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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1905)
orGonDAiLY - jour.:iAL.; rcTLAND. r:c:;DAr Lyz:;x::a. taucu;;? u bmJ ( th postoffic of Portland, tfcvcoa. " ""? . , '. aw. a to ae IX- w ."IT" .o ,. e MM UIM. j eeac; a w r-s- UT"4 pegs, BtB. sMIrortsl Room ! stasias Otic ...Mala ooa roano ATiiiM iPxfli:iATrr. .Nts - - - k. built. Tk. nei. JeurnaL with naudxy, 1 J . The Pelly Journal, 1 yrsr TM Dally , lb J. in.. Iwil. Lnae: -with Sunday. 1 BMOlb.. .06 JUa Dally, pat week, deUrsred. BBlay - ' rladed . .. ....... e The Kelly, par Week, deUvered, Sunday cspted.... ... mm y uu. Ta ttellr Joarnsl. with Sandsy, F The Dally JouraL ' vvVlLL:IiI St? Tb Dsily taml with nonday. Math. 2.78 Th Dslly Journal. S monins,. rZ Tbs Dally Journal, with Sunday. $ month. 1J0 Tb Pally Journal. "mitlm.. ...... . a Tha Dally Journsl. with Sunday. 1 month.. . .... T 1 1- T.n..l 1 nun t B ............ u Tba Suodsy JournaL J year. .............. J Tha fc..--- Joarnsl a saoath iiwiiwr . Ths Sml-wkly JnuiL IM Sml.Wekly Journal, $ to ? . ek reene. Illustrated, full nrkt "T$l -80 . mltu'nc' ibou'ld bV axi'dY by Arafl P Oolee, express order and aaian oeats- -. . r. O. Bo 1M. Portland. Orfoa. ' ' wxait jpM10PJAL"'mT- FOWIfc Tba Joaronl U foao WiSSH. -.'tel. W. . CHICAOO-P tofoea w eompaayt Hi Df 'paVEBTcOIid-. Blaelu Slxtaaatli aad Car- KA'lTTT-TaKl-) PK' BiINNBAPOUS M. J. KhTaaaafh, M t KBW IOKK CITT Braotaae'f, Caloa OMAUi Millard Hotal Nwa auad; Moaaat Barrow Broa.. 4 Want Srwnd rt. : T. LOUIS Philip Roadar. 61 Locnmt Wraatj . T. Jott, 90 Ollra atrar t. ' . , AN rEANflscO-WB. Ardlnf. Pala- Htjl Naaa-ataad-and inng MarhM&-t: OoMj (! Franrta hotel: rontar Orar rarrr bulla Inc; N. Waoatlry. aeabW aw ataad, oar - nar Market and Kaaiwjr atraota. . EATTLB Ralnlrr Ornnd Haw atandt W. b. Hhaoka. Hol IMattla N wi .Una - SrokANI. WbH1M(JTON-JoHb W. Oraa TAOOMA. WASHTNOTOrt Oaatral Kw ConV ., mot; Hotal Txma Mtwa atand. TfTTofelA,- BRITISH COLUMBIA Yletorll Book Stationary onpany. , WIATKIX SJDFOBt. Tha waaUwr ta aaarttlrd la h north Paelfle atataa. and. light ehowara barn oocarrad la aoathrra Haho and wra tara Walnt.. Rain la alao raportrd la tha Ulnomrl aad Ml UnMppI rallaya, aad nlona tha AUantla ooaat from Kaw York to Jarkaanrllla. - It la nark molar la Kenan, autara Orafoa and aoatbera Idaho. , Tha ladleatlona ara far fanarally fair waktbar la thl dlatrlrt Tnaaday, pracedad by nbowar tonlaht la Waaklnctua and axtraaM aorthara Idaho. - - - ' ' : J. P. O'rarrall, at Danaport, Wanhlagtoa, , 'and Edltk Haaa, 80. Glana A. Howe. S3, and Bella Banana, Waddlnr Carda. W. O. Bmlth Co., Waak. fnrtoa aide. aor. Poortk and Jf"aahlaaa--ta. SIXTH. TOUT Anftwt 10, to Mr. and Mr. John Tost. T8 Mallory street; a dauhter. . IEITHMI.0 Aaaiiat IS, to Mr. and Mr, Fred .- C. Lrltnold, corner . Tweaty-ftrat aad Ooln . . afreet; a daughter. - . . . -HEKr.NKR Jnly 22. ta Mr. tad Mr. Herman , A. - Heffaor. S70 Kut Ttntk tret; a ' daughter. ' WKll'I Aajrmt 1. to Mr.' and Mr. (irlc - P. Home. 00 Spokane aeenne; a daughter. 8CREIDMAN -Aug net 10. ta Mr. aad Mr. Pe 1r Schetdmaa. (US ToaaUnc a treat ; oa. BCHNEIDKR Augnat 1. to Mr. aad Mr. Joka Scbnelder. W3 Mallory aTanue; a eon. ( . ' ' ooaTAOioin sisxasxi. : BKRIflCH Angnwt 11, Lena Barnica, ea St. Hflcna road: diphtheria.. ' BtKLBACH Xuguat 11, : three eblldrra af Frenk Bvlbaca, a St. Helena road; diph- tkeria. - PAIKCHILD Augiart 11 LottW ralrebUd, SO . Wood atreetj acarlet frrer. , -.) Urn TTXW CXMXTXXT. ( . a1ct lle (la. . Faintly lot ITS t tl.ouo. Tba only cemetery la Portland wMca perpetMlly maintain ad aarea for lot.' Set Nil uformatloa apply to W. R. Markenala, Weecaater bloek, city. W. M. Ladd, prealoent. . The Bdwnrd Bolmaa Undertaking company, .faneral director aad ambalBMnb . KM Third a treat, pbeaa SOT. J. P. g Inlay A Soa. funeral dlrcetar tad ambtlmen, comer Third nd Mkdlsna atraeta, :' Olnoa of eaanty oconer. Talepke Mala S. - . PtuMral wrth and cat flower a eoedalty "at oa City breanhooa. Twenty eoond aad , Et Morrlaoa, apt), cemetery. . 1 REAL XJTATX TXAjriTXXS. . W. . Oregf at al. to O. W. Alldcr. ' f S acre sectloa T, township 1 auatb, : tang 4 eait $ J. E. Androa at at to C. H. Line-, baugh, lot S and waat S 1-8 feat lot '.' t, block 10, Tllton'a add " ..lwniigk and wife to K. B. Law ,". naugu. A acre aectloa S, township t , aouth. rang l eaat . 'at ta A. Cotter, parcel land be. ginning at south eat euroor YamhUl . end Vast Park W. O. CoeiUa et nL te D. W.. Vik, Odd. lot 1, Park block S. dty... .??!?, 850 800 000 ta, a. otih ana wua to J. r. jaeaaa t lot T, block 10, Coach add T. Woodward et 1. to IT. A. Plppy, lot 1. S. Woodward' Wubdlrtaloa. loi 1 Klreralde bomeatead , I C D. Hoghe and wife to ,0. W. Coni. part fraetkiaal block S, i. John' add to St. iehna B. fFaudeianwt and wife lu -p.