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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1905)
- -.a, :lv jcur.riAL. rcr.TL.i.TD. Ti;ur.:DAr evenkjg, august ia, isca. II VOV.TJ YC?iCS xowwt AmwHuoattt. - Mimmh,.,,.,;.,.,; ' ." Tee Akladleate" asd -The' KlndirfarW Belaaee.. ,..., .'....Lad Bountiful- J.rrt ..............,, ..."LettlM" j "... VeBda-i'le ; ....,.. .i....., i , y- VHIMTllt 'aiaia . ai tow cone AWATf eway roc or knr tAB UMf . itAnn mi .- - aeot to any addrees by mull al i ,h " nlM, aad eollectloa wUI be . .? f regular carrier after rater , to tae lt, eacept at Laos BMCh aod i, seaalde. wbere lb. JovxaaT baa ttf , ,' alar carrier delivery. Otto Btra ' - Si Ilvaco, WaahlDf Urn, Ih charf ol . The Joeraal aa Lua( Baa re a ad Lewie '7 Ce. of geaalde hare rharaa of Tbe , 1 i.T"1 Seaalde or CUUop beech. Delivery will ba Btade mt tbaM two ' e'"ta at regular ubaertptioa rates. It your change af addraaa to roar : ,. carrier or Pbona liala buu aad oromui , ,.- .u.uiios wiu M glees ih J- P- O'Brien, general manager of the lines-.In Oregon, went In hla private car with E. H. Harrlman'a pe .cla -train '"yesterday afternoon to the ... ., California line, where E. K. Calvin, gen ' eral manager q .The Southern Pacific will . meet the train, Mr. Haniman travel in five private- era, fitted aa offices and ,v , living apartments." He was accompanied to San Francisco by Julius Kruttschnltt, ', director of maintenance and operation. Xest night the eastbound train over the ' O. R. N, Co.'s line pulled two private :S .'-cars. In which were J. C. Stubbe, P. C. : Btohr, R. Bs Killer and private eecre 1 T tartes for a trip over the lines and to ( Inspect the country where new roads are .to be built, i They will be'. out about a ! - -week. ..., . " ' Ruth I Diets,, wife of A. J, Diets, former manager o'f the Hotel Scott, has sned H. I Stephenson, owner of that hoetelry, and Bud Lievens for' 120,000 damages, for Injuries received while a erueat at tha tiAtal flh allara that when Stephenson bought the hotel - he took Diets as a partner. They disagreed on February 11. 106. and the trouble continued until April 4. -and Mrs. Diets -alleges that in that time she was not supplied with a sufficient quantity of bed clothing and suffered colds and hemorrhages In consequence, WJille she was kick, so ' she- alleges.' she was forcibly ejected from the' hotel after having - been kicked - and otherwise beaten. ' Besides the damages she claims 110 for a doctor's bill. . ,v The Portland Commercial club is ad vlsed By J. U Rockwell of Oklahoma City, secretary of the "Statehood Spe cial." that 1(0 Oklahomans will arrive , In Portland Monday, October S, to at-J , tend tba exercises on Oklahoma day, . October I. They will, bring a carload .of exhibits, showing the products of Oklahoma,-and ask that it be placed on a sidetrack In the exposition grounds, , where the public may Inspect its con tents. - The delegation will .consist-of fbualneaa men from every prominent city ' la Oklahoma and Indian Territory. They 1 - are advocating the admission of. Okla X .hofna and Indian Territory as one state j." Into- the union, and are also making an - effort to secure the annual convention ' of the Hoo Hoo next year for Oklahoma ..... . . Oonnor Johl I. Cox ' of ' Tennessee today notified the Dixie society ef PorV- conditions In the south It. will be lm i possible for htmeelf end staff to carry ; out. their plan t oorni tn Portland to .. attend the exposition on Tennessee day. ' Arrangementa are being made tocom- , . bine Tennessee dey with lxuislana day ; on August IT. There will be exercises at 2:10 p. m.. lo the Oregon . building. ' Oovernor Chamberlain, president of the Dixie society, will presidft Judge J. C .,. Moreland, vice-president for. Tennessee, and Colonel R. S. Howard, vloe-presldent iox- leulnlana. .will - represent