The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 14, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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frauds Gonna ThlnktNo Woman
Contracts for Construction Work
Actiny; Mayor of New York Fol
Second. Alaska. Property; on the
' . aaa. m f " e .
i With Aspirations Should con
to U9 Let ana wonc xo
lows His Wits) to Bring About
t" a Roconciliation.
-Usf of Copper Producers 4
Soon, , v
. . . ,'
template Matrimony
Begin Soon.
Vt:tttmw4e;:'t;it:, :: :tj;i...
A r.Iihty Tuonurrunt in f,i;ritcriou3 r,I:m:::::?.:3 f
: 1 FillLllRES
... ;
Lord of Creation Want His Wife to
Worship Him, Then Take Care of
the Children and Then Be Grateful
V for Food to Live Upon. . '
.. ' . Joemal Special Service.) 7 '
I" Paris. Aug. 14. "I marring!yeaked
Maud Oonne, the
riB;TPtf nf Am. icpcallng Jv ques
- tion put to Mr n "her hone at Paaay.
' Tt question Lwaa timely becauae thia
' -week a Paiia court granted tha feminlna
' ''Irian patriot a aeparatton from her
husband. Major John MacBride, who
-, fought with tha Boer against tha Brlt
V Ish. and later tha court will 'conelder
, j her prayer for a divorce from him.
j ! The anawer." ah continued, 'moat
. 'depend upon tha woman who la the
: wife, a If a woman really baa' aoraa
; thing worth- while doing" in tha world, I
i ay unhesitatingly, jbat maxrtag ia a
i deplorable atep for her, or la likely to
prove ao until after aha haa aecom
.'IWlahed hec work. . If abe,la an ordl-
nary, common, plain woman, than aba
i might a well marry as not. ;
. , "But man la ao aalflah! aha ex
? claimed. "No matter how loving he ia
f whetr are married, lie la aura to b
t com Jealous or sarcastic about his
wife's career. Finally be Is liable to
wake his wife's life a helL 1 -
-Thla la true of nearly all men. ; I
. ; have aeon-It thouaanda of time. I
hare aaan each of a thoueand brilliant
' women married to aoma commonplace
j man who thlnka har first duty la to
' worship him, then to take car of hla
i children and bom, then be grateful for
i food and elothee to live on.
j ' "Moreover, in tha way of happy mar-
VI rlagee there ia lncreaaing difficulty over
I dlacrapancles in th education of the
i man and the woman. ' In .the daya a
' woman la likely to beffer' educated than
. ; bar husband.. It la a fatal error for
auch a woman to take auch a man.
, Than he makea another, kind of hell by
mlsunderatandlng her and : ridiculing
; her from th standpoint of his hopelesa
' inferiority.
"The worst bar-to marital happiness
, ia man'a Inborn conceit hla tremendous
' ' halt hidden egotism. I deplore the self
. lahneaa of a lore that can aak a Una
woman to saeiifloe bar own legitimate
: 1 ambitions In making a man'a homo com
r foHable. . -
i "Biologically, marriage may t be an
undoubted necessity; humanly speaking.
It la automatic; but rrora tne viewpoint
of woman's beat happiness I deny that
- - marriage ia th- beat arrangement.:
And Delights TEoutanda of Tourists
$4 Seaeon acketa 4. .
On sal" eten
.',':. f 1.(0 Two-day tickets $1.19.
.1 On sale Saturday only. ;
. Thaough train leave Union depot
. a. aa. dally and every Saturday at 1:10
'p. m. No delays, no transfers, no dust.
Be C A. Stewart, agent 4 Alder
atreet. about tickets, official informs-
, tion, time cards, etc, and aak for Clat
sob Beach Souvenir, icontalning SO beau-
, tlful halftone illustrations. Tickets sold
at Union depot. :" . . ' j . v :
" On j T.' J. Potter, Queen of River
. Boats Don't Miss It " .
C -rJ J. Potter" sails for Astoria and
North Beach as follows: Aug. .11, S.16
''a. m.; Aug. 14. t a. m.; Aug. 17, S a. n;
' Aug. IS. a, m.j.Aug.: 19, 10:40 a. m.
