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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1905)
- TIIS . OREGON . DAILVV JOURNAL'. PORTLAND. .' THURSDAY v EVrrHIIO. WC 13. : V-lJj. I.- LOSS OF tl Baffles, tic Amateur- Pickpocket CEfJSES V ,..,u:L 6M IS MIRED TODAY A,'tar Forty-Fiye Yaars of Service . In the Navy, Hero of Oregon ;, .'. Reaches' Age Limit. PLAYED LEADING ROLE IN ' ' SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR Took '. Wrhip "f Around Horn in Record-Breaking Time ValUntly ' Fought Battle of SantiagoLong and Honorable Career. . '-' j . ' . .f (Joaraal Special Serle. Washington, T. C, Au. 10, Rear-Ad : tnlral Charles Edgar Clark, hero of the battleship Oregon during the Spanish . American war, was retired from tha navy today, having reached the required age after it years of active service in the United States navy. At the time of Ms retirement Clark was a member of the general board of Kear-Admiral Charles ' Edgar Clark. the navy. - He is Jh man who brought .the battleship Oregon around the Horn from Salt Franciaco to Key West during -the Spanish-American war. He was or tiered to sail from Bah Francisco on March Is, 1898, and. covered the 11,009 , miles around the Horn In 65 days, the quickest time on record. Despite this " long riyage,"tlie Oregon J0lnejrKeaf-A4- f miral Sampson s uadron without any accident or delay and played a conspic uous part-in the battle of Santiago. He was advanced seven numbers In rank , for Spanish war service. After the war Rear. Admiral Clhrk was on-duty at the Philadelphia yard and later at the naval . home in that city. . . , . . Haar.artmlriil flaak was hnrm at Mmi ford. Vermont, August 10, 1841. and en- tered the naval academy in September. 180, remaining at that institution until . .16, when he was graduated. He was .promoted to ensign in that year, was commissioned matter in 18, lleatenent ln I""'. iiMWLDT""tr',"m -f-ntitr ln-liWi commander in 1881. captain in IMS and rear-admiral in lJ. . , ;-. y r:.7s. ivibt Ef r.EFiT Fo;:p is ; ; KL'S LARGER Generous People Come to 'Aid of ;. Woman Who,Was Robbed ; ": V-'v of . Her -AII-vt -' --- ' The police are working on m clue that , tnay lead to the arrest of the- man-who robbed Airs. Wert of 1406 in front of the Merchant's National bank a few . . days ago. - . . ,. v - ' Chief of . Police Orltsmacher reeetved -a. telegram from, the authorities of Dunsmulr, California, this morning to tne errect mat every passenger train passing through that plaoe from Port ' land has been searched since the crime ', waa committed"' bat. no person was found' answering the description, of the , thief. , ' , , T. . Today tI.S0 was added to the I2S . subscribed to the fund In the hands ot . The Journal for the relief of Mrs. Wert, making H4.o In alt The latest sub - ecrlber are Sheriff Tom Word IS. N. J, Ulagen 13, M. J. Walsh 11, Frank V. (Jullty $1, "several employes of the Flrtt National bank of Portland IIS, I Ther- kglaen IJ.eO. . .. v. ,' OFFICERS TRANSFERRED FROM THE NORTH END " Unexpected changes in the police de ' "parlment Wert made this' afternoon by Chief Orltsmacher. Eight men "were ; transferred to different reliefs or to dlf- fercnt beats. It Is salds-in order to bring bout improvements which the chief --thought -nocessarylintie north erid7 ' Patrolman Oriff Roberta was trans ' 1 erred to the t'pahur street station.. He has been stationed in the north end for many years. v-' . i -- Patrolman . HeTtyer was taken from T'pshur street station and assigned to , duty in plain clothes , , Patrolman Seymour was transferred from- the- I'pahur street station to tha , north end.' and Patrolman Wendorf, who ' has been day station officer, will be his companion.. Patton has been sent to , i South Portland. - --- Station, duty on the first night relief will hereafter be performed by Patrol man Evana, whose beat has been In . South Portland. At his own request Night Jutler Llllls was placed on day duty. Patrolman Wllaon will hereafter work at night In v plain clothes. t . ' v' It Js state- that all'' these, changes were made on account of rumors which have