- TLrHfr? deen. lot 4, buck 42, J. Johns' add 8,000 875 800 w Bl. m-y Tm . --1 i , , t . i . T-77 "If, I. Knight dd husband lo A. Forbi'i r lot 1.2, 8, a, block a, p. T. Smith ' ' add , A. Flarlla et eL to H. M. Howe, lot 10 1,600 l.soo 1, x. bloc xo, uaeiiin Park add Portland Troat Co. of Oregon to J. C. - - Merely, lot 4. block SO, Weodetock.. ., t. Carmody and wife to R. t. Oln et I., parrel laid beginning In Arthur i, ...St.. 1K1.8 feat eaat of Inters cctWa of Williams Iran as and Arthur...,-..... O. H. HImd od wife to A. Neapsck. outhweet H section 24, township 1 south, range 4 esst , Orecon Beal Estate company to C. Mla . singer, lot 8, block 1 Holladsy's add. C. C. Went to P. Mlchels, Mat au f . a, block M, East Portlsnd P. C. Ooodln et si. to R, V. Belford et St. MS S. . block TO, Hellwood The Title Gusrantee A Trust Co. to J. K SchnNa. lota T. 8. Hfeck 4. Hollsdsy 10 400 r Psrk sdd " v. . J.SOO f. Wilson ana wire to. w. Mctiuigaa et al weal U. tots 17. IK. block 81. AU Mna - 2,800 Ariel Land company to K. Calkin, krt 22. block S, Ariel Park No. S..... M. Sallurar to D. .A. -Mclatyre et.aL, lot , a, 4, block lXi. vtepneas' ana Cook et si. te sum, ssme.. 4,800 TC imr and wife te w, v nd Wife, lots I, 2. block 8, rartsmoatk ila Anne no. I . ., P 11. Marley to I. Baah. lot T, 8, block. T, Terminus sdd Mrs. H.. U Carpenter to I. MtraseL ttit !' feet beainnlnc 81. S feet esst and 114 geet north of Inteeaeclioa af center line ef William arena aad aouth line of W ete :., ...... .-.,-.- . Ne.llr land cuaipany to u E. Lynd, lot 800 188 a. N.a aa. Beiia net your tnaarene aad abstracts te reel octet from the Title Guarantee A Treat eoa aaaa. Ommbsr of Camasem bulldlag. Several Requisites Ara aaraaaary command a bank ta tka cn. fldanoa and parrrmaf a of tha public, bat tha Buei laruKiui art: - ' i. aafaty of tba f aad tntruted U ita aata. I. SipaHanea aad ronaamttom, iralnad uah oy yaara la ina couanet oc ita noaiuaa . Coartfay aad fair doallu to lu aatroaa, a. AocaaalbUlty ct loratlaa. . ' All af tk abora ana affordad by the OLDEST TKT7ST OOXrAJTT OP 0BZ0OV PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY CFClECOfl RESOURCES OVER Sijooo.ooof lot Third Vtraat. Pbona Main an. BENJ. I. roiIEN... n.iH H- L. WTTOCK 7... ........ Vlco-Prealdant x. t,B.n rAi &r. . - - J. O. OOLTKA Aaahitant aTOTZOX. PKOPOMALB for Mlarallanaoa Sappllr lot tonacrnrcion ana Krpalra, Dapot Quarter. Maatar'a Offlca. M New Mootrnmury SI., San kYaaelaea, Cel., Auriat 10. 10U6 Sealed propnaala, la trlpllrata. aubjact ta tha aaaal etxiilitloaa, will ha raralaad at thla offlca until 3 a'rlork a. no. Pridar. i.,n,t ga tai a Padde atandard time, and then opanad. for i lurniaaiau aaruwaro, munaiie acid, . paint bruana. carbollnann), cbraaaeloth, paaee of (laaa, f lua, Unaeed all, palnta. putty, roala, aoldrr, ataat aheata. The Halted a I tea ra- -aaraee tha Uht to- aaeeat wa-aJaet-any or all blda ar any part - thereof. Inforaiatlon and blank bropoaala will be furnlehed oa applloatloa. KDralopa contalalnc propofala to ha marked "Propoaal No. S.2M, to Be Oorned Aucuat SS, hud." a aw addreaaad to Major v. A. Uffot, Vr.-alr., u. B. A.., Depot BIDS I will ha raretTtd antll Tuaaday noon. AnnuM IS, 'at the neealdant'a. of Ore. .Ad- mlnletratloa bailillnc, for tha erertloa of atoca anode for llreetock anow on ospoaltloa i aTounda. Plana and parlllcattona oa Bla , In tha office of tha director of worka. Ad- niniauratioa bm, TTTH r MIT.LFNNirkf ; 18 COM I NO SOON. ntXXTIjrw VOTIOSaV IVANHOR LODOB No. 1, K. of P. iMembere take notice: Special eao-rentloo-emrte-ot a S a'clork la Pytb laa ball, elahth floor Marquam bldft., for tha purpoaa of roaferrtn( th kalirhl rank oa IS eaadldataai Tkilthui . knl(Uta cordially Inrlted. . i . i:- croitch. e. o' PRZD P. HOLM. K. of B. A S... HARMOUT tODOK. A.-P, A. M. stated - communication . thl (Monday) ermine, 1:80 p. m., Ma aonic Temple, Third and Aider ata. Work la B. A. decree. All M. M. welcome. By order of W. M. RL'IT'S R. BALL, Secretary. POR BBNT Newly raooTatad baU. Odd Pel- low' blot-, rirat ana Aiaer at,, atoooay erenlng. Sea ecretary, room 10. tasa w Ajrrrx-jiAL , BOTS WANTED-. rirat Boy "Hauy (eai wnat yer tap oa that Haralr kid la Sola' now f Seeoad Boy "lillla, I gnaae Juet Uk njy- - "Ktret Boy "That' wker yea ar oft your trolley. Laat month hi aalea of the Saturday Brenlng Poet noared to th 10.000 mark and ha la now dkttrlhutlaa free ticket to hi beat helper- to U and O. lair." ' Beoond Boy "Well. I'U be bornawoccled. With free cold watch, baaeball aalfurm and 110 cold piece, tha hast of U 1 ticket ta the fair." rirat Bor "Phone Eaat STTO and bar Jimmy put yon next. Don't wait antll acbool bectn. bat leant about 're start and eommrnca at oar. Fifty new boy wanted Immediately." 1. 0. HAVELY, JR., , tichwlT acent, 110 rirt t ' ALL DISEASES af ma uocafally treated: dlarbarcaa aodtlaaly carea in from to deye; eoneolutloa free and strictly eonfldcm- TTti I mini f i mlm Mint. Bidlum Medical Instltuu. Allaky Morrlaoa ata., Portland. blds- Third Ah J TALLYMAN, 12.80; trlmmtrmaa, fX.80 apt mm oiler, zi carnage man. z; su mm ami . yardmen. 