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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1905)
'iv'jcvn::At; rc-TTLAtnx t::u:day evsnkio. aucu:t u tr a - eft, S - a-. - e- J 1 .i I r t-i r." ST-- -V i. . -1. .... , ... . iiv tit r'f -it ' 4 i. I 4. ..' . -.- - - . . m ; am ' - . , at i r . - -F- aaa a . i it .114 --; ; 1 -tmv- rt- r -V nmrrrn ; -in ua rKtri ' TiTirin rrTT'TiTTTT vs iAa-mm: mwm imim t x.. . ' . ., 1 .... Hr-ir sale of reserved Beats,- The opening day of said wttl begin Thureday August 24th, at 9:00 o'clock It was this .maryelously beautiful spectatle tTf- m rnxr fnmrtiie Tt : rnit?r ' Rnr.lnl trflin of thirtlT Mf'toV' u HlSadiatbria of Yesuvius,Total Destruction of v - thp Cityv Gorgeous $2000 Nightly Pisplay ; of Pain's Manlous Ire . r- -rr-r ... t 10Q:mUes bjr policy;: IibriiaUy L ? Leave First and Alder Streets 3 , Every day except Simday r llV - RetuHi at' 4:30 P.M-'-:''.: ."'.With 2 hours for lunch at Kfv? s ;:vj&ThevEstaa-Hbtd '. j $ '-rr, ; :. ' - ' .: l;.. ''B.7.oh . theXladoim r' ' ?.-".. 1 ' y-.'i-j -.i r . s. i ! r America's' most beautiful and interesting amusement resort. Take the O. W. P. CB Ry. Coslcars, fair 5 cents Everything open daily until 1:00 o'clock A M. A ; -VIRTIIEl! FASFO DY :Ci III Kill uui kit ... ii Termt by Which Control"! WU Known Mine Pastes Not ' Made Public. ' " J- ' - ' LARGE FORCE MEN TO BE EMPLOYED IMMEDIATELY '1":' ... '-r 1 1 Vr:;,;;..', Virtu Is Most Historic Quarts Prop erty fat State, and Has Mads and Unmade i Several Operators Who Soucht Fortune There." ' Bakar Citr. Or Auc 10 J. K. Bom la, v nnaerof the Virtue mine, end the ' ' personal representative of the Montreal tvbhAlfera nt tha a!1 Vlrttnt Pnnaoll , ftattd Jilnlnc eompaiur. haa laee thi tren-knewn proowty to w. ,lm vineon, nanar of the Bin ma mine, which ! ' located earl The term e- of the lease t have, net been made public , -; y Mr. Vinson ears he will at enoe pat . ' lares force of men at work to operate . tUe mrne, but has not Indicated whether he will continue the deep elnktna beena - with the new triple compartment abaft, or merely continue work from the lower levels of the old shaft The talllnce damp ef the mine has bean leased for ; some time by 1. H, Da ray Son of Ba ker City, who hare a cyanide plant oa The Virtue To OregWe moeOiteterle wine.' For many years It was the only ."onapleuoue lode producer,- and bee the T reputation of "maklnv an breaklna" J several men:- The late 3. W. Virtue beaQ the first heavy, work there, mak- fng- a" leree sum . of money . and loatng ,mueh In the venture. . Oeoree W. Oray i son of San Francisco acquired the mine later, and la reputed to have eleaned up ' ' ebout tr.COO.Ooe, when he sold to Mon 1 treal tatereets. These have worked the ' property Intermittently for several aliiiig Pduflcr tr- "? IS SUGGG GOFUL ; Beeaaea It U made right. - Is its mano tectara are aaed only the pnreet and best ' ' that mooey can buy. The ingrediesU are j combined with scientific accuracy and skill, which bear a perfect baking powder. v ; 2oC::::3:t2GC:E:3 years, at tlmea ' taking, out ore from rich ehlmnaye, but' this has not been profitable as a whole, owing to . the amount of exploratory work required to -nnd ptner "rich ahoots.""Ths " big Cumberland holatlnf plant, from Bilver City, Idaho, Was brousjht to the Virtue and nearly completed by the present company, and the ' triple compartment worktnc abaft which was to open the mine at s new. point, was put. down about 17 feet There