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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1905)
A- v " """ T " T" "r" ' " T "" v. 'TrT'STVTT. e'ev.c.v---.wa eg t .--- jwa....ejw. A A aw.-...J l.Jsa uVuiUliU, ALwuvt A. Uv, ' Ut", AfrSNTION. ' Lsdlee rwmnu eociaaootlal ud hlirh . BMinlV'Wlllin Will SCTTO tbeOT best iBneC- Mil br cavuiiac the old rsltsble ud wall knows X-b4iuua Medical Institute! BO chares lor opinion; eorreopoudsace eolictted. x-u.- I Slues Meairel Institute. Alisky bids., Xbi4 ana sioitibob eta.. rortUBO. ur. - VIBRATION nuIIm elratlattoa. bras he down .'. aed ejects ut tleaue. rsbotlds new sad healthy cells) (m demoustrstloa. Office ml r treating roam, Vlbrstrlum, suite JS-eP, Lswla bida.. "or. Park and Morrlaoa. &HEUM 'aewly MATI8M sufferers cared. Sol-Sal. thai deoovtraa soluble saloaeri i druxsiet. Chae. N. Crlttand.a A Co.. Ill . uiioa it., or Sul-Hal Chsailcal Ce New Tork. TrUl bottls aaa dollar. -, .- ' ' AN educated Chrlstlsa gentlemen, high social - standing, desires aeaualntanes at cultivated ; ledy of bnu, andsr 40; object honorable) i. firs parucuuxs; a vriritrt. Aaoraaa u, JouraaL .. I . lUNLX Tlaar raatond by Dr. BoborM' Norof - , OtobaUa. Oh , Booth's araataioat. (Si Maths, M aoat socaraly soalod by bsIL AtBtsAWoodanL Clarka 2 Co.. Portlaod. Or. iff srst "DoaaaMroa.' Ba. Hot Tsaiala," "Ttooy HIU, . ttmoroa.' 'Twooty "A 'Twooty Tnrl a rskor," "rwbldrfaa rnll.,' , Mt KHkt list tooa. a A.crnMU, liH rtnt st LOST aawara - remttwA bfrBM ' frost Dr. iblsttt tS nor box. tumas's Notts Tonic .TibMttt KM nor box. boats tin fl.SST WriU or soil st Brawll's biisiv, it llorrlasa, bot. 1st aai M. - Loroaa'a Notts Tonic .Tab ' ENGLISHMAN, Tory oVJ Bnsllsh family, toll. cdacatod, aoslros to oorrospond with slneors . Christ lis Udy of mosns, rlow .. autrlBwny. ' Box M. Victoria. B. 0. - LADIES Toa appaar SO yvsrs yoBBgar. ro - , bwto su wrlnkloa, baas skla Uka yolrol bst'llioT ' ur "u rooa- BINO CBOONO. lmoorter of Chlneas rat (Ibsi aalla Cblnaaa tea that Is eertal rors ' for sll dlseaaee. 181 Basosd bsC . IsoUlll I aaa ayior.- -r . . j" VIAKI.T Tlgor restored without dnws, appll-1 aneea or ppllcsuonai saaxsntsod eura posl ' ;tlrsly aura. Dr. Down Ins, Salt Lake. Utah. CLEARANCE aala all klada of waists, ktaonos. - - nmalla vadsrwssr, . etc., below sosL. Slug t-Boog co., aoo Momsoa si. THS Oregxm Detsetlra. Brrrlest fOros Sld-tU . (JoinmDis bias., un weaning loa. aiaia aata. DR. AT WOOD 1 BbssrI bldf.. car dtk Mov rlsoa. Dlaaaaas of womea. Cooaultatloa iraa. PBEB aampls corn, bunion aad wart ears. Ed- wis U Dees. dept. B, Teen ton. Mass. TURKISH BATHS, BOO Oregonlae bldg., geata ; sU alghti Isdiss all day. Mala ISSa. , BALM Or PIOS tor all feraala dlsassos. 4M i Alder. St. ' Phoaa Msla 4831. - tob, sijx-:objib ijra oabbxaoks. P0B SALE Horss (rsry gantla) wltb baggy aaa aernna. uuj ana cow. sereey, a gar 1 gons BiUk, MO. CU 41T AbTngtoa bids. . FOB SALE Bargain If Bold this week; gantla xanuiy aoract aaia aBaer Barness or aaooia. 211 rrst ettymaa are.. Mount Tabor. A PINS top bngfy, (boras sad haraaas.' aoat I , B3, ror aaia cheap, or traae ut tat. A. a. , . Hacksr. S4S Waalilngton St. SADDLE-HOH8S ior sale, or sxebsogs fori good drinng bome. Apply foster Klslssr I -, stsbia, nrta ana rrreretu- i iikfi'f'-V BLBBERTIHB bnggr. . aesi; eoat (.130, will i. care aonraaL , jming horse, saw bsr sail cheap; solas asst. .. - . ..... f,., FOR BALE Oood borse, 1.400 imaada, I2B, or ' will trads for feed. ; Apply ltd Bosaall at) Phone East STB. . ' : ..PINE camping wagon at special price. Inoulro . of 0. L. . Boss, 120 East MorrfsoB st. TO ZXCHAXaX. TO EXCHANGE 408-scrs stock, ranch aa ralV , way, 8 hours from Portland; Wall watered. Jtraeard sad f raced: rccslrsd 8 per sent yearly ' oa for past yesrs for pastorags: with - persoual attention, will pay more; will rx . . change for well equipped poulfry farm, or lav proreov auoaroaa pro perry oa stseirM car Una. ., Adaresa u iu, cars journal. . , "TO EXCHANQB 820 acres Walls WaUa wheat , land. 300 acree under caltlratloa: will x . cbeng (or stock of general merchandise la , i a-"" boaro. I PurUaad, Or. wJT ACRES. tsar Coloaaa, Eldorado aaaaty. California, hsuse, orchard, timber, spring, abundance at wstar, good aelgbhora. heel thy aooatioB, a,uuuw Add re as V 47. Journal. ' TO ETlTIAN'ti E 1 rood lota SO br 110 sack for S sood horses, or will trade one (or one . Boree. inqnira at uon sixth St., at office. '. XQI'ITT of 1,Sno la brnes and lot te exchange . ror siocx ana implements sna rrat farm. t0 Eaat Thirtieth, Bear Burnslds. .... 