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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1905)
- .. -' C. v "2 Cr-rrlczst Kc ,. i ' 1: v Sde" Maiiil)llilirre 1- - '"'J :v.J .4 V.- IP 'S.y Wonderland oO iiiGlirgSu -of 'Bargains arid Big Aug MatchleoD ValuesI A Grand Carnival list Merchandise Fair for Adults! WITHOUT IN THE LEAST CURTAILING THE USUAL GENEROUS LIST OF WONDERFUL BARGAINS FOR GROWN-UPS, ALWAYS OFFERED IN THE GREAT FRIDAY -ECONOMY ' SALES, WE ; , v , ;, HAVE. CREATED A STRONGER THAN' EVER AGGREGATION OF ATTRACTIONS FOR; FRIDAY SHOPPERS BY ARRANGING IN ADDITION P fPwafclli the . ClhiSkllren ! ' : So thoroughly do wc appreciate the response' accorded us by our little friends during the past few days to our offerings b the Shoe and Stocking Shops that we have decided to go a step farther and enlarge the store's circle of v guests who havenjoyed outings this week' at "THE OAKS." We have arranged special attractions for the children on FRIDAY, and those who have buying to do for the youngsters. Sales will be held in every department of the store where children's goods 'are carried and special underprices will rule. We will not attempt to enumerate them all here a lack of space forbids. - A few mentions only that occur to us nowChildren's Coats, Hats, Caps, -Suits, Muslin and Knit Underwear, Hosiery, Bathing Suits, Toys, Express .Wagons .and Shoes. All these and some' others will be included in a grand special,aale tomorrow, and in addition : . , ; , : , With; Every Dollcr Purchase of the Above Named Goods We Yill gWf "The 0q!t5" and Return With Admission to Grounds BEAR IN MIND A TICKET WITH EVERY DOLLAR'S WORTHED MATTER HOW MUCH! YOU BUY TWO TICKETS WITH A $2 PURCHASE, AND SO ON UP TO ANY AMOUNT. The only co'nditlon be , ing that the goods shall be included in the above list Qr such other as we may add, to be designated by tickets wherever located, and especially intended for children's wear or use. WE WANT TO GIVE AWAY 2,000 TICKETS TOMORROW TO "THE OAKS" and we expect to'doit.' Bear in mind the articles and where to find them. - v ;v, ,.,. .. " -'V t , v , ' . ',' v v - FIRST FLOOR Boys and Children's Caps, Boys' and Children's Knit Underwear and Hosiery, Boys', and. Children's Bathing Suits, Boys' and Children's and Youths' and Misses Shoes. Look for cards In otherdepartmenU. i , SECOND FLOOR Children's Coats, ChildrenTs Hats, Children's Suits, Children's Muslin Underwear. Look for cards in other departments.1 , .. ' f 7 v i t m . , ; , .-":.:'.' " : , t-"-- ' ' THIRD FLOOR LOOK FOR CARDS. FOURTH FLOOR Toys, Express Wagons, etc. Look for cards in other departments. . u u v ' .. ' ' - . '? ' , " v .'. a A GRAND OPPORTUNITY TO SECURE SPLENDID BARGAINS AND TO ENJOY A DAY'S OUTING AT 5THE OAKS" FREE. FRIDAY, CHILDREN'S DAY. TICKETS GOOD ANY TIME WITHIN TEN DAYS. ? READ "THE LIST OF BARGAINS: ARRANGED FOR ADULTS., r 'li:.:-"; -v-; ... ::;''v'v;: :'..ik-. .r;,r;:. ' , r, t-x--:,Y:rr;.:Ui: !:....:. OUS, WOBTXAJT, ft XDfO OntfltWr to im BoyU Ttn thm AiMrfcMi ..k-.v CtM Spn1l Attnkotlaa ThM Ooaui4 to THE HABERDASHERIE FRIDAY , .colon our best tl.Ii ralu. SpocM ecn....7C -.: ;' Xnl lOc'sbuUUMMbtefv S'- V'r A Um of Man's Llnn-f1nlh Hommed Hndkrohtf in plain white; regular ralu 10c. Spoclal, acb.5 . .