le an old 10 stamp mill on .the property and othef equipment , The mine Is developed to the 10 level In the old working and hae eeveral thousand feet of drifts, : - 8INKIN0 PLANT IS DUE. Maaace WHOr of X. Z. !.' Says Heavy work Xa e Be A 'Oaeetal t The JaeraaL) Baker City, Or., Ana;, le. Manager Sad T Veil nf tha I TT 1 Oreenhorn says be has placed an order for a large amount of sinking machin ery in Chicago, and the eonelgnment le expected soon. When this new plant le reedy to operate, which will be shortly after the machinery arrlvee. It Is the purpose of-the managemsnt to resume work - with a larger force than he has sver employed at the I. X. I The main ahaft' le down to 'the 100 level, and hae opened aoma of the rich eat ore ever discovered In - Oreenhorn district. f n mi- ''"r j i 'J l 1 'i 'V 1 1 5 .. .' TAKILMA SMELTER BUSY Selreeetae; Twenty to Tweaty-five Teas - , ef , OoU-Ooppea . Matte Daily. , ' ' t (Bpeelal tHaaateh ta Tea JeeraaL) - Grants Paee, Or., Auk. 10. Operation thie a urn mar at the Takllma amelter, 41 mllee from hare, haa . been - constant since the plant was blown la. ' The out put of matte la to to tl tone daily, the product carrying 10 per cant copper and about tie gold. Tbq drove et work ani mals haul this product 41 mllee over a rough road, and return with coke and euppllee. Is the large at ever engaged In thie part of the. country at any elngle property. . The lateet re ported received from Takllma are to the effect that there will be ateady work at the smelter, until winter atom a prevent bsullnc. and If there wee rati oonneo tlon they could continue throughout the year.-. ': - , IS WrAKGLED TO DEATH - BY PIECE OF BACON RIND if $ '-: ' ; . V ' (Special DHpaUfi to The JaenaM Z Butts. Mont. Aug. 10rf Mra. George Reese.. well known young woman- of Butte, -was slowly strangled to. death yesterday ae the result of a piece of bacon rind becoming lodged In her wind pipe and finally working its way down to her. lungs. . Mrs. Reese choked at breakfaat while laughing; at a funny etorf told. Phyateiane were sailed, and ae a last desperate reeort operated udqs the woman, but death eneued after a brief period of Intenee ageny, the- oa- ttent literally ehekinf antu i life . wea , jj, miefdaa;. V j tfoeraal Bpeefal Servtaa.) New Tork, Aug. 10.Rlotlag has con tinued for the past three days between the striking- Hebrew bakers and the po lice en the aaat aide ' A number ef bekerlee employing strike breakers have been attacked and wrecked, while ante allee have rained upon officers aent to preeerVa rdea .-k. .,r. ,, . , satinet OUl'lilSIIEBfEOPlE r COr.lPLAIN ; Water Trickles Very Reluctantly .From Sobbing Faucets on the East Side. 'mm METERS MAY BE PLACED i IN EVERY HOUSE IN CITY Wanton Wait of Bull Run Cauaea Much Annoyance to the Citisens Who Lie oa th Higher Levels of Portland, : , . ' ; ' Unlass tha reeidents of Portland are more careful in the use of water a meter wUl be placed in every building In the city. The matter of supplying the city with water durln the summer month e haa grown to be a errtouo prob lem. . Tb trouble Is due entirely to wan ton waate by oonaumere.- . Reeldenta ellow the water to run from the hydranto and eprinkle their lawne at all houra, - and " frequently great atreams flow down the etreets In Tie miaaie ox me aay, enow ins nav w body haa forgotten an open faucet""' -.