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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1905)
iv: jafc:AC:: '..Li:d.. ;.c::day.; 'etching.', august, i. ls:i A- eeeeeMeeeeeeee,eeeeeew444ee-?;;;:. 70000 , A ; Fruit Inspector Ktld la Nqw Prctjctinj tha Portland Markst Against Ceirsj Mada a Dump for Infected Fruits. -1 , I UWl i I U IV I il l IV-' 0 O.VES Ki3 LIFE TO C-.OK .ci:i cf h Benjamin I. Cohen Sinks in the Oaks Tank and Is Found " ' by Cousin. '-''V r ' --v; FRUIT IHSPECTOR COfJFISICATES ,. i Large Amount of Fruit Brought ' In From Other Placet Sent ' ' -v ? v.f; to. cremaxory. f w -A CROP STATISTICS CUT . : TO HELP HOP HOLDERS ; ' Wtermlont From Tht Dalle Com- , . Inf Ja Better.. Shape;Rip iTorna. toe. Are .Rathet Scarce at Top Prices Poultry la Dull. .V,: ;'v';- Front s'rreet. Aug. 14. Tee principal features o ths Portland wholesale markets today are: . Turprntlne la 8 cell la higher. - -41'ipe an looking quite food, f , .' Italics melons eoma la hotter shape.' :' ,, t'allfornla HMmrr stuff unlosded. - Tims tor canning peacaee la sere. ' , Sweet pntstoef lower; aupplies h'trlcr. . TT.m market la la fair akape.. Poultry dull but aot aa weak. ' rralt Importer 'coaflecetea pears,,''- ' ; flutter market la very uncertain. , .V Hay tot? waak with supplies heavy. ; Lower prices rula la rklttlin bark. Drsssed ateare firm bat scarce, . Want ana flour reported doll. . Southern Oreeea eslmoa coming. Car cantaloupes find dull market. ' Blackberries helng hlgker values. . Greea care selling at aa advance. . Imm celery comes la food aha pa. '."'.-'" Potatoes dull, with only local dtmsnd. ;' 1 ' - rralt :' laapaatat Oeaflsoatas Pears. , '. ' Ne longer will Oregoa ba tha dumping ground . for Infected fruit a from Callforala. or In fact aay other plara. Tba work at tba fruit In. apector baa anw begun la aaraaot. Every day about 4 a'clork ta tha morning ha now takao . bla placa among tba bordaa af vegetable wagont mt tha publla market aad every wagonlnsd of fruit la Inspected. A scheme ta defeat tba ' work af tha Inapeetor bad been hatched by aom of tha prddlrra. Bararal daya aan tha laapactor conflaratrd qntta a number of boxaa of applaa and aeara and thla lad tha wasonnm to try aaw lek. Tory no loaf ar annf taair aapiaa to markat Id boira Dot a aark u uara inauaa. yratt -thua tawaalad 4o aarka ta aot azamlnra .,' by tha afflrUI. at laaat It waa not until Hat. I vrday whoa tha Inapartor found a groan paar " arotrudlna from Ita wrapptnaa. Tha aarh waa aiamlaad and found to contain fruit that waa - -.- wry aaaiyinrrprao: ana -waa wniiuii uwnw' . ratra. Barb ta tba dlaappolntmrat oi tna awncr. Kow arcry aack ta a auaplcloua artlcla to tba ' , lnap)Htor and la llabla to aa axaminM any '.-YIbm Tamw mmm tH aninl f th California . i atramrr It waa found that qulta a larfa amount . of Infratad pmra had bara ualoadrd ana tna - atorka waaa tharafora drotroyed. Is hta work ' ' of rlddlnaT tha market and tba publla af all la. - ' frrtad frulta inapaetor RrM la airaa aaluablt . ' haaiatanra ay tba rea-uur ronmiaamn wun. , Tarnaatlaa Xa Thtaa Canta lchar. li Tha turpantlna markrt la acal oa tha aa- ward Bora, thraa canta balna added ta tha for' . aan euotatlona late Saturday' afternoon. Tba market m Tory at rone at tha new nrteee. Other olla abow no (ba,naa. . . 1 , W.M Arm Ihlaa tatta Oool. . i Solely for the outdoou of allowlnjt aonta heavy 4 tmloera of V bopa to booat tha market aad '"thereby fa tbem a rbanoe to get ant at a , ' good halcht erop reporta from urie ataU aa Lllarnpa :ra Aetna naalpalated. J tbla aUtr r-TatoVint"ttif "VkliifTteTI ,. forth aa tba a reran of tha atate. ' AU reporta -rer aired rty Tha Journal, and they are many. well oa aeesuat of tha warm weather but la - ' .. . - MM.t. mrm aT ' a rlald af.BMra than tba areraaa. It la troa that aoaaa damage baa beea dona by tba hot - weaiaer o a rew oi idv oawoa mpm ,"jlhla dataagaia always with aa and ran net ba eonaldered oat af tha usual. All anlntereated part lee auras that tha present nraapeeta are f or a crop of 100,000 bales , la tba atata of crop below bales while . enthoalaatie bears fire It as between 110,000 aad llS.Oor bales. There Is demand for old hops aroand k praaant jTalues but hrewars -do not seen to be - dlapoaed to after more. la Ita review hf tht hep market af tba world tba Haw Tork I To , dbrera' Pete Current of a late data saysr 1 Tb hop market has dereloped rary little If aavfkln mmrnr tm Int.MtMn tha mv ; Brewers hare ahowa a Utile Intereat looking for etna 1 1 Ma ta tlda tbem aver Into tha aew ..crop, bat we da not hear af aay large bael. . area either here or aa tha coast. Uamalnlnf atorka are limited and holders fairly firm Is '1 their rteers for dealrabls era dee. Regarding aaythlng trifle' more favorable, soma see. ttooa being roninara lively free from vermin, . bat In other seettoss Ilea root In no plenty, sn . growrra who have net washed their yards have eery