Don't-fail to a the lower Columbia
from deck of thla magnificent boat
'j. Particulars and O. R. A N. summer book asking CU. W. Stinger, city ticket
' agent. Third ' and Washington . atreets,
' Portland.
Special Bsovxatom Batea.
, I . Vary low Ift-day tlcketa eaat offered
Vy O. R. N. August 14. li, September
14, IT. th a R.;V N. sails 00-day ape-
clal excursion tlcketa to eastern points;
stopover granted going and returning.
Partlculare of C W. Stinger, city ticket
- agent ft R. tt N Co Third and Wash
ington atreets. Portland.
Half Over August
' aad aje'ae added new lota of wash
suits and thla etuff a so tha eeaorw
' aaeat la etui sooiput,
; v ' .;
Aaguat stirs ay all the activity'
of the strenuous hoy. Oar auite
are full of the eatae flber. Ban
Salta, apaa Bloasas (formerly
oalled Bassias blouses), VorfoUt
le sod 45o Wash Suita 394
Te and II Wash Suita 59
lie Knee Pants.... ....19a
rancy Norfolk and .Bailor Bulls,
worth end 14.00, ..
now .. ..... . . . . . . S.u5
Fancy Worsted Sailor Suits, worth
' 14.00 and 14.00, now. ... . f 3.8S
vsTtala fot He aad Beys. '
lee-lee Third l av Monisom.
Is Largest Scheme in Acres Under
taken by tb Government Future
Yield in Tonnage Is Expected to
Be Exceedingly 'Large,
(Spselal Dlapatck te Tar, Jeamatt - -Klamath
rails. Or.. Aug. 14. The
United States reclamation service haa
not only, announced that the . Klamath
project will poaltlvel b "built, but th
people sre aaaured that eontracta for
construction work win D let tma i"
and actual work commenced thla year.
Estimatea for the KUroath 7alIs-Mer-
rill system hav been computed and for
warded to Washington. Aa soon aa tha
land owners complete th nec canary la-
gal arangeraenta th government win
advertise for bide.- Tha directora of tha
Klamath Water Uaara' asaocUtton stats
that these pspers will be signed within
a week. Then after 14 mon tha or untw
ine- effort . tha . reclamation aervlo ia
ready to begin conatructlon of an Im
mense project eomprlalng ISO.OOjO acres,
coaUng 14.600,000. . ' ',
To those familiar with tha many sa-
rioua obstacles , that hav been con
fronted br . the government . from tne
Very beginning it seems almost incred
ible that ao JDUch , haa been accom
plished in so short a time. There has
been no . gueeawork. - - Inveetigatlon
along every. Una "tffectlng. .or .which
might In any' way affect tha propoeeed
great System has been carried on dili
gently end th service is able to build
a system that will not b constantly
remodeled to meet changing conditions.
Is XAtyeet IToJeet. C
Thie ia the largest project in number
of Irrfgabl acrea that the government
has definitely undertaken. , It la also
tha least expensive, averaging III an
acre. T. H. Newell, chief engineer of
tha reclamation service, met tha direc
tora of the Water Users' association
and several large land owners her this
week and told them: that th government
would advertise for bids as soon aa a
sufficient percentage of th Klamath
Falls-Merrill aystera waa under - th
guarantee I squired by law, and gave
auggeatlona and assurances which will
greatly aaalat tha directors, who hav
labored unceasingly to bring land own-
era In Una, and they are confident of
meeting tha required conditiona within
a waek.-'
There has been a very large travel
to Klamath county thla year and prop
erty -is on tha move. Ther -havebea
several alngle .tranafevS Involving l0,
000 each and several others are only
awaiting a definite beginning of tha
great project which will inaur a laat
ing period of prosperity to th county.
