The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 14, 1905, Image 5

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    AXLY JCUlIAIv rC7LA.:: I C:iT Y '. CVmillO, -AUGUST lClSCJ.
' , . " - - 4 ' , . .
' toirioHT i unCxtvn.
-Relaere . ii4rr
Mariua),"Th gkladlcate aad the KludcrfarW!
1-rrle rThe Lara Th.t WIm"
btif V ruder! I la
Oraed ........ i VaucWTllla
.. Ilakr VaodaTill
,.. YOJJ SOtir A VAT I
Subecrlbers ot Tee Journal wee fa
Miff f IW a Buk A lnn.M B. K haw
4 -'-the Mm Bteaoed at tkalr nildaaees
u4 Ml t an addreaa tr mall al
the res-alar nut, and eulleatkta will be
ae br rag-ulir carrier after raters
to tb city, eicept lit Long Bench nn4
aid. Im TD Jwui baa a re-
star carrier dptlrvry. Otto Bit
ot Itwaeav WaabUf toar ban Cham of
Toe Journal an Loo( Baach and Lewis
Co. of Seaelde save charge ef The
Joarnal o eaalde or Clataop baaeh. -Dallee a.ada at tbaaa twa
&dals . at recolar aeheerlptiee) rataa.
It roar chanse of addreaa to rear
r or Phuna Main Son iod DromDC
eiiaotioa will ha glroa all
' Special aarvlcea war held at St. Law
, rence church yesterday in observance of
, ina feast or , Bt. Lawrence, the patron
saint. 'The celebrant of the mail waa
; the paator. -Rev. J. C. Hughes, assisted
"' by the Very Rev. M. A. Qulnlan of
.' Columbia unWeralty. and the Rev. D. P.
Curley of St. Mary'a church, Alblna. The
panegyrlo on the saint waa delivered by
', the Rev. Dr. Hughea of Bt. Paul. Minna
ota. who told the . early htatory of the
church and of St. Lawrence, the martyr.
who cava all to the poor of Rome, an
. act of charity, for which- he Buffered
death . over a' alow fire. : ThN muatcal
' ' featurea of the' mace were onueually fine.
The eoiolate were Mlaa Elisabeth Har
t waa and Mfc Sprlngmeyer, aaalated by
, MessrsJohn Montsg, A. Oalnetl, A. Cain
. and Dr. David Walker. Mlaa Mattle
.... Kelly presided 'at the organ, j -
, , A feature of the- Paclno Coaat Teach
era Inatltute week at the exposition,
""'August, II to 7, will be a general con-
. ; . re rence on. Indian affaire, hem Hatur
. day, . August 17, under the auspice of
tha exposition committee on congresses.
A number of prominent Indian educator a
r will apeak. Seaalona will be held at the
. American Inn parlora in the forenoons.
,The Saturday program will Inolude an
.aenreas By Dr. Sheldon jackaon, com-
. mlssloner of education for Alaskan In
, diana. whoae subject will be "Nativea of
.Alaska. Their Present Conditions and
Needs.- F. F. Avery of Miles. Washing
' ton, will talk on "Shorter Terms of En
. roiiment for larger Boy and Girls in
. Reservation School. ) ,
-' Ulss Jane Brewster talked on "De-
mand. and Supply" in one of ber health
lectures, end she s herself m good iUue
. .tratlon of the principle that when (he
.,; demand la sufficiently strong the sup--.
ply l forthcoming. More frequent
talks :Wre demanded by some of her
moat entbuelastlo listeners, and she
. '' straightway gave ahort dally talks in
her parlor at the hotel. Now her au
' ( dlencea have grown too large for hf
' , accommodations aid tomorrow she will
supply tha demand for more room by
' reverting 4o tha publio lectures In- the
.. Knlghta of Pythlaa hall in Marquam
' ) bulldUic Her subject at 10:10 tomor-
row morning win be. "Opportunttiea
Why Do They comer'
'It la 'announced by R, H. Ke'rena, prea
Ident of tha Missouri '.commission, to
the Lewis and Clark expoaltlon. that
Governor Joeenh Folk of Missouri Willi
viau t-pniaiui aooui me miuaie oi ttepr
tember. Mr. Kerens has received a let
, . tar from tha governor, who aaya: "It
ia my" intention to be In Portland Sp
1' tember IS and 14, reaching there perhaps
. .Beptemoer. IX The Mlaaourt commit
alon will arrange a special program for
a .Mlasourt dsy st the exposition Sep
.'temver"l 4 and all Mlsacuriana' in Port.