been In circulation for some time - relative to the conduct of police': Xalrs in the north end. - ' -, 1 . aaekre Attached. . . ' Through Attorney Spencer and Davit a suit was filed In Justlc Reld's court " this morning by 8. v St. Clair, - better known ss ; "lnllar Bill." to 1 recover IS? Id from William Balrd.. A writ of " attachment' on the ..well ' known race horse' David Boland was served on Balrd by Constable . Wagner Balrd' Is pennl -leas and aniens his friends conn to his a (Distance, may ,Ip hi horse. - . JKea rirma Ooasolidat. Th hop firms of 'Philip. Wolf A Co. nnd Herman' Kluber Co, hsve been cnnaoMrtated under the nam of Klaber. Wolf Nltr, They have consolidated n thk Oresna buslneva only. I The -" Ukti effect today. . " . TA Story of tkm Histr ' Instinctively I reached for the whiskey and soda, and poured a couple bf floats. I had never , been deceived by that "liistf- . "Rummy!" . x . . ' There It was. the coot. Incisive voire of Baffles. But where was this cricketer among "big mlt" men and where this ' "big mitt man . among cricketers? Involuntarily, I took a drink as much to steady nerves that had gone off dreadfully .in tha past week as to rnaae copy. . "Rummy!" , , I swear I had no immediate Intention of taking the other float, but there tras a tone of such Insistent warning in the voice that I was as much enamored of Baffles' Intuition as .1 was worried at my inability to learn his whereabout Then It came to me; good old Baffles must be in trouble; and with his cui toroary caution for although as brave aa Lewis and Clark he yet had tha cir cumspection of Sacajawea he was Gain "tar the flrat time In 4hla marvai lously veracious history the wireless! -'I've found i $, Rummy, the crisp voice aald again. .-' I knew old Baffles would find It Just as surely as I knew he'd want a whis key soda, although I dldn t know what It was. :. "It's the tlggest haul of the year. dear old Rummy, said he., "and with It we'll be able to live like the princes we are" and take In the Trail -at least once. I'll be with you in 10 or 11 min utes." ; - ' ' . : OettlT Kla Herve Baek. . ' "Without thinking I poured another highball-Scotch as usual and encom passed it at one swallow. For my" nerves were rsplJly aasumtng a normal condi tion, despite the excitement of the noon hour.. Then I heard a footfall on the stair.-- '.V'-.T,',' ' v "" A knock. "'The door creaked openward. Before ros atood a young man, itv ehech eMdauit." and yellow - tie. that waa strange to my vision Jlls fingers were encircled With gold and diamond bands which I knew were worn as 'part of a disguise but to disguise whom? - : . "Ahar: . r. ? ' - ; "So, my dear Rummy. I have deceived you again aha! We are as afe as Port Arthur's breastworks last Febru ary," cried my friend, heedless of the street that so closely adjoined our hp nmnrinted Quarters. ' "Anal let us drink!".." - ..-.' Unwilling to ahow the white feather at so -lit leal a moment, l again reacnea for the Scotch whiskey.. As I did so Raffles went into his . overcoat pocket and produced a shining substance, four Inches long, two Inches wide and about seventeenths of an inch thick. With all the dare-deviltry of his nature to which I. had long since become accus tomed he laid his treasure on the small Louis XI center tables, from which we. hail ttif" a ma,ny delicate dinners to- gether. .. ... - TA66ART IS Mil Principal n Armyl Soandar to Testify Today Regarding His ; ; Matrimonial Affairs. ; ; (Jearaal Special Sereles.1 . . tVooster. Aug. 10. On th eve of bis appearance on the witness stand. Major Taggart lools worn and haggard. When th court oDened a deposition from the house physician of Christ's hospital inn Cincinnati, where Mrs. Taggart spent three months. -while Taggurt waa In the Philippines, waa read. " The morning was occupied in tn ar gument ' by Mrs. Taggart'a attorneys' against the ndmlsaloh of a certified npy Jf the hospital records in Mra Taggart a ease. Th court auatalned the position. Attorney for both parties statvthat no -alimony is -desired by either , and considerations of alimony have - been stricken from th