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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1905)
i::3. c ..u. ui.cli Git ; IS A 170DER r "a sells for Bkagwgy and other pc. ., on tha regular excursion route next Monday night. -- The White Flyer Jefferson, af ; tha same line, aalla for Skagway.and way porta tonight at o'clock with mora than - 100 excursionists, 10 of whom 01 r f w-m e r LU II.. .el iiLLI U GlLCOY OUT are from Portland. Thla company 'la one SAM u - .Li u U of the. oldeat on tha southeastern Alaka route. ..... ' r, . . .' - TOTTENHAM IS SPEEDY. : .WilLTell Height of Willamette Every Second of the Day by .Automatic Device.' I : SIGHT READINGS W1U' - BE DISPENSED WITH Line Carrying Messages ; of Sound cntU and an Important aui in Government, Service Will Be Inv, proved and Kept in Shape. ' Berlnntnr at an early data river read - "Inrs of tha WUlamatta -will be received 'at tha weather buraau every eecond-ot tha day. ahowtng ita exact atare. The ' figures will ba recorded by an utenatlc "electrlo contrivance and immediately -transmitted by wlra to tha custom houae. It ia a recant invention and Jortland la one of tha vary first cltlaa to get the htnof It nf It. . ' l . j Willie U, Moore, chief of tha weathar bureau, baa notified the local amir irai f "aucb an Instrument, known aa a aelf ' 'racordlnir river nun will aooa ba In- aUUed at tha pier of tha.Morrlaon Street -bridge to replace the one 01 tne iu - (vi now in uba. . The new apparatus , . ; conalata of a stand pipe In whlob. will be a float. Tha rise and rail or the river N will be automatically recorded and oon """tlnuously communicated over-"' a wlra ,' which will ba atrung for tba purpoaa to Tieadquarters. It ia announced that it -will be far auperior to tha preeent aya--e" tern, making It unnecessary for aya read "v.Uigs to ba taken. A. B. Wollaber, assist i nt forecaster, will have charge of tha , . work of installing tha machine and au tmrhmmn t which ma with It- -' . . ; . The chief of the weather .ureaa naa also authorised an expenditure 01 ibov - jo be used in making general repalra to tha Port Creacent-Tatooah island aea ' coast telegraph line. .The work will ba dona under tha direct supervision of DIs- ' " . trlctf Forecaster - Beala and will ba "started at once.. Two crewa of meg will , ,.be employed at each' and of tha line, , which ia about 0 miles In length. It ia , . the Intention to get tha repairs com ' 'pie ted before -the rainy, eeason begins. vTh 41ne runs through a heavy- forest ... and on - aoooant of storms great diffi culty has been experienced in . keeping . it in good condition.' Over thla wire all ' newa of tha arrival' and departure of .V ships ia aent to tha Puget sound cities, and it la considered one of the moat lm '" . portent lines belonging to the depart - meat on the eoaat.- It la also tha only 'source from which) tha sound can. get - : information of tha prevailing weather v .conditiona at aaa, .' ' '' k ;: ' ; SINGAPORE WOULD BOYCOTT OfAoera of .v.: sTloomedla way They Ara righttBg a marina a Vrodairte. Singapore residents are strongly ad locating tha boycott against all Amerl- can products, say the officers of the teamahip Nlcomedl which arrived, last . night from China and Japan. At Bhang , hal tha matter la treated, with Indiffer ence and the Indications are that there jthe WespOn wnjnot ProvtverrfffiSlir., yUft-luwwv Oif lum amp - a.muiorw I ffva' miles from - tha Tillamook light t atatloa. but owing to the heavy for the big beacon waa Invisible. Tha run to y that point- from -Yokohama -wag" com " pleted In II daya.V -- '- ':, ', V Two. of the largest 'monkeys aver . brought here front- tha -. far aaat and seven yelping doga are on board. ' One 4of tha monkeys stands four feet high. With tha exception of one man tha I Micomedla haa an entire new list of of. fleers, made up aa - follows: Captain Wagemann; C Pranke. first officer 1 Paul Wolken, second ofrtceri W. Vlercln third (..officer; A. Elaenachmldt, chief engineer. , 'Captain Wagner, former