- ma'i BiOrlfm Uitww. lien' LiB-fct-Weiffht RlbbM Balbrlasan Underwear, mnk ana brown, well maaa ana nninu, eloao at, carment. . .254 ita Liaia Tinderwear! reaular value 11.09. SpoclaL karment 1. ............ .69 Men'a Oolf Bhlrtej reevlar valuo 11.00. . special. M,,"wi''orJTlei: , reauIaTvirui:06o'pec!a1 . Mh ..864 Man's Split-root Hosier; regular value lOe. Special, two pairs for. .254 Mens and Boys' Bathing Suits; tegular-value Its. Special, suit.. ...... .69 Men's rour-ln-Hande;-resular value I Sc. Special., each... ..... iv. ;19 i k1 SLSS wolf Shirts m. 1,'. 1-3 SALE; ' VABIM'S . Furnishings !, Men's Light- J w ,'. : in salmon pi: " , ' . ,. ! --. Special to cl I; ' y.' , ' ' '- 44 V 1- Men's "Whlta ART STITCIIERY SHOPfCONOMY SPECIAL . . ; --.Xsao Onafclaa BUsei fa Cushion SMps all ready for the fllllng.nada of figured valour plush In a. great variaty of colorings, with plain art denim backs .and pretty taasels n eorner: our regular tes value. . Bpeciai sconomy sajo prwa. wen f ".-at rmxoaT soovomt saraaxaxk 'nr WOMEN'S HOSIERY SECTION-Rrst Floor Biacr All-Lax-e' tlals Moss, with tlhbroidered boots nd blarH rtUlanl all-lace -'llslo hoae, linported stodrrregulav-value l.o... Special. pair..un..r. i4B0 Ragular 40e value, else (Special, the pair. .., .Ti.. r ............. i... .i.STs) Regular SOo value, siaa 4 Special, the pstr...S.v..........v..4!..saf Regular too value, stso 7 Special, tha pair.'. ..".V.iiT;.., .i...... ........ .854 Regular t(e value, slae 1H Special, the pair...... ...... 404 Remlar TOo value, slse t Special, the pair. ............. 4&4 Regular 7o value, also tH Special, the palr...,i...i...........f....'00 Regular 0o value, also agpeclal. tha pair............... ..........054 - Boys' SOS Oalom Smtts SSa. v Boys' Sent Cotton Summer-Weight . Union Suits;' regular valu. SOe,"-, Bperlal, each ...,.4.... ...... tt... 354 nUCBAT , SOOaTOMT SnOXAXS xv rta i WOMEN'S KNIT UNDERWEAR AISLE tllMt M AMl .- . White Merot'riied Cool Summer Vests, low neck,' no sleeves; regular value lie. Special, each ................. .i ....... .T.1T4 . ". , Wesaam's SS30 ZJsmw Stash Tsstp aaa Vaat B1.TS. v ',: - tr. belmel's Linen Mesh VesU and Pants vests with high neck and long sleeves panta ankle-length with French bands;, regular value 11.10. .'m ' Special, each ..J... .... .............. ...4. .......,... ...........f 1.75 amaav mau saxs or woBnsrs sbbobst or vbbbbwbab. Every pleos of Knit Underwear bearing the name "M ERODE" (which name means aaoellenca) Is Included In thla sale of Summer Underwear. Women who have worn "Merode" Underwear know the excel lence of same, and will make the most of the opportunities offered during thla bargain event Ws shall conduct the sale the same as we do our big January clearance sale, and the sams prlcer WIir prevail on all "MERODE" UNDERWEAR that Is suhimer weight . , ' . '--,' - - ' ' ' Tfcs Tests oome In long,, short and no sleeve Vasts aad Tlgata 4re knea and ankle-length; Vsiom Suits are high neck, long, short or no. sleeves, and kneaorinkla-lenjrtlu V-'' SFBOlAXf'.BOOBOUT BaXdS 0 '-; ' .-'.1 . H ODD PIECES OF DECORATED CHINA 1 'si - '.srr tHIRD FLOOR SHOPS. '! V " ' ''. rov Friday Boonosay -sjals Ws Offer tbtrf OAS Fleear te BeooraU Bianer -T- Wars at About MAX tks Vsual Frioa. JOHNSON- BROS.