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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1905)
"1Y t::z;T ctciz" 'i'..:'am c. v.tst cr c U-b JUL STG.1E OPENS BorjT Fiir.cRASiarjAiE! t , S ' , . . ' Some years ago there lived In Boston a .lawyer noted for sloth in movement and moderation in speechC Ulany readers from the old "Bay State- will remember Cephas Brigham as a character they knew before crossing the continent to come to Oregon.' Mrs. Brigham awoke one night and called her husband, saying she thought there were burglars in the house. He got out of bed and dressed himself, even to collarand necktie, and turning to W wife, said f "Mrs. Brighamn whichurection do you-euppose the burglars-are?" '-V-A. irr!:l!':')'' f : ' -Vy 'i ' Of course the burglars are gone", it don't matter where,; yft only tell the incident to illustrate the importance of avoiding delay In important matters, ' Be sure you don't delay, today in getting to the store early to share in the bargains. If you can't come early--come later. If you can't come today come tomor row. But some of the values advertised here may be gone if you delay too long In coming. You know this is the "cleanup" season, and many lots are tmalC't ' ; : , y v-v insaujrT a: vaoxAoa of uMun or- ,v nan nn wan .. In the Jewelry an i Leather Novelty -Sixth Street Ann First Floor. , t,-- Bummer Jewelry In. designs far. mora beautiful than you'll rind In' (ha high price, exclusive Jewelry stores about, town. Coplaa of a-; qutslt ' pni and solid sold orna-1 tnents In which you can as aaatly ; forgive tha Imitation in tha beauty ) of lha design. . And thaaa ara worn j so frankly, and sees In such dainty placaa thaf they'll likely ba mora worn than avar. Special valuea this .A ,eouM Fias. ss j , C' X lot of . naw pretty Collar , Pins, .. buokla designs, in Roman " cold "... and hard-enameled In turquoise, T.A fnfl rn-r.l blua. .Special at ... - nvH ........ V ;.. soo saoxt studs, it. : ,;s A lot of paarl top - Bhlrt Btuda, S on card, with rolled Plata aapar- ahla anrlna- backa: rarular ralua , I0o. 8paoiaU per aet ,......1TV , Mo Shirt Stuaa, SS."'. . A lot of told top Shirt Btuda, t on card, in pollahed and woven sold, v plain and fancy daalfna, with : sood rolled . plate and aprinf f backa: regular value tic Speotal, ;J per aet . - I OoOM BnMom Seta, 19a. y.-y. Collar Button Seta, food Quality rolled void topa. with celluloid - backa, 4 on card, one for front. : one- for back of neck, two for ' aieevea. Bpeoial at. aet .....104 wOOSS. - Women- TS ratnt leather Seltav A new lot of Patent Leather Belts, : latett Fall atylea; regular value 75e. .Special, each ..SO ?Tad'd7 Booarrelt- Salta, 8e. A lot of "Teddy Rooaevelt Belts, l in red and white patent leather, all siaes, Special at. each. ,.2S 7 Womeni SI3S- XOie BeltaT HT A lotof Soft Leather Glove-Fitting Belts. In white, tan and brown; . : -regular value II. to. Special. ' - each . ,.69 Children's Dainty Dresses and Bdn 7 nets Reduced IN BABT-TO-MI88 SALONS t , SECOND . FLOOR.' . OkUaram'g i fine White Linen. Figured Pique and Fancy Basket-Cloth; In Sailor, 1 Buater Brown and Jacket styles; "very prettily trlmmd "wnirTOlore llnen, braids and emblema. - Slses from 4 to 14 years. -Our regular to valuea. Special at, the aolt....... 92.48) Our regular ft. 00 to 111.00' valuea. -Special at. the suitr-.rinf 5.63 SUlf Frloe en OkJMWg Bonnets. All' of ,eur Children's Bonnets fn . mull and lawn, In plain or tu front atyle; daintiest things Im- aglnabl for small children vsl ' nea from Ion up te lit 10; apeclal all this.- t at rAXF FSZCB. AFG A. M. Dia Dress Goods Values JAPANESE SILKS IJ1 TU.S : ; WEEK'S SALE . i ; ZfetFOBTBB " cxxjAjto, smtuzABTzvaa ajto . aXFAOAB. ,.. . j, : y ; In plain and novelty weavea. : These serviceable, cool f abiica ara of our own Importation... and are un equaled In valus- at our regular ' ; prices. ''". - " ' i .r-..