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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1905)
TXI3TORS06l1 pAILY JOVmi VOTLMlD. MONDAY TtimQV")AVOVZfill, 1- ask your, dealer: for, the . t. B con uuii ii 11 y -Ii. tie . - i, t , r- r-'1 1 . : ,4. . -.- , , i,. . SBr no zinc no poison 170 mould perfect for home - canning rlall kinds of , fruits, vegeta- z tables,- meats,- fish, soups, gravies, game, fowl, pickles, , jellies, Jams,. etc. : will keep every known article of food sweetanT -sound for years and retain Its natural . fresh flavor. . ' a, . -ti'i '.- ' . i . V ' f m m m r mm w r, KERR GLASS MANUFACTURING CO. - PORTLAND, OX. why hot have fresh toma-, .toes,1 corn, corn on the cob, peas .and : string beans, evferjn day In the year, by canning : them in the only jar In the world that will successfully keep and pre serve their natural, sweet, - fresh flavor?. ! "-vl: T-the Economy- writs or phon us for our booklet of rsclpes tolling you Just bow long to ., sterilize each variety tf "Vegetables, " fruits, meats, fish, etc . KERR GLASS MANUFACTURING CO. PORTLAND, OR; '. J v.. ; 1. L Boerainp. lHh and WeihlngtoB. Awertraaltaliaa Ur. M2Vi 1. s Brabaker Nonnr, Mgont Tabor. I r. DtHM Vo- WMhlnt. ' A.-P. Ur.B. till BMtaa C, . rtark.mM. - ; " ' Griffith Bcllamr. Oraad n Bw- OCSiir m N-rth Wt J t . W. LUMtlwrf. Ulm. . "4 b , Bmuwt BMkwMk. UO Vnlom nM. rrink-etraabsl. 4IB ks4 Mootsonwrr; 1 O. BtrobT, 4. F. D. No. LlMMtlt. f HumflvM O'Brtm. TSI WlllUm MeDantela BotW SU1 North 17th. , Ovttaackor Bta.. 16i Oran innw. ' -., J. K. Orabar, 1 aa Bart FaUlnc. ; V. A.'Horna Co. 8M VnVm amoa. . Q. W. Baebawder. M Baat Boniaida. JohiMM Rand. Baat SOtk and Mark. , Joha OotdaUnb. i7l Baanll atraet. " GUlatrap Spaakllnf. WooaaWk. W. U I.tetor. 1M North nth atraot. J.'Bonia, 11th and MootforwTJ. W. Bleachmana, MO Unlo . i C. L. Bohoaataldt, Ut Wllllaaia aTOTna, C. T. Paddleard Boa. 5 Baat 7th. s Maanlnc Laa. 1 WaMlor araat ' J. Manafhaa, Uth and Baat Btark. , A. Andorana. oBT WlllUne mra. for sale by following: dealers BOoad Ca., Mth aad at Ankon. r. W. inn i Mattbawa Taylor, Ballwood, Oragoa, M. t. Allaa, Sd and Clajr. Blttnor Boa. 21at and FowaU. 1. BulIW.nt. A1 Jaffaraoa. - -1 D. C. Burna, 147 Sd atraat. F. T. Blaka. 41 ITaion amoa. J.. Blum. UM North 34th. . J. H. Bristol. SUt MorHaoa. A. H. Bnitoa, Pladmoat Statloa. Cbafcak Broa., 8LJat atraat. -- -8. H. Cooper, T78 Waahlnctaa. Ooorh 4k Vo.. 81. Johna. 3. W. Caldwall. Ballwood. " Caaaoa Broa.. 108 Orand awihn 0. F. Cooke. Rrlran. - . ( W. OorHiUnd. Fnltoa. ' R. . Conn. 4U0 Willi ma arraaa, ' B. J. Draaaar, a4 Baat Morrlaoa. O. W, INckaraoa, Mount Tabor. 8. 0. PowaU. Fulton. ; . -,. y J. Dnnlaa. Arhta. OmroB. Dark) Broa., 431 lat atraat. P. A. Bddr, 7M Barlar. W. A. Bdcartoa, Bt. Johna. A. T. Btfwarda, B8 North tb. J. A. Baataa. 4M Unloa aranao. A. 3. Farmer, Sd and Jeftaran. A. B. Flamliw, M North 17th. - 'Glnty B Brarton. 6M lat atraat, .It. B. Oodrraj, SBS Rau.lL W. L. Oram. Woodlawa. muk A rvi.. nnl liorrknau SotimlUt. SSS Orand aranoa. A. C Ol.aaar, Woodlawa. H. W. Oaria. PanlnaaUr. taVGadal, M Blnoa atTMl Ralsar Broa., 5AS TJnloa arfnoa. " B. H.Ibmt, IIS North 14th atraat. Van Duaan, dth and Bal railing. 'Hua-h.r Broa., Oatmaa Btatlon. Geo. Uocbrroa, Bo Bnawll atraat. B. C Heath, Laurelwood. C. Hardman, Belmont. L. K. Hecklncer, BM 4tk. B. r. Hanetan. 1611 Ba.t ISth. ! Jonaa--Bon..'417 I'nloa aeeav.. - - rred Joaa. M Front. , B. Kaaer Bon, 460 Jeffeiaon. J. H. Keating. D. K.llabar, 37 Grand aranaa.. . -H. B. Inea. IBS Rnaaell. t Frad Mason, 7SO Mlaiuwtppl arenna. Mailer, Tth and Barmioe. Rb Marguflea. S lat. -. , Meier It Frank Co. McK.nsl. dt Wle, S07 Chapman. T. J. Major. Kill and 7th. Mathawa 4 Crandell, Lenta. Or. J. MuaUar. 