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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1905)
VVV ' T" - TT aYTv-n - ..- , . J Avwv SB - - - ,.,n 601 IJGl s Anglo-French Courtesies Accen tuate Feeling of Hostility -:-".'; in Great Britain. V j,,' ;' NEWSPAPER CAMPAIGN S Vrt DDIII'inAllv A mitt S I. i JPntoes Following Sam Tactics s TTpe Which Led to South African Struggle Would Destroy Fleet of ;'-. Fatherland.' ;' -A-v '-V'vio ' YJooraal Sseelal ferric. liOndoh, Aug. J.4. -The most Immedl- 'ate tract of the Anglo-French courte sies will be to deeply accentuate the ' Anglo-Qerman hatred. . Indeed, just tbf ' hatred t Germany supplies the real un derlying motlvs of "thef Anglo-French entente. There- is gratification at see lns now HI Germany Is .taking the mtf tuai lemDraclng and a , much stronger , eenipnent is aroused !n their breasts. - Anglo-Oerman relations Just no- are approaching a . stage In which, there Is real danger or war. Certain English -papers devote themselves to the task of lnrtamlng the bad feeling and Insult ing Germany, especially the person of me saner, la a way suggesting that a regular press campaign has been started to bring about war In order toTulflll She jingo ambition to destroy ih.e Ger man fleet' This campaign was Initiated In the same quarters and la being' car : rled on by precisely the same methods as that which led to the South African war.. Then It was bugbear Kruger who aimed at a South African dominion which proved utterly false. Now It is the persistent declaration that unless the German fleet Is destroyed Germany will form a coalition with Russia and take India and the British colonies. . A very grave view is taken of the temper displayed fey the papers, as it has very ' congenial soil to work upon In the pops . lar dislike for the Germans, which; Is (iiwuwii ,univornat nern. THREE OF REFORM SCHOOL ESCAPES CAPTURED Twenty-Two Boys Were in Plot, But Ten Feared to Make Attempt. (special Dispatch te The JenmeLt -' Salem. Or Aug. 14 FltSDatrlck. Pot ter and Thompson three of the 11 boys who escaped from ..: the .Reform , sohooi Saturday. evenlng.-were caught and re turned to the school yesterday. I, -anspatri forenoon on the Pettyjohn farm, south evening on Ulnto's Island and Thomosoa ,s.n hour later on Reservoir hill in the Buburbs of .Salem, ' ; . , .-. t According to the story told by Potter. the plut tu estate Hail TJsPB'IJUlHfeirfor some Mm and Included II boys. Ten fit them., however, lost their nerve i when xne time came. Two of the e see pee, Peale and Bonner, wore ."Oregon boon," which Potter says . they succeeded in getting rid of about t . o'clock last nlgnt. Tbey djd this by 'means of a saw, which they secured' be fore they left the school, v Potter ststed -that the 11 boys stayed together until bout .-ll; o'clock yesterday morning. -when Fttspatricai left the bunch and was soon after captured.. Later In the ' day, when closely pursued by the of , fleers, the bunch broke up' Into- two parties. One of these was again broken up by the capture of Potter and Thomp- Bon. t -v : -0 : - For a town of only III Inhabitants, phanlko gets Into the papers often. - '. l tji L...r i.. U . CTCTZEIiTCT-. - - !.-" Postmaster at Goldfield Destroys ' -All Second-Class Matter '.".l by Flames. . , ; '-. ' i (Journal Special SerTlce.) . -New Tors, Aug. 14. U H. Crossmair. of Ooldfleld. Nov.. who Is In' this cltr. says that the postmaster of Ooldfleld has a little bonfire every day after the office closes. Persons who. subscribe. to papers are allowed to gather around and see thesburn....:--i.,---.,.'