- ENGLISH 8EMIPORCELAIN - WARE with -dacoratlon-of - small blue flower and gold . '1 '., , '- ' 'r:r PITCHERS . .- ' -.U J.'- r-3v '"v'v , , "V'-M - ' ' Our I6e value Special at, sach., a,... .... .....4,.. ...a. .134 Our 10c, value Special at each. . ..'......;........ . .... ...... . .154 OuV llo value Special ateach ; . . . ; .'.. ,"i .T.'. T. . ...... . . .'. .184 ., Our 0o value Special aft earn. ...............304 Our toe value Soecial at ach. ..... i , i .... I i. .454 SUGAR BOWLS Our 0e value Special at each. ....................... .304- CUPS AND SAUCERS Our 11.40 value Special at the dosen. ....... ..fl.ZO INDIVIDUAL BUTTER plateb w o vaiue cjpeciar at, ins aosen.. xu? PLATES- . ........ f 'V w. -v t-Inch slse Our .11.91 value Special at' the dosen.., t.,... ........... .984 1-Inch else Our Jl 4 Value Special at, the dosen. ........ 4. .i ..... . ..834 . 7-Inch slse Our $131 valueSpecial at, the dosen. ...,".684 JOHNSON BROS.' ENGLISH . 8EMIPORCELAIN WARE -r With ' heat- gray C decoration ";.:.-.-.--i..y-. ;. . -t r.;-,":: ;.. BOWLS Our IRo value Special at 'each, .i ....... ....... ,i. ,. ... , 94 COVERED DISHES Our $1.00 value Special at, 'each. ,. ....j,. ......... ,504 CREAMERS Our 20e valued-Special a t. each t ..,..". , .... i ; 1 o4 TEAPOTS Our 6e value Special at, each. .', .( ,t ;,.,,,.',.'. . .334 ORAVT BOATS Our tto value Special at ,eachr.... ...'.. 184 VEGETABLE DISHES '..'''"' ".-' '.'1' " i'-' ..'vi.-'r - '.'Our SOo value Special at each.... ' .. 4 ... .'... ,104 ;, Our 260 vaiu specui at, earn. .v. ......... isa Our 400 vaiu' PLATES 10-Inch slse Ou -Inch slse Our 1. It value prlal at. the desen. ......... .r. .394 ENGLISH DECORATED BKMlFUKCBUAiw. wabh wuo green ooraer pattern. .(0-Plece Beta special at tne sl 0-PIoe Sats-i-Speclal at. the set 100-Plece Bets Special at, the aet ROUND VEGETABLE DISHES Our 10a value Special at aach. .7154 ROUND VEGETABLE DISHES Our 0o value Special at each. ......1., .204 OVALV5'BTABL'B DISHES Our lta value Special at each. .9 OVAL VEGETABLE DISHES Our 0c value Special at each. 16 PLATES -lnch slaev-Our 11.10 value Special at, the dosen... ........v.654 PLATES t-lnch slae Our tt 10 value Special at-the dosen., ...55s) OATMEALS Our $1.10 value Special at the dosen ........654 BOWLS Our llo value Special at. each.-. t ........ .....I ...... ...... ..1. .74 CREAMERS Our lie value Special at. each........... .,94 v '..-.. v., mh nm mevara. f . ' .'.,'..!. . ir . OLD BLUE PLATES Our valued-Special at, the dosen.'. ' ..... i. ...984 OtD BLUE PLATES Our tt.OS value Special t aach.. ;.V.7i ,.504 OLD BLUB. PLATES Our too value Special at each. .,,.. .,f,, ,,.,,.10 . Wa have la tbeoe Umss rraat maay sthst SdS plaoes wklek fbr lack af spao We eaaaet saestlos, bat they are ail Isolate ta the sals at ULT FBI OB. ws m showing tkoosaads of plsoas of Baautlfnl Sonvanir China mm sssort teat wkloa eeaaot be eqaaled ia too elty. . They are prleea af from loo. ue Special at, earh. v.. ....... .134 ue Special at' each.. ..... . , .204 Our tl.RS value Special at. the dosen, ........ C... 934 JRCELAIN WARE Wllh green border pattern et... ... ...I4.80T et!.u..vw.i...;v.i.;...v.......v1..7.30 WELCOME VISITORS v SCHOOL OF DOMESTIC SCIENCE u.w: 'Teal Room v,r- SECOND, FLOOR: 1 :; .t " ;: " .; x Auspices Portland Y. W. C A. i - MENU FOR FRIDAY, AUGUST 11. Tea , Coffee Chocolate';- MUk'in' Bottles .-;v.- V,.' ' Clam Chowder . Creamed Chicken Fruit Salad., Baked Apples and Cream Hani Sandwiches - Whole Wheat and White Bread ' Taflta1omjeTn6ne'XecH White Loaf, Cake Tfiis Stqre Closes 6 ! P." M. TO THE HOUSEKEEPERS OF PORTLAND: ; Something new Ind dainty; come and see what our demonstrator has to show you; it takes ,only 20 minutes from' start to finish to- make 40 wafers, and at a cost of only 10 cents;; most attractive 'and useful for all housekeepers ; . they are called "Rosette Wafers"; can be used for dessert or instead of toast or for patty cases; to be served hot or cold, and will keep an indefinite, time. 1 to 6 p. m. DAILYpiear big elevators. SPmM FIHIIIfDAY T n ll TIHI F BHG P A OIXIirMTT UT7A liV IVIMI ll II SSSITN mhmm I w M . SALONS SECOND aooR FBXBAT BOOBOMT SFBOZAXS ADULTS IN SH0EAISLE ALONa THE "FAIR-WAT" FIRST FLOOR WEST "ANNEX. '. ':: t ' .V Wosaen's Statf Shoes SLSt, ;- J To close "out" ths- entire balance, of our broken , lines of Women's Half Sboee the beat makea. such as : the "Gloria." "Duttenhof f er" and " Lalrd-Schrober in all kinds of leathers; sold' resuUrly at IS.40, It.le and 14.09; we will offer special for Friday and Saturday only at ;lhs pair k 919 ,v ... Women's S3-M Balf Shoes SSM. Our entire stock of Women's Half Shoes In black vlcl kid,' patent tip and welt atreet sole, all - alses and widths, mads byG. P. Ford. Rocheeter, . . rj0uttr Tsuutj t.svi mpwium, mw - Pair ... 3.89 Also Women's Tan Vlcl Kid Half Shoes, turned jiQlesjmade by -C. P. Ford. Roche ter. N. T.i regular value Iff Sr I ' Irfn'r i . t . MSttft. s SSJW SbOf Sksss SSM. . A Hne pf Men's Lacs Half Shoes. In black valour calf Vlcl kid patent colt. ; Blucher cut and Un in Russia calf and vlcl kid; regular value IS.IO. Special ; for Friday and, Saturday only, the pair. .S3.50 ''. --i --- - Bton's $3UX) asia jje Shoes SIM. - A broken Una of about 100 pairs of Men's Shoes In different kinds of leathers. 4frtthMgh.ajlow cut regular valuta t 00 and $1.10. Special, the palr.fl.98 vauOHal laull AT WTBWlTr I SBT1 I IBM TTOEit TO Taa MU" WTTM t BTBBT VAZJk v . V WOMEN'S PRETTY $2.50 HOUSEDRESSES FOR, $1.10 Just the ry woman wanta Wjiii irhileJ household duties are in order , made from pretty percalesx In a ( a - variety of attractive patternssnd colors. Among them blue and ; . 1 white and Slack and white combinations, polka dotted and - '." striped designs ; values up to $2.50, for........... J...... 91.10 WOMEN'S 538.50 TAILORED STREET SIIT$ FOR $12.98 This season's handsomest and choicest creations of master suit build '.'I ers. ' A choice of homespuns, serges, cheviots', alpacas and fancy mannish mixed suitings ; in a wideTange of colorings embracing light grays," browns, greens, blues and plain blacks. Made up in ! exquisite workmanship,' plain' tailored and in the latest modish ; trimmed effects. One of the very best values we have been able :j to offer our patrons this season. Splendid values in this lot of . ; suits, which are .all. of this season s production, up to ;. v-"-.. . . $38.60. You may choose from them tomorrow only at. . f 12. 