144 Bnaaell atraat. Miller 4 Brlekell, MS Baat Mat. J. B. MrCaalln. Mootarllla. The Nolf, Bellwood. . ; Goo. Noaka, Bertha. " V , Olda. Wortinaa King. .Frank O'Natl, S8S Hood atreat. i. " 1. O. Panp. Woat PortUnd. PtttM A lAB.ld Bt. Jflhll.fl ..4 ' A. K. Pldfoan. W) lat, . . Baaairatr Grocer, Mount Tabor. WADHAMS J KERR BROS. R,lrtat Co., 114 FropC G. C Buft 44-7 th. K. r. Glblln, IIS North 14th. Bajnolda A Dotmn, Ienta. G. A. Boberta, &8 Morrlaon. Bt. Johna tiro. Co., 8t. Jobna. ' Bellwood A Adams. Ml East 7th. Btepheneoa At Co.. H4 Front. Bauter Broa., 41(1 Bast Sth. ; W, A. Bsna, S.llwood. . ..v ,. L. C. Stow, Bellwood. W. H. Selgner, Portland Baighta, J. 0. Bhofner, 80S Yambtll. . 0. W: Stobba, 114 Baat 2flth. . H. Stelnfortb, lat and Glbba, Teli a Bakerr. Ml lat. h. T. Tompkins. S07 Sd. , T. Toraen, Mount Tabor, H. O. Trier, lAth and Jefferson. n. mnmantt, unirmitx station rr. -neaemana, nno th. -- Vorpabl Broa., 42S Caat Morrlaon. . A. Vail, Lenta. w J. Wallrren, 8M North 17th. 1 J. W. White, 301 Baat 84th. ' . P. -Walemandel. 332 North 14th, WaVh Gro. Co., BaUwood, . . C. F. Welbnarh.- A. R. Wallace, STB East 11th. Wellbrook A Marnhf . ISO Porter. '" v siEins Broa.. 104 North 14th. J. . y ear roHhsTtSro. Yataa A Baraaond. 1010 Belmont. jraat naauvni, ua uvabf. distributors Portland; oil It's like finding a $5 goltf piece in the vest Tpocket when you buy ybur new suit from ?usr because you ! inight look the town- over without being able to get one as . good for $15. : The;; garments " are fashioned in single and . double-breasted styles ; after models, by expensive custom . tailors, and include all the lates t -ideas which-you- see -in- t5ustoni- made - clothes costing tour -times the " price. ; , ;The fabrics and patterns are the : season's! latest, and thavarietyf is . great, as we have been obliged to . break into our fall styles. Soft Dais In black, browns and nutria. - Regu lar $2 Hat, for ' Soil Sliirls In jiewest patterns, A some French bos 'oms; 75c and 60c . .values, for" 39c ft A . ' . 3' ' ' t 4 f . t i - ' rr. , . Soil Un derwear Balbrlgian and blue jersey ribbed ; fine ; value at 50c and 85c. 25 c i . rYoull need-a-suit soon. -Better -step in now and examine " , . $11 1! All-Boys' Wash Suits EVERY STYLE. SIZES 3 TO 10. Haif-Price When You See lt In OurAd. It's So i ' a i ,........ i -'. - MOVERS ft . . . i . . : : t- . ' . .- PIEIITK OF JOBS OUT FEVJ UEI1 Remarkable Condition in port : 1 land, Where Good Position - Await Workmen. ; ; ; OFFICIALS FORCED TO ; ADVERTISE . FOR hlELP ' Over One Hundred Places, Including PBtrolmen's Beats. . and' Desks fa ; City Engineer's Office, Are Wait ing for Applicants. 1 V ; '- , , -1 Ad nnpreeadeintad eondlHoB obtain In J Portland's -city eovarnroant 121 - mn r ara wanted for municipal places and tha offlelals hava bNt forced to advartlaa ''for then. .- " ... , j r "Good man, with clean records, Indus- trlous and aoba'f, men whom the overn ' ment can trust, "who will perform their duty regardless of consequences, may "find work toy applylna: to the several , city departments," said Mayor Lane yesterday. "All must apply under the ' ' clyll service rules, for those rules will b fath f wM y enforrarl.- 'r , ' i- That was a good law that civil .exvlc .lauM Jabaiitarter-!raxidlt will be lived up to according to the htXhest conceptions of its meaning.' It . Is not' Intended to nullify, that law, 'for H it for the. protection of the people ; and Insures improvement in the public ervroe.'