83 up: S box factory bnya, 81-T8r 4 ' Llb .I- hamM mamm Ittftr m.mim a Lauur BurnaiL Mor, LOOOERB AND CONTRACTORS. Several coed second-hand angina, suitabl . for logging ar aolstla purpose, to be had cheap, tor farther taforiaaUoa apply to F. A Kaettoer, AatorU, Or. OOOD" lire .men to eell tk farau Cbrlaty . Hoa nfety. raaor; ell oa sight; price only si; agenta easily mss iv per aay. in- ' quire Pdfi Agency, I W 11 s. a. mia. atearna bids.. STATION MEN, geek work; good prices, new , work, lot of It, ld cats, all winter, eaatcra -.Oregoo; frea far. . Particular at Baaaaa'f employment Offlca, Sfl Nortk Second at. WANTED S Mk and door men that ire famil iar with th machining of stock door and , window. Addrem Columbia Hirer Dour Co., - Rainier, Or. - - , COMPETENT opera tors, experienced la railroad station work, for la and around Chicago; atate age and experience. Addre B 54, ' Journal. WANTED Man to work for crlppl who goes 1, 1a wheel chair, selling small article; 81. JO per day. T. Calrer, 411 Falling at. SALESMEN wanted, for excroela agenr (a underwear nd emlea boalsry; tactery te c, aia oommrrciai out. TWO ansd lira solid torsi good ommlloa L and aslary to right partlea. J. B. J oh Baton, tailor, boa wianiugtoa su S MORS cabinetmaker wanted. Portland - Sprtog Bed A rural tors C., ear. Elrrsnth and - Flanoer ata. , BARRETT'S PetectlT -ool Laat dsns thkf reaacea rates. snut wssnmgioa at. WANTED 180 girl to max ererella and afalrta; Instruction girea to Inexperienced, Apply Neuatadter Bro., Standard Factory - No. S, cor. Eaat Taylor aad Grand are. WANTED Competent girl or womas for gew eral housework; four la fsmlly; call mora. ings. TTT Ollssa ft., bet Twenty-third aad . Twenty-fourth , at, i WANTED Flrt-elM energetic1 te and enffe aalea wo ma a aad demonstrator at exposition; sir reference aad aslary expected, A 82, car JouruaL HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 848 H Waahlnr ton at., cor. Herenth, apalalr. Fkon M4a . tovx Psmsla help- wanted. WANTED A girl for candy store; must hsr Hty-eaaerleacer-'CslI at 828 Morrkroa St. ,- WANTED Experienced ' 1ady"ratiTaers;- k demonstrators. Apply 8o2 Msclesy bldg. WANTt!r Ladle cloth laundry, Flrat aad Armor sta. oonn hom' tor good girt 0Ttr two la family. 40 Goldsmith St. WAVTZS MALI AJTO rXXALX KXLP. WANTED Bookkeeper d stenographers; w placed tin puiills I lucre tire pialtlou doling pest year; call or send for catalogue; day r night; It will pay you. UKHNKI-WALKER BUSINESS C0LLK0S. WANTKD At ones, a bright, energetic, pre entabl man or worssa, t good talks, to take ap aa attractlre prepoaltlea. Inqalrs T8S Chamber af Commerce, 8 a. m. SOLICITOHS Mea or women; permanent em ployment to bustlers; experience anafce. err- AOS Dekum bUlg. . - .. WANTED A young Udy or gent Bring at bom " n.trn ""hkepluc. Addess Oeorgf Frsser, 118 Seeoad et. WANTED Mora hnp-plrker; beat yrd; saay to earn money. Apply Andrew Kan A Co., 2W Morrlaoa St. HELP wsnted en ,aLa . .. ..... . waaningto st.CTsy 44A I I- SITPATIOIIS WANTED m. -1 COMPETENT hdy bonkkeeper. with firm retlr . In from bnatneea. 4alres piailtlon; aalary not 57inj,-,iiT." Vi! ' od eper.ts typewriter. B 41, Tba Journal. ... WOMAN enok. mtddlegrd. Sna refarene. -wants pnslttoo la hotel, reataaraat ar board lug-house. Phone Main 81. . z" FIRST-CLASS dressmaker wishes work la nrl. , est famlllea. 1'kon Front mi, 4 34 to j & a. , rraAnon wanted maul WANTED Sltuatloa wanted, by aa -assistant pharmacist, S yeara' experleace la retail store; good penman aad gooa t figure. Address B 40. JournaL EXPERT traction engine mea want lob; ei . pemecea wua mine nouita aiMj air com- C-essor. - Wm.-H. , Clark,- 800 Mlnner M., ootsTllls, Oregon. nt7ixTxanfT askb-cxb. HANSEN'S BMPLOTMRNT OFTICB. FOB MSN. ' N. Second at, Paoaa Mala lBta. PIONEER BMPLOTMRNT CO. Labor contra lor; neip free to emptorera. si Morrteoa, WATO-raAJlCLsX. WANTED 8800 to $6O0 St per cent cm Al areartty for term of yeer. No sgent. Ad dress w 41. car Journsl. WANTED RIAL EST ATX. WILL pay eaak or exchange choice real eatat ror.acreag oa coaal at or near canon Beach. B SO, The JournaL - - , . WANTED -Lot or boas and lot for cash ; I stats terms and location. Addrsss W 40, care JournaL wavtxd AaxjrTa. A0ENTS WANTED Ta sell ear superior high grsoe anraery stock ( new ana complete out fit furnisheef frre; raeh weakly! writ to Say for eholce of territory. Capital City Nnrsery Co., Salem. Oregoa. WANTED TO RXVT. WANTED Housekseptoc-room Vncsted near school; must be In good neighborhood and . hare no amsll children: l-Tou bare aach a ' location th underslcned will taks them, for tha wlrrf.r ' W t- Anarlll ran. flntol Tut I Hoempiais- , WANTED To rent nicely located borne Bear Portland, with S or 10 crea. suiubls for poultry, ranch; Bear rarllne preferred; state cssh rent. . Addree T 48, ear Journal. BOOM ta prrrato family for single coatlemaa; permanent; mor lyi; rererances. Aaaraas - with particular, A 48, Journal. ' WAJTTK MMCIIXANXOirB, PAINTINO, spraying and whitewashing trees. nssemenm, barn, dock, etc., none; largeat , gasoline snraytnc outfit oa the eoast. M. O. morgan vo. viv muwsusis si. . roooe Esst 261T. WANTED To buy good secood-Band water wheel. Addreaa, stating make and fan psr tlcutars. Staytoa Woolea Mills, Btaytoa, Or. ' WANTED A bora for light del! Tory wjroa for cars auring winter, ml uooa t; less log Co.. 867 Ankeny at. Main 8508. . SCHOOLS BOOKS bought, sold sad sxchsnged. jiiuee asooH Btore, aui araer at. BOOKS bought, sold snd exchanged at th Old Book store, xza xsmbin at. - - P. J. BTDER, printer. Seeoad and Wsahlngto it, rnon Msia oose. FOB BINT HOOSIS. New, T room. Thirty-first and Schuyler... .825 New, T rooms. Thirty-first and Broadway.,..) 2S New,. T room, KM Hancock z& New, 8 room, SoO Broadway .....W B. M. LOMBARD. 