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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1905)
- - 1 - LV.ILY -JOUnHAL, FCUTLAIID. HCIIDAV EVZIIIIIO, AUCU2T 14, IZti. fl V 1 1 . V . I I I I I I I I ' I I II llVI IV V .HI I ' v- ' " . . ; . ' '.. . I ' r ' y V "'' A IJlUk JLWJ -V V JllUU -V JLAA U,iV JL1VVV U VvUVUi X TXC4. , -VJ. WkJ LVvA VtCL V C4.L V - 'C t : V Co ' ' .A - i ' '' v.v - .i v- '.,; , -V : vV.;v-';f,V- ' rvvV"'1''' .'1 .;;s:; -,,v:.;; v.-;: ' .' .' .' .-. "' 7" ' A ' t ; V "'7- V-V' -. r . " V" " ' ' v" 1- .. '';rv .. f j, ' . .'-. ;v ."".''., .. r,- : ; mmmmmmH A ;;v;-S.vv:lv V: v'Y) i ". ' .'" 0 i-' '"V ; -1 ... . -'V! V.;.,"i."m.'v'-.' -W.'.'1-'"' ;'V,, . ' ' - "' " V"1, ' ' .i' ' . . V-.-'-' . ' 1 : . , " few .-1- V' 'V '; !. v "i he Gaiety hcatrc with Corcna as the Star and her splendid coterie of vaudeville, artists took her audi-v ences by stovhe Great Giant W v , d a thing of beauty to bfehold -.The novel Mid-Air Slide was a sensation -from every stand- :f;i';lri--i:tppmtvfTOe popular Oaks ; i ; :? : - ; def ed at ; Think of an admissioii of only 10 cents cfiildreii 5lceiits. , And but a five cent fare on 6. W P.CD. " ' 1 B: vR it T And femeimbersomettih nificent Fireworks every Thursday night 7nTH VJiUHM . ' '.J ' , .' . y 'V ' - - . ' -1 ... . 99 Tuesday, August 22-r-Foresters of America J) . inursaay, August u rne liiks Monday, September 11 "The Hoo Hoos" And then the Greatest tofhem -AU j inR, lUKusi ouir .rain s oiupcnaous. j. nruune opectacic, v v ? r!u - !.:, 4 ' ,! t. , ; '.."; ;- -.;',., - 66 HPHWJ. jCTi .e-d- IR)ai 99 And gorf eoai (2,000 t&gbWy display, of Pain's Manhattan Beach Fireworks. . Five acres of Scenery 400 Performers. 100 Artists. , Monster Amphitheatre to seat 10.000 people, l - " rod man.. toanstrik..tlfTaphra And MrMtoar Mn. W proUat mgiiaat any uch juriatlloUoh, and will not moobhIm II on any conditio. Thr elaln th right to load and unload ail vmmIs. W Insist that wo shall bo pormlttod In' paaco to obor and work in aceordanoo with tho Unltsd BUtso msrltlmo law. which makss it compulsory on ssamsn' to do any and all work ordsrod on board' a vosssl, tncludink tho hsndllnc of all cargo on board. In boats or or shoro.' Our contract with tho vossol Is rogulatod by oongross, and It wo rm fuso to obsy It tho .TOssol has, undot tho -law, tho right to hlro any nan to do suob work as wo rofuso to psrfnrra, and to pay substltutM out. of suoh money that may bo duo tho soamon at the tlmo. If wo woro to agroo to. tho claim of tho Intr national Lioagshoromen, Marino and ..Transport ; Workers' asso ciation any monsy that might bo dao us as soanisn would bo eonflsoatsd and paid to. tho longshoremen for uh work as wo rofusod to perform. Whenever the longshoremen ' cease ' to claim Jurisdic tion over us and are willing- to work peacefully with ue, 1 while we dd work contemplated by the law, t dlfferenees between us . will Immediately cease.1 TELEGRAPH INSPECTEp.-f: rest aTorthet Www Win Xreave fot . Astorta to Bring Body of Blks. Local tThlted' States Inspectors Ed. wards and - fuller will look - orer - tho steamer Telegraph - this afternoon and tf ererytnlng la In proper condition the license Issued on Puget sound will be Indorsed so as to enable tho craft to ply In the Willamette and Cojumbm rivere Bhe is scheduled to go to As toria tomorrow and bring the Elks of that . place to Portland... The steamer has been glrea a thorough overhauling at tho Portland shipyards and will be placed in the water this afternoon, When tho boiler of tho steamer Tele