land will join in making Governor Folk's
visit a, notable occasion. ... ,
"Missionary Work in India" waa the
. theme of. an addreea by Mlaa vMattie
' Burgess.-a returned missionary, at the
' First Christian church last night Her
. long experience In tha work of educat
' ing and. Chrlatlanlatng the , people . Jn
, India 'had given her an abundance .of
' Interesting Information on tha subject.
. which aha imparted to her attentive
audience. She paid a high tribute to
medical missionaries and especially to
.'woman doctors, who, she said, had eape-
' clal -opportunity of taking tha goapel
into, homes where men doctors would
Miot oe allowed. ;
' Tha receipts from tha baseball game
between teams from tha ofncea of the
' sheriff and the county assessor Saturday
afternoon will amount to about f !00. all
of which will be donated to the Baby
' home. County Assessor Blgltr team
, experts a 'challenge thia week from the
' employee of the euatom-houae or the
? city hall. ' If a game should be arranged
will be played ifaxt Saturday, -As In
; ,the other game, the receipts will be do
nated to a cnariuDie inaiuution. .
" Ilfa -Preeorverj Purchaaed. -The Fa
vorlte Boating company has - carried
' -thousands upon thousands of passengers
to The Oaks and return without an acci
dent, still we have equipped our launches
with . lle ' preaervera. We have, there.
" fore, taken every precaution for the
safety 'of our patrons. Dock upper side
-' bridge, foot of Morrison street. Tele
-phone Main (40S. Launches for charter,
- Delightful trolley trip to BstacaSa on
tha 'Clackamas rlve-i IS miles .from
Portland; round trip ticket, Including
dinner at tha O. W. P. resort Hotel Ea--tacada,
11.75.' Cars leave from Jlrat
and Alder streets every two hours, i .
In tha case of Thomaa B. McDevltt,
Jr., agalnat tne eetate 'of tha late A. J.
- Bears, County Judge WebsteMhle mom-
It's the
r ' i
Tou get out of your watch that
makee it valuable, Tou can buy
rlenty of watchea that look nice,
f that la all ynu want; mit If It
Is'to be a reliable timepiece It Is
neeeaaary that the 'movement
should be properly adjusted. Al
most any old watch can be made
' to run fairly accurate for a few
daya or a week A dollar watch""
oftenrdoea that; but If you want
something dependable you will
have to pay a fair price for U.
We have them as low aa t7.00
for an El sin or Walt ham. and as
much higher aa you care to go.
' We ran give you a nickel, eilver,'
gold-filled or gold watch, and our
guarantee follows the Bale. If
, you are thinking of - making a
purchaae come and see ue. . :
' MO Morrlsoa at, aTaag rtftk. '
ing allowed Jvia.aisat in- favor of tha
piainia in xne sura ox. save, anoruy
before hls'death Sears agreed . to, pay
McDevltt 600 if ha could find pur
ohaaer for the Dlrigo saloon, at Seventh
and Washington streets, of which Sear
waa tha proprietor. McDevltt found
purchaser, but before the sale waa com
plated Seara d.ed. McDevltt then asked
for the allowance of his claim. - Tha at
torneys for the estate contested the
claim on tha ground that if tt were-l
lowed there would be no money left for
the heirs or Seara. McDevltt proved
that a contract had been, entered Into,
ana secured juagmeni.
' While Alexander C. Lohmlre was driv.
Ing in a buggy, accompanied by his
niece, on Sixth street yesterday after
noon, a spindle of tha front axle broke,
releasing the wheel and allowing the
front, and of the vehicle to fall. Mr.
Lob mire saw the axle break and pulled
up his horse. , The animal was spirited
and took fright Mr. Lohmlre and the
young woman were tnrewn ouand the
horse ran away. The accident did' not
result in serious Injury to-elther oecu
pant or the buggy. Mr. ; Lohmlre was
unhurt and his companion received.
anftil pruiae on the arm and ahoulder.
The ' horse was caught several blocka
a way after It had wrecked the buggy.