poor looking vlnea. Tba growing - nop Ik ths other Pselfle Coast states eootlnaes la vsry favorable eoadltloa. from ap atate meet reports " are aatlafartoryi but - a soaaswhst smsller yield Is predletod In ansae sections, ss tha vines are showing that It will ba a top , yield. Oa the whole. It la sate ta predict i a goad yield, thoueii not ss larre aa last Tear . The croo on the Parlfle eoaat m ant eineeted to be far from the quantity ejathered la at year. Parelf a advteee continue favorable both la Eng. - una sna roe continent, and SU indications . point to a large aad flna ylelH." . . Bailee Malaas Oama ta Bettor Bhaaa. ' ; It'stermclnaa from The- Ia Ilea are coming . la better ehape and are a noted st 1U cents wane me vsmwaia eriif-ie ie wry pisnlirui . at 1 cent. : Another car of cantaloupes arrived la during . ths day hnt found a slow call oa account af aa ', Blpe tomstoea are vary scares bat there . kt s plenty at erees stocks. ' . JIH i UT iiuj. mmw vmrnnnm III el Ul p 1 fle i TS cents while those from atber districts range ' enrol w i m, iniii v. . - Plnms sea In good supply wlfh demand seily fair "'-Prices todsy rsngs between TB cents ' -e ee rr: i iiirvn mrn ok iihui oubiiiv el mi mm nuaii. mi ana pticva are nigner wiia ins Doner aa Band. -.. , . .-(-'... . noma biarkberriee wbk-k smved mm local polntn during tba day brought higher valnee. Sweet potatoes mora plentiful with prices enure a ua orr. . ' , I . I I.M . It I. ' - n,k I .MulfiUl .1 . , class fonoa ta average lota: rain, .. Flour aad Vaad. W rig AT CentracU, isosNew elsb asd red. Tiki Mueetem, 77e; valley, 7e; V BAHLBX reed-. I34.0U1 rolled, 93Mt brew ' ' w n r T evrv, eai .wi mwea. aa.w Bar 1UU -, ' OATS New He-, 1 whits, IMtOOt gray, - tin oo. ' KLOUS tutera Oregou pstrata. MSOft 4.M: atralsbta. M.T6: exports. t.T40na.6: ' a. II. m- ' l.i, aCa.aH XC . , , l.u , . ' MILLSTL'rrS Braa, 120.00 per ton; mld- . (lings, lo,oo: ahorta, soaatry, I1S.0WI city, '1.1. 00! ebon, t IS. 00, n x i ronecere price i irnvmf, Triiinrnene , valley, fancy, fl : ordinary, tl0.00tjia.oot ; csatrrn Oregon, 616 .00: mlxeoV 611.00; clover, tS OOtiS.OO;' grsln, 69.00; cheat. tS.004jS.60. ':-. ' BntUa; Eggs aad Poultry. ' BtrmtR FAT Sweet, SSHc sear. S8Ha. t ". BUTTS B City creamery, beat, 60c; " eacnnd grade. 27 Vci sMtslOa faacy, OTMSj ardlaary, 36c: store, lac. . i KOOB Mo. A frssh Oregou, saadled, - Sic; , testers. IB. - ' . CH HUBS '. Ntw- furl rreaoa. twin. UQirvic; . Twins America, llttltHe: Cheddar, lists. POULTRY Chickens, mixed. IStst per lb) tiana.- tauartxe nee th; ee-atere. oM.-ltte-rX. . young, ItttTftc par lb; broilers, UttOl&s per lb; , fryers, ltkejl&o lb) darks. I416a lb geese, . p)c per fb: turkeys. 1" ft 21 o per lb; draesea. v 0tts bw lb; oiin a ha, aj.oo Pr Bops, Weal aad aTldss. . HOPS Contract, ions oregoa. IScj Wash. . Ina-toa- llluniaei iao4 eroD. I7taite for sbolee; Jt4il7s for primes aad aaedlaaia. ' WOOL IShjS clip, v.ller. aoaree la wielaot, . StH2avi Sas, -SSaillei esatera - Oregoa, JP022C. NOMA! Nominal, sntjtle. - ' SIIKKl'SKINs Shearing, 0., short Weol Bnc; medlam; wosi, SOtjeOel' kaag weeii ; luc-tel.oo sack. , r.:or.DAY PRICES IN THE WHEAT MARKET Bcpt- ......I .tlSk Dec. s Chicago' . , I .2 Milwaukee . . Minneapolis Haw York . .. St. Louis .... flan Franclaco Pulutb II 14 A .HA4 ..4 .St . .73 H .ioH .744 .l.lSVa. ,4B Liverpool as 14 s & Old Bsptembsr. . TAIX0W Prime, par 44)5i Ka. I aad freaae. t . t CH1TTJM BAKK SfitVae per lb. i- t ' HIKES Dry hides. N. 1. t aba aast Bp, ia0ias per in; Off- sip, ne. i. a lo is ids. tec, ary can, no. i, enaer a iue. loajiae: or, am i tea niaes, steers, sou no. wiwa over, oh SHel 60 to 60 lbs. ktUci unaer SO lbs si sows, SQ8Hc suss sud halla, aoaud, U4j7cs kip, IS to 0 lbs, we: souad. 10 ta 14 lbs, sij Sie calf, aoaad, aader 10 lbs SH11 greaa tunaalted). Is per lb leeai ealia. le per lb lees; koraebliles, salted, eaeh. l.BOl.TOi dry, each. tl.00gt..6O: colt klnas, each, SS4J6ost goat shins, sommoa. esch. Mftlas, Aagora, with wool sa. sash. SSeetl. , ' . rralts aad agatoklaa. .' ;. -. POTATOKS OregoB, T6c; car lots, SOQOSc ssck; sweet, 4c. tl.NKJNM Mew Areeoa eellow Danvars. tl.SH: Walla Walla. 1.00,1.10; garrle. SsjlOe per lb. . m. Bi. i fvinriiiimi, u" 'a, , faacy. $..00; oraagea, Uta Vsleacias, XTb4.00: hanaaaa. So- K laaeona, skotea. t.S koai fancy. SS.0O par box: limes. Mssleaa. sag pal 100: plnespplea, S3-60 per doa; peaches. Aah fancy. 64.00 par box: limes. Mssleaa. Sua pat land fancy. Toe: other dlatrlcta. 604. 00c i plums. TBcetl.kS per crate: oantakatpee. ' Jlt.00 per crate; watermclona. Oregon. 11. ta; Califor nia. 11.00 per cwt: (rapes, fl.0uejti.8a per oai; pears, California, t- 00; Oregon, il.OUstl.60 per box; hlackberrlea, 1. 756-00; caeahas, 100U .60 per dot, VKUKTABLES Turnips, aew, tl 00 gar sack; carreu. tl.OO01.2o per sack I beets. fl.W I per saok; Oregon radishes, iOc par das; rabba ca, Oregon, au76e par ewt; greeu peppers, lit per box; local tomatoes, ao. 76c; psranlps. $1.004)1. 