814 Chamber af Commerce. Phon 6003. FOR RENT W hsr S (toraroom. eeatral location, oa east aids: also 8 uusub-a-rooma. r nice and clean, good kx-atlou. i. L, Well Co., 84 Orand are. . FOR BENT lA-rooai boos, central Iocs t ton, for va per month: furniture for sale. Call Mala 1181 r at 2M Fourteenth t. -ROOM boas for rent, Arthur street. Front strset or phone Front 1083. FOR BENT Furnished 8-mor cottar, good 4 mention, rami union aoio. r. 8-ROOM cottage. T4 Eaat Seventh St., cor. Stark. raon xasi eiKiu. -ROOM house at Wood lawn,- 88 - per month. rBon.Maia sa-io. 2-ROOM boo, 24S Montgomery at. Inqulrf on premises. Hoviza roa arrr mnrn worn balm. r9R.lrt.jrtonJt oa. ruit.iiTiiii," Whether to buy or sell, ring aa Mala 8838. PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, ' 211 First L i - Fl'RNITt Bl of 7-room bnusc, splendid condi tion; worm 4ei, will-take flDO If nld Im mediately; leering city. A 43, car JournaL PrRNITt'RE 8-room rottag for eel cheap or iraur iwr w n . u uu iram, oo r lrst. BOOMS AND BOARD. FIRST-CLASS room and board for permanent people, vra.nv snu zd psr month! table board 4 per week. Astor house, fta aad Madlsoa sis. Tel. Mela 8281. THE Lladell New fsmlly hotel, Market, b twees jniru sou rourtn. stesm Best, electric light, porcelain baths, exceedingly low rates. THE I R VINO Elegant eeommedthaa ae xorMUni enarges; lnlng-room I eon sectkis; prices rlgki. Cor. Istb ssd Irtiaa. BOOMS wltk board' for perms seat reseooable; Brat -clem kosae sooklag. Sixth st. rOB BINTTrKTaVROOklA, FOR RENT 2 front offlr room raiubla for ooctor or oentiat. Apply lrst u, room 8. Charle Hegel. . OFFICE et hair and eralp sperlsllst, T yesr eaiaoiianeuj paieroTa ana remeaie C Wit al. P. 0. box 87, FBONT offlca mom la Commercial block, See- on sou wasaingtoa st. . apply at room 813, OFFICE-ROOM for tent. aougk bldg. Apply (levator. 1L. THRER connartlng office fog rest, furniture By special arrangement with Wadhams & XerrJBro. THEJOURNAL haa secured a large quantity oktheir FAMOUS' EGOWOMY FRUIT JARS One of which, -together with a Booklet of Recipe., 'will be given with each 15-cent cash want ad. inserted in either The Daily or The Sunday Journal. Wte XO. rrad Sraasar kas to aay aboat ta aOOOIT JAXil '. Kerr Olaaa Manufnrtorlns Company. ' Portland, Oregon. Oontlemea: Referrlnc to tha ECONOMY FRUIT JAR. w ar) pleased to say that w hav boon aelllna; them for three yaara. Tha flrat yaar wa ordered thrron th aooond year tea gross and thla yaar our ordar calls. for twenty-fly groas. - v Wa bellev that within a fw year thay will, b th only Jar In uaa; flrat, bacauaa th Quality of th Jar far excel all other; ... second, the Jay 1 aanitary, b&vlng a wide mouth, thrfor aaaw Uy cleaned. . r . Th cover Is as 'sanitary the glass itself, while the covers - on many other Jar are made of sine Which produea polaon when In contact with fruit and vegetables. ' Th abaoluta certainty of every . KCONOMT -' JAR - sealing 'makes It the Ideal Jar for canning purpose. W bespeak a great future f or the KQONQM y JAR- W are verytrul rl yours. JOURNAL WANT ADS A "Vrrnnmvr" In T?ent5n cr Rnnm S11iner Prrnrttr Finding Lost Articles, each Insertion.-!, ' ' roa bitit HousxxEPnie rooms. FOR RENT tarnished housekeeping-room ta best brick Block a eaat aloe; u nnxn, . bath, etc.; a transients; unco smeran Logan blk.,108H - Lnioa- are., -c.r, Aider. Pkoa Dnloa S268t TBN STEWART w ningion, -modeled; furnished and unfurnished nouoe keepuig room la sultss; slngls sleeping room; .... ..m.hU PImo Had lliaa. : ' 1.7B A WEEK, Urg; ctoaa,furnlsksd houao. keeolna-rooms: lsundry and bath; - soluble for three. 184 Sherman. B car south. t FURNISHED room for housekeeping la fine location; bath, phone, new furniture, ex U1 SITSX SI., cor xxarrnwts FOR RENT Tu ruler. ed kouaekeepilig-rooma; nee of bath; brick building. I gtusseu ex.. near Mississippi srs. car Una. , .. . . .. FURNISHED and Bnrurntskod housekeeping and sleeping room from f 1 to 88 per wee a. u East Klerentk North. 484 EAST MORRISON ST. Nicely furnlehed suits of BoussBeepiBg-room iot xwu,. who print family. . . ; . .. r UOITSBKEEPINO rooms, reumnabl rate; leo- trle light ssa phone laciuaea. ouit nam street, ' ( - - THB LINDA TISTA. nicely farnlsbsd kekeaa. Inc aad single rooms ressonsnie. sua uxa. FURNISHED housekoeplng-rooms, 838 Sersntb St., f per montn. - , roa aiNT ptrnishid boom. THB KINO Handsomely fnrnMbed, equipped wtta story aiouera conTvnivnca. on u Una to exposltloa sod depots; fir minutes' t aboBBlna and buslnss dlstrlcu; all -outside rooms, light and airy. Klectrlo sad gss lighted, baths. Hate 81 to 82.80 per dar. for two Dsrsona. Including bstba. BUS Jeffenoa treat, near city hall. . Phon Black 1811. - - .- UBNISHED BOOMS Mak money out of HuA, C Umlmil SrarTaaa r ....I,. , i, e-MMfUA aiMi wamiaeana ean accommodate tow mora guests bring rour meads and race Irs zo per sent ei xneir bill; rate 0e. To ana i; ire oatas, era 'baa from depot. ma rotcrkst. 17S Twelfth st.. xsmblll Just opeaea; exciuaive rooming nc commodstlons; bous and furnlahlnga autlrely new) elegaat suite, with hot aad cold water, fin beds; ls single rooms; will rent a limited number of room now to permaarnt people; trsnslents follcltod. THB HAMANN. 188 N. IStkw cor Cort Newly furnished rooms, ll.oo apr eoareniesi imctioa, -18 mlnotoa' walk to fan? grounds: Morrlaoa car at union depot direct to houea. pboa S470. POR RENT 2 lsrgs troat room sear the fair. 8a per week for- two ena ax ror one. tu 84 H sr., bet. Twenty-fourth snd Twssty-HXth, Bear Nicolal. ' J NBWLT furnished rooms for botree keeping; gas, bath, wood sad gas rang, xn ortn Sixteenth La-oor. Washington. Phon Mala 8088. - NICELY furnished room J priest fsmlly; cool boos. 381 Cherry St., eloss to steel bridge; tak C car to Cherry et. j rent reason, bl. - - ' MABQTJAM BOCSB. 