--'...,'-:-"XTrosaman says that he threatened to complain to the postoffice department f-at Washington, but the postmaster re ferred him to a letter posted In the of flee.' This letter purported ta be. from the assistant of , the Washington de partment,' and authorised the Goldfield postmaster to destroy all but first-class man matter by nre. , . Crossman says that he asked th Ooldfleld officer If he would not let htm go 'Into the pile of papera each day and. pick out his paper, but the post master would not. listen. ' He said-the office, was established to handle- the mall at Ooldfleld. and If It couldn't,- why. noDoay eiae could. , : Persons at the New" fork postbtrice when questioned today, said they knew soms of the western postmasters .were pretty-hot stuff, but didn't believe any ef them ever before obtained permission rrom, .Washington to burn mail. , : r - KEYADA CO;:GRESSf.UrilVILL IW OlfEREE ; ,U,SSBSSBJSSJSJBSBBSJBSJBS -; f t. , . .a.'".. i , - . t i ; . Van Duzer, . New Democratic ' Representative, Has Large v Area to Look After. (Waahlnttoa Boreas' of Tea JeanuLl Washington.1 D. C. Aug. li. Clarence Dunn, Van Duir, Democratic eongress- man from Nevada, will have the distinc tion o- being the only Democratic mem ber or. the next house of representatives from the states west of the Missouri, leaving out the state ef .Texas. - Van Duser says he expects to work over-- iimm iuurihi ior - inr- inieresia or ; nis large constituency, as the area he must represent extends . from ' the . Missour' and Mississippi rivers on the east, and Bering sea on the north, and the Buga boo river in ,' the Philippines ' on . the west The Nevada congressman literal ly fought his way Into the house..- Hs is a miner and lawyer by profession, and comes from one of the roughest mining sections in the country the great Tono- pah district.'';.; yan - Duser spent more than a year breaking up, a crowd of, promoter of bogus mining schemes, and the story of nis experience with sharks reads like I stage drama. Van Duser' s great popu larity with the mining element In hi state was responsible for hie election. .my Is shown by the V a, . . .aa k . rk.K..Kial.' !' i AJ w ,n fdVd.t.'for a stat". f'edTraro." 1. elected in Nevada last November Roose velt carried the sUte by 1,000, yet Vaa Duser had a majority of 11.- Only 11.- eee si I it the elate, and" have been elected In Pennsylvania with the' same relative -roree- cast, he would have had to .run 400,000 ahead of his ticket..' .-(. ' ... . ,-. , - Delegates to CongTess. : '(Special Dispatch te The JesrsaL) McMlnnvfUe. Or.. Aug. 14. The dele gates appointed from the local Develop ment league to the Trans-Mississippi r- l ommerciai congress, which . meets in Portland Oils week, are: Charles Oris, sen. B, F. Rhodes, K. C. Apperson, B F. Miller. F. W. Fenton, John Wortman and u. Culver. . - ; Those appointed to the National Irri gation congress are: Del Wheeler. T. -A. White. . Miles ' Hendrlck. 8. P. Houser, Kieia wrignt, A. m. Perry and T. . A. MoCourt, , at c:.;:ri l:o;iey - vrUi nnrnt . Ten Millions Appropriated , by Congress for Initiation of Pan . ;V ania Work Exhausted. WORK 13 8T0PPED UPON CULEBRA CUT AND LOCKS Aasigtanf Engineer Dauchey Departs - Prom Iatbmus 1 on " an ' Indefinite .Leave of ; Absence and Probably 1 Will Not Return. " - tt- vj-jb ---jjoaTn.r Spedtl ferries.) " ; Washington, Aug. 14, Inquiry at the officials of the Isthmus Canal commis sion elicits the fact that nearly all of 'the 1 10,000,000 appropriated by congress for 1104 for the Initiation of-esnal work has been spent. ; Soon it will be neces sary for. the secretary -of the treasury to neglnthe 'Issuance of bonds for the carrying . on 'of - the wjrk ' of construc tion. Supplier have been purchased In Immense quantltlea during the last year. The purchase of 1 two Ships alone cost U.100,000, ,.'