'A SALOON doing a 838 buslneea ner dar: ax. ... ccllent location, rery cheap rsnt; pries $2,000. r 90, eournai. -TUB Palace Mssssga Parlors Is the only place I . to ass a oioa inTiavraiuej oaia vr maessgsj ; yeans . lady. . IS years aid. with aaalstsnt. . reeestly from New York. Stark St., between , intra ana tonne, ass xseoma. rooaaa si-22. i. 1,11 1 EXPERIENCED aors gtres medicated baths, nurse gtroa medicated hatha, magnetic treatmeata; also re-1 a-Bs. 148H8lxtb, rooms 84-28. 1 aiecrrie aaa Boras yoar Sor ..THB Snowdea Batkrsoms, Isdy atttndsnta. tub ana . rapor vauis, aiaassgs saa swctneiiy. f , -2HTH Aider St. PboBe Mala DflSS. T0UNG ladles sir asasssga, tab sad Taper oaioe, aivrs eouria Bl. , oor. wssoinglOB. B1CT0H DXSI fBS. ' ' .' ' ' COLUMBIA. TRIBUNB AND CRESCENT. SPORTING GOODS. EXPERT REPAIRING. P. P. KEENAN, SOS THIRD ST. BLAXK BOOK tUBlTf ACTTTBXXB. B0WB. DAVIS ft XILHAM. 108-111 Seoond St. . Blanx boob BSBBractorsrsr a genes lor Jos IrnDTOTed Loess Last Jsdgers! ass tha . aa Eureka leaf, the bast sa ths market. BIXDS. IIRS. B. M. FR1TX. 80 Grand evs., besstlftll Imported canary birds, reasonable! aU goad ' slnrers, Snd satlafactlon gusrsntesd. BOTTXlsTw W0XXS. i, O. M. BOTTLING CO., bottlers of fine) car. . i .boastsd bsrarsgsa; family wines aad liquors , a specialty. 18 Untoa ar. Phone Beat las. CXKXrl 00XZXA0T0BB. CHAS. H. CABTEB ft CO., cemeat aoo tractors, . 848 Bart Twentieth at. Paeae Esst . 1818. All work gusrsnteed. - .IIOAXA AID 101 , ESBERO-OUNST CO- . , ... DUtrlbatora ot fINB CIGARS. Portlaad, trsana. ' CAXPIBTItS ABB BTm.DXXS. A 1. AUTHORS aad H. B. WOOD, rarpsnters -' aad bnlldsrsi repairing and Jobbing l stare and ornce ax tares built, Shop Jua . Msla tsvT. OOAL AJTD WOOD. CHUKOHLXX BROS, aare removed froa foot (, Dsrla SU to 488 Ksaraay St.. Bear llUt M aiw the strgast woodyard la the slty, carry. I fag h" kBO si wasd aad sosi. Mala 881. B. UNDERWOOD ft CO., dealers la weed aad eoel at lowest btIcui sstiatsetioa ' v teed. Irtlnx bet, . Tsath . aad Elsrsntb ..I Phoaa Msla 4ST8. , . . ' ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealers la . .dwpod, sosi 'v and greea aad dry alsbwsod. B. B. and Al ' bins are.. blocks esst ef tarry. Bast 814. ft t STEEL BRIDGB FUEL CO.. de A -card wood aad dry slabwood. Pi lealsre la eoa' OREGON FUEL CO., all kinds of aosl aad wsoaV 808 Aider. Pheea Mala 88. ' KIRK HOOVER, 818 Watar sL, wood aad eoel. ' Pboaa Mala dSed, . ' ' "'J- l BXOCXRa. ;; WADHAMS ft CO.. wholaaals spacers, aaas : fsrtarers sad soKBilssloa arsTchaata, Faartb aaa uss sts. ALLEN ft LEWIS, osamtaaloa aad seodsce a ebeata, freat ahd Lavia its,, tWtlsad, Oe, I CIUITCTXI I AD HIT"!. A'aVOXAr.. ' 114 Vs- .ngtoa st. J Mt 8h. .P ! t'i your Cull si me, wnoaj d '7". T8 ! mry snd whet yon sailed tor wliaoat a-kl.g a ouestloa. F-ara U I wu aaa rau- . Boeaiai rums vs. OeoOBuebvfcnevhe V- WONDERFUL TRIAL READING. . flOBd dlBM, BUIDBod OBTolopa, OWB Wrlt- W blrtb data. Dr. J. Loator. Snrw H lu Lmii", "o.. and rocolTo a ; OIHT CENOBTA. , Booar af- rlilrroyinta. Uo rmraatMS to . rooa orory umkmoc of Tour ills. Boat, pcaai and futnrs. Room US Alktky blU m aUr- imw. oor. TBirq. . . -i - i KADAMI JOHNSTON Olatrraysat, Balailsc. rsaoori t bito raots rsiuhta ana lav poruat oa all affairs of raal Ilea. , Basrtlaab io.. 99 SoaaBtb at. Boat Oak. I MADAMS LUCT, mod turn sad boalar; raadlaaa oaiiyana aToninsa. rsriors l-x, msv rirat. 001DCIOM stlECTMAIrTB. C . ' DATSXroiT BHOS. Ooaoral aoaiBilaaloB bmb. easBtai mi It sod prodacs; snoalaaBisBta hottadt prompt rataras. 160 trosd at. , IF rtm want So fat' good rstsrna for yaar proaoca snip to as: pay bkuosi pnea ior sirs f. o. a. P. MUlsr Co. . ! KVSKDINO JTABBaXU aradara aad oajaa alas Brrehaots. 10 frost sL. Portia ad. Or. Phono Mala ITS. cxtAJimo eurp PTmrs. ' , , PORTLAND STEAM CLBAKINO DTBIN0 woiaai oractloal batter la connect loa; leather boas aad DluBoa aVtaood aad eurled by aa aa Bart, ni reorth. Phone Clay 70s. VIENNA ttoB OUenlng dV Dre Works Bast vsuippvq pians in us ciiy: casBiicsi worx a nam in ue cltrr caemical work a specialty. Call no phon Mala laM. U lores siesnoa tree. SM Third at. CLOTHBS slesBrd aad LOTBSS lesBod aad oreesed 1 par Booth. Unique Tailoring Co, ST WaablngUa at. IT. W.TdRNEB, pro reea local dyar and sUanar. aeiraraoa ax. ' paone msib me. OAJtrrTTLXAJfTa'S. HAVS year walls c lee Bed; wa eleea paperad aad pelattd walla; aaUsfsatloa guaranteed I awloas raaaooablsi rafsraBcaa. Bed SMS. CARPETS I eteaasd aa tb Soar; we re lee as I aaei. a-Boae may eai. pea asaioBstratloa. I. HUNTER Steaai euprl ' aad ' sttraas ricanar. boo jetreraoa. Psoas Mala II. . 0ARXIA0I AXC) HACK OOXVAJTIZB, TBB CNITED CABytlAOS CO. CarrUBea. j wj-m ana wen faille. 