? (C.; '. . There are vacancies Jn the police force and reliable men who meet the require, ments 'of the clvtl servlre rules may find work of that sort If they wilt go to the city halt and fill out the required 'blanks.' .' ' ' " Men ara wanted In the cjty engineer's office, and there are many Jobs at tl a day for laborera. -y . It is Indicative' of the humming In ' dustry of Portland that so many post ' .tlons remain vacant " Usually city of- flctals are worried oat of temper by sp. pllcants for political poaitiona, specials were expected many of them to collect campaign contributions, and It Is said that they did thalr work welL Well-informed eltlsens assert that the moat of the money formerly used In campaigns by tha machine was gathered by the special policemen.'' Their - dis missal means the cutting off of tha rev enues of the political cabal that once ruled tha city. The civil service - commission may raise tha maximum aire limit from It years to 4; It is believed that If 40 be mad tha rule better man will be 'found. .. ". Another change baa been made at the uggestlon of the mayor. Hereafter moral character will be considered.., . PULPIT LACKS ENTHUSIASM, HAVING KO MESSAGE Dr. Josiah Strong of New York Speaks Eloquently at First Presbyterian Church. 'The Social Teachings of Jesus"' was th subject of the sermon by Dr. Josiah Strong of New Tork in tha First Pres byterian church yesterday morning. Dr. Strong came to Portland to1 preach In the Auditorium at the exposition, but refused to fill th engagement because th Trail was permited to open on Sun day, He declared that tha social as pect of Christianity had been neglected and that a large portion of the teachings of Jesus were social. "Th only genuine; lor to God." he l4t"tst hat. which- Ion and labors that all men may know the blessedness of sharing It. The ministry of today lacks ntbuslssm becaua ' It . .' lacka a massage. During th present period Of transition th pulpit ha been placed on the defensive. Many a preacher speaks, not because he haa something to say, but because ha haa to say something. it tney anouio accept tne social teach ins of Jesus a large proportion of them would mak tha startling discovery that they hav not bean preaching Christ's gospel?-'-'. .... .-. "Th attempt to serve Ood without serving man I th explanation of ritual lam which serves neither and la hateful to-wnrarid hurtful' to th other. Palling to ae that sacrifice Is a social law, men have tried to sacrifice to Ood without sacrificing Jor-men, Men hav But so huayUa Portland, growing and P"1. saxrlftced everything dear In this llfe-in lnar. ana mi" w m city Is 1I men short of Its present needs. 1 In addition to th regular positions. many man could obtain work as special nol Icemen. "We found some tiro ago." aald Mayor In. "that about ttt men had been eniim M onai as special police- men heretofore and carried tha baton of munlclont authority. Thes man hav been dt.mlaaed, and hereafter all epe rlal policemen muat report to th chief of pnllc and be tinder, close ooeerva tlrm." . .-.1.-.-, -i Bo ther is it demand for men to fill their places. It ia aald that th 41s charge nf then special policeman was n naraest blow struck by the new eouuv at th political schsmers. These th hop of gaming th dlvln favor ana the ill to come. This Is Invest ment, not sacrifice; it la commercialism. not Christianity.". - r , , rave roabl Poreseea. ; It needs but little foresight to tell thst when your stomach and liver are badly affected, grave trouble Is ahead, unleaa you take the proper medicine for ?UJ QSMimS John A. Young of Clay. N. T.. did, Bha aays "I had neu ralgia of the liver and atomach, my heart. was weskened, and I could not eat. I waa very bad for a long time, but In Electrlo Blttera I found Juat what I needed, for- they quickly relieved and cured m." Best medicine for -weak women. Sold under guarantee byvRklrt mor Drug C. 11 XaJrd Street, at too B bottiaV , HATURE KIIIO TO UUIE COUNTY Splendid Resources of a District r Rich In Timber, Fruits, Ce- 1 ' , reals and Minerals. BIG DAILY INCOME FROM THE LUMBER OUTPUT Her Cherries Bring the : Highest ' Prices in London, and Everything ' That May Be Grown Out of the Tropics Flourishes Here. ..". ,"" - ..' .."' : ' Olant