-In many noueea on the eeet aide the conailmera have not aufflclent water to waah their faoee In the mornlnge," said Oeoree' W. Bates at a meeting of the board yeeterday afternoon. "Something muat be done to relieve the eltuation. "I have net aufflclent water et my houee to take a bath In the mornings," sstd Wllllsm M. tdd. It wee reported that many dlatrlctg In the city where there wee considerable elevation were without water during eeveral hour of the day. Superin tendent Dodge etated that this stete of affaire -wee not due to Isck of water. for there were ever ISO . gallons per eaplta running through the maine every 14 houra. but the condition ezlated tie cauae some of the edneumere used too much' water for lawn aprlnkllng and other purposes. . The matter will be given further con sideration by the board, ae no definite action wee taken yesterday. 4 The queetton of the extanalon of the water malne beyond the city limits rests with the nfftyor. The board took a vote on the proposition which resulted In a tie. Ae be wae not familiar with the situation, the mayor took the mettcr under advlaement j... Bids for 071 square yards of asphalt paving en top or tne parapeta at the city reaervolrs were opened. The Wr rOn Conetructlon company bid H45.JI end the - Trinidad Asphalt company -, - Ti"e1'recelpte for water In the month ef July were higher then ever before. ' The engineer wee Instructed to propers ssttmatee for extending ths high pres sure systsm down ths pentneuls, as It In rood. : Perhaps yon don't realise that many pain pnlaone orlglnats In your food, but aoms day you may feel a twinge of dyepopeta that will convince you. - Dr King's New Ufa PI1U are guaranteed to cure ell etckneee due to poisons of end ireated food or money back. tSe at fc.'dmore Drug;! third street Try, Loam. .. . ,t - . . Is desired to 4o aa much of this work -this year as pooslbls. Several small mains were ordered laid and petitions for othere were referred ta the superintendent end engineer for rec ommendations. " EAGLES AND ELKS WILL . JOURNEY FROM DALLES SpedaI Dhwateh to Ike Jeareal.1 The Dalles, Or., Aug. 10. Ths Elks are making great preparations for Elks' dsy at ths Lewis and Clark centennial, August 10. . Thsy will turn out fully 100 strong, with white cape with purple bands, whits negligee shirts, purple belts, white duck pante and black shoes. . ' ,.,. . They will all wear badges. The Eaglea are also making prepara tions for August 15. -f Considerable rivalry exists between the Elks and Eaglea. Each order will try to put up a better -appearance than the other. - , VERY SICK CRAFT IS mm It Is a long way from Bogota to Port lend, but Mr. Barrett bed to coma Giyon Away Frco to Everybody Beats Thciai All '' Oar Beantlfal American Tailing llichins Free to Erery body , " . ! ; Parebaslns; onr . , Teas Coffees Spices China Crockery . Glassware Greatest Offer cf tb Agr ZD o CS tJda Cowpoa cxat, Mag k ta any of oea star, - i Us vehte ia ' fS.00 worth Of Cotrpoa toward tathg yoei rbe Talilne Machine Free Boys, Glrjs, til Tonic ladies n this 'h Tear Cbaace t ' Come and 8e X" Crut Aorkss LzTttlbj Ta Ct - aUr Byr7whre 111 Waahlngton V. twti.Mi 121 Flrat atreet. FortIand. . Oregon City, Main Street ' Aetorla,' 171 Commareial St - Ferryboat In Commission Little less . Than Three Months Needs Many Repairs. v VIBRATING STEAM PIPES MENACE ENGINEERS' LIVES Timbers Creak, Steering Gear Inade - qflatc, and Oeneralljr Jbrnja Are So Bsd on County'a Side-Wheeler That ' Sh Must Go to Hospital. After having been operated oply two montha and a half, the ferryboat IJonel R Webster will soon have to be put on