1SS BlereaU at., sor. Morrtaoa. Phone' Mara BtS. " : '' - OHrBOPODIBTS. . ' 'v . IP year fast are eat of order, go t Dr. W or ley Benjamin. Se Tenth aad Stark, tha loot elaltaC Phooa Black SIS. ...... . 'OBoozzmr ajtd olasswarx. WHOLESALE frock ery sad glsai Hsgala Co.. 100 to 108 Fifth. wars. Praal. or. Stsrk at. '''' AM1 H0RS1 0IWTa;. DR CB.BROWN.D.T,S.,D.C.M Dog. boras boa. v piisLm BBraaiae.rDoaas: Maieaotwi icastZMia. SHIRTWAISTS, wool a wash silk. Bad fori f i.aoi ahirtwsist suits, u.aa. East Star DRESRMAKINO Strictly sp ' te dstsj - designs. 488 Clay at. lataal BXBTUTB. MET CHURCHMAN, dentist, 124 Marques hldg., SlTtb and Horrleoa. Pbone Msla 1760. 1 aXsWtXIOAl. WOBXi.' ' ! NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Compaar, 80S Stark St., Portlaad. O. K. for ararytblng la ta , slsatrlcal Una. Phoas I Mala aoaa. f PAOIF1 repairers, electric wiring, sunpllea. 84 first. or. Biara. atais bob. at. as. nav Bgr. WESTERN ELECTRICAL WORKS 1 SUtb St. , t'lmne Mala ISM. fOXSITUXX f ACT0XHS. 0REOON Faraltars Manufseturlng Caapaayw Msnafacrarsra sf faraluir fur the trad, Bartland. Or. ,. f UBNITURB manaracturlna and special orders. v L. Rurenaky'e fumlturs rectory. 8T0 Front at. njXaTACXS. B0TNT0N warmlr fnrnaees ears fasL t. Barer rarasc Co., Sod Seeoad. Mala ML X0TEXB. TBB Llodell hotel, Market bstwsea Third aad Foarth, Portlaadl eatlrsly ' asw. Europeas aaa AHiertcas pisa, sua ts s par aay. HOTEL Pvadletoa, Psndletoa. W. A. Browat Burr, 7 HOTEL Portlaad. Amerlcea pUa; St. to per day. B0TEL St, Oeorga, Psfidletoot Ms ding betel. BELVEDERE) BwrowBaa plas:4tb aad Alder sts. HAJB AFP SO ALP i?X01ALIST. ,V J, J. BORO, Bannfactarar of hamsa hair rolls, ate, 8S Eaat Ninth, phone Esst xui. - - "I": : bbABITWABX Portlaad Hardware Co. solicits opoortsttfty to quota prices. 188 lat St., cor Aider. Msla 1884. IB8TJBAXCX. UAA0 la WBITB, ars lnsorsaoa. 800 Dsksm LAMBERT, WHITMER ft CO. Firs Inaurencs ana rssi estate; aiDcee un iiei bbstiocb ping. Msla I008( dept. 404 Bast Alder., Bsst 4I)L eAS. Mel. WOOD, smploysra' Usblltty aad lo-1 aiTiausi accident surety benoa ex ail xiaus. Pboaa T. SOS McKsy bldg. ' IL P. ARTF(.S C0MPANT Firs Insnranea. 448 Sherlcek bldg. Oragoa Phone Clay 82S. tooxtatrm BBTNOLDS geasrsl repair shop; expert machin ist, locksmith) orders promptly filled; siesta I Millar ksylsss locks. (28 Wash. Msla 820. BBOWNB-S IN TOWN Expert locksmith aad bkrrele repairing. SS8 Stsrk. Dsy pboaa. Clay 823; Bight pbone. Mala 1888, - 7. .. RET Sttlnff, ceat-lroa brsslng. I. EL Richard. eon. sua roariB sr. rnons Hooa ithb. SECOND-HAND msalosl lnstrsmssts ot all ainoa at hrerest prices, - cssb se lastaUxesata. r isner staaie us ivg Third at, VIOLIN, Uogbt, Baadolla, guitar, stc, csrt fully Coaearvatory hsIL 4BS 12th at., slty. PIANO tnnlng, j twfact work gaaraab 0. W. Jf-hnaon. moos msib mi. BtAOBXTIO BJXALDIw. MRS. L. H. HART trssts all dlseaesa, atoBscb trouble, wrrveuaseos snd fUBCtloaal weak seas. ConaulUtloB free. SsoVj Psrk. sor. laffereoa. OSTXOPATHS. DBS. OTIS ft MABEL AKIN, 408-4 Macieer bldg. Phone Clay TT8. Oooaultetlea free. vTmutiBr BOBS OP . THB ROAD OVERALLS sad axe rnasics- smiaiagi sntoa mads.' rleastsdtar Baaufactorera. Portlaad, Or. PTBLIO - AOOOmriAlfT. B. H. S. btULDBB, expart sccaanUnt, rooa 441 Sherlock bldg.i booka spaaed, edjaated sad ' ssdlted; books kept for small an seams; aod. rsto sSsrgssi Srstlasa rsfsrsasss. Mala aval. nvmnu. DONNERBEBG plambara. . 84 ft BADEatACHEB, sanitary ruea-ia sa. sou pauaea. FOX ft CO., sanitary alambera. S8t Second bat. auus aaa, aairaoa, wrsss mraa C. iw, ian Il 8TA B LOAN CO. Anr 'salsrd s..y. wsgs ntw, Wa got , SB) BIS ASMe. ' pnium- , r vtk. week ri.pu renay re, so or" i. m I .ij i .,..r w 8 S .4 or tled'sr 1 e.u.wO-j M I d.od or IX US at ti-IW su steAay aia. . P1VB. ayt w balld roa a boas a yoa iom; oa your proporty: assatbly I InraotiraUl oooa i Baiorc torday araa- ktoaoM Is-U Labs hld. aaTVb waoa. MONET to smb. Mlarlsd aaopla. Waautora. ate. witooot Mtoui oaay payoMutsi largwat bnalnaas la oa u ''act pal cltlaa. Tghasa. 2U AUulua Bias, raouo ataia ( - MONET TO LOAN so raal parsoaal ud aoV- Utaral sooorityj spaviai attaouva a rcatui Bortfafoa; aulas bousht. u. W. ralwt. soa-d rsBtoa B4aaT., aa aula as. BIOHLX poetabla Blac whoro4ad4os aad borrow Baoaof dlamouoS sad aonts eaa Jawalry. Collateral Loaa Baaav Waaa- UaTioa mx raouo auacs i w S LOAMS- and toward aa all klada of sorority aaiarira paopis sa uslt notai lowaal ratosr ao oubllcltT: ao subllcltT. aa dolar. XIB AhlaaL oaa. nMkao toa sw. CHATTEL lout 1b aawonts rsoflsc froa) M , to $5,000; rooming -outlaws a spMlalty. Now Era Loan Trast Co., 90S Abloctoa bids. WB maks ail klada of loaa oa food aaearlty at low oat rataa: spoeui attacUoa , flraa ' chattel loaaa. 