- tl-lnch Imported Cream 'Mohair. - reg. 0a. special .....41 ' HWneh Imported Cream'. Mohair; - - reg. TSo, apeclal. .63" 44-Inch imported Cream Mohair;.' reg. 11.09. apeclal.. ...... ...89 44-Inch Imported Cream Mohair: 'g..,li.l S. apeclal ,.,t 1, 09 4-inoh Imported Cream , Mohair; . rag. IttO. apaolal,. 1.23 41-tnch Imported Cream Mohair; reg. tLH. special ..B1.4T 41-Inch Imported Cream Mohair; V reg. 11.00, paclal.........f t.7j BCATOatZJUW tOJt ' OmMXMQB. White Fomga and Japanese Wits. Our 11.00 vaius; ) apeciaf . at, the yard .......T4 Our-. 11.11 value; special at, the,, Xatrti tr m e e a 4 Our . 11.10 'value; special at, the yard 1. ia Our LT value; special , at, the yard 1.42 N for Straw Braids ' Wort TSo. - Straw Braids in all colors and best patterna; II yards In bolt: our , -Ho value, special at, tha bolt. 84 Steel, ' Gun Metal and Rhineatone -. Buckles and Ornaments, which make handsome trimming for hats , or can be uaed for belts; values from 11.00 to l IO; great value at each 394 MALINB NET In all tha lateat ahadea; our too value; apeclal at, tha yard... ............. 3 Pntrtmmed straw SntaWortt SSJO to feOO for tea. . Straw Shapes of finest Milan Chip . . and Tuscan Straws, in a variety . of ahapea and atylea; Colonials. By belles and Rolling Sailors, In green, tan, brown, navy and red; ; values from 11.10 to 10.00; special , ; sale price, each...; ..984 Pretty Linen Tray ; ; Cloths and : Cehterpiecies V f OBsmotrsxT usvon nr ' r-T-- -FSttCav . art shop second floor . annex: ' . 'i ' . i . , . -, ' " SOa Tray Cloths, STo, ' Fine white - linen Tray Cloths, stamped In many pretty floral tleatgna-slselliIT inches;" our" too value, special sale, ea.. 2 T '.' : Osateipleaos. ; Fins white linen, atgmped In floral and - conventional . designs; net ' ; openwork centerr; stsa it tnches square; our too- values. Special at. each ......43d ,8lae SI inches square; our - 11.21 value.' Special at. each . ..59s 'Site IT Inches square; our 11.11 value. Special at. each T94 Site 10 Inches square; oue 11.60 Value. Speolal at, each... 91,19 OXmAJC BaTOLXSM SX- Visiters ere urged to enjoy every privilege of this great ctcrc to the utmost Si-" A' MERCILESS SLAUGHTER OF,THE BROKEN AND Women's v ' ' ' In the Tair-Way $2,S2.50, $3.00 ift W car rW 111 lE We are going to swallow a big loss quickly, with as little .straining as-possible. The operation will be over irf a "jiffy." ' We've selected from our entire stock of Women's and Misses Half Shoes and Slippers, every line that is not complete in every respect,- every line we. have decided to discon tinue for one reason and another, all ends and oddments of cases, in short, BROKEN AND DIS CONTINUED LINES OF BOTH BLACK AND TAN SHOES. big tables in the center of the spacious Fair-Way Shoe Store,, and instead of sorting the values and grading the loss, we will take it in one big, round lump, allowing full and free choice of all the shoes OVER TWO THOUSAND PAIR values ranging from $2 to $3.50 (with the bal ance of favor on the side of the $3 and $3.50 shoes) at one price.'. .....'..'..;.......;....'.. .$1.29 Tomorrow Morning, Not Today A host of the. best selling styles to select from, a sale from our own regular fine lines shoes we have banked on , for style and business building, i Any normal foot can be fitted to perfection. The sale starts tomorrow morning. (NOT TODAY MIND YOU) at 8 a. m in the regular shoe store on the, first floor, -Sixth Street Annex, with every comfort, expert service and good nature. We can serve more customers in a day than any Portland store ever had so take your time, don't crowd or hurry.. We want every customer to be fitted exactly. ; There's enough to go 'round. . And any-woman or 4niss can be suited exactly. - The shoes are those that are-in thevogueamongthe dressiest circles in America today. Sale opens at 8 a, m. tomorrow. : ' , HIST! HARKEN Women's Und ermuslins ; A GRAND "COMPARISON SALE" TODAY AND -':'M,y '.'