phone was tested Jaat week by the In spectors It- was given ewt that the -res-sal would bo In: shape for Inspection early this week. So far no. equipment has Men placed on board and until she has been properly fitted out with, furni ture and Ufesavlng apparatus shs will not be Inspected. - It Is said that this can bo quickly attended 'to and It Is probable j the Telephone will soon bo ready to go In commission. Tho general opinion is that tho Tele phone wilt be used In bringing grnln to Portland from abovo . The Dalles, connecting with a steamer plying on the snake and upper Columbia at the portage road. It -Is belle red enough wheat will be brought down the river In that manner tnts fall and winter tc keep a; good-slsed fleet steadily em ployed. . . v- . , LOW WATER IN . THE SNAKE. -DIG SHIPS DOUND FORIPORTLAHD European Craft on . Way Her :.":' With Cargoes Consigned to - Local Firms. f 7. THREE FLY THE FLAG OF - GERMANY; ONE A SWEDE All Art Coming to Load .Wheat, and Charters Will Not Bt Hard .. to Oct 'If the Owners Art Re- onable. Square riggers -with Eirepesn car goes will soon begin making their ap. pearanco in the harbor.. The German ship Ellbek,v with general freight: from Hamburg, will bo tho first to arrive. She reached Astoria yesterday, aftei iavin Jeen out less than Ave months. consigned to J., McCraksn Co., and . will' probably leave up tomorrow mora' falC 1 '" ' 'v 1 ('''t v rhe German ship Oregon Is en rout from Ban Francisco, where oho dis charged a portion of .a ' cargo brought from Antwerp, and is expected hero In a week or two, eS is also tho Swedish shin . Clan ' Macfarlane, which sailed front Port Los Angeles Isst Friday fot tho Columbia river. The Oregon Is con strued to Merer. Wilson Co., whllt . tho Clan If aefarlane's cargo will bo de- llvered to-G. W. MoNear A -Co. Tho -German snip Aaoir is aiso aue irom Ant werp, as she has been out since March ,11; had ehe made a smart passage she would pave arnvea u uiy. i ne or , rival of these German ships will make : four grain vessels in tho harbor flytni the Sag" of. Oermanyr-Hhe' fourth Is the Arthur-rttger." which - has -been here . since July 1. Aa far as known none has been on gaged for the outward trip, but It Is ' supposed alt will be chartered aa soon as wheat begins to arrive In great quan tities front tho Interior. Kxportera say .'there' will be plenty of ttusl doss if tho owners are .willing to accept a reason ablo rate... For tho past two months - practically, no vessels have arrived Iron Europe. ' ' " . i trouble Unsettled. , -v ' 1 ' " ' Akdrew Paraseih Wffl' Xavo Wltheat .; . ; BJeettag Wlt the &ooshooatom.' 1 Andrew Furuseth, secretary of the Sailors' union of tho Pacific will returr to San Francisco tonight, having failed to gf t a coofsronco with, tha longshore- yon. . r- . , . TTho difficulties between tho two or ganisations are simply thlsf said tho . California labor leader. "Tho . long shoremen hold a charter from the Amer- ' lean Federation of lAbor ' under the name of International Longshoremen's association. Their headquarters at De troit.. Michigan, Issuss charters undat the name of the Internatlonat Ixing- . ahoremen, Marino and Transport Wdrk era of tho United states and Its Pos sessions. Their laws provide for Juris- .diction over all tho men who work for common ' carriers In any capacity, v It . Include seamen of all branches, rail-, Foaro Are Biimsoid Thea Freit wrewots oa rae Blre W1U Smxfer. If the Snske river does not ret 4 at too low a stage tho eteamer Mountain Gem will bo operated between R I par