183 Morrlaoa at. i LOAKS at lewast rataa oa faraitura, pi , any ssooniy ooiaa parcnaaaa. auwi ' offlosa, Va8 Sherlock bid. . I MONET to baa la soms of from 13.000 to - eo.uuu; farms le sun us Borrowar. SU-10, Cummerclal blk. MO.tET TO LOAN la Ur(a ar sauU iBmti oa bom ascurityi lowest rataa.. TVUUaa W jtaca, but ramus bids. TBB CBBHCBNT LOAN vOMPAN T Salary loans, (rem Una to aU Boa the; soaOdaBi tUl. sii urssoBiaa. I MONET TO LOAN aa Clackamas scanty lands. I - B. P. aad V. B. Bllay, SuS CbaBbar if 02 PORTLAND BEAL ESTATB LOA8. S AND Mr eaa i. wm. imbboib, b railing aiag. I TO LOAN $500 to IB.OOO Ij Char lea Blrstsl. n jnira ex., rooaa a TAXYTS, 0XX, AJTD CLASS. P. B. BEACH CO. Toe Plgaaer Palat Co.) wuuowviaea. aaaj , Siaauia. . jsa . ranH ; Pboa 1U4. ; , BA8MUSSEN . CO. Jobbers, pelnts. U. glass, asab sad doors. Srroad sad Tsylor. tBOTTIXtt. BUSHONO a) CO front aad Stark ate.. lot, lithographing, blank baoks aad supplies; work dona sn time: asset aoi printing offloe la the wast. Mala 10a. print, face ANDERSON DTJNIWAT COMPANT, ortnttn. , mnssrapaing. Biaaa oooas. rnoaa aaaia 17, SOS Alder at. STRUT YATXaTO. WARREN Cone tract lea Oa., street parUg, alda wsias aaa arosswaiaa, lis uregocuaa blag. TBB Trinidad Asphalt Paring Co. at Portlaad. vrnca aoo woreeeree- at Si PLATTJIw, I THB OREGON PL ATI NO WORKS, ' 881 Waab. ; ingtoB at. rhoaa Bit.. Poueblog, buobs "and lacqarrlng. ' - - B0PK. PORTLAND C0BDA0B CO. Corner roarteeatt and Horthrap su., Portland. Or. . Boorao.- i. TIN ROOflNO, guttering, repairing aad joooing. e. aaisiu, xix esitsrsoa ac STMOOXAPMB. aaoarsn of all kinds at abort notice. SIT CbaBbar . oc commerce. Phono Msla. T84. .BATXa DIE BOLD Mao ran aaa ssfeo; fire and burglar. . proof worst jail aad prlsoa work: lockouts - apeaeai repairs. J. . Deris, 06 Third at. BTTBBXB STAMPS. e r eriua irna tr m a.a . u . Mala 710: rubber stamps seals, stencils, bag. Baas, area coecne; ssaa sor cauiogBa, . STORAOK, TXAlTSriB AJTD aLAULTHB. SAFES, Btanos end furnlrors axrrsd, packed ready for -shipping sad stopped; all work guaranteed; large, 1-atorr brick, ' Ore-proof wareaouee- ror siorsge. vrnca ua First st v. m. uissa. raoaa Mala S4T. 0. O. PICK. efSre 88 first st. betwees Stsrk sua teas eis.. poo no awe; pianos and furniture aioTra a no parssd for snipping: i brick warrhouss, "Front aad Clay OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 184 North Sixth. pbobs Msla su. Heavy hauling sad storage. POST SPECIAL DELIVER T Me, SOD Waab. iiaK'a raow aaaia voa. sioxpAiirrxRB. UOLD SIGNS, window lettering., cloth beansrs. economical 'elertrla slgna and signs at all kinds made quickly. Poster ft Klclssr, fifth and Everett, Phow Exchsngs 88. THB MOROAN CO., ' ta 118 Seeood at third Soar. 108 ' Mannfactnrsrs snd Jobbers of ' "LEWIS AND CLARK ROUVENIRa Booths aad a treat stands fitted eat eoapleta. SHOWCASES AVB PLT.TTJXIS. SHOWCASES of a rery descrlptloai baak. I , and store Sxtarea made to order. im Aaitke Menurecturlng Co Portland, TOWXL STPPLT. towiia dailz paab, brash, -assn. 81 per month. Lawrence Bros.' Towsl Supply - vq., raana ana uacB. roooe asw. TIOUVB. I. A. WESCO, TVills-tnaker aad rspalrer: work arat ruaa. xo ttaessll bldg., 4tb sad Morrlaoa. WALLPAPIB. MORGAN .WALLPAPER CO . ISS-lfUt St., bet. Tamhlll aad Taylor, Portlaad. flBABClAU POXTLAVD TRTJST COWPABT Of 0XXO0V. 1 no 10 1UIMD ST 'Tha rHdest Trust Compsny la YraaoaL' RESOURCES OVER SI rnl onn ER 81.000.000. Osaarsl Banking BusIbsss Oondustsd. , savings Dr Doe i te Received. Tims eertlflestee leaned, aha aaa tl Bee, tea ad eeneaii para Die anna lo oars' call, BO says' cell or 80 days' cell with Interact at 9. i4 ane 4 per cent per annum, respectively. Cat or read for booh of Illustrations. REM. I, COHEN ...President H. PITTOCK Vice-Presides! B. u a faub a,..,, sacretart i. O. GOLTRA AsstsUDt Secretary 1 1 BITXD 8TATT8 NATTOVAL BAWat U OF PORTLAND, OREOOB. BOXTKWXST COB. TKIRD AND OAS BTS. XTaaaaeta a traaeral Baaklng araslatss, . ,PRArrs issued I Avallabls th AU Cities ot too United Sts tsa Europe, BoBaTkaog aad Ms alia. OOLLXOTIOKf MASS OB f AVORAXLX TXXMS Presldeat .J. CAI.N8H0RTH Flea Praaldrnt.vvnTvriVTrrSTW. B, ATER Vice-President R. LEA BARNBS : Cashier B. W. BCHMRER Aaalstsnt CshleT..,.......,...A. K. WBIOHT Asslstaat Csahlct .....W. A. BOLT MBBCHABTT WATTONAT, BAsTBJ, . PORTLABO. 