3B; atrlng beaas, eauiinower, 7 Bo par doa; rhubarb, SVko par lb; horaersdlsh. lie lb: srtlchokes. 400e per doa; botbooee lettaca, 604XTSc; head lettuce, J6a pel dos; gree aaloas, 10l3He par doa; plnaeh. . . ,w. at IWt mmm mmrli: VMMLS. Sc per b: ewenmbers. 60s Par aschl celery. Colorado. S5c; local, 65c per doses; aggpiaai, IS.0O per crste. . DHIKO K It L' ITS Annies, evaoerated. tetSc per lb: eorlcote. 6V4rlHe per lh sacks. V.S per lb leas: neschsa. SCJISs par Ibt aeara, - -per th: prunea. lUltaa. HOHe sar- Ibt Prencti. 14t4a per lb: flaw. Callforala black, her? per Ibt California white, .Par Ibt plnms. pitted. par lb: dates, swMaa. St par Ibt fafus. 11.60 oaf lfrik baa. . '. v ereesrias. sTsts. Kto.' ' ' : ' SnOAB-Sack basts Cube. d.75i powdered, tS.00; trait granulated, 68.60; dry graaulated, t8.60i Coat. A. S6.60S beet grsnuUtcd. tf au; extra C, S5 0; golden C, ...; . O l?l,owr 64.80; bbls, 10c. H bbls Sc boxsa 60s advpaos oa ssck haala. lees 36c par wl for cash. 16 das: maple, 14ell6 par lb. - t , iiONKV 3 per crate. ,..J. COrrEB Package brands, - . SALT riaa Bams. . Ss. '-ka. 6a. 10s. $l.4: table, dairy. 60s, tlLOO: 100B. 1 10.78: 1 Im ported Llremooi. 60a. 817.00: 100a. 410.1O: k24a. tlS.OO; sxtra tine, bbls. Sr. ta, 10a. t4.MB.0: balk. 330 lbs. HMtt-Mi Sacks. 60s. an.80e. 1 SALT Cos raa Half rresnd. 100a. aer tow 17.00: 60s. p-r ton, (7.60: Uvernool lB"ia rock. tlsiO per toat 60-lh rock. 17 -Out ItsUs. ,SS..6. (Above prices apply to aalea af astha car lota. Car lota at apaslal prims sublsct to tlnct nations. ; OR A IN BAOS Oolcatta. TH- i i" " RICK Imperial Japan. No, l.-de: Ha. I. flee: New Orleans head. Stoat Ala. 4st Crw BtANS n.atl white. 04w: tarpa whlta, lUe: nlnk. suasut: bayoa. 14s Unas. 6V51 Melcsn reda. , - f-nuta. TJ Jumbos. SHa par l rear UdSIr-. TK, pM-tt. t OOCOBBBta, aoeJPOc per dosl walnats. a44tl6e -par lb; pine aots. l0tis4e sar lb: hickory nstej IOc per lb rhestaats. eastern, 16ssl6c par lb: BrasU V Parana! ll t ailSci' almoads.' Ut 16a per lb. , ralata. osat oua. jtas, - B0PB Pure Manila, laci standard. UUat sissL 10e: llele bread sisal. Sa. . COAL OIL Pearl ar Astral. Csees, SOUS pat gal: water waits. - troa bbls. IBs par Bait wooden. I8t par gait headltabt, 170-deau ease, S3HS per gal. ' , . C A80UN It 4ac. eaees. tSe pgr gall Iron pbla. see per gsl: stovas, eases. S4VM par gall iroa nois. law per gsi, BENZIMSr s-dei c. cases. Z3S asr gaii insi M1k. . taur ner gal. . TUrtPKNTIKB In cases, 8c per gsl: woodea bbls, ede per gsl; Iroa bbls. Sic acr gsl. WH1TB LEAD-Ton Iota. 71ea per Ibl 800-lb Iota. 74s per lb: arae lots. So per lb. . WIttR NAILS Present base at tXJO. L1NSEBD OIL Pure raw. In bklfT STe per gal: csees. Tie par gel: genulna ksttla boiled, csssa. 70S per gsl; bbls, 6e per gal: groaad cake, car lota, 1 20.00 par toai lssa than car ota. t300 per ton. . . : 4... ' Meats. list aad Tislslsaa. : rBBSB 1I1AT Front afreet Beef steers, 6 4s ua per lb; perk, block. 7 He per lot packers. THS par lb: bulla. SatSr per fbt sows. 4tM per lb: muttoa. Ui7HC par Ibt lambs with pelts, RU4to par lb;1 veal, extra, 7; ocdl. asry, Hti7e per lb; poor, Jm per lb. RAMS, BACON. ETC. Portland peck nocal) pama, 10 to 14 (ha. 1SHS per lb: 14 to IS lbs. par lb: IS to SO lhe. I3V4C pet lb: aottase. Is per Ibj Weak fast bacon, 14fttlle par Ib picnic. 9c per lb: regular short, clears. u amoked,' 104c . per Ihi amoked. UVc ner lb; clear barks, aatoioked, loo lb; amoked,' 114S per lb: Union butts. 10 to IS the. ansmoksd, as per lb: smoked e per lb: clear bellies, an smoked. lie per Ibl amoked. Us per Ibl abouV. LOCAL LTKot-Ksttls leaf. lOa.'llHe per R; 6e, 10 c per lb; fto-lb tins, 10 o per lb; ateaiu renlered 10s, 10a per lb; 6s, 10AS pas lb, CANNKD gALMON-Corambla river, l b tails. tl.W: 1 lb talla. 6S.60: fsaev, l ib flats. 00; H-lb faacy flats. t 3: faacy l lf ovsax. tot. 78: AUaks tails, pink. swaxBOai red. SlXOl awmloal Is. tan. M OO. ' ' riMH Rock cad,- Per Ihf flcomdcra. Saaas fh; hsllhat, 6V4c per Ibl crabs, 61.50 per dia; striped bass. HHe per B: cstfiah. 7t Per lb; salmon, chbiook. 8SVtt lb: steelhesds, 7H per lb; bluebacks, ne per lb; nerving, oc per id I eolea. ec per lb: shrhnfis, 10c per Ibt perch, he per lb: shad. 4a per lb; roe shsd. 6a per Ibl shad roe. 60c per lb: block cod. 7c per Ibt sllvet smelt, TS per H; iooeiers, .oci xrean Hiacaa,, Se per lb: crawfish. 80s per ossi floaodsra, Ss aar lb: etnraeoa. 7s per lb. OYBTBB8 Suoalwator bay. aer gaL U.1SI Bmr aaek. At TB. CLAktS Hard shell - Per bag. 13.001 slams, 82.00 par has. i, COTTON FUTURES ARE"! : ; SIXTEEN POINTS OFF trurnlahed by Overheck. Starr a Choka Co.) New Vork. Ang. 14. Cotton futursa elussd Strady, 19 points lower. ,. .. louays otiicisi cm ton Bmraei: " '.. 'j, , ' Open. High. low. Close.' January ............ .1I0 , 101 10.V4 10fl.liV4 reliruary lowt lono - March M. 10iL , IOHS liaia IOH-ibiJ April ............... una ion , iui.1 limseiua May ....a.,,....