contest. ' The strain is beginning to tell on both Major Taggart and his wife, although th latter is bearing up splendidly un der th trying ordeal. It is expected that th case will occupy at least ten days longer, aa both principals have yet to go on the stand, and there are many knotted legal problems to be solved over th admission of evidence. THESE BA-AD, BA-AD MEN WENT NORTH ON SUNDAY There was a. tumult about the police atatlon this morning. . Messengers were sent -hither and thither about, the' city to call - back th detectives to head quarters. - Chief - Orltsmacher had re ceived great news. A man who works along the . riverfront had rushed in and given him the story.- "Lurking -under the Ash street dock,1 began the breathless man and Chief Orltsmacher reached Into .his desk for a lurking under tha dock" the stranger' had caught his breath "are tkree men hid .away among bundles of Telegrams. I saw them, the men and tne returns. , un, oui mrj im , ma looking lott .,, ., ... "Yes, I had a good look at those three fellow. They are aurely them famous bad actor Palmer Hasel, Kid Abbott and Palo Alto Kid. Just then the telephone bell rang. Chief Clerk Archie Lenard ' answered. And this Is what he heard by a long dis tance message call from Seattle: . "Is this the Portland police station 7" "Yes."--. "WelL this I th Seattle chief Of po lice." - "All right!" - - c ' - : , ''Pslo lto Kid, - Kid Hbbott and Palmes Hasel are her and hav been here sine last Sunday. They ar real quiet but are being watched. Good-bye. "Oood-bye." . -. .,'. ,- BRITT-AGREES TO FIGHT NELSON JISEPTEMBER San Francisco. Aug. 10. Jimmy Brltt today accepted the Col ma club' a offer for a purse of $30,000 and 110.000 for picture privileges, to fight Battling Nel son to a flnlnh on September 9. The battle will be pulled off In a roofless arena Just across th San Francisco county llnei- . - OFFICER PETERSON WfLL ' HAVE TO EXPLAIN-THrS - Patrolman Ben Peterson will prob ably be called to explain before the po lio commission a charge that .he at tacked the proprietor of a barber olleae The barber had gone to the help of a boy who had fallen from a tar at Third and Flanders streets, and sava- ha ua selected a an object ot abuse by Peter- sow - ; ' w . i. a , . ' ' , 'eBMssfMMaavMssaaavBM r i 4 , M McKing Cold Brick . "There." he cried. In ' his crisp voice, from which he could not quite exclude the note of triumph, "look at that, Rummy."' . ', Chameleon like Gold Brick. ' I approached the table, unconscious of my possession of .the scotch aecanier. In my excitement and tnis was out an other f the misfortunes that had over. tuken our wonderful existence a few drops of the liquor foil on my friend coveted treasure, ' " . . ..."Great heaven, the brick!" " ' Baffles' face waa livid, and that was supplanted by a look of unutterable dis may, as be saw the gold turn to green, much after the-faablan. of .nature's dec oration of a speckled trout. ''Fusel oil!" , The tone was half hiss and half hys terhwd laugh. "Rummy, my friend.'1-said he. slowly, "that brick repreaents one of my hap. piest exploits, It was lifted from the pocaei oi onao a. u. mrjving. or wnom -you have Heard, possibly, in a Moun Tabor omnibus. You, my friend, shall return It to, him! , , .- yj . Wifh a sigh Baffles sank Into a chair. lattghlng hideously at the -unklndllnesa of fat! . -- v ., i, -v i To secure-McKing's address was tn work of a moment. .The telephone di rectory was not yet garnisheed. jr-Uo. KUmmy, give him. back his treasure it is copper-brass." mere was determination in - my friend's voice I decided to Start Im mediately,, hardly believing .that would see him again before the next l' . The Treasure Xepndlated. With caution I approached the Mc- King mansion, "bent on obtaining the reward which Marries had told me would be offered for the recovery of the gold brick. At the door a atarwart figure greeted me. . . i , . - . -This la -you,"' I. exclaimed, doubt- mgiy "It is!" ,:' McKliwt for , It waa he spoke with calm assurance. Instantly I made my -errand known. half in fear that that terrible "hist would resound from the bathrobe which covered my strange companion's sur face. ., .. - "Oold-tirick who met" There was a tone of wonder, ln the "Sir.'