their atates; assisted by all local Teanesseeans and lioulsianiana. . j . . Frank Glldner, 1 years old,'- dlsap ; peered five days ago from hie ftome In ' the -Burkhard building mn the east side and his mother fears that he has gone . to see. . A- search, of the ships in the . harbor has failed ' to locate him. Tea . terday afternoon Patrolman T. E. Ham , mersley. called at the office of British ,- Consul Laldlaw te ascertain If the youth had shipped on the Pythomene, now ,' ready to aall for South Africa,' but his ' name did not eppear on the ship's books. Last year . he attempted - to sign- on a ... ship, but officers prevented him from -carrying out his intention. 'VT.T " , Based n facts secured from business men of Portland and other polnta be tween this city and Panama, a report -has been made by Joseph I Bristow to President Roosevelt recommending the abolishment of the monopoly heretofore enjoyed by the Pacific Mall Steamship . company, in business and..ratemaklng based on the Panama route. Mr. Brls tow has made an Investigation of trans- Isthmian commerce In general, and rec- om mends that the Panama ' railroad's facilities be Improved and that the gov ernment continue te conduct the road as"'a common carrier. ... , 'Funeral .services for C. H. Prescott -were held yesterdsy at the First Unl ; twrian ;. church, where many sorrowing - friends gathered. There were numerous ,. floral tributes. . After brief and. simple exercises 'the body was taken to - the Portland crematorium. The pallbearers r were:: W. F. White, W. M. Whldden. F. . A. Knapp, W. F. Woodward, A. R. Max .' Well, Richard 'Montague, R. J. Holmes ,,' and W. B. McKay. ;- , ... .. Between 10 end It boys -' tdok V ad ' vantage of the Invitation of the Oregon Water Power 4k Railway company to visit the Oak and shoot the ehutea and bump the bumps this afternoon. , The ' boys gathere.d at the courthouse at 1 , o'clock and half an hour later they were h , on. their way to the park under the guardianship of Probation Officers John son and Hawley .of the juvenile court. - -Many of the boys had been to the Oaks, - but the majority of them had never ' seen the attractions of the park. -Albers Broe . Everdlag eV Farrell and the McMlllin Milling company were each - awarded a contract yesterday by the street cleaning committee of the execu tlve'ibnard for' 24 tons ef first-class V ' .t ' TJ0 PLACB TO BUT ; Pictures and i v Furniture .' , IS AT TUB ::. Cliy Pldsre & Fcrnltare Store '.211H FOURTii -STREET. -- we carry the largest and finest stock ' nf paintings, etchings, engravings, pas tels, photograpburea and other pictures In the city. V As sn Introduction we will sell any of such stork at a discount of 20 per rent from regular list price. We also carry a nice stock of furniture, burnt Irather work and other nice things, as well as souvenirs. - Ha sure and give us a call before ru buy. , ... :'Z3 BuTiCADA ob un or o. w. . slectbio St., I TKX HEABT OT TBI rllrii 0 .' ,TXK CLACXAMAS ATTEE. , ' a romruui mm aid szcaxATioa - Mountain ellnMng, trent flafalnc. to-are pleo fir Bark, laraa 4aarlns paIUoe. botel tir&rtdad with rttf witer and aleetrte Ickta, flue batba. trWpbeoa dffect to fortlaad. Tbouuads o( arna of fir loraet eummiid tba jouns city of KaUeada. M JflLM JBOat VOATLAIID. Katas par day 1 .1 I M Katea par wkJi. ., .. .flS.OO Mawlal ticket, laeludiug roaad trie , fare end dinna. ........1.T5 Bparlal tlcfcat. loelodlns round trip fare, ana Bight's iudslog- and tbrae -Male .....Tv, S-M tioxxt omox nuT avs aiois ita L B. MARTINEZ, Manager . UTACADA, 0AM0V. . . timothy hay at tll.tO a ton, . The Mo Mlllln Milling company will furnish 10 tons of white oats aj'27 and the Albers Bros, 10 tons of bran at $11. - The win or mi late KicnaroV ferkuns,. builder of thei rVrklns hotel, was filed In the county court this morning by Elisabeth Jane Prk)ns. widow ot the deceased- Mr. Pericins died April) 2, 1I.