Two railroads are promlaed: byJiexX
July, and prosperity la aaaured them by
1 tha following atatemenC by one of tha
glnaoaa at the aeawlsei iaf tss psnh
sble railroad business the county will
afford;. ' ;
Tnilst nig Toanag. -"It
is, of course, difficult, to predict
tha exact future tonnage this country
might yield for transport by rail as a
reault of tha building of thla project,
but the following data may. In a meaa-
ure, Indicate Ite possibilities. Klam
ath Falls, the county aeat of Klamath
county, has at tha preaent time a pop
ulation of 1.000 and the population of
the county is about i,000. The federal
project, as now planned contemplates
th Irrigation of 140.000 acre of land.
an area eaally capable of supporting
a community of 40.000.- The dry landa
with irrigation, are adapted to culture
of tha hardier frulta, grain and alfalfa,
while the swamp landa, when reclaimed,
will open up rich tul-peat landa, ad
mirably adapted to truck farming and
to culture of th various forage plaata
required for dairy Interests, sn lndua-
try which haa proven' so highly profit
able In tha bottom landa -of tha Bacra-
mento and Ban Joaquin valleys, Beet
culture also promises to become an ex
tensive industry in thla basin.
The extensive hill pasturage af
forded her' make thla fch 'excellent
stock country, -and there la now being
shipped from this district some 15,000
head of . cattle per ; annum. With the
large -Increaaa- lnf orag -eropa- tor-win
ter feeding .that 'will result from irri
gation, thla Induatry will expand and la
aura to become ona of the chief ele
ments of the future wealth of the .coun
try. The' timber Interests of tha coun
try are highly valuable and any railroad
entering It nuat pane -for much of Ita
length through a rich belt. of yellow
pine and ed fir. .
Th country abound In unsurpassed
pleasure reeorta, with Ashing, hunting,
boating and the proximity of Crater
lake, to make it Inevitably a Mecca for
th aummer pleasure seeker. . Ther ex
ist here hydro-electric power possi
bilities to aaalat In the general develon-
-meat4f lha country and. some of these
are now beingexploited. When the full
agricultural possibilities of the country
will hav been achieved ita exports, it
Is believed, will aggregate not leea than
10.000 care of freight per annum, and
moat of It will be of a claaa to yield
aubai&ntutl. tariffs. . ,
"On other matter worthv of mention
Is the advantageous eastern outlet tnr
any line of railroad built Into the
Klamath country. . Lying In a general
northeasterly direction- from Klamath
Falla there la a aeriea of Irrigation proj
ects, embracing in tha aggregate about
bvv.uuv acrea of land. Soma of these
are now being serloualy conaldered by
the"federal government and doubtleae
all are destined", aoma day,' to ba built
wnen trnnsportatlon and other elements,
affecting their coat, make tbetn fee-
Xow Bxenralon Bat Bast.
On August 14. 14 and September It.
IT, the Great Northern railway will aell
excursion ticket to Chicago and return
for 71.S0i at. Louie and return, $47.60;
St. Paul, Minneapolis and .nlnti. ..J
return, 444: tlcketa im rn.
I ,-"- .v. .w uajri iinai return limit ee
daya; good going via Oreaf Northern
.railway, returning ame or any dlreot
route, atopovera allowed going and re
turning.. For tlcketa and additional In.
formation cll on or addreaa It Dlckaon,
f.w." .T' 0r,,t' Northern Hfl
If. Third atreet Portland. ....
Baoaretoa Bat Beat.
It and 17, th Canadian Paclflo will
place, on aale special round trip tlcketa
to eaatern polnta at very low ratea.
For full particular call on or address
F. K. Johnson, F. A P. A- Canadian Pa
cific, 141 Third street Portland, Or '
Attorneys Say Divorce Case Will
Never Come to Trial Blackmailers
Will Be Prosecuted for Making
Catspaw Out of Woman.'';
(Joaraal Special Service.) .