la and Lowlston by tho Oregon Railroad 6 Navigation company until tho water be comes v sufficiently deep., to -permit tho Lowlston and Spokane to go Into service rain. The Mountain Gem reached Ri- paria yesterday oa her . first trip and Is en route back. . It la said shs struck the bottom a number of times,, and It la thought to bo extremely doubtful If she esa bo kept on the route. The river Is almost dowa to aero, and Is gradually falling.' It la feared It Is going to be at a lower stage than ever before In the history of steamboatlng oa that stretch of water. If It should bo necessary to take her out of commission big quanti ties of fruit along the Snake river will have to so to waste, a It will bo lm- possible to get It to market It will also niu lomi m portage roaa cajwpi.oe utilised until, lata in ai-,Bft .i., ALONG THE WATERFRONT - V ..', - Complaint la. still made By tho fraso lino launch men about' carelessness in permitting fuel oil to get Into- tho river.: Aslds from making It necesssry to clean the hulls of tho boats every day or two. It is skid tho fluid, hao acciimu. lated tinder a number of docks, and that If a lighted match should drop on It a big fire would result. - "lire few days a new ferryboat, the gasoline launch Buster, will be placed In service at Grant's Ferry, ' 10 miles abovo Tho Dalles. - Shs was launched from Bupple'a shipyards On Saturday and given a trial trip In the harbor yes terday afternoon, after having been re modeled from a ship's boat and equipped with a 10-horsepower engine. ' The stsamshlp Arabia .sailed from Hongkong for Portland on - August IS, will stop at tho regular Japanese porta and will not arrlvo hero until tho middle of next month. Tho Numantla will aiso bo hero St that time. ' - Tomorrow evening tho Redondo la due from Ban Francisco with a general cargo ox freight and a full list of passengers. Tho work of supplying tho British steamship Tottenham- with lumber was started this - morning ' at tho Portland mUL . . . Thla ' afternoon . tho steamship Nioo- media ' will finish " discharging "at tho Alaska dock, and in tho morning will move to tho flour mills to begin loading for the outward trip. . teamer Alliance ssuea irora Eureaa yesterday for Portland and way porta. Laden with grain ana lumber, the steamer Aurella sailed yesterday for San Francisco and tho Roanoko for Los Angeles. ' ".. MARINE NOTES. Astoria, Aug. 14. Arrived down at tJO a. m. Steamer Aurella. Sailed at 1:11a. m. Steamer Roanoke, forport ) ! V, . f ,1" in ' t ,:. i v 1 , i h i : . - .',.... j fV '--, , . t ! E '. it, i.; - - i ,: ! '' r - -"s l --i' . ; rv -- j ..; ,v i" - vvf . - -5. i r ' I -j . I-. X B ' Miaa Bertha Burch, tho ' dischargodf department , r ggriculturo omployo, - whohafdeclared that civil' scrrict in th government d'eoartmonta la , u delusion and s shsm. Since her discharge she has declared that sd- ygnce edttoneurngtet are but good guesses. - - ., ' ,V. . ' ' - . - - V Loo Angeles and. way porta. -Sailed at 11a. m. Steamer Aurella, for San Fran cisco. ......... J. - .. . XJurska, Aug. , II. Sailed at , noon- Steamer Alliance, for Portlsnd. Astoria. Aug. It. Arrived at l:S0 p. m. Schooner Jennie Stella, from San FranolBoo. Arrived at I p. m. German bark Ellbek, from Hamburg.