmlne- aad artlatle manner. Oole and Dole, acrobats; (he Sharkers, lively farmer; Hantresa. with a apeetacnlar danc and Billy Darsnt,. la a Chinese Bralrl - bwwbIos ,-: are - among the big featoree at the Or a ad. ,- .- The Great McEwen. Rear are bow selling for the world's gresteat hypnotlat. Bilndreader and entertainer sic Keren, who" he In an engasemeni of one week t th Merqnam Uraed tbeatr aext Monday Blent. Aacnst SI.' - TORTURED BY ECZEMA Bedy Mim of Sores. Could sot Sleep ' Spent Hundreds of Dollar oa ' Doctors, but Grew Worse. 1 'Cnticnra saved the life of tny mother, Mrs. Wm. F. Davis, of Stony Creek, Conn. Hera waa the worst, eezenyt I ever saw. ' She was hardly able to eat or sleep; Her head gad body was a mass of gores, and she despaired of recovery. Finally, after pending hundreds of dollars oa doc tors, growing worse all ' the time, living la misery for years, with hair whitened ' from , suffering - and - body terribly disfigured, she wag complete ly cured by two cakes of Cuticara Boap, five boxes of Cnticnra, aad three bottles of Caticura Resolvent. Ceo. C Daviaiei W. AcLh sU. K. V.i 1 . ..,.,...-. ...,....,,. ..a vv ; :, ;v-'rv'('r ; v. T ..r.r ...5 .- r y-'y 7. , -ry,.;,.;.., ;"."; IlWIlIil , 1 - - 1 r -1 la .-I 1 1 1 1 1 s v I i 1 - 1 a v 111 IW .LLwJ eLLJ - ' X 11 U -U & L m me V Do you realise that you are only two thousand4 miles or five days' journey from the Ha waiian Islands,' the farthest habitable west of the United States, and that a better opportu nity, to See this MID-SEAS WONDERLAND never will be presented. J v : M' 1TJE J(0imi,AL' PAYS. All EXPENSES ' The trip is a summer voyage, STODDARD called it "floating to Paradise on. an even ' keel," and not once in twenty times is the sea so rough that table racks are necessary. In fact, ordinarily,-an orange placed on a table would not change position from the GOLDEN GATE to DIAMOND HEAD. 'The vessels are of the newest type, largest size, the moat improved accommodations." "And at the end of your journey is a climate the most equable in the world, and a series of sights which rjval the wonders of Europe and America. - ' v'pi; Certainly no other side trip promises such a variety of VTews, such health-giving and re freshing change of scene; and will repay you' so'many-foid for your visit. t The time is at hand to enter The Journals' Contest.' YOU MAY BE ONE of the parry; ' of eight to make this trip. : .- ' - v.. Vi-;"- ' J.. - . , : Conditions of The Journal's Honolulu Tour Contest: v. - TTIMT Aar roan- lair ever IS year ef as mar Be nominated at any time ea blaake provide' br Tb Jooxnsl. with th endorse nnt of tw welt-ksjowa ettlatas et tk district ta which ah resides. . SKOOB'Zhv.ThrM o4sTM afTsssbl te the different eandldste shall b aeweug e fSeiallr aaaoanc th winner la eaea- dis trict, n roaag ladr te be cbcaea trom serh dlarrlr. TKIBD Aa la ether election, eseh dl triet shall vet enrtel7. Th vet In eo easaot affect th ether. Matter prop erly concerning the dlatrlrt will be nettled - by the wtense et tb majority. Tb win ser shall have th .right to nam a proxy U eaanl to sttsnd bareslf. , TOTJkTH "Votlnsr will eom manes Thore- -.ri .-r..t jnrts. ryp.t.A.Tx CouponFree Hawaiian Trip : , Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands : .'y ' ; 1 ;; vote for ..T........ This coupon must bo voted . , Any information regarding conditions of the Honolulu tour should be addressed to the manager of the Contest Department of The Journal. : ' ' HERE K THE WAY IBEV STAND VOTES RECnVED UP TO WEDNESDAY EVENING IN . TEE J01RNALS ,CS5SIW0;OT,'' vlv '' '--:. , " . . ;. -. Tatar Vote. MISS LURA BATY, 340 San Rafael Street..,..,.; .7.;...... ...... ,.10,C01 MISS MINNIE S. PHILLIPS. Deputy Clerk Circuit Court.. a.........,........,, 4.7C3 MISS GRETCHEN KURTH, Telephone Operator Portland Hotel........... 3,042 MISS SADIE WINTERMANTLE, City Dye Works .....e. 3.4SO MISS EDITH BERN, 246 Stark Street, 2,823 MISS LUCY GOULD, Telephone Operator Oregon Hotel MISS SALLIE MADIGAN, 547 Flanders Street . 2,070 MISS RUTH LEE, 553 Hood Street............. eJ......,................:.Vr..'.. 3,020 MISS CORA TOLLY, 752 First Street........ .... .............................. .l,C34 MISS GENEVIEVE HOLMES, 354 Harrison Street 1.CS2 MISS MARION LEAHY, Woodard, Clarke Drug Company ..