Presiding Judge Fraser of the etate
circuit court returned from Ocean Park
this morning, and to a number of Inter.
ested attorneys. : who had gathered In
his courtroom, he announced from cham
bera that he would render a decision
In the Irvlngton Park poolaelling case
tomorrow morning.' The attorney were
given the privilege of making further
argument, but none had any additional
remarks to make, and the matter rest
on the decision of the court - .
Chief Deputy City V Auditor Slgel
urutxe and wife have returned from
two week's trip to California. They
apent several day at McCloud In the
Sierra Nevada mountains and from
thsra journeyed t Ban Francisco. p
Trolley exourslone over the O. W. P.
Ry Co.' entire system. 100 miles, for
i. with two-hour stop at Eatacada for
luncn at the hotel. Train leaves Flrat
and Alder streets dally, except Sunday,
at : a. m., return p. m.
Tourista well a city Deonla finan
cially amoarraaaea. will nod . tha Port.
land Loan Offlee, T4 Third street the
safest and moat, reliable place to trans
act ineir business. Rates reasonable.
Ladles , who are Interested In the
study of life should hear Jane Brewster
Tuesdsy, August IS, 10:10 a. m.,ln the
it. oc r. nail. Marquam building. . '
Any watches cleaned. 11.00: main.
spring, 11.00; all work guaranteed one
year. Metsger at Co, 111 Sixth street
U at M. Delivery CO.. til Waahlnaton
at, phone Main 104, makea dally trip to
ueaia ana au intermediate point.
N-iffett Hot Spring. I1.J0 day; II
and $10 week; bath. Ito, Take Regula
tor line
Good signs. .Quick delivery. Foster A
aueieer, fifth ; and Everett streets. .
Try a meal without meat at tha Van.
lanao eaxe, jve Dixm airee.
Frits' tamales ara the , beat
' '
Tha greab event of the expoaltlon to
morrow will be tha presence of David B,
Franola. who' was president of tha Lou
isiana Purchaae expoaltlon. In honor of
whlgh th day haa beeja named. There
win he apecial exerclaee in the Audi.
tortum at 4 o'clock. The day ha also
been namsd for Virginia ; City, Boise,
Olympla. Bbelton . and Coeur' D'Alene.
The Civic conference, will be another
strong drawing card.
The-order of event tomorrow will
.be: ' ' -,. ; . -.:..
1 a. m. -Buildings, government build
ing and trail open.
to 11 m. Administration band, re
ceiving- Elka -at I'nion ; depot and In
tranaportstton building bandstand.
1:10 to 2:19 p. m. Olympla day ex-
erelaea, Washington building. Tenth In-
fentry band, in attendance. j .
S to 4 p. jn.ClvIc JQPfereneea, Audi
1:10 p. m. Grand concert, Dlerke'a
band, bandstand. Gray boulevard.,
1:10 n., m. LifJsavtng service exhi
bition, on lake. J -
t to 4 p. m. Coacwt Admlnlatratloa
band, California building.
1:10 to 4:10 p. m. Concert, Tenth In
fantry band, government terrace. -
9:10 to : p. m. Organ recital. Prof.
F. W.. Goodrich, forestry building.
4 to S p. m. Louisiana Purchaae day
exerciees.v Auditorium, administration
band In attendance. rr t :
S to I p. m. Admlnlatratloa band In
Mlseourl building. Reception In Mis
souri building. - i '
1:10 p. m.-Government exhibit Closes.
p. m, Exhibit buildings close.
4:10 p. m. Grand operatic concert by
Klralfy's "Carnival of Venice" company
on ruatlo step.
I p. m. Grand concert. Dlerke band,
bandatand," Gray boulevard.
I p. m. Grand electrical Illumination,
lip. m Oatee close. I -- ---
.j.j- 1 1 i i ii iii i .-
klJi-Crtat Pralss .r, 'C , .
From all who tak thla delightful rMe
on the Willamette river. There are
many visitors In .our , beautiful cltyi
and none ahould leave It without first
making this trip. Gtvea one a grand
view of. the city with its tall buildings
snd grand hills. , Boat leave Taylor
streat doer t andIl:l ar m. and 1:10
m. . Round trip, only 4S cents.
. Sitka and Return $60, '
Steamer Cottage Cltyl August ' 11. 14.