New York, Aug. . 14. The senaation
which haa developed o,ut of. lb divorce
action brought by Mra. , Chanea w
Fornes against th acting mayor of New
York assumed greater proportions Satur
day when It was said that Mr. Fornes
had xollowed his wife1 In her hasty exit
from tha city. Mr. Fornes' friends still
assert that ha la determined to effect
a reconciliation at any coat, aave that
of hla reputation, and that ba is not
willing to accept tha theory that hla
wife, to whom he be shown so much
devotion, is a party to th alleged black-
malllna conspiracy. -
' At the earns time he la .equally de
termined, it la stated, to prosecute erlra
Inally thoae whom he declares bsve used
his wife aa a catspaw with th object of
obtaining 1140.000 in settlement of bis
domestic affairs. To this nd faota con
cerning th cass hav already been com
municated to th district attorney ana
It la believed aoma action will be taken
todays Th atatement of former sen
ator O'Sulllvan, who represents Mr.
Fornss. Is to th ffct that in bis
opinion th divorce prooaedlnga never
would have eome to trlal.M conaldered
algnlflcant by th acting mayor's frlenda.
I am. aura tn court or verm on i
hav no Jurisdiction in thla caee," said
th attorney. "Mrs. Fornes haa no home
In Vermont that ia legal for th purpoa
of divorce proceeding and I .do not be
lieve the case will ever come to trial.' :
Raoul Berthelot. the young French
man whose nam haa been linked with
that of Mrs. Fornss, did not communi-
cat with th attorney for either eide
Saturday, although he waa expected to
do so. .
1 attribute all thla trouble to Berthe
lot whom w met In Pari vara! years
ago," Mr. Fornes said. . "1 have don
everything in my power to break up the
acquaintance between him and my wife."
Berthelot who la -a grandson of tha
let William II. Beers, at ona time presi
dent of th New Tork Life Insurance
company, ia said to hav followed Mr.
and Mrs. Fornee on their return to thla
country ahortly after the meeting. He
la handaom arid about 24 years of age.
On th voyage to th United State
Berthelot made th acquaintance of a
young American who la a member. f
eeveral art clubs and who then lived at
l4F1fth avenue: The Frenchman re
mained with hi friend several months.
but is said to hav moved elsewhere
when taken tptaak for being so much in
oetved an allowance from hla grand
mother. who Uvea In Parla. and he usu
ally want to the office of a bualnaaa ac
quaintance at 14 Broadway to receive
Low Excursion Rates to the East.
' On bale August 14. 18, 14 and 14;
aleo September It and IT. the Rock
Ialand railway will sell round trip
ticket to eastern points at greatly re-
duoed rates. For full particular call en
or addrea A. H. , McDonald, general
agent 140 Third street Portland, Oregon.-,
- '.- : .
) "" m 1 .. -.
' Tory lew Bates Bast. -
O. R. N. announcea cheap rate to
Buffalo, August 14 and IS. Vary low
rat, long-tlm tickets to Buffalo. New
Tork, account supreme court session
Foresters of America. Particulars of
C W. Stinger, city ticket agent O. R.
N. Cox. Third and Washington streets,
Portland. , V
Teaehare Bxamlnatioxw - -
(Spselal Dispatch t The Joaraal.)
Grante Pass, ONAug 14 There
ware 14 appllcanta taking tha examina
tion at the eeml-annual teachera' ex
amination which closed Saturday. Of tha
14 only two were men. . Ten of the ap
plicants took th examination for county
papers and Ave for state papers. .
" Ask th Attendant. ; , '
In the Mellln' Food Exhibit at th
Lewis and Clark exposition th attend
ant will b' delighted to glv you any
and all Information that you maydeatre
tn regard to ualng Mellln a Food. They
have aom nice cloth-bound books to
give away that tell all about Mellln'a
Food; they will mall you on If you will
ask for It." '
i 15 Gents
It looks like a roll of $100
5 bills (but it Isn't i. It is.
j j however, a practical purse j
1 1 a fine souvenir of the Lewis i '
! and ClarK fair and just the !
tiling w scnu to your inenas. t
v-The price is reduced from
25c to .
See 'em in our window.
-r Booksellers and
i.i v. Stationers. .