-,..'; va TOMORROW 'l; ; The crowds will center here where prices are lower and Under muslins are better than at competing stores. - Compare prices com pare theUndermuslins and by- - v i r- V - Undermuslin business this week. UndermusIins--of character -at-least-a-third-better-than-any-other store in the city is ottering. It we can t prove this statement upon comparison we'll gladly withdraw all our claims and acknowledge defeat. Here is underwear from America's best makers at the price of Jhejcheap imitations, shown elsewhere -or less. Don'tjniss the August Sale of Undcrmuslins Today. " . SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR TUESDAY,. - A GRAND CLOSURE OF SEVERAL LINES DIVIDED IN TWO BIG LOTS OTHER GREAT VALUE8. : LOT 1 69c for; Undermuslins Worth- $1.65 Corset covers, gowns, drawers,' skirts and chemise.of muslin. and cambric, in a variety of " styles and trimmed with lace or embroidery ; regular values-up to $1.65. Special at,' f each .....69d OT - 21.2otHJnderrnsHns - , Corset covers, gowns, chemise and drawers of fine muslin, cambric, and nainsook, daintily " trimmed with lace or embroidery; regular val ues up to' $3.50.- Special at, the ' gar-, r ment ir... . .r.f 1.29 LADIES'. SILK UNDERWEAR Ladies' Un derwear, made of fine India silk, in white, pink .or light .blue all. beautifully trimmed with lace edeinir and insertion. Prices are as fol- , lows: - :" ) elevators.' & Mioses': and Slippe Bbote Shdppe" Sixth Street Annex First Floor. CQ Cf OR-PAI TO THE FALLING PRICES those comparisons, we'll win the. Our $3.75 value. Our $5.50 value." Our $4.50 value. Wortlrto;$3.SO - Our $4.75 value. Our $5.00 value." Our $6.50 value.' Our.$5.25value.: Our . $6.00 value. Out $12 value, bur $10 valued 'x VATCIIES CLEANED And warranted one year for T5c. New Main springs for 75c. ' All other repairing on Jewelry at proportionate prices First Floor, near large f ' i .V DISCONTINUED LNES OF , DHalf Shoes rSrgj: These we will place on three. ON i DRAWERS.- , ' - - Special at, the pair.... f 1.49 Special at, ; the pair 777.1 2.48 Special at, the pair.... f 2.17 CHEMISE. ' , v Special at, each..... Special at, each..... Special at, each.,... ' .Special at, each.. ,. Special at, each..... :"sKiRTsf rrr". k.f24 ..f2.99 ,.f2.47 ,.?2.87 Special at," each. Special at, each. . ?4.C7 STOE CLOSES AT 6 P. f.L Gallery of Bargain Celebrttlz --Values of Note From Famo; Masters ? chandisSCreating J; Visitors sire particularly requested to. note the "Hall-Mara:" of style and quality upon everything-pktttred.- tpon eveiyuui , Hands on! Every visitor is ership' upon every article in this ceptional bargain. Don't fail to whose mentions filled such a prominent niche in the Sunday pa pers, labled "Matchless Bargain Pointers," in the Olds, Wortmxa ft King exhibit.";.-;.:-.' GREAT FINAL SWEEP-OUT OF SUMMER MILLINERY. V; ' - . v STOCKS. A GREAT SALE OF .; , ' .,: r FSrsff Foliageg . ' vi L Ornaments S - Straw Dreids and Wire rrames a. I N "BIJOU" MILLINERY SALONS TODAY AND TOMOR r ROW, SECOND FLOOR ANNEX. Uc FOR FRENCH FLOWERS WORTH FROM 98c TO $3.80 Beautiful French Flowers and Foliage, suitable for trimming for v summer and early fall wear ;jralues; from 98c to $2.50. Special at, the bunch. ............U....... ...... ......34 WIRE HAT FRAMES In H the latest shapes; our 50c value. ' Special at, each. i.. ........ ....'