Skagway, Sitka and return. Steamer City
of Seattle. Auguet 14-14, Skagway. Last
excursions of the season. Psdflo Coaat
Steamahlp company, !4t Washington
street. Phone Main 12. '
The Mott. Unique in ths Cltyi
Tour visit to Portland should Include
by all meana a visit to the much-talked-about
grillroom of the Hotel Oregon,
with their unique and costly decorations.
Superb cuisine, perfect service and mod-J
erata-prleee: ThtrrsTorTs Chicago Sym
phony orcheetra arter p. m. An Ideal
reeort to take your friends to. Comer
of Seventh and Stark streets, opposite
the Publio library.
V Jan Brawster.
Jane Brewster talk of the "Art of
Corsstry." It mean mora than "stays"
or a "girdle." Tha lace front eoreet
give natural artistic lines, proper car
riage, comfort and health. Hear her
Tueeday. .10 at m K. of P. halt Mar
quam building. .- . - '
1 Milwaukl Country Club, i
Eastern and Seattle race. Take Sell,
rood and Oregon City car at Flrat and
Acting Head of Government
Writes to . The Journal's
: . Special Party.- ?
Governor-Won't Guaraittce That All
v oi iDcm win us auowcq to fie-
turn' Home, However Plant for
. Trip Through the Island. -
- New candidate are entering The
Journar contest for a trip to Hawaii for
eight of the' moat popular young women
of Oregon. A royal welcome will greet
The Journal' gueata upon their arrival
In Honolulu. Thia la evident from a let
ter Juet received from A. . C Atkinson,
the acting governor of Hawaii. - A letter
previously - written to the governor of
the Island ha been referred to Mr, K.
M.Trent of the Hawaiian promotion com
mittee and he. haa already started to
make arrangements for the visitors.
Acting Governor Atkinson in hi let
ter ava: i .
"Tour enterprise deaerves Its reward
and wilt -without doubt receive It You
may rest aaaured that the delegation of
"Oregon's fairest ' daughters' will be
heartily welcomed to- Hawaii, and that
their visit will be made an enjoyable
ene. VNo guarantee will be given, how
ever, that they, will all be returned to
Oregon." . ,
The matter of arranging a trip to the
volcanoea for -The -Journal' gueata ha
been referred to R. H. Trent and a let
ter from him will probably com on the
next eteamer and tell of a delightful
trip that ha been arranged for the Ore
gon visitor. v ; i
Among the new candidate who -have
been nominated 1 Mlaa Mary E. David
son In the sixth district Miss David
son I a pupil of the 'Capital Business
college at Salem and waa born In Ore
gon. ' Her nomination waa lndoraed by
prominent cltlaen snd she enters the
contest with much influence In her dis
trict' - . .. - :
Another new candidate come from
the seventh district. She Is Mis Lillian
Webster of Philomath and I one of the
many handsome daughters of - Benton
coilnty. The vote for the various can
didates wll be published tomorrow and
the number each haa received In the last
few daya will enow- the great lntereat
being manifested in the conteat . ,
After-Long -Absence From" the
Stage, She Will Appear in
y ; v "Audrey" Tonight
After an absence from the stag ht
main- months. Miss Edith -Angus 1 to
make her reappearance tonight at the
Belasco theatre aa a -member of the Be-
4 .
--ft 'V p : 4 '-. v
. Sr v H, 5 ''i !
l i iMft. e.jr u' MAmimtw
v Mis Edith Angu. .
laaco Mayer forcea. The new bill- la
dramatisation of ' Mary Johnson s
novel, "Audrey,' and Mies Angu will
play on of the, principal role.
Aimougn me young acirasa uas oaan
local favorite for several seaeona.
Mia Angus Is best known '"here as a
former member of the Columbia stock
company. She reu lir end underwent
several difficult operation For weeks
her life waa despaired of and tha big
benefit given her trfrlend last wlntef
I generally regarded . aa having - been
on of the chief meana) of rescuing iier.