- Arrived at T:lf p. m. Schooner Virginia, from San Franolaoo. Hongkong, Aug.. 1 1. Sailed German steamer Arabia, for Portland. Ban Francisco, Aug. II. Sailed at p. m-Steamer Redondo, for Portlsnd. Astoria. Aug. 14. condition of tho bar it I l amsotht wind, west; weather, cloudy. AT THE THEATRES. . First Production of "Audrey.1 The Bvlaace stock eoeapaay win sIts the rtrt sneentatloa la PortUnd et "Aecrer" this erasing at the Belaaee theatre, roortaeeU and Waafalnetoa etraeta The elay ia taken from Mary Jotonetoa'e sopsler sevaL Mlaa L-ia Moore win slay toe title role, enruiauy y The Star's New BilL Tee tar'e sew bill le Beaoad by Baalce Drake and coaapaar Id "Wtanlng as Heiress," eee el the east little slaye ever set ea the local etate. Mr. ead Mnv Oaorae H... Wllaon, wendea aboe daoeere,. are exceptloaal ptoplf br thla llna The Uottloha ere eaea le even batter advantase than on their seavtoue ' vlalt. . Mahal Howard le e real treat. Oeorse Harrison la fanny starloe end eeytace te gaed.' Rny McBrahVs etieibar Is well rendered ead She esaraeeena ts "Wasted uog" usBMsee. Fine Brtt st ths Grand. , A-nrlma' SoMa heads the vaadevnie bill at the Orand thto week Ml - AnsaU May. a contralto, formerly wtlh . "The Silver Bllppar" and "The Prmeeaa ef KeaalarMe." ske baa a bMOtlfnl velce. which- le beard la aa artlatle nlarlet. and sr wnch-ehe Is eaalated by 1 Lopls H eEvey. j Stastrai end Jnllee ' have ' a muiw I . iovm ana Aias pnwni 'Jeaethan'e Coertabls.;" a raral star I t. Ilarrt- m, m I ra. m inipainiiaiin, san a apaciacwiar act. The lllaetreted un. a nMnnlnsW arUat and, the aaoUoq ntctereq qmptete tkla asalora MIL . . . Latt-Week tf Kolb and DilL , rVa. 'Oarwaa nariliM. Klk 'and MIL will botla thaw eighth nemaaral wek at 'the Mar-' quasi wrens naatre ea Mwrlaoa iUMt toanrnc at a:N o'eioekj. ernea . Hwy will ereaanl the twe sraataalinBMdy bsrlMqiMe "Tha Rlrlndl eat." ead. "The Kladersarlee. ', These lansh- able eklte ere fitted with, aomlral altnattone ead fanny aaytnas which, terrthar with the- eatcay (gnsie and. pratir sirla. make an riuai eanB)r evenlng'a'entartalanMrt. .Thla. Is Kolb: and.imi'S hut weak. Popular prists prerau.; .... , . .1 . i . r , "The Love .That Wine." Af tae'Lrrie etartlaar Sadav will be 'sre doead eenther clay that a entirely sew to lb. want. "The Lore That Wine" a romantic SOS- talH) S stmnsl kra alary. ' Alfred Dlrtlneoe win BMbe. hie isltlal haw ie Part lead sndteae thla week ee hteains was If lare of Mr. Clarke, who will take a well-famed vaearMs. Mlee La Moot, whe will play Irad- las parts In Mlaa Wllaaa'e aheraee. in a very eepsble sad talented yeeag weeua. . Trained Animals at Baker. Tb blll-whlrb siarls today st tta ,Bak and -sabers - In - the - nnal wh ef ' vandaTllle at mat nenelat bee as la swde np ef aome greet anv . Oaeaade and aaa ere known the wnrld ar-rM tne craataat rrae rosier la the nrnfaaa. Aaothar aft ef renown Is that et Sarsar'e trained aalraala. IntrodnHng Rajah," the self train variUa IS the world. There are els ether' blf acta. . . V.l.'. 'Fatteramakere Leag-ae ST eets. : (Joareel Sseelal Sarrlee.) Pittsburg. Aug. 14. The annual con vention of tho Patternmakers' League of North America, oooaod bore this morning. ,. : SrilUERS IE Oil IW HE J ." '. . t ' rV-. '. A Meeting ' of -; Trans-Misslssipp Congress Promises to Be 'Greatest in Its, History. HUGE GATHERING FROM THE WEST AND SOUTH California W01 Probably Have Urg- est Delegation Next to Oregon, But Interested . Commonwealths ,' Will Have Very Big Representation. ' ....... f. .. .. Delegates, to tho .Trana-sllaslsslppl congress are arriving la - Portland and hundreds are on tho way. Telegrams received today advise Secretary Francis that largo: parties' - have . started from California. , Texas, - Colorado,' Nebraska, Missouri and other states. - Tho lerger number of delegates will arrive Wedneo