..,? . : v ' There la 'not -much surprise here that work has stopped on the Culebra ,ctlt, and thst Assistant' - Engineer ,Dauchey had departed from the .isthmus on In definite .leave, -t The necessity for sani. tary work .and - the more rapid comple tion of quarters - for employes ' Is . now more necessary than continued work on the Culebra out . Dauchey is a competent engineer, and waa a close friend of Wallace, the for mer chief engineer.-: It IS deemed not improbable that he. may now retire -to make room for someone desired by the new chief engineer. Stevens. ' . V j BAKER IS APPOINTED a . .POSTMASTER AT HAY ' (Special OKpstch e Tse Joaraall - yl - -Colfax, Wash., . Aug. 14-Dr. A. , B Stuht. chairman Mf the Republican county 'central committee, today re ceived ' notice from ; Washington ' that Frank M. . Baker had been appointed postmaster at Hay, in this county. This ends a long and bitter fight between the Plokrell faction and the Republican or ganisation of Whitman county in favor of the latter and adds another; defeat to the long list received by Plckrell. who Is the leader of the faotlon opposing the organization. - - -. . Baker was appointed several months ago to succeed I M. Buff, who resigned as . postmaster at Hay, but the appoint mem was neia up at tne request, or ine Plckreh faction, which wanted-1.,-Tasr-gert appointed and it is said made oharges against Baker.' The case has been thoroughly Investigated by the de partment, but Baker's appointment, was held up pending this investigation. ' Dr. Stuht feels elated over the victory. - Mr Baker -has lived In i Whitman count! L XactTmce ehlldhodd and was graduated -from tne. wasnington .Agncuuurai eonega at Pullman several years agb. . Hs Is en gaged In mercantile business at Hay, - - t - , '. ' 'j ' . ' 1 , k . -j - .? " ' '''''' x ' 1 1 ' ' Visit Our Great r v Basement Department: llyCCO square Icet o! well lljhlcd sdcsrooa space devotcd to WorirJaj Men's Wear, TruaKs tad YtZics We carry a fulljine of Carhart's Famous Clothing "Honorably ? Made for Honorable Men" everything the craftsman requires in the way of wearing appareL' - r We make a specialty of Bar ICoats and VestsiT Waiters' Coats and Jackets, etc. Styles and sizes always complete. Our stockof Trunks and. Valises- is unequaled in7-then city. We carry exactly what traveling people need; at prices ; easily within reach. , ' ;.; Greatest Clothing House in the Northwest i fflet w Synamlte Vreeldeai. New- York. Aug., 14.On .account of the letter received by railways, unusual precautions were taken to protect Presl. dent Roosevelt on his Journey home Sat. urday. The president's ear waa switched over a small branch road instead of coming by the main line. The reason Is supposed plot to blow up the presl rain denttal tra Jersey. near ,,. Rldgewood, . New SS74M Sna-aM and Beturo 4)87.80. On August 14 and 1 the Great North era railway wlU sell excursion tickets to Buffalo and return at rate of for the round trip, tickets good via Great Northern-railway, returning same or any airect route, stopovers anowea on return trip; limit 10 days east of Chicago, It) days west. For additional Information call on or address H. Dick- v.- - t -X' -;vnav: A- '. 