-. 1070 1071. long lnfl(0i August ............. nan . inn iou ; imoaiii Heptembsr IO-4 1028 lOM lOal.jn October ............ MIHl 1043 1036 10Bj:l7 November a .104T 1047 104 lOllailX beasmher 1068 1068 1044 .04tj47 -. Lrrerpeol Osttoa Lewsr. '- Liverpool. Aug. 14. Vttoa fnturss closed 7 polata lower with market steady. t ttXTZZa- BUtHILS ta ATZaAOX. , (Special Dtapatck to Tha toarnsl.) ' - Tone, Or.. - Asg. 14. Tba heading eesean la the vlrtnlty of loaa kt aver and three tag ma chtnee are running. In tba north aad of tlie county only about half hf the wlieat has yet been cut. Where threshing has beea dona tha yVId has been as heavy sa expected, snd ths average yield for the sntlrs county will bs probably about Id bushels per sera, despite the reporta of boomers snd other that tba average yield would .ha 36 or 40 bnebela sa acre. All ths roads In tba cenaty win soon be rilled with four, all and eight home teams haallng the wheat to tha warebonees. Ths price of wheat be ss blgh aa la at year and tha farmers sre all pleaant with tha outlook. Hands hsvs keen very scarce, but are becoming mora plentiful now. Farmers who have ftnleheil heading art now busily engaged cultivating summer fallow tad preparing tha ground for rail tpedlug., v, . ' . : .s , . ' - -C- - y; ' CHICAOO CASK WKZAT. '..- I Ai - amimB-aw i ' - - Chlrago, Aug. 14. lagh wacst: 4 : ... ' ' , - J ld. .'Aak. ttn. red , f -"H I No, S red..,.... .i.e.. ...... J) . .M No. t herd. ...... r.w.a-.Mm JO fio, kArd.,-.r.j.-...a. Jn) eh? LIUEuPOOL rLOSS IIUUlS L1KET. Chicago Wheat Pit Quite Active ' With All Options Ruling . ''vi, at' a Decline. 1 -r?:'' 'r; ";". ' :' ', w MAY THE WEAKEST WITH -DROP 0Ft A HALF, CENT De9ember and September Each Drop v Three-Eighth of a Cent Today ' Foreign Decline Hart All Amerl- , .1 , . ... i can Markets. I . ''.'.."'.'".,'.-,'' MOXDATS WHEAT MASK IT. Close Close Ixmi Tear Ago I. .6 JilU ' t .siH t -ooh tlc-H 8.'. .MB ; .00 ,VU f. - ,SvS .SSla . .OOVb 1.01 Mua. Sat. Mon. . Ckiee. Sept Iee May Psrnlehed hv Ovsrberk. Stsrr d Cooke Co- Chicago, Aug. 14 lxaa Bryaa ssy: la wheat tba world'a shipments are about 1,600,000 pueueia unoer a wees ago. rrimsry receipts srs almost 700.000 buahele larger than sbipmsnts. Tha easb marksts in ths southwest srs slow, He to ) Ha Mwer. Bshi In ths soathwsst aver Sunday and again this morning, coupled with smaller world s shipments than expected, gave the market a flrnt start snd for a whlla after the opening prices maintained a'etoady tons. Belling pressure, aowsvor, appeared eunt moons, bat finally the markst closed with strength. At ana tlma tha markst sold shout ia tuxler Ssturdsy's eloae. Later a rally developed, prla cl pally brbught about by tha fecal traders had ing offerings scarce, and In attempting to gat ineir wheat pack hid tha market ap on tbciu salves. ..r .r , ' Cera Tread Irregular. '. Ta corn, rain over Sunday and a wet msp this morning took ths sdgs off the prices right st tha start, with ths market throughout tha asastoB dlsplsylnf aa Irregular trend. There coattnuea to ba a fairly good cask oats aemana, ana also ta export inquiry la tha market. Tba markst rungs la not broad, and aentlmeat eontlnoea mixed.. Strong buying . appeared In rlbs, lard aad pork, but sal fie from bogs being firm to a little better, ths markst conditions seem un changed. . Today's official markets ! . v , " WHKAT. -OpsB. .High. Jtaw. "m- "VsYtf .'"H .SS14 .MVfc ' . JBVi Close. !H?t Atrg.r....! Kept. .... leec ..... May Old Sept Old Dee.. .mi, .44 H A1 May. ,441 ' -4B i US IT. Seat..:.. Iec...... Mar..... ..'- 14 SO 14. W MESS POBK Sept. 14.60 14.1T Oct., 14. SB 14.S3 LARD. Sept.' Oct., Jsn,, T.M 7.B0 7.K2 T no Ta T.67 SHORT BIBS. S ow S.T0 8.8B S.70 ' ' 8.60 t.ftt 8ct1: ajr rmdjrcisco eaAnr maikxt. Ssa FraMlsca, Aug. 14. Official closa, Bwrv, tog ssssttehl ... ....,... . .. . .- WHEAT. . .'. " Open. High., Low. -, Clnse. BAULKY. Oscambsr . . t '. jvnLnaax eaAnr KorMXirx. - Cbtcsgo, Asg, 14. Primary receipts: -: Today rssT Aga V Bush. i, Bosh. Wheat ................... .1.1HS.O0O 1,840,000 Corn 090,000 803,004 Shipments! i. Wheat ......4 .1.047. 000 481.000 Cora 780.000 468.009 I Clssrancee: Wheat and flour, 66,000 buahele; Tcora, OS.OWT ouahels; oats. Bona. - . timrooz. aaanr kuuckt. Liverpool, Ang. 14. Closet Wheat. Septem. her, da JO. IHd tower; December, Sa 6H4. li lower. Corn September, as 9i, Ad fewer; Jhretnt per, ho lower. ' , CHICAOO OBAnf OAS LOTS, 'Chicago, Ang. 14. Oraln car lots: Csrs Ore da Eat. 1004 Wheat V7iT.V....:i"..'.l7 88 193 138 Corn .' 114 114 , 210 " IM Oata 443 173 , 863 82 I HOG VALUES SOMETIMES GD ABOVE THE LIMIT . " . ! '-..'r' . Receipts Remain Small,' Whila ;.' :' Demand Is Good- Cattle , , "Steady for Best. ;r : Portland t'nloa, Stockytrda, ' Aog 14. Uvs- stack receipts: , Bogs. Cattle. Tndar 11 28 Shsep. Week ago ...,..' . ' ... SAO Frevlouo week 13 .SAB SIO Month ago 27 tot Tha scarcity af bogs eontlnnes acato and Klces ' tometlmss roam beyond tha ajaotad Ight.i - - - i - ' . Best rattls are firm bat ethers srs sot ss good. Sheep snd calves reraala firm. Todsy 28 horses srrlvsd In - . . f- Offlcisl prices roc livestock: Hogs Best esatera Oregoa. 