6KXO0B. II. PRANK WATSON....... .Preetdeat H. U DUHHAM.......,.,......,TMe.tTSaldeat R. W. BUTT ,, GBOROB W. HOTT Tissasuls a Oee ...............VBeaier Aaslrtast Csskler DratU aad Letters sf Credit leaved A Talis Ms to All Parts ot the Werle. ' ! Collectloas a SpecUlty. MORRIS, PROS, ft CKBrBTEllSEir,--., ItSH ftrrt St.. psruaad, Ot. ' Offer -Ont-Cdte Isresti , JUUroad aVsada, wnta ta MeitMealas xl(a at Caii, FXava A-I0't, BJ'X , Dastjrostad Ssposltory sad financial Afeat af tsa llaltad SUtaa. Praaldeat.... .....A. L. KTJS Ce eater J, w. IttWHlri Assastaat Oashlay W. a ALVOH0 vecuaa evaaiaiaac uear...,.ii, w. eiaiani tstlara pf Credit tued inllahl la foropa sad tha euKatern Scataa. Bight Inkaan aad Tale'raphbj Ttaaararar 8M sa New lurk, laostoav Cnlcaga, St. Lsv.s, t. Paal, Omaha, Saa Praaetecs) sad las principal polnta la tha Northwest. . ' Sight and time bills draws. In rnn-a ts salt s Leadoa. - Parts, -Berlin, rrukfort-ta-tho-Mala. Hoaghoog, Yokohama. Copaabaaea, Chrurtlanta, tocoTm. at. ratal sum a. aow, Enneh, Boaoiaia. Oolloetloaa Made aa PseoraMs Tarma. LAOS s TTXT0M. BARXZRS. .. i r (Xstahllshsd la 1H. " Tiaaassta Oaaaaai Banking Bui (tins. ' ' Oollastloaa made at 4)1 points ea favorable tarma. Letters af credit leaned available la Europe and sll points la ths United States. - Sight Bxcasnara and Telegraphic Traae fere ota sa nsw ion, vrssoingtoa. cnioago, ac Loie, uvbtw. uaiai, aaa sraociaoB ai Montana and British Columbia, B-ienange sold ea txxiaoa. rsnr. Barns, Frankfort, Boagkoag, SoaobaJBS. Maalls aad ttonoluiB. . SI0UBXTT SATTROS at TRUST COM? AIT. S88 MorHaoa St.. Portlaad. Or. . , . , TTsaaants a Oaaaral Baahlng Bualaass. SATOTOS DEPAXTMXRT. SatwsH Allowed aw Time aad Sartnga Dsaoslts, 1 Arts aa Trasta for Bstates.' Drafts aad Letters at Credit Available to AH Parts af the World. , P. ADAMS..... , ,. ...Preeldeot A. LEWIS .first Vice-President aV U MILLS....... BeOS OA Tloe-l'toalSial R. 0. JUBITS Secrstarr E0. P. BUS8ELL.....,....Aaslstanl Saeretary .Tivrn a varavaii aj'e-e.e -a 0b PortUBd Baal Batata at Lnrsat Titles Insured, Abstracts Furnished , TITLE 0UARABTEB ft TBTST 00. Baoaa a. Chamber of Oommsres. ' WANT TO SEE Uir.l Friends of Depew Hopa He Can Come Clear of Equitable t:' Muddle, s-r-i VANNUTELLI'S VISIT " -BECOMES. iftRITATINd First Secretary of French Embsssy Receiving Much Homsge From American Cronies Owing to -His Aristocratie Xineage. ' ( Washing toa Bursas xf Ths Journal. Wa'ahlnston, D. i. Aug. 14. His many frtands In Waahlnston undoubt- dip hop that Bsnator Dapaw, having cut short his rat pariod abroad, will bs abU to clean his aklrts of tha daf llamant In tha EqulUbla flaacowNobody am really takes Chauncsy serloualy Hla feonaollnB words to hla co-partners to "let it" blowover are characterlatlo of his eaay way of looking at vexatious problema. Things may yet ""blow over? where Mr. Depew Is ooncer'ned. - but-tt begins ta. appear that the "blow" will be ot the kind that almoat killed father. Alice -RooaeTelt la undoubtedly having the' time of her young life. Bhe haa been feted and photographed and made much of sine her departure for and ar- "ITL :-?llt7r.rAr:'l which have coma from tha lalands ahow the Independent young woman In tba red linen-gown which she wore at tne cnery Chaee horse show last May a year ago. It la mads very almply and looaely, without a collar, Ahs waiat being embal- llahed with applique with clover leaves In. veMia llnati . with atama and outllnsa fin black. By this coatume ah may ee- tabllah aa fine a favorite in dreas among tha Philippine belles as she haa Smong the - department store dressers of the United States who wear -"Alice blue." - . Sis Visit ZtTitatsa. . Senor Oalllsa Vannutelli, nephew 'of the powerful Roman cardinals, has been making cults a long vlaltatlon to the Cathollo unlveralty In Washington. In deed he haa lingered so long in its clas sic shadea that it is now an enigma whether h think becaua he has two uncles in the Roman . curia he can collect tithes from the papal eatubllah ment, or whether he ts here on a secret mission from Roma Hla prolonged vlalt is beginning to Irritate everybody connected with the institution, and he ha received many irrowd hints , about the unheaJthfulness of Washington ell mat in summer. Gossip -r, say that Senor Vannutelli hopes to land an Amer ican heiress. There ar soma fervent people - who think It a privilege -to replenish tha empty coffer of a family whloh boaats of two princes of the church. There la also an uneaay feeling that he may be her to look out for those - tendencies toward liberalism which are the -bet noire of the Roman curia when think ing of the active American church. . Claiming stuck. Xoiaagw. if. Xe Porte d la Fosse, first sec. rotary of tha French embassy, is feeling hi oats as a leader of society st the Diplomatic