4. . - ' -: J ' S , rM ' J " '- 'I . ' V ... .v- ' :' i j ! u , I I I ' ! V - 1 I " ? r. MANY : ENJOY SEA BREEZES , at lo;;b beach . . Great, Activity During Past Weak and Practically All Cottages ; Are Occupied. ' : (Special Dispatch te The JesrsaL) .Long Beach. Or, Aug. 14. This beacH In the past week haa taken a great ac tivity. -Almost all- the cottages are oc cupied, and camper can be seen every where. At night bonfires - make .the beach a scene of life and pleasure. Among the Driftwood Cottage guests are: Mrs. TV J. - Richards snd chil dren, Milton D. Jacobs, J. W. John ston, sola Kicnaras. Kimer Kicnaras, Llssle Healy, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mur phy, Mrs. Jessie Adams, and.C. A. Dolph, Butte,' Mont, Harold ' Boehme, Mrs. S3, B. Boehme, and Miss Holmes; Spokane, WaaluMrs. AA, JJavlsMisaGraci Towle, and Miss Cora B. Snow; Taka, Ind. Tar., Maude Painter, Mrs. W. A. Farrlngsr, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Painter. Guthrie, Okla, F. Painter; Pocatello, Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Conden, Mlas U Pat ton: Pendleton, Or., Miss Oer li uds BlieiMaii: Pei ttia Aleisndei, Bdim Thompson; Walla Walla, Wash., E(V ward V. Baldwin, John R, Robb, Iouls Sutherland, Leila -Sutherland; Twin Falls, Edith l- Williams, Mrs. B. Williams; Shoshone. Mrs. F. W. Gooding, Alta Gooding. Mrs. B, H. Darrah. Mr and Mrs. Hugh B.LachamMiss-sSieg. - .. ; Quests at the Shelburae. ' The Shelbume guests registered are: Mrs. T. J. ueisier ana ismuy. Ralph Stern, Mr. E. S. Snetllng and baby,-Miss M. Swearingen. Mrs, David H. mlth. Fredericksburg, la, Mrs. C U Sherman: Chicago, . aiinnie enerman Anaconda, Mont, Mrs. G. VW. Sigler, Mrs. JU M. Sllgh. r yi - ' - Zag- Beaek Motel . ' Long Beach Hotel guests sre as fol lows: Miss J. Russell, W. J. Idle- men; Denver, Colo., J. J. Roeeburg, Horace L. Roseburg; Dayton. Wash., Bernlce Fair, Bessfe Rlnehart; St Louis, Mo.. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Wilson; Salt Lake City, Dr. and Mrs. A. O. Robert son and son; Payette. Idaho, J. R. Met- calf. H. S. Biggs; Pullman, Wash., Dr. Roseburger, Mivand Mrs. B. O. Snow; Walla Walla. . . Xaoheney Cottage. From Portland: Helen Sundt. Edna Todd.' Hattle Amprlest, W. H. Stolger. C. B. Klrla, Mra M. Relnsteln and daugh ter, Mrs. S. M. Blumauer and daughter, Florence Burbank, C A. Burbank. Jr., MrsrS.-WTKlngrLeIaS PTIlIldgs, J. E. Soule. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Schwab and daughter. Bertha Holdsworth, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Heller, Mrs, Q. .J.. Loewsnson, Mr. and Mrs. Slg. Lipman, Mrs. F. Stro bel and daughters, Mrs. C Bsrenstecher, son and daughter, Dr. Anna L. Yates, Miss Maud Gaunt, Mrs. Ray Mallett and hih,- Raise. Idaho. Bertha iMarka: Chi cago, 111., Mrs. Grace A. Wait, Miss Jan et Fay, Hasel Bhrhardt, Mrs. C Fay. I" fr&x,... K 4r-a44-tWV.jXeV ,tJW'fahiiiv ftW..Ws-i.i Exhibit by Lewis County, Washiftjton; at the ExpoaitlQn Phototraph v by ; Kiser Photographic Company. 1 MANY TEACHERS WILL- RECEIVE CERTIFICATES taseeUI tMspateh te Tse JeorsaLt - -' Eugene, Or., Aug. It. The following successfully passed the exemlnatlon foi teachers - certificates . - held -. here last wsek: . ; ' -' -. First grade Mattie Trump, Rice Hill; Etta- Bowerman, Springfield; c Eva M. Casebeer, Wsttervllle; '' Belle "Mnilcan, WaterviUe; Dortlla- Somers, -Eugene; Elmer W. Jordan, Elmlra; Katharine Hastings, Elmlra; Clare Stacy.. Walter villa; W. L. Miller. Eugene: May Irwin, Eugene; Wflllam , C. Evans, Eugene; MaryBown, Elmlra; Del phi ne Bown, El mlra; Luella Brewster, Eugene; Anna G. Humphrey, Fall