master, left for V his home In Hamburg en arrival at 1-Hongkong. " 1 ' . The freight eons lets of 1,000 tona of 'matting, tea, Chlneaa groceries, curios ;' and other oriental producta of tba uaual '.Una. ,- '. . ;. r 1 ritlak gteamer . Kakea Bemarkably Qalok Trip Across tko Paolfie. One of tha qulckeat trlpa made acroaa tha Pacific, recently by a tramp ateamer waa that of the British stsamahtp Tot tenham which arrived at Astoria after a It-days' run from MoJI. It - usually requires from St to IS daya for a tramp to make the trip.' The ateamer left up tha river shortly before noon and la ex pected to reach the harbor early thla venlngv" She la In command of Cap tain Mann, who succeeded Captain Pa tera a few montha ago. The Tottenham la under charter to J. J. Maore 6 Co. to take lumber to China, and will ba supplied at tha- Portland mill. She waa at Portland a year ago. and took out M6I.000 feet. It ia aup nnaed she will take out fully that amount thia trip. V ; . v . . .. ;" ALONG THE WATERFRONT. The steamboat fleet on tha tipper Co lumbia river ia soon to ba reinforced. The Spokane as Columbia River Railway company, organised to construct ' an electric Una conneetina Spokane with the river, haa determined to build boats and -operate them in connection with ita Una., x l - While making a landing yeaterday evening at tha Ash street dock tha barge Webfoot, in tow of the ateamer Olenola.' ran Into tha Harvest viueen and broke a number of her atanohiona. ; Oni" Friday - tha achooner ' Monterey, in -tow of the tux Dauntless, la due with a cargo of 10,000 barrels of fuel oil consigned to tha National Oil com- - Messera Edwards and Puller will test tha boiler of tha ateamer Telephone to day. ..'.v . v I .. .. ,...-.. u-. With a full , car go of freight and all tha Daaaencers aha could carry, tha ateamer Alliance Bailed last night for Eureka, and way porta. - ; Qeorge Uhler, supervising inspeotor- xeneraL and CapUln John- Bermlnghara, supervising Inspector of this district. left last nlxht for SeatUa. . Chief Engineer Lindsay, who haa been on the steamer -4rthland Over el nee aha waa built, haa accepted a position aa government engineer at Ban Fran cisco, v .i..ti.t. . ' Discovering a sailboat drifting down tha river yeaterday afternoon, tha crew on tha British bark Thistle ,-aaivagea it and are waiting for tha, owner to coma around and- make a settlement. Tho Thistle ia still at the dock of tha Oregon Water Power V Railway com- oany. .' . , ' - v- . Major W. C. tarngfltt will remain hero a few daya longer than ho expected In order to aaalat his successor In office. Fifty Portland people will leave for tha aaund tomorrow - to make an ex cursion trip jn. ateajner those wa- MARINE NOTES. COYOTE'S SUICIDE. Jtunpa Overboard 1 . ret ef Fyth. I ' , ZB Browned ia the WUlamatta. - . -. ' Laden with Y.telJSS feet of lumber, .'valued at $1.71. the British ship Pjrthomene, v Captain-flplvey, left this '' morning "for" Port, Natal. South Africa. ; .-Sixteen new men were algned yesterday 1; to make tha voyage, 8he haa been In port alnca February fa. There waa genuine sorrow on board '(the Pythomena Just before aha left tha harbor A young coyote,, which bad bean -1 given to Second Mate Beswtck, gnawed the rope with which he waa tied, jumped . 1 Overboard . and committed suicide. He had been on tha vessel for more than a month and the officers and crew had .; formed a warm attachment for him. - DOLPHIN BRINGS GOLD. AJaskaa Boat Arrlvea Za Seattle Toaaer- tow With Ztoad of Sawaoa Dust. - --V Tha Frank . Woolsey company, local agenta of tha Alaska Steamship com i" pany - of ' Seattle, , received word thla morning, that . thestemer . Dolphin- of ' that Una would roach tha Puget aound ' metropolis tomorrow-night from 1 the i- far north with fall list of passengers ? and $100,090 In gold duaf taken from : ' tha Dawson and Tanana district Tha Astoria. Aug. 10. Arrived down at a and aalled at S:t0 a. m., ateamer St. Paul for ' San' Franclaco. -. Arrived at :10 a. m.. British ateamer Tottenham, from Moll. Arrived down at 1 and aalled at 8:10 a. m... ateamar- Alllanoe, for Cooa PgjjalJrtaiLett upat ii;t a. m. 1 yrltlso. steamer. J3ttennuin. r ... . Port Harford". ' Aug. 10. Arrived, steamer Whlttlei aad barge ,'Baata Paula, from Portland. San Franclaco, Aug.""""I.i-Sned !nt 11:10 a. m., ateamer Columbia, for Port" land.'