148 V, 8th Room aa suits sr single; nooeeseaping rooaaa; ga ararae. bath. lsctrie llghtsi trsnaisnU toUoltod. FURNISHED room compter for Jtensekeening; hath, gas, urge Iswa; rent xao. 047 weldM St. Take-: Broadway ear to Seventeen to. PTRNIBHED rooms. Boa, Too ssd 81 up. Twan- .... k tV.-l-M, ITn. ,J .la W, . Tk How land. - . FRONT parlor far geatlemaa o refinement who wiBne roosa aear xne uatr cixy, box Xrerett St. THB OLADflTONB Slit Be Tier t., fursished noer Bew ma nags mens; prlee rea- bto. TOURISTS' Rooming Bureaas rooma la best part ef city. ui xsnt at, . ron msia CHEAPEST and beet located rooms la Portland. f 1 week and ap. uumaa. rirat ana Aiaec in. FOR BENT Nicely fuTnlehed raome. Bl hod; rent reeeonsble. 270 rourteentk at. THB CASTLB S73 Washlngtoa oems. raoa msib loia. roa BINT TXAT. NEW xsodera 8-roora fiat, Inclodlag steel and - VI , 1,, a'l.M,hM t mtA m a i,u,r, . -7 ncyulre 2XS Irrabee. ' 8-ROOM modern fiat, 880 Corbett et., 218 fl-room cottage, sice biiib a-... . New modern Oat, 427 Sixth st, 888. . Pine storeroom, 28 North . SsrentsenU ""ifa? THOMPSON A CO 228 Third t. FOR,. BENT West End market oa corner of Market and serenteentB srs., in center ox. a Isrge. ponnlstlou. Apply St TPS -Corbett tl N. F; niEIxEEr, Dry faot Air TreatmoBt and, , . - Maaaag. x.9Ar WOBX. -1- Moostis SIB. SI. 80. Bad SSI , . 2Caraaja BaUdizig. 'Portlanot. Or., Xur- IS. '08. To oreirnnTJiHtyJour. nal Gentlemen: I placed an . -ad. In the Oregonlan laat . Monday and the aame ad. ap peared In your paper Tues day evening. My watch was returned Wedneaday. I aked . th finder, Mr. B. R. Jamea, an O. W. P. conductor, whara . he read the ad. and he In- , : formed . m It wae throHgh -reading the ad. In The JournaL- Roapectfully yours, , N. F. MELEEN. F. DRESSER ft CO. r By- F. Dresner, Pres. .w etc. the rate is 8 cents per line ' : .'; roa BINT CAMPS,' BKTLAND. Portland Heights Ths beat located carnai xreuoon in xaa city, exar xeei aeees nrsrt IS mtoatce walk, car 2 blocks; 8a as. xesia saw. FOB RENT STORES. FOR BBNT Btor SOxBO; a grocery. Waster importinc ve.. 10a rata at. BUBXsTXaS CHAVCEi. FOR BALE Aa established wsll-psytng dry good, clothing, notions and mea's furnishings bueloess In a growing town of ceutrsl Oregon; will rant the present building and enlarge to cult; here t a opportunity for business mea -to establlah himself la a rapidly crow . Inc town where succsaa is dssured. Iui)ulr or writ w. b. ai., at journal oince, lor psrxicuiara. - FOR SALE Ths "lesdtng Ic cream, confec tionery ana cigar More; baa swell trad only Twentieth Century sanitary soda fountain In th city; flxtsres 11 light; , agency Haaelwood lea . crearu; firat-claas . proposition snd price right; . reaaona for selling will sstisfy prospectlr buyer. ' Ad dress loom peon A Co., The Dalles, Or. WANTED Partner with S00O cash to But out comedy eompsny already organised ssd booked oror beat circuit la California, Arlnooa and Texas, 40 week; position of tressurer of fered; prevtoua experience aanecessary; kalf lntrreat; a soap; artistic company; winner. Call Room ; a, Dextar, , Washing toa snd iweuia,. - - e-. THB (loeot and beat eeaelde resort ta th north it. comnletrly furnished and stocked, with H mile t beautiful beach, pnrcelala baths, hot and cold water la hotel, will be sold tor leaa than 50 cents' oa tha dollar. For particular aea L. B. THOMPSON A CO., 228 Third. GREAT WESTERN LAND A INVESTMENT i - COMPANY." We bare eotoa good farms; small a era tract rio in; cues nomas; 3 sou cloa la; --Biin snap List your nroosrtr with aI wa caa sell It. xuo Ausxy oiag., cor. xnira a as atorruoa m 8360 BI TS big paying baalnes: money bur 1-8 real tt office msk. Ing big money. 8823 buy finely ouljped restsursnt. Washlngtoa St. 8700 buys 2 lots, Boiioo, new tv-room , souse, - fsro Be. Portland Real Estate- CO.. 206 V Morrison at., room- 1. : - , . WANTED A few parties with from $100 -to , 81.000 to Jala oi la a manufacturing fro posi tion of merit that will nor from 28 oer cent to 80 per cent on th Investment: will stand closest lOTeetlgatlon. Fur particulars ad dre P. O. Box 128, Salem, OK ALL DISEASES of mea succsssfslly treated) discharges positively aurkd la from 8 to 8 da ye; consultation - fro aad strictly confi dential ; send for our symptom blsuk. X Radlum Medical Institute. Allaky bldg.. Third aad Morrlaoa ata., Portland. ... . WANTED Married bus to buy Internet la 11 -cow dairy and tak charge of ssme; wsge guaranteed; big bouse and barn, plenty water, good piers for chickens, close to city. Phone Front 2048 or W 81, ear Journal. FREB LANDS IN OREGON. FERTILE aoll, par watsr, delightful ell mats', lasd of alfalfa, applsa aad dover. For full Information addrsss th Columbia Soothers Irrigation Co., 880 W or ess tar hlk.. Portia sd. FARMS, wheat and timber Made, sere era, city property; timber and bosses toad sue tie ; business chances and Insurance. - . - TOWNSSND. MAXWELL A CO., ara) Aider St. Phon Mala 1222. , . , - " FOB RENT. Small Restsursnt. Ready for Operation. ' 'But Llttkt Cask Required. Apply st ope, 288 East Burosld at. HOTEL ' MEN, INVESTIOATB Flrst-elsm country hotel, a eompatltloa. doing a pladld busloess. for rent or isle. I P. PUCHS, 148Vi First (i A BARGAIN 84,300 will bay a buslnss eortter lot Boxioo tast win pay 10 prr cent aoore II tsxes snd Insurance. - J. L. Walla Co., 84 Orasd