Creek; A. J. Sheridan, Waltervllle; Ethel Brewster. Gardiner; Gertrude Hamble, Eugene; Emma Green, Eugene. ' i - ? ; .1. - Second grade Gertrude Schreuders, Florenoe; Nettle K. Fleck, Crow;. Mary Moore, Eugene; Aletba Porter, Eugene; Adella Sharon, Creswell; . Anna B. Crump, Eugene; Beatrice -McLeod. Mabel; Elisabeth Hutchinson, Cottags Grove; Fred Wllcos, Saginaw; Dorena McPhsrson,. Springfield; Frances W. Higglns, Sprlngflsld; Coll Is Smith,' Eu gene; Etta Runk, Lorans; Dollle Sim mons, Walker. Third grade Gertie ' Owen, Ivlson; Miss Alice L. Goff, Waltervllle; Myrtle G. Pitney, Junction City; Viola Colter. Olenada; Clarlnda Crawford, Irving; I I , r riiM,.rr tj aiiii. ppiim i llaTUgsne; Peerl M. Beebe, Kugene; Flor ence M. Qulnn, Eugene; ulna E. Klnee, Creswell; . Wilfred E.' Green. CresWell; Lillian J. Qulnn, Eugene; Elisabeth El. Ilott Coburg; Fay Hampton. Goshen; Mabel C. Johnson, Panther; Leon Myers, Eugene; Susie Hastings. Goshen; Hasel A. Wood, Harrlsburg; Mrs. D. ,J. Our ny, Florence r - Maud Hayes, Junction City; Emma Schneider, Lorane; Mae 13. .-.S I n-mmmr, l,uiina, Ainei nnwur, UUgSne. C , I The successful applicants were M in number. The total number taking. the la,HnM waa It. BHOE LIOITEY OXFORDS $4.C3 Tans $3.15 $3iOTans$2.8S $3.C0Tans$2.4S J2iOTsns1.75 2.C3Blks$U0 LAST - CALL This week marks the final clearance of all summer weight -garments. Our Clothing Department, strictly adhering to its policy never to carry over any merchandise from one season to another," is determined " to CLEAR ALL SUMMER GOODS' if great reductions' in prices will do it. In addition, It gives, you the privilege to pay only a small portion of the amount at time of purchase and balance at $i.C0 A "Week 'this sale are ' not .'ehean. shoes, made for cheap sales. They are regular ssoos this ssatee sold earlier la the season at tegvlar prices, and were eaeeUeat val- '' aea. araetloal shoe saea ; aoaght thesa practical shoe men sell thesa and wear. FULLAEI 283UOEEISON Eastern Outfitting Co. ' The Store Where Yonr Credit b Coo4 . ..-.; . 1 0th and Washington Sts. Hi wriung to advertlrs mention that IOI JRNAL. W AN 1 AU FAT HUIS I eaMkeei MaA when mA 11 en IlMIMB I 1 . Opportunity Is jpiem to Ml y-InheJ ""Those recipients of The Journal's generous offer are to be chosen by the popular vote on ballots furnished by, ' this paper - r - . 1 '" '-- r- -.' ' - ' ,l " - 1 - Some of the most deserving young women of yourtacqualnUnee may be among the number on the list of can dldates, and you will enjoy seeing them win If you help them. Tou can aid your favorite candidate very ms terlally by voting the specUl ballots glvsn with paid in advance subscriptions. ; i , . i- , j v ., , f The ballots have a voting value commensurate with the length of subscription. , - , - j , ... If you are a buyer of single copies, it would be a good plan to get on the regular subscription list and get the batch of votes which goes with advance payments. Some deserving candidate needs them. ' " . " ' - . , If you are a regular subscriber you can obtain the special ballots by simply paying three r more month - in sdvance. - , : - - - ' --' " "" . ' ':.