the drydock for repalra that will coat about $5,000. "The boat wee neve pro vided with bog chains, and Its timbers creak with every awelf. One effect of thie creaking. It le said, has been to dis place three largs braces In the hold and a second and more dangeroue effect ha been to cauae tbe etaara plpee In the engine-room to vibrate to such sn ex tent thst thsy seem likely to burst when ths boat 4aaaee over a swell A marine engineer who waa on the ferry yeater. day afternoon said thst st such timee It waa worth a man'a life to be In the engine-room. Theae facts were reported to County Judge vYebeter. for whom the boat, was - named,- yeeterdey ef ternooni and be eald: rl knew from the etart that the boat wee no good, but ws had totake It" It is said that it ia Impoaalbls to hold the ferry in her couree In windy weather or whan the current le swift, or when ahe encounters the swells of the larger river eteamere. The boat le equipped with the entlquated hand-geared wheel, and when she strikes a heavy swell must be stopped, end. In a hsavy wind two men are required at the wheel. The remedy which the boat'e officers sur ged is a at earn or hydreullo steering gear, which will coat from $70 to $1,000. '- --- -- .- Tbe troubles In the an sine-room will have to be attended to before - winter. The Jarring of the boat hae injured not Only the steam pipe, but also the Jour nale. for ea things- now stand there le nothing to atop the movement of the Veeael fore and aft r . ' u The eeet aids landing place .of ...the boat will .probably have to be dredged. Ae it la now ths boat at low watsr will be far out In 'the current and heavy wlnde would ewerve it from Its posi tion. Protecting plies - could not be driven unleee by coneent of the war de partment for they would have to be placed outelde the harbor Una It la probable that the river will be dredaed a distance of t or 10 feet so that thO boat can be kept out of the winds. i The whole matter win probably be token up at an early meeting of the county eourfc : . Cement Sleet Xoneo. , " . - (Seeelal Mepatch to ae JoaraaL ' La Qranda. Or Aug. 10 A. P. Davis la having a nsw houee bunt sn his Wil low Leaf farm near town. This build v la to be of pressed cement blocks snd u the first of If kind ta too vaUe . , The Kind You Hare Always Dorcbt and whlcli Las beea ia us lor oTcr 80 years, has born tbm slgiustiEro e? ' - m"A a VI. pa- y-. sonalsopenigloii slnoe ltalnfine7' . AnnwimmatadMvavanfaitl!!.' All Coonterfeltg, Imitations said eJtaat-eM-food are lwt Ezpertmentc that trifle with smd end&nrer th hcevltls cS ; Infitnta svnd ChnrTe-Fypfir tsggjast v-'j''! ' What Ic CASTORIA Cmstorla is m harmless gnbstltrrte for Castor 0 Parse n (orlc, Drope and Soothing yrnps. It Is PlcaMantw Iv 4)ontalns .neither Oplom. Morphine nor other TZarcmtly -substances. Its are is its starantee. It destrore 7onc3 stad aJlajrs FererUlmess. It cures Diarrhoea and Vrnd. Colic It reUeres Teethlns; Troubles, cures CkmaCpavt!: and Flatulency-. It assimilates the Food, rxulatM t Stomach gmd. Bowels crying; healthy avnd natural Cta ' ! The Children's Panatxav-The Mother Frtet-da cnuirjCLVSTORt Bears the Signature (I The KM You Ha?o Mnays Bougbt In Uc? For Oyer CO Ycaro. ' lf1-OATJX AHD OFFICE RAIUrJS - i.- -; Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fancta; - Poultry NstUng, Kiev poirrLAr:DfWiiiE;&;ino:ji .? adj FLANDERS ST., Noar Tt:!r Phone Main aooo IT DIDNT HUT.' ..::...;....AC1T; la weat IMy e-v e e r ' t UI ws. V i t I e ' t