ar. i FOB SALE Old-eetsbllshed grocery Mock: most 0 oia i once; caus. aicxness; pries i.wou, or will la role. Addrsss Owner, 808 Harri son at. CORNER ssloon building, lot 84x70; half In- terrnt IB saloon stork JdOO; Irkaesr ta causa; 82,800. Addrsss X At,.ar Journal. SNAP 8400 will buy direct from owner lodg ing house, centrally Iocs ted, clearing flow mouth t lea, low rant. Phone Pacific IBS. FOR ALB Hotel doing ' a good tmslaeesj must be sold st once; price, sa.wwi pan cash. W. U. Beck. SOT Falling bldg. - IMALL-filZED good-psylng restaurant and dell. catessea lor ssis; gooa reasons lor saiiinc, Inojultw-osY premlsss, So Morrison. - LOCAL .ennoratlou bow organising offers ground floor opportunity to right party with rapltsl. Call 204 H Stark, room S. WHEN looking for k location. ttbr . city er country, csu oa m nortowest vaaa uo xaa Morrlsoe Sl7 room 211. MILLINERT business for ssle cheap; sstshllehed trade; 111 bealtb reseoa for selling. Address A 40, cars Journsl. IP you bsrs money to Invest Ib sore proposi tion cugrsnieeing big returns, , soursss a 48, car JournaL ..... WANTED Te buy an Improved chicken-ranch with stork.' Address, glrlng psrtlculsra, W u, ear aonraai. . 1 - PARTNEH wsnted, established bostness, smsll nuiiai rvquirsu, guarsntev .vw ..yrr aawniaj. 812 Pin st, . POR SALB Brick hotel, 88 rooms, good furni ture, splendid lease; la portisoa. v eo, journal. MOTHIi for SSIS IB I good "renown, Willamette rslley. Addreaa Boa loo, icugeas, ur. CKIAR store, cor. Wsahlngto street, rent $28, esse, isrge trad; inroio. . ia fine. POR SALE Tura Hall hsrber-shop. ' Apply to ewaer, itxu roorta. WHO IS M. abt EMPoanm. PBOF, RICHARD MAX MEYER Portrait ssd saadsesps srtisti Instractloa la Ml paletln. watsr solor. t., and drawlngf art galWf . enuneeted with studio; pictures for asm snd frsmbsj t s.4ar. 84 Aider at, Phea UM. roa st;.; Bitt iuxaix CIIOK'g . erac near : ta city not- th . prleee: ' 40 acres lerel. No, 1 soli, S eultlreted, fins . tituoar. bU paatura, oa county ruad, rcnaro. oauae, etc., x noura' drire to city. i.uu 44 ouwn ae will knuaa and lot. , - 20 scree, 1 boor's drlrs. Snest pt toad. . toll good, part cultivated, house, an fenced a anan: XMO mi-rm tarma. 18 acres, T ml Ira to city, all eultlreted. 8-room house, lerg barn, S a area orchard, Ha 1 SolL S3 nSu l - S acres la city, good T-rooa bousa. U : eultlTstsd; bargain t,XU. 8 acre. Powell vsllry read, (oil good; snly IVt acre In city.' finest locsttoa. beautiful I ' piece for borne; only Sl.SoO. , . . - ,i ..u n. ei.... uns; nsrgsm aoao. OuEOoN AKSlMiATED EXCHANGE. i3 Koarth St., Room 88, $1.8no MODh-.r 8-soom bous 3x400, 8ns corner. v .. 1 ... Zl.lMJO Modem 5-room bous. -r &MV New 4-room kouaa. 1 - $2,280 Best 8-roora modern bouse Sin Port tend; furnsc snd sll eooTenleneee, -1 , Kssy teram on sll ths shoes. , - I'lu lots on 88 monthly par men ta BKLLWOOD TOWNKl'f U CO.. ' Get off car st Tsui no St. Phone 1'sloa 1410, FOB SALE. -a n e e iu.ii a. ,. sols! oa th installment plan; prices from t 1,000 to 83.000; 'slso soul ties In ersl ouse for ssl ur will sxchange for vacant tie; also T scant lot tor wis at Sea Tie w, Mig Beach and Clog a; fins bous for not I Hollsdsy Psrk addition. William . Beck. - aoi Ka saiiinsj. A 7-ROOM bouse, lot BOx-lOOr aear school aeass, Ar yea look in for a haraalur - it ao, oou i neglect to get your eyes en thl property while yoa hers them oa Sk John, as ths property, must be sold oa count ef sick ness, which. If purchased by the 20th, csa be bid for 80U0, which Is eonaldarably Oslo oat. Address I'. U. Box ZZ3. BT. Jonas, ur, WTLLAMBTTB TRACT. Ob Willamette boulaTsnl. orsrlooklmr city and nver; o-ceut car rare, city wtr; 101a .-w each; iu cash, fa per montu. Amerirnn Inrestioest Co, 222 Failing bldg., ar Egow- mm, Wlllsmetts flstlon, pa property, LOT 100x100, East Fifteenth aad Ash; 1 two- story sou asa naru, a cotiagea; renis ux $S8 per mouth; bear bay Ini to city t $8,800. Also bous snd lot 80x100, East Sixth snd Ankeny; pete $2,800. W 48. tor ef Journal. $2,6008 ACRES well Improved, all In tns fruit, fstr ouiidiogs, biocb - from car llu. aaa b bought a vary easy termai lm medUto possssslon; will taks put la real nut. Wall iU7Uj XBira st. FOR SALE OR RENT 2 u, acre. Mat 8 -room souse. Bear the city: apienaiu car serrics, os rare; variety ot fruit aaa ansa trass. An dreas L'harlea E. Johnaon, Lenta, Or , FOR sal cheap; aew 7-room . boon, all bard 1 finish, full cesleut bsssmcat and bath; kit 60x100. Esst Flanders, 1 block from . ear line. Phon I n loo 2412. . . .r lB-ALB---By-WBr.-7-lf-- ya -waBt- your money to earn 10 per cant, mo at aew nouss, 1003 Esst Sixteenth ., Bortk; InrssUgst. 1SKS Y eroon ear. ao I o T. ouy soc ouxiza on n miaaa t v Ainina, witn iu root, suey in resr snu su atrsttt Improvement. ux vommcrciat paara. Pbon Mslu 2828. -V- POR BALE Choice home. Israe oy small! le om beeverdsm yielding largo return. S arMeey west ef 1-oriianOj. . al . xssrrtnu, Baraea A Cdr. FOH SALB New 8-room modem cottsge. cor, Beecb at. sna vsnoourar sts.. for ai.atni: $4tW oaah. baianc sasy terms, . Can at 201 HOMESTEADS Iocs ted; $ good homestead BOW ssd 3 prsirts wneat rsrms ror sm. A. a, Barry, Cary hoUI. box 844, Th Us lies. Or. SPECIAL New 8-room bous, full lot, Xsst Twsnty-aeventa St.. i,zoo; xxoo oowa, fu a month, inquire Sou Bast v aahtugton. HOMESTEADS located; S good boroeeteade now sn prslrl farms tor sale. A. A. Barry, cary Hotel, Box 044. The iMites, ur. : A BABOA7N for cash, 2 0-room boose ss l lot, 81.800: 4 room bomw snd 3 tola with fine orchard, $700. Phon Scott 8818. ' FOR BALE Modem oburbn sottag. clos eo car line, an aocauou, groan xvubiira (fc w. r. low salts uo.. le-- m lrst sx. FOR SALB Lot snd building known a tk wsiaori, ' 14T xnirteentn St., near Aioer, Apply, to Job Bsls, 224 Stark et, . . w NBW .room houss. 