. Sailed at 1 last night, ateamer Cascade, for Portland. Astoria, -Aug. t. Arrived down at 5:10 and aalled at 7 p. m., Britiah ateamer II- ford. for Taku Bar. ; . - San Franclaco, Aug. 0. Sailed at - I p. m.r ateamer F. A. Kllburn, for Fort- land and eoaat porta. Astoria. Aug. 10. Condition of tha bar at I a. m., smooth; light north wind; weather cloudy, ,- Paators Refute to Preach Be cause White Way la Open u on Sunday. CONGRESSES' -COMMITTEE WITHDRAW3 ITS SUPPORT Statement Plainly Made That the Ex. ' position Corporation Deliberately Broke Faith With Body 'and Did Not Try to Stop Sabbath Opening. Tha committee on congresses yester day decided to ask tha exposition man. agement to relieve It from further Sun day exercises with the .understanding that of tha apeakera who have been en gaged those who wish, to keep their en gagements may do so. ' The '-boromlttee waa virtually unani mous la ita action, and a letter ia to be prepared by Rev, Dr. J. R. Wilson to the exposition corporation asking that the Sunday programs ba declared can calel under the conditiona aareed on. ' Thla action waa baaed, on f the belief that tha exposition corporation bad not sincerely tried to prevent the opening of tha Trail Sundaya, but had made only a perfunctory appearance In court when tha Injunction, waa aought by tha Trail concessionaires. . Thla belief waa - ao firmly eetabllahed and expressed that It waa tantamount to a charge of bad faith on tha part of tha exposition and wait regarded aa operating aa a justification of tha giving up of further relatione with reference to tAa conduct of Sunday afternoon programs aceordlsg to , the plana arranged. It la- understood that tha committee holds that there vita apeclflo promise by the exposition corporation that there would be no opening of the-Tratl on Sundaya, and tha statement waa made-j by the fair corporation . that the Trail waa under Its control. 'The committee exoraases a belief that the corporation did not exert -Itself to prevent the conJ ceaalonairea from winning the Injunction suit, but virtually Inatructed, or at least gave D, J. Malarkey to understand that when he appeared for tha corpora tion aa counael he waa to do no more than make a ahowing before tha people. It la elted that tha corporation officers, or some of them at least, lent" all pos sible aid to the concessionaires- In- the autt and that It waa loat largely because of tha wish of tha corporation. . . RELICS OjF OLD CO ARE FOOn'D BY CHAL'CE ; Counterfeiting . Molds Thirty -'. Years, Old DiscQvereeLin . . , McMinnville House. , , . . . J . , . -f . ' . We are ijearinj the end of this sale and the bargains get better aa. It draws tQ a close. Tho bargains are here to pltir..j that "h who runs may read.'' v In fact they stand out so that people passing on the streetcars spot" them. One fn tleman, a resident of Oregon City, did that very thing this week. After he reached home he spent 50 cents In telephonlnj us, paid the freight charge and then made; a saving on the article of his choice. We will not use space lr namipg the apecials on tale tomorrow; at $4.00 but again Invite you to J'eee our windows." -'You'll find It worth your while-The " V- y.A..,l.M I.. bmamIu- 1 hint ft f 4avKlf9ai n tttftrA f -. v lUIIUVTIII l lU-ePIWIJ seen wa ,!" w9 vvy -wm . t - , V.' Silver- $7.5Q Dish-. Friday on Plated Chafingf . $7' French -" ; 16x28 inches. ; Friday only . , $6 Wilton" ' ' Rugs.. Friday Plate BANNER YEAR AHEAD FOR DRAIN. NORMAL SCHOOL . " lapeeUI tHepetck te Tke JoereaL) Drain,- Or Aug. It. Preparations are boihg made for opening tha central Or egon normal school on September It. Tho money faf Ita maintenance tha com ing year waa raised within M houra and tha faculty elected last Juna. Tha school will have a larger attendance than aver before In Ita history, and in dications are that if will be a banner year with tha Institution. . . PASSENGER ON PULLMAN ! ; ROBBED OF VALUABLES . tlpedsl IMipateb te Tke IwhL) Eugene. Or.. Aug. l.