64 60; blocker and China fats. 86.7600.00; stackers tad fred- era, 8o.0PtJ6.78. K t attle Meet esstern Oregoa steers, I8.A04) a.aU Ilea. nu vn-uawH. w,ma. ...vv"Vj beet cows snd heifers, t2.28tt2.oo; old snd a a.. ' - -- , , i . 1 mna a n... light rows, tl. 604.2. 00: stockers and teedera, t2.2nt8.T6: bulls. 81-60. .. gheep Rest fancy eheep, t8-O0J8.SSj ewes, 82.76)8.0i; spring Kmhs, 44)4Hc. . (lve Oond vesf. 160 to 800 pounds, IQStte; rough aad hesvy, 641 a He. a , . . VV t,'i xASTiair roos lowxa. Chicago. And. 14. Llwtoct-Tacelpts: Hoga Cattle Sheep Chicago .80.000 15. oou Kanese City...". ' ,onp Otnahs 4.000 8.000 4.0C1 Hogs opened 60 lower wits J.ra lert over: Receipts s gear ago were 18.000. Prices: Hired. 86.00418.80: good and heavy , g nf- 11; rough snd hesvy. 86.304IS-H6; light. tVoliS.3&. , t'sttle Steedy. k f ' Sheep Steady. ' " . : " , - OVAUTT aOOB, THX9 SHOKT. " , (Special Dlspatck to Tha JoarwaL) ' Orante Pass. Or.. Aog. 14, Reporta from threablng machines operating la Kogne river valley srs to the errect toar tna grain la not yielding as hesvy ss sntlrlpsted. A few of tha fields la Jsekeen county srs extra keavy. but many are very light. Tha asms enadtt.ats obtsta ks thk eeuaty. Tha quality of tba grula la both counties Is very goad. , , ' . . , , i. .... .' 'law - ttew Terk. Sag. 14. m Refined eua.r sn rhansed, rswa- atting ladcst beet ttasdy, & higner. r; - . r . .y .;.ii , coitiToca atnrnia aTOCKaV ' -' Sas Kaactscey Aug. 14. Of flelsl" ctaae,1 mo-a. lag area leu; .. ,' Bid . , , . nH1 . Mnlltne) ,,,...,. ,8T Belcber . j.1 m. Cal.-Vs... I.SiS epklr IM Calednnlt v l J "a vase .8 ,ei Pntnel - t'nloei Cen.l . ... .Ml Yellow Jacket .. .18 ' RicBjenuer ... .M Meilcaa ....... l.xn Hale ftwtrvae l.M la..i- ' 1 Aadet ... ....... .10 lScurplnS ...., ,13 MS .ffi . .BS A Mi .sen 44 H .44 Mi - .S6 fflii.1' .28 1 . '. ' ' i4.a . j rVi 1 . 7.M A T.7ttl TS-oT" -S.0; a ;;g mm All Advance on New York Stoek Market During Session -Price . of Coal the Oreat Help.' WISCONSIN CENTRAL- IS - -. BEINQ BOUGHT HEAVILY Common Closed Two. and a' Half Higher, While Preferred. Gains One and a Quarter Some bf the Favor ites Lose After Attack. '. ADVANCES. Analra mated Mlaeourl PsclflS Norfolk ...SU Atchlaon .......... 34 Car 4k rouadry..,. .... H h N. Y. Oentrsl' oo pra .......... People's Uss ...... M Brooklyn 4 stork laiaad ...,...1H do pfd 1 oaiujnora .........144 Colo. PusI Southern Br.... 8t. U 8. W,.. do pfd Toledo S. W.. Wabash ........ do ptd ........ Republic Steel . Au nfd n. rsui i I). a N. W.. . fheaapraka -.. .'. . t'snsdlaa ...... ...3 ilo. . Southern..... Del. Hudsoa.k..3H Oenver . - -. . . .2H :5 dop 'd -....1 8sn Vaa, 3d ptd.lH Moutbern Pas 1 Trim. Coal Texas tt Psclfle....lw I'nloa Pacific ii WktcnnalB Cestrsl..2"4 do pfd ....... Brie, Id pro....... H do let ptd . Oreat WcetefB Metropnlltsa piri. tniuu , . haty do pfd 1 ..I DECLINES. AnacoBUB '.,..,.. a Sugar ............. tt Smelter .....1 lUlaola Central .... Onr. a West era. ,. . I'cnnsylvsnla ...... Press Steal Car.... Handing Wsll Street, New York, " Aug. 14.---Bnlllsh seaUnwnt eonqnared oa the stock market to day. Kverythlug was bullish st ths start and for awhile everything went well snd 111 values advanced. Than soma of ths favorites wars st tscksd. among them being Amalgamated, Sugar. Illinois Central end Heading summon. Karh of these closed with a hiss ss a waylt. . : const n Central was sgaln srtlvs and thla led to still another rumor that Hill or soma equally as strong man was after that road. The com mon closed 8tt snd ths preferred 1 higher. Tha eoelere wsrs the leading festursa and with tke exeepttoa of Beading, all closed up. , Ths following official quotations ar fur slab ed by Over beck, Starr Ookt Co. I . f: DE8CBIPTI0N., Anaconda Mining Co... AmsL Uoppsr Co....... Atchison, coca.. do preferred..... Am. Car a roundry, e. do pseferred... Am. Sugar, com. ....... 118 116 116 TlaH 84 80 84tt 00 8.1 as 8H I OS 1IH 108 104 87 anis WW 88 80 PMHIIOO 14 144 144 144 Am. Smelt., 18U 183 1WI 12Ntt 38 U23 14 Xi Baltimore a Vhta. tittl "aH "H 't do nreferred 08 08 70 08 Breoktra Bsntd Trsaslt. Canadian Pucltte, aom.. lDV 181 160 100 V. u. w., cnas Chi., Mil. a St. P... C. N. W.. com.... 21 21 31 1M IM 184 1"4 824 H 2244. 223 ineeupesssm ue.., Onlo. ruel a Iroa, com.. Wu 5iiT4 oo-a 45 46 Colo, SoutberB, com . . aH 3h a ritrs sis pi' 2 SO no eeconu prererreo; . sot UaMNf, . . Waa... ITRW" Del., Lsck ami D. R. O., e do preferred 84 88 88 67 48 IW 87 4S 76 8.1 Erie, com... do second nreferred... do first preferred.... Illinois Central Loatsvllla - Nsahvllls. Met. St. Ry Manhattan By.... Mexican Central Ry.... Th 76 48 Trf 86 sr.. sn 179 H 170 177 178 148 128 I61W ino 1 137 is" HIT . 