- The estate consists of personal property valued at f 100. The heirs are the widow and children of the decedent who are:-Elisabeth Jane Perkins, Robert 8. Perkins of Beavertonf Richard A. and Jane A. Perkins, Mr. and Mrs. Mary B. Malboeuf of Portland. Charles H. Per kins of San Francisco, Oeorge H. Per. kins or British Columbia, Hannah M Babb of Portland, and Eupheme Pratt of ueatue. jUfe Preservers Purchased. The Fa vorlte Boating, company has carried thousands upoa -thousands of passengers to Tne uaks and return without an acci dent, still we have equipped our launches witn lire preservers. We have, there, fore, . taken , every precaution for the safety of our patrons. Dock upper side bridge, foot of Morrison street. Tele- phone Malii 0 Launches for charter. B. C. Eastwlck returned vestardav from ureal rails, Helena and Butte, Montana, and reports that Montana la prosDerous. The big mines at Butts are running full blast and the great legal - battle 1 for supremacy between .August Helnae-and the - Amalgamated - Copper company Is about. at a standstill. ThM wilt R an alrahln 1lh tfie aerodrome in ,the exposition grounds every : Tuesday and Friday. When the weather Is unfavorable on the regular day the flight will take place the first favorable day thereafter. These fliih's are to be made over a designated course. Minnie Turney has begun a suit for divorce from. Frank Turney on the ground of desertion beginning In lte. They- were married in Oregon' City In Htil and have a boy aged I years. - Portland Welters' club dance, la post poned to Saturday, September It, ow Ing to the painting -and repairing' ot Fred T. Merrill a nail, eeyen.n ana ues. William Schuldt. tof Lewlston. Idaho, former sheriff of Nes Perce county, and now treasurer of the same county, la Visiting the fair -with his wife. : .- -IheJiuajrlxJ3old Mln Incorporated yesterday by X. Jv John son, O. Park and 8. Tucker, with a cap ital stock of 120,000. , , ; f . We are still selling our II. -0 eye glasses for It.- Consultation-free. and every pair guaranteed. Metsger A Co, 111 Sixth street. - Frank Fenn, superintendent of Bitter Root forest reserve of Idaho and Mon tana, accompanied by bis wife, is vis iting the fair. V ' - ' Moffett Hot Springs. 11.80 day: tt and 110 week; bathe. Ho. . Take Regula tor line, - j . : . ' .; " " Electric etgns eny design. Foster A Klelser, Fifth and Everett. : . r 8. R.- Hogln of Lewtaton, Idaho, Is visiting the exposition. . Frits' s tamales .are the beet. . - WHERE TO DINE. V . -i -- ' All the delicacies of the season; pri vate apartments for ladles and families, Strouse'g Restaurant. 220 Washington. ' - . ,- Lewis ' and Clark 'Observatory cafe, 1.000 feet above, the city. Fine service. - Milwaukle Country Club. Eastern and Seattle races. Take Bell, wood and Oregon City cars at First and Alder. i ii . , . , .When In Seattle . (; ' bo to the-Rathskeller, a high-class place to eat.' Sea foods, eastern meats, large orchestra dally, '-v.;,' ' The A. .,.." Rye whlakey still holds Its own above all others. Until further notice we will give a valuable, presents with.-, every bottle of our full quart A. D. Q. Rye Whiskey. I' . v . , . . t ' 4 . D. OERMANC, , : ( " 22 Morrison street BAND PROGRAMS AT ' THE FAIR TOMORROW Band concerts- at the exnosltlon to morrow will Include the following: , By -Dlerke's band In th MIgnon overture. (Thomas 1: ensen", val.e. (Dlerke): Fantaaut icX come. (nocn. tr. Bnedeker; "Lee Pre ludes, sympbonle poem, (Llsst); Tra vlau," . (Verdi); valse- XJsprlce.- (Ru benstcinrr "Oown . South. American sketch, (Myidleton)j "Jsck Tar": march. (Dousa). 