-ti. 1 rr'-
areat Organist Oomlng. - f -Clarence
Eddy, world' greateet organ-
1st, gives -two recitals at "Trtntty ThurcB
next Thursday and Friday evenings, 'ue
occasion is the opening of the great
Kimball pipe organ. finest in 4he west
which ha Just been Inatalled by Eilers
Piano House. A strictly, limited num
ber of ticket on sale at the J. K. GUI
company, woodsrd, . Clarke at Co, and
Ellera Piano House. . t
: Freleejed gtoek oaaaea
Allen Lewie Meet Brand.
Jbt Switzerland of America
OahimMa Slr SHHmtalea, ,' Vfeka, .
Mtrka, ladcea, aaarnna, forfae, water
fall (Mallooeiab, MO faet), fmea and
foraeta eaae dally frost the dacke the'
-rT erruatia-
Chas. R. Spencer
' leaving ftt ef Waabtnt tea etieat at
T a. aa. (axrapt rrMay eel aeadart far
The Pallae aad fetern. . Paaaaseera ead
frelaht at lowest ratee.
to rsi rotra klliov polla
cascads tocza AMD SROajf.
Leavtag foot af Waabtastaa atieet at
a. at., erTl.tat heme at t p. si.
Telephone Main ItJt , ' . '
. w. arawoaa, -' ,
Oeneral Manager. Portland Or.
One East Side Street Used Sixty
" Two ? ThoMtandl Cation .
V Saturday Night..
Supply Thug Thrown) Away Would
. Keep a London Family for s Year
and a Portland One for Two
Month Meanwhile Other Suffer.
The east aide a race ef Tke Jouraal Is la
the atore of Mrs. r. W. McKlnaer. WO Heat
atorriaaa atreaU, - Talapheee Beat STB.
'A belated pedeatrian Sunday morning
counted an even eoore of lawn sprinklers
running -at full vent on his way home.
The hour was I a. m., -the walk 'was
from Holladay avenue north on Lhrrabee
street to Ruaaell, from Ruaaeli to Mis
sissippi avenue and from Mississippi
avenue north to Going street. . . There
was hourly going to waate, contrary
to the rules of the-watar board, e.10
gaHonsf water; probably more we
waated. aa only (ha sprlnklsrs In the
front yarda, which could be easily heard,
were enumerated. A three-arm sprinkler
uses II gallona an hour, and tha ma
jority In use are ef this sort.- Counting
but the to. and granting that the bouae
holder' would arlae at o'clock and
ahut off the water. In the 10 hours
1.000 gallons would be wssted on prac
tically one east side atreet.
' What such a waate meana may be
understood when It la learned that the
average London family uaea 100 gallons
a day; the water waated on one eaat aid
atreet Saturday night and Sunday morn
ing . would have laated auch a family
nearly a year, and would have aupplled
110 families m London for It hours.
At even the high average In Portland,
1,000 gallon for every family, the water
waated on the street, during the night
would have supplied 61 families for
When the 10 or mora aquare miles of
East Portland are taken into considera
tion, and , the waate on this street le
multiplied by 100, some conception of
ths waate ia had. Frequently after a
lawn sprinkler haa , run all night the
atdewalk before the lawn 111 be cov
ered with mud waahed down from the
embankment and eomettme for three
block the overflow may be traced.
.While the people living near the malna
are wasting the water in thia manner
the patrone of tha aystem living in the
higher and more remote districts have
not enough water for the commonest
houeehold needs, and tha water board la
compelled to uae the supply from the
Lower Alblna artesian wella In order to
get up enough preesur to pump to the
mora remote uburbs. , , .,;
KUwaokle Olab Olvem
Cta oass to 9
froek Broker oalaea.
To avoid responsibility the Mflwaukle
council last week passed an ordinance
allowing J:beflratton JLMft-tliejJlgbX .tQ
receive stock snd grain- quotations. No
mention was made regarding the aell
ing of racing pools. . Ae -the selling is
contrary to the Ute law the- council
some weeks ago -repealed the ordinance
which bad given Iaaao Oration and his
aaaoclatea tha privilege, but to still give
favors which would sllow ths collection
of ths high license paid by the club
the laat ordinance, waa Introduced. That
neither stock quotations nor grain op
tion are eold to anV msrked extent at
the club houa I generally admitted ny
tha habltuee. and in private life the
management I prone to boaat that "all
thl deputy aherlff bualness ha not hurt
our business sny." Ten days ago Mil
waukl reformer' broke Into the elub
houaa and eonflacated several gambling
device and the proprietors of the place
were bound over to the district court
on the charge of conducting gambling
games. Thia' was the second action
agalnat them. 4 former raid reaultlng in
having them held to the auperior court
unaer me cnerge 01 running , pooi-
room. On both .count bail was furn
ished, and the club, le permitted to run
without further official Inveatlgatlon.