83 140 82 32 it Mtna.r St. P. d Ste. M Mleannri . Psclflc M. K. A T.. com....... do preferred New Vork Central.....' Northern Pacific. ...... 140. 140 14U 103 104 103 HH 8214 61 81 88 7 00 156 1S6 214 16414 1M 2)4 211 312 Norfolk a Western, com 8fl 102 "w 88 102 66 North America a N. Y. Oat. 4k Wsstsrn Pennsylvania Ry P. O. LtC Oo 108 - 103 6 66 1 14S 146 106 40 110 04 144 106 14.". V 105 48 110 03 106 Pressed Steel Car,, com, 4i.H 4.1 108 Heading.- com , do s road preferred.. do first preferred... Ren. Iron a StaeL com do preferred Rock Islsnd. com,....,. do preferred 100 MM 04 31 87 82 77 88 00 On. 8H 04 31 8 u n , M 08 87 H4 r-04 87 83 78 8AT4 82 in Boathern Ry.. com..... 86 do preferred. ......... iw 100 Southern- Pacific. 88 4 87 do preferred it L A I. P.. 3d pfd ll"H 118 118 118 - 78 W 34 83 00 Til 78 34 2t 88H 0 80 781, 34 82 i; 88 SO first preferred. ... 76 24 63 8H 80 I 37 St. Lit W- com.... i pre f erred Tessa a Pacific ........ Tenn. Cost a Iron Toledo, St, U A W- a. ' do preferred 8HH 68 88 67 HI 6T1A I nios raetnc. l"2HllM4a l3ll.18 do preferred trr i ar 61 HI 64 HI I T TJ. SA Rubber. Si? 68U So Preferred .......... 110M1H HOlltOH C. S. Steel Co., common. 88 4 88 106 88U da preferred .......... 104 104lln4 Wheel, a Lake F.., com. I 18 17 18 34 1 34 4T 4H do 3d Preferred., ,,1 24UI 34 48 U. Wis. Central, common. 4o pretered Western I'nloa Tel.... Wshsah. eommoa ..... ,J, .p. Drrini ..... 07 29 7 41 37 20 68l 67. 10 18 40i 41 do nreferred ...4.... 41 Rubber Oonds ao prererreq 104 Total aales t-n ths day. 040.000 sbsres. , ' 1 ' .. . . TOKOrAH laame stooks. Ssn rrsnctace, Aug. 14. Itonensh a took a of. ficlal clnee: , r aid. Montsnt , Midway ,, MrNamara .1 8. IS ., 1.88 .7 .40 ., 1.80 .. .08 .08 Ptxle .is uinmbla lit. IT i Jumbo Jnnhn Kxtea.... Belmont North Btsr . ... ReeVue ....... Oold Mnnntaln.. mark Butts .... Silver Pick .... .84 .11 I .18. Ooldew Ancanr ., Jim Pntler .77 Hay o-Brlea ... Ton. .Nevada 14.WI Ton. Ohln ..... .W' .8.1' Ton. Rxtea O. Bull Km, Red Tip Ootdfleld ..,.t. Sendatnrm SandaksTta Ex.. Adams Mubswk ........ ,88 niamondflel. - .88 .SO ..or 04 .14 Lsnt Star Homsstake 07 i t'sab Boy .18 .1 Kendall .. BOITOaT COPPEa ITOCKS.,. A Bosteo, Ang. 14 Official copper cloee 7 Bid. I Bid. Adveeture.f.. S.tM k)ld IXHninlon. . IM 50 All'-wea ...... 84.1tHIOecena ...... saj.M, Atlantic ..... 1T.T8 Parml as 1.4 1.00 102. t) TOO ' 8.80 34 78 378 11.84 lit w -48.00 , ' M1J 231.80 Blnghaxu . ... 80. (Ml mi. a Aria... . Oslniaet STo.oo Ceatennlal ... O0 rtfie Range. 80.00 Ialy West t ! 14 on PhnenU Qulnry Mhsun a .... IT.marark ... Trinity ..... I'nlted Elm i no vtctnria Oreena .. Orsnhy .., Maes ... MlPklgsn Mohawk , .14.87 W'WInaaa . 8.TS (Wolverine .... 8 78 I.'Uh 14.00 lr. S, Mining. 84.88 I Royal ........ r- Stsdlng latse. - ' - V"T" Rew Tor. Aug.' 14. Sterling rstes: mend, 48T.Hil So days. 4H8.K). . - jSrT rsAHOISOO tOCAI. BTOC " Ss's rrsaclscx)4 Ang. 14 Local atockt af flcUl close, Biornlng sraslua; , - ' . Bid,' Ask. fWitra Coats . Water.............. 41 Spring Teller Wster 8714 ss Mutual Electric 18 S. r. Oss a Electric sn Hawaiian Commercial 87 llnnokea Sugar. ................ 18 HuKhlnsnn Hngsr. ...... .......... 14 I' Sus.r..... tSU 'jot, 19 Alaaka Pa.-. era' , , Sue, Cel. Wins Aaa'n..........e,,.. B8 kiu I'aclfM Coaat , Borax. .....IM iM COilLEli D0I7N ,I;!'.: . V..,: a ,V V.-,. ''-' BanJsmtrTl, Cohan, prafacrt --rT ths Portland Trust Company of Oregon, narrowly aacapad death In th swimming tank st ths Oaks Saturday Afternoon. H says ha owaa big lira to his cousin. Mrs.- Clinton Moonay, who was chiefly Instrumental In ths reacua by which ha was taktn unoonacloua from tha tank and restored to his sanaas, ' t - Mr. Cohsri was accompanied In tha tank by a party including- Mfg. Mooney and Morrta Relnstslo. - Ha Is a flna awlmmec snd waa enjoying tha- water nnd fssling In tha-beat of health whan suddenly he fainted and sank. Mra. Mooney Saw. his disappear and. noted that ha did not eoma to the surface. She Is1- strong, active, woman and, securing a hold on Cohen, raised htm In such a manner that his head waa held above ' the water until Mr. Rainateln went to their sld. Mr, Cohen was taken out unconscious, and friends worked ovor him until he recovered. Today the effects of bis adventure, have entirely disappeared and he Is attending? to busi ness ss uaual at the bank... SICK FATHER ASKS NEWS - OF HIS MISSING BOY "" .' i n i ; - Jacob T.'Chtlds. Jr., son of Jacob T, Chllda, who was minister to Slam during the first sdmlniatratlon of " Prealdent Cleveland, has been, reported mleslna by his father,' who is in a dying condition in a hospital In Richmond, Missouri. He has requested Sheriff Word to assist in Undine the boy. The Sheriff, who has been acquainted with ths ex-mtnlater for many years, - readily undertook - the search, but has been unable to locate the lad. He found that Chllda bad worked In a logging- csmp at Palls City, Polk county, op to April 1 of this year, and had then tone to Palmer, Oregon; Ad vices from Palmer were to the effect that Chllda had gone to Portland, had been taken 111 snd had died In a hospital. There is no record of his death In ths books of the city health department. - Ex-Mlnlatsr Childs waa tha editor of the Richmond Conservator during; the civil war. While lo Blam lie wrote a book, "In Darkest Asia," a copy of which he presented to Mr. 