firs. Indicating th generosity of nature, rear. their heada high Into th dim recesses of the Forestry building and ara th best exponents of th wealth of lumber whloh distinguishes Lane county. It Is stated by th head of tha depart ment of tha Interior of tha United State government in th report of ltOl that Lane county haa more standing- timber than any other county In th United States and that is saying a great deal.' ' Out of a total area of 4,3(0 square miles, l,m are covered with- a dense growth of merchantable' timber.' If all thla timber were to b sold at aay fit a thousand feet, there would come to th people of Lane county th enormous sura of 1(00,000,000. At th prent rat of timber cutting It la estimated that th sum otl 15,000-iShangea handa every day . between , th owners - and these dealers. ' '. " -.',' ,-;';'' And when all thes trees shall hava been -out down -ther will spring up an other forest of gold and without th aid of man. Thirty years after tha first cutting; of timber In Lane county, and thla la- alao true or th entire state or Onion the aecond growth is market able, and Is used for telegraph poles and ships' masts. .. Ther is practically no nd to thes forests. ' Lumbering, farming and mining ar tha greatest Industries of Lane county. Of the second a splendid display Js mad rnth-AgrlcuIturaI building at tha ex position. Hope, wheat, oats, barley, clover, timothy, vetch, pea a, fruits and vegetables ar dlaplayed to th greatest possible advantage. 01 the wonaeriui productivity of Lane county soil It is said that as much as 40 tons of carrots hav been raised on on acr In th county. ' ' But it la in fruits, and particularly in cherries, that th growers of th county look for th dollars and get them. too. Probably no other section In the coun try has a greater trad with London and all England than, haa Lan oounty,witn It Royal Ann cherries. Thea ar aent fresh In airtight oak barrel direct to London end 1 ther Br eagerly bought by the far-seeing London - tradearoen. Last , yesr. J10 tons of then luscious cherries were shipped to th metropolis of th world and th Bum of lUO.OOp was shipped back to Lane county or chard Is ts. Anything . not of tropical growth, it Is -proudly stated by Lane county growers, can be grown In the county, and. as they aay, juat a llttl bit better than, spy where else. Nature haa alao been mad to dis gorge her innermost treasure by th miners of Lan iounty. In th Mines building at th exposition there -are specimens of gold, silver, copper, quick silver and other mlnerale, , What ar called th richest deposits of alenna paint In th world ar found In this county. -.' ,'. : Stock raising and dairying ara other great industries -which All th pockets of Lan county people. If every man, woman and child, in Lan county wr to hav his or her share of tha great wealth of the county, each would re ceive (I.4II and a visit to tha county's exhibit at the Lewis snd Clark exposi tion will show why this is true. ARTISTIC BOOST IS GIVEN TO ELKS' DAY Th Elks number of th Oregon Booster, which has juat been Issued, is a marvel of typographical beauty. Th first page contains a humorous Invita tion, -th joint composition of Major Charlea K. McDonell.' Dr. Harry P. Mc Kay and Jay H. Upton, members of ths committee of arrangements- or Elks' day at th exposition, to be in Portland on August 14 to tsk part In th celebra tion and attend the clambake, and alao a warning to tha visitors to keep off the street between the hours of 10 and 11 In th morning next week. Excellent pictures of all tha officers of Portland lodge and of many other prominent Elks and a panoramic view of tha exposition ara given, together with descriptive ertlcle bearing on th invasion of th Elk. Two brief articles tell of ths Trail and Ita attractions and tha coat ; of "hitting