Creit TbJns at Little Prices
Deliveries o( Kock Will Commence
as Soon as the Surface and Aerial
Tram Systems Now Under Way
Are Completed. " ' ,
A Portland company will be one of the
heaviest, shfppers from tha Ketchikan
district of' Alaska. ,', Manager Samuel
Peacock, of the Omar Mining company,
which some time ago took over tha old
Khayyam property, has made a contract
with Manager Thomas Kiddle, of the
Tye smelter, at Ladyamlth, B. C, for a
heavy tonnage of or this year, ship
ments to begin following completion of
tha surf aoa and aerial tram -lines at, the
mines. '. ' ' '
Until this year the Nlblaok mine, on
Prlnoe of Wales ialand. haa been praetl
cally the only : copper producer of
Alaaka. Its anaual tonnage, has been an
Item for th Paget Sound amslters to
atruggla over, aa the production Is usu
ally heavy. Th Omar property la near
th Nlblaok, and has been developed to
considerable extent but owing to Its
situation was unable to put its ores on
th market . . When , Manager . Peacock
took charge, h Immediately -arrane-ed
ror a motor line from the rain working
to th brow of th declivity leading to
th bay, and connected th wharf with
thla terminus of the motor Una by
means or an aerial tramway. Th Ham
mond Manufacturing company, of thla
city, la installing the tram. - and
suranoe la given that the work will be
flnlahed early In the fall, so that the
first deliveries on the Tye contract
may be mad whll navigation la unob
structed. . Steamers from th north call
at Ladysmlth for. ooal.. which, will make
transportation an .easy problem, with'
out disarranging any of the present gall
ing schedule. ,
aak Bivar BUnama TJanavigabl at aa
Barllae Bate than Venal. -
fSpeeUl'Disnsteb ta The JearaaLl
Lewiaton, Idaho. Aug. ,14. Snake
river Is below the navigable point in the
upper reaches, and th Imnaha copper
camp win receive no further auppliea by
boat thla year. , Dispatch was mad In
replenishing th Eureka. ' Fargo and
Weatern Union propertlea. 'and It la be
lieved that operation wUl continue with
out Interruption throughout th winter.
Much" or the supplies of the oamp is
hauled from Wallowa valley, over the
new road completed down th Imnaha
river. As the dredge Wallowa waa to
operate on th rapid between Asotin
and Pittsburg landing during th period
of mean water level. Ite working eaon
haa been cut much shorter than waa
expected. . . ... - - .
Baker City. Or., Aug. 14. The Cornu
copia haa aent -through thla place Its
first three carloada of ore for the Sump
tar emelter, and It is understood that
others wUl follow soon. Manager
Pierre Humbert doe not indicate where
th ore Is secured, but it la believed
to com from the Leat Chance work
ings. ,
Secretary Perkins, of ths Cracker
Highland Mining company, operating at
Bourne, haa received Information that
tha Little Cracker, an adjoining prop
erty, has a promising body of or In
tha face of a 400-foot crosscut. . Th
second vein on the Little Cracker la tha
aame fissure which la being driven for
by the Cracker-Highland. . and . Mr
Perkins feels confident . that when his
company has don a deep work, the
reaults will bs squally satisfactory. '
.Sumpter, Or., Aug. 14. Shipments tt
ora from the B. E. mine In Cracker
Creek district continue, although milling
haa been suspended. The E. A f., which
Is owned by Jonathan Bourne, of Port
land, la able to maintain a ahlpplng out
put from th adit levels, whll sinking
operations continue.
i --
.Rcseburgt.Or Aug. 14. Mayor K. V.
Hoover and Attorney C H. Hamilton, of
this city, hav returned from a trip to
thtf mining properties on the head of
West Fork creek. Asaaya on th ur
faoa ehowt the ore tn run-htghrOn the
Marttndal property, where tunnele 104
feet tn length have been driven, the ore
aaaays better than on their group.