1 ; v ;-. Evenlrig Overture "Rakociky," ' (Ke-ler-Bela); t "Barcarolle" valse. WaM. teufell): fantasle'for cornet solo (Hart man). Mr. Vslcrgs; selection- from "Flo rodora," --(Stuart); fanUsle from Mi kado. (Sullivan); "Uy old Kentucky Home." (DRibey); duet - erenade--l (Bcnutx-rt), m. and Mine. Begue; march. uram neinncn, twnamoera). w By.De Ceprlo's Administration band, nornlng March. "Nlbeluneen." (Waa. ner); overture, "Masanlello," (Auber); waits, "Symphla." (Ilolsman)l eelectlon, "Singing Olrl.- '(Herbert); 'The Flag Dance," (Tobani); Intermngso. "Paaaa calte." - Oreghj; - fantasia, , "Reminis cences of Ireland." (Godfrey); march. -vnirsen vnarue,- tuauou). " Afternoon Overture, '- '"Olovapna D'Arco," (Verdi): waits, "Tales From the Vienna Woods," (Strauss); sndante from . the . "First Symphony" (Beetho ven); "The - Pilgrim's . Snnjr ef Hope." (Batiste); selection, "Oavallerla Ruatt- cana, aCMascagnt) ; baritone solo. "Fa cllita" (Harthanan)j Slgnor De Caprlo; selection. "Bohemian - Girl." YBalf; march, "Oet in Une,". (Scanlqnj. , THE LEAD Miss Sad7a V.ntarmantl First in Tht Journal's Contest Miss Sharort Nominated. DO YOU WANT TO SEND Z A FRIEND TO HAWAII? If She's ; a4 Girl .and Popular, You Can Find Out Hpwjto Po Sol by Looking on Page ' Five of , This . Issue. 7 ' , ' I The vote announced today In jthe ad. vertlsement of The Journal's contest for 'trips to Hawaii for eight popular young women shows the Interest man! tested in this great contest. . The ad. vertlsement' is printed on page t. . The vptes are rolllnv In by hundreds and each candidate baa gone forward with big strides. The coveted first position in the first district, comprising Multno mah and Clackamaa' counties. Is today held by. Miss Sadie Wlntermantle, who has' substantial support from the east side. Miss Wlntermantle la bookkeeper at the City Steam Dyeing a. Cleaning works, where she Is very popular. She has a large circle of frlenda and ac quaintances, and. the way ahe has Jumped to the front may be regarded aa an Indication, that they will- work to win the prise for their favorite. Another candidate -who has forged to the front since the vote was announced Tuesday, Is- Miss Edith Bern, a popular young woman in the business district of me city. alias num -is naa aiso ad vanced considerably; In fact, the whole list shows that voting In earnest Is in progress.- Each vote should be deposited aa early as possible, for as each coupon Is dated the surest way of having it counted le to deposit it without delay. Another new candidate has appeared In the city. She la Mlsa Besssle Hha ron, the daughter of E. E. Sharon, sec retary, of the grand lodge of Odd Fel lows. Miss Sharon, by -assisting her father,' baa made many acquaintances In the order. . She waa nominated by several membere of the order and two business men. Miss Genevieve Holmes has during the past two days received a number of votes and la now fourth in the list, with 781 to ber credit In the - districts out of the city the contest Is arousing much Interest and there are two or more- candidates in the fifth', seventh 'and eighth districts. The fifth district, which includes sev eral counties In Washington. Is -thoroughly aroused and the race there prom ises to be very pretty. A voting place has been established In W. I Graham's confectionery, store at Kelso. The -can dldktes In this district at present 'are Miss Amelia . Williams of Kelso and Mlsa Katharine Gore of Kahuna. In the seventh dlstrlot, where Mlsa ; Court. manche was the first candidate, there are' now two others Miss Minnie Ray of Dallas and Mlsa Hostetler of Hllle- bora. In the eighth district the candi dates are Miss Louise T. Jones of tack sonville and Miss Dale ' Harmon of Roeeburg- candldates and how to vots for them, every reader of The Journal ahould read the advertisement In tonight's journal, if you have a ravorlte In the list cut-out the -coupon and vote for fher or nominate some one whom you consider . is entitled to be considered the most popular young woman In your dlSrlCt .' -. ,. .. MARKSMEN CHOSEN FOR CONTEST IN THE EAST ''Oregon National Guard marksmen will be represented art the national shooting- match to be held at Seagirt. New Jersey, this month, by a team that will leave Portland August 12 at 10:20 o'clock. The team will consist of the following men Brigadier-General William E. Flnser. team captain; Major .Frank 8." Baker, Third Infantry,' team coach; First Lieu tenant Bruce Kelts, Third Infantry, 'team spotter; Captain Frank B. Hamlin. First Separate battalion; Captain Ryland O. Scott, Third Infantry: Battalion Sergeant Major Arthur J. Royle, Third infantry: Sergeant Ralph. White, company M, Third Infantry; Sergeant Adolph A. Bchwarta, company K. Third infantry Sergeant Robert E. Morris, company A, FlnrT Separate battalion; Sergeant Raymond L. Perdew, company A. First Separate bat talion; Sergeant William A. Gilbert-com pany C. First Separate battalion; Ber geant Fred G. Stewart company D, First Separate battalion,--. Sergeant Philip A. Llvesley. company I,. Thlrdlnfantryi Corporal Earl G. Weldon, company F, Third Infantry; ' Corporal ' George E. Houck, company D, First Separate bat talion; Private Ulysses 8. Rider, company M, Third Infantry; Private Enoch H. Fisher; company C, First Separate bat talion; Private Commodore 8. Jackson, company p.. First Separate battalion. . ' Journal Branch Offices. For-the; accommodation of Its many natrona. The Journal has arranred with leading druggists In the eity to receive advertisements at the regular main of flee rates. If you need male or female help, want to rent your rooms, or buy or sell anything, consult tne list , of branch offices found on the ' classified advertising page, then take your ad to the nearest office. .. , - referred Sleek Qaamoa Creeds. Allen Lewis' Best Brand. T2U OKOBT OF AMSBICA SCXVBBY Multnomah Falls r. :.: ' , ' (mo raaT) Ajro MTtrsjr. . EVERY DAY For $1.00 o TO FAST ajto rorBXT-rum- i BTS2CZO BXVBB STB AMU . JOS: KELLOGG Paaaene-ers mar sit beneath that tumb ling river for a a hour and a half. It's th . a-ranilMt ride In North Imarlea. and you have seen alt the scenery on the rlvei1 Its gorges and canyons. mountains snd waterfalls, monuments of rock, beautiful groves .and . splendid landscape when -you reach Multnomah Falls. No other steamer lands at this moat fascinating spot. Boat leaves foot' of Salmon street at 1:20 a. m.j returns at.:10 pm., ; Round Trl p, Q l.OO lleals erred. Tel. XaU S3a, " t" V" ;' ' -; ' ' " t Five thousand four hUhdred mil by land and Ma.. poses to give eight young ladies thia coming February. , y-1. : 7. ,-, ...This tour, will include everything , worth seeing in.. ... ; ; . :.:,.Sy. The Davaiian Islands at Exzcez ol The Journal The young ladies will ; be the guests of The Journal "from the day they leave until they return; -They will be entertained only at the best hotels;; will travel only on the best appointed steamship lines arid will have an opportunity to enjoy every pleasure that this magnificent trip affords f - , . ') ; . ; Conaiicas bl AT Any young1 lady . may be nominated at any time on blanks provided by the Journal, with the endoreement of two well-: known cltlsens of the district In which she resides, CBOOaTB Three Judges agreeable to the dif ferent candidates shall be selected to off totally announce the winner in each district, one young Isdy to be chosen from each district. -' :v ' TBXBJr As In .other elections, each, district "shall vote separately. The vote In one cannot affect the other. -. Matters properly concerning the district will tie settled by the wishes of the majority. -The winner shall' have the right to- ; name a proxy If unable to attend herself. FBTTBTat Voting will oommence Thursday. ' August I, 120S, and close Saturday, -Deoember 10, at I o'clock p. m.r 106. Coupons must be voted within seven days aftsr issue. Coupons cut from The Dally Journal must be neatly trimmed. . . All ' ooupone, whether single or special, muet bear the name of the candidate to be voted for. t) CcspoES re Given ss Fellows " FUTTBt Single ' coupons," cut "from the "dally ' paper, are good for one vote. Subscription to the . Evening and Sunday Morning Journal, three :' months, I1.0S, a special coupon of 160 votes '(paid in advance). Subscription to Evening jnd Sun day Morning Journal six months, f I.Tt,' a special ' coupon of 2(0 votes' (paid in advance).' Subscrip tion to The Evening and Sunday Morning Journal.' 