--..''; .s ':"-. The paper will continue to be delivered by man. agent or carrier as heretofore without extra charge. -. i The plan of choosing the eight young women who arei.tO go on this delightful trip by the voters of The - Jonrnal la popular. - It la the subscribers' verdict. ' Psld In advance subscriptions must be sent direct by mall or through agent to this office, as special ballots wlllbe Issued only upon receipt of remittances. t . : ' -'--- i. ,' . ',-,'" ., ", Renewals of subscriptions will be treated the same as new subscriptions. Every hand Is at the throttle en gineering, scheming to be more than within shouting distance of the top.. MM OMM OF VMMM, Wir sTOTt Conditions of The Journal's Honolulu Tour Contest: nmtT any yeans lady ever IS years f .ai star be somlnsted St say. time es bUnka srenaed by The Journal, with the eaeoreeDwat ef twe wtll-kaowa eitlseae ef the aletrlet la which she resides. - - IKOOVD Three Isdgea -asreesble te the different eaaeldates shall be eeleew te oftMaUy ansoeaee tke.wlssar Is each ale trlet, one roeog laay te be chosen (rem . each dlntrlet. - THI11D A m ether eleetkns, eaeK die- trlct etaalt vnte eparatelr. The mte la ene easaot effect tse other. Matters prop erly eosewnlas; the dletrk will be settles ' by the wlabM ef the Bajorltr. - The win ner shall bare tse. right Ur a me a proxy If enable to attend herself. TOVHTS Votl hs will eeaiswsoe Tbnre- say, Aosoet a, and eloee Satnrday, Derember SO, at t o'clock e. ".,'' 1MB. Conpoae sraet be voted within eerea days after issue,' - Coupons rot from tne Dally Joarnal mvt he neatly trlmsMd. All empons, wbether elngle or special, aiaet bear tbe sasie ef the candidate ts,.be voted for. ooirroiri ass eirur as rouowit flTTK gtasle eospons. ent from tbe dally paper, are good (or one vote. Haberrlptlos to tbe Bvenlng Jonrnal and tunday Mornlna Joamal, three ntoetba, 11. St. s apodal (onpon ef ISO votae (paid la advance). Snbecrlptlea to Breatne and Banday Morn Ins Jonrnal ets ntootha tS-76, s special eonpoa of tM votte (paid In adrance). Snb snrlptloB to the Kroalng and Banday Morn ing Jonrnal IS SMntba, ST.tO, s speetal eonpoa ef TOO to toe (paid ta advance). Babeerlptloa to tbe Bvenlne and Bandar Morning jonrnal, three Bon tbe . by SMlf, Coupon --Free Ha wall an Trip Honolulu, Hawaiian UlamU t vntaof ..... -. f This coupon must be voted on' or before August tl, HOtV ll.M. s epeeJal eonpoa ef MO votes (paid In advance). Bunecrlptkm tu tbe Brenlng and anndalr--Morning Journal by Bill lx" Bnntba, B3.TB. a epecial enapaia of IM Vetee (paid la advance). Bnharrlptlon to the Ercnlna snd Sunday Mornlns Jonrnal by ' siall 13 SKmthe, S7.00. a apodal eoepon of TOO votes (paid la advance). sent-WMklr . Jonrnal, tt.Bo a year, apodal eonpoa at 100, votes (paid la advance). . i. ,.: SIXTB Ooapona nboald be voted at tbe bradqnamra neereet yon or stalled te tbe coupon department of Tbe Jonrnal, or at any point named below. Vetee will be eonated Tseodara, Tbaradars and' Betardare and tee totals SBnonaeed la tbal day s . e pee. . Any eendldate withdrawing front tbe ens teet cannot have see votes eonated aw, aa ether. - ' luMTUrni axd vomre rtaosst Tint TMatile Mnlrnesiab and dackanjas eonntloa. Voting place. Oonpoa OepartBMW ef The Journal of See. . , Si nod Sletrieb I'slee, CamtUls asd Wallowa eonntlee. Third rtrtov Wtoeo, ghensen, OClnasv Morrow, Wkeoler end -Oiil emiaMM , renrth Dtatrtet Baker, . Orast. Barney Snd Malhenr emiatlxe. . rifth Piatrie OilnsiNa end OeaMp -ronntlen, Orna: Klickitat Cawuts. Clark, raHAe. Wakklakesi sad SaaswBla eonntlee. a?'ut BknuleWMarlss. tlsa end lane - Pvon,U Wetrlev WeeMnebea. TllUewok, Te:il. BVntna, P"lk and Linenla eenntiva. lgta Pwtrle IMaalaa, Caae, furry, JoM.loe, Jefkeen, KUsmU end Lake eonntlee. - Any information regarding conditions of the Honolulu tour should be addressed to C manager of the Contest Department of The Journal. Votes will be counted Mondays, W dates announcedto the public the day f '"-Vtr.J Tri-ays and" the stindlr.j cf C i D '.S