-. , 1,523 MISS MARGARET SMITH, 1 Fourteenth Street ... 1 .................... 4. ,1,203 MISS HENRIETTA WINKLEMAN, 407 East Couch Street 1,218 MISS BESS SHARON, 210 East Thirtieth Street ......................... ... . . ; . . 1,170 MISS, ALICE NEWELL.. 2 East Sixth Street 1.1CO miss nkllu; munukk, otia Kaieigh street..;... .............................. 1,152 MISS BURSE REDDICK, Oregon City..... .................. 1,010 MISS IRENE HIGGINS, 665 Everett Street........ 1,003 MISS ELSA GRIESEL. 805 East Thirty-First Street .............................. . 012 . MISS LOUIE WEISENBACHER, Perkins Cigar Stand 810 MISS SOPHIE OLSON, 298 Ivy Street. ............................. . . . . . f. .-',- , r48 : MISS MOLLY PROEBSTEL,Xa Grande, Oregon ....... .................. ....:', 2.842 MISS RUBY WHITTEMORE, Pendleton Oregon .... . . . ; . V. . . . ; . ; . . . .v ' i 250 , MISS AGNES FLETCHER, Pendleton, Oregon . . . . . .... ... . . . ... ....... j 150 T - : FIFTH : DISTRICT : V ; i): -MISSJMELIAWILLIAMS. Kelso, Washington tr..: t-i v-t- ' iir" T r? v- o ariaite, ivcisu, si n s viauaiu s auiit. -., j. .. , . , . - ..... MISS KATHERINE GORE, Kalama,-.Waahlngton . 1,514 , x : (Voting Place, Kalama, G. W. Coffey's Store.) :y ' ' , r .r?N sixth district- MISS LIZZIE VEATCH. Cottage Grove, Oregon ....... ..:.;.;.;......V........ 1,101 MISS MARY DAVIDSON, Salem, Oregon. ....................... f .. . ... ... ..... 1,011 ; SEVENTH DISTRICT V y) ' MISS BERTHA COURTEMANCHE, IvIcMinnvUle, Oregon rvv;T.T7t; .vr;r.f. 1.5C3 . (Voting Place, McMinnville, at S. P. Houser's Store.) - i ". ; c i , , MISS MARIE HOSTETLER, HUlsboro, Oregon 04 , MISS MINNIE ROY, Dallas, Oregon s .. ....... . A .V. .............. CI MISS ROSALE C HOLSHEIMER, Beaverton, Oregon C MISS LILLIAN WEBSTER, Philomath, Oregon ....... ...V..i.. 17 EIGHTH DIOTjuCT -MISS"DALirHARMONrR6seburg, Oregon........... ' rVotine Place, Roseburg, at Hamilton Drug store.) : ' . . - ' . MISS LOUISE T. JONES, Jacksonville, Oregon ...................... ................ . . - Me Decembsr SO. at S 'eleck p. m., IftOg. Otrapon aeaat be voted within aevea day after leans. Coupons est -from the Dally 'Soarnal moat - b neatly trimmed. All eoapene, whether elngle or special, most best tb same of tb candidate to be voted tor. co prom Asa ervui as roxxowst FITTH Alnglo eoupona, eat from the dally paper, ere good for oa vote.. Soberrtpttoa to -th Bvening Jonrnal aad Snnday Moraine Joarnal, tbnee ssontbs, gl.M, a special coupon of 160 vote (paid la dvne. Saberriptloa t Evening aad Bands Morn ing Jonrnal ats month. $S.T6, a Special coupon of 280 votes (paid la sdvanr). Bub ncrlptlon to th Evealns and Rnaday sfara Ins Journal IS months, - IT 60, a Bpeclsl eoapoa of TOO votes (paid la advance). BDDscriptio ta ta svoaug sno Bands aiornins f!rj JgrgLJ ....- on; or before-August 24, iio. ; ' SECONDDISTRICT- 11 C: M O . . ,r .... ,, , , I .. (Oil fl.SO. a special eoapoa ef 1M vetae ftfaM la advance), gabeerlptloa to th gvoalnsj ; ad BOBday BUralBg Joaraal by mall sis Bwatba, S1.TS. a epscisl eoapoa of tbO vetse '(paid la ad vanes). gabser1ptla to tb Evening aad Snnday Morning Joeraal br mall if aoaths, T.00. a special eoopoa ef TOO votas (paid In sdrsncs). gsart-Weebly Josrnal, gl.BO a year, special eoapoa of lua vote (paid la advenes). BTXTB Ooopons sboalg be voted at the BeadaaaKere aearest rsa e Bulled eoapoa department of Tb Jooraal. or at any point nsoaed below. Votes will be Ooanted Tttesdays, Tbsrsdsr sod Ss tarda r and the total aaBosneea ia ust aay-s ' nsner. Any candidate withdrawing frees the test cannot bave bee vets esaatsd tor n ktraaxxaa ajro voxDie rxACicai Vint IHstrleV afnltnosBsh aad Olaehsaas counties. Voting place, Ooapaa Dspertmant f Th Joornsl ofac. Seosnd Wstrlo CBtoe, TTBrntlUa sad Wallowa counties. I ' " Third THalHet-eVascd' SVinitlK, 1818111 Marrow. Wheeler sod Cross: souths. i rearU TMstrto Baksr. Sraat. . Haraey aad Mslaw liftt Pletrist Pslambla aid CkSjoa eoantlea. Oresoe; Klickitat, Cowlltn. Clarks, PaelBc. Wahklabnm and sttasaaala oaatiaa. Waablngtoa. gtartb Pajtrlet ifsileg. Una , a4 Las oraatle. , Ifeveatb Wetrlev Waahlngtea, TUlaaMk.' Tamh:iL Bentoa. Polk and Uacobi eoantlea.' Xia-rth Pie ti lea DeajtUs. Oso. OarrA Josephine, jacksoa, KUmatb sod Lab eeaauce, 2,006 . . i r- -