11 months, IT.60, a special coupon of TOO votee (paid In advanoe). Subscription to The Evening and Sunday Morn ' Ing Journal, three monthe by- mall, 11.00. A spe . clal coupon of 110, votes (paid In advenes). Sub X vote for , This coupon must be HEBE IS THE WAY THEY STAND Votes Received Up to Today .." : .'?.. vote. ' Miss Sadie Wlntermantle. cor. Third and Aeh.. .1,10 Miss Ruth Lee, (13 Hood street 804 Miss " Lucy " Oould, telephone operator Oregon . , Hotel . .v LUBLlltliejtHtytJioL'ne Miss Oretchen Kurth, long Portland Hotel , '" Miss Margaret Smith, ll Fourteenth street.... 1. ; Miss Edith Bern, 140 Stark street 1.02S j Miss Minnie 8.. Phillips, deputy clerk of circuit , COUrfr rnr)imnTrr'Ti mrritifnj'i r. a-- t VI.. annhla niann lit In Street............. II Miss Burse Reddlck, Oregon City. ' Miss Louie Wlesenbacher. Perkins Cigar Stand., : Miss Henrietta Wlnkleman, 40T E. Couch street.. Miss Alice NeVell, 1 E. Sixth street . ........ . Miss Bess Sharon, daughter E. E. Sharon, Grand Secretary I. O. O. F. Miss Bailie Madlgan, 147 Flanders street;....... - v Counting will be done !"the candidates announced to SOCIAL EVENTS SCHEDULED AT THE E President Coode Issues List of Society Functions for v This Month. fT-U lmttmm K.K '.f lllllt Will OS notable for the numner or social m to be given at the exposition under the .... .fr ikaamfnlatrstlonr"--A partial list of these functions was Issued from President uoooe s ornoe inia nroro i .kAwln. th fnllowlna-: . August 1. T:20 p. nv Dinner to Preel- dent and Mrs. uavia x. sranois ei o. Louis, In New Tork building tw gueaiaj. a..-..., ia an m. Oardan fete to President and Mrs. Francis (200 guests). August IT. 1 p. m. iuncneon to rep resenUtlve of the governor of Illinois, in New Tot bulldlnr (0 guests). a....... ai i tv tn - Luncheon to Gov ernor of Nebraska, in New Tork build ing (00 guests). ei Y'lA n m.-Oarden fete to lieutenant-governor o New Tork (110 guests). ,' ' ; .' ' ..... ee f in n tn -Ti' nn.r t iv. ernor of Colorado, In New Tork building (to guesisi. ....... i t-lfl n n Dinner to e-or- ernor of Utah; in New Tork "building too guests;. TtaaMea thaaa functions bv the exoosl- , . - H.n.,amnt irrtntMIIMtl BrS BR .1UI1 uia.wavH.v-, a dor wsy for the following functions by other Interests at the exposition: August IT. t p. m. -neeepiion ny wie Illinois commission, In Pavilion annex (2.000 guests). - August 1. I:20'p. m. -Dinner by the New York commission. In the New Tork building and Pavilion annex (71 guests). . Ausual If. a. m. Reception and ball Lby the New Tork state commission. Ih New Tork building ana pavilion annex (2.000 guests). , . - a ' WHITE RIBBONERS HAVE - INTERESTING MEETING ' Oregon. New Tork, Kentucky, Ksnsaa, Missouri California, HawaU and Great Britain were represented at the meeting of the central W. C. T. V. yesterday. Mrs, Whitney of Honolulu. gave a very interesting account of the work in that part. of the world.