, - -s. -
Verm Olab'to Beoare More Watee aad
Btetter Btreetoar Serrloe, ;
More than 10 cltlsene met and formed
the - Mount -Scott Improvement club
Saturdaynight- at Arleta hall. More
water and better ear service were the
things the organisation waa formed to
secure, and after a long discussion a
committee, wss appointed to, visit the
wster' company and discover- not only
when abundant water would be aupplled.
but whether the eouree waa pure. The
company was seen yesterday and prom
ised within a month most or tns terri
tory contiguous' to Arleta. Lenta,
Wood mare and : Flrland would be
aupplled.- An analysis . will be
msde ' this week and aom plan
which' will enable the people of the
territory to get adequate service will
be urged by the committee. Sine the
opening ef Ihe-Oaka and- the Institution
of the eeeing-Portland eervlce thl sum
mer the resident patronising the Mount
Scott line have complained frequently
of tha Inadequate service given during
the morning snd evening rueh hours. A
moating of the club will behaid -Friday
night and reports will be made as
to the work of the committee. W. A.
Sohoollng I president of the new or
ganisation. 7 - " """i "
Offlol. a Special Bxerolse Bteld la
.. ,. Pattoa Ohtuaa. .,,
niahon Barl Cranston t reached the
morning sermon at the Patton Methodlat
church yeeterday -and the special exer
cise celebrated the completion of the
tl.100 worth of .Improvement. The
church has been raised and a cement
baeement put under the structure. The,
basement I being uaed ror a Bunoey
school room, with a complete and well
furnished kitchen In one comer.- New
eaisJrraPutJn lweeknd ?
oral other, valuable improvementa have
just been finished. Special muslo waa
furnished by Mrs, Clara Street Wasco tt,
of Plattsmouth. Nab., and aeleoted
choir. Tha paator I Rev. Asa Sleeth,
, . " ,'''' .
The Methodlat Church Sooth plana to
erect a home on I'nion avenue In the
Holladay addition that will coat tll.000.
and be the most costly edifice of the de
nomination in the west.. Rev. B. W.
Mowr. pastor, and bis chief member
are considering plans and will soon con
sult sn architect and authorlaa the be
ginning of the work.
J. A. Huffman haa oeen given a con
tract for a two-story building by the
I Arleta board, the building to be finished
' 'Dtreettoa
I, w. T. asg'tt,
0. Hatha, Pres.
aterrlaea Straat satweea tk aa Tab,
rkeae aula eee.
, ; TOJNIOMT tcioiS!
atlaaln Rvarr Night Thia Weak. With
pedal Plica atarinae Saturday..
I -e rsaay a ernes waia, t
' ' Big DoubU Bill.
The Kaw Maateal-OeBMdy Bnrlaeirae.
I iheSHIndlcatfTI llTtt Kx4T'Ttm
' Cenadr Pretty Girls Cateby Maale,
FOnriAB -raiOIS. Me, Me. Me, Tie.
Belasco Theatre uZlhu
(reraerly CoroMa Tkeatre) lrk and Weak.
. . naT rtaroastAJicx tobioht ;
Ia Fertlaad af the Basaastis Play
, Oraaiatlaatloa ef Mary Johnetoa'e -
NoT.l of the Same Kaaaa. '
afatlneee Satarday and Snaday, "m ; ,
ixri wimg vATOiviiit.
teas Saraada, world'a tfraataat rrah tnsclav.
f rajtoia a frmaata, comedy akatek artlat.
Bereay'a . Tmiaad Aalaula, Introdurlns "Be-
amy tralaad (n-llla- M ua woria. ,
' ' Orayaaa Broa.. Barvrkxia Irrebata.
- J. a. Staaafleld, aerantrle eonadlas. '-
Laais RaaMy, plrmrd ballad.
Bakarograph Movlnc Plrturaal , Baker Or.
ParformaBMe dally at S:M, T:M asd 0 p. 'm.