Inn in Newport, and aa great, great grandson of tha illustrious Lafay ette, he Is claiming additional homage from hi American oronlea Somehow, the American public did not, until re cently, grasp the fact that the athletic secretary of tha ' French embassy boasted the blood of the most disinter ested patriot of his time in his velna No one would imagine ' even remote connection between - ttrla-would-b arlav toorat and Waahlngton'a cloaent friend. Vlacount d Chambrun, second aecre. tary of the ambaay. Is likewise a great. great grandson, Indeed it looks as-If Lavfayette were more the father of France than Waahlngton was the father ot the United State. . The controveray between af. Ies Portes do la Foes and tha rector of a certain Catholic church In Washington concerning ths . renting of a pew 1 still' s draw. ' It seem that ever sine 'their arrival ths secretary and his family has refuaed to rent a pew as other dignified and self-reepect lng diplomats believe necessary. On the contrary they . went hither and thither first into the pew of an acquaintance. and than incommoding utter sttaragera, antll the affair grew quite irritating and waa called to the rectors at ten j tlcm. He failed to convince the lordly descendant of Marqula de Lafayette that It was Inownbent upon him to con tribute to the aupport of the church. Perhaps 'h think that Lafayette did enough for this country to cancel aU obL Ugatlonsjr.or-Pla progeny for an time. liiw Seetroy Whaas. ' 'Special D la patch te The Joaxaai., Salem, Or., Aug. 11. Five stacks of grain, containing about l.sOO bushels of wheat and cats, on ths penitentiary farm near this city, together with the Morris threshing machine. . were destroyed by fir Saturday evening. The fir started by a epark from the engine and all effort to save either the grain or the machine wer futile. A there wa no Insurance, both ar a total loss. The thresher was practically new and valued t iiog..;;irrr-r ' Piefened Brack elUea . eUwisr Best araad. VlilCATED BaTLXOAS aVjID'STXAJCBOAT TZl IAXXXS, La.V'.t.' ,'' ' ' sTsTSswBQssa .: '' .''.-. ' ' . V-' S60 ixoutcd TIM?;' Vf '; ' JOn the Popular Steamshipa " " " ' r ; DOLPHIN . . , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . .AUGUST. 14TH iEFFERSOn .... AUGUST'20TH K3LPHIN . ., . ...... . a, .. i . ...AUGUST 23D ; ' JEFFERSON . f . .AUGUST 29TH - ; j bo Not Neglect to Take This Ideal Trip. Remember the rate v ' ' .. i Includes .Everything-.,. :,... .: ... TrT:.: Reserve Your Accommodations Now. U -.nilC ALASKA 5. CO 5CATTLC , Frank Woolsey Company, Agents. Phone Main 96. 1 252 Oak ; " . .- ' I ; 'y ' , V Street, Portland. Oregon. ; ; , ' - r. KC PAILY H TRIPS- z Tr-A Aiwv ri.iw:8, To CASCADE LOCKS AND RETURN r ; Regulator Line Steamer "BAILEY GATZERF Xrsavas foot of AUAa steaat ajally esse a. sa.f awtasms lisa-y. ta. 'L' V ' bT b " "raPOTigli gtaaaiaTa fop The Bailee and V flPsB 1 .3 U WF polats leave daUy (exeerpt aaaa). ; A wil V asaST-W- y no, tmMm Bl. . iaC DAYS ON 1 PUGET SOUND 'Ths Maditerrsoesa at the Paclfav1 PTOET SOUsTD BRXTISK OTLTKBIA, $23.75 Pays for S days' round trip to TACOMA, SaV l wf . , v u wi r B.t MVAU1U 1111. CORTES. WA8U.1 ' VANCOUVER. . BRITISH tULianiA, in. Laavms portiasvi aua-nar is and XL. b:bd b. I., first-class trsasnortatloB. meals aad barliia uiriuueo. The pslatts! ocean-solng ltea mahlps UMA TILLA, QUEEN. CITY OP PUEBLA. for tickets snd full Information apply Pa rifle Coast Steamship Co., 848 Washlngtoa at., booth Mfrs. snd Ubarsl ,Aru bldg., Pslr (Toandsj Pagst Sound ft f Alaska Kscarsloa Bureau. Goodnongb bldg.. 6th aad Xaaialll sts., Portland. Or. INLAND REGATTA IS SCHEDULED FORTOpAY (Joarnal Spedsl Sarrlce.1 Oahkoah, Wla., Aug. 14. Today la the opening day. of" the regatta under the auaplce of the Inland Lak Tachtlng association and ' crack yachtsand en thualaatlo yachtamen from various parts of Wisconsin and IUlnola are assembled here to take part in the stirring events of the regatta week. The regatta will be held on Lake Wlnnebag eJfrsaual lera-exceirant raaTnea?0ryahfiraclng. There ar 21 - yacht club that are members, of the Inland Lake Tachtlng association, among them the Chicago Yacht club, 'the ColumblaJacht club, the Delavan Lake Tacht club, the Lake Geneva Tacht dub;- the Milwaukee-! Tacht club, the Oahkoah Yacht club, the Green Lake, Macatawa Bay, Pin Lake, Spring Lake, Pletakee, Whit Bear Lake and other prominent -cluba. The asao- elation wa organised in 1891 and twoJ years ago made Oahkoah tba permanant meeting and racing place. Beside sv eral prlsa winners a' few new yachts of great speed have been entered and a highly spirited contest Is expactd in the conteats for tha various classes. GLOSS CAPTURES THE - SINGLE SCULL RACE ' Special Dispatch te The JoaraaL) ' Victoria. B. C, Aug. 14. Gloas of Portland won the elngle sculls in the finals of the N. P. A. A. O.J held at Ea- qulmalt yesterday. -'Portland dldnt do very well in the senior rack losing to the Jamea Bay Athletle aadoclatlon by four lengths. Tha crews wer: J. B. A. A. C B. Kennedy, stroke; J. 8. Fllaison, I; P. Austin, J; J. Donald son, bow. . T " V. R. C. N. C. Bawera stroke; O. W. Seymour, t; J.