.. ..... .......14t THE TEA R00 SECOND FLOOR. Asploas 9Mad T. W. O. Ju Mtwjroa TUESDAY AUGUST IS . Taa. ChoooUta. Milk. . Craajn of Calary Soup. ' ' Shrimp Salad. . Ham Ssndwlchaa. v Wbela Whaat and Whits Braad. i Blackberries and Cream. Calteloupea oa Ice. - .' 4 -Oranfe Bherbat. ... ' los vreajo.' "Sunsblns" Csks. Men Share the Sav ings in This Sale atoms OlaaavlT Tkls Weak of tha MUM SWTM SMkSV SIXTH STREET ANNEX SHOPS i -.. . FIRST FLOOR. H . . & ft $IM VMmmmm tot SSs. Ws include two different stylas of underwear In this toffar. , On la: Cooper's Spring Needle. . Ribbed Shirts and Drawers in blue, splendid foods and alwaye sold at-4111 tha garment The other: Man's White Mercar-. Ild Shirts Shd Drawers, ona of tha nloaat and beat mads garments In tha house. Wa haren't all slses but what ou used tnaf b among them. Thla Underwear also sails at but . for tomorrow and all weak wa offer both lines to you at tha great special sale price of, gr- ment 85 Item's a4 Boys' . Two-Flee Jersey Bathing Suits, for man and bojre; air at apaolal prices for thla week's selling. Our 11-00 Value Special at, tha suit r.:.-.. 50a) Our 11.1 valua Special at, the rsult Our 11.00 ralua (wore ted) Rpeclal , at, the suit .......fl.39 Our 11.00 value (worsted) Bpectsl at, the Suit , S2.00 r slo swir surts fo . Man's Qolf Shirts In all tha Uteet patterna In stripes and figured ef fects. Ona pair of cuff a. They are our regular value.- and that amount Will notjbuy you a. batter, snirx anywnere. ... Special aale price, each.... ... 60 '. as Wlmdaot las for lo. Windsor Ties In all plain and fancy affecta; our tlo value. Soerial Sale pries, each. . ts Com, for isa. . . ... Men's rcy Hosa In 1tH tan with f ft -Nwr' i l -c. blue ; a v r r our 1 two amsav bfsOzax a snra advised to get the hand of own catalogue each one is an, ex- see those wonderful values also . i 1 smzai asro TO cnasrA i t f . .. ; oxonx srow. , ; ; , ;;. TOTT SAVB A THIRD ON DINNER BETS A HALF ON SILVER TAB LEW ARB. . Silverware at Half Price - Oneida '-. Silverware, guaranteed, closing out odd Una. , Tablespoons; regular value I4.TS. Special, the doaen .Jt2.38 Forks: regular value $4.75. . Special. the dosen -92.33 Orange Spoons; regular value tl-Os. ' Speolal. the dosen .-31. SO Coffee Spoons; regular value I3.JS. Special, the dosen ........ 31. lf Sugar Broon and Butter Knife In ' box; regular value too. Special. tha pair . ...-4S4 Sugar Tongs; regular value aoc - Special, each .'...48 ' Oyster Ladles; ragulajr value) 11. 41. Special.' each 83 Soup - Ladles; regular value Special, each 3 LOO Pie Servers; regular value tl..' Speolal. eaoh ............ ...TSt Fish Forks: regular value $1.69. Special, each . TS Salad Forks; regular value t1-B4. Special, each -. .,..TS KATTLAjro osasr a vtmwam kmxm at on Tsams off. . In-Wkit Chinar with-Josephine and 1 Trianon Patterns. In odd pieces. . llT-piece set; regular value f 40.44. Speolal, set ............ 32T.CT 100-pleos set; regular-valu !S.4." Special, set 313.39 piece) set: regular value 120. to. . Special, set 913.67 The f rice - Drc!:c3 AreOffonGo-Ccrto ' And they're rolling down from Fourth Floor, along In front ef happy, new owners, all over town. The time for ym to buy ia whan we want to aell moat earnestly, which Is now. Th room occupied by 4 ho "Baby Buggies" ia wanted badly for ncrralng Autumn ooda, Oo-Carta are bulky and take up a heap of room we need the room you need the Clo-Carte lfa swap.. Prices ar reduced thla way. Adjustable Reclining Oo-Carts. also . Una or Adlustahla I. v.nil'i.'. - - . -Poldtw Oa Csrts-wlih automoblls- gear, antt-ftletion wneei rasten . era complete with cushion and ;; perseot $11. M value. SpecUl, eaeh. . f.r $14 value. Special, earo.PM $1$.$H valua speptait a v $. value. Spec'" I. t $1I.0 value, t f ', $tl 00 vel e. .' t M T- - I ''X