No adraacad srln for bla ahow. ill MU
aalllag for 10 eante, eieaptla boiae.
Oraaral admlaaloa 10 eaata. aadara. eras-'
Ins and kolldara. rrTd acata aa kr.r
rionr, so raat. Dally matlaaee, .aUr tawmr
floor, 10 eaata; bos arats, 3d ceats.
a R A N D
' Aaalated ky t. Leaie MaeBvey, .
' r kb. raD rvBiirrov -
Oanaral admlaaloa 10 orot. Sandara. avae-
lnt and - kolldara, r 1 1 d aaata oa lairar
rionr, so mta. ixur aiatinaaa, astlre lower
floor, 10 cvnta; box aaata, SO eesta.
lyric theatre:
- ' XCeatlBa ft Plood, Btgrs.
-antxx or mobdat. avovst u ',
"The Love of the Winds'
ilfla armlatlea U Aay Siai lee
Take Portia ad Balgbai ear aad get eft al
nawiaoraa -arr. ana ewes
Be ellBblag. Blertrle elavatae.
L ..JaiaJtU aOtct'jti
1 Irois tos of Uiwar. Toa caa t a dainty luack
while viawlaa
is tke saaat
Opaa S s. Bb
la Aaiarica.
sloa 10 seat
p. aa.
by September 1. Se'ven teacher will be
employed at the opening of the term. -
The funeral of Mrs. Mary C, Robinson,
which wss held from thinning's chspel.
East Sixth and Alder streets, yesterday
afternoon, waa well attended by promi
nent Eaat Side people. Mr. Robinson
wss a plonser of 1S6I and a daughter of
Rev. J eaae Moreland, a noted pioneer
preacher. Rev. A. N. Flatter conducted
the services. -
At the Sscred Heart church yeaterday
high mass wss sung for Joseph . Bpeld
rich, who died recently In Eastern Ore
gon. Mr. Bpeldrlch personally directed
the work of aecurlng funde for the Sa
cred Heart church and achool. and sup
rintended the work. .
The concert to b given dally at t:10
o'clock by Klralfy's singers from "Ve
nice" this week I announced as fol
lows;' Overture, band; chorus, Saluta
tlon; song. Hearts Bowed Down. C. Cut
ter: song. Say Not Farwell. Mia N.
Horn; choir boya, Praia to God: aong,
Chime f -Normandy.- Mona.- Oalllalr;
song, Idl Dream a. Miss F. Kramer;
song, Bohemian Olrt, 81g. Antonio Bog-
getto; song. Song of the Flowers, Miss
Marakoff; chorua. Miller' Wooing.
A tract comprising two and a half
lot at the northwest corner of Irving
and Twentieth : street ha been pur
chased through Rueeelt Blyth by
John Klernan from Mr. L..M. HOrton
for 111,000. MrJClarnan will build-
One' residence on the site. The ground
was formerly occupied by the' Horton
residence, which burned two or three
Tear ago..- ,
When In- Seattle '
Go to. the Rathskeller, a hlgh-elas
place to eat Sea foods, eaatern meats,
large erchetra dally. -
"Itchlntf hemorrholda were the nlasrue
of my Ufa Wss almost wild. Doan'a
Ointment cured m quickly and perma
nently, after doctors had failed."' C. F.
Cornell, Valley atreet, Saugertlea, N. T.
'World's Grmat$t
Opening - eew-gmnd pip organ.
finest In xth west (aupplled by
rrEnerg-plgnn Muuae)
: r". . At .:-'
. Aaalated by - ; .
. Gram More. Dickman
Contralto Rutgers Church, ,Naw
Tork City. '
Arthar ft. Alasaader (last "re
turn froaa Paiis)
August 17 tnd 138:15 P. II
: Tickets. SV" Reserved seata,
91M. (IJmlted In number.) Now
on sale st Mere.fleno House, J.
K. OUt Cm Woodard. Clarke
We Have the Best
..r..-fi.t . ....
80 have all other respon
sible dealers. There r
plenty of very excellent
thing for every Imagin
able uae, mad aa well aa
human skill can make
them, and any dealer can
get them. But they don't
all get the same thing,
bene don't always suit
JvJT.. tncy. Our , hnsl.