It" "Booster" articles, as usual, are numerous and ar written In a man-' nr both entertaining and Instructive. SPECIAL PROGRAMS OF 1.1 f -i EXPOSITION BANDS Vancouver Transportation Co. Steamer Undine' FOR QaLeQSi(dle' Lockz-s Commencing Tuesday, August 1st," 1905, will make the round trip daily, ex- " y' i cept Sunday, leaving Taylor Street 6ock at 8:30 a. nx, " returning arrive 6 p. m, ',' Prtjvehto ' Brifjht'o:iDiaeabe?and v Diabette . WOODARD, CLARKE A CO. AND UUE-DAVIS DRUO CO. Dlerke's band, will play concerts at ths expoeltlon aa follows tomorrow; Afternoon Overture, "Martha." Flo- tow; . Angelua." Msssenet; "Anona"' Orey; 'Th Forg In th Forest," Mich- aala; overture, "William Tell," Rossini; fantaala, "Mikado," Sullivan t "La Pa- Iohxa -Sradtert "Robin Hood," . Be Kovan. .-. Evening Overtur. "Pra Dlavolo," Auber; "Prince of Pileen." Ludera; "Rus sian Pantasls," cornet' solo (LeyyJr Mr. ! i 1 5HMg!ggg9 How woufaT it , Ao or youj proceMo sell poor stuff or dear stuff . &s he sells Schilling! Best? :'".; ". Moneybac! ' Va1ergar-fanUBl.-Cavaltrla7ltttstl. carte," Mascagnl: ."Invitation to th Dane," Wbr: prologue from "Pagll accl," barlton solo (Leoncavallo), B. Begue; "I. O. V.,'" Van der Msnden; "Torch Dsnc," Meyerbeer. DeCaprto's Administration band will play tha following program: Morning March, Our American Olrl." Libera tl; overture, ' "Peasant and Poat," - Hupp; "Caprlccl faaqulnate," Oann; fantasia. "Ireland," Godfrey: "waits, "Estudlen- tlna." .Lacome; Intermecso, "Salome, Lorraine; medley, "Southern Plantation Songs," Conterno; march, 'Th Stars and Stripes," Bousn. ' Afternoon Overture, '"Jubel,H Wsbr; waits, "Jolly Fellows," Wollstedt; selec tion, rTh Daughter pf th Regiment," Donizetti; paraphrase, "Annie Laurie," Bennet; "Grand American Fantaala." Bendlx: ballet from "Carmen," Biset; barlton solo, Cavatlnav-1 rom-J "Atllv'.' (Vardl). Big. X)Caprlo; . march ;Tb Demon," van ter Mathen. . - - At theJ3overnment building th Tenth 4nfantryland wl- be heard for the flrnt time tomorrow at 1:10 o'clock and again at l:to o'clock. Th program will be: 1 :0 o'clock Overture. Athalia." Men delssohn;, clarinet duet, "Nanlne," Mar ahal; selection, Th Singing Olrl," Her bert; deacrlptlv gallop, "An Indian Ride," Loots; selection, "Maid and th Mummy," Bower : Characteriatlo, "Th Plag Dance," Tobanl; march, "When Tou Come Back." Chattaway; 'It's th Man In th Soldier Suit." - 1:10 o'clock March. Th" JCIUI," Morris; . overture, "Norma." Balllnl; scene, ' ..ngelus." ' Massenet; s. lection, "Woodland." Ludcrs; lntsrmesso, "Gu pldtetta." Moaes; botero, "Almavlva," Mallandaln; march. "The Gondolier. PowalL . ..-... :flBR.Bmr3ilii You Can Do It "-Yourself ?'M And It Will be wall done." Tour old an4 discolored floors will look ss clean and -polished Ss new ones by using Fisher, Thorsen A Co.'s -sUlns and . varnlahaa, -Also you will find our houss painta una' ' equaled for general us, aa they cover mor surface, are more easily applied, - and cost less than any other hlgh-grada paints .fv., Fisher Jhorsentt Co. . now? amo xouzsosr. " ' IT DIDIV,X:.HURT ;- -a:.bit- :r la wait they say ef ear aetbeda t gnlnt Bantal worn. Waeae work tor paeple fro in out of the city qnlry to avoid any delay, Brerytntag as ts ta. Oprs evanlsgs aad sosdaya. Mais SOI. ' WISE BROS., Dentists tke Fan las, ear. Tbinl aad Waektagtea. BJB3 SB. V. A. W1SZ. nassBBnsBJBHBBnanBJ " ." :.'.-' ST Oras oa Baag. : Ion, Or.. Aug.- 14. Th weather of the past week has been slightly warmer than tha week before. Heading Is draw. Ing to a clone-end threshers ar In op ration.' potatoes ar ripening and will mak a fair crop. -'.. Th acreage In "poi' tatoes la nonaldernhly greater than last ' year. Fruit of all klnda is scares and high. Ther Is no gniss.'Bn th rang. Com Is doing better thla year than (or many yara. .-.. ' , .-: 4 V