- A. PUlabougb, 1; R. C. Splnks, bow. i P. R. C. P. T. Schmld, atrokeN. M. Montgomery, I; F. Zimmerman, 2; R. A. Lsmberson, bow. . . . Warner Will Come, r . ' (Joaraal Bpedsl Service.) . Pittsburg. Aug. 14. Hana Wagner of the Pittsburg team, considered the great est living ball player, with the possible exception of Lajole of- Cleveland, will play for the California fans during the coming winter. ..! Panny Long or Ban Francisco reached Pittsburg this morning and signed Wagner to lead an All-National league team' to the coast at the close of the present season. An All-Amerjcan team will 'also go from the American league, headed perhaps by Captaln-Lajoie of the Cleveland team. Wagner, known as The Big' Du ten- man, " la considered in the National ana American leagues bs thd 'greatest ball Ws treat sueoessfully sll private eef . voua snd chronic disease of men; sts blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and throat trouble, W euro SYPHILIS (without mercury) to stay cured for ever. W remove STRICTURE, with out operatloa or pain, in II days. Ws stop drains, the result of self abuse, Immediately. We can restore th sexual. vigor of any man under 88 by means ot local treatment peculiar ta ursalve. ' . - f- Wrtrire QonorrhoeaL in a Week ' ;. Ths doctors cf this Institute 8 re all jV regular graduate, have had many . yearn experience, have been known Portland tor 18 yeara, have a reputation te maintain, and will undertake no easet, unless eertal cure can tv enectea,. I W sruarantoe a cure In every eaae we undertake or charge no fea Consulta tion free. Lett-re confldentlaL instruc tive book FOR atKN mauea ire in plain wrapDer, : " tlrrnTVur? guIianUed!"11" " PB" If you easnot aU at mca, writs fop arfMflrUle ' '" a . One hour t to 8 snd T to 8. Sundays and tiolldaya 10 'to It. " DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. ' Offloa la Tea Noy otL It 14 Talr d Street. Corner Pin. Portias, Otv I XAJTJIOAD AJTD BTXAjOOAT TTW TAPTtJ. 060 --.J. W-e. A.- Berth and Meals ' H C. OEE WO The Great Chinese Doctor Porssertylocatset- 8 Aides St., soraar Third, Have Moved To the large brick -' building st 1 ef first a ta, S. B. cornel Morrlsoa , BBtratkM " ;' 162 Flrg( Straat Sr. C. See We, ths Brest Chinees Doctor, Is wsll knows and famous throughout the V. 8. because his woaderfol aad marvelous cure, have bees heralded broadcast throughout ths length and breadth ef this country. . Us trssts any Bad all diseases with Powerful Chtneee roots, bsrbs, bads, barks sad vegsUblss thai rs entirely anknowa to medical science la thla country, and through the aaa ef these aarmless remedies he guaranteee to cure catarrh, ssthms, long troubles, rheumetlam, nervousness, stomach, liver, kidney, female troubles and all privet dlaeasss. This famous doctor rnree without the aid ef ths knife, without using poisons of drags. Hundreds of testimonials aa file at hU etacaa, Call and ere hint. Chsrges anodetats. ' CCnrBTTXTATIOW FREE. Plentt out of Ml CI sad circular, lacloss 4c a tamp, Addrsss TAs 0. See Ws Ohlnsss Medicine Co.. IMfe let 8V, sr. siorrissB. rsniaae, or, Pleass anentloa thla paper, n SPICES C07FuE,TI DAmr.jPCVDir., ar;cnL:3iasAarrs CmrtVShwH.l50Mietf CUSSTODZYm lORT1D,OrnQ0N. player who ever lived. ' For three years he ha led the National league not only In batting) but In big hits, runa scored snd stolen, bases. It Is said that Long guarantees Wsgner ISO a week and ex penses, . - . , Boalaf Srota. ' Charles N'ary of Milwaukee and "Kid" Goodman, ths Boston boy., have bees matched for a 20-round go at the S. A. A. C. in Spokane for September I. The directors announce that Kddl Qulnn, matchmaker for th club, ha closed the arrangements snd set th date for the two little men to fight , Bedaoed BUtea to sTaasta Bprlnga, 'Tba Southern Psclflo company-hag placed on sals at its Portland offloes round trip tickets to Shasta Springs st a rat of 110. Beautiful, - lllustratdd pamphlets descriptive ef this resort can be ascured fTonisny Southern Paolflel aiani. wlUout opera. ert!oa blank, Bom treatment S. ifi. ., t I f ir Trains' to the East , Tbroagb Pullmaa standard and 1 -cars dally to .Ossaba. Chios Chios aev toarlet slsrnlnasrs dallr to Ran through Pullmaa ton rial sletlnc-csra ally sondsctedl weekly to Chicago, t chalrcsrs (seats free) to ths Eaat d- 'CNIO.t DEPOT, Leaves. Arrlv CHICAGO- PO RTLAN D SPECIAL. For Jha Eaat tla Boot tngtoa. S:IS a.. SB. Dally. 