? - he ' resumed, "the only gold brick' I ever , owned was In the' Or- goulan."' - - ' At which I, fled, leaving McKing to his fate with the' specimen at his feet I did not see Baffles for a week, but we lived on in our palatial apartments and on many -ripe occasions have re counted the wonderful adventure of the McKing gold ' brick and the fusel oil. The paper -was full of it next ; morning, with,--of 'course, -the usual amount of Imaginary- detalla. ' This . is the first time the facts have been given to the public" vf tha1 .McKing gold DESPONDENT WORDSON LIPS VHEN HE DIED Lou" McArthur, the Horseman, v Lamenting Trouble. Ex- ' ' Spires Suddenly. H 'TWelT, T"hGP thla troubla -will soon ceaaa.and tha racetrack be ooened aaaln. l'vjgot my horse here and th situa tion worries roe ar avnt. a uun i see how I am going to get out ot town. The outlook Is" - - " Then Lou McArthur, 'the well-known California horseman, who was Bitting in a shalr .on th veranda of the Mll waukle clubhouse last evening, fell for ward, dead. Me has Buffered from heart disease for years, and worry over the poolselltng atrffe at th Irvlngton track aggra vated his trouble.- McArthur was nbout 40 years old. and a resident of Oakland, California, where his mother and two brothers live. He has been following the races with sev eral horses for soma time and hnd his animal at th Irvlngton track In 1903 and last year. , : - , Sine th traok waa closed he had been very despondent. Yesterday even ing he went to ' the MHwauki club house, but no pools were, sold on races because a service could not be secured on9acount Of the railway telegraphers' strike. . ,: . ,. - s - ' , - .- . The coroner at" Oregon ' City took charge of the booTy, pending-: advices from McArthur' relatives. -t . B. HAGGIN'S STABLE . s 4 DESTROYED BY FIREBUG ijoamn gei,! Bervlcej . ' Lexington, Ky., August 10. J. B. Haggln'a splendid breeding stable waa deatroyed by fire last night and three of his best trotting horses were burned. Immediately after the fir the police arrested a negro fcmploye, who confessed setting fire to the stable, ba In his con fession th colored ' man Implicated a whit man who had been discharged several days ago by the management. The destruction of Mr. Haggin's,stables caused widespread feeling in the vicinity ot.thlaltyandfor,a..ttrae Jl ..looked a If the perpetrators would be severely handled. The authorities, however, were prompt and locked up both men. . J. B. Haggln is widely known through out the world wherever a thoroughbred Is appreciated. It ha1 been but a few days sine Mr. Haggln received a' com plimentary message front England that his -famous Watercress filly, Water- rtrouse, was considered by British horse men the finest youngster of the year. Mr., Joel of London bought her and three other fillies of Mr.. Haggln lint year, and Waterhous has shown such aplen did form thst a great future Is expected for her. Mr. Haggln's contributions to blooded horses In the Ignited States are too' well . known to warrant : repetition here. H Is considered the greatest American breeder.. His loss last night will amount to 12$. 000. - IvTAYOR ROSE RUSHES-TO . : AID. OF. INDICTED MAN '- Milwaukee, . Aug. 10. Mayor Rose came to the defense of Millionaire Charles Pflater in th 114.000 graft In dictment today, 'by issuing a statement that a combination exists .for the ac complishment of political nda. The pflster Indictment I claimed to be th greatest outrag ever - perpetrated. It is believed that District Attorney Mc Oovern I after Mayor Rose. ' , rive-Story Brick Building. . ' Plan. ar. being drawn by Architect fttchard Martin for a flve-story brick building -to be 'erected for-; William Fleldner on property on the corner of Tenth and Washington streets, recently purchased from the-Holm estate. The building will be modern and . designed or stores and offices. ' . If Erickson Is Convicted of Hav ; Ing Orchestra In Saloon, ' nCamvol SeirUquorr IMPORTANT POINT IS ' .fOUND IN THE