(Special Dispatch te The Joaraal.) ( I
Rainier, Or., Aug. 14. Troubles never
com singly with John Larson of. this
town;. Last weak he took in and clothed
a tramp boy",' who Claimed good lrnt
age. He gave him a plaoe of truet on
his ' farm. Tstrday Larson's little
daughter fell from her tricycle and
broke her arm. During the excitement
th boy disappeared, taking with -'him
a gun, a pair of 17 shoee and various
other artlclea. Th sheriffs of Aatorla
on bli trail. r ,
(Spsetel tHspatet te The JeareaLI
O rant a Pass, Or., Aug. 14: There are
but three free rural mall delivery routes
tn southern Oregon one at Grante Paaa.
ona at Madford and one 1 at Central
Point A petition ia being circulated
for another on out from Grant Paaa
down Rogue river on the north side,
crossing to the south side on the new
ferry put In by Conger Broe. and back
to town on the aouth aide. There are
about 100 famtllea on the route.
Xaame Teachers' Papers. '..
(SDtcial Pispatcl to Tb looraaL4 V
" Vale, Or, Aug47The-eounty-4oardfA
tt teachera' examlnera haa Just com
pleted the grading of the appllcanta'
papers and Isaued county certificates to
the following named peraoner r First
grade Misses Anna T. McQivern and
Margaret McQivern, Ontario; Mlaa
Emma Pltcatrn, Mr. O. S. Rldgley, Vale.
Second grada Mia Kathryn McOlvarn
Ontario; Mra. Nalll M. Putnam, Welser,
Idaho, and Ml Sarah H. Frank, Pay.
tt, Idaiio.- - ' f . .
'Three spectres that threaten baby's
life. Cholera Infantum, dysentery, diar
rhoea. Dr. Fowler'a Extract of Wild
Strawberry never falls t conquer them.
rJetfs' and Boys: Fiae
IFof a
In the Dig
tw-o erncc.
' I4v3 -145 B)AN KLIN JT
, vtw e
f . ...
' &J-
TERMS tCT CASH . ' '.No'thim
Portland, Oregon, Friday, Aug. 11,
f . , (From Evening Journal.)
' Oreat Ovpoctnalty oamerrew.
r - Tb bis double store , building '' at
: northwest corner Flret and Salmon
streeU ,wlU be a scene of busy time, j,
Th bis bargain al of $100,000 worth
of fin men', boy and obildren'e olotb- '
ing. hate, ehoea and furnlahlnga today
'(Friday) la devoted to wholesale only,
and many Portland merchants are buy-:
Ing faU goods, aa the prloae are by-far,.
' the lowest ever ouoted for euch a high
standard of mechendlee. : Commencing
tomorrow (Saturday). a. m., th bal
.enoe of th etock wUl be sold at retail
. at prioea that behoove every person to
take advantage of thle eele.- Mr. Lang-
. worth, manager In charge, eaye that '
Portland, on aooount of the fair, le nat-
' u rally a great center for both the whole-' .
aal and retail trade. Holland Broe,
.Allegheny,. Pennsylvania, bankrupt
"stock, edd through Ssmuel OaBt Oa,
Chicago. . That Portland Is favored by ,
, ao large and bone, fide aale of goods, .
right at the aeaaon when people are
laying In faU and winter supplies, en- .
Abies th people to select from a big
rholSMl stook at 40 per cent of retail ;
prloe. Th sal wUl be open dally. I
' m. tlU 8:40Jp. m. :f ,' . - - : ;
. , ........ .
m sull1vaii pays - visit
to towErof lo;:do:i-
Says Uncfs Simpson on ths Bow
ery Hat Batter Show Than .
V the Crown Jewels.; i-;
Uearaal Special Serrlee.l
London. Aur. 14. Congressman Tim
othy U Sullivan.' who has bean, tour
ing Europe for avral month, Bailed
for horn today on th Campania.' Bs
for leaving London Congressman Sul
livan said , that on arriving in ' New
Tork -he intends to resign his offlc as
congraaaman of th Eighth Nw Tork
district . Mr. Sullivan says he prfre
to represent his constituents in th n-
at at Albany, wonwiun "-k.
Mr. Sullivan said:. - ',.'". ' ; '
"It would bw a goon tning ior an
Urlalatora 1 to .. Vts t EUrop. L-Vnil
Europe, th lattr haa mor to learn
from Aremlca. naitner anow
though each thinks it does, r - '
"I Tlslted th old tower Of London.