4S1 Florenca. cor. Ninth near Highign school. Vernon car, l,iao; iBeawigat. : iBquir a premises. 81.660 NEW modern cottsge. 1068 B. Aldrr xcrnw, iruii creca, srwcrcu; eiracts, .a svaat Thirty -nrta, t'hone Eaat ssoz, . 00 FARMS, mail tract and lot: bargain oa v. w. r. etect nc no, u. k. Additcs, Laat. Or. Take Mt. Scott car, 8c ' - P0B ALE 10 acre, new chlcksa-ysrd depot, $000. And shsda, running water, C Te B., Mlddlstoa, Or, FOB SALB or xehsngs, 11U acre Improved. i mile irom Moaiaviiia . aaruaa. . laqair owner, sie naissonx. POB SALE Nst 8-room rottag with bath and basement, buxioo lot, nesr tw car; terms. T4T Brooklya st. . ELLWOOD lots. $8 down d $8 a month; rrom gin to sj, Beuweue xownsita ce. Phon liBloa 1481. - - - tl.oSO New 8 -room cottsge ssd 2 large lots oa ror. urano srs. sna aoarsr . ao owner. 884 barer at. :-..--. TOO NEW 8rrooxi boose, plsstored. painted. ones naeemest, sot ouxiuu, noodlswn. rsons Scott 1248. ... v FOB BALE 8-room boa oa ear Has with er trull trees, t. ; Isqair sat, Kael aixlh at. i FOR sale, cheap, nice 8-room boo, plastered, tinted. 1 T88- Brooklya St., 1 block - Wsrsrlr car line, j -BOOM kooss, cheap for eaak. laqotr U a stemiactoa, aosemoBi ava.. .Moataviiia r. 4 LOTS, North Irrlngton. 17 eschj term to .. suit. iBuair su ttoaoey sts. FOB SALE Lot la Sunset Park. $160. Apply awaer, 114 Rnsssll St. East 870. .- FOR SALB A new 8-room kous. Csll , owner, No Rmlney ere. . roa mr MTBcxxiJurEOTg, MRS, HOWES BULLETIN Good storawood. and dry, seedy to cord, st 82.80 per cord; oak and Ar at cut rata; brick fur sale efaesp; express for hire; souses for rest. Phon Union 178 sr I2u Bast Dlvletoa St. BILLIARD AND POOL tables fa rest es far aale oa ssy payments. . IHB BRUNSWICK-BALKS COLLBNfiSB CO. - 48 Third St., fort Is ad. WB print your asms oa 80 ralllrul'rardsr'rarwpet bibs aaa sir is. xo. sou uines esroa, si. Brown A BCU! bmam. 228 First, Portland. Or. BEAUTIFUL aew ftrrnltur for rooma i srery -tMng eoaaplata; mast ail olca, lee t lag attyi rsasoBsoto. cbii amrntng bus wiuisms sts. W0PEN-WIBB snd aptiolsrerTd cot. ea Is- .tors, hsmmoeks tnd camp furniture. else Tent A Awning ce. 27 North First. LAUNCH for , lengtk feet, 1 H. P. en- g'.n. mrg nrrying spcity; pric vary cheap. - Addrsss H a, car Journal. - FOR SALB 60,000 No. 1 second-be ad bags; will sell la large or small aaa J. BlBMn A Br., 244-24 Front st. - FOR SALE A young English setter doc, iwell trains cheap. trained; also hlghrsde hsmmerleag sbotgan. inquire ix rourtn si FOR SALB A collectloB of Indian arrow-polntl ann luoia inquire i atujjiTiatoB st. rnon Union 17S. - - T , - A, FOB SALB 14-foot row host, - new oar and oarlocks, $20.. A. T. Wkltmaa, foot ef Tbar maa st,- , - , ' FOR BALE One Jersey cow. $.12.60. 127 Fast sourxaenui St., Borinr- rnonw-LinwB A lit. FOR SALB cnEAP-Plne thormighbrelbBlk ptrppln. fTI I2 Worrlaoo st. THB H. 0. ALBEB CO Second-haBd machinery. awmius, ate. S4g ornad ar. TEABI.INOS aad S good milch cuw. East Msln t. 122.1 ASSATIRS. TUB J. FUk Asssylng efflca Orswelsy A crawl Bsiytic! ' CDmiet ksrglata. .SM14. Washington st. CATSS. THB OFFICB 288 Wsshlngtea a. Pkoa Mala , hi,. aak.ei rig, - Journal ; Branch Offices win bs racetved st regalar ' easto-ofnc raUa. Following Is list of autnorlerd agents, ho will forward your adtsrtlse tuent la tlm tor Bubucstloa to ths salt ' mobts am. ' f'.'--?" a. A. PrestoB. druggist, Twsuty thlrd Bd Tbarmaa streets. Nob Hill Pharmacy- ASO-CUssb Strsst, -comer Twenty-first. ..'.Mf: Pkermsclst. Sixteenth .Bad Msrshsll stnwls. . Mctommou's Pharmacy, Nlostaautk ssd Wsshlogtoa streets. - - - 0TTTS SXDB. ' ' B. P. Jane A Co., druggists Front d Otbb (trests. Cottel Drug eompsny, Flrat snd Orsat tresis.- .... -- ... .. " Fsbiaa Byerley, dugglst.,400 Jtffmoa ttreet, eoaner Tenth. . .. . Bettm' Pharmacy. ' corner Sixth Bad Hsniaua strerts. t !-. XA8T sraa.: " j " W. S. Long, druggist, corner Oand vbb d Esst Burnslds strset. TutU's Pharmacy, M Mtasisilppt Tanu, orner 8 us ear. Mcbols A Thompaoa, 12$ BurssU f treat. Corner Alblna rvuu. Jancks Dfug ompaay, soruer Btwtnorad Bd Ursnd Tnura, . J. A. Hick, tobacco, 224 Crosby, ksar itasl brldg. ,. . ....... - W. 0. Csbls, druggist, corner Hollsdsy srrsus sad . Larrshe trest, Bar . stssl brldgg. w, - . ' f J HI0HLAND. I F. . Clsrk, druggist, 1U02 North Unloa reoae. . - . . UPHT8IPX. -JJ: J. K.' Worth, pharmacist, B08 Belmout tract. . v .i - ... , ' '" BROOKLYN. Brooklya Phsrmscy cvwpaay, Powell, sad Ullwaukln trets.. , r . . ( .. , -4- roa salx yARMa. CLARK B COUNTY BAKOAIN'B A Widow' Sscrtfic 0 seres revel Msd. rich soil, no rocks. 80 cre cleared, 40 sores fvneed. 2 bouaee, br. stou ddlry, fsmlly orchard, clos to railroad, rhool aud mall town, worth $8,000. Prrce ouly $1,760. ; Another Sues 40 acre terel land, excel, lent soli, 8 avrea cleared. 4 acrea alaahed, " orchard, large 8-room house east $476, barn, splendid well wster, thickly settlsd neighbor beud. perfoct title. Only $030. 