dsy morning and it ia expected that by Wsdneedsy night there will bo 1.000 Trans-Mlsslsslppl delegates In tho elty. sj. H. fTancis, asgoyernor or Missouri. will arrive tonight sad bis assoclsto del egates, John W. Nobis, W, H. Dsnforth and George T. ; Parker, will bo hero to morrow. Mr. Parker represents tne Latin-American' club.' The Salt Lake Commercial club wires that 10 men will arrive, in ' Portland . Wednesday tho del egation to be headed by John Henry Lsmlth, S4 deooetadant ef Joeepb' Smith, land an ex-preskdsnt et the congress: George Romley - end Judgs Bhurtleff, prominent Salt Lake .cltlsensv and United States Senator Reed Smoot. . Delerafloris from Houston and K.niu rClty have atarted- for Portland , and . a car of Texas and Louisiana producta has larrived. n charge .pt . Q. P. ' Woodburw and two associatee. .and. srUl .bo, placed In the Transportation, building at . tho fair. - Tho par contains an oxhiblt, of coal. Oil -cotton, grain snd ether prod ucts of Tsxss and Louisiana. .Owing to the quarantine from yellow fever In New-Orleans, ths state of 'Texas has united wtth Louisiana in making a Iplnt representation at the congress. , Mavor Balllnarar of Seattle hae tls. graphed that a delegation of 10 men had been, appdlnted and all will be hero. Colorado delegates are arriving today. Ths California, delegation, conaletlng of. 7 men, headed by Governor Pardee and Rufus P. Jennings," will leave Saa Fras- clsco. tonight for Portland In a special car. Great Interest In ' ths conafreaa ba hown In Callfortila and it ts thonrht the attsndsncs ' from 'that stete will be greet er tnan rrom any other state ex ceptlng Oregon.- The puny "til arrive Wednesday morning end errctades etre- rseniewieee -or rw-ert ftawo ton tho California anaenr asnorriation, the oan srwncurao ana utm Anr.lM .k.n hers of . oommerco, tho Pacine Coast Jobbers' and Vtufanurera' asooolatlons ana tno uanrornts Promotion commlttew. question, tn which canfnrtita and otner western otatea are Interested Is tho proposed fonr n of a f-deral de par " " ' t, ' - e isf ahsll be f : ' y tHa t i -e t,. TEETH K0 PAIN ftlO PAD VICBJTEBTM- We are the dassswsrsra and ore af the only reliable aaef mesa systsa of Painless Deatlatr we ex tract, crown, nil and clean or treat teoHa) absolutely without pais and e-aaro. all work for fifteen yoara, Car wswa is the boot war prlees the) sower -Blatant with flrsi-elaaa ereaw. xJtX. INATION FRK&V Our platan tec table from tho natural i are guaranteed It It FILLINGS BOet TBw end TJ GOLD CROWNS f la9 w ll BMDOS WORK LS." to 1 w FULL SST NArCRAL TATU.1 SS1M Slanansi St, Or. BSssa ft Fa nnrmnj-ia a. s . - say. s:t0 a. sa. be 11 M p. amT. So does thd office srirL Thav mbiJ , earn much more If .they had a knowt- n a ana snonaanel as taught tn our aeheoL leke a few months; off and. prepare. foe o good poaitloo. Tuition very low. Iaatjru tlon simple. .,. r , , The!i ic!2ss izt . Axrtar, astwsbBv--.,. Fhono SZain 4m0S. " SS Sixth . . r dental, work, Wortd-re. , h owned spoelallate. Lowest prtoss .eonsisteat wlU nrselaso Far . mod era N feV YORK DENTISTS rovurm ajtb snmsoseai ' Onon day sad alfht. front tM in i. 0 . sa. position grounds?- A spestal malry of the exceuUve eosamfttee la sailed f r tomorrow afternoon la tho tower ror of tho CommeretsJ slab. at . which tl a Oaal arrangements-wlU be made for U opening day. , - . J' aTlisasa Aaia sCe. " ' HofMHulu. Msy T. There ts w activity la ths volcano; e:;iei v flow of lave fs Inereaslnr. and a I In the crater gives - t there bv be aa ever"- v 1 .j, t mi r. lu 1 I 1