STATUTES Law Applies t9 Hotel Portland, .Rich arda, The Taverq arid Oregon, and WU1 Be Fought Bitterly by Their Proprietor."" r "V" ;i -J Th studying th law which it j al leged profilbit a concert lo a plac where liquors ar sold, th city author! tie were" astonished this morning t discover that a conviction will cause the aocused person t lose his license. ' This means that If August Ericksoq rail to win In the. test case te be beard tomor row by Police, Judg-Cmron,h will forfeit his three liquor licenses, and that th Tavern, Richards' restaurant and the Portland and Oregon hotel will also lose their licenses. ', ' - The law makes it obligatory on the authorities, to declare licenses forfeited ln case of a conviction. It is asserted by the authorities , that the Tavern, Richards' restaurant and the Portland and Oregon hotel come within th law a clearly a doe Erk-kson. They have been notified by the police to take out their .jrchcstraa. aa .a. technical pro cedure, though none will be arrested untlr after the test rasa, is decided, and then enlv if it result in conviction. ' Realising the extreme Importance Of the decision of the jury Attorney Joe Long. - who 1 ' represents Krlckson, t leaving no stone unturned to benefit his client. In tha preliminary legal aklrm- tah preceding the battle la court, he won' a victory thl morning and suc ceeded in inducing Judge Cameron to Issue a venire for six Juror to try th case, the chief . oi ponce to nav tne duty of Impaneling auch Jury.-" la Ws argument Attorney Long se verely criticised -former . Polio Judge Hoa-ue. He asserted that - the present Jury list waa drawn on Jun 6,: election day, . by Judge - Hogue, ln his . private offlce,' and that no necord ; was to b found. of the affair, f . ' ''' ' - DeDutv CItv Attorney FlUgerald ob jected strongly to tne t argument useo by Attorney Long, a no autnonties were at band to Show Jun 6 to be a non-ludlclal day. ' He asserted that the circuit court - was in cession' on election days. a rule, - Judae Cameron aald If there were any question, about the Jury list h would Issue a venire for six men ana let in chief of police select them. :. THESE PEOPLE TIRE ' . OF MATRIMONIAL TIES - duy R. McLeran, who Is said to b employed a a clerk in a Portland whole sale house,' has oeen sued for a drvorp h Albertha. who lives at Waltaburg, Waxhlngton T-f "f 1 TJilolwfrTfftri. ''lief wef BlWIWU- IBT" WalUburg in 1891 and nave one enna. Mrs. Mclran says her husband Is earn ing 80 a month In Portland, that h ha not contributed to her support, and asks that ' he be ordered- to pay her $40 a month for tb support of Jjerself and child. v ". .i i.Alberta M. has Begun suit lor oivorc from Henry O. Proebstel, to whom she was married in Clark county, Washing ton, ln 1889 The ground alleged la de sertion. They have two children. . F. B. Herrlngton filed a suit against Margaret J. Herrlngton this morning for divorce. '-They were married ln Til lamook in 18S6 and later cam to Port land. 1 Richard Wiseman ra mentioned in the complaint ' There are no children and the only property Involved is a lot In the Odd FeUowa' cemetery at. Tilla mook. ' -.'A '' 1 Vj !'' COLLINS WORN OUT IN -; FIGHTING FOR FREEDOM (Special Dlapatch -to Tba Jooraa I .'" Victoria, B. C, Aug. 10. George D. Collins, -'charged with bigamy In Ban Francisco, and against whom extradition proceedings are being taken her on a chars of perjury, failed to appear In court" thl morning. - His counsel pro; duoed the doctor's certificate that he waa unable ta attend, being threatened with nervous prostration, and asking1 a postponement. 