-- The following resolution . was carried unanimously: ' ' Resolved, by central onion and its distinguished guests, that we will sup port the Ministerial . association In Its efforts to have the Lewie end Clark fair corporation adhere to. He contracts and require the concesslnnslres- of the Trail to keep their entertainments closed on Sunday."; . . A social hour over teacups wae a fitting WMMM The Journal's ncnclda over II years of age scription to The Evening and Bunday Morning Journal by mall six months, 11.75, a special coupon of 210 votes (paid in advance). - Subscrip- ' tlon to The Evening and Sunday Morning Journal by mall 12 months, 17.00, a special coupon of ,100 votes (paid in advance). Semi-Weekly Journal. tl-10 a year, special coupon of 100 votee (paid In advance). , . . " ,, ' i " ' ' ; . ' SIX Tat Coupons should! be voted at the head- : quarters nearest you or mailed to the coupon de- ' pertinent of The Journal., or at any point named ' below. Votee will be counted Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays and the, totals announced, in that day's paper.. : , , -, - Any candidate withdrawing from the contest ' cannot have her votes counted for another. "; Eesissrters tzi Vcilsj Phen . 2flret , 2lsfatst Multnomah and Claokamas counties. Voting Place, Coupon. Department ef . o The Journal Office, - . . a , , , Seooad Bistrtot Union. Umatilla and Wallowa countlea. .'-i' . " Third Pistrlct Wasco," Sherman.' Ollllam.' Mor row. Wheeler and Crook bounties. . ' Fomrth Sistriet Baker, Grant Harney and Malheur oountiea ' """, riftk Olstrlet Columbia and Clatson contiee, Oregon; Kllckiut, Cowllta, Clark a, Paclflo, Wah kiakum and Skamania countlea, Washington. - Blxtk Slstriot -Marlon. Linn and Lane eountlea. Beventk SlsMet Washington. Tillamook, Yam hill, Benton. Polk and Lincoln counties. , ' Blgkth Districts Douglas, Coos. Curry, Joseph- -lne,- Jackson, Klamath and Lake eountlea, GttnciO C8w2l Honolulu, HawaHan Island -; J ' voted on or before August II, 1101. ' f - . ' " '' : . . Vote. Mise Cora Jolly. 1 it First street.............. '7 Miss Nellie Munger, 1(0 Raleigh street, corner Seventeenth street 3 Mlsa Marlon Leahy. Woodard. Clark Drug Co... 0 l.j"". -i.rlr 1,ilTIOT- ' ..- Miss Amelia Williams, Kelso, Washington....... IOC (Voting place, Kelso, Washington. W, L Graham's " ' - ..Confectionery store.) Miss Katberlne Gore, Kalama. Washington.',... 4 (Voting place, Kalama, Wash.. G. W. Coffey's store.) . .: KBvasm BXarnxosv - Miss Minnie Ray, Dallas, Oregon ......' 0 Mlsa Bertha Courtemanche, McMlnnvllle. ...... 210 - Miss Marie Hostetler, HUIaporo.... ( . ' (Voting plsce, 8. P. Houser's store.) ,BW2CIBI 2XBTBUOT. . u . v .. Miss Louise T.'jones, Jacksonville. Oregon T.., "" It Miss Dale Harmon, Roseburg. Oregon ' i ( Voting place. Roeeburg, Or., Hamilton Drug store.) . distance operaTor on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays and the standing of the public , ; . ; , WtJ Want --Good Electric Ironers. Must be competent to do . first class work. Good Wages Paid Ours is the only laundry in Oregon having steam heated polishers (the kind that does not scorch the linen) for col-lar- cuff s and such appareL- UNION LAUNDRY ' Second and Columbia TeL Main 398. close to a most delightful afternoon.' The etate headquarters is tne meeting place for visiting white rlbboners, and Central union holds a meeting there every Wednesday at t o'clock. -. Wants iVamag-eg From Bailioad. Suit for 22.00O was begun in the circuit court this afternoon against the Portland Consolidated Railway company by Mrs. M. E. Barmales, who alleges that on June I, this year, ahe wae In the act of alighting from a streetcar at Third and Washington streets "When the' motorman, without warning, seat the car ahead, causing her to fall and break ber leg. - - COW EASE rtte way ro pvrir a - " -' .aLa leJklMe ejsst. - - jmmum iivuh nvtivw-v . . - . Very ET Appff. tors rxi ruxs nou Btrnte ' " Cattle or aoreM.- Cowa (ire XS par east swre sillk wbae sot torSMBtae WIU Slea. Titer fees In paaeet sa ee kara-a. ry gaitoe sara lne a iwi tlswe ever. M asts quart It all--. all eroare Iliad. t. K Btmxa. " Sexla, PnaUry Sarpll a4 -X IH KBt Straef, mt la- , t . . , ( , rsoae a.ula . .'