98 HANDSOME SILK SHIRTWAIST SUITS, TO CLOSE, $25 SUTS FOR $8.95 V We haven't' many, hardly enough to last the day thro', the biggest values , you've been offered ! " this season. ; But, you'd better come early and get a good choice. Splendid taffeta silks inv blues, greens, pinks, white and plain black. Some of the smartest styles we've shown this . season. . We shall effect complete closure of these suits tomorrow. Shall not advertise them v again this season. ; You need the suifs for regular wear for six weeks or more ere the summer . . ends, and you'll find plenty of wear for them all winter as afternoon house frocks. '. Tomorrow you may choose from what we jiave remaining, values up to $25, for...... f 8.05 VALUES THAT HOLD OVER FRIDAY WOMEN'S WALKING ; SKIRTS, VALUES FROM , $6.50 TO $28.50, ; ALL AT HALF. PRICE. WOMEN'S SILK," PETTICOATS, WORTH $10, FOR 93.08. r'.; 'f CHILDREN'S COATS FOR HALF-PRICE 0 vr-r'b ; V..", A -TWO PAY 'SALE ' 'l; ; : . ; f . ' V. ' K FREETICKET TO "THE OAKS'lAND RETURNWITJfAD - . . vMlSSlUXv, TO U.VH.KY rUKCnAgK. v.'v, -: Grand Salons Second Floor. '''..V " ', We shall place our stock of Children's Coats on sale 'tomorrow and Sat urday,, values: up to $26.60,; at prices exactly ONE HALF the regular low marks attached to the garments. -Smartly tailored garments for wear the coming fall and for the chilly evenings so near at hand. In all the newest, and latest style . ettects and favorite materials including Vel-. vets. Coverts.-Meltons, Cheviots, Serees, etc., and in a full and complete line of thi wanted. colors, embracing tans, greens,'; blues, reds, :, white ! and prettily checked patterns. ; In both plain tailored and trimmed stvles.; A y v handsome gathering 01 stylish over-garments for girls' wear all HALF ' PRICE for Friday and Saturday only. A FREE TICKET. TO "THE OAKS" vwith every coat said, even tt the half price figure. ;? ; ; lit AUGUST BARGAINS IN THE f'i':. MILLINERY SALONS Fridays and Saturday Selling Second Floor-iAnnex.T CHILDREN'S SAILORS FOR 19c. ys; Children's rough and plain Straw Sailor Hats, in navy blue, brown and 7-"" ' . - white, trimmed with silk ribbon streamers; our BOc, 75c and values Special for Friday and Saturday at, each. ... . . . . . .10 17 : i ' . READY-TO-WEAR HATS k AT 8 9c i" w " " ' , i:bJuBt about fiO Ready-to-Wear Hats, in turbans,. sailors and. Charlotte Corday styles, in black only and Arimmed prettily with bows of vel- yci nouun, ii sic icruis fi.vv ..ou - values. iu tiuic mcin but we offer them for Friday ahd Saturday at the special price of, each... PRETTY I2c SIUIOLINES 9c ; vf- FOURTH rLOOR, ;, v v ".' A lot of Sllkollnes. all colors. In beautiful floraj effects; regular Value IS Ho. K" ,.ni ..... ............................ . ... . (m CHILDREN'S DAINTY HATS AT HALF PRICE v . , . BABT.TO-MIS8 SALONS SECOND FLOOR. - , Children's Fins Hats In all of ths- newest and prettiest ereatlons . of mull. cniiron, isee ana nooon. Ther range In price from 11.09 to Special for Friday Economy Sals at nom ro .n. U.V1111 aur ratus "OaW WXTSC STSBT BOUJUB SPSVT Asova snoxax.- . , -,,.