1 ' . - - S Counsel Hlgglns. for th atat of Cali fornia wanted, two doctors - ta examine Collin to see If he was not feigning sickness: ' 'H said that ln California he had got' a similar postponement ot th trial and fled from' Jurisdiction. - Judge Lampman allowed a remand of tho cane until tomorrow saying that three weeks of continuous work ln court hd no doubt affected Collins. Collin was' to have gone into th 'Witness box today himself and given expert evidence as , to. the California law. . - - - GARBAGE-M0N0P0LY-T0-,-. BE CONSIDERED FRIDAY The petition ; of the ' NorthWeatern Clvlo Improvement company for an ex' elusive ' franchise for collecting and consuming' all the garbage In th city tor 25 year will ha considered by the health and police committee of the city council tomorrow - at 11 o'clock. Th possibility ot the council granting th monopoly ha aroused the house holders and buslnos men of th city and a large delegation will attend the meeting to enter a protest. Councilman Shepherd, chairman of The committee, stated today .that h de sired all objecting parties to b pres ent and present their reason why th franchise should not be granted, : :: "W will hear the protests of every body if It take us a week," said th councilman. ... . . ' . . : PEACE DEPENDS UPON r . : REPLY MA0E BY JAPAN VV .'':.-. -'.. (laaratl Bpeetal Berries.) ' '. Portsmouth, N. II., ' Aug. JO. When the peace conference adjourned at 12:fT o cio a tne envoys went to luncn in the rooms of the naval store building. At th next meeting st I O'clock .this afternoon .It Is expected that Wltte will be in a position' to state that within ; -hours be. can .-reply upon tha main hsu of acceptance of th basis ofth negotiation. Broadlj. Wltte Is expect, ed ti refus to accept th condition a a whol ami Japan'a rejoinder will prob ably determine the fate of tha nego tiations. . -, . v- 1 Preferred stock . Oaaaad 0da Alias Umwim- Beat Jaraaa. r- - Friday is Imoo 366 THREEi A RARE OPPORTUNITY TO CNUlMP L: x.: . OR CHAIR AT COSI v : We have Just received a large ihipment direct from Hongkong, which we place, 'on sale TOMORROW, FRIDAY ONE DAY ONLY. These, chairs and rockers are perfect in design md construction, - For durability and solid comfort they are ; ' uneaualedV Many of them are exact duplicates of those you have 'seen and ad- mired in the bregon Sute Building at the fair, grounds; nished complete by Calef Bros. . .Tie a string around your finger lest you forget T-:'rr 'v' : "";',,.' r af- . T-X 1 - -TV vVv.- NO Remember, WE ARE OUT OFJTHE HIGH RENT DISTRICT and our saving is your gairu ; Our patrons share with us about $700 each month-heaved by our ;.-'.-.:.. : '. k;..,?; FRIDAY IS .. . .. ') "jW 1 TRUST DEED IS Ifl HEl'J YORK Preliminaries Iif Great Coopera live Christian Federation Are v- Practically Completed, i .1 ;-: ; ; .W,-V "!'"' V Final arrangementa will t complete at Jiw Tdrk nxt week 'by the Co operative ChrUtlnn Fedration and th tratt eompanle; for th lssuanc of $50,000,000 worth of bonds, and thr aftr development of th plan of th federation in Oregon ." will ' com . very rapidly. It Is ald. Th president. H. 8: Wallace, will , depart ,- for New York next Monday. .... l ' i.A trust. deed, embracing the proper, ties to, be taken over by th federation, together with - final contract between the Tederatlon trut and the New Tork trust companies, has been signed " and registered here,- and forwarded by reg istered 1 mall ta New Tork. - C. B. 8. Wood, ' representing parties at. Interest, has gon to New Tork and, with Mr. Wallace.wllittend .to theJegaljon, summatlon of Hhe business there. . Within a very short tlm th federa tion will be ready for aotlv work her, and it Is expected will reach th tag In It affair when th first model city will' b located and plan for .factories and transportation will begin to' unfold. It I now practically certain that tb federation will construct a , railroad through central Oregon.V from Ontario to Portland, traversing the, Uisar Frer land grant, and tapping - tb French Glenn ranch of 160,000 acres.recently contracted -for. A-trnrt ofland in the upper ' Willamette valley,' probably In Lane county, will be secured, on which the main city of the federation will he located. A railroad and th Willamette river will furnish transportation facili ties, to Portland and thy sea. , ' y- MANY ELKS ARE COLllnG TO JIG SALT LICKS -..VsVV' ...... -.