40 scree good soil, 28 arras lerali-2 gcrce -cleared, crsck, ca scars bark, only t mile from dally, steamboats. - Pric SJ60. - Maveral hundred acre logged land,'. good soil, well Iocs ted: would make excellent pssture after cedlnc. ; HO seres lerel Una, good soil, 12 cleared, barn, orchard. mils to Vsncouver. -$1,400. Address Jsme J. . O'Keaue, .. L'hrtet 'blk., Vescoueee, w asa. BETTER THAN ADVEBTISED - lou arras a eouutry road, mile from Columbi river sod railroad town; 88 scrrd onder plow, lire water, 400 fruit trees, 0. room houss, bars. 80 tons bsy, 8 acrea po tatoes, $ sere artichokes, trsm and colt, V 8, head cattle, plows snd all farm tool: thl , ; week for 82,80, belt cash. - 40 acres, 24 mile from town, oa good - road, near school lerel. cre cultivated,- 3 ' acres slashed. -room houss, sem-karn, yootujV ercaard; cheap at $700; terms oa part., - HUMINKTON A HI BBCLL, . Krlso. Wash, . SNAPS IN FARMS ' . ' r t . i a ti a ....... :?:x sa JMUB - 40 acres, uv miles eat, beat Ml, all , izvi miles eat, oral oii, sn oa level road 81. Otvl , good fsrm. la Mlddlstoa ...... $2. Cxi In Bberwood i i..... $1.74 clear, oa level road 80 scree, , 61 scree In l.OOO acrea wall lmnroved. aaa a Mc- Minnvllla , $28,004 All on saay psyments. If you wsst a farm ef ay al aad at tag right price, ice .... p. fi'chs, navi Tmr-rr" a. i. 0NB of tb finest fsrm la Umstlll omtyT-r loo acre riser Bottom una, emu a eras bis wheat Isnd, S.fias dwellings, barns, te.w creek aad large springs, 150 head milch cow, ' 40 belter, 14 head horses; receipts $60 pa dsy. Price $36,000; $10,000 cask, bslauc ' aa tlm t prr cent, er will taks som . property la trade. T. Wlthycamb, roost - I Hamiltoa blk.. Port lasd, Oregoa. $1,80040 seres la Clscksmss county,' 10 ' mile -from , PortlBBd; 1$ scree la timothy i " Bring water. ) i- Several good firm la Bond River ' valley. ckrtp. . - - . . - -: BAND eTCO. .. :'- ;'', - ''' ' Roog 40, Hkmlltoa bMg. FARM FOB SALB . leu acrea, good buildings, en were IB cultlrsttou, fruit and berries, splendid water, Bea4vJownTrmlly mail, I.I00,0U0 feet of fin pin raw timber, kit Wood, a lovely horn ' In the moat delightful climate oa th Ps. die coast. Address Box 117. Woodrlll, Or. WB ' hs Jtnrt platted 180 acres bs 8-scr tract, it la so or ta heat pieces or Isnd la Multnomah county! 11 mils saat ef port, lend aad lea ths 1 mil from O. W, P. Isctrlc Uns; there M bo rock or btv1: tha . brlcs $wi per scrs, aa rsry May torts. .18 ' 18, car of JournaL , FARM FOB SALB ISO acres, 130 cultlrsted snd 80 oak snd ar, orchards, 1 1 sere bop, merle rn resldencs, good euthulldlnrs, run nine wstsr year round, 3 miles from lther Wood born or Oervsls, 1 mils from good .school and church. Inquire T. Forcler, Route l. Woodbam, Or. 0NB 8 aad one 10-aers traef. vt-r mil rmm O. p. electric line and Cede rrl lie ststkmi very fin aoll, lay level esd vary asy to clear. - $28 down, baianc very easy . terms. There la nothing better oa th mar ket. - T 48, car Journal. ... $20 ACHES 0 meadow, 40 plow land. ercba ara, choice trait, smsii rrutt ot su xibus, an ImproesBicnts. well watered, nnllmlted ant rsBge. Pric $8,000; term. ' Be or addrcka) T. Wltbycomb. room 8, Hmllla klk. Port. Mad.' 8 ACRES, right st Ostes station, on 0, W. P. electric line, sin. una x-acre tract at per acre; very easy terms. If yoa want a smsll tract doa't ml thl. V 44, Journal. FREB LAND IN OREGON usder th Teref ln-1 lrf.e IWaA gleaoS fmrm, Write today. Booklet esd map frea. B. -Cook A Co.. 261 Alder St., Portlead, Or. ALL farm machinery, all stock, TS arrs kesry crop. Farm for l ay term, or Tor rent. Extra good fsrm, tsry closs to sity. 171 Shermsa. .y 40 'ACRES good land 14 mile oat. Pric $l,2no anil rain, h. , i- . w .-. k -' . - v dree William Llndssy, 11 H Unloa av. FOB SALE Oa Columbia river, To-aere farm urchsrd. aew souse, i crs in gTasa. . in qulr Ell Foster. SteTenssn. Wssk. - 40 ACRES In Rnjro River valley very cheap. . Addreaa Bog 17, Woodrlll. Jsckssu cuuaty, ' Or. FOB southern -Oregoa real estate, large sr small tracts. Dlllard A Ulaytoa. noessorc. ur. , FARM for rent with option of Baytrigr gsndston. Bncrwooci. iweson. i rOB ALX TIMBXB, F0BEST BESEBVB SCRIP FOB ALE Ap. Broved, norvatrlcted, ready for Immedlste asst., lowest pricss. E. P. A F. 'B. MlMy.M Cbsmbar f Comsaeres. CERTIFIED crlp, Immedlsts deUrerr, lowest Slcee ; iirooer-isnoa nougst sou soiu. tt. wa, uweU. 688 Chamber it Cosimeree. . - I FOR SALB Tw homes teed rellnqulshBM! Clslmsi sseond growtni win esu saeapk a. ' p. Nlelsoa. Hotel Khelnpfsl. ' FOR homesteads, timber-culm snd fsrmlaad ses A. a, Msinews a -o., mil n. 1. FortUBO, ur. 40 ACRES timber-lend. Yamhill county, B30O. ' . an , 1 -. , ..n. . ))u,u I ' m IaA 462. . " - ..-- - - 2,800.000 FEET. 10 ere, OB Nhlca Her msKe Oxrsr Snu isaa at. h, nra ,vuru,. , jDMBEBtOOtV - oart aceeMlbtei. fii reoar; o acrw, u... ... .. -. , awiwk FOR HOMESTEADS, timber rislm sad serip spplyto an rorsawrcisi n. ATT0RNIYS. 0HEOON LAW A COLLECTION CO. 417 Pea ten hloca. t-oiiectioos msas inraugneut tb United Ststesi bankruptcy seatters sneclsltyi bad tenasts fleeted; rents csllecteg ssd gea ersl lew i notary poorer. r '" i , ... 1 r iia ABC'HVIlOla. ' 1WHIT.IJ Basirnad ad. built; plans estimate turul.hed. . u. H, Hamilton. 474 Manas alts si, Portland. Or. Phon Scett Ilia. .-. f . 4 , iot ssi. r. w. x ei. k ; . , - T' ;;;.r ':.r.i:' -v. .- - . V 4