--The local police officers received notification from the Southern Pacific, company yeaterday that W. O. Terry, a paasenger on tho second section of south-bound train No. 1. out of Portland, waa robbed of a pair -ot panta containing flOt In cash, a gold watch, an Elks' charm and other artlclee of minor value,. The theft, waa com? mltted aotnewhere between Salem and Boseburg Tueaday night. , . aedooed Bates) to Shasta Springs. - The Southern Paclflo company ' haa placeoTOn ' sale "at Its Portland of flcei round trip ticket to Shaata Sprlriga af a rate or iza. Beautiful. Illustrated pamphleta descriptive of thla resort can ba secured from, any Southern PaclUe agent: . ' . . y .- . - - A Grind Steamboat Ride -Up the Columbia River tt V' TO CASCADE LOCKS AND RETURN -lV On the Palatial ' -, " STEARlEt BAILEY GATZMT FINEST OF ALL RIVER TRIPS AND STEAMERS . Leaves Iweelc days 8:30 a,, m,; Sundays, P a.'m.; arrives back 5:30 p. m. First class dining room and lunch counter on board. Through stestrners for The Dalles and way. points' leave daily 1. yV, -.L,.'; V ..(except Sunday) T a.- m. vi,y . ''.' . ' WHARF FOOT OF ALDER STREET . . PHONE MAIN 914 -. ' v' ' Five molda .for making counterfeit! ., mna iv pieces, . wuica .were discovered under the eaves of aa old dwelling 'at McMinnville a few days ago, were received by Stephen A. Con neU., operative In charge of the United States secret sinftra nuroau, frnasilTtsulf R. Crimea, his chief assistant, who wna aent to McMinnville to Investigate the matter. Tba--molda were - discovered by M.. M. Crawford, a painter, who was engaged in putting a new roof on the building. The old roof had ' withstood tha atorma of .40 winter. Crawford, In renewing tha ahlnglea, had .found tha molda. T: ' - r- Mr.- Qrlmea believes that tha molds were ' made by an old couple named Landgraf f. - who eacupled tha building 10 years ago. The husband and wife were each then about fS years old. ' Af terward tha house .waa .occupied by a doctor and In later years by a Jeweler. The datea of tha molda were: f 10-plece, 1147; to-plecea; 1164, 1811 and 1844; 1RI1. '-,..' Mr. Connell, after an examination of the molda,' declared that they had never been used. The molda Were well made and evidently the work of experts, the only Haws being'- tha drilling of tho mold hole with an auger: ia three cases. Salmon Fishing at Yaqulna Bay. Tha salmon ara now running at Tequlna Bay, affording an Opportunity for dbma excellent sport Purchase round trip tickets at Southern Pacific ticket ofnoe. Aa tha run may not laat long, fishermen ' should take- advantage of it without delay. , , AT THE THEATRES. 3 7 Lid Bountiful Pleatea. sey Boentifol," br Arthur- Wtng Plnere; I plMstn latve andlcDree at tke Belaara theatre this int. , It-will rue sp to and inrhid Bnnday sMrlit. B(lenlDB Maaday eva Ing. "Aadrry" will be prmented In dranwtle tona for tha tret tloje- la the aortfiwteu . Tbe Oernaa eoewdiaae, Kalh end Dill, sad thru excellent eoeinaar, will ernt their two mw aroalcal eooMdjarlmqnfnt. "The BklndiraU" and "Tha KtndwfarUa," at the Marenaat (irana tsntre, oa Morrlaon strert be twevs Sixth aaa Demta, at : e'rkwk M slsht. - Both tonwdlei sre llld with fas. catchy Bsele sad pretty girls. Pepnlar price prevail.. ; .