-. -1,- Preparations Being Made to Turn Fair Over to Popular Frater- v ; - nal Organization! rV Two imSnth ago It was announced of ficially that- "Wednesday, August (18", had been set aside a Elks' day, when all tarn or wild Elk would be protected to th limit, and would be permitted to roam at will In tha. grassy pastures of th peninsula or on th rocky height of the mainland." At the. same tlm an old hunter predicted "that on or about th middle of August many.RJks, bucks, does and fawns, from all Dart of the royal dnmaln, will gather In great herds at the salt lick of the big green valley," and sine this I tha fteason when th untamed Elk Is In his wildest and- most frolicsome mood, the) people of Portland were warned to look out for the stam ped of th marching, hards, '- : Th uniform of th various lodges will preaent th usual original conceit. Th Portland Elks will appear in Japanese kimonos. Th parade Will start 'at 11:80 o'clock and will be fol lowed by public exercises and a recep. -i,'w,vk"'. IUA . ; . ;'.,.. ' ....... V...: ; . :....,;;. - j East Morrison Street BLOCKS EAST O? MORRISON HAH OR TELEPHONE ORDERS being on we east sioe. IMPORTED REED.ROCKER DAY 1COME EARLY ! o'clock.' President H, WV Ooode, Gov ernor -Oeorge Chamberlain and other will anaalr. ant at th ranentlon th nnb. lo will be raceid by the wivae and slaters bf the lodg members, under th leadership of Mis Till! Cornel hi. In the evening from ( to T o'clock th Elks jwlll attend an old-faahloned clam bake on tb peninsula, aa tha gueata of tb concessions riea who belong to th order, . -f . 1 ,h,-j. . '- , HILL FLATLY REFUSES ; fJ - GOV. JOHNSON'S OFFER . ' (Joarnal Special Jhfrie.) ' . St Paul, Aug. 10. In reply to th re quest of Governor Johnson to arbi tral th telegraphers' atrlk President Jamea J. Hill today ' wired 'a Sat re fusaL ' --' ." v' - :T-- - . ' . ' ' Oovrnbr : Johnson . of ' Minnesota of fered hi service aa a mediator to ad Just th difference between -th atrlk ing operator and th Northern Paclnc and Great-Northern road. He was led to tak thl step by commercial bodiea. Trafflo on th ' two .. road 1 badly crippled through inability to handl th crop now ready for transportation and unless a change results in. th near fa ture great damage la threatened. , In an Interview from New Tork Hill denounce the oregon daily journal! will send " above -: pat tern ,p os tp aid upon receipt op V'--!7price; :; I MlllllVf . MU . V 1 r " I 1 i'i .1 m 1 .. v . x . v BRIDGE. ; SECURE A This building was fur ' TAKER v , , St.. .4. . ' ' ,7' '.' - VV. ' 4 . ' Tou might Jut aa well bi arnlng twenty or twenty-fiv idollara .per week aa -ven or tea.1 Our, torn merclal and ahorthand course enables students to command such wages. We teach a limited . number, giving them INDIVIDUAL, attention.- Tui tion rat on third lower than Hher achoola Gregg Shorthand. v The Multnomah Business Institute f K. A.- AXUm, MaatpaJ. - , Phon Mala 0I. - ; It sixth St the striker as plotter and. says none" of th. leaders Will vr again ba m- V ployed by his road. ..... .4 ; . . . j, ALASKA 1 EXCURSI Off. 1 Sitka and . Return $6a.; 1 Steamer CotUg City, August II. ft, Skagway. Sitka and return. Steamer City of Seattle, August l-t, Skagway. Last excursions of tha season. . Pacific Coast " Steamship- company, tit Washington street. Phon Main I2. - , . " sargg5BgaBaga . DfliriTY :i::ir-CjUii FOh LflDISS' t ... . . ' . ; ; . --'V .?. , .1 ..:, .. j. -. ky roMUut Minn b mm j Te bsra fine, dainty linotrU k the tMriy o every woman wiw uwne, ana m atmpu ixi-tfcat'will b an addition to tb linen 'wardrob b bar illuatratad;' Kainaook it -; tha fabrie ana inaertkm, edgjaf, beadl&g ' I and ribbon oonUvbuta tb ornitura,' .Thc ' b kw-rMdtad and slip on orer tb "V head and tha ieve may b full or thrae quarter a liked,' 1 - ' "'".'- ; Uepattmfah8Bisa-to4o : bust moaaur,' For 30 boat, tb gown, ai ; . wpffaanted. need ft yardaof material 80 bchM arid with 1 yawla ot hMwtioa 8 . bicfaca wide for, jroka band; 8 yard of -: edgbig, 1 yards of (naertion, 2, yard of : 1 beadins and 3 yards f ribbon.' .-.. 1 . - v w;.::ca wo, Mciu ". Thi 1 pattern will be sent to aay.addne on receipt of prio. GiY numbarand sis and full address, writing pkaialy, . No... ;.Bis;. Nmv . ", c. . .Trrr. v. .t.7 .srr Addrtss.. ', . -w- ", . ', -'".' . ' City .............. Stat ...... .i.