'Word. Mr. Childs has been bedridden for ths past t,ws yesrs snd is about 10 years old. ' DETECTIVES-WILL GET - NO INCREASE IN, PAY Salaries of -ths city detectives will not be increased, before Jknusry I. ltOS, If at all. Ths polios committee of ths city executive board, to whom tha mat ter waa referred, has refused to grant the petition filed by the detectives, snd has passed a resolution holding the mat ter la abeyance until the end of the yeatvwhen eoma -Chang aa ta -pay of the -aawitaa a th. f.ll.i. Ampin l bo made. - A resolution wss recently passed In the council to provide for an tncease of tha salaries from Its to- ll.o and ths matter wss then referred .to the execu tive board to make the Inatrease, as the council bad--authority to appropriate ..tilths, iwailB enl-ti Ths eattatlei board In turn referred the petition to the polloe committee, whose members were of ths opinion thst tha detectives should not receive ss large com pen sa Hon it captains, - whose salaries Sre only 1100 a month. . SLOW WATCH-CAUSES FATAL WRECK IN 0UI0 .1 f7sevaal "jwtUl Servlee.) ' Cleveland, O., Aug. 14. Twelve par sons were killed snd la injured, eight of whom will probably die. In a wreck on the Nickel Plate road at Kinsman, Ohlo, near Vermillion, yesterday, when ao. east bound passenger collided with a west bound freights The dead are Charles W. pools, engineer of the pas senger train of Conneaut, Ohio; Joseph Alexander of Newark, New Jersey, and Frank -Weaver of Pindlay, Ohio, and ntne Italian laborers. Most of ths men killed were riding; In tha smoking oar and were employes of the Standard Oil company. The wreck was csused by the freight train disobeying orders and not waiting at a siding; for the passenger. It IS re ported that the watch of the engineer of the freight train was slow, that he be lieved he hsd plenty of time to make tna -siding;. . r , . r r - n Boy AOcldentany bot, (Special Dapatch te Tke JeevaaL) Hood River, Or- Aug. 14. Chester Jackson, the 11-year-old son of Q.- J, Jseksormsi" Halsey street, Portland was accidentally shot by Wallace Moody Saturday and-will probably be a cripplt for life as a result Ths boys wer seated on the bank of a awlmmlng pool when the rifle held by Moody wss accl dentally discharged, shattering the shin bone of young Jackson. The injures boy was taken to the hospital. ANNUAL MEETING OF, T AMERICAN OSTEOPATHS ' (Joorast Special Bar rice.) . Denver, Aug. 14. The annual meeting of th American Osteopathic assocla tton'opens hers todsy for a flvs days' a session. Mat year, when ths oonven tion wss held in St. potlls. there ware twit -a.ooe members or the osteonathio I tchool of doctors In attendance. The at tendance) at. the convention which begins today promises to exceed that of laat yearl considerably, p Nearly every state In the union is represented snd there ant also aome from. Canada and one or tw from Mexico, , ' There srs at the present 'Urn nine osteopathic ' Collages In the United States, with 'let teachers snd sn attend ance -of J.tOO to 1.&00. Over 4.040 prac titioners, hsvs ' graduated from ' these collsgsa Bo far. , e, - , nvY0sxjpoiTzx Aaxzr. , New Terk. Aug. 14. Coffee fat urea closed 10 te 18 nolsts hither. . Today a efftrlsl coffee markrt: ' Bld.v Aak.l Hid. A.k January . ,.7 BO $7 M July ........$7.88 87.8t rrbrnsrjk . T M .T.OOIAuguat 7 on T.ts MarcB ..... T.8A T.TONrptembcr .. T.18 T JO April T.7 f.TAloctobec .... T.88 T.: Msy f.Stl . T 7&i Nevetnher T.8B June T.Stl T.85I December .. T.48 7.30 lolslsestouy. B3.QWI Mtt. . rsratga Oeffes sUrkats. - - - - r Rew Tork, Aug. 14. 4Vffee! Havre anltdsy, Hamburg, enchanted. Rk, receipts 17.000 bsgs; market anlet. Ssntoa, 26,000 aagsi atrkst barely strady. ' -. - - ' - Raw Tsrk flask Csffss. ' New Tork. Aug. 14. t eak coffee: jja, f In, a-r ffwr-Or Wsatear - - - ----- rt rORTtAKO RARK STATBlttlfT. - ; ' nearlnrt .... ,'...... ........... ,.$8.JTt. 88 Baatacss ......-..-........ 46,530,81 1 UMVUiUJ -J L w AlwTV wlXfV'T I dk 4SI1V MfMrnrnf-mf I H STOCK OUTFITS : SIM Cy,YN$l.C) PE3 IVin ; ; ; 90 Storssia Vaitotl Sutan Soroaa. Sole y DtMOora Ivwrywl' i; COLWm PHOKCGnAFD t6. wct- Columbia Balldirte;, portfaad, Orason , eeeeeeee 4 ieeeeeee " ei i i ii i leiea mm . "I , eases, cancer, paralysis, tumors, rhaumatlam and all disorders of the ' atomach, liver and kidneys. He has had great success In curtna con ' sumption when the victim is not too much run down by the disease. ' and will stop hemorrhages In an Incredibly , ehort time. He brews his ' : own medicines from Chinese roots, herbs, buds, barks and vegetable ' teaa, all of which are entirely harmless, and whose medicinal PP" : ' are unknown to American doctors. He usee in hie practice over 600 dlf ' ferent Oriental remedies. Hundreds of testimonials from grateful pa. tianta. DR. WI1NO wav m-mm amrasw snaav. ( .