- . Wonders at the Sur. ; . The Star Is drawing perked boa end (ivea e chow of keadllnm, laoof whom Devtlo M the (Mtnre. He rtdao s bk-rclo at greet ,perd eronnd the sin ef e M wtthotit the eld ot eappaVta e esy eort. Boy McBrala aad the aurnarope ha musing pletsre are alee feataree of a toe Mil. . , , Amaxes Grand Pat rone. Alhliri Is string a Berforausf la avairle at tae tirasd that la as entire show la Itaalf. H haa a plraalng string of Bettor with which he brlfhtone- an ab-aa brlfht act. Hla BMBlpulatlea of earda la stapljr wonoaTful an4 kls slato-wrlllng foate are aystarloaa Tko rmt of the Grand blU consist ef sne vaodo- vlue spertaltlae. Luclle" at the Ljrrlc "taxrllo" la sreving a panlte favorite at the Lyric. It pleax all elaoaoa of theatre-foot-, It cenutn every lnwnl that Is urmirf to Btekt a play sncrtnofal. nawoly, eDSr. pathos and thrilling alt nation, wtth a protty kvro story renalng tbronk ha foer aata. The Intormlaolone are lllod la with lllnttreted sons and BioTlaa ptrfarao. .MinatreU at the Baker., nvor a BoTd Bnnawoie t di worf lortb soHni:. Taoy na n Ht are wo rhotwo" of iwoaTS anlotor ere boala Hanror. Wlnai and Polo IMnvw, recognlsod stars la annetnlsy. Sfkor entire laat work. Tho Frank Morrot. ins sll of ehoai ere :! Mirror, $4.00 $4.00 ; ntaar ; $5 ' Ten-Piece Toilet Set, : beautifully gilded.; ' oFnri;...:;$4.C0 - $5.50 Dish Racks, in golden and weathered y , Joak. - Friday . UU ; $6 ' : Rockers, golden - oak.. ' $4.00 i $7.50 Clocks, all sizes. r ', ;....:.....$4.Q0 $6 Bevel Plate Hall Mirror Rack. .atFrida$ 4.Q0 $6 and $5 Go-Carts, folding, without par- . A ff asol. Friday. ;,UU . . $5 Tabourettes, weathered -oak and same in Spanish F.r:.;04.00 -7 $6.50 Parlor Lamps, b'eautl- rateid'eFrida)$ 4o00 $6 . Parlor Tables, all shapes :v;i$4:00 iSEB-THE WINDOWS, FOR: MORE OP THESE QRBAT SPECIAliO $ V 1 'M ' 1 M ' V ? V 1 M ' M M M ' . ' i ; . ' 1 MTEl A SPECIAL. SATUEIPAY 1 Aavaa ai i ONE HUNDRED KITCHEN TREASURES Rogftiltar . 03e75 9Axou9foT only........... ............ Saturday morning we will have on 'tale one hundred of this well-known 'kitcnen necessity at tne jow pnee ox $2.00. Nowhere in this city can this price be duplicated, arid this "tip' will be worth" ; $1.75 to you if you have need of one. If you are inclined to question this statement inquire of any dealer in the city. He will tell you that they cost him $2.00, But-iK-matterre-wil-fal-th f ' ' ' ak.a C.liiffvlAH Grvm nto ' eeMeeeeeeeeeeeeeMMeeMeeeeeeeeMvvvT tehenw. Vo-i SATOR0AY ; WILL ED teSaia Satitirday Morning THE GLMAX I GEVURTZ 173-175 First Street 2 1 9-227 Yamhill Street irk TO) A fa? I 'r;'-'' -' Jfc&tJ tTninyktMt '"v'n-'.::;; W Ja lli l j (Beint sn Index to tomemf the TAlvee - In Women's 1 Oxfords which sre to -be m found only at FulUm'sr $4.00 TANS $3.15 $3.50 TANS $2.85 $3.00TANS $2.45 $2.50 TANS $f,75 $2 BLACKS $1.50 ,Erery Shoe Is a New Shoe milam sells no old ones J ." y ; : ' - Oa frlday. aoeteaiket I, wo artll eHe away, abMlatalr (roe. aay.eakr ef W laalaa' ahooa ia tke keaee ta the Boraoa rke pins tae noaroit aVnikor of weraa we wUl nao taetee tkla koreor enria the atoath ef aacaat. OoaU Bethlsc to faeaa. FULLACI 283-85 MORRISOH 8T mam m mm CMOS GOVERNMENT IS REFUSED ; COUNTY BUILDING LEASE ' (Rpeeial Dlspatrh to Tke loerhaL) Walla Walla. Wash.. Aur 10. The eountr commlsslonere resterdar after noon definitely decided to reject the offer of the United , Statea overnmant to laasa tha eountr courthouse for fed eral court purposea. v Proeecutlnir Attorney- Wilson, In a" written opinion, held that the board had no authority to lease the bulldlnf. and that possible miration inifht ensue If tha eommla- Vancouver Transportation Co. , , '; ' ' :i)yifrr, ' '-y.-' FOR " ' I' ' ' ' : " V '. ' , - ' '.'V '-' r ; Commencing Tuesday, August 1st, 1905, will make the round trip daily, ex- cept Sunday, leaving Taylor Street Dock at 8:30 a. nx,.,"'. : J; L. j.llli!..u.ilr.-4-. returning - arrive 6 p. m. stonera entered Into a contract with the federal authorttlee. '. i Srlak To ttaofc foa root 1. Pendleton. Or.; Aug. IS. John Uberty, a .well-known Indian waa found dead on tha road, two miles east of Adams, Mon day afternoon. Liberty eame Into Ad ams Sunday, pawned hla watch for 11.10 and proceeded to ret drunk, fie was found Ivlnr In tha "not aun rsaplnr his laat. A corener a rnquesarwsa held today, the verdict beinf that IJberty came to bis death tf acuta alcoholism. n Dr.B.2. UcIiGHT i aH p-a tal e TEBTL- . bow a a. a. Lawaat prlccj a-r "'-"