8POKAKB PLTER - for Rsattra Washing ton. Walla Walls, Lsw-I tstoa, Coeur dAleae SMS p. as. Daily. S-4 a. s . Dai.. ano ureal Northern points. . ATLANTIC EXPRESS. 8:18 b. i 7:14 s. a. a or ue saat via Boat. Inston. DaUy. .. DaL. Columbia River DlTisloa. r " nontKlA sntl wayt 1 -0 a. B j-"uis, soausctlag with ID Daily. for tlwsce snd North Besrh, stmr. Has-lt er. Sunday. :0p. Saturday. 10:80 p. as. . aan-er, oork. . T. 1. Potter for Astoria and North Eeoca t roiiows: Aug. 18, 8:18 s. m.t Aag. 1. :M t .".': r. S:00 a. aa. Aag. IS. 8:00 a. Tamhlll Rlrer BswU. f OB DATTON. Oregsa City aad Tamhlll river T0 a. av folnra, atmrs. Rutb snd Dally. Modoc.. A ah -at deck. lax. Sunday. Watar permitting.) f r:Ms.BV arauy ea. I , auday. . Baak River Boats. FOB LEWISTOM, Ida., and way polnu froa 1" Ports, Wssh., stmrs. BpoSans snd Lewlstoa. 4:00a. bv Dally ex. B:p. Dour.j., Ab-it 5:00 a. as. 1 Dally, sx. frl'. Saturday. TICKET Of flCB. Third and Wsshrsgtoa, Tau a 5oW.V,"T,IN0B1' A real AT CRAIO, Oaaaral Paaaraser Ageat- 'UtiDnj aTl 1 SB 71 VIA SOUTH Lssvea. OM10M DBPOV. OVBRLAMD aZPRRSa Trains, for Sslsna. Rosa berg. Aehlaad. Sacra menta, Ogdea. Saa Praa cweo. Stockton. Loa la- : p, am. Vlooc'S.i jmj - i lLJ,0,, WV I Arrives. 1oo-, galea. El Paso, Nsw Or- sans and ths Bast, hi or nine train sects st Woodburnl deny sicspt Sunday 8:80 a. sv wiib train roc Ml. Angel. S 1 1 T r t a. BrewnsTille. I r 1 1 f - '' M P. 88. v. . . field, WsaaXlag aad niuroB. Euaeae vei t0p.Bk nects at Woodbara with no:8 a. aw - ' ' S:Mp. as. 8:38 a. as. '111:60 p. m. ML Angal aad Sllvar toa local. Oorvallla peeaingtr. T:S8 a. ta. as an n i110:S.m. Boeriasa pea Forest Orovs pi Daily .' 1 1 Daily except Basdsy. "V. Itlaa-OjsanLjjiW liivlaion. . . Deeot foot of Jeffcrsoa atreet. Lssve Portland dally for Oswego I SO a. SB. t 180, J on, s ou. bsso. e.oo, m-.aa, T:ea, io.ib b. m. Dslly (eicept Snndsy). 8:80. 8:80, aso. 10:28 a. na. :uu, ii;ou p. sa, Busoay eaiy. a on a. m. K. turning from Oawego, errlve Portland dslly 8:80 s. axl 185, 8:00. 4M, :. T:89, 81. 11:1 p. as. Dslly eicept Sunday), 8:89, T:, 8:80, 10:10. 11:48 a. as. Except Monday. Uiast p. m. Sunday only, 10:00 a. as. IMrsj irons aaioa ewpoa aor iaunw aoej iBvea ed Late "points daily 8:00 P. - as. Arrive Pore- land 10:10 a, at. Tha InAenaadeace-Moereoutb. Motor - Use operates dally ta Monmouth snd Alrlle. eon aoctlng with BoBtbera Pacific eoapeay'e traesa at Dsllss sad Independence. Flrst-clsss far fmra Portland ts BaaTsuaeBls and Sea frsnclsoe 180, berths ti seooad-elass fare 818. eeonnd-claas berths 83.80. Tickets te Eastsra ' points aad Enropsl Sate Is pan. China, Hnnolala snd Anstrslls. City Ticket Of Bee comer Third aad Wasb rngtoa streets. Pboaa Mala Til C. W. STINOER. . - W. & COMAH. City 11CK a I Agent. . un, a-eaa. aureas. TIME CARD OP TRAINS Portland. DAILT. VK10N DEPOT. Depart. Arrive. Tsllowstoae Psrk-Ksa- aae Cltvjtt. Lsals SdS- el.l toe rhehslls. Caa- tralla, Olympls. Orsys Harbor, Scuta neao. is- 8:88 a I 4 40 s. a,' aa. Beams, apeaane, ... .. Bill. incs. Denver. Omaba. Kansas city. St. lasat sad southeast. North Coast Limited. electric lighted, for Ts corns, Seattle, Sp,kAne. 1:08 b. i rtosass. Butts. Mlnaea noils. SL Paal and tss Esst. Paget Bound Umlted, ror cnensus, vsutralla 4:80 p. BL Tacoma and Seauie 10SI B. SB, . oalye ' . Twin City Emraas1, Tacoma, Seattle. Bpo-I sene, neiena. Butia. 11:48. I Yellowstona Park. Mia. smb. av Beapolla, SL Paal aad tns East. ((P) ) A. D. CHARLTON. Assistant Oewersi Pseeenger AgasV i So8 Mnrrlena at. sor. Third. , , Portland, Oregoa. ' Astoria & Columbia- River Railroad Co. ' " 'j i ' . i . - LmOos. UNION DEPOT. Arrrraa. ' i-l " " I ll I I I - 8:00 a. as, "for VaygsraRaliilar, 11 -3n g. as,-- - Dally. . Clstakaais. Weatport, Daily. 8 80 p. St. CUftoa. Astorls, Wsr- , . rentoo, Havel, Haas- - v . . mood, fort Steer so. - i -. ' , tiearhart Psrk, Seaside. ' i Astoria and Seashore, . - , Eiprrss dally. v, ' " . 19 p. av . 8 Mb. ah UDally. Astoria. Brprssa., ' 7 ; Saturday euly. J. 0. MA TO, -Lr-ead-Pv- A. STEWART, Commerclsl Agent, 848 Aide etreet. Phone Main BaaB. Xleket OtBoe 183 Third Bt. Iraoas f ) ee-t. Tmnsicoritl nssntctl -Trains. Dally r fast tim: TO SPOKANB. ST. PAtTL, r JaLNNEAr'OMS, CH1CA ALL POINTS '. navllshl trip throurv and Kocky snountalna M'srsy rates, folders, a . , ... - . at it