-V This is what The Journal pro- Tour Contest: 1 Any' Information re garding conditions ef the Honolulu tour should be' addressed to the man-, agar of the Contest Do-, partment of The Journal.'. ' ' . In the Journars Honolulu Trip? Wedding GlftS J;; Yea, we all have to try our hand at pleasing the bride-to-be, and we WOULDN'T fail to : please for worlds. Isn't that so? .". ,'" .. : (, WelltjAe next time you, have an occasion of this kind arise just come right down to our, store and let us help you out Some one will carry pleasant thoughts of you on their honeymoon, v A. N.Wright THE IOWA JEWELER 283 Morrison St.: The aebool temptlaaai Ae elaatentarx Kkool, with, prbsary sod graamiar sradae. Aa aeaoeBir pmper, which Its tor esstars - tw wwwni eonefaa. . A Boaxdlas kaU for stria. Of On . keure ef tbe pelorlpals derlag the aornn-r, from 0 a. m. to IS ia., at tbe mwMmmr, rnr caTawjew annrpae , PORTLAND ACADRMT. . , Tklrtaaatk aae Harriaee. Carl la ad. Oragne). L.YRIC THI3ATRE Keating FIoe, Mgnv . weak Starting Moaday, Aoftut f, "LUCILE" 'A Story ef the aooth dnrlng.the Clrll was , . la Foar Acts.' j. . Adalaalea te eay seat. M ceete. -r- LEWIS ," CLJt-ZOSSXZVJl. i ia,. - - Tke r i r- si gat aft el rm s . . i uaea ear Baa. if . -" -l f-l . a 4 i. ill Portand Mmv Furnitu: roriii l. i i 1 - .- - The other day one of our c ustomera said : "Furniture - is furniture nowadaysrYotican get about what' you want from . any v responsible : dealer,- but there's an .awful difference in - the way they treat you. ;Some treat you like they thought you a fool; oth ers, a thief ; others as if you annoyed them, and still others as though ; you . Tverc a nuisance. ' '.Cbvell's make you feel , natural and you know they mean it. ' ' That 'fellow ' uses ; his head and -there are others. ''' -. . r"; 184-6 First Street " i Qear through the ' ' .' blocks "Jttk Our Customtn $3.50 Shoes for 4 , lloSj) 11.00 HATS for .... ; $12.00 and 111.00 ...M.99e) Men'e Touthe SUITS -' for S8.50 end flO.OO 14.00 and 15.00 PANTS for S2.SO end f350 ' UNDERWEAR and OVER8HTRT8 at 25. 50e and 764, worth ' double the price. .. . , . RCNKS, StTT CASES andJA?" loibB at one halt pnce Thle Is a GENUINE 1 CLEAR-. ANCE SALE. We muet make room for our fall goods coming in daily. . .inim mum AT TWO STO: Con Ttlri csd Davis tzi Ccr. First k J Ytni S. AYMUBbUbJ2TTSL Marauam Thara -S?- Grana llbUU , a Haiui. e. aOUeadTta, I ooaV - T"t fXJ I tl -i T At S:B0 a a a a m eCMek, OoetlMlnr Brery Nlfht This Week. With A - -.pedal-Price Mattaee Saturday, . , lae SBaay uaou vosBaQiaae, . KOLB eSs DIL.aU Bit Doable BIH. The Mew Musical Oomady-Bailaauaia, TbeSsJndlcate .as raany aa "L O. U. . Omedy Prettr Qlrto Oateay lfasla roruLAB raioxa. ste, Ste, ISa, tla. Belasco Theatre uZ7n (rersMrly Colombia Theatre) lata sad -Wash, TOB10KT AX Oil, nrat Part la ad Frede-tlem of lltb Blian Steeh Oet BOUNTIFUL Artser W. Ptnere's Pewarral May, lUfSsaa COVELL'S . . CBBljy BUBjaO. MATIN CU SATCBOAT ARD SCKDAT, -PRICES MiwBeeeJSs ssOs-L-J NEXT WEBlc-IAUDRBY 'd axcaxATiOB akk. Oemar Teagsa sad Xweaty-fearta. PORTLAND VS. LOS ANQEUE3 ..;..'.., AO2fIUI0V. sle, , , ( ATeVST ir-S, 20, II, IS, la, ,'l QBANIMITAND, 29c.. CBrtDKXIf, 200 Box tickets and iiaiiil aaate ea sale l boa efsce. . S T A R ,' ' HTVtXO. " ' J , " BeWDIMO BOUT) A. '., ' OA8TO ABDHAEvrT " r kuesoKiT a kb witloir, 1 ' BIOHABD BJUIBT BU.LXB. XK. BOT M'BAAIB. . TBI aiAAOSOOrS, - Oeaoral adialaaloa 10 r-ats, s-adaye, Insa and holloa r. raaaered aaata as fciw-r oor. to eante, Dally sitln-aa, entire Ira-er boot, M eaeta; box aaata. x era ay. . THE BAKER . OBCaT SPtXTIAL BIIX. Tseatre ilware eoat. Kaattag A need, Kgr gAJmT SOTD'S tfniTBBLS. Ura Aet, Maerng 2laaM, Bakee's Orab,...-. -erfM-Bun-M dally at t:e. sad . r Ite adraarad arla M bit sbMr--eli aalHas Tea faata. eieeptlat kieae. a RAN c 2T. TtU I- a bo e- 4. . t i I 1