H' la very old and tmpreaalve from
are tnatantly relieved, and perfectly
healed, by Bucklen e Arnica Salve. C.
Hivenbark, Jr, of Norfolk, V-, writ:
"I burnt my kne dreadfully lhat It
blistered all over. Bucklen s Arnica
Helve etopped th pain, and healed it
without a. anar." Also heal all wound
nd aorea. 14 at fc.kld.raor Drug C
141 Third at . , . ; : t.
The ;StockK;of
Iron end Stone Dnsiness BlocL
f e07-0 CA3T' iA6l0 'STetCT,
- ttiasHoeee -Am 4t.uto -trsj
etus MKtaU rn new yok ok Chicago ' ttCHMGL.
V, M(fcti6n$.llo9J tKtptJtfnciiljgnmeQt.
; : New.York, June 20, 1905
' . By. a decision mad yesterday the en
tire fine $100, 000 clothing, etc. stock of the
defunct Holland Bros, will be shipped to
Portland, Oregon, . and sold at ' wholesale
and retail- The catiseof this action was
undoubtedly the fact that the Lewisand
Clark Fair is causing Portland to be a .
great center for both whoHesale and retail
trade. Reports indicate that the fall trade ;
will center .in that dry and probably be
the largest both jobbing and retail center
outside 1 of San Francisco on , the entire
cMstthisfalLr-r The first -sHprnen-of;
about : one-half of the stock,; leaves , to
morrow by special fast freight., vi-'-'V-Vt'".';
From the Semi-Daily' Commercial
. Statistics.'
..... ' .... -v -,'.'';..'-' -
- aaat-s-.BAtttlf-fffrIVafIfCl
I We are closing out all our.ShirtwaLsts an4.DrcssSkirta at
HALP PRICE in order to make room for our Oriental goods
Cotton Creoe Shirtwaist Pattern, oriental desien," rejni- - -
. 'lar $4. Special :.....w..Vi.....;....i.i,.;...f2.73
Mohair Skirts, all colors, regular $3 to $7. 1 v Z
' Special;. v, . . . v. . ; i . . . . i... '. . .$1.50 to $ 3.50 v t
. , i W carry the-largest stock in the city of Oriental goods.
Come and inspect our line before buying elsewhere as we j
i feel sure you will, save by so doing our prices are the low-,
est. .Best attention given all who call. w v v J
VVestern Importing Cb.
fth - outsid, but on th Inside It re-
mlrtds me uf a factory? They aay tne
Wljlts tower wa a palac In th old
daya. If that waa a palace,' I wonder
how th people .lived.
X-'Th -crown Jewel did not imprees
me. I gueaa Uncle Simpson on - the
Bowery could -make a better ahow. I
wonder, why Englishmen lt th tower
etandT Every atone In It ia a monu
ment of Injustloe, cruelty, oppression
and murder. Any ether country would
hav wrecked th towar a century ago.
"London In many way Is th finest
olty I hav ea. It beat New Tork
In many thing, , but New York haa
London eklnned - on. tranalt London'a
C?oSin,r?, ii
i ') '
V UDWIS oct.- v
'i - .- te wis ape,' ' - '
;;. ;; ;
. i ' ,4. ).''..' j - x
i,f -i; I1. . i . !
S ttfflilMDOlU
te.llnea are 4 .yeere behind thoae of
Nw--rorkr - " 1 ZT
. "I've concluded that next to Ireland ' "
America Is the flnsst country In ' the "
world. England may be all right for . .
Englishmen and Franc for. Frenchmen, .
tut give me. America for mine," ;ix ;
' ' . Shtearelon' Bates ' 4 Vewyoft, ; '.
' The ' Southern Paclfle company has
placed on aal at all Portland offloae -round
trip tlcketa to Newport -at rat
of 14. limited t October 19, 105, and
for 1 Haturday to Monoayi ticket. '
Ample hotel aeeommodattoaa at reaaon- .
able ratea are provided at thle popular
reeorta, ; - . '.; .
. V''
jt ...
'"-. -ir iV.
. : j. .