- ; U0IES' BLACK AND COLORED, PETTI COATS FOR HALF -;. For radar ws offer'our entire stock of Ladies' Black and Colored Prla da Solo , Petticoats at hlf price. These Pettlcoata are light summer weight end have "the appearance and rustle of silk. Ws are showing them In a great variety , of styles ranging In pries from 11.00 to 16.40. Special for Friday Economy Sale only -at. , ........'..............MAX raxcj raxDAT , sooaTOBcr snexAxa xm DOMESTIC AISLE FIRST FLOOR s ass. . -' - - A. lot of about 1.100 sheets, full slse. good strong quality. Special at, aach.SSs) Towels SSs. A lot of to dosen Hemstitched Huck Towels,' white with fancy colored bordera, aisa ions, special at. eacn SSa fbidat aooiroatT sneuxi ur na WOMEN'S FURNISHING SHOPS-First Fleer '".-:.'.' '. BrssdoB aibboas SSs. Dresden Ribbons. I Inches wide, in red, old blue, pink, green all lew patterns. crww m. rmra t. ........ ............ v.. ... &rf Ottoman Ribbons, I Inches wide. In the new ehadeevold rose, Mais. tan. lavender. red, sags green and emerald. Special at, yard.... ZSs) auj rijuian iniaatnua ai aaw rmivm. SLSS Talaacl aes AppUaas SSUa. : - . A lot of Assorted Whits Valenciennes Applique; regular values to Spe cial naif price, yard. 62Hs) Fancy Fans, in white, black or colors; regular values to llo. Special, aach. .Z34 ' ISa Japanese Faas To.-. - Japanese Fans, In s variety of petterns and colors, can pfosed for decorating purposes; regular value ic. special, eacn. .....4.....iys) . FRIDAY aOOBOUT SFBOZATJi DT Til V - - JEWELRY AND LEATHER GOODS AISLES .-:'.-,-' ' . FIRST FLOOR WEST ANNEX r - s v : "- . aeM obAUs. ? -V--' - A grind clean-up sale of 'Bead Chains. In pearls and colors. . ' Regular values up to 1 1.00 Special, aach. ....... i. ..... ,-,.40) Regular values up to 1MB Special, each .-... .ru Chains for girts, all colors; regular values ito and lo SplaVaaoh...... i 'v . slos wsssii FSbs sse. ;. -, , A Una of Pretty French Oray Silver Watch Foba, for1 ladies' or "men. In new assigns; regular vaiue st.ou, special, eacn... .4. .,.., ............... ...69 - Faacr Back Combs Kalf ariBa. .,.:'..'''.... ::, All our Fancy Jeweled and Mounted Bl Combs, in dark shell, amber and whit. aur , mm ooas. - '. ' - ; ' : Woman's Xsskst SAad nan . Xklf Mas.' - A lot of Fine Leather Hand Base, allahtlv soiled. m.Ha nfth rinest seaL walrus tnt aeallon leathers, neatly lined and well made throughout. Special for rrioay oniy ai. , ;.sur meg r'. ," FaiDAT aooaoarr soraoxAui nr raa- , SMALL WARES AISLES FIRST FLOOR -'- - - v 10a Via Books So. T 1 .: . Beat English-Pin Books, containing 41 black and while pins; regular value ivc. ep.ciai,. eacn K. ,..,..;........... .t SI an Beedla Boo'ks'S7 Roberts' Needle- Books, contatna Urge assortment of beet English gill-er.- needles and pair embroidery scissors; regular value 11.00. Special. tcK..t. ' Vua'a BU. ul Bill flaabl. ' ' ' Largs assortment of Women's White Sidasnd kBack Combs, extra quality, r siyies. special at, eacai , . ........... ... ...j::.n, . .. .'. .i. .msi osakm asssas ss '. Black snd Whits Collar Form Sets, pointed end strslght fronts, sll slse: tar . vaius oc. Special, each. . .mm. . .t. .......... ISa smnohns SkoS Palish It. Bhu.hlne Shoe Polish for all fine black leathere, easily applied; rr ' He. Special, box. ; , '