. pes la - growing - right
along tecause many pec- .
pla are dany finding Just
what they want here, end
the same la no doubt true
ef our fellow dealer.
Have TOU looked over
our atockT .
Ask. Our Customers.
Capital $8
Reserve $3,500,'
Portland Branch, 144 Washington. .
.' K, A. WTLD, Manager.
; kelers letters of Wt
Arallabl jn aHpart of the world"
- Ill branches In Canada and the
United State. Ineludlng: San
. Francisco, Seattle, Vletori. Van
, couver. Nan alma. New Westmlns- '
' ter, Dawson (Tukon). ,
Drafts Issued on . ' '
; .. . any Branch "
Transfers' of money to or from
any' part ef Canada by letter cr
- telegram. - . .
' A General Bankinj:
Business Transacted
Prices Rlariied
in Plain Finures
Our specialties as well as
regular goods are marked in
plain figures, as we feel our
prices, are the lowest of all
..and our motto is to treat all
alike. Cut prices on Men's
and Boys' Suits, Pants, Hats,
Shirts - and - Underwear. 50
per cent saved on ' Men's,
Ladies', Misses' and Boys'
Shoes- and 'Oxfordsr Sacri
ficed prices on Trunks and
Suit Cases. f
4Ye Rca Two Stores: one
Cor. First asd Yfts&lH and
one Cor. Third and Davis
Not necessary for us to fill
pagee. telling the reader of what
we have done or are going to do,
. or aa to- trying to make, believe
that - aome - 'would-b piano" I
-Must ss good" ss the HIGH
GRADES, but having the RIGHT
PIANOS and at the RIGHT
PRICES all we need to do la to
let you know where they can be
S3 Waeaiaftoa Street.
-"! --
--i t- W
". e-ort g-
,(. c
Canadian Bank
of Commerce
SaM Price
T-HE will close Cei
uu HrcIotol SzD.
mcr Shirt I7dst
Siills at DiJl Price.
They ere well c:3
stylishly mcie. Tt2
tabrlcis aire lap,
Unens. Batistes chd
Crash light and
dark colors. These
suits ere excellent
values the Fund
we always give
Tke . Slerc ffhtrc Year Credit b fieel
Dr. Alfred . Andersen
Thee - C)lebrateKl '..'' "
Ha rararaed to .the eity troei bla eeetara
Mb asd Is sew leeatad at 110 geartb street.
aorair Wsaklagtaa.
Be kaa so eqeal la the waatawat sag awr
estteaaerelly traats all etkwr danaia alee.
Or, Aaowsoa la a (raeaate ef eTaral C
ara Inetltatlnaa. and ia an a MPlI at the
ealabratad ,lr. ' Wetaratraad of Bteakhols.
Hwada. - OoaaaltaHee nae. Ofaaa boajra:
a. aa.tets.avaodIaaSp.av, 110 reacts
street. . .. . -, ., .
Hare sj ene ef kle siny aaaoUcitad tasO-
TACOMA. Waas.. Kay IT. lsOl
Br, A. it. Aaearaoa. .
Portlaad, Oreasv . i t
Deer Sir t reealvad the Saamaea-et ttiat
yea war abeet te lorata le Paatlaad with
tasiBe retret. e I sad a tlah atTt In
yoer rMlnlog la Taraaaa. I kava aarfaavd
a sreat daal with erlatle raeeaaatlam aad -
I rfara aa taa mi seews mr uw siaaaaa.
raid I a able da aarthlna- tne raw Id
rara slaaae lat SM. kanw. Whfar yoa all
ssecaaa in yonr saw loratlaa, I aw yoare tral.
-TUOMAa M.lANlf. Ckbrf 4 Uc.
Bath -
the night, aa fat m
Seventh anal Watty,
mgtoa St, rtnes
SJidttrgeat bathe
a). tmwm . .. .
. -y ', " : " r '
There haa been and wilt be
. no change la the price of
Mineral Wtr. Soda Wter,
Blphona. Hyrups. etc: tke
"gCte price will be maintained
all report to the contrary ot
' withstanding. .; .;
v , rkoae State MO. SS ftret St.
Porilsi '
rs erkml MnHae:
aa a'''r aHJool,
W. "1
gnmmu r -
A - ' r "
d - - '
A !" I - I
LUVEN iVASIl ft a Apr