- '- MILWAVKIiX PARK i : at MILWAUK1E H1UCHTS ; This choice tract is selling fast from the fact that the lots are the cheapest and best located of any suburb around Portland. This tract is on the Oregon City car line and river and all lota are 50x100 feet with 60-foot streets; level and sightly, and one price to all, whether you buv one lot or fifty the price for each lot is $50. The title is perfect,' a complete abstract of title of Milwaukie Park can be seen by calling at the Hibernia Sav ings Bank, owners of the tract, and free tickets to and from Milwaukie Park will gladly Te given toafl mttmdmg ur J'chasers by calling at Room 805, McKay Building, Corner Third -atirl Star It Straits Prim r nnd inspect these lota facing car line for $50. , Acre tracts for $150 each. , , - v ; , OVERBECK, STARR 4& COOK8 CO - aBAnr, rmovTaTioirs, cottort, sTtxncs ajts bojtss. ' J"'- 102 Third Street McKay Building, Portland. Or. . . , f f wi do a TBicm.T ooMJKZsnosr irmrsss. -v " Continuous Markets by Privets 'Wire. Quick Service. BXWBMKStCM Vtit A Tllton. bankers, and United States National Bank of Portland. ' teiCta ZsUkUsasd lire. ous pATinns oub ctsT aDvoans , Tfeeassadt la Portland aad all ever the north west ran testify tares great aad sa. exsmpled tacceaa. GONORRHOEA ' May bs attended wtth tke graveat Cerapllea tloaa If seglected.or Improperly treated. Wi fears a sneclne treatment wklck cures tuickl, tefaly and painlessly. SYPHILIS v Is another acquired aisesss. tha rtvagee at whlrb when fully developed no pea can describe. When It shows by skla aruptloas at ky encee la mouth or tbroat Ita horrors srs already aegua. We aafsly and taov su(hly cure yoa aad sa mineral poBmos are tmployaa. VaRICOCELE and HYDROCELE . Ws treat aad cure, net by tha aid tarsi eel procedure, but by a palnleea metaod aolely Iue ewa. We llkewtae will cure yea and ssvs . you) the suffering sasoelsted wltk Rsrveus Debility, Leet klsskeed, Impataaey, Spermaterrhsaa, Reeturnal Emissions, Prs. mature Decline, Less sf Memory, Energy aad AmbltioB In t no bi tercet time tt can be done and we Insure yea a ssfa end positive ears. - caosaltstlee aad examlnstlea free. Writs fnr symptom blsnk sad book If yoa cannot "office ftourt: S 8. m. Saa daya, 10 te IS. . , - . . , st. Louis v; M idle at and Surgical Li.l.. DISPENSARY - Osr. ld sad Tsajli 111 sat., rortlsad. Or. Beautiful Cottages If you would Ilka to see' some of the moat henutlful homes in the vicinltv of Portland call and have a talk, with us. we win ne giao to snow tnem to rou. They range In prloe frorn 1700 to 1 000 lit per month is our plan. , ., ' ST. OTAUUB, . laats grand Ave, oas IS. $1700Speclal Choice lot. 10 x 104, on nth, near Narthrun at Half cash. ' A snap. C. H. KORKLU 2. 1 Washington st. .leORaT twaveh Aato OailTSi r!. ( Jsuraal Special Servlee,. Long Branch. N. 1 Aug. 14. This Is ths opening day of the. second annual leQPg Branch automobile carnival and sutomoblllsts from , all - parts of this state and also from New Tork srs ttre to attend th races and other Interesting evente. The automobile exhibition' at thd West End casino will be formally opened tonight.. Every day this week there will ba races and the tsrnlval 111 closa on Saturday wllk- a grand i floral psrsds. r v. ... - - , rxK-i: c FrUa t L eeeee: esseeenU nn mm ... . s The Great Chinese Dcct:; LOCATED AT SINCE PORTLAND; tSSQ XTm la Mlleei ,if Karaniua ka earas all - dlseeaeea without resorting to the knife. Call and have a free examination. He will tall you tba exact nature of your trouble. He treats suocesafully every form of fe- m,l.'iuMiiiil,lnt. all nrlvata aind ctlCMad a I a ...... LEE Bowxnoia, xorian CO (Established lift.) ITasATAIS sTTOOat HO i . i i ' aVooas 4, ewtuid rtoo, Csiwiis or ooj Wfiay H 1? That St. Johns, Vancouver. WoodUrvn and Alberta cars are always crowded ? Be cause out . that way is the . greatest growth in popula tion. . :' '.. '. , "Betwixt RolUng RiTera" Is in the midst of that great growth. Buy now and profit. , LOTS ON EASY PAY-. ,t MEItTS. Kccrc Investment Co. "ISlfxtirStieet.' PKoyt ----T."' Main 18. -rrf: " A HOME FOR YOU At flrat coat is tna aroooeitiea we InjM rou In consider. Ws ms.s a simple " sell yoa the lot, and reoulre Teu te pet tse muoey lata the eoBstraetloa of a Saaas. . 1 It yoa bar. of R-ft - " as. Wa ssva yoa meaey. , PORTLAND TRUST tC::?AXY CF CIICCI ISO Tklrd trss4. , X95CaTcItesTf ern T-ro.. hmises a fine ,.f block. 1M-10O, nesr tTth and I $2ic?r . r f t and f' mm "I ' A . ....... , . .-. .....J - -a 'I